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Introduction: The objective of this study was to determine the reciprocal relationship between safety professionals perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived safety climate. Safety professionals are most effective when they perceive support from management and employees and they also attribute most of their success to support from the organization. Their work directly improves safety climate, and organizations with a high safety climate show a higher value for the safety professional. The causal direction of this relationship is, however, unclear. Method: Using a sample of 162 safety professionals, we conducted a cross-lagged panel study over one year to examine whether safety professionals’ POS improves their perceived safety climate and/or whether safety climate also increases POS over time. Data were collected at two points and, after testing for measurement invariance, a cross-lagged SEM was conducted to analyze the reciprocal relationship. Results: Our findings show that safety professionals’ POS was positively related to perceived safety climate over time. Perceived safety climate, however, did not contribute to safety professionals’ POS. Conclusions: This study significantly adds to the discussion about the factors influencing safety professionals’ successful inclusion in organizations, enabling them to perform their work and, thus, improve occupational safety. Practical Applications: Since safety climate increases in organizations in which safety professionals feel supported, this study points out the kind of support that contributes to improved organizational safety. Support for safety professionals may come in classical forms such as approval, pay, job enrichment, and information on or influence over organizational policies.  相似文献   

Introduction: In safety management (SM), it is important to make an effective safety decision based on the reliable and sufficient safety-related information. However, many SM failures in organizations occur for a lack of the necessary safety-related information for safety decision-making. Since facts are the important basis and foundation for decision-making, more efforts to seek the best evidence relevant to a particular SM problem would lead to a more effective SM solution. Therefore, the new paradigm for decision-making named “evidence-based practice (EBP)” can hold important implications for SM, because it uses the current best evidence for effective decision-making. Methods: Based on a systematic review of existing SM approaches and an analysis of reasons why we need new SM approaches, we created a new SM approach called evidence-based safety (EBS) management by introducing evidence-based practice into SM. Results: It was necessary to create new SM approaches. A new SM approach called EBS was put forward, and the basic questions of EBS such as its definition and core were analyzed in detail. Moreover, the determinants of EBS included manager's attitudes towards EBS; evidence-based consciousness in SM; evidence sources; technical support; EBS human resources; organizational culture; and individual attributes. Conclusions: EBS is a new and effective approach to teaching the practice of SM. Of course, further research on EBS should be carried out to make EBS a reality. Practical applications: Our work can provide a new and effective idea and method to teach the practice of SM. Specifically, EBS proposed in our study can help safety professionals make an effective safety decision based on a firm foundation of high-grade evidence.  相似文献   

提出了安全管理职业化的概念,并就建立职业安全管理队伍的措施以及安全管理社会化服务问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于安全系统工程的铁路站段安全管理信息系统研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
随着安全逐级负责制等各项安全管理机制的建立和运行以及ISO90 0 0系列标准在铁路站段的推广和普及 ,要求铁路站段急需改变传统的、经验的管理模式 ,建立基于安全系统工程的、综合运用现代技术手段的安全科学管理体系。笔者在综合考虑人、机、环境三要素的基础上 ,结合安全系统工程方法 ,对铁路站段安全管理信息系统的基本功能、系统设计等进行了深入分析 ,实现了安全信息的自动处理、对事故或隐患的安全分析、安全预测和安全评价功能 ,为安全管理科学化提供有力的技术支持。以大同西电力机务段为例 ,对安全管理信息系统进行了实用和考核 ,取得了预期效果  相似文献   

铁路调度集中系统安全策略的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国铁路调度集中系统的不断建设 ,系统的安全性问题日益突出 ,对于系统安全问题的研究 ,不仅关系到铁路的安全运营 ,更关系到铁路行业的安全形象。笔者通过对调度集中系统的研究 ,针对系统规模大、联动性强、安全问题多的特点 ,重点从安全管理和安全技术两方面进行分析 ,根据分析结果 ,提出了适合系统的安全策略 ;并对系统安全策略的两方面即安全管理策略和安全技术策略 ,分别进行了详尽的阐述 ;依据此安全策略 ,初步设计铁路运输调度指挥管理信息系统 (DMIS)的安全防护体系 ;并依照安全策略 ,对某铁路分局的调度指挥管理系统进行了设计和实施 ,有效地解决了DMIS的安全问题  相似文献   

高速铁路安全保障信息系统的研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
高速铁路作为我国铁路运输的一种新形式,安全对其来说更显重要。解决高速铁路安全问题,首先,要不断提高基础设施本身的安全性,更重要的是运用安全保障信息技术,通过建立安全保障信息系统提高安全管理水平,降低事故的发生率。笔者在分析高速铁路新特点的基础上,应用安全系统工程的原理,从人、机、环3方面构建了高速铁路安全保障信息系统,并分析了各个子系统的功能及构成情况;结合目前人工智能领域的智能体技术,提出基于多智能体的高速铁路安全保障信息系统的设计,该系统由监控智能体、判断智能体、诊断智能体、处理智能体、评价智能体和管理智能体组成。  相似文献   

