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Marissa F. McBride Kerrie A. Wilson Yi-Chin Fang David Olson Mike O’Connell 《Ecological modelling》2010,221(19):2243-2680
Ecological restoration is an increasingly important tool for managing and improving highly degraded or altered environments. Faced with a large number of sites or ecosystems to restore, and a diverse array of restoration approaches, investments in ecological restoration must be prioritized. Nevertheless, there are relatively few examples of the systematic prioritization of restoration actions. The development of a general theory for ecological restoration that is sufficiently sophisticated and robust to account for the inherent complexity of restoration planning, and yet is flexible and adaptable to ensure applicability to a diverse array of restoration problems is needed. In this paper we draw on principles from systematic conservation planning to explicitly formulate the ‘restoration prioritization problem’. We develop a generalized theory for static and dynamic restoration planning problems, and illustrate how the basic problem formulation can be expanded to allow for many factors characteristic of restoration problems, including spatial dependencies, the possibility of restoration failure, and the choice of multiple restoration techniques. We illustrate the applicability of our generic problem definition by applying it to a case study - restoration prioritization on The Irvine Ranch Natural Landmark in Southern California. Through this case study we illustrate how the definition of the general restoration problem can be extended to account for the specific constraints and considerations of an on-the-ground restoration problem. 相似文献
Soils and wastes enriched with heavy metals may present ecological and human health risks. A considerable number of mining areas exist in Brazil, where high levels of metals have been found. However, studies of bioaccessibility of metals in soils/tailings from these areas are scarce, despite their potential informational contribution concerning exposure risks of residents near these areas. This study evaluated tailings collected from four sites of a zinc smelting area located in Brazil with aims to: (1) evaluate the presence of metals of potential concern; (2) investigate Cd and Pb bioaccessibility; and (3) determine the desorption kinetics of Cd and Pb. High concentrations of total Cd and Pb (up to 1743 mg Cd kg?1 and 8675 mg Pb kg–1) and great variability were found in the tailings, indicating the importance of adequate planning for their final disposal, in order to avoid contamination in the surrounding environment. Cadmium and Pb bioaccessibility percentages in the intestinal phase were less than 47 and 4 %, respectively, which represents significant fractions not available for absorption in the intestinal tract. However, this material has to be monitored since its bioaccessibility may increase with eventual physicochemical changes, releasing Cd and Pb. Desorption kinetics experiments revealed that Pb in the samples remained in less labile fractions, whereas Cd was found in more labile fractions, which is in accordance with the bioaccessibility results. 相似文献
Ecosystems worldwide have a long history of use and management by indigenous cultures. However, environmental degradation can reduce the availability of culturally important resources. Ecological restoration aims to repair damage to ecosystems caused by human activity, but it is unclear how often restoration projects incorporate the return of harvesting or traditional life patterns for indigenous communities. We examined the incorporation of cultural use of natural resources into ecological restoration in the context of a culturally important but protected New Zealand bird; among award‐winning restoration projects in Australasia and worldwide; and in the peer‐reviewed restoration ecology literature. Among New Zealand's culturally important bird species, differences in threat