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实现传统经济向生态经济的转变   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
李艳霞  肖辉林 《生态环境》2004,13(1):119-123
认为生态环境危机的出现,归根结蒂,在于人类社会的价值观存在着重大的错误以及由此而采取的经济发展模式存在着重大的错误;要缓解生态环境危机,人类社会必须改变价值观,改变经济发展模式,实现传统经济向生态经济的转变,走可持续发展的道路;为了实现这种转变,人类在经济活动中,必须遵循生态经济规律,建立企业生态经济管理模式,合理利用资源,优化产业结构,重视经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的协调和统一。文章还认为,为了实现这种转变,从联合国到个人,各国政府、各种组织、各行各业,都必须行动起来,参与生态经济建设。最后提出和讨论了生态经济学今后应该加强研究的几个问题。  相似文献   

欧洲塑料制造商协会开展资源优化,提高废塑料回收率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1992年,欧洲塑料制造商协会(APME)开始实施一项战略,以协调塑料工业在实现资源优化总体目标方面的行动.其方法的基础是在产品设计、生产和使用中尽可能少使用资源,同时最大限度地回收废物.塑料工业为实现其目标而采取的战略包括使用各种技术,例如材料削减与重复利用,废物的合理机械再循环以回收材料价值,和开展原料再循环并通过清洁受控燃烧回收能源.该协会相信,资源管理和废物预防应基于对一系列废物回收方案的选择,每种技术的应用要使它能提供最大环境效益.这是确保考虑各种具体情况并能达到最大回收率的唯一途径.  相似文献   

从历史发展进程的角度分析了劳资关系及其变化问题,并重点探讨劳动与资本之间分配关系的动态变化.“资本雇佣劳动”这种制度安排有其历史发展过程中的“路径依赖”特征,各种不同经济与法律环境对其形成与存在提供基础,而今后经济发展的复杂化将对传统的劳资关系产生重要的影响.劳资之间分配关系是劳资关系中最为重要而根本性的体现,劳资关系的变迁对于其分配关系也将产生影响,使劳资之间的分配模式从传统的“以物质资本为中心”的分配模式向新型的“以人力资本为中心”的分配模式转化.  相似文献   

在世界的许多地区,竹子的栽培技术已经非常成熟.它的种类繁多用途广泛,早有详细记载.已经被确认的大约有1250种竹子、1500种传统用途.主要的使用者是农村的穷人,大概正是由于这个原因,竹子主要是被更大些的社区认可.作为一种材料资源,竹子还没有得到它应得的主流认可。  相似文献   

星湖沉积物特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以肇庆星湖为研究对象,研究了其沉积物的各种特性。研究表明:(1)星湖沉积物的矿相(晶体物)主要为石英、伊利石、长石、绿泥石等;(2)沉积物中的TP、TN含量,基本随湖水交换和季节变化而变化,与交换量有着简单反比关系,其TP的含量在0.03%~0.06%之间,TN在0.19%~0.28%之间,内负荷较为严重;(3)沉积物的沉降存在很大的不均衡性;(4)沉积物营养物的释放受环境因子影响,其中溶解氧对N、P的释放都有较大的影响,温度对P的影响较N多一些,而保持水体中性,则有利于水体的稳定。  相似文献   

正在兴起的知识经济使社会生产及社会生活各方面发生着前所未有的深刻变革,也使高等教育面临着一系列新矛盾新问题和新挑战.传统的大学教-学关系必将发生一系列新变化,呈现出新的发展.为适应时代发展的新要求,教育观念的更新势在必然.  相似文献   

高职两年制旅游管理专业人才培养模式的研究,是为我国建设“旅游强国”而需要加速高素质创新型高技能旅游专门人才培养的需要.尽管仍存在着观念陈旧、资金投入不足、研究力量薄弱、社会知名度不高等不利因素,但只要坚持以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向、走产学研相结合之路,并采取一系列相应措施,其发展前景十分广阔.参5.  相似文献   

