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Most spionid polychaetes switch from deposit feeding to suspension feeding as current speed and the flux of suspended food increase. Growth rates of juvenile Polydora cornuta are strongly affected by flow and can be as rapid as 60% day−1 in moderate currents. Feeding palps that extend above the sediment–water interface during suspension feeding are especially vulnerable to sublethal predation, but individuals with damaged posteriors are also common. We performed a series of laboratory flume experiments to test the effects of sublethal tissue damage on the growth and regeneration rates of P. cornuta juveniles. Replicated experiments were conducted at three flow speeds in counter-rotating annular flumes containing field-collected sediment and a nonliving algal slurry as deposited and suspended food. In the first set of experiments, we removed 2, 1, or 0 of worms’ two feeding palps and measured the relative growth rates of worm bodies and palps after 3 days in the flumes. Worms that lost both palps grew significantly slower than the other two groups, but the growth rate of worms that had one undamaged palp was not significantly different from worms that had two undamaged palps. Faster flow speeds significantly increased rates of body growth, and there was a significant interaction between flow and the effect of palp loss. During the 3-day experiments, damaged palps fully regenerated and often grew larger than they were prior to being removed. Damaged palps also grew significantly faster than undamaged palps. The second set of experiments tested the effects of removing a worm’s posterior region (~18% of body volume). The growth rates of these damaged and undamaged worms did not differ significantly. By the end of a 3-day flume experiment, damaged worms had grown 6× larger than they were prior to the posterior damage. The rapid regeneration of damaged palps and posterior tissue in moderate flows that allow suspension feeding suggests that sublethal predation on spionids might be more frequent than previously estimated and will have little impact on the growth of juvenile recruits.  相似文献   

Many populations of animals are fluid in both space and time, making estimation of numbers difficult. Much attention has been devoted to estimation of bias in detection of animals that are present at the time of survey. However, an equally important problem is estimation of population size when all animals are not present on all survey occasions. Here, we showcase use of the superpopulation approach to capture-recapture modeling for estimating populations where group membership is asynchronous, and where considerable overlap in group membership among sampling occasions may occur. We estimate total population size of long-legged wading bird (Great Egret and White Ibis) breeding colonies from aerial observations of individually identifiable nests at various times in the nesting season. Initiation and termination of nests were analogous to entry and departure from a population. Estimates using the superpopulation approach were 47-382% larger than peak aerial counts of the same colonies. Our results indicate that the use of the superpopulation approach to model nesting asynchrony provides a considerably less biased and more efficient estimate of nesting activity than traditional methods. We suggest that this approach may also be used to derive population estimates in a variety of situations where group membership is fluid.  相似文献   

Seagrass mortality due to oversedimentation: an experimental approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mortality due to oversedimentation of the Mediterranean seagrassPosidonia oceanica was experimentally evaluated by field manipulations of the sediment level. Increased levels of sediment placed over plant shoots and rhizomes induced significant shoot mortality, even at moderate burial levels (ca. 5 cm). When sediment was added to reach levels 15 cm higher than the initial one, a 100 % mortality was observed after 200–300 days. The response of the plant was independent of site and depth. These results can be used in ecological risk assessment of coastal activities which potentially affect sediment deposition.  相似文献   

An experiment to test the two Coasian propositions, conducted at the University of Arizona, using students as subjects is reported. Experimental conditions included incomplete information and economic liability rules. The experimental results statistically support the efficiency proposition. Support for the neutrality proposition arises in the case of long-time negotiations. Behavioral findings such as altruism and other interesting results are discussed together with their practical implications.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Vegetation is a critical component of aquatic ecosystems and exerts an important role in river morphodynamics. This paper describes the results of laboratory study...  相似文献   

