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Turbulent flow and dispersion characteristics over a complex urban street canyon are investigated by large-eddy simulation using a modified version of the Fire Dynamics Simulator. Two kinds of subgrid scale (SGS) models, the constant coefficient Smagorinsky model and the Vreman model, are assessed. Turbulent statistics, particularly turbulent stresses and wake patterns, are compared between the two SGS models for three different wind directions. We found that while the role of the SGS model is small on average, the local or instantaneous contribution to total stress near the surface or edge of the buildings is not negligible. By yielding a smaller eddy viscosity near solid surfaces, the Vreman model appears to be more appropriate for the simulation of a flow in a complex urban street canyon. Depending on wind direction, wind fields, turbulence statistics, and dispersion patterns show very different characteristics. Particularly, tall buildings near the street canyon predominantly generate turbulence, leading to homogenization of the mean flow inside the street canyon. Furthermore, the release position of pollutants sensitively determines subsequent dispersion characteristics.  相似文献   

The computational method of Large-Eddy Simulations has been used to study the weak, neutrally stable drainage flow within tree canopies. The computational results show that a secondary velocity maximum that resembles a jet is formed within the canopy under the nocturnal flow conditions. This jet-like flow is important in the analysis and measurements of the net ecosystem-atmosphere exchange (NEE) for carbon dioxide (CO2). A uniformly distributed, plane source was placed within the canopy in order to simulate the nocturnal production of CO2. The NEE is calculated as the sum of the integration of the rate of change of the concentration of CO2 over the computational domain, the vertical turbulent flux measured directly by eddy-covariance (EC) method, and the advection terms, which are not taken into account in the EC method. Numerical results of the velocity and concentration fields, within and above the canopy, are presented and their impact on the CO2 transport is investigated in detail. The computational results show that 15–20% of NEE is drained out by the advection process under the canopy. The results also show that the turbulent fluctuations in the lateral direction are also significant and may result in 2–5% CO2 transport.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - In this article we describe the details of an ABLE-LBM (Atmospheric Boundary Layer Environment-Lattice Boltzmann Model) validation study for urban building array...  相似文献   

A series of Large Eddy Simulations (LES) are performed to investigate the penetration of starting buoyant jets. The LES code is first validated by comparing simulation results with existing experimental data for both steady and starting pure jets and lazy plumes. The centerline decay and the growth rate of the velocity and concentration fields for steady jets and plumes, as well as the simulated transient penetration rate of a starting pure jet and a starting lazy plume, are found to compare well with the experiments. After validation, the LES code is used to study the penetration of starting buoyant jets with three different Reynolds numbers from 2000 to 3000, and with a wide range of buoyancy fluxes from pure jets to lazy plumes. The penetration rate is found to increase with an increasing buoyancy flux. It is also observed that, in the initial Period of Flow Development, the two penetrative mechanisms driven by the initial buoyancy and momentum fluxes are uncoupled; therefore the total penetration rate can be resolved as the linear addition of these two effects. A fitting equation is proposed to predict the penetration rate by combining the two independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The results of large-eddy simulations of flow and transient solute transport over a backward facing step and through a 180° bend are presented. The simulations are validated successfully in terms of hydrodynamics and tracer transport with experimental velocity data and measured residence time distribution curves confirming the accuracy of the method. The hydrodynamics are characterised by flow separation and subsequent recirculation in vertical and horizontal directions and the solute dispersion process is a direct response to the significant unsteadiness and turbulence in the flow. The turbulence in the system is analysed and quantified in terms of power density spectra and covariance of velocity fluctuations. The injection of an instantaneous passive tracer and its dispersion through the system is simulated. Large-eddy simulations enable the resolution of the instantaneous flow field and it is demonstrated that the instabilities of intermittent large-scale structures play a distinguished role in the solute transport. The advection and diffusion of the scalar is governed by the severe unsteadiness of the flow and this is visualised and quantified. The analysis of the scalar mass transport budget quantifies the mechanisms controlling the turbulent mixing and reveals that the mass flux is dominated by advection.  相似文献   