企业现代化安全管理技术的探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
以系统论、信息论、控制论作指导,综合运用安全系统工程有关技术,结合企业现场安全管理实际,提出以危险源辨识为基础,狠抓系统危险控制为核心,进行安全检查改革,危险预知活动和标准化作业,安全评价为控制机制的一整套企业现代化安全管理模式,并开发了系统动力学安全评价模型12种有关计算机软件。所获成果既可作为大中型企业自主安全管理,实施危险控制有效手段,又为主管部门进行宏观安全管理工作,实施劳动安全监察提供一种有效的新方法。  相似文献   

从林业安全生产特点及其状况、林业安全管理和安全科学技术的发展、林业安全教育与培训等方面,简要论述了林业安全生产的特殊性,林业安全生产的现状和有关曲线图及分布图;我国林业系统当前安全管理体系、专业队伍情况;安全管理技术的研究、应用和进展;安全科学技术研究、应用情况;安全科学研究机构、学术理论及林业安全技术研究、运用状况以及林业安全教育体系、方式等问题。  相似文献   

The article is intended for those who are not safety professionals but are responsible for safety management in a small or medium enterprise (SME) of the process industry. It assumes that a SME is loosely coupled and of low complexity and has a small number of major hazards present in it. The article describes Elementary Safety Management (ESM) as a combination of activities that maintain openness to safety impulses with Elementary Risk Control (ERC). ERC uses four milestones and three rules to get to the necessary and sufficient selection of control measures, which will achieve an acceptable level of risk. To make the ESM scheme as simple as possible, the term causal event is used, which is derived from the term causal factor. Practical Safety Management (PrSM) adds to the ESM the knowledge and skills that a person, who is supposed to design and implement a safety management system, needs. The PrSM procedure is developed to identify optimum controls. The procedure recognizes the unavoidable role of commitment to safety, respects the role of hazard identification, and integrates prospective and retrospective analyses and current knowledge of safety management systems. Examples of application of the procedure are given in the article.  相似文献   

基于B/S与C/S模式的铁路运输安全管理信息系统   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
随着我国铁路运输业的迅速发展 ,对铁路运输安全管理不断提出新的要求。解决安全管理问题一是要不断提高员工的安全素质 ,提高安全防范意识及事故处理能力 ;更重要的是运用安全管理信息技术 ,通过建立安全管理信息系统来提高安全管理水平 ,降低事故的发生。笔者综合考虑C/S模式在信息管理、办公自动化等事务处理和B/S模式在信息浏览、查询和发布方面的优势 ,采用B/S和C/S模式相结合的混合模式开发了铁路运输安全管理信息系统。结合为某铁路运输企业开发的系统 ,论述了该系统的设计和实现  相似文献   

高速公路隧道施工安全信息化监控技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对我国高速公路隧道建设存在的安全问题 ,基于现场监控量测成果 ,建立隧道施工安全信息化分析方法 ,笔者提出将施工信息与管理技术有机地融合为一体的思路 ,以提高公路隧道施工安全信息管理水平 ;由此详细地阐述了隧道施工安全性评价指标体系的确定原则 ;并将其应用于崇遵高速公路龙井坡隧道工程的施工实践 ,取得了预期的安全监控目标。该方法对其他地下工程的施工安全管理具有重要参考价值  相似文献   

铁路局安全管理信息系统的研究与设计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
铁路局安全管理信息系统是铁路现代化安全管理体系中安全信息综合应用的重要组成部分 ,是安全信息分析、安全决策的关键。通过对铁路局安全监控业务的分析及对铁路现有信息系统资源的利用 ,因地制宜地提出建立以铁路局为安全信息处理、分析的第一级信息中心 ,各个铁路分局为第二级信息中心 ,基层站段为信息输入终端的三级安全管理信息系统。信息系统在分布式数据库的基础上应用了一定的数学模型对保存的各类安全检查信息进行比较分析 ,从而使路局安全监察部门通过对上报的安全信息进行分析和预警 ,实现对安全隐患的监控和整改 ,形成闭环管理 ,力求把安全管理从传统的事后追踪变为事前的预防控制  相似文献   