Allometric equations allow aboveground tree biomass and carbon stock to be estimated from tree size. The allometric scaling theory suggests the existence of a universal power-law relationship between tree biomass and tree diameter with a fixed scaling exponent close to 8/3. In addition, generic empirical models, like Chave's or Brown's models, have been proposed for tropical forests in America and Asia. These generic models have been used to estimate forest biomass and carbon worldwide. However, tree allometry depends on environmental and genetic factors that vary from region to region. Consequently, theoretical models that include too few ecological explicative variables or empirical generic models that have been calibrated at particular sites are unlikely to yield accurate tree biomass estimates at other sites. In this study, we based our analysis on a destructive sample of 481 trees in Madagascar spiny dry and moist forests characterized by a high rate of endemism (> 95%). We show that, among the available generic allometric models, Chave's model including diameter, height, and wood specific gravity as explicative variables for a particular forest type (dry, moist, or wet tropical forest) was the only one that gave accurate tree biomass estimates for Madagascar (R2 > 83%, bias < 6%), with estimates comparable to those obtained with regional allometric models. When biomass allometric models are not available for a given forest site, this result shows that a simple height-diameter allometry is needed to accurately estimate biomass and carbon stock from plot inventories.  相似文献   

Summary. Recent economic and social changes in north Mediterranean regions have led to an important rural depopulation. Consequently, meadows developed on abandoned agricultural lands (characterized by high species richness) undergo reforestation. These former fields are mainly colonized by Pinus halepensis Miller, which is known to synthetize a wide range of secondary metabolites, among these, some could influence plant succession through allelopathy. The allelopathic potential of P. halepensis, was tested against two target species (Lactuca sativa L. and Linum strictum L.) with aqueous extracts obtained from different organs (root and needle) taking into account the individual age (±10, ±30 and > 60 years old). Root and needle extracts affected differently germination and growth of the two target species, the responses varying with concentration of extracts, age and organs tested. The strongest inhibitory effect was observed on the germination and growth of L. strictum, exposed to needle extracts of young P. halepensis (±10 years old), and root extracts of older P. halepensis (> 30 years old). These extracts contained several phenolic acids (e.g. 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-coumaric acid), which are known as allelochemicals and their concentrations vary with age and organ tested. Hence, P. halepensis could influence secondary succession through the release of potential allelochemicals in the environment by leaf leachates or root exudates.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the potential for induced preference experiments to test previously unverified explanations of observed behavior in contingent valuation surveys. The NOAA Panel on Contingent Valuation called for experimental evidence on potential biases in the double referendum format. We test Carson, Groves, and Machina's (Incentives and informational properties of preference questions, Plenary address to the European Association of Resource and Environmental Economists, Oslo, Norway, June 1999) simple cost uncertainty and weighted averaging explanations of inconsistent responses to follow-up offers in such double referenda against a baseline of certainty and truthful preference revelation. The results find evidence to support the Weighted Average hypothesis. Results regarding the cost uncertainty hypothesis are more ambiguous and merit further investigation.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Downbursts are strong downdrafts that originate from thunderstorm clouds and create vigorous radial outflows upon hitting the ground. This study is part of the...  相似文献   

The turbulence behaviour along a wall roughened by pyramidal elements was analysed in the region extending from the apex of the roughness elements up to the external limit of the roughness sub-layer. The data used for the analysis were obtained by particle image velocimetry technique. The rough wall turbulent boundary layer flow is characterized by a relatively low Reynolds number. All the results on the rough wall were compared with data referring to the canonical flow on a smooth wall turbulent boundary layer. Mean values and turbulence quantities for the two flows collapse when approaching the external limit of the roughness sublayer. The quadrant analysis of the Reynolds shear stress, in the region near the surface, shows that the contribution of the sweep motions is about equivalent for the two flows (except for wall distances lower than 40 viscous units). The contribution of the ejection motions appears to be more important over the smooth wall than over the rough wall with increasing differences approaching the wall. The probability density functions of the streamwise fluctuating velocity field for the rough wall case appear to be positively skewed in the zone very close to the pyramid apex, in contrast with the behavior observed for the smooth wall case at corresponding distances from the wall. The integral and Taylor scales for the rough wall case appear to be strongly reduced by the presence of the roughness, while the Kolmogorov microscale shows higher values.  相似文献   