我们一行约25人,乘坐一条传统的印地安独木舟划出了太平洋中的温哥华岛.天色暗下来,海面上气温降到零度以下,若不是一下下地划浆,我们早就冻僵了. 暮色中依稀可以辨出掌舵的是一位北美上著人,他们更愿意被称做先住民.这会儿他正缓缓地敲着鼓点,哼着一支古老的调子.海水掠过船舷,独木舟破浪向前,显得有力而坚固;前方,几公里之外有海岛浮现在海平线上. 这可不是什么经济旅游,也不是出自电影的场景——当地村落里的一伙先住民加上我们这些约翰内斯堡矿物与能源政策中心的研究员组成了这个独特的当代印地安人探险队.我们此去…  相似文献   

中国农业可持续发展技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的高速发展,中国农业面临着环境与发展的双重挑战。为实现农业的可持续发展,必须在继承传统农业技术精华和引进现代农业新技术的基础上,运用生态经济学原理和系统工程方法,在不同层次上建立起具有中国特色的农业可持续发展技术体系。通过协调环境保护与经济发展、自然资源开发及其永续利用的关系,实现生态与经济的良性循环,达到持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

城市大气中SO2、TSP、NO2的时空变化特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以长沙市2001年大气监测数据为基础,对长沙市区大气污染现状及SO2,NO2和TSP分别与大气降水酸度之间的关系和三者的时空变化特征进行了研究.结果表明:长沙市区的大气污染现状达到警戒水平.SO2与降水酸度线性模型的回归系数为-0.5448,表明降水pH值随SO2浓度的增加而降低。TSP与降水酸度的回归模型呈二次分布,对降水pH值的作用决定于组成TSP的颗粒物粒径,而NO2对降水pH值的作用不大.长沙市区大气污染以春冬两季最为严重.SO2,NO2和TSP浓度分布以火车站最高,其次是伍家岭;作为清洁对照点的马坡岭站点的大气环境质量达到国家环境质量二级标准,NO2浓度则达到国家环境质量一级标准.  相似文献   

低成本战略是现代企业取得其产品竞争优势的基本策略之一,在全新的企业制造环境下,成本管理理念发生了深刻的变化,包括从单纯的制造成本向经济寿命周期成本转变,成本动因理念与成本动因的多样化,成本避免成为成本控制的主流方式,时间因素对成本的调和作用日益突出,成本管理全面化,成本效能分析等,对现代企业成本管理的内涵与外延运用均产生较大的冲击.在成本管理创新方面,要体现成本管理理念和导向创新,坚持成本领先策略,建立基于价值链管理的成本控制制度.在实践中,对任何成本管理的应用都要重视实质,重视培养工程成本师,善于总结具有中国特色的经验,重视期间费用的管理.参4.  相似文献   

选取重庆市主城区典型道路,实测了交通噪声昼夜、水平和垂直变化,结果表明:交通噪声昼夜等效A声级高速公路最高,主干道次之,次干道最低,交通噪声随车流量增加而增大,高峰值出现在上午8:00-10:00和17:00-20:00,最小值出现在凌晨4:00;水平方向上,随着距路沿距离的增加,噪声值逐渐减小,道路路沿45m以外可满足《声环境质量标准》(GB3096-2008)要求;垂直方向上,噪声值先增加后逐渐降低。  相似文献   

Traditionally it has been assumed by ecologists that the dispersion of positions with respect to leks of female capercaillies during the mating season is superior to the dispersion of positions of male capercaillies. However some recently published articles suggest the idea that dispersion is not sex-biased, but both sexes show a similar dispersion. This article introduces a mathematical model to approach the study of the above question by means of an indexed dispersion criterion. This model is developed in detail thus deriving its main mathematical properties. On this basis, the model is applied to the analysis of the motivating problem with real data of positions of leks and female and male capercaillies. The results derived by means of the model put into doubt the traditional assumption of a superior dispersion of females supporting the new theories, that is, both sexes show a similar dispersion.  相似文献   

