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行人动力学的研究一直是火灾下人员疏散研究的重要内容。研究者通过大量观测和可控实验,获得行人的运动行为特征,揭示人员运动规律,但是仍然缺乏足够的定量校准的实验数据。在总结了前人对于实验中全局密度与局部密度统计方法的基础上,基于泰森多边形方法,结合人际关系距离与视野的观念,提出了一种行人占据多边形的速度密度统计方法。通过对平均密度平均速度的比较发现,方法得到的结果比传统统计方法得到的结果波动更小且更接近于连续变化、在密度低时比泰森多边形方法的结果更符合实际情况;而对于个人的速度密度散点图,结果也比泰森多边形方法的结果更为集中,尤其是除去了密度小而速度低的不合理数据点。  相似文献   

马晴  康宇  宋卫国  曹洋 《火灾科学》2021,30(1):46-53
当前行人疏散实验中基本图计算方法通常是通过对每个行人进行跟踪实现的.但这种跟踪方法难以实现实时人群动力学分析.针对这一问题,提出了深度基本图网络.实验提出的网络框架由两个模块组成,即多尺度递归卷积神经网络(MSR-Net)和光流模块,分别对行人密度和行人速度进行估计.具体来讲,MSR-Net学习了输入图像与行人密度图之...  相似文献   

基于Pathfinder的商场人员疏散仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商场中的人员疏散是一个复杂的过程。运用人员疏散仿真软件Pathfinder 2012对某商场在紧急情况下人员的安全疏散进行研究,重点讨论借用防火分区防火门进行疏散对疏散效率的影响。模拟结果表明,借用相邻防火分区进行疏散可以有效提高单个防火分区的疏散效率,但如果在相邻防火分区防火门处出现相向流则会降低整体的疏散效率,并且随着人数的增多变得更加严重。因此,应定期针对商场员工开展疏散演练等相关培训,增强员工疏散引导的能力,避免疏散过程中出现行人相向流,最终提高商场人员疏散的效率。  相似文献   

行人和疏散动力学研究现状及进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
行人和疏散动力学的研究在步行设施的设计,人群的安全疏散,城市规划及计算机疏散软件开发等方面具有重要意义.对国内外的研究现状进行了评述,对研究内容、研究方法进行了分类,对研究成果及应用进行了总结,同时指出了目前研究中存在的问题,对这一领域中研究发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

This paper describes the pedestrian safety crossing behaviour at signalized crosswalks in an urban traffic environment based on human reliability analysis. In our research, pedestrians’ waiting durations are modelled by a non-parametric and two parametric reliability models that recognize the effects of covariates. The covariates include pedestrian personal characteristics and urban traffic conditions in order to reflect the effects of human factors and internal environment comprehensively. The results indicate that most pedestrians show distinct time-dependent reliability but a few pedestrians are too impatient to wait for the lights changes.  相似文献   

公共场所中的人群疏散是行人疏散动力学研究中的重要内容。基于九曲桥行人运动观测实验对转角区域的行人运动特征进行研究,并利用人员疏散模拟软件Pathfinder模拟了因激励作用所导致的行人速度提高对通行效率的影响。结果表明,由于行人的停留、拍照行为导致转角内区域出现了明显的行人变换走道现象;行人在转角内区域出现的停留、超越行为导致行人速度出现大幅度波动,最低速度约为0.2 m/s,最高速度约为0.7 m/s;与转角后区域相比,行人密度变化对转角内区域的行人速度的影响更小,单位流量的影响更大;由于观测实验中行人停留、拍照等行为的存在,相同密度下转角后区域行人运动速度、单位流量均低于P&M平直通道模型;适当的激励作用有助于减轻行人拥堵,提高通行效率,当行人速度达到较高水平后效果不再显著。  相似文献   

Introduction: Safety of pedestrians depends, among other factors, on their behavior while crossing the road. This study aims to assess behaviors of pedestrians at signalized crosswalks. Method: Following a literature review and a pilot study, 25 vital pedestrian crossing factors and behaviors were determined. Then data was randomly collected for 708 pedestrians at 10 lighted crossings in Sharjah (UAE), five at road intersections and five mid-block crossings. Results: Results indicated that 17.4% of pedestrians observed crossed partly or fully on red and that crossing speed was 1.22 m/s, on the average, which is slightly faster than most speeds recorded in the literature. Moreover, female pedestrians were more likely to cross while chatting with others, less likely to cross on red, and more likely to walk slower than male pedestrians. Results also showed that pedestrians who crossed at road intersections walked slower than those who crossed at mid-block crossings. It was also found that longer red pedestrian times and narrower roads tended to encourage pedestrians to cross on red and that the majority of pedestrians did not look around before crossing. Practical implications: Use of the Health Belief Model for pedestrian safety are discussed.  相似文献   