status and availability for hunting were large. These differences indicate the values of a colonizing culture can inhibit harvesting by indigenous people. In Australasia among award‐winning ecological restoration projects, <17% involved human use of restored areas beyond aesthetic or recreational use, despite many projects encouraging community participation. Globally, restoration goals differed among regions. For example, in North America, projects were primarily conservation oriented, whereas in Asia and Africa projects frequently focused on restoring cultural harvesting. From 1995 to 2014, the restoration ecology literature contained few references to cultural values or use. We argue that restoration practitioners are missing a vital component for reassembling functional ecosystems. Inclusion of sustainably harvestable areas within restored landscapes may allow for the continuation of traditional practices that shaped ecosystems for millennia, and also aid project success by ensuring community support. 相似文献
Zhaoqing Yang Kathryn L. Sobocinski Tarang Khangaonkar Roger Fuller 《Ecological modelling》2010,221(7):1043-319
Along the Pacific Northwest coast, much of the estuarine habitat has been lost over the last century to agricultural land use, residential and commercial development, and transportation corridors. As a result, many of the ecological processes and functions have been disrupted. To protect and improve these coastal habitats that are vital to aquatic species, many projects are currently underway to restore estuarine and coastal ecosystems through dike breaches, setbacks, and removals. Understanding site-specific information on physical processes is critical for improving the success of such restoration actions. In this study, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was developed to simulate estuarine processes in the Stillaguamish River estuary, where restoration of a 160-acre parcel through dike setback has been proposed. The model was calibrated to observed tide, current, and salinity data for existing conditions and applied to simulate the hydrodynamic responses to two restoration alternatives. Model results were then combined with biophysical data to predict habitat responses within the restoration footprint. Results showed that the proposed dike removal would result in desired tidal flushing and conditions that would support four habitat types on the restoration footprint. At the estuary scale, restoration would substantially increase the proportion of area flushed with freshwater (<5 ppt) at flood tide. Potential implications of predicted changes in salinity and flow dynamics are discussed relative to the distribution of tidal marsh habitat. 相似文献
植被恢复的生态效应研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
植被在水土保持、水源涵养及生态系统的固碳过程中起着重要的作用。植被恢复是指运用生态学原理,通过保护现有植被、封山育林或营造人工林、灌、草植被,修复或重建被毁坏或被破坏的森林和其他自然生态系统,恢复其生物多样性及其生态系统功能。目前,植被的自然及人工恢复是改善脆弱生态系统及退化生态系统生态环境现状最有效的措施。植被在恢复过程中对地上植被生态系统,物种多样性的恢复有着重要影响,同时通过凋落物及根系的输入,可以有效改善地下生态系统,增加土壤的养分含量、改善土壤的物理结构、增加土壤生物的生物量及活性。文章以地上及地下生态系统为出发点,综述了植被恢复过程中自然及人工恢复过程中不同的植被类型、不同的恢复时间下植物物种组成和多样性、土壤理化性质及土壤微生物群落的变化。植被的自然及人工恢复在一定程度上均能增加植物物种的多样性,随着恢复年限的增加物种的组成发生改变且多样性呈增加趋势,但一些特殊环境下不当的人工恢复可造成植被演替向退化方向发展,降低生物多样性。不同的植被类型由于其生长方式的不同对土壤理化性质和土壤微生物的影响存在差异,随着恢复年限的增长,土壤理化指标及微生物学指标呈现先增加而后趋于平稳的状态。针对已有的研究进展,提出在未来的研究过程中,一方面应该增加更多的对比研究,对不同环境下,不同的恢复物种,不同的恢复方式进行更深入地探讨;另外一方面应增加不同尺度的研究,现有的研究多集中在样地尺度,未来应在更大尺度上进行分析;再者,地上及地下生态系统之间的相互关系及影响机理一直是土壤学科研究的热点,植被恢复过程中应增加更多该方面的机理研究。 相似文献
自然生态恢复过程中尾矿废弃地土壤微生物变化 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
尾矿废弃地是一种人为的裸地,其自然生态恢复过程表现为典型的生态系统原生演替过程.尾矿废弃地自然生态恢复过程为人们了解生态系统发展过程中土壤微生物群落的变化提供了一个良好的机遇.该研究以2处(即,铜陵杨山冲尾矿废弃地和铜官山新尾矿废弃地)不同时期弃置的、处于3个演替阶段(原生裸地阶段、隐花植物结皮阶段和草本维管植物群落阶段)的铜尾矿废弃地为研究对象,利用传统培养法(稀释平板法)和分子生物学法(净DNA含量法)相结合的手段对土壤微生物量和土壤微生物群落结构变化及其影响因素进行了调查.数据分析表明:随着尾矿废弃地上植物群落的形成和发展,尾矿废弃地水分含量增加、pH降低、土壤有机质和总氮质量分数提高;土壤微生物数量逐渐增加,维管植物群落下的尾矿废弃地中土壤微生物数量明显高于处于演替初期阶段的隐花植物结皮,高于裸地;不同演替阶段尾矿废弃地中土壤微生物群落结构表现为细菌(60.68﹪~97.45﹪)>放线菌(2.50﹪~39.13﹪)>真菌(0.05﹪~0.82﹪);相关分析发现,尾矿废弃地土壤微生物量变化与基质的含水量、总氮和有机质质量分数呈正相关,而与pH变化呈负相关.研究结果表明,在尾矿废弃地自然生态恢复过程中,伴随着植物群落形成、发展和基质理化性质的逐步改善,尾矿中土壤微生物也逐步恢复. 相似文献