Although transverse mixing is a significant process in river engineering when dealing with the discharge of pollutants from point sources or the mixing of tributary inflows, no theoretical basis exists for the prediction of its rate, which is indeed based upon the results of experimental works carried on in laboratory channels or in streams and rivers. The paper presents the preliminary results of a numerical study undertaken to simulate the transverse mixing of a steady-state point source of a tracer in a two-dimensional rectangular geometry, which is expected to reproduce a shallow flow. This geometry is that of Lau and Krishnappan (J Hydraul Div 13(HY10):1173–1189, 1977), who collected turbulent mixing data for a shallow flow. In the numerical study an approach based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations was applied, where the closure problem was solved by using turbulent viscosity concept. Particularly, the classical two-equations k–? model was used. Two methods were applied to the model results to evaluate the turbulent transverse mixing coefficient. The effect on transverse mixing of a grid located upstream the tracer source was also studied. Numerical results were generally higher than the experimental data. This overestimation could be explained considering the hypothesis of isotropic turbulence underlying the k–? model, which can lead to large turbulent viscosities and rate of mixing. However, RANS-based results may still be considered acceptable also providing the large uncertainties associated with literature predictive equations.  相似文献   

A mechanism of formation of small-scale inhomogeneities in spatial distributions of aerosols and droplets associated with clustering instability in the atmospheric turbulent flow is discussed. The particle clustering is a consequence of a spontaneous breakdown of their homogeneous space distribution due to the clustering instability, and is caused by a combined effect of the particle inertia and a finite correlation time of the turbulent velocity field. In this paper a theoretical approach proposed in Elperin et al. (2002) Phys Rev E 66:036302 is further developed and applied to investigate the mechanisms of formation of small-scale aerosol inhomogeneities in the atmospheric turbulent flow. The theory of the particle clustering instability is extended to the case when the particle Stokes time is larger than the Kolmogorov time scale, but is much smaller than the correlation time at the integral scale of turbulence. We determined the criterion of the clustering instability for the Stokes number larger than 1. We discussed applications of the analyzed effects to the dynamics of aerosols and droplets in the atmospheric turbulent flow.  相似文献   

基于归一化建筑指数的北京市城市热岛效应分布特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以北京市为研究区域,以Landsat TM影像为基础数据,定量反演亮度温度(Tb),提取归一化建筑指数(NDBI),并利用RS和GIS技术在东北.西南和西北.东南方向构建多个特征剖面,探讨Tb与NDBI的关系在空间上的分布规律.结果表明:(1)Tb和NDBI存在明显的正相关关系.(2)剖面上Tb与NDBI相关性的显著程度呈现由中心剖面向边缘剖面递减的格局.(3)剖面上Tb与NDBI相关性的显著程度受下垫面土地利用结构的复杂程度影响,土地利用结构越复杂,特征剖面上Tb与NDBI的相关性越显著.研究结果较好地揭示了建筑与温度相关性的空间分布规律,可为北京市未来的城市、绿地等规划提供一定科学依据.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - In this paper, the linear stability of sand waves sheared by a turbulent flow is analyzed. The velocity distribution in the streamwise direction is considered to...  相似文献   

In this work we address the role of turbulence on mixing of clear layer of fluid with sediment-laden layer of fluid at a sediment concentration interface. This process can be conceived as the entrainment of sediment-free fluid into the sediment-laden layer, or alternatively, as the transport of sediment into the top sediment-free flow. This process is governed by four parameters—Reynolds number of the flow \(Re_\tau\), non-dimensional settling velocity of the sediment (proxy for sediment size) \(\tilde{V}\), Richardson number \(Ri_\tau\) and Schmidt number Sc. For this work we have performed direct numerical simulations for fixed Reynolds and Schmidt numbers while varying the values of Richardson number and particle settling velocity. In the simple model considered here, the flow’s momentum and turbulence pre-exists over the entire layer of fluid, while the sediment is initially confined to a layer close to the bed. Mixing of sediment-free fluid with the sediment-laden layer is associated primarily with upward transport of sediment and buoyancy. There is no simultaneous upward transport of fluid momentum and turbulence into the sediment-free fluid layer, which is already in motion and turbulent. The analysis performed shows that the ability of the flow to transport a given sediment size decreases with the distance from the bottom, and thus only fine enough sediment particles are transported across the sediment concentration interface. For these cases, the concentration profiles evolve to a final steady state in good agreement with the well-known Rouse profile. The approach towards the Rouse profile happens through a transient self-similar state. This behavior of the flow is not seen for larger particles. Detailed analysis of the three dimensional structure of the sediment concentration interface shows the mechanisms by which sediment particles are lifted up by tongues of sediment-laden fluid with positive correlation between vertical velocity and sediment concentration. Finally, the mixing ability of the flow is addressed by monitoring the time evolution of the center of mass of the sediment-laden layer and the vertical location of the sediment-free/sediment-laden interface.  相似文献   

