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介绍了炉内喷钙炉后活化(LIFAC)脱硫工艺产生的脱硫副产品的组成和理化特性,阐述了其综合利用途径的研究成果。  相似文献   

炉内喷钙炉后活化脱硫工艺对电除尘器性能的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
针对炉内喷钙炉后活化(LIFAC)脱硫工艺的特点,研究了烟气和烟尘物理化学特性的变化,及其对电除尘器(ESP)可能产生的影响,提出了ESP的设计要求,并进行了实例分析。  相似文献   

下关电厂炉内喷钙炉后活化烟气脱硫工程评述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论述下关电厂 2× 12 5MW机组炉内喷钙炉后活化脱硫工程的工艺原理 ,吸收剂制备、炉内喷钙、炉后活化增湿等系统的主要设备 ,运行中存在的问题及改进措施 ,工艺特点及应用前景。并对该工艺的完善和提高进行了探讨  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Malaysia is one of the Asian countries which are prone to disaster: flooding is one of the natural disasters that are becoming more common in...  相似文献   

The concept ‘waste' was assessed, and redefined as ‘an emerged quality of a substance'. A substance or object is qualified a waste when it is not used to its full potential'. Under this paradigm, any process can be used for the transformation of waste to remove this quality label, and the necessity of a systemic approach to the resource and waste management becomes obvious. Any substance, labelled waste or resource, is part of at least one material cycle. Material cycle modelling provides a convenient method of abstraction to present the system alternatives to decision-makers and emphasises the interdependence between the availability and fate of all atomic elements in primary production and waste management. The rearrangement and closing of material cycles, for example, opens the way to eliminate landfills of harmful residues and contributes to the conservation of resources. While the adoption of the new paradigm may lead to dramatic technological development, the consideration, appreciation and adoption of such integrated resource and waste systems by decision-makers must be adequately supported by the apt supply of accessible information on system structure, technology options and effects. To determine the scope of the decision support tool, four images of 2030's waste infrastructure were constructed. Public awareness and attitude were identified as the main parameters that determine the future context, apart from technological development, resource scarcity and final abatement of waste processing residues.  相似文献   

Development drivers for waste management.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper identifies six broad groups of drivers for development in waste management. Public health led to the emergence of formalized waste collection systems in the nineteenth century, and remains a key driver in developing countries. Environmental protection came to the forefront in the 1970s, with an initial focus on eliminating uncontrolled disposal, followed by the systematic increasing of technical standards. Today, developing countries seem still to be struggling with these first steps; while climate change is also emerging as a key driver. The resource value of waste, which allows people to make a living from discarded materials, was an important driver historically, and remains so in developing countries today. A current trend in developed countries is closing the loop, moving from the concept of 'end-of-pipe' waste management towards a more holistic resource management. Two underpinning groups of drivers are institutional and responsibility issues, and public awareness. There is no, one single driver for development in waste management: the balance between these six groups of drivers has varied over time, and will vary between countries depending on local circumstances, and between stakeholders depending on their perspective. The next appropriate steps towards developing a sustainable, integrated waste management system will also vary in each local situation.  相似文献   

Because of the tremendous task of designing, testing, building and maintaining the waste systems for Space Station Freedom, different methods of managing these systems are now being developed. This paper summarizes some of those methods. The first task for the design engineer is to develop systems and hardware to handle waste in the special conditions of the space station. Different closed and open loop systems, along with the development of new hardware in these loops, are being tested to meet this task. Some of the new hardware to be discussed are water and air monitors, hazardous material handling, and plumbing hardware such as commodes, showers and clothes washers. The second task is to develop methods to manage the process of developing these systems. Some of the areas to manage are testing information, materials, facilities, people, budgets, time, safety, legal responsibilities and testing standards. The last task is to incorporate the new technologies for other areas besides space stations. Other areas would include long-duration space missions, lunar stations and other non-space applications.  相似文献   