河流水生态修复阈值界定指标体系初步构建 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
生态阈值存在于各种生态系统中,在查阅国内外相关文献的基础上,通过对生态阈值的理论研究及在森林、草原、湿地、湖泊和河流等方面实践应用进行总结分析,指出生态阈值在河流生态系统研究中的不足之处。针对在高污染负荷下修复退化的水生态系统中,开展生态修复阈值的研究寥寥无几,关于界定河流水生态修复阈值指标体系的研究尚未出现。通过分析阈值在河流水生态修复中的重要性,指出河流水生态修复阈值确定是退化水生态修复的基础,为区域针对性修复水体提供科学依据和决策支持,更是水环境管理发展的迫切需求。在此基础上,从新的角度探讨和提出河流水生态修复阈值概念。河流水生态修复阈值,是依据河流生态系统自然属性和河流功能以及区域社会经济发展的需求来界定退化到何种程度的水生态系统需要进行修复,退化现状程度大于此修复阈值,则需进行人工修复;退化现状程度小于修复阈值,则无需进行修复。通过对指标体系构建原则、筛选方法及阈值计算方法的总结,提出河流水生态修复阈值确定技术路线,采用频度分析法和理论分析法相结合,从影响河流修复的6大要素(物理结构、水文条件、水质状况、水生生物、河流功能和社会经济)初步构建了河流水生态修复阈值界定指标体系及阈值计算方法体系,为下一步河流水生态修复阈值指标体系的定量筛选与阈值计算奠定了基础。 相似文献
Summary. Geographic variations in the correspondence between diaspore phenotypes and disperser behavior are thought to determine the
evolution of plant-animal dispersal mutualisms. Helleborus foetidus is a widely distributed plant in Western Europe, which seeds bear a lipid rich elaiosome attracting ant dispersers. Laboratory
cross-tests were conducted to check the correspondence between diaspore phenotypes and ant preference in two localities of
the Iberian Peninsula, Caurel and Cazorla, separated by 750 km. Diaspores from Caurel were systematically preferred to those
from Cazorla by Formica lugubris (the major disperser at Caurel), and Aphaenogatser iberica and Camponotus cruentatus (both major dispersers at Cazorla). Further bioassays conducted on A. iberica only showed that differences in elaiosome traits were sufficient to explain ant preference. Separation of the lipid fractions
composing the elaiosome revealed that triglycerides, diglycerides and free fatty acids were all dominated by oleic acid. The
elaiosomes from Caurel contained relatively more free oleic acid but were less concentrated in linoleyl-containing triglycerides,
free palmitic acid and free linoleic acid than those from Cazorla. The three lipid fractions were attractive to ants but dummies
soaked with the free fatty acids extracted from Caurel were preferred to those from Cazorla. Taken together, these results
reinforce the idea that oleic acid is a major releaser of seed collection by ants and suggest that geographic variations in
free fatty acid composition affect the probability of diaspore removal by ants which in turn potentially determine plant demography. 相似文献
Elena Cantarello Adrian C. NewtonRoss A. Hill Natalia Tejedor-GaravitoGuadalupe Williams-Linera Fabiola López-BarreraRobert H. Manson Duncan J. Golicher 《Ecological modelling》2011,222(5):1112-1128
Examining the potential for ecological restoration is important in areas where anthropogenic disturbance has degraded forest landscapes. However, the conditions under which restoration of degraded tropical dry forests (TDF) might be achieved in practice have not been determined in detail. In this study, we used LANDIS-II, a spatially explicit model of forest dynamics, to assess the potential for passive restoration of TDF through natural regeneration. The model was applied to two Mexican landscapes under six different disturbance regimes, focusing on the impact of fire and cattle grazing on forest cover, structure and composition. Model results identified two main findings. First, tropical dry forests are more resilient to anthropogenic disturbance than expected. Results suggested that under both a scenario of small, infrequent fires and a scenario of large, frequent fires, forest area can increase relatively rapidly. However, forest structure and composition differed markedly between these scenarios. After 400 years, the landscape becomes increasingly occupied by relatively shade-tolerant species under small, infrequent fires, but only species with both relatively high shade tolerance and high fire tolerance can thrive under conditions with large, frequent fires. Second, we demonstrated that different forms of disturbance can interact in unexpected ways. Our projections revealed that when grazing acts in combination with fire, forest cover, structure and composition vary dramatically depending on the frequency and extent of the fires. Results indicated that grazing and fire have a synergistic effect causing a reduction in forest cover greater than the sum of their individual effects. This suggests that passive landscape-scale restoration of TDF is achievable in both Mexican study areas only if grazing is reduced, and fires are carefully managed to reduce their frequency and intensity. 相似文献
