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Kelp species show substantial intraspecific morphological variation. The annual kelp, Costaria costata (C. Agardh) Saunders, is found in the lower intertidal and subtidal regions of shores which vary in exposure from strongly wave-exposed to sheltered. Phenotypic variation was studied in this monotypic genus. Individuals of C. costata were collected from two morphologically-distinct populations (one wave-exposed and the other wave-sheltered) at Cape Beale and Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada, in May 1985. Analysis of morphological variation, using multivariate statistical techniques, indicated significant differentiation between plants from the two sites. Blade widths and thicknesses were the major discriminating variables. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of nuclear DNA with 42 anonymous probes demonstrated one polymorphism. Most of the probes are hypothesized to encode highly repeated, dispersed sequences. These repeat sequence probes comprised 80.9% of all cloned fragments. Primary sequence analysis of 1595 base pairs of small-subunit ribosomal DNA and 204 base pairs of upstream sequence (probe pCc 18) failed to show any divergence between plants from the two sites.  相似文献   

Prorocentrum lima (Ehrenberg) Dodge, one of the cosmopolitan dinoflagellates, is basically benthic and is found on the surface of macroalgae and detritus. The identification of this species requires detailed morphological observation because of its close similarity to other benthic Prorocentrum species. The purpose of this study is to detect the morphological variability of P. lima using culture clones collected from several areas to find an adequate way of subdividing the species. In this study, 33 clones of P. lima were collected from Saipan, Tahiti, Indonesia, Japan and Bermuda, and their thecal valves and periflagellar area were observed by means of light microscopy with differential interference contrast optics and scanning electron microscopy. In general cells have two centrally located pyrenoids and a posterior nucleus. The surface of both valves has many valve pores except the center. Evenly spaced marginal pores are located along the edge of the valves. P. lima samples studied herein were subdivided into four major types (ellipsoidal, general, short, and elongate ovoid) according to their shapes, length-to-width ratio and number of valve pores. The length-to-width ratios of ellipsoidal, general, short, and elongate ovoid types were 1.32, 1.33-1.43, 1.20-1.27, and 1.53-1.60 microm respectively. Also there were slight differences in the number of valve pores. The number of valve pores examined in this study ranges from 40 to 97: ellipsoidal, general, and short ovoid types range from 40 to 91, while an elongate ovoid type ranges from 80 to 97. The combination of valve shape, number of valve pores and length-to-width ratio provides useful information on the morphological variation of P. lima.  相似文献   

Variation amongst wild populations of Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link is shown to be of a continuous nature, and the species cannot be readily segregated into distinct subspecific taxa on the basis of morphological characteristics. Zoospores derived from plurilocular sporangia developed asexually into cylindrical thalli under long and short days at 16°C. The progeny of some cylindrical thalli included microthalli bearing plurilocular sporangia or unilocular sporangia. Cylindrical forms of S. lomentaria were obtained in culture from wild microthalli of two kinds, bearing either plurilocular or unilocular sporangia. The microthalli differ morphologically from the ralfsioid stages commonly known to be plethysmothalli and sporophytes of S. lomentaria, but closely resemble the microthalli derived from cultures of wild S. lomentaria.  相似文献   

Nauplii of Calanus pacificus were raised on a mixture of algae. Details of the mouth-parts, such as denticles, labial palps and lobes, setations and structure of the masticatory teeth were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Under the experimental conditions (15°C and 300 gC l-1), exponential growth coefficients for the period Nauplii II–VI were 0.179 for carbon and 0.228 for nitrogen. C:N ratios dropping from 5.1 to 4.7. Growth was isochronous, each stage lasting 1.5 days. Respiratory losses were 15 to 19.6% of body carbon daily. Nauplii raised on a given alga showed higher rates of ingestion in the presence of this food, compared to nauplii switched to other algae. Minimal threshold concentrations for feeding were found, depending on the size of the food offered and ranging from 5.8 gC I-1 for Lauderia borealis (28.7 m spherical diameter) to 47.1 gC 1-1 for Chlamydomonas sp. (11.0 m). Unlike the Copepodite I stage, Nauplii II–VI larvae were not able to ingest small cells such as Isochrysis galbana (4.3 m), or very large ones such as Ditylum brightwellii (47.5 m) at more than maintenance rations. Below the critical concentration for maximal feeding, ingestion was clearly dependent on size of the cells offered, but the size-dependent relationship was different for diatoms and non-diatoms. Filtering rates increased from a threshold concentration to a maximal rate at about 50 gC 1-1, and decreased at higher concentrations. Critical concentrations ranged from 125 gC 1-1 for L. borealis to 1000 gC 1-1 for Chlamydomonas sp. Maximal daily rations ranged between 100 and 150% of body carbon.  相似文献   

