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Large genetic differences were observed among the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Fiji and Philippine populations of Tridacna derasa (Roding) sampled in 1989 and 1990 (Nei's unbiased genetic distance, D,=0.137 to 0.341). This result contrasted strongly with the low genetic distance (D=0.032) reported previously for the giant clam T. maxima over similar geographical scales. No significant genetic differentiation was observed among most populations from the GBR (mean D=0.007), consistent with the high gene exchange expected in this highly connected reef system. However, significant differentiation resulting from differences in the frequencies of less common alleles between the North-Central GBR and South GBR (Swain region) were observed. Historical isolation of blocks of the Central Indo-West Pacific from the GBR and present-day restrictions to gene exchange between the GBR, Fiji and the Philippines as a result of oceanographic current patterns, were thought to be responsible for the high degree of genetic differentiation of T. derasa populations. The relevance of these findings to clam mariculture and reef restocking are briefly discussed.Contribution No. 197 from the Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines and Contribution No. 562 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

The architectural complexity of ecosystems can greatly influence their capacity to support biodiversity and deliver ecosystem services. Understanding the components underlying this complexity can aid the development of effective strategies for ecosystem conservation. Caribbean coral reefs support and protect millions of livelihoods, but recent anthropogenic change is shifting communities toward reefs dominated by stress-resistant coral species, which are often less architecturally complex. With the regionwide decline in reef fish abundance, it is becoming increasingly important to understand changes in coral reef community structure and function. We quantify the influence of coral composition, diversity, and morpho-functional traits on the architectural complexity of reefs across 91 sites at Cozumel, Mexico. Although reef architectural complexity increases with coral cover and species richness, it is highest on sites that are low in taxonomic evenness and dominated by morpho-functionally important, reef-building coral genera, particularly Montastraea. Sites with similar coral community composition also tend to occur on reefs with very similar architectural complexity, suggesting that reef structure tends to be determined by the same key species across sites. Our findings provide support for prioritizing and protecting particular reef types, especially those dominated by key reef-building corals, in order to enhance reef complexity.  相似文献   

In this study eight different species of barnacles were found within nine species of sponges from the Red Sea. This brings to 11 the number of sponge-symbiotic barnacles reported from the Red Sea, two of these are new Acasta species (not described herein) and one (A. tzetlini Kolbasov) is a new record for this sea. This number is much higher than that of symbiotic barnacles found within sponges from either the N. Atlantic (2) or the Mediterranean (4). Two possible explanations for this are the presence of numerous predators in coral reefs and scarcity of available substrate for settlement. These factors can lead to high incidence of symbiotic relationships. Of the nine sponge species, only one (Suberites cf. clavatus) had previously been known to contain barnacles. Even at the family level, this is the first record of symbiotic barnacles in two out of the seven sponge families (Latrunculiidae, Theonellidae). Our present findings strengthen the apparent rule that the wider the openings in a barnacle shell, the fewer the host taxa with which it will associate, usually from one or two closely related families, and the more frequent it will associate with elastic sponges. Most Neoacasta laevigata found on Carteriospongia foliascens were located on the same side as the sponge's ostia, i.e. facing the incoming water. This adaptation allows the barnacles to catch more suspended particles from the water, provides them with more oxygen and prevents their exposure to discharged sponge waste. The highest density of barnacles observed on one face of a “leaf ” (with ostia) was 0.389 barnacles cm−2 (one barnacle per 2.57 cm2) and on average 0.181 ± 0.68, while the average on the other side was only 0.068 ± 0.52 barnacles cm−2. As indicated by the Morisita index, these barnacles most frequently (58%, n = 12) had a clumped spatial distribution (while the rest were randomly distributed), as is to be expected from such sessile organisms with internal fertilization via copulation. The presence of N. laevigata induced the growth of secondary perpendicular projections of its host C. foliascens. Of the N. laevigata examined, 17% brooded 324 ± 41 embryos each, of 286 ± 17 μm total length; only 5.7% (n = 123) were found to be dead. Size distribution analysis of skeletal elements from dead barnacles showed them to be significantly larger than the skeletal elements of the population of live barnacles ( p < 0.05). Received: 26 June 1998 / Accepted: 1 December 1998  相似文献   