IntroductionA pedestrian crash occurs due to a series of contributing factors taking effect in an antecedent-consequent order. One specific type of antecedent-consequent order is called a crash causation pattern. Understanding crash causation patterns is important for clarifying the complicated growth of a pedestrian crash, which ultimately helps recommend corresponding countermeasures. However, previous studies lack an in-depth investigation of pedestrian crash cases, and are insufficient to propose a representative picture of causation patterns. Method: In this study, pedestrian crash causation patterns were discerned by using the Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method (DREAM). One hundred and forty-two pedestrian crashes were investigated, and five pedestrian pre-crash scenarios were extracted. Then, the crash causation patterns in each pre-crash scenario were analyzed; and finally, six distinct patterns were identified. Accordingly, 17 typical situations corresponding to these causation patterns were specified as well. Results: Among these patterns, the pattern related to distracted driving and the pattern related to an unexpected change of pedestrian trajectory contributed to a large portion of the total crashes (i.e., 27% and 24%, respectively). Other patterns also played an important role in inducing a pedestrian crash; these patterns include the pattern related to an obstructed line of sight caused by outside objects (9%), the pattern that involves reduced visibility (13%), and the pattern related to an improper estimation of the gap distance between the vehicle and the pedestrian (10%). The results further demonstrated the inter-heterogeneity of a crash causation pattern, as well as the intra-heterogeneity of pattern features between different pedestrian pre-crash scenarios. Conclusions and practical applications: Essentially, a crash causation pattern might involve different contributing factors by nature or dependent on specific scenarios. Finally, this study proposed suggestions for roadway facility design, roadway safety education and pedestrian crash prevention system development.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: There is a growing concern with the safety of school-aged children. This study identifies the locations of pedestrian/bicyclist crashes involving school-aged children and examines the conditions when these crashes are more likely to occur. METHOD: The 5-year records of crashes in Orange County, Florida where school-aged children were involved were used. The spatial distribution of these crashes was investigated using the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the likelihoods of crash occurrence under different conditions were estimated using log-linear models. RESULTS: A majority of school-aged children crashes occurred in the areas near schools. Although elementary school children were generally very involved, middle and high school children were more involved in crashes, particularly on high-speed multi-lane roadways. Driver's age, gender, and alcohol use, pedestrian's/bicyclist's age, number of lanes, median type, speed limits, and speed ratio were also found to be correlated with the frequency of crashes. DISCUSSION: The result confirms that school-aged children are exposed to high crash risk near schools. High crash involvement of middle and high school children reflects that middle and high schools tend to be located near multi-lane high-speed roads. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The pedestrian's/bicyclist's demographic factors and geometric characteristics of the roads adjacent to schools associated with school children's crash involvement are of interest to school districts.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that pedestrians listening to personal music devices (PMD) are more likely to be involved in accidents than those not listening to PMDs. Though it has been demonstrated that pedestrians on cell phones exhibit less cautionary behaviour when street crossing ( [Hatfield and Murphy, 2007], [Nasar et al., 2008] and [Stavrinos et al., 2009]), little research has been conducted with PMD users. In the present study, cautionary behaviour (e.g., looking before crossing a road) was observed and recorded for pedestrians with or without PMDs. Amongst males, pedestrians listening to PMDs displayed more looking behaviour than those not listening to PMDs. Females showed no differences between the two conditions. Thus, unlike cell phones, PMDs do not decrease the cautionary behaviour of pedestrians. This suggests that cell phones and PMDs are two different types of distractions, and this needs to be taken into account when developing methods to prevent pedestrian accidents in the future.  相似文献   

Introduction: The pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB) is a traffic control device used at pedestrian crossings. A recent Arizona Department of Transportation research effort investigated changes in crashes for different severity levels and crash types (e.g., rear-end crashes) due to the PHB presence, as well as for crashes involving pedestrians and bicycles. Method: Two types of methodologies were used to evaluate the safety of PHBs: (a) an Empirical Bayes (EB) before-after study, and (b) a long-term cross-sectional observational study. For the EB before-after evaluation, the research team considered three reference groups: unsignalized intersections, signalized intersections, and both unsignalized and signalized intersections combined. Results: For the signalized and combined unsignalized and signalized intersection groups, all crash types considered showed statistically significant reductions in crashes (e.g., total crashes, fatal and injury crashes, rear-end crashes, fatal and injury rear-end crashes, angle crashes, fatal and injury angle crashes, pedestrian-related crashes, and fatal and injury pedestrian-related crashes). A cross-sectional study was conducted with a larger number of PHBs (186) to identify relationships between roadway characteristics and crashes at PHBs, especially with respect to the distance to an adjacent traffic control signal. The distance to an adjacent traffic signal was found to be significant only at the α = 0.1 level, and only for rear-end and fatal and injury rear-end crashes. Conclusions: This analysis represents the largest known study to date on the safety impacts of PHBs, along with a focus on how crossing and geometric characteristics affect crash patterns. The study showed the safety benefits of PHBs for both pedestrians and vehicles. Practical Applications: The findings from this study clearly support the installation of PHBs at midblock or intersection crossings, as well as at crossings on higher-speed roads.  相似文献   