JSP技术及其在安全管理信息系统中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
基于B/S模式并结合JSP(JavaServerPagesTM)技术 ,实现省、市职能部门对企业安全生产监督管理及安全信息共享平台。政府职能部门能够及时监管各地安全动态、发布公告和指令、校验特种作业人员和注册安全主任资格等 ;用户能进行事故隐患和执法监督行为投诉、事故快报、安全技术咨询、地方或行业法规标准查询等活动。从而 ,达到构建安全管理、安全技术服务、安全信息发布、事故预防集成系统的目的。  相似文献   

铁路安全管理综合评价的一种新方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
针对铁路安全管理的现状 ,从实际应用角度出发 ,笔者提出了一种新的综合评价方法———动态集成综合分析评价法。该方法能把铁路安全管理定性与定量信息、历史事故信息与管理现状信息、安全管理措施与专家咨询意见有机地结合起来 ,构成一种动态目标评价体系 ,从而对铁路安全管理的多个方面进行综合评判 ,因此 ,能客观地反映了铁路安全管理的现状。  相似文献   

安全信息是安全文化及安全科学技术的载体,有着自身独具的本质和特性。安全信息的充分利用必将带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益  相似文献   

Introduction: A critical aspect of occupational safety is workplace inspections by experts, in which hazards are identified. Scientific research demonstrates that expectation generated by context (i.e., prior knowledge and experience) can bias the judgments of professionals and that individuals are largely unaware when their judgments are affected by bias. Method: The current research tested the reliability and biasability of expert safety inspectors’ judgments. We used a two-study design (Study 1, N = 83; Study 2, N = 70) to explore the potential of contextual, task-irrelevant, information to bias professionals’ judgments. We examined three main issues: (1) the effect that biasing background information (safe and unsafe company history) had on professional regulatory safety inspectors’ judgments of a worksite; (2) the reliability of those judgments amongst safety inspectors and (3) inspectors’ awareness of bias in their judgments and confidence in their performance. Results: Our findings establish that: (i) inspectors’ judgments were biased by historical contextual information, (ii) they were not only biased, but the impact was implicit: they reported being unaware that it affected their judgments, and (iii) independent of our manipulations, inspectors were inconsistent with one another and the variations were not a product of experience. Conclusion: Our results are a replication of findings from a host of other professional domains, where honest, hardworking professionals underappreciate the biasing effect of context on their decision making. The current paper situates these findings within the relevant research on safety inspection, cognitive bias and decision making, as well as provides suggestions for bias mitigation in workplace safety inspection. Practical Application: Our results have implications for occupational health and safety given that inspection is an integral aspect of an effective safety system. In addition to our findings, this study contributes to the literature by providing recommendations regarding how to mitigate the effect of bias in inspection.  相似文献   

我国建筑安全管理的现状及其思考   总被引:33,自引:6,他引:27  
建筑业企业由于行业自身的特点 ,安全事故比较突出。安全管理水平的高低 ,对安全事故的发生具有决定影响。笔者通过我国的与国外发达国家的安全管理水平相比较 ,认为我国建筑安全现状在管理制度、安全评估方法手段、市场主动调节等方面还存在着较大差距 ,在此基础上 ,探讨了适应于我国国情的建筑安全管理的改革思路。笔者认为 :要提高我国建筑安全管理水平 ,应从完善安全生产责任制和安全监督机制 ;完善建筑安全事故的记录、检查、申报制度 ;充分发挥市场经济杠杆对安全的巨大调节作用 ;认真推广和积极应用安全科学技术等方面深化改革 ,实践创新 ,走出新路。  相似文献   

秦沈客运专线是我国内地第一条速度达到 2 0 0km/h的新建客运专线铁路。在技术上超越了我国现有铁路技术水平 ,因此 ,该专线的修建和管理是最具创新意义的项目 ,因此 ,在进行组织设计和施工中 ,充分利用现代化科学管理手段 ,努力实现系统安全工程。本文介绍了项目建设管理目标模式 ,讨论了安全管理过程中正确处理好的各方面关系 ,以及质量控制管理等内容  相似文献   

PROBLEM: There is increasing interest in delivering degree programs without requiring students to attend traditional classroom-based classes. There are many differences between classroom and distance courses that must be addressed to have effective distance programs. METHOD: Occupational safety and health faculty and occupational safety and health professionals were surveyed to determine the need for graduate occupational safety and health programs, delivered by means of distance education, and the best means to deliver the program from the perspective of faculty and working occupational safety and health professionals. RESULTS: Adequate time is the largest problem issue for potential students and the distance student's needs must be considered when developing program policies and procedures. Faculty must be sufficiently trained in pedagogy, technology, and communications so that they have the same comfort level with this method of instruction as they do for the more familiar classroom, and technical and instructional support personnel need to be readily available to work with the faculty and support course development. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Findings indicate that there is interest in a distance education-based program and it is believed that industry will be positively impacted as educational opportunities expand for working professionals.  相似文献   

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