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以国网冀北电力有限公司的供应商所提供的变压器数据为基础,构建了一个基于全生命周期的产品碳足迹评价流程和评估模型。模型有效地计算了不同容量下10 kV油浸式与干式变压器从“摇篮”到“大门”的碳排放,得到不同类型变压器碳足迹组成及变压器容量不同时各零部件生产过程碳排放的变化,明确碳减排重点关注单元。形成供应商碳足迹核算报告标准范本,为形成典型电网物资产品碳足迹的权威数据库奠定基础,确定减少变压器碳排放的关键措施,有助于实现产品的低碳化。通过基于全生命周期的产品碳足迹评价,推动国网冀北电力有限公司相关产品全供应链参与,内在驱动整个供应链协同创新和持续改进,改变全过程的资源环境效率。  相似文献   

本文创新性提出使用产品碳效比作为衡量装备产品低碳性能的技术参数,即以产品碳排放总量与其功能单位总和之商来衡量装备产品低碳性能。比较分析碳效比(CER)、碳足迹(CFP)的异同,及其在评价装备产品低碳性能上应用效果的优差,并以装备产业的典型产品为实例,使用不同技术参数评价装备产品低碳性能,为碳达峰理论探索提供数据验证实例,明确了碳效比(CER)的合理性及适用范围。  相似文献   

电线电缆行业作为第二大制造业,但我国目前尚未出台该行业的清洁生产标准或清洁生产评价指标体系。根据电线电缆行业特点和相关标准规范,提出了该行业开展清洁生产工作的基本措施和具体途径,并依托某电线电缆企业的清洁生产审核开展了标准化实践,首次对电线电缆行业清洁生产水平的评价标准进行了架构,并基于该标准对企业的清洁生产现状进行了评价。结果显示客观准确地反映了企业的实际水平,验证了所架构的清洁生产标准的合理性、科学性和可操作性,为我国电线电缆清洁生产提供理论指导和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

再制造产业是我国节能环保战略新兴产业的重要组成部分,对于破解经济发展的资源和环境约束具有重要意义。本文系统调研和分析了国内外再制造标准的制定、修订现状,提出了再制造产品评价的现实需求;创新性地提出了再制造产品的评价指标体系,包括定性评价指标和定量评价指标;针对我国再制造产业的发展现状和阶段,提出了具有较强适用性的评价方法。本研究将为制定相关国家标准和产业政策提供技术依据和决策参考。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,快递以及外卖给学生群体的校园生活带来便捷,产生的外卖以及快递的包装垃圾也给校园的低碳建设带来阻碍。选取阳江地区某高校学生作为调查对象,通过调查问卷了解学生外卖、快递次数及其垃圾处理情况,根据生命周期评价法计算所产生的碳足迹,在碳足迹的基础上结合问卷调查结果,分析它们的碳足迹对环境的影响以及低碳校园建设中存在的问题,并提出相应的建议,以鼓励师生积极参与到低碳校园建设中,为其他高校的低碳校园建设提供参考。  相似文献   

应用以生命周期为原理的碳足迹评价方法,以云南省大理白族自治州旅游业发展为研究对象,计算得出游客在2000-2011年交通、住宿、饮食、游览、娱乐、购物六个方面所留下的碳足迹.研究结果表明,交通和游购娱的碳足迹总量占比重较大,说明大理州旅游业依然停留在传统观光旅游阶段.通过分析大理州旅游业发展面临的问题,在些基础上提出了促进大理州低碳旅游发展的策略.  相似文献   

基于碳足迹分析法的湖南省低碳发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在阐述碳足迹概念及其影响因素的基础上,构建了碳足迹计算模型.运用湖南省各市州2005-2009年的相关数据进行实证研究,分析了碳足迹与人口数量、经济发展水平、产业结构、能源结构之间的关系,从低碳发展机制、能源结构、低碳生活方式、人才培养方面提出了推进湖南低碳发展的有效途径.  相似文献   

利用投入—产出分析原理绘制浙江2003—2012年纺织产业碳足迹规模和碳强度的变化轨迹,采用主成分回归分析方法评价和判定纺织产业碳足迹各影响因素的权重。结果表明:浙江纺织产业的整体规模对碳足迹总量有着重要影响,而能源结构的变化也显著影响到碳足迹和碳强度,纱、布、呢绒等细分产业是影响碳足迹的关键领域,具有很大的减排空间。因此,应从关键领域着手,综合施策,实现浙江纺织产业的低碳可持续发展。  相似文献   

混合流动气体腐蚀试验是评价电连接器抗大气腐蚀性能的重要手段,本文在分析国内外相关标准方法的基础上,重点针对IEC 60068-2-60-2015、EIA-364-65B-2009和ASTM B845-97三个常用标准的试验方法进行对比,详尽分析了不同标准方法中关键试验条件的异同,为开展电连接器混合流动气体腐蚀试验提供技术指导。  相似文献   

