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 The European fanworm Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin, 1791) was recently introduced to Port Phillip Bay and is now a conspicuous component of most benthic communities. Reproduction of the worm was investigated in a population at Queenscliff over a 2 yr period (October 1995 to October 1997) using gonadal histology. The worms are dioecious (sex ratio 1:1, n=250), and attained sexual maturity at ∼50 mm body length. Reproductive periodicity followed a distinct annual cycle, and spawning proceeded through an extended autumn/winter period. Spawning was broadly synchronous between sexes, and coincided with falling seawater temperatures and shorter day-lengths. The females were highly fecund, and >50 000 eggs were probably shed from large females (>300 mm body length) during the annual spawning period. Breeding cycles of S. spallanzanii in Port Phillip Bay are ∼6 mo out of phase with endemic populations located at similar latitudes in the northern hemisphere. The spread of S. spallanzanii within Port Phillip Bay has been monitored by divers on an annual basis since 1994. The most recent dive survey (1998) indicates that S. spallanzanii has extended its range through out the entire 2000 km2 embayment, and has invaded most subtidal habitats. Quantitative estimates of S. spallanzanii abundances were highest on pier pylons (12.5 individuals m−2, 0.5 to 7 m depths). On sediments, estimates were highest at shallow sites (0.3 m−2, 7 m depth), but numbers declined significantly with depth (0.1 m−2, 17 to 22 m depth). Mean worm lengths and biomass were, by contrast, significantly higher at intermediate depths (12 to 17 m) than in shallower (7 m) or deeper (22 m) locations. S. spallanzanii demonstrates a clear preference for growth in sheltered, nutrient-enriched waters, so it may not spread from Port Phillip Bay into the adjacent oceanic waters of Bass Strait; however, in view of S. spallanzanii's current high abundance, fecundity and extended spawning periodicity, there is a high risk of future range expansions, mediated by shipping, into other temperate-water ports. Received: 17 November 1998 / Accepted: 6 January 2000  相似文献   

Larval development in Amphiglena mediterranea is direct in the parental tube, and larvae crawl away as young juveniles with a radiolar crown capable of feeding. The non-feeding larvae of A. nathae are initially brooded in the parental tube, and then have a swimming phase before settling and developing a radiolar crown. Developmental data and reproductive features such as sperm structure are combined with other morphological data for an assessment of the cladistic relationships of the species in the genus Amphiglena. Two species of Laonome are included as part of the ingroup. Six genera, representing a sister group to the Laonome/Amphiglena clade, are used as an outgroup. Two most-parsimonious cladograms were found, and the evolution of reproductive features are discussed. The monophyly of Amphiglena is indicated by features previously identified, as well as two features based on sperm morphology. At present a plesiomorphic larval form cannot be identified for the genus Amphiglena. Received: 16 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 January 1998  相似文献   

To investigate the life-history adaptations of a brackish-water population ofNaineris laevigata Grube, a population from Acquatina lagoon near Lecce (Italy) was studied. Benthos and plankton samples were collected monthly over a period of ca. 2 yr (1989–1990). Observations of gametogenesis indicate that oogenesis is intraovaric, probably with autosynthetic yolk formation. Oogenesis takes about 7 mo, from November to April–May, for both proliferative and vitellogenetic phases. Reproduction is synchronized within the population. Spawning has also been obtained under laboratory conditions where larval development and post-larval growth were studied. Eggs measured 240 µm in diameter and were spawned within a gelatinous mass. The lecithotrophic pelagic stage was very short. Reproductive effort was high, probably because of high food availability and low level of competition. One of the most interesting findings was the probable presence of a resting stage in the life-cycle. The adaptive significance of enclosing the eggs in gelatiuous masses and of reducing the duration of the pelagic stage is discussed.  相似文献   

