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实物期权在流域生态补偿机会成本测算中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态补偿标准的确定是流域生态补偿核心问题之一,而流域生态补偿标准中机会成本的测算是个难题。流域生态环境资源的专用性,以及自然资源自身价值的不确定性导致生态补偿额中机会成本具有很大的不确定性。现有的机会成本测算方法中没有考虑到这种不确定性。金融学中的实物期权理论给出了使投资者考虑未来不确定因素,把握投资机会价值,使项目价值最大化的方法。基于实物期权理论中的二项式实物期权模型,考虑由于流域生态环境效益价值波动的不确定性因素影响,构建了流域生态补偿机会成本实物期权测算模型。以新安江流域为例,重点考虑新安江流域生态环境效益中渔业效益与旅游效益未来市场发展的不确定性因素影响,测算了机会成本价值,并与已有的实证调查法与对比法的结果进行对比,验证了模型的可行性  相似文献   

In his recurrent examination of what makes Americans “American,” documentary filmmaker Ken Burns has particularly focused on the twin themes of democracy and improvisation. The National Parks: America's Best Idea links the national park ideal with America's “democratic spirit.” Through an examination of its visual methods, I argue that the “Ken Burns gaze” is more consistent with the contemplative and magisterial visuality that shaped the origins of the national park movement—a visuality that sees nature as “out there” and a “finished product”—than it is with the improvisational spirit that both democracy and ecology demand in our time.  相似文献   

Ken Burns' series on the national parks reveals the evolving values of the American nation, particularly in relation to nature. Through both the beauty and the history of these set apart spaces, Burns presents and to some extent critiques America's mythic dreams of nature. Nature as new world garden and as frontier shapes the story that is told. This essay focuses on two themes, science and pluralism, and argues the presentation of each (the former with less depth, the latter with more) is constrained by the mythic narrative of pristine America that seems unable to evolve, either in the face of ecological values of interrelationships or pluralistic values that re-shape understandings of democracy. More attention to the problematic of the notion of preservation of pristine America would have enabled the film to speak more powerfully not only of the history of the parks, but also of their future.  相似文献   

Ecology matters: sustainable development in Southeast Asia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

“The Tragedy of the Commons,” a 1968 article on overpopulation by Garrett Hardin, achieved rapid and widespread popularity, and still remains influential. Hardin uses an extended hypothetical example that functions as a vicarious narrative to postulate a syllogistic proof he then applies enthymematically and by analogy to social and environmental issues. Although Hardin's inconsistent application of his analogy reveals that adopting his rhetorical strategy in environmental communication necessitates acceptance of neither Hardin's overpopulation thesis nor his political and social views, his article remains a landmark in environmental as well as ecological rhetoric.  相似文献   

基于价值损失的黄河三角洲湿地生态补偿标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态补偿作为一种新型的资源与环境管理手段,越来越受到国内外学者的关注。在过去20年里,国内外学者对生态补偿的概念、机制、模式、标准及生态补偿的效益等做了大量研究,但由于生态补偿具有很强的学科交叉性和地域差异性,致使上述研究尚存在较大分歧。生态补偿标准关系到生态补偿的可行性及效果,因此是生态补偿研究的核心,但目前还没有公认的量化方法。本文以黄河三角洲湿地为研究对象,探讨了依据生态价值损失来制定生态补偿标准的途径。文章首先运用市场价值法、环境保护投入费用评价法、生态价值法、成果参数法等计算了黄河三角洲因湿地面积减少和环境污染造成的直接市场价值和生态服务功能价值的损失量,然后以生态价值损失量为依据制定了湿地生态补偿的资金分配方案和补偿标准。研究结果表明,不同湿地类型的补偿标准不同。对于同一湿地类型,以生态功能价值损失为依据制定的补偿标准远高于以市场价值损失为依据制定的补偿标准。本研究为黄河三角洲地区实施湿地生态补偿提供了重要科学依据。  相似文献   