Regional ecosystem monitoring is a central form of knowledge sharing and collaboration amongst scientists and decision makers on environmental health, land use change, and science-policy development. Despite the proliferation of such research networks on long-term monitoring on many continents, little has been achieved in Africa. This study aims to assess and examine the spatiotemporal trend and categorical patterns in ecosystem monitoring-related research in Africa for the benefits of conserving biodiversity and sustaining natural resource sectors for well-being and livelihood security, environmental planning, and ecological stewardship. A systematic review was conducted using bibliometric tools. Based on a set of search terms and peer-reviewed publications retrieved from various ecosystem monitoring networks and journal databases, further analysis was conducted using social network approaches, mapping tools, and content analysis. About 1442 scientific publications on ecosystem monitoring and related research were documented from 1987 to 2014 mostly published in English. The number of publication increased progressively since 1992 after the Convention on Biodiversity was signed and this trend peaked till 2008. South African Journal of Science was the most leading journal and Nature the most cited. Internationally coauthored and collaborative articles represented majority of the findings with the United Kingdom at the central position in the research network due to colonial relationships. Regional collaboration amongst countries is limited owing to language barriers and other institutional constraints such as funding and short-term projects. These findings have implication for prioritizing national and regional policies toward biodiversity science and its contribution to human well-being, food security, and global change responses. 相似文献
The amount of spent rechargeable lithium batteries (RLBs) is growing rapidly owing to wide application of these batteries in portable electronic devices and electric vehicles, which obliges that spent RLBs should be handled properly. Identification of spent RLBs can supply fundamental information for spent RLBs recycling. This study aimed to determine the differences of physical components and chemical compositions among various spent RLBs. All the samplings of RLBs were rigorously dismantled and measured by an inductive coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. The results indicate that the average of total weight of the separator, the anode and the cathode accounted for over 60% of all the RLBs. The weight ratio of valuable metals ranged from 26% to 76%, and approximately 20% of total weight was Cu and Al. Moreover, no significant differences were found among different manufacturers, applications, and electrolyte types. And regarding portable electronic devices, there is also no significant difference in the Co-Li concentration ratios in the leaching liquid of RLBs. 相似文献