全球气候变化对世界各国产生从市场需求到监管政策等涉及碳足迹方面的影响,给企业带来了机遇和风险,迫使企业越来越重视碳风险管理。从碳风险定义出发,按照碳风险识别、碳风险评估与计量、碳风险应对、碳风险后评价等流程环节对物流企业碳风险管理机制进行研究,并对某企业进行案例分析。  相似文献   

生态产品价值实现,是体现“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念的重要路径。近年来,我国开展了各类生态产品价值的核算实践,提供了自然生态估值的新视角。通过核算生态产品价值,能够客观体现生态系统提供生态产品的潜力以及生态产品的社会价值。本文以经营自然资源的生态文旅类企业作为生态产品会计核算的主体,结合会计学基础理论和生态价值常用的评估方法,针对生态文旅类企业构建了企业生态产品会计核算的基本框架,为企业的生态产品运营提供了全新的管理工具。  相似文献   

在碳达峰碳中和与共同富裕双重目标驱动下,拓展和完善生态产品价值实现机制具有重大的理论与现实意义。本文界定了碳汇生态产品的概念内涵,根据功能属性将其划分为生态调节类碳汇生态产品和物质供给类碳汇生态产品,总结了两类产品对应的实物量核算与价值量评估方法。在此基础上,提出了政府主导、市场主导和耦合互馈的碳汇生态产品价值实现路径,并提出了相应的政策保障建议。研究认为,碳汇生态产品不仅是生态产品价值实现的创新举措,也是推动碳达峰碳中和目标与共同富裕协同实现的重要路径。  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) has turned into a powerful tool to critically and straightforward assess the holistic impact of bio-based plastics and other bio-based products. In order to assure at the same time ecological soundness and to support the economical success of a bioproduct, an early assessment already in the stage of product development is needed. This strategy helps to identify and subsequently to avoid ecological “hot spots”. Assessment by using the sustainable process index (SPI), a member of the ecological footprint family, is considered as an especially viable strategy to realize this goal. The software SPIonExcel was developed to make the assessment methodology easily applicable and operator-friendly.During the process of development for archaebacterial production of poly(hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA) biopolyesters from the industrial surplus material whey, a SPI assessment was accomplished to optimize the process in terms of ecological sustainability. As the major outcome, the resulting ecological footprint was comparable with that of competing fossil plastics. Additionally, optimization potentials to further increase the ecological competitiveness were highlighted and quantified. In addition, the developed PHA production process was compared with production of whey powder as the competing, conventional application of surplus whey. Also in this case, the novel PHA production process was superior according to the SPI calculations.  相似文献   

智慧碳监管是政府、园区、企业实施碳减排的现代治理手段,通过运用大数据平台,对碳排放数据进行实时监控、追踪等,实现碳排放的监控预警、考核、评估、决策等,是推进“双碳”战略的重要保障。我国碳监管的应用尚处于初级阶段,推进实施智慧碳监管既是发展方向,也面临诸多挑战。本文分析了我国智慧碳监管的发展状况、实践进展和实践特征,围绕数据管理体系、政策支撑体系、系统技术体系、创新功能应用、服务保障体系等方面存在的关键问题,提出了相应的系统策略,助推我国碳监管的智慧化发展与创新实践。  相似文献   

This research utilizes real operating data from a tire plant operating in Central Taiwan to investigate the carbon footprint emissions (CO2e) involved in producing the electric bicycle. The simulation results are based on the PAS 2050 standard using the SimaPro 7.3 software tool. Our results show the total carbon footprint emissions of 1.2-kg tire for the electric bicycle weighing 4.53-kg CO2e, composed of 2.63-kg CO2e from raw tire materials stage, 1.295-kg CO2e from tire manufacturing stage, and 0.605-kg CO2e from tire transport stage. An international certified organization, British Standard Institute (BSI), verified the accuracy of our results as 98.7%. We found that carbon emissions at the raw materials stage were higher than that for the other two stages – manufacturing and transportation. Carbon black was determined as the maximum source of carbon emissions at the raw material stage. To reduce the tire plant carbon emissions, this paper recommends using graphene to replace carbon black. Graphene has been reported by many researches to improve the properties of rubber products. From our simulation results, the carbon footprint emissions of 4.56-kg CO2e of the origin tire plant uses 0.456-kg carbon black to produce 1.2-kg electric bicycle tires. This can be reduced to 4.29 (5.92%), 4.03 (11.62%), 3.75 (11.76%), and 3.49-kg CO2e (23.46%) by using graphene to replace carbon black 25, 50, 75, and 100 wt% respectively. If we focus only on 0.456-kg carbon black producing 1.08-kg CO2e, the reduced carbon footprint will be 0.812 (24.81%), 0.547 (49.35%), 0.28 (74.07%), and 0.0128-kg CO2e (98.81%) by using graphene to replace carbon black 25, 50, 75, and 100 wt% respectively. From our analysis, graphene replacing carbon black can reduce carbon footprint. This has not been published previously and provides a direction for the tire plant to save carbon emissions.  相似文献   