We present and discuss the results of a comprehensive study addressing the non-aerated region of the skimming flow in steep stepped spillways. Although flows in stepped spillways are usually characterized by high air concentrations concomitant with high rates of energy dissipation, the non-aerated region becomes important in small dams and/or spillways with high specific discharges. A relatively large physical model of such spillway was used to acquire data on flow velocities and water levels and, then, well-resolved numerical simulations were performed with a commercial code to reproduce those experimental conditions. The numerical runs benefited from the ability of using multi-block grids in a Cartesian coordinate system, from capturing the free surface with the TruVOF method embedded in the code, and from the use of two turbulence models: the k-e{k{-}\varepsilon} and the RNGk-e{k{-}\varepsilon} models. Numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental data corresponding to three volumetric flow rates in terms of the time-averaged velocities measured at diverse steps in the spillway, and they are in very satisfactory agreement for water levels along the spillway. In addition, the numerical results provide information on the turbulence statistics of the flow. This work also discusses important aspects of the flow, such as the values of the exponents of the power-law velocity profiles, and the characteristics of the development of the boundary layer in the spillway.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the mineralogical composition of marine sediments on bacterial activity in experimental microcosms. Calcite and quartz were added to natural marine sediments and microbial response in terms of total bacterial abundance and biomass, β-D-glucosidase exo-enzymatic activity and bacterial incorporation of a radio-labelled (3H-leucine) substrate were investigated for a period of one month. We report here that after 15 days the mineralogical composition of the sediment (calcite vs. quartz) had an impact on bacterial abundance and activity (reduced for ca 15% and 56%, respectively). However, such impact was mitigated or even disappeared in high organic nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the mineralogical composition of marine sediments on bacterial activity in experimental microcosms. Calcite and quartz were added to natural marine sediments and microbial response in terms of total bacterial abundance and biomass, β-D-glucosidase exo-enzymatic activity and bacterial incorporation of a radio-labelled (3H-leucine) substrate were investigated for a period of one month. We report here that after 15 days the mineralogical composition of the sediment (calcite vs. quartz) had an impact on bacterial abundance and activity (reduced for ca 15% and 56%, respectively). However, such impact was mitigated or even disappeared in high organic nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - We report upon a series of laboratory experiments and complementary (two-dimensional) direct numerical simulations that explore the lock release of a fixed volume of...  相似文献   

The lengths of 9 421 Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana, from 144 net samples from 4 depth ranges at the same location (north east of South Georgia) were measured over a period of 6 d. While the mean lengths showed differences between each depth range in each time period of each day, the only consistent difference occurred in the period 00.00 to 04.00 hrs local time, when the mean lengths of krill were up to 2 mm greater than those found at other times. While vertical migration may have contributed to this nocturnal change in mean length, differences in measurement techniques between observers were also implicated. Controlled laboratory experiments confirmed that there were significant differences between measurements of the same krill analysed by six different observers while there were no significant differences in replicate measurements made by a single observer. These results have important implications for future studies involving length and length-frequency analysis, and suitable precautions and experimental protocols are suggested.  相似文献   

The response of the Baltic Sea spring bloom was studied in mesocosm experiments, where temperatures were elevated up to 6°C above the present-day sea surface temperature of the spring bloom season. Four of the seven experiments were carried out at different light levels (32–202?Wh?m?2 at the start of the experiments) in the different experimental years. In one further experiment, the factors light and temperature were crossed, and in one experiment, the factors density of overwintering zooplankton and temperature were crossed. Overall, there was a slight temporal acceleration of the phytoplankton spring bloom, a decline of peak biomass and a decline of mean cell size with warming. The temperature influence on phytoplankton bloom timing, biomass and size structure was qualitatively highly robust across experiments. The dependence of timing, biomass, and size structure on initial conditions was tested by multiple regression analysis of the y-temperature regressions with the candidate independent variables initial light, initial phytoplankton biomass, initial microzooplankton biomass, and initial mesozooplankton (=copepod) biomass. The bloom timing predicted for mean temperatures (5.28°C) depended on light. The peak biomass showed a strong positive dependence on light and a weaker negative dependence on initial copepod density. Mean phytoplankton cell size predicted for the mean temperature responded positively to light and negatively to copepod density. The anticipated mismatch between phytoplankton supply and food demand by newly hatched copepod nauplii occurred only under the combination of low light and warm temperatures. The analysis presented here confirms earlier conclusions about temperature responses that are based on subsets of our experimental series. However, only the comprehensive analysis across all experiments highlights the importance of the factor light.  相似文献   