Specimens of Spirographis spallanzani (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) were collected in the Gulf of Taranto, Italy, in 1991, and their mucous secretion was examined. The mucus possesses thermolabile biologically active proteins which produce hemolysis in vertebrate erythrocytes. The molecules are ineffective against both unfertilized and fertilized echinoid eggs and spermatozoa. The lytic reaction against rabbit erythrocytes varies as a function of cations, pH and temperature, and displays a fast time-course. No immunological cross-reaction could be demonstrated between hemolysins of S. spallanzani and Eisenia foetida andrei. SDS-PAGE analysis of mucus proteins reacting with sheep erythrocytes revealed that at least three major (16, 22 and 40 kDa) and two minor (29 and 34 kDa) components interact with membrane targets.  相似文献   

The processes of gametogenesis in Harmothoe imbricata are described and illustrated. For most of their development the gametes are attached to the walls of segmental blood vessels. In males, only meiosis and sperm differentiation occur while the cells are free in the coelom. In females, oocytes are only released into the coelom briefly, after vitellogenesis has been completed. H. imbricata thus differs from most polychaete species so far described — where in males the spermatogonia divide mitotically to form rosettes after they have been released into the coelom, and in females the whole of vitellogenesis occurs after release of oocytes into the coelom. The oocytes of H. imbricata enter the first metaphase of meiosis before they are shed at spawning. The elongated head of the sperm in H. imbricata is atypical of polychaetes in general.  相似文献   

R. Bochert  A. Bick 《Marine Biology》1995,123(4):763-773
The pelagic larvae of the polychaete Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill, 1873) are newcomers among the meroplankton of the Baltic Sea, where they sometimes achieve an abundance of up to 21x106 ind m-3 near the coast, especially in late autumn and even in winter. Benthos samples were collected in the Darss-Zingst bodden chain from April 1992 to 1993 and used to ascertain the reproductive stages of individuals. Development from fertilized egg to benthic juvenile is described on the basis of field material. Details of the morphology of various pelagic stages and the young benthic worm are presented as drawings and scanning electron microscope photographs. In 1992, development of the gametes started in mid-May. The individuals reached maturity in late September after about 20 wk. The first planktonic stage was the fertilized egg. The larvae have initially one and later two pairs of black eyes and, in the 2nd segment, a ciliated pit. Gastrotrochs are present on the third and thereafter every alternate segment. Neuropodial setae develop once the 7-setiger stage is reached. Palps appear at the 10-setiger stage, and neuropodial bidentate hooks from the 10th to 11th setiger on. Metamorphosis into the juvenile benthic stage takes place at the earliest when the 15-setiger stage has been reached. The reproductive seasons of various populations of M. viridis and the developmental patterns of their larvae are discussed, and differences are compared with relevant findings for the spionids.  相似文献   

The sabellid polychaete Sabellastarte spectabilis (Grube 1878) was collected at approximately monthly intervals from January 2002 to December 2003 from intertidal and subtidal reefs near the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology in Kane’ohe Bay, Hawaii, USA (21°N, 157°W). Gametogenesis and spawning periodicity were investigated using histological techniques and induction of spawning trials. Worms were characterized into four discrete reproductive stages based on histological evidence: (1) No evidence of reproductive activity in the coelom (sex cannot be determined), (2) Only coelomocytes present in the coelom (sex cannot be determined), (3) Some gametes present in the coelom (sex can be determined) and (4) Coelom densely packed with gametes (sex can be determined). The small hermaphroditic portion of the population was not used in this study. Stage 4 worms were present over an extended period of time (females, March–December and males, March–November) indicating a potentially broad reproductive season. No correlation between day length and maturation stages in S. spectabilis was detected. However, the statistical model Y = ([394.26 × X] − [7.793 × X 2]) − 4960.781 where Y the % frequency of Stage 4 worms and X the mean monthly water temperature explained 44% of the variation between water temperature and % frequency of Stage 4 worms. Maturation appeared to coincide with water temperatures of 24–25°C (March–September) after which there is a reduction in the % frequency of stage 4 individuals. Induction of spawning trials conducted between May and January showed the month of October with a significantly higher percent success than any other month investigated. According to all available information (e.g., natural spawning in water tables, histological data, induction of spawning trials, correlation of maturation stages with observed changes in average monthly water temperature.), there is an apparent peak in reproductive activity (spawning) within a broad maturational season, which may be influenced by water temperature.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation between North Sea and Baltic Sea Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) (Polychaeta: Nereididae) populations was studied by allozyme electrophoresis on starch gel. Thirteen loci were analyzed in eight populations. The level of genetic variation was very low (mean H o = 0.000 to 0.015). Differentiation between H. diversicolor populations is quite high (F ST = 0.892) and reflected by three enzyme loci (MDH-I*, MDH-II*, IDH-I*). The reduced gene flow (N m<1) may be explained by the limited dispersal capacity of the species. Regardless of whether found in the North Sea or Baltic Sea, there appear to be two different genetic types which are parapatric or sympatric in some places. The two types hybridize at three localities, but no signs of hybridization have been found at one (Tallinn). Received: 26 June 1997 / Accepted: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

