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The effects of various potential cues on the survival and time to metamorphosis of larvae of the sand crab Emerita talpoida (Say) were examined. Zoeal duration, which ranged from 25 to 43 d, was not correlated with subsequent megalopal survival but had a weak, negative correlation with the duration of the megalopal stage. Neither food, sand nor water from containers with adults directly affected megalopal survival or duration. In a second experiment, the presence of sand both increased the probability of survival and shortened the duration of late zoeal stages. This is the first experimental evidence for delayed zoeal metamorphosis in a decapod. Settlement of E. talpoida appears to occur primarily during the zoeal phase, not at the megalopal stage.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to determine whether anemotaxis shown by the terrestrial hermit crab Coenobita rugosus H. Milne Edwards is (i) an orientational strategy leading the crabs to sea or (ii) a strategy improving rectilinear flight. In an arena with uniform landscape, hermit crabs from different beaches of the Aldabra atoll orientated during daylight in the direction of the sea of their own beach; this orientation was only slightly affected by wind direction. Under artificial wind conditions, at night, all hermit crabs displayed positive anemotaxis, independent of the orientation of the home beach, thus leaving little support for the first hypothesis. During the day, with the sea and beach both visible, all the hermit crabs on the beach moved landwards irrespective of wind and home beach direction.  相似文献   

The population structure of 4 species of porcellanid crabs, including 2 species of Petrolisthes (P. boscii and P. rufescens) and 2 of Pachycheles (P. tomentosus and P. natalensis) was investigated. Sex ratios deviated from the expected 1:1 distribution in some size classes of the 4 species, but conformed in general to this pattern on the entire population basis. Probability curves developed from sex ratios differ markedly in shape and slope and resemble Wenner's (1972) anomalous and intermediate types. Ovigerous females of Petrolisthes boscii occurred for 9 months, of P. rufescens for 11 months; those of Pachycheles tomentosus and P. natalensis occurred throughout the year. In every size class, a considerably higher number of female Pachycheles tomentosus and P. natalensis became ovigerous than in Petrolisthes boscii and P. rufescens. Size-frequency distributions of the 4 species were unimodal, indicating that recruitment to crab populations was gradual. Juveniles of Petrolisthes boscii and P. rufescens were most abundant towards the commencement of the southwest monsoon season, in June–July; juveniles of Pachycheles tomentosus and P. natalensis were most abundant during the premonsoon month of March. Thirteen percent of Pachycheles natalensis were infected by a bopyrid parasite; the bopyrid also infected 5.2% of Petrolisthes rufescens and 0.6% of P. boscii. The latter two species were also infected by a rhizocephalan parasite, the infection rates being inverse to those by the bopyrid, i.e., 0.3 and 6.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Shrimp, Penaeus semisulcatus, were collected from Kuwaiti waters in 1980, and the R-cells in the hepatopancreas were observed during the digestive cycle. During the first 12 h they absorb soluble material from the lumen of the gland and, subsequently, they take-up soluble and particulate material from the haemolymph. Within the cytoplasm, apical and basal systems of smooth endoplasmic reticulum are concerned with these processes. Pinocytosis only occurs at the basal cell membrane. The absorbed material is stored as lipid and glycogen, and copper, sulphur and other elements are accumulated in a large dense vacuole. These activities are integrated with those of the other cell types to effect the assimilation of food in the hepatopancreas. A scheme is proposed which accounts for the main processes of digestion. The hepatopancreas governs the duration of the digestive cycle, which takes at least 24 h. Observations on the nature of intracellular storage and waste products could be used to assess the dietary requirements of artificially reared shrimp.  相似文献   

The gut morphology is described for seven species of Thalassinidea; Callianassasubterranea (Montagu), Jaxea nocturna Nardo, Axius stirhynchus Leach, Calocaris macandreae Bell, Upogebia pusilla (Petagna), U. deltaura (Leach) and U. stellata (Montagu). Differences were observed in the structure of the dorsal and lateral teeth of the gastric mill. Callianassa subterranea and A. stirhynchus had simple robust dorsal teeth and proportionally larger lateral teeth with flexible spines. The three upogebiids had complex dorsal teeth that were highly ridged and proportionally smaller lateral teeth with inflexible spines. The dorsal and lateral teeth of J. nocturna were intermediate in form. The dorsal tooth of Calocaris macandreae, although relatively simple in design, possessed accessory projections, or “wings”, on either side of the main structure. The lateral teeth were proportionally quite large, but lacked ridges and spines. The epithelia surfaces of the digestive gland, midgut and posterior diverticulum were similar for all seven species. Differences were observed in the morphology of the hindgut. The hindgut lining was completely smooth for the three upogebiid species. The other thalassinidean species had four distinct rows of cuticular projections situated on top of the ridges formed by the longitudinal convolutions of the hindgut. The arrangement of these projections varied between species. A gut flora was observed for six of the seven species, the exception being C. macandreae. The differences observed in the structure of the gut are discussed in relation to feeding and thalassinidean phylogeny. Received: 3 July 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