Mineral activities are a potential source of environmental damage, but the traditional role of minerals and metals in material well-being of man is too easily forgotten in the rigmarole of environmental protective response especially among the inhabitants of the Industrially Developed Nations (IDN). It is imperative that the needs and interests of both the mining industry and the environmentalists converge to a common point of understanding for the continued economic development of the world.People of the Lesser Developed Countries (LDC) on the other hand, are caught in a vicious struggle of basic existence and any talk of environmental damage/protection is, therefore, extraneous to their way of life. But the modern tools of progress so eagerly sought by the LDC for the development of their resources including minerals could destroy their environment, very likely beyond repair, if their public policy objectives do not include any timely preventive measures for the protection of their environment.  相似文献   

植物耐受和解除重金属毒性研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
总结了植物细胞及分子水平对重金属耐性和解除其毒性的途径.植物通过避免增加细胞内敏感位点毒物浓度来解除重金属毒性.其途径主要有:一方面通过菌根化、细胞壁吸收及根系分泌物的螯合作用减少根系吸收重金属进入细胞质;另一方面通过体内调节机制解除重金属毒性和提高耐性,主要通过一系列膜蛋白对进入细胞质内的重金属排出细胞质外、隔离于液泡中,或将重金属转变为无毒性形态挥发入大气,或通过细胞质内的植物螯合素、金属硫蛋白、有机酸、氨基酸、多胺等对重金属螯合,解除重金属毒性;同时植物还可以在重金属胁迫下产生热休克蛋白修复胁迫伤害的蛋白质.本文提供了涉及植物重金属解毒和耐性广泛的观点和证据.  相似文献   

生态伦理:可持续发展的伦理基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可持续发展是始源于人类所面面临的生态危机、以人与自然关系的协调发展为基本内容的一种生态化发展模式,它所面对和需要处理的是人类发展需求无限性与自然资源有限性这一矛盾,即人类对自然的价值取向、开发强度是否符合自然规律的问题.目前学界对它的研究已突破"经济-科技-政治"等实践层面,开始深入到"观念-价值-文化"等认识论、价值论领域.生态伦理是对人与自然关系的哲学反思中应运而生的一种革命性的伦理思想,本质上属于人类社会的"观念-价值-文化"领域,其理论构成、研究对象正契合人类的可持续发展.生态伦理作为可持续发展伦理基础是可持续发展的客观要求和必然选择:①生态伦理突破传统的道德定义,将伦理关怀的对象扩展到人与自然界关系的领域,为可持续发展奠定了坚实的思想基础,提供可靠的伦理前提;②生态伦理肯定自然价值和自然权利,直接回应了在可持续发展中人为何要尊重自然价值与权利这一理论课题,为人类对大自然的价值认同寻到理论根基,使可持续发展寻找到坚实的价值支点;③生态伦理在反思和批判传统道德评价标准的基础上,提出全新的道德评价标准,为现实的可持续发展战略的设计与安排提供伦理支持和辩护.  相似文献   

Besides crops, agriculture supplies all three major categories of ecosystem services (ES). However, agriculture also supplies an array of ecosystem dis-services (EDS) that may harm other ecosystems. The flows of ES and EDS are directly dependent on the management of agricultural ecosystems. The traditional method of Chinese agriculture, which supports sustainable agriculture, has been proven to increase ES and reduce EDS. However, there is a lack of a detailed understanding of the ES and EDS associated with traditional agriculture, and also of differences between traditional and modern agriculture. In this study, an investigation was conducted on the ecosystem services (ES) and ecosystem dis-services (EDS) of traditional and modern agriculture in Congjiang County, Guizhou Province, China. Afterwards, the economic values of ES and EDS were quantified experimentally and calculated based on the market price. The results show that: the net economic value of traditional rice-fish agriculture was 3.31×104 CNY·ha?1 (6.83 CNY = 1 USD as of July, 2009) and that of rice monoculture was 1.99×104 CNY·ha?1. Significant differences existed between traditional rice-fish and rice monoculture fields for their economic values of some ES or EDS. A benefit and cost analysis (BCA) model was used to adjust the conflict between the economic income and environmental loss from traditional and modern agriculture. The BCA model not only calculates the net income but also monetizes the EDS of the agricultural systems. The results showed that the net income of rice-fish agriculture was 1.94×104 CNY·ha?1 higher than that of rice monoculture. However, the benefit to cost ratio (BCR) of rice-fish agriculture was lower than that of rice monoculture, indicating that the traditional agricultural model was not the most optimized choice for farmers. The value of the rice-fish agriculture was much higher than that of the rice monoculture. Thus, when considering the benefits that rice-fish agriculture contributes to the largescale society, these agricultural methods needs to be utilized. Furthermore, the labor opportunity costs were calculated and the comprehensive value of rice monoculture was negative. Finally, the compensation standard was calculated based on the comprehensive benefit analysis. The lowest level was 1.09×103 CNY·ha?1, and the highest level was 1.21×104 CNY·ha?1.  相似文献   