Growing concerns about the environment make a supply chains’ eco-footprint increasingly important, presuming that footprints are a more effective (policy) instrument than those currently in use. The eco-footprint comprises all kinds of environmental impact, but often is narrowed down to one aspect; e.g. the carbon footprint, material footprint, the water footprint, and so on. Although returns give rise to an additional goods flow from customers back to producers, it usually improves the eco-footprint due to the substitution effect. The reverse channel supplies high quality (recovered) products, components and materials to the forward channel thereby reducing the need for virgin sourcing and production. We refer to this as closed-loop recovery, as opposed to recovery for cascade markets which lacks substitution. To maximize substitution, the recovered items must re-enter the original supply chain. The feasibility of closed-loop recovery depends partly on the geographical proximity of forward and reverse facilities. We develop a decision framework for optimizing closed loop network configurations, i.e. the combined disposition and location–transport decision. We apply the framework to a single case study concerning one type of footprint (namely the carbon footprint) of a copier (closed-loop) supply chain. The main implication is that a regional network, with combined forward and reverse facilities per continent, proves most efficient and most robust in view of uncertain exogenous variables, but only when a full set of closed-loop options is available (including closed-loop recycling). As an embedded case, main contribution value of it lies in the discovery of a new phenomenon with generic implications; namely that not only the closed-loop supply chains footprint strongly depends on the substitution effect, but that in turn the feasibility of closed-loop recovery options depends heavily on the network design. From delineations of the study we derive issues for further research.  相似文献   

The release of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is believed to be responsible for climate change. In the UK, road transport emits 22% of the total output of carbon dioxide. This study applies the ecological footprint to Merseyside to ascertain the global environmental impact of passenger transport (expressed in hectares). Results show that car travel has a footprint of 704 000 hectares, which is 87% of the total footprint. It is demonstrated in scenarios that Policy initiatives involving the Local Transport Plan will cause the footprint to increase. It is also shown that individual behaviour could be influenced when highlighting the impacts of different modes of transport along the same route. By using the ecological footprint in educational programmes, the effect can be shown of carbon emissions and land appropriation on the 'school run'; these issues could be promoted alongside others such as health, safety, congestion, global equity and fairness.  相似文献   

Several studies on ethical and social food attributes have shown that consumers, especially in developed countries, are willing to pay a price premium for fair trade foods products. However, there is a scant literature on how consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for fair trade products are affected by the presence of other ethical food attributes. To fill this gap, a choice experiment was conducted in Scotland, the Netherlands and France to assess consumers’ preferences and WTP for ethical attributes, i.e., fairtrade, organic, and lower carbon footprint, of bananas and to find out whether this ethical food attributes are competing in real markets. The results showed that in the three countries consumers are willing to pay a price premium for the three ethical food attributes. The results showed that in the current market situation these ethical foods are not generally competing against each other. Nonetheless, they are likely to become competing for consumer’s money at least when: (1) the price of organic foods is decreased significantly, (2) the price for fairtrade food products is set higher than consumers’ WTP, and (3) bananas labeled as having lower carbon footprint are made available in retail stores and sold at a price lower than consumers’ WTP.  相似文献   


The release of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is believed to be responsible for climate change. In the UK, road transport emits 22% of the total output of carbon dioxide. This study applies the ecological footprint to Merseyside to ascertain the global environmental impact of passenger transport (expressed in hectares). Results show that car travel has a footprint of 704 000 hectares, which is 87% of the total footprint. It is demonstrated in scenarios that Policy initiatives involving the Local Transport Plan will cause the footprint to increase. It is also shown that individual behaviour could be influenced when highlighting the impacts of different modes of transport along the same route. By using the ecological footprint in educational programmes, the effect can be shown of carbon emissions and land appropriation on the 'school run'; these issues could be promoted alongside others such as health, safety, congestion, global equity and fairness.  相似文献   

石油石化企业面临的低碳发展挑战和机遇   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在简要介绍低碳经济的概念和内涵的基础上,指出了低碳经济对我国经济发展的意义。从石油天然气勘探开发、炼油与化工和油气储运三个方面,简要分析了我国石油石化企业的碳足迹,列举了石油石化企业温室气体主要排放源。结合石油石化行业的特点和当前国内外形势,从多个方面分析、阐述了石油石化企业面临的低碳经济挑战和机遇。最后,从低碳经济发展时机、发展规划、与环境保护工作的关系、科技投入、能力建设、发展重点等方面,对石油石化企业低碳经济的发展提出了看法和建议。  相似文献   

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