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The purpose of this study was to assess contaminated soil and groundwater for the urban redevelopment of a rapid transit railway and a new mega-shopping area. Contaminated soil and groundwater may interfere with the progress of this project, and residents and shoppers may be exposed to human health risks. The study area has been remediated after application of first remediation technologies. Of the entire area, several sites were still contaminated by waste materials and petroleum. For zinc (Zn) contamination, high Zn concentrations were detected because waste materials were disposed in the entire area. For petroleum contamination, high total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) and hydrocarbon degrading microbe concentrations were observed at the depth of 7 m because the underground petroleum storage tank had previously been located at this site. Correlation results suggest that TPH (soil) concentration is still related with TPH (groundwater) concentration. The relationship is taken into account in the Spearman coefficient (α).  相似文献   

Roadside soils were sampled from the Lagos Lagoon catchment during the wet and dry seasons over the period 2005-2009. Lagoon sediment samples were also collected within the same period. All samples were digested with aqua regia to determine total phosphorus and extracted with 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate to determine the bioavailable fraction (Olsen-P). A segmented flow analyser method was used for analysis and good accuracy was demonstrated for two reference soils (SO-2 from CCMET and SRM 2711 from NIST). The Lagos Lagoon is a hypereutrophic water body (1270 ± 1170 μg P L(-1)), with significant areas of anoxia and water hyacinth growth. The total phosphorus concentrations in roadside soils (16 sites; mean ± 2 S.D.) were 285 ± 279 mg kg(-1) in the wet season and 424 ± 629 mg kg(-1) in the dry season, indicating that rainwater leaching is a major source of phosphorus in the lagoon. The bioavailable fractions were 5.17 ± 3.47 mg kg(-1) (2.1 ± 1.5% of the total) in the wet season and 13.0 ± 8.7 mg kg(-1) (4.3 ± 4.5% of the total) in the dry season.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is the assessment of metal toxicity in runoff, in their contaminated soils and in the groundwater sampled from two mining areas in the region of Marrakech using a microbial bioassay MetPLATE™. This bioassay is based on the specific inhibition of the β-galactosidase enzyme of a mutant strain of Escherichia coli, by the metallic pollutants. The stream waters from all sampling stations in the two mines were all very toxic and displayed percent enzyme inhibition exceeding 87% except SWA4 and SWB1 stations in mine C. Their high concentrations of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) confirm the acute toxicity shown by MetPLATE. The pH of stream waters from mine B and C varied between 2.1 and 6.2 and was probably responsible for metal mobilization, suggesting a problem of acid mine drainage in these mining areas. The bioassay MetPLATE™ was also applied to mine tailings and to soils contaminated by the acidic waters. The results show that the high toxicity of these soils and tailings was mainly due to the relatively concentration of soluble Zn and Cu. The use of MetPLATE™ in groundwater toxicity testing shows that, most of the samples exhibited low metal toxicity (2.7–45.5% inhibition) except GW3 of the mine B (95.3% inhibition during the wet season and 82.9% inhibition during the dry season). This high toxicity is attributed to the higher than usual concentrations of Cu (189 μg Cu l−1) and Zn (1505 μg Zn l−1). These results show the potential risk of the contamination of different ecosystems situated to the vicinity of these two metalliferous sites. The general trend observed was an increase in metal toxicity measured by the MetPLATE with increasing total and mobile metal concentrations in the studied matrices. Therefore, the MetPLATE bioassay is a reliable and fast bioassay to estimate the metals toxicity in the aquatic and solids samples.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the heavy metal contents of sediments in the harbour of Lagos which receives a variety of human and industrial wastes. The results indicate three areas with low, medium and high pollution by heavy metals. The harbour in which most shipping activities are concentrated has a low level of pollution. Both other areas with medium and high pollution by heavy metals are located at the entrance and in northwest sections of the harbour respectively, which receive effluents from industries and communities.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from an oil polluted site in Niger-delta, Nigeria. Gas chromatographic analyses carried out on the samples revealed an abundance of n-alkanes within the n-C8n-C23 region. The pristane/phytane ratio of 5.70 obtained for the samples depicted a plant/terrestrial source input and a possible oxic depositional environment. The n-C17/pristane and n-C18/phytane ratios of 2.80 and 2.77, respectively, suggested that the spilled oil was only slightly weathered, as corroborated by the presence of peaks in the aromatic hydrocarbon fingerprints. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) fractions showed that the hydrocarbon fractions might have undergone combustion and/or that there was bush burning at the site prior to the oil spill incidence. This is supported by the abundance of high-molecular-weight PAHs which are pyrogenic in nature. High molecular weight PAHs are products of the combustion of petroleum or its products. The phenanthrene/anthracene ratio of 0.95, fluorathene/pyrene ratio of 2.23 and the ∑ (other three to six ringed PAHs)/∑ (five alkylated PAHs) ratio far greater than unity (4.10) also affirm this. On the other hand, the benzo (a) anthracene to chrysene ratio of 0.24 confirms the petrogenic origin of the spilled oil because chrysene which is highly abundant is a fossil PAH.  相似文献   