Larvae of the sabellariid polychaete Phragmatopoma californica (Fewkes), which were collected in San Diego, California and were competent to metamorphose after 18 to 30 d of development were observed in vivo by videoequipped light microscopy, and the fine structure of the larval tentacles was examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Each tentacle has tufts of at least two types of immotile cilia arranged in dorsolateral and ventrolateral rows, and a ventral groove covered by two types of motile cilia that beat independently of each other. The epidermis is regionalized into glandular, sensory, locomotory, and support cell types and contains four longitudinal bundles of basiepithelial nerve fibers. A layer of connective tissue separates the epidermis and the nerve tracts from obliquely striated muscles that occur within the peritoneum that lines the central coelomic cavities. The peritoneum forms an intact coelomic epithelium that overlies and interdigitates with the muscle cells, with no intervening basal lamina. The muscle cells are considered to be intraperitoneal because they are located above the basal lamina and they lack intercellular junctions with the peritoneal cells. Specialized peritoneal cells form a striated myoepithelial blood vessel that partitions the coelom into medial and lateral cavities. No neuromuscular junctions were found, but both muscular and ciliary movement seem to be under neuronal control. The basiepithelial nerve terminals appear to synapse into the connective tissue layer toward the intraperitoneal muscle. Several similarities in tissue organization are noted between the larval tentacles of P. californica and the tube feet of echinoderms. Observations on the ontogeny, morphology, and behavior of the tentacles suggest that they are multifunctional organs involved in feeding, construction of the juvenile sand tube, locomotion, attachment, and sensory perception during larval and adult lives.  相似文献   

Anthelia glauca Lamarck, 1816 is a gonochoric, external-brooding soft coral found in KwaZulu-Natal. It is reproductively active in the summer months. The development of gametes produced in late summer is arrested in winter. Several stages of gametes are found at the base of the polyps, and female polyps produce several cycles of larvae over an extended breeding period of 4 to 5 months. Larvae are brooded in a unique pharyngeal brooding pouch not yet described in other coral species. The brood pouch consists of an expansion of the pharynx with constrictions proximal and distal to the embryos and larvae. Our data suggest that egg transfer and fertilization occur at full moon and the mature larvae are released after new moon. Zooxanthellae are absent in A. glauca oocytes, but zooxanthella infestation commences at the immature larval stage. Received: 15 July 1997 / Accepted: 12 March 1998  相似文献   

Eupolymnia nebulosa (Montagu) is a widely distributed terebellid polychaete that builds its tubes on the coastal shelf in areas with mixed soft and hard bottoms. From a long-term survey in the Bay of Banyuls, France (NW Mediterranean), we found an advancement of the timing of the spawning period coincident with a delayed breakdown of the thermocline. We postulate that persistent high temperatures can influence gamete development by stimulating oocyte growth, resulting in earlier spawning. During 1992 and 1993, we used a between-individuals experimental approach to assess the possible effect of temperature on oocyte growth based on: (1) determination of the growing fraction of the oocyte population (i.e. oocyte net growth); (2) identification of differences in oocyte growth-rate among females; (3) comparison of non-significantly different size-distributions of the growing oocyte fraction (net oocyte size-distributions) at the beginning of the experiments with those at the end. No effect of temperature on oocyte growth was detectable at the population level, but a positive individual response to prolonged high temperature was evident. Thus, the lack of a significant response by the population to prolonged high temperature does not imply a lack of individual response. We propose a model of oocyte-growth dynamics based on temperature that incorporates previous observations of extended oogenesis and oocyte growth during periods of both increasing and decreasing temperature and on the scattered pattern of oocyte size-distributions at the onset of spawning. Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 18 January 1997  相似文献   