Incinerator bottom ash (BA) is produced in large amount worldwide and in Italy, where 5.1 millions tons of municipal solid residues have been incinerated in 2010, corresponding to 1.2–1.5 millions tons of produced bottom ash. This residue has been used in the present study for producing dense geopolymers containing high percentage (50–70 wt%) of ash. The amount of potentially reactive aluminosilicate fraction in the ash has been determined by means of test in NaOH. The final properties of geopolymers prepared with or without taking into account this reactive fraction have been compared. The results showed that due to the presence of both amorphous and crystalline fractions with a different degree of reactivity, the incinerator BA geopolymers exhibit significant differences in terms of Si/Al ratio and microstructure when reactive fraction is considered.  相似文献   

Stakeholder approaches have been applied to the management of companies with a view to the improvement of all areas of performance, including economic, health and safety, waste reduction, future policies, etc. However no agreement exists regarding stakeholders, their interests and levels of importance. This paper considers stakeholder analysis with particular reference to environmental and waste management systems. It proposes a template and matrix model for identification of stakeholder roles and influences by rating the stakeholders. A case study demonstrates the use of these and their ability to be transferred to other circumstances and organizations is illustrated by using a large educational institution.  相似文献   

Advanced ash management technologies for CFBC ash   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The combustion of high-sulphur coal demands the reduction of sulphur emissions. The sorbent most often used in sulphur capture technology is calcium-based. Ashes from technologies such as circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC), therefore, contain high calcium levels. The use and disposal of these ashes poses challenges, because of highly exothermic reactions with water, high-pH leachates, and excessive expansion of solidified materials. This paper looks at the potential of two post-combustion ash treatment processes, CERCHAR hydration and AWDS disposal, in solving these challenges. A high-sulphur coal-derived CFBC ash is examined, after CERCHAR hydration treatment, in conjunction with a conventionally hydrated ash, in a range of chemical, geotechnical and utilization scenarios. The ashes are used to make no-cement and roller-compacted concrete as well as Ash Water Dense Suspensions (AWDS). The solidified mortar paste from no-cement concrete is subjected to an extensive geochemical examination to determine how solidification progresses and strength develops, from a chemical point of view.  相似文献   

Based on a review of hundreds of environmental restoration program optimization reviews, this article describes management tools found in successful and efficient remediation programs. Projects that consistently struggled to achieve their objectives were observed to be missing certain, or to have inadequately used, these tools. The tools are articulated as best practices because when they are present and actively used, project shortcomings were minimal. Priority objectives for site owners and project managers include improving efficiency and effectiveness through performance management, reducing resource usage and energy consumption, ensuring protectiveness, and reducing uncertainty in management decision making. Restoring environmental resources damaged by historic waste management practices began in earnest in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the broad recognition of the problems caused by environmental discharges and spills when wastes are not managed appropriately. Under new regulations, soil and groundwater remediation projects could be, and were, conducted within a defined framework. The number and variety of restoration projects that were launched resulted in a slew of projects progressing through the stages of characterization, decision, and cleanup, and more were added to the cleanup process each year. In the 1990s, the Department of Defense noted that many cleanup efforts were projected to incur substantial operational, maintenance, and monitoring costs for decades into the future. This was correctly perceived as an opportunity to optimize those systems and programs, minimize costs, and reduce health and environmental risks. The best practices outlined in this article address management tools that were identified in optimization efforts that led to effective and efficient environmental remediation projects. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A system dynamics approach for hospital waste management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Healthcare services provided by hospitals may generate some infectious wastes. Although a large percentage of hospital waste is classified as general waste, which has similar nature as that of municipal solid waste and, therefore, could be disposed in municipal landfills, a small portion of infectious waste has to be managed in the proper manner in order to minimize risk to public health. Many factors involved in the hospital waste management system often link to one another, which require a comprehensive analysis to determine the role of each factor in the system. In this paper, we present a hospital waste management model based on system dynamics to determine the interaction among factors in the system using a software package, Stella. A case study of the City of Jakarta, Indonesia is selected. The hospital waste generation is affected by various factors including the number of beds in the hospitals and the NIMBY (not in my back yard) syndrome. To minimize the risk to public health, we found that waste segregation, as well as infectious waste treatment prior to disposal, has to be conducted properly by the hospital management, especially when scavenging takes place in landfill sites in developing countries.  相似文献   