采用平衡解吸法研究了风沙土不同有机组分对氨氮的解吸特征影响。结果表明,去除腐殖质后的风沙土氨氮解吸比例增加(由0.58增加到0.68),同时,解吸迟滞性指数显著降低(由0.067降低到0.021),说明腐殖质是影响风沙土氨氮解吸特征的重要因素;氨氮在轻组有机组分上的表面分配作用吸附是导致解吸比例增大,解吸迟滞性指数减小的原因;重组有机组分中的紧结态腐殖质(胡敏素)对氨氮的解吸起关键作用,它不但解吸比例较低(Dr=0.23),而且解吸迟滞性指数较大(TⅡ=0.458);氨氮在紧结态和稳结态腐殖质所形成的团聚体颗粒微孔隙中的不可逆吸附是导致解吸比例降低、解吸迟滞性指数增大的根本原因;考查土壤对氨氮的解吸特征不但要考虑有机质的含量,更要考虑有机质的存在形态,它也是影响土壤氨氮解吸特征的重要因素,轻组有机组分、重组有机组分及重组有机组分中的稳结态加紧结态腐殖质(HⅡ+HⅢ组)和紧结态腐殖质(HⅢ组)携载的吸附态氨氮进入水体后,对上覆水体的扩散通量可分别按其饱和吸附量的0.94、0.58、0.33和0.23倍估算。  相似文献   

小窑湾双壳贝类筏式养殖对海域环境的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在对小窑湾海水交换、海域环境现状、底质环境、养殖区生物代谢产生的IN、IP以有浮游植物消长的研究中,首次发现了在没有陆域污染源入海的海湾型双壳贝类筏式养殖区养殖生物产生的IN、IP与浮游植物消长有其独特的平衡关系和制约机制:一方面养殖贝类排泄的IN、IP被浮游植物利用,另一方面贝类摄食又控制了浮游植物的爆发性增殖,同时解释了养殖区水质质量相对较好的原因。  相似文献   

A common claim is that emerging and future climate change is rendering traditional conceptions of uncertainty and risk obsolete. This is because a changing climate makes it quite a challenge to calculate uncertainties, establishing the measurable uncertainty as the basis for quantifying risk. Approaches that are capable of accommodating and possibly countering the wickedness caused by increasing uncertainty are necessary, the argument holds. Following up on previous studies of learning–knowledge and adapting to a changing climate, this article provides an analysis of how differences in the understanding of uncertainty and risk inform and determine governmental adaptation policies and actions of the local and central government in Norway, also discussing governance implications. The study finds that the understanding of uncertainty and risk generally is poor at the local level, but better at the state level, especially among highly educated staff with a background in, for example, natural sciences and engineering. On the other hand, a traditional understanding of uncertainty and risk is dominating: seeking to establish measurable uncertainty as a basis for quantifying risk. The article discusses combining different approaches of uncertainty and risk, thereby introducing a broader basis for governance, also implying multi-level network governance. On the one hand, this may help the local–central government in handling wicked problems of adapting to a changing climate but on other hand, it also possibly nurture struggles between different knowledge bases and stakeholder interest, thereby fuelling the wickedness of adaptation policies.  相似文献   

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