Despite compelling reasons to involve nonscientists in the production of ecological knowledge, cultural and institutional factors often dis-incentivize engagement between scientists and nonscientists. This paper details our efforts to develop a biweekly newspaper column to increase communication between ecological scientists, social scientists, and the communities within which they work. Addressing community-generated topics and written by a collective of social and natural scientists, the column is meant to foster public dialog about socio-environmental issues and to lay the groundwork for the coproduction of environmental knowledge. Our collective approach to writing addresses some major barriers to public engagement by scientists, but the need to insert ourselves as intermediaries limits these gains. Overall, our efforts at environmental communication praxis have not generated significant public debate, but they have supported future coproduction by making scientists a more visible presence in the community and providing easy pathways for them to begin engaging the public. Finally, this research highlights an underappreciated barrier to public engagement: scientists are not merely disconnected from the public, but also connected in ways that may be functional for their research. Many field scientists, for example, seek out neutral and narrowly defined connections that permit research access but are largely incompatible with efforts to address controversial issues of environmental governance.  相似文献   

An examination of ecological risk assessment and management practices   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ecological risk assessment has grown and evolved since the 1980s, as have new challenges (e.g. global climate change, loss of habitat and biodiversity and the effects of multiple anthropogenic chemicals on ecological systems) that need to be factored into the risk assessment processes. There is also an on-going shift from evaluating adverse health impacts on particular, often small scale, environments to undertaking more complex ecological assessments of whole populations and communities across ecologically meaningful landscapes. These trends are generating an increased demand for much more complex ecological assessments, making it increasingly clear that to achieve its potential as a management tool, methods must be developed to apply ecological risk assessment to larger and more complex scales. This paper reviews the development of the ecological risk assessment paradigm in the United States, identifies ways it is being applied and adapted in other countries, explores future research needs and practice improvements, and examines current issues that need to be considered in taking forward the scientific development of ecological risk assessment as a useful environmental management tool.  相似文献   

泛长江三角洲地区经济发展与生态环境耦合协调关系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以泛长三角地区41个地级市以上的政区为例,运用改进熵值法计算经济发展及生态环境系统的综合得分,并运用耦合协调模型分析1999~2013年两系统的耦合协调度及其演变,最后通过经济发展与生态环境系统得分排名划分4种类型,提出未来泛长江三角洲经济发展分类指导建议。研究结果表明:(1)1999~2013年泛长三角地区经济发展与生态环境的耦合度C∈[0.5,0.8],整体位于磨合阶段;而系统协调度D∈[0.3,0.5],整体属于中度耦合协调;(2)1999~2013年泛长三角经济发展与生态环境系统耦合协调度呈现上升态势,但经济发展与生态环境系统综合评价值仍表现负相关的特征;(3)未来苏南地区、皖江地区、杭甬地区需要进一步调整产业分布结构,提升城市经济发展环境;而苏北地区、皖西地区、浙西南地区需要进一步增加城市经济发展的软、硬实力各种要素的投入,并将城市生态环境优势转化为经济增长优势。  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical framework that can be used to discuss the question of how context, time and different participatory process designs influence the results of participatory monitoring projects in terms of concrete outputs (such as sustainability indicators) and the more intangible social outcomes (such as learning and stakeholder relations). We will discuss and compare four different cases of participatory monitoring of provincial sustainable development in the Netherlands. The results show sustainability issues selected by the stakeholders reflect the socio-economic and ecological structural characteristics of their region. In a different context, stakeholders not only assign different weights to the same set of issues, but more importantly they select a completely different set of regional aims altogether. Since these regional structural characteristics only change slowly over time, the influence of time on stakeholder preferences is shown to be only of minor importance. However, the dissipation of learning effects is shown to be a fundamental challenge for the cyclical nature of participatory monitoring, especially when its goal is shared agenda building. Another important conclusion is that, in the design of participatory processes, more attention should be devoted to providing stakeholders with the opportunity to comment on an ‘intermediate’ product.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的加快,区域协调发展的要求变得日益迫切。作为地理微观区域,县市域边界地区的协调管理尤其困难,在相关研究中还容易被忽略。以CBRs理论为指导,结合浙江省尖山-南北湖地区协调发展实例,对县市域边界地区协调发展的机制进行深入分析,构建了发展机制框架体系。尖山南北湖地区是典型的微观跨边界地区,在空间、功能上都具有协调发展的基础。由于行政体制的分割,现有的规划更加关注自身发展的需求,缺少区域整体统筹发展的眼光,造成了产业定位相互冲突,交通衔接不畅,生态环境共同保护意识不到位等问题。通过对问题的分析,在协调发展机制框架基础上,提出协调发展规划方案,以期通过规划的手段使问题得以解决和落实,希望对微观区域的协调发展研究有所启迪  相似文献   