Large numbers of Lithodes murrayi collected by traps and trawls during Cruise MD.03 (1974) of M.S. Marion-Dufresne around Crozet Islands, have been studied, and comparisons made with other species of lithodid crabs. After statistical analysis of data relative to some body parts of males and females, and calculation of length-weight relationships, various aspects of reproduction are discussed: size at sexual maturity, size distribution of females in relation to their reproductive condition, fecundity (which is shown to be low), and egg-size variations. Analysis of the diet revealed a great diversity of prey, including algae, as well as necrophagous and other opportunistic tendencies, which are comparable with similar results obtained for the king crab Paralithodes camtschatica. Four groups of parasites or associated animals have been recorded for the first time from L. murrayi: rhizocephalans (acting as castrating agents), isopods, hydroids and polychaetes (spirorbs). Finally, the prospects of successful commercial fishing of L. murrayi are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The male secondary sex characters of Jaera albifrons Leach, Jaera ischiosetosa Forsman, Jaera praehirsuta Forsman and Jaera forsmani Bocquet are described with the Stereoscan electron microscope (S.E.M.). These characters, which are present on the peraeopods, are the only means of identification for these Jaera species which together form the Jaera albifrons group (Isopoda, Asellota). The male praeoperculum (modified, fused, first pair of pleopods) and appendix masculinae (modified endites of the second pair of pleopods) have also been studied with the S.E.M. and possible functions of the various sex characters are discussed. Both the male operculum and appendix masculinae are similar for each species, suggesting that copulation with females of a different species is anatomically possible. The fact that hybrids are rarely collected in ecological investigations is discussed with reference to the present known information. Two methods of copulation for the members of this group have been proposed and these are discussed. A method of sperm transfer along the male operculum is outlined.  相似文献   

The benthic anomuran crabPagurus bernhardus (L) were collected from the North Sea near Helgoland, West Germany, during the years 1986–1987. The histological study of the integument ofPagurus bernhardus reveals a double structure with dorsal and ventral cuticular layers and with two epithelial cell layers. Additional structures have been developed within the integument to trap micro food organisms. The structure and function of the cupshaped glandular pockets of the integument is described. The cells which secrete mucus are also described. Histological and histochemical methods have been employed to study the chemical nature of various cells of the integument and the secretions of the glandular pockets. The ecological significance of the sensory hairs, glandular pockets, cuticular layers and the supra-branchial groove is discussed with reference to the crab's feeding mechanism.  相似文献   

Fagetti  E.  Campodonico  I. 《Marine Biology》1971,8(1):70-81
Larvae of Pleuroncodes monodon (Milne-Edwards, 1837), a red crab of commercial importance in South America, were reared in the laboratory at 2 different temperatures (15° and 20°C), from hatching up to the last larval stage. The 5 typical stages, with their corresponding functional appendages, are described and figured. The main characteristics useful in differentiating larvae of P. monodon from those of the other Chilean species of Galatheidae and its northern congener P. planipes are discussed. Data on duration of each larval stage, length of moulting intervals and mortality at the 2 test temperatures are also given.This study was financially supported by the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture and by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT).  相似文献   

Trace-metal distribution in tissues of the shrimp Pleoticus muelleri Bate from the Patagonian region, Argentina, was related to sex, size and physiological condition. Concentrations of cadmium, copper, manganese and zinc were determined in the digestive gland, male reproductive system and muscle of adult specimens. Significant (p<0.01) sex-dependent differences in mean metal concentrations (g g-1 wet wt) were found in the following tissues of males and females, respectively: digestive gland, Cu, 82.9 and 30.8; Zn, 32.5 and 44.9; reproductive system, Zn, 12.8 and 38.6; Mn, 1.7 and 3.1; Cd, 0.29 and 0.58. Metal levels of muscle showed no significant differences between sexes. Cadmium was not detected in muscle, suggesting that its incorporation into this tissue was strictly regulated. Metal concentrations in the male reproductive system were in general weakly correlated (0.001<p<0.05) with either body size or the concentration of metals in the digestive gland. The developing ovary incorporated substantial amounts of zinc, while cadmium and copper levels decreased at proportional rates (p<0.001). The patterns of the variations in the concentrations of these metals in the ovary strongly suggested that a regulatory mechanism operated throughout oogenesis. Manganese was not involved in this presumptive mechanism. The results of this study are discussed in terms of concentrations and in absolute amounts for standardized individuals.  相似文献   

