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Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Most studies on sediment transport and bedforms migration consider unlimited sediment supply conditions. However, areas where the sediment supply is limited are...  相似文献   

Nie  Shiqian  Sun  HongGuang  Zhang  Yong  Zhou  Ling  Chen  Dong 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2020,20(6):1603-1616
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Bed-load transport is a complex process exhibiting anomalous dynamics, which cannot be efficiently described using the traditional advection–diffusion...  相似文献   

Regulating heterogeneous emissions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines how regulations ought to adapt to the heterogeneity of emissions. A methodology for differentiating among pollutants and source locations is developed and applied. In general, regulations need to become more sensitive to gross differences in the marginal damages of individual emissions.  相似文献   

In‐vivo enzymatic activity tests have been used for the characterization of sediments. Sediment samples representing three typical situations on the river Elbe and one reference site on the river Spree were investigated from March to October 1993. Fresh sediments and pore water were analyzed for their dehydrogenase and proteolytic enzymatic activities, respectively. The dehydrogenase and protease activities varied depending on sampling site, date and kind of sample. From the mean values of the dehydrogenase activities over the whole period of investigation significant differences between the sampling sites became evident. The dehydrogenase activity of pore water rather than that of the whole sediment is suitable to differentiate between anthropogenically influenced and not influenced sites. The dehydrogenase activities in the contaminated samples were extremly higher than those in the uncontaminated samples. In contrast to this, samples from the uncontaminated sites showed a considerably higher specific proteolytic activity. This fact is interpreted as a possible enzymatic inhibition.  相似文献   

An approach for defining the quality of surface sediments of limited areas in terms of heavy metal contents is proposed. Sediments were taken on a bi‐dimensional mapping, for checking possible different sources of pollution in the case study, a harbour zone. Non residual metals were determined by ICP‐AES in cold diluted hydrochloric acid leachates of sediments. An “enrichment factor”;, r, can be computed for each metal: metals with r values exceeding unity can be considered as indicators of metal pollution. A “total enrichment factor”;, R, was proposed in order to assess the degree of pollution of sediments for each site. R is an adimensional value that accounts for the presence of metals that exceed threshold values determined by background concentrations.  相似文献   

Ovaskainen O  Rekola H  Meyke E  Arjas E 《Ecology》2008,89(2):542-554
Spatially referenced mark-recapture data are becoming increasingly available, but the analysis of such data has remained difficult for a variety of reasons. One of the fundamental problems is that it is difficult to disentangle inherent movement behavior from sampling artifacts. For example, in a typical study design, short distances are sampled more frequently than long distances. Here we present a modeling-based alternative that combines a diffusion-based process model with an observation model to infer the inherent movement behavior of the species from the data. The movement model is based on classifying the landscape into a number of habitat types, and assuming habitat-specific diffusion and mortality parameters, and habitat selection at edges between the habitat types. As the problem is computationally highly intensive, we provide software that implements adaptive Bayesian methods for effective sampling of the posterior distribution. We illustrate the modeling framework by analyzing individual mark-recapture data on the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia), and by comparing our results with earlier ones derived from the same data using a purely statistical approach. We use simulated data to perform an analysis of statistical power, examining how accuracy in parameter estimates depends on the amount of data and on the study design. Obtaining precise estimates for movement rates and habitat preferences turns out to be especially challenging, as these parameters can be highly correlated in the posterior density. We show that the parameter estimates can be considerably improved by alternative study designs, such as releasing some of the individuals into the unsuitable matrix, or spending part of the recapture effort in the matrix.  相似文献   

Dredging and dumping of dredged sediments in estuarine and coastal waters may lead to increased turbidity and enhanced sediment deposition at dump sites. This mainly affects primary production by phytoplankton, performance of visual predators (e.g. fish, birds), and growth and survival of benthic organisms. This paper combines a compilation of literature information and results of additional experimental studies on the effect of enhanced concentrations of suspended matter (SPM) on growth of bivalve molluscs, and on survival of macro- and meiozoobenthos after dumping of dredged sediments. Furthermore, it focuses on non-toxic dredged sediments only. Release of nutrients from dredged sediments did, so far, hardly influence estuarine phytoplankton production. Increased turbidity may affect dab as well as prey location by sandwich terns. Enhanced SPM-concentrations are unfavourable for young herring and smelt. Growth of filter-feeding bivalves may be impaired, especially at SPM-concentrations >250 mg/l. Estuarine nematodes can survive burial by 10 cm of dumped dredged sediment provided that its physical characteristics are similar to those of the original sediment. Sessile benthos organisms such as mussels and oysters can cope with sediment deposition of only 1–2 cm. Other macrozoobenthos can survive sediment deposition of 20–30 cm. Recovery of benthos at a dump site will occur if the interval between successive dumpings is sufficiently long. Options for management of dumping of dredged sediments are described, relating to different locations of dump sites in estuarine and coastal waters, to different seasons, and to the actual use (area and frequency) of dump sites.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid method for the measurement of acid-soluble sulfides from marine sediments, in the range of 0 to 350 g sulfide, was developed. Using the mean of 4 replicates, the maximum sensitivity of the method is ±5.48 g. The method is based on iodometric back titration after the reaction of a standard iodine solution with the sulfide, which is precipitated on paper wicks as zinc, sulfide. The mean coefficient of variation, based on raw titration data, is 0.71% for aliquots from field samples, 0.41% for standards, and 0.21% for blanks. The method is used to compare zinc acetate-fixed subsamples, one group having been stored for 1 month in a refrigerator at 5°C and the other having been analyzed immediately after collection. No significant differences in sulfide content between subsamples, at the 95% confidence level, were noted.  相似文献   