Lubei General Company of Enterprise Group, Shangdong Province, set up joint enterprises industrial ecosystem by sharing resources, symbiosis industry and compact structure. As an ecological Industry park, the industrial ecosystem has been operated successfully with rich experiment and has become one of ecological industry examples in the world. Based on the case study of Lubei ecological Industry project, components of industrial chains, matter recycle and conversion, energy cycle and multilevel utilization, systematic structure and impact factor identification are analyzed and summarized in this paper. The possible extension and development of Lubei ecological industry project in future is brought forward as well.  相似文献   

This paper explores methodological issues and policy implications concerning the implementation of the EU Environmental Noise Directive (END) across Member States. Methodologically, the paper focuses on two key thematic issues relevant to the Directive: (1) calculation methods and (2) mapping methods. For (1), the paper focuses, in particular, on how differing calculation methods influence noise prediction results as well as the value of the EU noise indicator Lden and its associated implications for comparability of noise data across EU states. With regard to (2), emphasis is placed on identifying the issues affecting strategic noise mapping, estimating population exposure, noise action planning and dissemination of noise mapping results to the general public. The implication of these issues for future environmental noise policy is also examined.  相似文献   

近年来我国掀起了一股低碳城市建设热潮。但在这股热潮背后,还有许多尚不明晰的问题需要理性思考。围绕低碳城市相关议题,开展了如下5方面工作:①解读低碳城市概念,指出低碳城市建设是一个多目标问题,要以低碳经济为基础,并实现经济发展、生态环境保护、居民生活水平提高等目标的共赢;②概括低碳城市评价指标,指出针对指标还没有建立明确的标准;③从城市规划、低碳政策、生态产业、可持续能源、绿色交通等方面总结了保定、上海、吉林、杭州等城市的低碳建设途径;④分析城市低碳发展现状水平评价结果,指出低碳城市建设还有很大的提升空间;⑤最终在分析低碳城市建设尚存不足的基础上,提出今后需深化认识的几个问题,如不能因低碳而放弃其它城市发展目标,低碳城市建设要因地制宜,低碳城市是一项长期、复杂的系统工程,需各领域专家通力协作,需从系统规划、阶段性方案实施、实施后评估与修订等环节进行全生命周期跟踪管理。希望这些思考能对我国低碳城市建设的顺利推进起到积极作用。  相似文献   

在新一轮土地利用规划启动的背景下,建设功能空间分区研究迅速成为当前关注的热点。在GIS数据库和空间分析方法支持下,采用综合指标评价方法定量评价县域尺度建设用地适宜性程度和生态限制性程度,并结合矩阵判断方法进行建设功能空间分区。在此基础上,以县域经济快速发展、建设用地供需矛盾突出的昆山市为例进行实证研究,将昆山划分为允许建设区、控制建设区、限制建设区和禁止建设区4类区域,并提出不同类型区建设用地布局的对策和建议。在允许建设区,鼓励产业和城镇集聚,鼓励高密度、高强度的开发建设;在控制建设区,控制开发建设活动类型,以对生态环境影响较小的开发建设活动为主;在限制建设区,不仅控制开发建设活动类型,而且限制开发建设规模;在禁止建设区,除生态环境保护必要的基础设施建设外,禁止其他任何开发建设活动。  相似文献   


Due to the increasingly serious environmental pollution and destruction, especially humans’ unreasonable activities, the ecological and economic system (EES) issues of Northwest region in China have attracted more and more attention of the researchers. Aiming at evaluating its ecological and economic system health, a multi-objective evaluation framework called Pressure- State-Response (PSR) was established to describe the ecological and economic health situations. Meanwhile, an integrative set pair model combining set pair analysis (SPA) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) was proposed to assess the ecological and economic system. Then the EES status of five northwest provinces (Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang) of Northwest region in China was evaluated during 1985 to 2009. The EES development trends of five provinces are obtained. In general, the health values of five provinces showed a rising trend. The health values of five provinces grew rapidly during 1985 to 2000. After 2000, the health values of five provinces still followed the present growth trend, but the growth is relatively smooth. The results show that the method proposed is effective for assessing the health of ecological and economic system.  相似文献   