The carbon transfer through the microbial community in two areas of the Northern Adriatic Sea was estimated by proteolytic and respiratory activities during four oceanographic surveys carried out in June, 1996, 1997 and February, 1997, 1998. In front of the Po Delta (area A), the mean rates of proteolytic activity range from 4.9 to 9.9 r µg r C r h r l; near Ancona (area B), they range from 3.1 to 7.6 r µg r C r h r l. Respiratory rates vary between 0.19 and 2.29 and between 0.24 and 1.40 r µg r C r h r l in areas A and B, respectively. In general, high rates occur in the surface layers, within the first 10 r m of depth. In area A, proteolytic and respiratory rates undergo seasonal course, with high activity in warm periods. In area B, respiration and bacterioplankton abundance increase from the first to the second year, whilst proteolytic activity decreases. The sequence of metabolic steps in the carbon transfer within the bacteria, from the biotic vs . the abiotic compartment, was drawn in order to define the actual role of bacterial biomass in the biogeochemical fluxes in an ecosystem which often suffers distrophic crises. Respiratory turnover rates, in the upper 10 r m depth, reach low values in cold periods and high values in June, 1997. The carbon transfer versus mineralization flows better in the summer period, in particular in June, 1997. However, the bacterial growth efficiency ranges from 17 to 38% in area A and from 13 to 44% in area B with highest values in February, 1997, when bacteria contribute in a relevant way to the overall respiration.  相似文献   

Life-history traits of Plesionika martia (Milne Edwards, 1883) were studied through data collected during six seasonal trawl surveys carried out in the Ionian Sea (eastern-central Mediterranean) between July 1997 and September 1998. P. martia was found at between 304 and 676 m depth, with the highest density in the 400-600 m range. Intraspecific, size-related depth segregation was shown. Recruitment occurred in summer at the shallowest depths. Juveniles moved to the deepest grounds as they grew. The largest female and male were 26 and 25 mm carapace length, respectively. The sex ratio was slightly in favour of females at depths >400 m. Although a seasonal spawning peak was shown, the reproduction appears to be rather prolonged throughout the year. Females with ripe gonads were found from spring to autumn. Ovigerous females with eggs in late maturity stage were found year round. Large females could spawn more than one time within their annual reproductive cycle. The size at first maturity (50% of the ovigerous females) was 15.5 mm CL. Average brood size of eggs with a well-developed embryo was 2,966ǃ,521. Iteroparity, low fecundity and large egg size patterns were observed. Brood size increased according to the carapace length. Two main annual groups were found in the field population of the Ionian Sea. Estimates of the Von Bertalanffy growth parameters are: LX=30.5 mm, k=0.44 year-1 in females; LX=28.0 mm, k=0.50 year-1 in males. A negative allometry was detected mostly in the ovigerous females. The life cycle of P. martia is discussed in the light of life-history adaptations shown in other deep-water shrimp species.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the biology of Bathypolypus sponsalis were studied from 297 individuals (115 males, 180 females and 2 indeterminates) caught in a depth range of 200–800 m depth in the western Mediterranean Sea. The paper presents data on sizes (length-weight relationships, size-frequency distributions) and reproduction (sex ratio, maturation, condition), and also analyses of the diet of B. sponsalis from samples taken throughout the year. Length-weight relationships showed that females are heavier than males at the same mantle length. Although mature individuals were found all year round, the maximum number occurred in spring and summer. Sexual maturation data revealed that males mature at smaller sizes than females. The gonadosomatic index increased with maturity in both sexes; the increase was gradual in males, but abrupt in females. The digestive gland index was used as a condition index and showed a differential behaviour with maturity; it increased gradually in females, but decreased in males. Like other octopus species, B. sponsalis appears to be an opportunistic predator, feeding on a great variety of preys. Stomach content analysis yielded a total of 19 different prey items belonging to four major groups (Crustacea, Mollusca, Ophiuroidea and Osteichthya). The first three groups were the more frequent preys, since crustaceans, molluscs and ophiuroids appeared in 76%, 49% and 30% of the stomachs, respectively. Decapoda Reptantia (among crustaceans) and cephalopods and bivalves (among molluscs) constituted the more abundant prey items. While the Decapoda Reptantia group was significantly more abundant in stomach contents of females, gastropods were taken more frequently by males. These differences in diet could reveal females as a more active predators than males. Received: 5 March 2000 / Accepted: 7 November 2000  相似文献   