Different sample preparation methods for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in lake and river sediments were compared and evaluated. Freeze‐dried sediment materials were extracted using Soxhlet extraction, ultrasonic agitation and digestion with various solvents and solvent mixtures. Similarly, clean‐up methods using various types of sorbents for separation of PAHs tested.

The following method gives the best results for the determination of PAHs: freeze‐dried sediment samples were extracted using Soxhlet extractor with dichloromethane (6 hr, dark), extracts were cleanup using Silica gel and a mixture of n‐hexa‐ne‐dichloromethane was used for the elution of PAHs.

This method was used for the determination of 7 selected PAHs in sediment samples from Finnish lakes and Czech streams.  相似文献   

Arylsulfatase activity in marine sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arylsulfatase activity and arylsulfatase-producing bacteria were estimated in sediment samples collected from 3 different biotopes: marine, estuarine, and mangrove. No direct relationship could be established between activity and the number of bacteria at any station. In general, clayey sediments always harboured more arylsulfatase producers than sandy sediments, irrespective of salinity variations. Of the 3 biotopes investigated, the mangrove area exhibited maximum activity. The enzyme showed two pH optima, one at 6.2, the other at 9.0. The optimum substrate concentration was 12x10-4M. Higher substrate concentrations tended to inhibit arylsulfatase activity. The recovery of added phenolphthalein was maximum only at pH 6.2; KCN, Na2So4, and KH2Po4 inhibited enzyme activity by 65.5, 46.8 and 37.5%, respectively. More than one type of arylsulfatase may be present in marine sediments; further studies on the role of arylsulfatases are required, since arylsulfatases have been reported to bear on the formation and hardening of exoskeletons in marine forms.  相似文献   

Heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Pb, Sn) concentration has been determined on 39 coastal sediment samples collected in Albania. The relationship between the heavy metals content and the grain size has been considered. All metals, except Cu and Cd, resulted accumulated in the finest fraction, which constituted up to 95% of most of the considered sediments. A good correlation has been found for Ni, Cr, Fe, Zn, Cu in the entire area, indicating a common origin for these metals in the analyzed sediments. Concentration values fall in the range reported for Dinaric chain derived sediments, revealing, generally, a natural origin of the metal contents. Though in some selected areas such as the Drin and the Skumbin Bay, an antropogenic input of Cr, Fe, Ni and Cu can be observed, as the result of discharging of mines and smelter activities.  相似文献   

Sulfonamides (SAs) are one class of the most widely used antibiotics around the world. Their fate and transport in the aquatic environment is of great concern. In this study, adsorption of four SAs—sulfadiazine (SD), sulfamethoxazole (SMZ), sulfadimethoxine (SDM) and sulfamethazine (SM2)—in single-solute and multi-solute systems on sediments of Dianchi (DC) Lake and Taihu (TH) Lake, China was investigated with batch experiments. In the single-solute adsorption system, the Langmuir model and the dual-mode model described the adsorption process better than the Freundlich model. Model fitness was better on DC sediment than on TH sediment. The order of adsorption capacity approximately followed a decreasing order of SDM>SD>SM2>SMZ on both sediments, which was likely attributed to the distinctly different water solubility of the four SAs. In the multi-solute system, the order of adsorption capacity was SM2>SDM>SD>SMZ, which was probably related to the compound speciation caused by the pH values of the experimental solution. In the multi-solute system, both competitive and cooperative adsorption played important roles in the adsorption of sulfonamides on sediments.  相似文献   

Zhou  Jun  Su  Xiaosi  Liang  Ce  Qin  Ronggao  Cao  Guangzhu  Wang  Jinsheng  Yuan  Wenzhen 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2021,21(1):11-38
Environmental Fluid Mechanics - An alluvial-proluvial fan (APF) has heterogeneous characteristics, which result in the development of imbricated gravel channel networks formed by flow erosion. In...  相似文献   