Throughout Europe the demands for improved flood protection on the one hand and the requirements to maintain and enhance floodplain forests on the other are perceived as conflicting goals in river-basin management, revealing the urgent need for strategies to combine both issues. We developed an interdisciplinary approach for floodplain-forest restoration identifying sites suitable for reforestations from both an ecological and hydraulic point of view. In the ecological module, habitat-distribution models are developed providing information on ecologically suitable sites. In the hydraulic module, a two-dimensional hydrodynamic-numerical model (2D-HN model) delivers the requested hydraulic information. The output of the two models is intersected. Subsequently, in an iterative procedure, the potential of plantings without exceeding critical water levels can be identified by hydraulic evaluation using the 2D-HN-model. The approach is exemplified using two reforestation scenarios at the Elbe River, Germany, showing considerable potential for softwood forest establishment without negative hydraulic effects. The approach reported here provides a solution for a severe conflict in river-basin management that hampers the reestablishment of the strongly threatened floodplain forests in Europe. Alternative measures to enhance floodplain-forest regeneration feasible under certain preconditions are discussed in the context of the current state of European large rivers. 相似文献
Fire history and tree recruitment in the Colorado Front Range upper montane zone: implications for forest restoration 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Forests experiencing moderate- or mixed-severity fire regimes are presumed to be widespread across the western United States, but few studies have characterized these complex disturbance regimes and their effects on contemporary forest structure. Restoration of pre-fire-suppression open-forest structure to reduce the risk of uncharacteristic stand-replacing fires is a guiding principle in forest management policy, but identifying which forests are clear candidates for restoration remains a challenge. We conducted dendroecological reconstructions of fire history and stand structure at 40 sites in the upper montane zone of the Colorado Front Range (2400-2800 m), sampled in proportion to the distribution of forest types in that zone (50% dominated by ponderosa pine, 28% by lodgepole pine, 12% by aspen, 10% by Douglas-fir). We characterized past fire severity based on remnant criteria at each site in order to assess the effect of fire history on tree establishment patterns, and we also evaluated the influence of fire suppression and climate. We found that 62% of the sites experienced predominantly moderate-severity fire, 38% burned at high severity, and no sites burned exclusively at low severity. The proportion of total tree and sapling establishment was significantly different among equal time periods based on a chi-square test, with highest tree and sapling establishment during the pre-fire-suppression period (1835-1919). Superposed epoch analysis revealed that fires burned during years of extreme drought (95% CI). The major pulse of tree establishment in the upper montane zone occurred during a multidecadal period of extreme drought conditions in the Colorado Front Range (1850-1889), during which 53% of the fires from the 1750-1989 period burned. In the upper montane zone of the Colorado Front Range, historical evidence suggests that these forests are resilient to prolonged periods of severe drought and associated severe fires. 相似文献
热带城市湖泊生态恢复中水生植被、浮游动物和鱼类的关系研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
惠州西湖是典型的热带浅水富营养化湖泊,通过建立示范区,进行了鱼类调控和水生植被修复,示范区的水质得到显著改善。作者从2006年3月到9月对水生植被、浮游动物和鱼类进行采样分析。结果表明,水生植被的生物量3月份时为1.249kg·m-2,到9月份逐步增加到9.167kg·m-2,鱼类生物量在研究期间有所下降,渔获量从3月份的17.5kg到9月份时降低至7.61kg,示范区浮游动物丰度低于平湖,其中大型浮游动物丰度高于平湖,轮虫丰度则呈缩减,示范区和未进行修复的平湖浮游动物体长均主要分布在0到0.2mm之间,体长大于0.6mm的分布比例示范区的是未修复平湖的两倍,浮游动物的生物量二者差别不大。 相似文献
为了评价南亚热带典型退化生态系统典型生态恢复模式的小气候调节效应,从而为退化生态系统生态恢复方式和造林树种的选择提供参照,作者在广东鹤山森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站的3种典型生态恢复模式样地,自然恢复草坡、马尾松林(Pinus massoniana)、马占相思林(Acacia mangium)中安装了HOBO小气候仪,对光辐射、风速风向、降水、土壤含水量、地温、气温等小气候指标进行为期1年的自动观测,并进行了对比分析,结果表明,(1)华南退化生态系统3种典型生态恢复模式具有不同的小气候效应,在林间温度调节方面,人工林和草坡的平均林间温度相差不大,但草坡的最低、最高温度均比人工林低和高。人工林的林间温度变化较草坡小,具有更好的保温调节作用。对比2种人工林,不管是平均温度还是最高温度马占相思林都略大于针叶林,而二者最低温度相差不明显。针叶林的保温调节作用略优于阔叶的马占相思林;(2)在土壤温度方面,地表温度全年基本都表现为草坡〉马占相思林〉针叶林,草坡的地表温度的波动远大于2种人工林;全年20 cm土壤温度3─12月都表现为草坡〉马占相思林〉针叶林,1─2月相反,草坡20 cm土层的土壤温度波动相对较大,人工林的波动很小。(3)3种恢复模式中,自然恢复草坡的辐射强度明显高于2种人工林,年辐射总量分别马占相思林和针叶林的1.9和5.8倍,马占相思林的年辐射量为针叶林的3倍。人工林,特别是乡土的针叶林能给林下生物构建更为稳定、适中的辐射环境。(4)人工林的平均林间风速、最大阵风风速均少于草坡,针叶林的风速小于阔叶林,针叶林降低风速的效果好于相思林和草坡。(5)人工林的林间相对湿度均高于草坡,针叶林的林间空气湿度略大于相思林,针叶林的保湿效果更好。在退化生态系统恢复过程中? 相似文献