To resolve biogeographic limits and patterns on the east coast of Africa, the presence/absence and quantitative biomass data were collected from 55 shallow subtidal reefs along 4,800 km of coastline (5.2°–31.1°S). Multivariate analysis of distributions, trophic structure and biomass revealed two distinct marine provinces, the Tropical Indo-West Pacific and Subtropical Natal, with a transitional overlap (of ca. 120 km) located between Leven Point and Kosi Mouth on north-east South Africa. This region of overlap was one of three bioregions revealed by post hoc analyses. Biomass was unexpectedly highest in the tropics. ‘Auto-heterotrophs’ (species with autotrophic symbionts such as corals and clams), deposit feeders and grazers contributed significantly more biomass to the Tropical Indo-West Pacific Bioregion, whereas filter feeders dominated the Subtropical Natal Bioregion. ‘Auto-heterotrophs’ declined with latitude while filter feeders increased; soft corals made a defining contribution in the overlap bioregion. Possible underlying causes of these patterns include productivity, nutrient levels, riverine input, light penetration and temperature.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of Patagonian toothfish populations in the Atlantic and western Indian Ocean Sectors of the Southern Ocean (SO) were analysed using partial sequences of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene and seven microsatellite loci. Both haplotype frequency data (F ST>0.906, P<0.01) and microsatellite genotype frequency data (F ST=0.0141–0.0338, P<0.05) indicated that populations of toothfish from around the Falkland Islands were genetically distinct from those at South Georgia (eastern Atlantic Sector SO), around Bouvet Island (western Atlantic Sector SO) and the Ob Seamount (western Indian Ocean Sector of the SO). Genetic differentiation between these populations is thought to result from hydrographic isolation, as the sites are separated by two, full-depth, ocean-fronts and topographic isolation, as samples are separated by deep water. The South Georgia, Bouvet and Ob Seamount samples were characterised by an identical haplotype. However, microsatellite genotype frequencies showed genetic differentiation between South Georgia samples and those obtained from around Bouvet Island and nearby seamounts (F ST=0.0037, P<0.05). These areas are separated by large geographic distance and water in excess of 3,000 m deep, below the distributional range of toothfish (<2,200 m). No significant genetic differentiation was detected between samples around Bouvet Island and the Ob Seamount although comparisons may have been influenced by low sample size. These localities are linked by topographic features, including both ridges and seamounts, that may act as oceanic “stepping stones” for migration between these populations. As for other species of deep-sea fish, Patagonian toothfish populations are genetically structured at the regional and sub-regional scales.  相似文献   

Many sponge species are considered to be cosmopolitan. However, the systematics of marine sponges are very difficult because of the paucity of taxonomically useful characters, and hence the apparently cosmopolitan nature of many species may be simply a consequence of this. In this paper, geographically distant populations of two pairs of cosmopolitan calcareous sponges of the genusClathrina were compared genetically.C. clathrus andC. cerebrum were collected by SCUBA diving between January and March 1989 from two localities: the Mediterranean Sea at La Vesse, near Marseille, Frances, at 9 to 12 m depth, and from the South West Atlantic at Arraial do Cabo, about 200 km east of Rio de Janeiro, at 2 to 10 m depth. Very high levels of gene divergence were found between the allegedly conspecific populations. The levels of genetic identity,I, observed are so low (I=0.128 and 0.287) that the populations clearly cannot be considered conspecific. New species names ofC. aurea sp. nov. andC. brasiliensis sp. nov. are therefore assigned to the southwest Atlantic counterparts ofC. clathrus andC. cerebrum, respectively. It is concluded that, at least for the species studied, and probably for many other species in taxonomically difficult groups, the actual distributions of single species may be far more geographically restricted than is generally assumed.  相似文献   

Dascyllus aruanus were collected from 13 different locations in French Polynesia between 15 November 1990 and 15 February 1991 in order to examine larval dispersal on four spatial scales: within-feef, within-island, within-archipelago, among-archipelagoes. Average polymorphism was analysed by protein electrophoresis at two levels (P95=0.285 and P90=0.107) from 12 and 3 polymorphic loci, respectively. Spatial genetic variation displayed a low level of differentiation between populations among archipelagoes, and homogeneity at lower spatial scales. Two hypotheses are proposed to explain the genetic structure observed. The first suggests substantial gene flow between the islands during the pelagic larval phase, the second that the absence of differentiation is the result of recent colonisation. Genetic variation amongst size classes showed a significant heterozygote deficiencies at two loci (PGM * and EST-2 *) in the smallest size class. This suggests a cyclic selection which affects larvae and adults differentially. The data revealed little differentiation among populations at the different localities, despite the short larval duration of D. aruanus; this suggests that larval duration is not the main factor presently affecting genetic structure in an insular model. Correspondence to: S. Planes at the Université de Perpignan  相似文献   