基于景观生态学的广州城镇建设用地扩张模式分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在遥感和GIS技术支持下,提取了广州市老八区(以2000年行政区划为准)1978—2005年四个时段的建设用地面积,结合景观指数,从建设用地变化的数量、速度和时空扩张模式几个方面探讨了1978—2005年间三个不同阶段的城市扩张规律。结果表明:(1)广州市建设用地快速扩张,在1978—2005年期间,总面积增加了47158.94,其中1978—1990、1990—2000、2000—2005三个时期的建设用地年扩张速度一直呈上升趋势,分别为:1395.42hm2·a-1、1699.92hm2·a-1、2682.93hm2·a-1。(2)三种扩展类型中,蔓延式扩张是广州市建设用地扩张的主要类型,各时期所占扩展总面积的比例分别为:71.2%、60.5%、47.7%,呈下降的趋势;与此相反的是填充式扩张,随着城市化的发展呈上升趋势,所占比例分别为:9.3%、31.7%、46.4%;跳跃式扩张仅在第一时段较高为19.7%,而后两个时段较低,分别为7.8%和5.9%。通过研究为城市模式研究提供了详细且准确的数据,为寻求优良扩张模式奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - This paper aims at addressing issues related to the misrepresentation of the turbulent stratified flow for sand wave simulation using the continuum coupled flow and...  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Analytical solutions are developed for the flow induced by a vertically distributed turbulent plume in an otherwise quiescent uniform environment. The plume...  相似文献   

The coherent turbulent flow around a single circular bridge pier and its effects on the bed scouring pattern is investigated in this study. The coherent turbulent flow and associated shear stresses play a major role in sediment entrainment from the bed particularly around a bridge pier where complex vortex structures exist. The conventional two-dimensional quadrant analysis of the bursting process is unable to define sediment entrainment, particularly where fully three-dimensional flow structures exist. In this paper, three-dimensional octant analysis was used to improve understanding of the role of bursting events in the process of particle entrainment. In this study, the three-dimensional velocity of flow was measured at 102 points near the bed of an open channel using an Acoustic Doppler Velocity meter (Micro-ADV). The pattern of bed scouring was measured during the experiment. The velocity data were analysed using the Markov process to investigate the sequential occurrence of bursting events and to determine the transition probability of the bursting events. The results showed that external sweep and internal ejection events were an effective mechanism for sediment entrainment around a single circular bridge pier. The results are useful in understanding scour patterns around bridge piers.  相似文献   

Predicting flow and mass transport in vegetated regions has a broad range of applications in ecology and engineering practice. This paper presents large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent flow and scalar transport within a fully developed open-channel with submerged vegetation. To properly represent the scalar transport, an additional diffusivity was introduced within the canopy to account for the contribution of stem wakes, which were not resolved by the LES, to turbulent diffusion. The LES produced good agreement with the velocity and concentration fields measured in a flume experiment. The simulation revealed a secondary flow distributed symmetrically about the channel centerline, which differed significantly from the circulation in a bare channel. The secondary circulation accelerated the vertical spread of the plume both within and above the canopy layer. Quadrant analysis was used to identify the form and shape of canopy-scale turbulent structures within and above the vegetation canopy. Within the canopy, sweep events contributed more to momentum transfer than ejection events, whereas the opposite occurred above the canopy. The coherent structures were similar to those observed in terrestrial canopies, but smaller in scale due to the constraint of the water surface.  相似文献   