Many meiofaunal species are reported to be cosmopolitan, but due to uncertainties of identification, the affiliation of specimens from geographically distant areas to the same species-taxon is problematic. In this study, we examined morphological and molecular variation in samples of Xenotrichula intermedia Remane (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotida) from the Mediterranean Sea, the northwestern Atlantic and the northern Gulf of Mexico. Univariate analysis of 16 morphological traits was unable to detect differences among populations, except for the length of the pharynx, which was significantly shorter in the Gulf of Mexico specimens. Canonical discriminant analysis separated the Gulf of Mexico specimens from the other two populations, with pharynx length contributing about half of the total discrimination. Molecular analysis based on restriction-fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in a 710-base pair polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) produet representing roughly half of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene detected four haplotypes: one each from the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Mexico populations and two coexisting within the Atlantic population. The estimated nucleotide-sequence divergence calculated for each pairwise combination of haplotypes (based on the proportion of shared fragments) ranged from 5.3 to 11.5%. The high genetic divergence and the inability to clearly separate populations based on morphology suggest that individuals characterized by different haplotypes are genetically isolated sibling species.  相似文献   

Mixed zooplankton were collected in June and July of 1985 and 1986 from La Jolla Bay, California, USA, and experiments were conducted to determine how selected dinoflagellates affect development and survival of nauplius larvae of Calanus pacificus. We raised nauplii from eggs on nine species of dinoflagellates at concentrations generally >300 g C l-1, and compared their development and survival to controls reared using the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii or filtered seawater. Experiments were conducted for 6 d at 17°C. Development and survival rates of the nauplii fell clearly into one of two groups, depending upon the phytoplankton used as food. The first group was characterized by high development rate (0.46 to 0.84 stage d-1), and by >27% of the original cohort surviving to at least Nauplius IV or V. The five species producing this result were Gymnodinium simplex, G. splendens, Exuviaella marie-lebourae, Gyrodinium dorsum, and T. weissflogii. The second group was characterized by a development rate similar to that in filtered seawater (0.21 to 0.34 stage d-1), and by nauplii generally failing to molt past the first feeding stage (Nauplius III), often accompanied by high mortality. The five species producing this result were Gyrodinium resplendens, Ptychodiscus brevis, Glenodinium sp., Amphidinium carterae, and Gonyaulax grindleyi. Development rate and survival were not related to cell size or cell carbon, nor to shape or texture (thecate vs athecate dinoflagellates). Poor growth could be related to the absence of some important, but unidentified, nutritional factors. Alternatively, it could be caused by the presence of plant secondary metabolites which are deleterious to growth, a factor we suspect in P. brevis in particular. Prefeeding nauplii exposed to P. brevis lost neuromuscular control prior to becoming lethargic and dying; nutritional deficiencies may not explain these effects. Methods employed in this study provide useful bioassays for detecting chemical interactions between marine plants and animals. Lethal or sublethal effects of dinoflagellates on their most likely potential predators — copepods — may partially explain why they form significant blooms.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates, which comprise an important part of the phytoplankton in the neritic region of the Southern California Bight, are known to be grazed byCalanus pacificus; rates of ingestion, development and survival of nauplii are influenced by the food quality of dinoflagellates. We have examined the effects of dinoflagellate food quality on reproduction ofC. pacificus females sampled in La Jolly Bay (32°N; 117°W) between 6 April and 4 May 1988. Four sets of experiments were conducted in which copepods were fed five different species:Gymnodinium splendens, Gyrodinium resplendens., G. dorsum, Exuviella mariae lebourae andGymnodinium simplex. These species were selected on the criterion of their success in supporting the growth of nauplii in previous rearing experiments. The experimental culture concentration was maintained at 100µg C 1–1, near that of the natural seston. As indices of successful reproduction, we measured the percentage of spawning females and the number of eggs laid per female per day. Laboratory results were compared to stages of ovarian maturation of wild females. Four stages of maturation were determined using histological and microscopic observations.Gymnodinium splendens, Exuviella mariae lebourae, andG. simplex yielded clearly inferior results: few females were able to lay eggs repetitively over the first few days of confinement.Gyrodinium resplendens and, above all,G. dorsum yielded the best results. The stage of sexual maturation in situ appears to influence the rhythmicity of egg-laying events. In the presence of high-quality food, females are able to maintain high reproductive rates by sustaining the maturation of successive batches of eggs; good food quality appears to assure this secondary vitellogenesis and the rapid turnover of ovocytes.  相似文献   