Continuing coral‐reef degradation in the western Atlantic is resulting in loss of ecological and geologic functions of reefs. With the goal of assisting resource managers and stewards of reefs in setting and measuring progress toward realistic goals for coral‐reef conservation and restoration, we examined reef degradation in this region from a geological perspective. The importance of ecosystem services provided by coral reefs—as breakwaters that dissipate wave energy and protect shorelines and as providers of habitat for innumerable species—cannot be overstated. However, the few coral species responsible for reef building in the western Atlantic during the last approximately 1.5 million years are not thriving in the 21st century. These species are highly sensitive to abrupt temperature extremes, prone to disease infection, and have low sexual reproductive potential. Their vulnerability and the low functional redundancy of branching corals have led to the low resilience of western Atlantic reef ecosystems. The decrease in live coral cover over the last 50 years highlights the need for study of relict (senescent) reefs, which, from the perspective of coastline protection and habitat structure, may be just as important to conserve as the living coral veneer. Research is needed to characterize the geological processes of bioerosion, reef cementation, and sediment transport as they relate to modern‐day changes in reef elevation. For example, although parrotfish remove nuisance macroalgae, possibly promoting coral recruitment, they will not save Atlantic reefs from geological degradation. In fact, these fish are quickly nibbling away significant quantities of Holocene reef framework. The question of how different biota covering dead reefs affect framework resistance to biological and physical erosion needs to be addressed. Monitoring and managing reefs with respect to physical resilience, in addition to ecological resilience, could optimize the expenditure of resources in conserving Atlantic reefs and the services they provide.  相似文献   

Results of isozyme electrophoresis were used to explore the genetic relationships between several Mediterranean morphs of Cerithium (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia), for which taxonomy is currently uncertain because of high intraspecific variability and low interspecific differentiation. The large species, classically known as C. vulgatum Bruguière, 1789 was identified at four sites (two in the French Mediterranean and two in southern Spain). Two different larval types were found in the French sites, but poecilogony could not be demonstrated. Individuals collected from harbours were not genetically distinct from open-sea populations of classic C. vulgatum. However, a population in the Embiez lagoon (French Mediterranean) which morphologically resembles C. vulgatum did display distinct genetic traits, supporting its status as a separate species. Of the small Cerithium species usually known as C. rupestre, two sympatric species (C.rupestre” Risso, 1826 and C. lividulum Risso, 1826) were distinguished. Genotype frequencies within the analysed populations revealed much heterozygote deficiency. F ST values (fixation index measuring the effects of population subdivision) suggest a higher genetic differentiation for C. lividulum populations than for C. vulgatum populations. We assume that a high larval dispersal capability (via planktotrophy) allows a high gene flow between populations of C. vulgatum. Received: 24 November 1998 / Accepted: 24 September 1999  相似文献   

We examined the population structure of the black tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798, in the Indo-West Pacific by analyzing the geographic distribution of elongation factor 1-alpha intron sequences from specimens collected during the winter and spring of 1997. Both the molecular phylogeny of alleles and F-statistics indicated very strong differentiation between populations from the western Indian Ocean and western Pacific. This pattern is concordant with other recent studies of marine species in this region, implying that the Indo-Australian Archipelago represents a biogeographic break between populations in the Indo-West Pacific. F ST-values among populations in the western Indian Ocean also indicate structure within this region, whereas no structure was found among western Pacific populations. Nucleotide diversity was significantly lower in the western Indian Ocean populations than in the western Pacific, implying that the populations have regional differences in demographic history. Received: 16 November 1998 / Accepted: 26 May 1999  相似文献   