Assessment of lead in blood (BLL) and lead in urine (ULL) of some non-occupationally exposed, nonsmoking 214 pregnant Nigerian women, aged 17 to 49 years, and resident in Lagos was carried out using atomic absorption spectrometry with control subjects consisting of 113 nonpregnant women. From results, the mean BLL and ULL (μg/dL) for pregnant women (59.5 ± 2.1; 29.4 ± 1.1) were significantly (p?<?0.01) higher than the values obtained for nonpregnant women (27.7 ± 1.1; 9.2 ± 0.6). BLL found in women in the first, second, and third trimesters were 57.2 ± 2.3, 61.6 ± 2.2, and 63.1 ± 1.8, respectively. ULL could not serve to predict BLL due to weak correlations (r?=???0.06 to +?0.15; p?>?0.10). Study is a contribution to blood and urine lead status of Nigerian pregnant women, being relevant for healthcare management purposes, public health decision making, and possible primary prevention activities.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the organic pollution status of shallow aquifer sediments and groundwater around Zhoukou landfill. Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, monocylic aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, organochlorine pesticides and other pesticides, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been detected in some water samples. Among the detected eleven PAHs, phenanthrene, fluorine, and fluoranthene are the three dominant in most of the groundwater samples. Analysis of groundwater samples around the landfill revealed concentrations of PAHs ranging from not detected to 2.19 μg/L. The results show that sediments below the waste dump were low in pollution, and the shallow aquifer, at a depth of 18–30 m, was heavily contaminated, particularly during the wet season. An oval-shaped pollution halo has formed, spanning 3 km from west to east and 2 km from south to north, and mainly occurs in groundwater depths of 2–4 m. For PAH source identification, both diagnostic ratios of selected PAHs and principal component analysis were studied, suggesting mixed sources of pyro- and petrogenic derived PAHs in the Zhoukou landfill. Groundwater table fluctuations play an important role in the distribution of organic pollutants within the shallow aquifer. A conceptual model of leachate migration in the Quaternary aquifers surrounding the Zhoukou landfill has been developed to describe the contamination processes based on the major contaminant (PAHs). The groundwater zone contaminated by leachate has been identified surrounding the landfill.  相似文献   

The Gulf War in 1991 created an environmental catastrophe, one of the major consequences of which was setting several oil wells on fire in the Arabian Gulf area. The total oil spilled as a result of the damaged wells was about 3.5 × 106 m3. Out of these, 3.3 × 106 m3 of oil was recovered and exported. The rest was left behind as it was not economical to collect. The oil left behind was subject to severe weathering over the past ten years. Soil and subsurface contamination pose a serious risk to the quality of the already scarce fresh groundwater resources in the area which was subject to oil spill in the study region. This paper presents the computer modeling activities carried out towards simulating the transport of the hydrocarbon contamination of the fresh groundwater resources at a study area in the Arabian Gulf region, and predicting the contamination levels at the fresh groundwater lenses in the area in the future, should current contamination levels persist in the soil and groundwater. The modeling activities relied on both semi-analytical and numerical flow and transport models.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface microlayer (SML) and subsurface water (SSW) of Lagos Lagoon were investigated using gas chromatography-electron capture detector (GC-ECD) technique to ascertain their occurrence and spatial distribution, origin, enrichment, and carcinogenicity. Total PAH (ΣPAH) concentrations ranged from 9.10 to 16.20 μg L?1 in the SML and 8.90 to 13.30 μg L?1 in the SSW. ΣPAH concentrations were relatively higher in the SML than the underlying SSW samples. The enrichment factors (EFs) of ΣPAHs ranged from 0.76 to 1.74 while the EFs of the individual PAHs varied from 0.50 to 2.09. In general, the EFs values calculated in this study were consistent or slightly less than the EFs reported for similar coastal seawater ecosystems. A correlation between the EFs of fluoranthene and pyrene indicated a positive significant value (R?=?0.9828, p?<?0.0001, n?=?6). Source analyses using the phenanthrene/anthracene and fluoranthene/pyrene ratios indicated the dominance of petrogenic-derived PAHs. Furthermore, enhanced concentrations of BaP (strong carcinogenicity) in SML and SSW samples, which resulted in higher EFs, could pose serious ecological and human health risks.  相似文献   