Nataliya Viktorovna Yurkevich Natalya Aleksandrovna Abrosimova Svetlana Borisovna Bortnikova Yuriy Grigoryevich Karin Olga Petrovna Saeva 《毒物与环境化学》2017,99(9-10):1328-1345
Sulfide-containing mill wastes of the Komsomolsk ore processing plant situated in the Kemerovo region (Russia) were examined in 2013–2015. Multipurpose studies of the mine tailings determined the composition of waste, pore water, mine drainages, and affected groundwater. Electrical resistivity tomography was used to trace the geoelectric zoning of the waste samples. Layers with low resistivity indicated areas with pore spaces filled with highly mineralized solutions with Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd, As, and Sb at total concentrations of up to 50 g/L. Anomalous zones can be specified as ‘geochemical barriers’ – specific layers where the mobility of the elements is reduced due to pH conditions, redox potential, and Fe(III) hydroxide precipitation. The zones of increased conductivity in oxidized mine tailings indicated local areas with high acid production potential and coexisting acidic pore solution. In non-oxidized tailings, high conductivity of the mineral skeleton was observed. There was a migration of drainage outside the tailings, its direction monitored by geophysical data. Chemical analysis confirmed that the concentrations of As in groundwater samples were higher than the maximum permissible concentration. 相似文献
Understanding the factors responsible for generating size variation in cohorts of organisms is important for predicting their population and evolutionary dynamics. We group these factors into two broad classes: those due to scaling relationships between growth and size (size-dependent factors), and those due to individual trait differences other than size (size-independent factors; e.g., morphology, behavior, etc.). We develop a framework predicting that the nonlethal presence of predators can have a strong effect on size variation, the magnitude and sign of which depend on the relative influence of both factors. We present experimental results showing that size-independent factors can strongly contribute to size variation in anuran larvae, and that the presence of a larval dragonfly predator reduced expression of these size-independent factors. Further, a review of a number of experiments shows that the effect of this predator on relative size variation of a cohort ranged from negative at low growth rates to positive at high growth rates. At high growth rates, effects of size-dependent factors predominate, and predator presence causes an increase in the scaling of growth rate with size (larger individuals respond less strongly to predator presence than small individuals). Thus predator presence led to an increase in size variation. In contrast, at low growth rates, size-independent factors were relatively more important, and predator presence reduced expression of these size-independent factors. Consequently, predator presence led to a decrease in size variation. Our results therefore indicate a further mechanism whereby nonlethal predator effects can be manifest on prey species performance. These results have strong implications for both ecological and evolutionary processes. Theoretical studies indicate that changes in cohort size variation can have profound effects on population dynamics and stability, and therefore the mere presence of a predator could have important ecological consequences. Further, changes in cohort size variation can have important evolutionary implications through changes in trait heritability. 相似文献
River restoration success: a question of perception 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