Loggerhead turtles nesting in the Mediterranean Sea exhibit remarkable genetic structuring. This paper tests the hypothesis that young loggerhead turtles from different rookeries do not distribute homogeneously among the major Mediterranean foraging grounds, due to a complex pattern of surface currents. We extracted long fragments of mitochondrial DNA from 275 stranded or bycaught juvenile turtles from six foraging grounds (Catalano-Balearic Sea, Algerian basin, Tyrrhenian Sea, Adriatic Sea, northern Ionian Sea and southern Levantine Sea). We used a Bayesian mixed-stock analysis to estimate the contributions from rookeries in the Mediterranean, the North-west Atlantic and Cape Verde to the studied foraging grounds. Differences were found in the relative contribution of juvenile turtles of Atlantic and Mediterranean origin to each foraging ground. A decreasing proportion of Atlantic juveniles was detected along the main surface current entering the Mediterranean, with a high prevalence of turtles from eastern Florida in the Algerian basin and lower numbers elsewhere. In regard to the turtles of Mediterranean origin, juveniles from Libya prevailed in central and western Mediterranean foraging grounds other than the Algerian basin. Conversely, the Adriatic Sea was characterised by a large presence of individuals from western Greece, while the southern Levantine Sea was inhabited by a heterogeneous mix of turtles from the eastern Mediterranean rookeries (Turkey, Lebanon and Israel). Overall, the distribution of juveniles may be related to surface circulation patterns in the Mediterranean and suggests that fisheries might have differential effects on each population depending on the overlap degree between foraging and fishing grounds.  相似文献   

Two morphologically indistinguishable but genetically very distinct polychaete species of the family Spionidae are found in the Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan. Both species bore into molluscan shells and occur sympatrically. They are close in morphology to Polydora ciliata (Johnston, 1838) and some other members of the redefined P. ciliata species complex. The systematics of the two species is still under consideration by one of us (V.I.R.). A total of nine enzyme systems comprising 12 isozyme loci were examined in both the species by means of starch gel electrophoresis. Nei's genetic distance between them proved surprisingly high (D= 1.942) being the highest among estimates so far obtained for pairs of polydorid species. The levels of intraspecific genetic variation in both species (Polydora sp. 1, H e= 0.287 ± 0.064; Polydora sp. 2, H e= 0.111 ± 0.045) are comparable to those of other electrophoretically studied polydorids. The problem of taxonomic integrity of cosmopolitan marine invertebrate species is briefly discussed as well as the usefulness of isozymes as species-specific characters suitable for unequivocal discrimination between sibling polydorid species. A list of enzymes characterized by interspecifically variable numbers of expressed isozymes within polydorids is given and recommended for such a discrimination. Received: 22 July 1997 / Accepted: 19 February 1998  相似文献   