梁璇文  张俊  宋卫国  叶锐 《火灾科学》2020,29(3):181-189
为了研究利用虚拟现实开展行人疏散实验的有效性以及虚拟场景里不同控制方式的优劣,开展了真实世界与三种不同控制方式(头显-鼠标(HM)、鼠标-鼠标(MM)、键盘-鼠标(KM))下虚拟场景的绕障实验。分析并比较了平均轨迹、绕障距离、绕障起始时间以及归一化时间下的横向距离。实验结果表明,当横向坐标小于1 m时,虚拟场景与真实世界实验平均轨迹的差值在10 cm之内。平均轨迹、绕障距离、绕障起始时间方面,HM更接近真实世界实验;归一化时间下的横向距离方面,MM更接近真实世界实验。  相似文献   

Problem: Pedestrian injury is a major hazard to the health of children in most developed countries, including Australia. In a previous study it was found that parental road risk perception is a significant factor associated with their modeling of safe behavior as pedestrians. This study aimed to investigate factors that affect parental road risk perception. Method: This cross-sectional population-based randomized telephone survey aimed to study factors associated with risk perception on pedestrian road safety among parents with young children aged 4–12 years. Results: Five factors were found to be significantly associated with parental risk perception. They included age of child, sex of parent, employment of parent, living environment, and previous injury experience. The results suggested that the age of the child contributed greatest to the variance explained by the regression model. However, other factors remained significant even after adjusting for each other. Discussion: Results were discussed in light of the design and development of childhood pedestrian road safety campaigns. Impact on industry: Parental risk perceptions determine their safe road modeling behavior. In this study, significant factors that affect parental road risk perception have been identified. The information obtained can be used in the design of road safety programs that aim at changing the road risk perception of parents.  相似文献   

Introduction: A large majority of pedestrian fatal crashes occurred during the nighttime. The focus of this research was to identify if the following pedestrian crossing treatments were more or less effective at night: pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB), rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB), or LED-embedded crossing warning sign (LED-Em). Method: For each treatment, two statistical evaluations were used on the staged pedestrian data: ANCOVA models that considered per site mean yield rates and logistic regression that considered the individual driver response to the crossing pedestrian. Results: For the PHB, essentially no difference was found between the very high daytime and nighttime driver yielding values. The research found RRFBs to be more effective at night, and the LED-Em to be more effective during the day. Using the results from the logistic regression evaluation, higher driver yielding was observed at LED-Em sites in the lower speed limit group (30 or 35 mph (48.3 or 56.3 kph), with 2 lanes (rather than 4 lanes), with narrow lanes of 10.5 or 11 ft (3.2 or 3.4 m) widths (rather than 11.5 or 12 ft (3.5 or 3.7 m) widths), and lower hourly volumes. The results from the ANCOVA model for LED-Ems also showed a statistically significant difference for yield lines (higher yielding when present). Conclusions: This analysis represents the only known study to date on the effectiveness of pedestrian crossing treatments at night. Practical Applications: This study provides additional support for the PHB as a treatment because the PHB was found to be highly effective during the nighttime as well as the daytime. The value of using advance yield lines was also demonstrated. The findings offer a caution regarding the use of the LED-Em treatment on higher speed, higher volume, or wider roads.  相似文献   

地下商场紧急情况下人员疏散过程非常复杂,受到众多因素的影响,如人员自身因素、环境因素等。通过设计并实施人员疏散实验,同时对实验参与人员开展问卷调查,分析了地下商场紧急情况下人员疏散特性及借用相邻防火分区防火门作为安全出口对疏散过程的影响;从疏散演习实验过程中人员出口选择、疏散时间及出口流率、疏散行为等三方面内容对实验结果进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   



Previous studies have shown that increased risk in darkness is particularly great for pedestrian crashes, suggesting that attempts to improve headlighting should focus on factors that likely influence those crashes. The current analysis was designed to provide information about how details of pedestrian crashes may differ between daylight and darkness. Method: All pedestrian crashes that occurred in daylight or dark conditions in Michigan during 2004 were analyzed in terms of the variables included in the State of Michigan crash database. Additional analysis of the narratives and diagrams in police accident reports was performed for a subset of 400 of those crashes—200 sampled from daylight and 200 sampled from darkness. Results: Several differences were found that appear to be related to the characteristic asymmetry of low-beam headlamps, which (in the United States) distributes more light on the passenger's side than the driver's side of the vehicle. These results provide preliminary quantification of the how the photometric differences between the right and left sides of typical headlamps may affect pedestrian crash risk.