J?hnig SC Lorenz AW Hering D Antons C Sundermann A Jedicke E Haase P 《Ecological applications》2011,21(6):2007-2015
What defines success and failure of river restoration measures is a strongly debated topic in restoration science, but standardized approaches to evaluate either are still not available. The debate is usually centered on measurable parameters, which adhere to scientific objectivity. More subjective aspects, such as landscape aesthetics or recreational value, are usually left out, although they play an important role in the perception and communication of restoration success. In this paper, we show that different perceptions of restoration success exist by analyzing data from 26 river restoration measures in Germany. We addressed both objective parameters, such as hydromorphological changes and changes in fish and benthic invertebrate assemblages, from field investigations, and subjective parameters, such as opinions and perceptions, from water managers via an online survey. With regard to the objective hydromorphological and biotic parameters, our results agree with many studies that have reported improvements in the hydromorphology following restoration; however, there is no similar agreement between results concerning changes in the benthic invertebrate and fish assemblages. The objective results do not correspond to the subjective parameters because self-evaluation of the restoration projects by water managers was overly positive. Indeed, 40% of the respondents admitted that their evaluation was based on gut feeling, and only 45% of the restoration measures were monitored or occasionally checked. This lack of objectively recorded data meant that the water managers were not able to reasonably evaluate restoration success. In contrast, some self-evaluation responses reflected a different perception of the restoration success that was based on landscape aesthetic values or on benefit for the public; others adopted a general "condemned to success" attitude. Based on our data, we argue (1) that goals should be thoughtfully formulated prior to restoration implementation and (2) that it is necessary to monitor river restoration success from different perspectives. 相似文献
Hideaki Nishizawa Yuta Naito Hiroyuki Suganuma Osamu Abe Junichi Okuyama Koichi Hirate Shinichi Tanaka Emi Inoguchi Koji Narushima Kiyoshige Kobayashi Hisakazu Ishii Shigeo Tanizaki Masato Kobayashi Akira Goto Nobuaki Arai 《Marine Biology》2013,160(10):2671-2685
In order to develop effective conservation strategies for endangered migratory species, the link between feeding and breeding grounds needs to be clarified. In this study, the genetic compositions of consecutive Japanese feeding aggregations of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) along the Kuroshio Current were examined by mixed-stock analyses of mitochondrial DNA control-region sequences. The results indicated that the southern feeding aggregation around Yaeyama (24.3°N, 124.0°E) was sourced from various Pacific rookeries in the Yaeyama, Ogasawara, Western Pacific, and Indian Oceans and Southeast Asia. Among northern feeding aggregations, the Ginoza (26.5°N, 128.0°E) aggregation was also sourced from the Western Pacific Ocean, but the Nomaike (31.4°N, 130.1°E), Muroto (33.2°N, 134.2°E), and Kanto (35.6°N, 140.5°E) aggregations were contributed mostly by the closer Ogasawara rookeries. The reduced contribution from tropical Pacific rookeries to northern feeding aggregations and the significant correlation between genetic differentiation and geographical distance matrices of feeding aggregations indicated that most hatchlings from these regions transported by the Kuroshio Current settle in upstream feeding grounds along the Japanese archipelago, implying that current flow influences the composition of feeding aggregations. Differences in the composition of relatively close neritic feeding aggregations have important conservation implications, for which both regional and multinational conservation strategies are needed. 相似文献