Allopatric populations of Mytilus species show distinct shell morphology which may be due to genetic and/or environmental effects. Sympatric populations of Mytilus species show similar shell morphology which may be due to hybridization eroding morphological differences and/or the influence of common environmental conditions. The present study examined shell morphology and shell shape from 16 sites in eastern Newfoundland where M. edulis L. and M. trossulus Gould coexist in common environments with limited hybridization. Shell morphology was based on measurements of eight characters, and shell shape was quantified by elliptic Fourier analysis of shell outlines. Significant differences were observed between species for both shell morphology and shell shape across 16 sites sampled. The relatively small differences in morphology and shape between the species were probably due to exposure to common environments rather than hybridization. Shell shape for M. edulis was more eccentric compared to M. trossulus which was more elongated. Shell shape analysis of a range of size classes at one site showed a change from an eccentric to an elongated shape going from the smaller to the larger size classes. Both species showed a similar trend, with the larger M. edulis more eccentric and the larger M. trossulus more elongated. Received: 17 July 1998 / Accepted: 6 January 1999  相似文献   

Geographic populations of the anemonefish Amphiprion clarkii (Bennett) from 6 widely separated locations off the coast of southern Japan are morphologically different, exhibiting (1) latitudinal clinal patterns in color pattern and meristics and (2) degrees of genetic differentiation. Electrophoretic examination of 7 polymorphic loci (95% level) among 6 populations collected between July 1979 and January 1980 revealed an average genetic distance value of 0.008. Significance was demonstrated for 39 out of 105 (37%) tests of heterogeneity. Averaged over the 6 populations, the percentage of polymorphic loci ( 0.95) was 24.6% and the proportion of heterozygous loci per individual ( ) was 0.0613. The results indicate that genetic clines are absent and suggest that the morphological variation may not be genetic. Relative isolation of genetic populations may be maintained by (1) localized larval dispersal resulting from a relatively short larval stage, and (2) current gyres tending to trap larvae, increasing the return of juveniles to their adult coastal habitat. Morphological clines may be due to clines in ecological parameters related to latitude.Contribution No. 39 of the Tatsuo Tanaka Memorial Biological Station  相似文献   

Neighbor–stranger discrimination (NSD) occurs when animals respond with more aggression to strangers than to territorial neighbors. NSD has been reported in many species that defend multi-purpose territories for breeding and foraging, but it is rare among species that defend other types of territories. For birds that defend only their nest sites, there is no experimental evidence for NSD, and observational studies have provided mixed results. In a colony of Audubon's shearwaters (Puffinus l. lherminieri), I played back the calls of a neighbor and a stranger to males defending nest sites. Subjects responded with longer calls to playbacks of strangers than to those of neighbors. In shearwater colonies, strangers are often birds looking for future breeding sites. In contrast, there is no evidence that established breeders compete with their neighbors for any resources. Shearwaters should benefit from NSD because strangers represent a “real enemy” and established neighbors do not.  相似文献   