Sediment biotic and abiotic attributes were determined during the PRISMA II oceanographic campaigns in the northern and central Adriatic Sea. The radiotracer orthophosphate 32 P was used under laboratory conditions to analyse the role of micro- and macrofauna in phosphorus dynamics at the water-sediment interface. Effects of infaunal suspensivores on microfungal growth were also investigated. Our findings emphasised: 1) significant differences in sediment 32 P uptake as related to the sampling area, occurrence of the pelagic frontal system, sediment grain size, microbial activity, and anoxia; 2) the crucial role played in 32 P dynamics by different tropho-functional groups r - r i.e ., infaunal filter-feeders and epifaunal detritivore characterising the benthic community of the northern Adriatic basin. The significant changes in ergosterol concentration (adopted as an index of microfungal growth) observed in sediments subjected to infaunal activity, eventually provided a comprehensive insight into macrofauna-microorganism interactions. The potential impact of macrofaunal activity in phosphorus dynamics in the Adriatic benthic system is discussed.  相似文献   

Laminated microbial mats from a sandy beach plain were grown in water-saturated pots in a glass house for six months and then used to assess their effect on the establishment of juveniles of three plant species representing different successional stages in dune slack development. The selected species wereSamolus valerandi, characteristic of pioneer stages,Calamagrostis epigejos, characteristic of more productive, late successional stages, andJuncus alpinoarticulatus, which occurs in a wide range of successional stages. Juveniles of all three species that were placed on top of intact living microbial mats established themselves in the mat.C. epigejos andJ. alpinoarticulatus survived for several weeks but later on their numbers decreased and the total biomass production of the species after six months was poor.S. valerandi, in contrast, grew profusely in intact microbial and algal mats. Heating of the microbial mat by heat sterilization, prior to the experiment, did not improve the performance of the species. When the juveniles were planted in the microbial mats after breaking the surface of the mat, the survival of juveniles ofC. epigejos andJ. alpinoarticulatus was much higher and so was the biomass of surviving plants after six months. Planting ofSamolus in the mats had some positive effect on the survival percentage of the juveniles, but not on the total biomass at the end of the experiment. Slightly lower water tables had a negative effect on the performance of all species. Measurements of the pH in the pots revealed that there were no significant differences in the top layer. Sulphide concentrations were very low in all the pots where juveniles had been planted and also in the pots withS. valerandi. Relatively high concentrations (30–50 μmol/l) were found in pots with poor growth ofJuncus andCalamagrostis plants. These values may exceed toxic levels for these species. Although oxygen concentrations in the pots were generally low, no relation existed between plant biomass and oxygen content, indicating that plant growth was not primarily limited by oxygen stress. These experiments support the idea that microbial mats may assist in extending the life span of early pioneer stages during dune slack succession by inhibiting the growth of species of later successional stages.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) has been explained in terms of competitor-removal, food-stress and predator-removal hypotheses. Only the first two hypotheses have been fairly well studied. To test the predator-removal hypothesis as a force determining IGP in avian predators, we performed a field experiment to simulate the presence of an IG predator (eagle owl Bubo bubo dummy) in the surrounding of the nests of four potential IG prey (black kite Milvus migrans, red kite Milvus milvus, booted eagle Aquila pennata and common buzzard Buteo buteo). To discard the possibility that an aggressive reaction towards the eagle owl was not related to the presence of the IG predator, we also presented a stuffed tawny owl Strix aluco, which is a potential competitor but cannot be considered an IG predator of the studied diurnal raptors considered in the experiment. While almost always ignoring the tawny owl, raptors chiefly showed an interspecific aggressive behaviour towards their IG predator. Our results seem to support the predator-removal hypothesis, as the IG prey may take advantage of the diurnal inactivity of the IG predator to remove it from their territory. However, the recorded behaviour may be also considered as a special variety of mobbing (i.e. a prey’s counter-strategy against its predator), where the mobber is sufficiently powerful to escalate predator harassment into deliberate killing attempts. In their turn, eagle owls can respond with an IG predatory behaviour aimed at removing IG prey species which are highly aggressive mobbers.  相似文献   

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