In many marine invertebrate species, larval development plays an important role in population connectivity and gene flow: species with direct benthic development generally show more genetic structure than those with planktonic development. We used nuclear markers (microsatellites) to determine population genetic structure of the direct-developing snail Crepidula convexa (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) in seven populations with 15–85 individuals each within its native range of the northwest Atlantic and compared it to Crepidula fornicata, a congener with planktonic development. Our results are consistent with general expectations and previous work in these species with other markers: C. convexa had greater population structure and even at a regional scale shows significant isolation-by-distance, in contrast to C. fornicata. We also genotyped a single population of C. convexa introduced to the northeastern Pacific to investigate the prediction of reduced genetic diversity following introduction (founder effect). We did not find a reduction in genetic diversity, suggesting that this non-native population may be characterized by multiple introductions. This pattern is consistent with many other introduced populations of marine invertebrates, including C. fornicata.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation at five polymorphic loci was surveyed in a total of 311 individuals of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Halodeima) atra (Jäger, 1833) collected from two nearshore and two midshelf populations in the Great Barrier Reef in November 1996. Strong deviations in genotype frequencies from those expected under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, particularly a large number of heterozygote excesses, confirmed the occurrence of asexual reproduction. Females and males differed significantly in genotype frequencies as a result of differences in either the amount of fission in each sex or in the mortality of asexually produced recruits. The estimated maximum sexual input (number of sexually produced individuals: sample size = N*:Ni) to the two nearshore reefs (38 to 67%) was low relative to that to the two midshelf reefs (74 to 87%). The three ratios and G o :G e , N go :N i , N*:N i , (where G o = observed genotypic diversity, G e = expected genotypic diversity, N go = number of genotypes) considered to be indicators of the extent of asexual reproduction, showed a consistent trend in the degree of asexual reproduction similar to that derived from the number of regenerating individuals observed in the populations for which data were available. F-statistic analyses of clonal gene frequencies demonstrated that all populations received sexual recruits from the same gene pool. There was evidence of restricted sexual recruitment to the Fantome population, suggesting that asexual reproduction was dominant only in areas where sexual recruitment was limited by other factors.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic diversity of the marine deep-water redfish, Sebastes mentella Travin, from 21 sampling locations (n=46 per sample, from 1995 to 1998) were examined throughout its range in the North Atlantic. Eight microsatellite loci were used in order to: (1) define the genetic structure and consider the possible influence of dispersal, geographic distance, oceanic currents and historical factors; and (2) relate the structure to present management units and practices. Three divergent population units (mean Š=0.012) associated with distinct geographic areas were defined: Eastern (Norway and Barents Sea), Panoceanic and Western (Gulf of St. Lawrence and offshore Newfoundland). The most important observation was the lack of genetic differences (mean Š=-0.0004) and lack of genetic isolation by geographic distance (r=0.318, P=0.112) among samples within the Panoceanic zone, from the Faroe Islands to the Grand Banks (6,000 km). A combination of vicariance, historical introgression with a closely related species, S. fasciatus, and contemporary patterns of oceanic circulation are likely to have shaped the observed population structure. These results only partially support current management units, and call for more integrated practices for regulating the exploitation of S. mentella throughout its extensive range.  相似文献   

In Ireland, mussels on exposed rocky shores constitute an interbreeding mixture of two forms of mussels, the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, and the Mediterranean mussel, M. galloprovincialis. Results from an Irish study in the 1980s, using partially diagnostic allozyme markers, indicated that mussels higher up the shore were more galloprovincialis-like than those lower down. In this study we set out to test two hypotheses: (a) recruits arriving on the shore are composed of genetically distinct cohorts that settle preferentially at different levels on the shore, and maintain genetic distinctiveness into adulthood; (b) recruits are genetically homogeneous, but once settled they diverge genetically over time, due to within-habitat site specific-selection. The diagnostic Me 15/16 DNA marker was used to analyse the genetic composition of newly-settled spat recruiting to artificial substrates, which were placed at two-week intervals from May–October 2002, on the mid- and low shore areas of two exposed sites in Galway Bay. Adult mussels were also collected on each sampling date. Results did not support the preferential settlement hypothesis, i.e., the genetic composition of primary settlers (≤ 500 μm) was similar between tidal heights and shores. Neither was there evidence of post settlement selective mortality, as adults were genetically similar to settling spat. In spat and adults the frequency of the M. galloprovincialis allele was high (0.56–0.80), due to high frequencies of M. galloprovincialis (> 37%) and hybrid (> 33%) genotypes, and correspondingly low frequencies of the M. edulis genotype (< 11%). Adult mussels from a nearby sheltered estuarine site, while significantly different to exposed shore mussels, still had low frequencies of the M. edulis genotype (< 17%), indicating no apparent advantage for the genotype in this environment. There are indications that the genetic composition of mussels may be changing on the Atlantic coasts of Ireland.  相似文献   