As the human activity footprint grows, land-use decisions play an increasing role in determining the future of plant and animal species. Studies have shown that urban and agricultural development cannot only harm species populations directly through habitat destruction, but also by destroying the corridors that connect habitat patches and populations within a metapopulation. Without these pathways, populations can encounter inbreeding depression and degeneration, which can increase death rates and lower rates of reproduction. This article describes the development and application of the FRAGGLE model, a spatial system dynamics model designed to calculate connectivity indices among populations. FRAGGLE can help planners and managers identify the relative contribution of populations associated with habitat patches to future populations in those patches, taking into account the importance of interstitial land to migration success. The model is applied to the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), a threatened species whose southeastern U.S. distribution has diminished significantly within its native range due to agricultural and urban development over the last several decades. This model is parameterized with life history and movement traits of the gopher tortoise in order to simulate population demographics and spatial distribution within an area in west-central Georgia that supports a significant tortoise population. The implications of this simulation modeling effort are demonstrated using simple landscape representations and a hypothetical on land-use management scenario. Our findings show that development resulting in even limited habitat losses (10%) may lead to significant increases in fragmentation as measured by a loss in the rate of dispersions (31%) among area subpopulations.  相似文献   

The amphioxi Branchiostoma belcheri, Branchiostoma japonicum and Branchiostoma malayanum are recorded from the coast of China Seas. Six amphioxus populations comprising three Branchiostoma species collected from Hong Kong (southern China), Xiamen (south-eastern China) and Qingdao (northern China) were compared at the morphological and molecular levels. Phylogenetic separations among the species and geographic populations were evaluated by the analysis of 12S ribosomal RNA gene sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. From morphological characters, B. belcheri is more closely related to B. japonicum than to B. malayanum. However, phylogenetic affinities indicated by both 12S rRNA gene sequences and AFLP analysis showed a more recent phylogenetic splitting of B. belcheri and B. malayanum than that of B. belcheri and B. japonicum. In the AFLP similarity tree, geographic populations of B. japonicum were clustered into different clades. The AFLP data also showed that both B. belcheri and B. japonicum populations in Hong Kong have the highest levels of within-population genetic diversity as compared to that in Xiamen and Qingdao, suggesting that genetic diversity of Branchiostoma decreases from low to high latitudes. Results of hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) also revealed a high level of genetic diversity either for the three B. japonicum populations or the two B. belcheri populations in China Seas. However, genetic variation among the three B. japonicum populations was insignificant, indicating that these populations are genetically connected.  相似文献   

Geomorphologic information, topographic maps (dated 1967), aerial photographs (dated 1999 and 2008), and spatial analysis procedures were used to investigate a 90 km long coastal sector in South Sicily (Italy). Information was obtained on coastal erosion/accretion areas, general sediment circulation pattern and littoral cell distribution. Human-made structures and natural headlands constituted important artificial limits dividing littoral in morphological cells. Ports and harbours were observed at Scoglitti, Punta Secca, Marina di Ragusa, Donnalucata and Pozzallo. Most of them worked as “transit” limits which interrupted predominant, eastward directed sedimentary transport, this way generating accretion in updrift (west) side of mentioned structures and erosion in downdrift (east) side. During the 1967–2008 period, about 62,000 m2 and 42,000 m2 of beach surface were respectively formed updrift of Scoglitti and Donnalucata ports. The construction of Pozzallo port gave rise to the formation of a “convergent” limit which favoured large accretion (94,000 m2) east of port structure. Most important natural structures were observed at Punta Zafaglione, P. Braccetto and Cava d’Aliga. The knowledge of littoral cell distribution acquires a great importance for appropriate management of coastal erosion processes which may be mitigated installing by-passing systems in ports and harbours and carrying out nourishment works in eroding areas, often located downdrift of ports and harbours (when these structures work as transit limits) and in central part of littoral cells (when these structures work as convergent limits).  相似文献   