Noxious atmospheric releases may originate from both accidents and malicious activities. They are a major concern for public authorities or first responders who may wish to have the most accurate situational awareness. Nonetheless, it is difficult to reliably and accurately model the flow, transport, and dispersion processes in large complex built-up environments in a limited amount of time and resources compatible with operational needs. The parallel version of Micro-SWIFT-SPRAY (PMSS) is an attempt to propose a physically sound and fast response modelling system applicable to complicated industrial or urban sites in case of a hazardous release. This paper presents and justifies the choice of the diagnostic flow and Lagrangian dispersion models in PMSS. Then, it documents in detail the development of the parallel algorithms used to reduce the computational time of the models. Finally, the paper emphasizes the preliminary model validation and parallel performances of PMSS based on data from both wind tunnel (Evaluation of Model Uncertainty) and in-field reduced-scale (Mock Urban Setting Test) and real-scale (Oklahoma City) experimental campaigns.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Results of large-eddy simulations of stably stratified atmospheric flow around an isolated, complex-shaped tall building are presented. The study focuses on the...  相似文献   

Wind-driven rain (WDR) is responsible for many potential negative effects on bridges, such as structural cracking, aggregate erosion, steel corrosion and storm water management problems and so on. Hence, accurate evaluations of the WDR effects on bridges are essential to provide solutions for preventing material degradation and improving durability capability of bridges. However, in most previous WDR numerical studies, the turbulent dispersion of raindrops was neglected. In this paper, the turbulent dispersion is integrated into Eulerian multiphase model to investigate the WDR effects on a bridge with rectangular cross-section. Especially, the influences of the turbulent dispersion are discussed in detail by comparing the WDR simulation results for the cases with and without consideration of the turbulent dispersion in terms of WDR flow fields, volume fraction, specific catch ratio, catch ratio, rain loads and aerostatic force coefficients. The results indicate that the turbulent dispersion for a certain range of raindrop size is needed to be taken into account for obtaining accurate WDR simulation results for bridges.  相似文献   

The relationships between various normalized higher-order concentration moments in plumes dispersing in a built-up (urban) environment have been investigated using a large concentration data set obtained in a boundary-layer water channel. This data set consists of measurements of plume dispersion in a number of idealized obstacle arrays (e.g., cubical and non-cubical obstacles in aligned and staggered arrangements with uniform, random and alternating heights). A remarkably robust feature of all the concentration data was the observed collapse of the third- and fourth-order normalized concentration moments on the second-order normalized concentration moment. The data are shown to collapse to a series of universal curves (independent of the geometry of the obstacle array) and these curves were found to be identical to those observed previously for open-terrain plumes. The results imply that the probability law of concentration in a plume dispersing in either a built-up environment or open terrain has a universal form that can be specified by at most two independent parameters. The universal functions representing the relationships between the normalized concentration moments were found to be well modeled (approximated) using a two-parameter clipped-gamma probability law for the concentration. Finally, the clipped-gamma distribution was found to be in very good conformance with the measured probability distribution of concentration for plumes dispersing in a built-up environment.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of substance flow analysis (SFA) as a tool to support quantified research on urban drainage systems. Based on the principle of mass balance, a static substance flow model is established to describe and examine the routes and intensities of water, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) for a representative hypothetical city (RH city) in China, which is a devised and scaled city using statistical characteristics of urban circumstances at the national level. It is estimated that the annual flux of water, COD, TN and TP through the urban drainage system in 2010 was 55.1 million m3, 16037.3 t, 1649.5 t and 209.7 t, respectively. The effluent of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was identified as the most important pathway for pollutant emissions, which contributed approximately 60% of COD, 65% of TN and 50% of TP to receiving water. During the wastewater treatment process, 1.0 million m3, 7042.5 t, 584.2 t and 161.4 t of the four studied substances had been transmitted into sludge, meanwhile 3813.0 t of COD and 394.0 t of TN were converted and emitted to the atmosphere. Compared with the representative hypothetical city of 2000, urban population and the area of urban built districts had expanded by approximately 90% and 80% respectively during the decade, resulting in a more than threefold increase in the input of substances into the urban drainage system. Thanks to the development of urban drainage systems, the total loads of the city were maintained at a similar level.  相似文献   

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