Three Caribbean ascidians were sampled from April, 1972 until June, 1973 and the breeding season determined by the presence of larvae in the colonies. In Eudistoma sp. A, larvae occurred from early June until mid-November, in Trididemnum solidum from mid-June until the end of December, and in Didemnum sp. C, throughout the year with occasional interruptions.  相似文献   

The study used population genetic data to test whether outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) are largely derived from a single outbreak or are independent events. The consequences of different modes of outbreak for population differentiation and gene flow were predicted and then compared with those estimated from a set of 8 outbreaking and a set of 5 non-outbreaking populations sampled in 1986 and 1987. The level of inter-population variation observed among outbreaking populations was less than that among non-outbreaking populations and gene flow was greater among outbreaking than among non-outbreaking populations. Greater population differentiation among non-outbreaking than outbreaking populations was not consistent with the hypothesis that outbreaks were independent events, but was consistent with a number of outbreaks being secondary. Estimates which took account of a number of aspects of sampling error demonstrated significant levels of genetic subdivision among non-outbreaking populations but not among outbreaking populations. The lack of significant genetic subdivision of outbreaking populations, given significant levels among non-outbreaking populations, was also inconsistent with outbreaks being indenpendent events, but was consistent with outbreaks being largely secondary. The allozyme data were insufficient to identify clearly individual populations that might have been the result of an independent outbreak. It is concluded that the majority of outbreaks are probably secondary derivatives from a single primary outbreak occurring in the northern part of the Central Section of the GBR, although the possibility that a small number of populations might outbreak independently of the main set cannot be excluded.Contribution No. 547 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Vermetid reefs are among the most important bioconstructions in the Mediterranean Sea, with a distribution restricted to the warmest part of the basin. Their structure, and vertical and geographical distribution make them good biological indicators of changes in sea level and sea-surface temperature over the last two millennia.  相似文献   

Increased habitat diversity is often predicted to promote the diversity of animal communities because a greater variety of habitats increases the opportunities for species to specialize on different resources and coexist. Although positive correlations between the diversities of habitat and associated animals are often observed, the underlying mechanisms are only now starting to emerge, and none have been tested specifically in the marine environment. Scleractinian corals constitute the primary habitat-forming organisms on coral reefs and, as such, play an important role in structuring associated reef fish communities. Using the same field experimental design in two geographic localities differing in regional fish species composition, we tested the effects of coral species richness and composition on the diversity, abundance, and structure of the local fish community. Richness of coral species overall had a positive effect on fish species richness but had no effect on total fish abundance or evenness. At both localities, certain individual coral species supported similar levels of fish diversity and abundance as the high coral richness treatments, suggesting that particular coral species are disproportionately important in promoting high local fish diversity. Furthermore, in both localities, different microhabitats (coral species) supported very different fish communities, indicating that most reef fish species distinguish habitat at the level of coral species. Fish communities colonizing treatments of higher coral species richness represented a combination of those inhabiting the constituent coral species. These findings suggest that mechanisms underlying habitat-animal interaction in the terrestrial environment also apply to marine systems and highlight the importance of coral diversity to local fish diversity. The loss of particular key coral species is likely to have a disproportionate impact on the biodiversity of associated fish communities.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the marine astrophorid sponge Stelletta grubii is described for the first time. The following new data are presented: spongin is present, choanocyte chambers are diplodal, intercellular symbiotic bacteria are numerous and unequally distributed in the cortex and endosome, and collagenous fibril bundles are associated with lophocyte activity and are not elastic fibers. The cortex contains numerous fibril bundles, fewer symbionts, very few cells, and transitional zones with higher archeocyte density near the surface and endosome. Limited phagocytosis of the bacterial symbionts is observed. This species appears to be dioecious and oviparous. These observations suggest that the enigmatic species Chondrosia reniformis is closely related to S. grubii and that it should be placed within or near the astrophorids. The rhizoids of the red alga Phyllophora palmettoides penetrate the sponge tissue without eliciting the development of a structurally specialized contact zone in the sponge matrix or of a limiting epithelium.  相似文献   

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