Closely interacting groups, such as hosts and parasites, sometimes provide useful models to study evolution and adaptive processes. In Ovulidae, a widespread family of specialised browsing carnivorous molluscs that feed on polyps and tissues of Anthozoa, close association with the host has produced a plethora of adaptations affecting shell morphology, colour pattern and mantle shape. These morphological characters have been widely used in ovulid taxonomy, although putative differences are often based on trivial and inconsistent variations. In this work we used a molecular approach to generate the basal phylogeny of the family. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequences of 32 species from 23 genera reveal unexpected taxonomic groupings from the genus up to the family level, as well as unexpected phenomena of homoplasy in conchological features. Since molecular phylogenies also provide an evolutionary framework where character transformations are polarised, we used this basal ovulid phylogeny to explore the specificity of the association and the degree of morphological adaptation to the host.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-005-1566-0.Communicated by R. Cattaneo-Vietti, Genova  相似文献   

Sequence variation in the mitochondrial control region was studied in the Mediterranean rainbow wrasse (Coris julis), a species with pronounced pelagic larval phase inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent coastal eastern Atlantic Ocean. A total of 309 specimens from 19 sampling sites were analysed with the aim of elucidating patterns of molecular variation between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean as well as within the Mediterranean Sea. Phylogeographic analyses revealed a pronounced structuring into a Mediterranean and an Atlantic group. Samples from a site at the Moroccan Mediterranean coast in the Alboran Sea showed intermediate frequencies of “Mediterranean” and “Atlantic” haplotypes. We recognised a departure from molecular neutrality and a star-like genealogy for samples from the Mediterranean Sea, which we propose to have happened due to a recent demographic expansion. The results are discussed in the light of previous studies on molecular variation in fish species between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean and within the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Post-copulatory sexual selection (PCSS) is thought to be one of the evolutionary forces responsible for the rapid and divergent evolution of sperm design. However, whereas in some taxa particular sperm traits are positively associated with PCSS, in other taxa, these relationships are negative, and the causes of these different patterns across taxa are poorly understood. In a comparative study using New World blackbirds (Icteridae), we tested whether sperm design was influenced by the level of PCSS and found significant positive associations with the level of PCSS for all sperm components but head length. Additionally, whereas the absolute length of sperm components increased, their variation declined with the intensity of PCSS, indicating stabilising selection around an optimal sperm design. Given the diversity of, and strong selection on, sperm design, it seems likely that sperm phenotype may influence sperm velocity within species. However, in contrast to other recent studies of passerine birds, but consistent with several other studies, we found no significant link between sperm design and velocity, using four different species that vary both in sperm design and PCSS. Potential reasons for this discrepancy between studies are discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Coral bleaching has become a major problem on reefs around the world in recent decades. It is believed that mean temperature alone is the primary force driving this ecological phenomenon. We propose that variance in temperature in the short term is just as important as the mean. Thirty years of daily sea surface temperature (SST) data have been collected by the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Marine Laboratory in La Parguera, PR. These data were collated and analyzed initially (by Amos Winter) for their relationship to coral bleaching in this area. We found that the data fell into three categories: high mean temperatures associated with severe bleaching, cooler mean temperatures associated with no bleaching, and years of high SSTs but with no coral bleaching. Here, we examined the relationship between mean temperature during those months in which bleaching occurred, temperature variance (as measured by standard deviation), and coefficient of variation (CV; i.e., SD standardized by the mean). We also derived a critical threshold temperature and level of resolution in time for calculating these statistics to clearly describe the circumstances of bleaching versus non-bleaching events, particularly at marginal bleaching temperatures. These characteristics were compared for the four warmest months of the year (July–October) for four warm bleaching years (1969, 1987, 1990, and 1995), four cool non-bleaching years (1984, 1985, 1986, and 1988), and two warm non-bleaching years (1994 and 2000). No relationship was found between the mean SST and SD in terms of predicting bleaching. The two primary statistics which, in concert, did indicate bleaching, however, were the short-term, biweekly mean temperature and its the associated CV. Bleaching occurs in association with both high temperatures and a high CV. The CV becomes a critical determinant of bleaching only when temperatures are ∼29.1–29.8°C. The warm, non-bleaching years were generally characterized by a CV of < 1.9 and a temperature range between 28.5 and 29.9°C. We conclude that increased mean SSTs alone are not sufficient to induce coral bleaching; a high variance in SST at marginal, lower bleaching temperatures can induce bleaching, and likewise, a low variance of such will not induce bleaching. This variance is most clearly described by the CV.  相似文献   

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