The shell ornamentation of 6 species of Limacinidae and 2 species of Peraclididae has been studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. The author analyzes the phylogenetic relationships between the species considered and the morphologic resemblance with protoconchs of other Gastropoda. The function of some of the features observed is considered, and the relationship between adult and larval environments and shell formation discussed. Pteropoda do not exhibit conspicuous differences between veliger and adult shells, but there is quite an important difference between the protoconch and the rest of the shell, the former being very similar in several Gastropoda. The division of the genus Limacina into 3 subgenera, as proposed by Van der Spoel (1967), is also partially confirmed by the present study.  相似文献   

R. M. Avent 《Marine Biology》1975,31(2):193-198
Groups of male Uca pugilator (Bosc) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Ocypodidae), acclimated to sublethal pressure (34 atm) subaqueously for 5 and 10 days, were observed subsequently at pressures up to 272 atm. Behavioral indicators of pressure resistance (“first response” and tetany) were employed to measure degrees of pressure acclimation in comparison with simultaneously and non-simultaneously conducted control experiments. No firm conclusions can be made on the basis of “first response” results, but the pressures required to induce tetany were significantly higher (P≤0.02, one-tailed comparison) in acclimated groups than in non-acclimated groups. These data and earlier studies by other investigators support the assertion that some shallow marine species are capable of at least limited short-term pressure acclimation.  相似文献   

The stage I zoeae of Ebalia tuberosa swam by sculling with the exopodites of the 1st and 2nd maxillipeds and flexed the abdomen to brake or change direction. The larvae gained depth by stopping all natatory movements and sinking passively at rates of 6 mm s-1. The zoeae refused both living and dead nauplii of Artemia spp., as well as two species of diatoms, but fed readily on detritic material on the bottom which they scooped up using the endopodites of the maxillipeds and pressed against the mouthparts using the telson. The setae on the posterior border of the telson were used for grooming the maxillipeds and the anterior mouthparts. Day-old stage I zoeae were negatively geotactic, positively phototactic and responded to pressure increases by swimming upwards and by high barokinesis. By the third day some larvae had become positively geotactic but were photopositive, and the majority responded to pressure increases as in the day-old larvae. Five-day old larvae were still photopositive but the majority had become positively geotactic and fewer himbers responded to pressure. Seven-day old larvae failed to respond to any of the stimuli used and assumed a predominantly benthic lifestyle. It is suggested that this anomalous behaviour is related to the dispersal of the larvae and to the specialized habitat requirements of the adults while the rather unusual morphology of the larvae is related to their feeding behaviour and semi-benthic lifestyle.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of ovarian activity and eyestalk effects on the ovary in different phases of its activity were examined in the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii Gould ssp. tridentatus Maitland, and the sand shrimp Crangon crangon L. In both species, the annual ovarian cycle consists of two phases of vitellogenesis and the resting phase. In R. harrisii, the eyestalks exert an inhibitory effect on vitellogenesis during the phase of vitellogenesis outside the breeding season, and are necessary for the process of oviposition during the breeding season. In C. crangon, ovary-inhibiting hormone is present in the eyestalks outside the breeding season, and has not been detected during this season. The resting phase of the ovary after the breeding season is caused by the ovary-inhibitiing hormone. Females of C. crangon are a suitable material for testing ovary-inhibiting hormone activity, while female R. harrisii are not.  相似文献   