Although the 2Rs (reduce and reuse) are considered high-priority approaches, there has not been enough quantitative research on effective 2R management. The purpose of this paper is to provide information obtained through the International Workshop in Kyoto, Japan, on 11–13 November 2015, which included invited experts and researchers in several countries who were in charge of 3R policies, and an additional review of 245 previous studies. It was found that, regarding policy development, the decoupling between environmental pressures and economy growth was recognized as an essential step towards a sustainable society. 3R and resource management policies, including waste prevention, will play a crucial role. Approaches using material/substance flow analyses have become sophisticated enough to describe the fate of resources and/or hazardous substances based on human activity and the environment, including the final sink. Life-cycle assessment has also been developed to evaluate waste prevention activities. Regarding target products for waste prevention, food loss is one of the waste fractions with the highest priority because its countermeasures have significant upstream and downstream effects. Persistent organic pollutants and hazardous compounds should also be taken into account in the situation where recycling activities are globally widespread for the promotion of a material-cycling society.  相似文献   

This paper discusses actions aimed at sustainable management of healthcare wastes (HCW) in China, taking into account the current national situation in this field, as well as the requirements deriving from the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and the WHO recommendations. By the end of 2005, there were 149 low-standard HCW disposal facilities in operation in China, distributed throughout different areas. According to the National Hazardous Waste and Healthcare Waste Disposal Facility Construction Plan, 331 modern, high-standard, centralized facilities will be built up in China in municipal level cities. Although incineration is still the main technical option for HCW disposal in China, it is expected that, especially for medium and small size facilities, non-incineration technologies will develop quickly and will soon become the main technical option. The basic management needs – both from the point of view of pollution control and final disposal – have been defined, and a system of technical and environmental standards has been formulated and implemented; however, there are still some shortages. This is particularly true when considering the best available techniques and best environmental practices developed under the Stockholm Convention, with which the present technological and managing situations are not completely compliant. In this framework, the lifecycle (from generation to final disposal of wastes) of HCW and holistic approaches (technology verification, facilities operation, environmental supervision, environmental monitoring, training system, financial mechanism, etc.) towards HCW management are the most important criteria for the sustainable and reliable management of HCW in China.  相似文献   

Flexible and robust strategies for waste management in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Treatment of solid waste continues to be on the political agenda. Waste disposal issues are often viewed from an environmental perspective, but economic and social aspects also need to be considered when deciding on waste strategies and policy instruments. The aim of this paper is to suggest flexible and robust strategies for waste management in Sweden, and to discuss different policy instruments. Emphasis is on environmental aspects, but social and economic aspects are also considered. The results show that most waste treatment methods have a role to play in a robust and flexible integrated waste management system, and that the waste hierarchy is valid as a rule of thumb from an environmental perspective. A review of social aspects shows that there is a general willingness among people to source separate wastes. A package of policy instruments can include landfill tax, an incineration tax which is differentiated with respect to the content of fossil fuels and a weight based incineration tax, as well as support to the use of biogas and recycled materials.  相似文献   

The proper management of waste has several aspects: political, social, environmental, economic and technical. While the objectives of waste management policy differ little from country to country, the methods used to achieve them must be adapted to the prevailing circumstances in each. These factors include the availability of technical, economic, and human resources, and the competition that exists for them from other demands of national policy, especially in developing countries.There is no single correct method to achieve proper waste management. Nevertheless there are common needs that must be addressed by all nations that wish to manage their wastes better. These needs will include: adequate knowledge of the types of waste to be disposed of, how much there is, where it arises, who produces it, and what happens to it. It is also necessary to forecast how the present circumstances will change, and to identify appropriate methods to ensure that what should be done with waste is done. As forecasting the nature and quantity of waste that will arise in the future is difficult, an administrative mechanism is needed to ensure the regular supply of up-to-date data.In any city it is possible to equate the standard of waste management with the overall “standard of living” enjoyed by its inhabitants. Rising expectations of environmental improvement mean that disposal facilities must be appropriately designed, engineered and managed. They must also be planned for the future. The preparation of a thorough and effective plan is a lengthy task if done manually, and the discussion introduces the benefits that can be obtained from the use of computer models to assist, but not replace, human involvement in the preparation of a plan. Brief reference will be made to waste management models already used by waste managers to produce and update plans.  相似文献   

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