This study investigated the arsenic (As) level in groundwater, and the characteristics of aquifer sediment as related to the occurrence of As in groundwater in Hanam, Vietnam. The deposition and transport of As-containing substances through rivers were also examined. Arsenic concentrations in 88% of the groundwater samples exceeded the As limit for drinking water based on the WHO standards. The dominating form of arsenic was As(III). The maximum total As content in bore core sediment was found in a peat horizon of the profiles and generally, elevated levels of As were also found in other organic matter-rich horizons. Total As contents of the bore core sediments were significantly correlated with crystalline iron oxide, silt and clay contents, suggesting that As in aquifer sediment was mainly associated with iron (hydr)oxides and clay mineral. In the groundwater, As concentration showed significant correlations with the total concentrations of Fe and HCO (3)(-). Significant correlations between HCl-extractable As and non-crystalline Fe oxide, total C, N, and S were also observed in the profiles. The results support the hypothesis that under favorable reductive conditions established by the degradation of organic matter, the dissolution of iron (hydr)oxides releases adsorbed As into the groundwater. The deposition of As in the sediments from the Red River were significantly higher than that in the Chau Giang River, suggesting that the Red River is the main source of As-containing substances deposited in the study area.  相似文献   

The groundwater quality assessment for the drinking and irrigation purpose is carried out in the Kandivalasa River Sub Basin covered with khondalitic suite (Garneti ferrous, Sillimanite, Gneiss) of rocks, near Cheepurupalli town of Vizianagaram district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The analysis for the groundwater quality for drinking has shown the slightly alkaline nature and high values of alkalinity in the study area. A very high concentration of total dissolved solids value is observed at one pocket where there has been contamination by many fertilizer industries located nearby the study area. The groundwater is highly affected by the nitrate. Higher fluoride values are obtained at few pockets. Most of the samples in the study area are categorized as very hard category. According to the Piper trilinear diagram, it can be observed that the carbonate hardness and secondary salinity have occupied at major part of study area. From the analysis of sodium adsorption ratio, salinity hazard, sodium percentage, residual sodium carbonate, and Kelly’s ratio, all the groundwater samples except at few locations fell under the category of good to excellent for irrigation. The prepared integrated groundwater quality maps for the drinking purpose and agricultural purposes are indicating that, by and large, the low-lying areas are having poor groundwater quality than the uplands for drinking as well as agricultural needs which means that the groundwater quality of the basin is following the topography.  相似文献   

Groundwater pollution resulting from anthropogenic activities and poor effluent management is on the rise in Nigeria. Hence, groundwater used for domestic purposes is questionable and therefore calls for scientific scrutiny. Investigation of hydrochemical interactions and quality of groundwater resource is essential in order to monitor and identify sources of water pollutants. As a result, groundwater samples were collected from 21 locations in Abeokuta South, Nigeria and analyzed for physicochemical parameters using standard methods. Results obtained were subjected to hydrochemical and geospatial analyses. Water quality parameters investigated exhibited wide variations from location to location. Fe2+, Mg2+, SO42?, Cl?, total hardness (TH), Mn, Na+, NO3?, SiO2, and alkalinity exhibited the highest levels of variation with coefficients of variation of 131.3, 92.8, 83.9, 76.7, 65.9, 64.3, 57.6, 57.2, 57.0, and 52.5, respectively. The average pH value was 6.76 with 71% of the water samples being slightly acidic. Na2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, and EC contents exhibited the most violation of drinking water standards with percent violations of 100, 52.4, 47.6, and 47.6%, respectively. Parameters, such as Mn, Ca2+, NO3?, and CO32?, were within the WHO guideline values for drinking water in all the samples. The highest level of significant correlation was found to exist between Na+ and Cl? (r?=?0.84, α?=?0.01). Six principal components, which explained 83.5% of the variation in water quality, were extracted with the first (34.1%) and second components (15.7%) representing the influence of mineral dissolution and anthropogenic practices, respectively, on the hydrochemistry of the area. Four hydrochemical clusters were identified with distinctly partitioned water quality. Further analysis revealed that 38, 29, 24, and 9% of the samples were the Na-K-HCO3, Na-K-Cl-SO4, Ca-Mg-HCO3, and Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 types, respectively. Anthropogenic activities are increasing threat to groundwater quality in the study location and therefore call for urgent attention. There is also a need for routine monitoring of groundwater in Abeokuta.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the distribution of the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in groundwater and soil, a total of 71 groundwater samples (26 unconfined groundwater samples, 37 confined groundwater samples, and 8 deeper confined groundwater samples) and 80 soil samples were collected in the Songyuan oilfield, Northeast China, and the vertical variation and spatial variability of TPH in groundwater and soil were assessed. For the groundwater from the unconfined aquifer, petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in three samples, and for the other 23 samples, concentrations were in the range 0.01–1.74 mg/l. In the groundwater from the confined aquifer, petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in two samples, and in the other 35 samples, the concentrations were 0.04–0.82 mg/l. The TPH concentration in unconfined aquifer may be influenced by polluted surface water and polluted soil; for confined aquifer, the injection wells leakage and left open hole wells may be mainly responsible for the pollution. For soils, the concentrations of TPH varied with sampling depth and were 0–15 cm (average concentration, 0.63 mg/g), >40–55 cm (average concentration, 0.36 mg/g), >100–115 cm (average concentration, 0.29 mg/g), and >500–515 cm (average concentration, 0.26 mg/g). The results showed that oil spillage and losses were possibly the main sources of TPH in soil. The consequences concluded here suggested that counter measures such as remediation and long-term monitoring should be commenced in the near future, and effective measures should be taken to assure that the oilfields area would not be a threat to human health.  相似文献   