Impact on Industry

The results suggest that efforts to provide supplemental forward vehicle lighting in turns may have safety benefits for pedestrians.  相似文献   

Objective: Understanding pedestrian injury trends at the local level is essential for program planning and allocation of funds for urban planning and improvement. Because we hypothesize that local injury trends differ from national trends in significant and meaningful ways, we investigated citywide pedestrian injury trends to assess injury risk among nationally identified risk groups, as well as identify risk groups and locations specific to Baltimore City.

Methods: Pedestrian injury data, obtained from the Baltimore City Fire Department, were gathered through emergency medical services (EMS) records collected from January 1 to December 31, 2014. Locations of pedestrian injuries were geocoded and mapped. Pearson's chi-square test of independence was used to investigate differences in injury severity level across risk groups. Pedestrian injury rates by age group, gender, and race were compared to national rates.

Results: A total of 699 pedestrians were involved in motor vehicle crashes in 2014—an average of 2 EMS transports each day. The distribution of injuries throughout the city did not coincide with population or income distributions, indicating that there was not a consistent correlation between areas of concentrated population or concentrated poverty and areas of concentrated pedestrian injury. Twenty percent (n = 138) of all injuries occurred among children age ≤14, and 22% (n = 73) of severe injuries occurred among young children. The rate of injury in this age group was 5 times the national rate (Incident Rate Ratio [IRR] = 4.81, 95% confidence interval [CI], [4.05, 5.71]). Injury rates for adults ≥65 were less than the national average.

Conclusions: As the urban landscape and associated pedestrian behavior transform, continued investigation of local pedestrian injury trends and evolving public health prevention strategies is necessary to ensure pedestrian safety.  相似文献   

Objective: This study looks at mitigating and aggravating factors that are associated with the injury severity of pedestrians when they have crashes with another road user and overcomes existing limitations in the literature by focusing attention on the built environment and considering spatial correlation across crashes.

Method: Reports for 6,539 pedestrian crashes occurred in Denmark between 2006 and 2015 were merged with geographic information system resources containing detailed information about the built environment and exposure at the crash locations. A linearized spatial logit model estimated the probability of pedestrians sustaining a severe or fatal injury conditional on the occurrence of a crash with another road user.

Results: This study confirms previous findings about older pedestrians and intoxicated pedestrians being the most vulnerable road users and crashes with heavy vehicles and in roads with higher speed limits being related to the most severe outcomes. This study provides novel perspectives by showing positive spatial correlations of crashes with the same severity outcomes and emphasizing the role of the built environment in the proximity of the crash.

Conclusions: This study emphasizes the need for thinking about traffic calming measures, illumination solutions, road maintenance programs, and speed limit reductions. Moreover, this study emphasizes the role of the built environment, because shopping areas, residential areas, and walking traffic density are positively related to a reduction in pedestrian injury severity. Often, these areas have in common a larger pedestrian mass that is more likely to make other road users more aware and attentive, whereas the same does not seem to apply to areas with lower pedestrian density.  相似文献   

The role of built environment on pedestrian crash frequency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates (i) the link of land use and road design on pedestrian safety and (ii) the effect of the level of spatial aggregation on the frequency of pedestrian accidents. For this purpose, pedestrian accident frequency models were developed for New York City based on an extensive dataset collected from different sources over a period of 5 years. The assembled dataset provides a rich source of variables (land-use, demographics, transit supply, road network and travel characteristics) and two different crash frequency outcomes: total and fatal-only collision counts. Among other things, it was observed that the census tract analysis (disaggregate data) provides more insightful and consistent results than the analysis at the zip code level. The results indicate that tracts with greater fraction of industrial, commercial, and open land use types have greater likelihood for crashes while tracts with a greater fraction of residential land use have significantly lower likelihood of pedestrian crashes. Moreover, census tracts that have a greater number of schools and transit stops - which are determinants of pedestrian activity - are more likely to have greater crashes. Results also show that the likelihood of pedestrian-vehicle collision increases with the number of lanes and road width. This suggests that retrofitting or narrowing the roads could possibly reduce the risk of pedestrian crashes.  相似文献   

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