The concentrations of Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, V, and Sn were determined in marine sediments collected from Taranto Gulf (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy). The aim of this article is to study the methodological approach in order to evaluate total metal levels determined in marine sediments of a contaminated area (Taranto Gulf, Southern Italy), to identify contaminated areas and to predict adverse biological effects based on Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs). The results are discussed in relation to geological characteristics of sediments in order to define background levels and anthropogenic input. Experimental results were elaborated by multivariate statistical techniques and Geographical Information System (GIS) software. The geoaccumulation index I geo and two sets of SQGs (in particular (a) the threshold effect level (TEL), the probable effect level (PEL) and (b) the effect range-low (ERL) and the effect range median (ERM)) have been used for environmental evaluation of metal concentrations. Results show that in Taranto coastal area, Mar Piccolo basin represents the most contaminated area. A comparison with results from other Mediterranean areas demonstrates that for some metals (such as Cd, Pb, and Hg) Taranto seas represent one of the most polluted areas in the Mediterranean Sea. A comparison of metal levels with SQGs also suggests an ecotoxicological risk for benthic organisms mainly in the first inlet of Mar Piccolo.  相似文献   

Royle and Link (Ecology 86(9):2505?C2512, 2005) proposed an analytical method that allowed estimation of multinomial distribution parameters and classification probabilities from categorical data measured with error. While useful, we demonstrate algebraically and by simulations that this method yields biased multinomial parameter estimates when the probabilities of correct category classifications vary among sampling units. We address this shortcoming by treating these probabilities as logit-normal random variables within a Bayesian framework. We use Markov chain Monte Carlo to compute Bayes estimates from a simulated sample from the posterior distribution. Based on simulations, this elaborated Royle-Link model yields nearly unbiased estimates of multinomial and correct classification probability estimates when classification probabilities are allowed to vary according to the normal distribution on the logit scale or according to the Beta distribution. The method is illustrated using categorical submersed aquatic vegetation data.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,188(1):62-75
We are concerned with the development and analysis of a predator–prey system designed for heterogeneous insular environments; populations are native preys exposed to introduced and invading predators and competitor preys. We first look at the unstructured model; this yields a singular system of ordinary differential equations having interesting dynamical features, such as finite time extinction or persistence of populations. Next we build a spatially heterogeneous structured model upon developing a reaction–diffusion system; then, using numerical experiments we analyze some typical effects of spatial heterogeneities on the persistence or extinction of native or introduced and invading species. The case of Kerguelen sub-Antartic heterogeneous islands where both domestic cats and alien preys have been introduced is taken as an example.  相似文献   

自然界广泛存在的铁氧化物与多羧基有机酸在光照条件下能够由内源自身生成活性物过氧化氢,构成异相类Fenton体系降解污染物.在实验室构建了由磁赤铁矿和多羧基有机酸组成的光化学体系,研究了五氯酚在此体系中的降解和脱氯.结果表明,五氯酚在此异相光化学体系中的降解效率受波长范围、有机酸种类和氧气的显著影响.在UV-A波长范围,五氯酚具有较高的光降解效率.草酸能够显著促进五氯酚在磁赤铁矿中的异相光降解,但柠檬酸不具有此作用.氧气是体系中生成各种含氧活性物的必要条件.五氯酚在此体系中的降解遵循一级反应动力学.最佳实验条件下,五氯酚1 h的降解率可达80%以上,脱氯率可达35%以上.对体系主要活性物过氧化氧的定量研究较好的解释了体系在各种条件下的活性差异.  相似文献   

The local to regional processes of chemical transformations, washout and dry deposition cannot be directly resolved in global scale models, they rather need to be parameterized. A suitable way to account for the non-linearity, e.g., in chemical transformation processes, is the use of effective emission indices (EEIs). EEI translate the actual (small scale) emissions into input for global scale models, partially accounting for unresolved processes occurring shortly after the release of the emissions.The emissions from the road traffic have some specifics, because of which the concept of deriving EEI from the interaction of an instantaneous plume with the ambient air is perhaps not so convenient. A new parameterization scheme for the EEI from the road transport is suggested in the present paper, based on few simplifying assumptions and introducing the adjoin equations approach, which makes it possible to achieve unified, not depending on the specific emission pattern, procedure for calculating the EEI from road traffic.  相似文献   


Scenario analysis is a technique that is increasingly being used as a way of identifying future policy options and issues in the long-term. This paper discusses the role of scenario analysis in policy development in relation to future transport policy. It discusses three key stages in scenario analysis: the identification of policy targets; the development of images of the future; and the construction of policy packages.  相似文献   

Experimental etching with hydrofluoric acid indicated that silica deposition occurs in a recognizable pattern in common sponge microscleres. The postdepositional alteration of these spicules has previously been generally unrecognized or misinterpreted in the literature. Early stages of postdepositional etching of sponge spicules were observed in the acid insoluble fraction of sediments from the West Atlantic barrier reef near Carrie Bow Cay, Belize. Preliminary data on silica distribution in the Belize barrier reef show that concentrations in fine sediment (<0.25 mm) increase landward of the main reef tract. Sponge spicules are the main component of particulate silica in sediments of the reef and fore-reef where sponge populations abound, whereas grains prevail in the back-reef lagoon deposits. Recycling of locally dissolved silica appears to be important for the growth of many off-shore reef sponges.  相似文献   

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