Early development was examined, under various salinities, for two sympatric nereidid polychaetes, Hediste japonica and H. diadroma, which participated in a simultaneous reproductive swarming in an estuary of the Omuta-gawa River in Ariake Sea, Japan. The eggs of both species were isotonic to the medium of 27.5–30 psu salinity. The egg diameter in the isotonic salinity was 180–205 μm in H. japonica, and 130–160 μm in H. diadroma. Successful development of most embryos was observed in a salinity range of 22.5–30 psu in both species, while successful fertilization occurred in wider ranges of salinity, i.e., 10–34 psu in H. japonica and 10 to 30 psu in H. diadroma. In both species, free-swimming larval life started from the indistinct hatching of trochophores out of a jelly layer capsule. The lecithotrophic development appeared to run to the 4-setiger nectochaetes in H. japonica, while to 3-setiger nectochaetes in H. diadroma, resulting in a shorter pelagic larval life in H. japonica. In a comparison of larval morphology among Hediste species, we found a definite negative correlation between the prostomium width, which represents the larval size and depends on egg size, and relative length of chaetae to the prostomium width: the relative length of chaetae was the longest in H. diadroma (with the smallest egg size and long pelagic life), intermediate in H. japonica (intermediate egg size, short pelagic life), and the shortest in H. atoka (largest egg size, no true pelagic life). We also examined the possibility of hybridization between H. japonica and H. diadroma through cross-insemination experiments. The gametes of the two species were reciprocally compatible, and viable hybrid offspring were produced by the laboratory crosses. The hybrid larvae expressed intermediate phenotypes, but with a greater maternal influence in characteristics such as the relative length of chaetae and the lecithotrophic larval duration.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of Bispira volutacornis, a dioecious polychaete, was followed over two spawning periods in Lettercallow Bay, on the west coast of Ireland. In the younger generation of sexually mature adults, gender can be determined on the basis of colour, the dorsal aspect of the males being cream at maturation, whilst the females are pink at the previtellogenic stage and an olive green at maturation. An annual reproductive cycle of 12 months shows that oocyte/sperm maturation is extraovarian. The male reproductive cycle proceeded at a more rapid pace than that of the female cycle, with sperm maturing earlier. Spawning in B. volutacornis occurred between late July and early September. B. volutacornis is a polytelic species, surviving spawning and releasing all gametes in a single batch, with a mean spawned oocyte diameter of 118 m. The reproductive cycle appears to be regulated by a seasonal change in water temperature, and spawning is timed to produce larvae during the autumnal planktonic bloom in Lettercallow Bay.Communicated by J.P. Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars)is a pelagic crustacean that plays a key role in marine food webs of North Atlantic Ocean and marginal seas. We studied eight population samples collected in the European Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. By means of single strand conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP) and direct sequencing, we investigated a segment of 158 base pairs of the mitochondrial gene coding for the subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase. We found 12 sequence variants among the 385 individuals studied. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that 14.75% of the total genetic variability was explained by differences between populations, thus indicating absence of panmixia for these populations. Pairwise comparisons revealed three distinct genetic pools: the first one represented by Cadiz Bay, the second one by the Ligurian Sea, and the third one included all the NE Atlantic samples. We also investigated one population from the Alboran Sea (within the Mediterranean basin, east of the Strait of Gibraltar). This population was found to be genetically intermediate between the NE Atlantic samples and the Ligurian sample, suggesting that the restriction to the gene flow is not associated with the Strait of Gibraltar, but possibly with the Oran–Almeria oceanographic front. The present work indicates that M. norvegica, although endowed with a high dispersal capacity because of its pelagic habit, can develop separate breeding units inside the same oceanic basin (the Atlantic). Furthermore, the Ligurian sample should be considered as a distinct evolutionary entity, separated from the Atlantic population. Received: 2 May 1999 / Accepted: 26 November 1999  相似文献   

The frostfish Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788) is a mesopelagic species; it occurs along the shelf and slope down to 450 m in the Catalan Sea. Its' fishery, population structure, growth, diet and reproduction was studied on the basis of commercial statistics from 1984 to 1990 and on samplings made in 1988 and 1989. L. caudatus is fished by two types of commercial method, trawl and long-line; catches by the latter method display a marked seasonality. The minimum size of fish caught is 26 cm total length by trawling and 71 cm by long-line. Maximum sizes are similar for both gears: 196 and 188 cm, respectively. L. caudatus exhibits fast growth and attains an age of 8 yr. It feeds on small mesopelagic prey. It is a partial spawner reproductive activity occurring from April to November. Males attain sexual maturity at 97 cm and females at 111 cm total length.  相似文献   

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