The incidence of ovigerous females in populations of two grapsid crabs, Hemigrapsus penicillatus (de Haan, 1835) and Sesarma (Parasesarma) pictum (de Haan, 1835) were followed from August 1975 to November 1976. H. penicillatus, which inhabits the lower intertidal region near the mouth of Tatara-Umi Estuary, breeds from March to November. S. pictum, which inhibits crevices and abandoned holes of other species and is abundant at and above the upper intertidal region of the estuary, breeds from May to September. H. penicillatus matures when the female reaches 6 to 7 mm carapace width, whereas S. pictum becomes mature when the carapace width is 12 to 13 mm, although the maximum size attained by females of both species is almost the same. H. penicillatus produces 5 to 6 broods, S. pictum 2 to 3 broods, during a breeding season. The size of a newly laid egg of H. penicillatus is smaller than that of S. pictum. The number of eggs produced by a female H. penicillatus is greater than that of S. pictum during a breeding season. In both species the peak of the breeding season is during summer, at which time the ovarian activity is also apparently accelerated. The major environmental factor which controls the breeding in these crabs appears to be temperature. H. penicillatus is submerged at every high tide, and is relatively inactive from late November to February when the ambient water and air temperatures are rather low. S. pictum is dormant in crevices or understones of the splash zone from November to March. The length of the breeding season of these crabs appears to be inversely proportional to the period of their winter dormancy.  相似文献   

The larval development of Clibanarius albidigitus Nobili is described and illustrated from laboratory-reared specimens. At 30°C, this species passes through four zoeal stages before molting to the megalopa. Of the 120 individual larvae reared, survival was high, with 88% reaching the megalopal stage. Zoeal stage durations varied from 3 to 18 d. Rearing was terminated after 45 d, and at that time no megalopae had molted to the firstcrab stage. Among known larvae of Clibanarius species, C. albidigitus is immediately distinguished by the presence of dorsomedial and dorsolateral carapace keels.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic diversity among populations of the shrimp Farfantepenaeus notialis, the most abundant penaeid species around Cuba. A total of 25 allozyme loci were analyzed in samples of shrimps from seven localities at the south central platform of the island (Ana María Gulf). Samples from three of these localities and from Batabanó Gulf and Guacanayabo Gulf at the south west and south east platforms of the island, respectively, were also characterized at the mtDNA level through sequence variation of a 2027 bp segment including part of the COI and COIII genes. Of the 25 allozyme loci studied 9 were polymorphic: Akp2, Akp3, AmyB, Est3, Gdh, GP7, and Per1, 2 and 3. In contrast to mtDNA, the pattern of allozyme variation among localities revealed strong population structuring at Ana María Gulf, with significant F st in all pairwise comparisons. The magnitude of F st estimates as well as the grouping pattern obtained by a UPGMA analysis based on a distance matrix indicated that the level of differentiation was concordant with the geographical position of the localities and the hydrographic regime. Homogeneity of mtDNA suggested that differentiation of allozyme loci might be due to more recent events rather than historical isolation of the sampled populations. Ana María and Guacanayabo Gulf populations were differentiated by mtDNA from Batabanó Gulf, at the southwestern end of the island. The analysis showed three restriction site differences among them, suggesting genetic isolation of the two regions. The present results also suggest that an artificial introduction of larvae from Tunas de Zaza into Batabanó Gulf, in an effort to repopulate this fishing region, may have been ineffective. Received: 13 December 1999 / Accepted: 2 October 2000  相似文献   

About 2,500 specimens of the Kamchatka king crab Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius), ca. 5 to 15 years old, and about 10,000 juveniles, ca. 1 to 3 years old, were released into the Barents Sea from 1961 to 1969. One large berried female was caught in 1974, and the number of records increased in 1976 (at least 100 records, including 6 reliable ones). The crab therefore seems to have become a permanent inhabitant of the Barents Sea. It will be important in future to continually record new occurrences of the crabs, especially of juveniles, in order to document the extent of their distributional range and to obtain evidence of successful reproduction of the species.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis and early juvenile development was followed in the laboratory in Balanus amphitrite and B. improvisus (family Balanidae) and in Semibalanus balanoides and Elminius modestus (family Archaeobalanidae) from cyprid settlement until 24 h after ecdysis. Stages of development were studied in vivo and with scanning electron microscopy. Events in metamorphosis and early juvenile development are very similar in all four species and can be interpreted in terms of a highly modified moult. Notably, there was no indication whatsoever of the amorphous decorticated settler previously described from metamorphosis of B. amphitrite. The shape of a juvenile barnacle with cirri and incipient shell plates is apparent immediately after the shedding of the cypris carapace, and rudimentary peduncle can be distinguished below the developing wall plates. A basal row of cuticular hairs encircles the peduncle in all species except S. balanoides. These hairs seem to serve a restraining function during early development, when the juvenile barnacle is only attached by the initially secreted cyprid cement. Similarly situated hairs are also present in very young juveniles of the lepadomorph Scalpellum scalpellum. In Semibalanus balanoides nothing indicates that the rostrum originates from the fusion of two latera as previously claimed, since this plate is single as soon as it can be distinguished.  相似文献   

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