The levels of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, aluminum, chromium, and iron in street dust, soil, and plants in the Jordanian petroleum refinery were determined using flame and graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Major cations (Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+) and anions (F-, Cl-, NO3-, SO4(2-), and Br-) were also determined using suppression mode ion chromatography. Generally, higher levels of the heavy metals studied were found in street dust samples than in soil samples. On the other hand, except Cl-, and Li+ ions, other anions and cations showed higher concentrations in soil than in street dust samples. For plant samples, unwashed samples showed higher levels of heavy metals than their washed counterparts, indicating that dust fall is a source of heavy metal contamination.  相似文献   

A 12-month study was carried to assess the seasonal and tidal effects on the physical parameters of river and groundwater, which constitute the major potable water sources in Calabar (Nigeria). The study also included an evaluation of the chemical composition of the different water bodies and their relationship. The results show that there was a significant seasonal effect on dissolved oxygen (DO) and nitrate in groundwater on one hand, and on temperature, redox potential (Eh), and DO in river water on the other. Also, a significant tidal influence exists on DO in both river-and groundwater. Comparison between groundwater and river water show statistically significant difference in EC, TDS, Eh, DO, Na, Cl and NO(3). The significant differences in EC, TDS, Na and Cl are due to tidal flushing. The difference in Eh is due to geology of the area while, NO(3) is as a result of anthropogenic pollution. The concentrations of ions in the river and groundwater for the different seasons and tidal cycles show an inverse relationship, while the river water is generally more concentrated than the groundwater. Using a binary mixing model, estimates show that the degree of mixing of river water and groundwater is low, with values of between 1.93% and 2.76% respectively, in the western and eastern parts of the study area. The study concludes that tidal flushing, anthropogenic effects and oxygen supply during recharge contribute to the shaping of water chemistry in the area.  相似文献   

The potential environmental impact of sediment-bound Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn in three trans-urban rivers in Lagos state and in the Lagos Lagoon was assessed by use of the modified Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) sequential extraction. The quality of the data was checked using BCR CRM 143R and BCR CRM 701. Good agreement was obtained between found and certified/indicative values. Of the rivers, the Odo-Iyaalaro, was generally the most contaminated and the Ibeshe the least. Higher concentrations of metals were generally found in the dry season compared to the wet season. Cadmium and Zn were released mostly in the acid exchangeable step of the sequential extraction, indicating that they have the greatest potential mobility and bioavailability of the analytes studied. Chromium and Cu were associated mainly with the reducible and oxidisable fractions, and Pb predominantly with the reducible and residual fractions. Sediments with the highest pseudototal analyte concentrations also released higher proportions of analytes earlier in the sequential extraction procedure. The study suggests that, during the dry season, potentially toxic metals (PTM) may accumulate in sediments in relatively labile forms that are released and can potentially be transported or bioaccumulate in the rainy season. Application of risk assessment codes and Hankanson potential risk indices indicated that Cd was the element of greatest concern in the Lagos Lagoon system. The study indicated that there is a need to strengthen environmental management and pollution control measures to reduce risk from PTM, but that even relatively simple strategies, such as seasonal restrictions on dredging and fishing, could be beneficial.  相似文献   

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