全球气候变化给人类社会文明带来严峻挑战,需要人类社会采取共同措施和行动积极应对。应对全球气候变化是当今世界最能体现人类共同命运的领域,深度参与并积极推动全球气候治理体系改革和建设是中国推动构建人类命运共同体的重要实践,也是生态文明理论和实践的重要方面。应对气候变化是我国生态文明建设的重要内容和内在要求;以共同价值理念构建人类命运共同体,凝聚各国力量携手合作应对全球气候变化,是全球生态文明建设和构建人类命运共同体的具体实践,也为应对全球气候变化提供了良好载体和国际平台。文章通过分析可知,应对气候变化、生态文明建设与构建人类命运共同体三者之间,呈现出相互促进、和谐共生的"三位一体"特征;人与自然共生的生命共同体是前提条件,人类的任何实践活动都要以自然生态系统为基础和前提;人类命运共同体在整合各国力量方面,为生态文明建设提供了社会基础;生态文明包容各国文明,凝聚价值共识,成为生命共同体和人类命运共同体的价值导向。中国倡导人类命运共同体理念,是全球生态文明和人类命运共同体的积极倡导者、推动者和践行者,既为应对全球气候变化提供了价值基础,也提供了强有力的实践支撑;应对气候变化是全球生态文明建设和人类命运共同体构建的生动实践。因此,加强生态文明建设和构建人类命运共同体,为全球应对气候变化提供了理论基础和国际平台,也将为全球可持续发展贡献中国智慧和中国案例。  相似文献   

Given the significance of human behavior as a major driver of most environmental problems, it is generally agreed that efforts to promote global ecological and economic sustainability must now include attempts to understand public perceptions of, and attitudes toward, environmental issues. Research findings generally indicate that attitudes are important determinants of ecological behaviors, and over time, scientists have strived to develop sound measurement instruments for studying public environmental attitudes. Of these attitude measures, the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale stands out as being the most widely accepted with documented validity and reliability. In this study, the NEP scale was used to examine environmental attitudes among 355 university students in Ibadan, Nigeria. Overall, the Nigerian students were found to have a lower endorsement of the pro-ecological ideologies included in the NEP compared with similar samples from other cultural contexts. However, a strong consensus was observed among the sample on the fragility of nature’s balance and possibility of eco-crisis facets of the NEP. The findings of the study are discussed in the context of relevant Nigerian social and cultural factors, and recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Urban agglomeration of the Yangtze Delta (UAYD), one of the most developed regions of China, has witnessed an increasing prevalence in building ecological cities when the ecological cities are pursued by many modem cities, and great achievements have been made in this regard. It is inevitable, however, that certain problems exist during the construction of ecological city, which include but not limited to non-harmonious development of urban complex ecosystem, and the difficulty in quantifying eco-city construction or incomplete quantification in assessing the construction of present and future eco-city. Based on the analysis on social-economic conditions and regional conditions of the UAYD, this paper attempts to set up an index system of eco-cities combining with local characteristics, and to adopt the indices of eco-city, urban harmony, and eco-city colligate to evaluate the ecological level, urban harmonious development and eco-city construction of cities within the UAYD. Results indicate that among 15 cities in UAYD, Suzhou City ranks the highest in terms of eco-city construction, whereas Nantong ranks relatively lower; sustainable eco-city construction is possible only when cities are developed in every respect of harmony.  相似文献   

赫尔曼·戴利及其生态经济理论评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赫尔曼.E.戴利是美国著名的生态经济学家,对主流经济增长理论的尖锐批评而闻名于学术界。在批判主流经济增长理论的基础上,戴利形成了自己独具特色的生态经济思想。他的理论贡献主要包括可持续发展、宏观环境经济学和稳态经济等几个方面。  相似文献   

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