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城市污水处理厂污泥处理处置的政策分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
岑超平  张德见  韩琪 《生态环境》2005,14(5):803-806
简要介绍了城市污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术,提出污泥产业发展政策的建议,指出土地利用是符合我国国情的污泥处置的方向之一:污泥处理技术主要有减量化、浓缩、脱水、消化、堆肥等;污泥处置技术主要有焚烧、填埋、土地利用、建材利用等。污泥处理处置应按照减量化、稳定化、无害化原则,鼓励污泥资源化综合利用。合理确定污水处理厂污泥处理处置设施的布局和设计规模;鼓励对污泥处理处置给与税、费优惠政策,明确将污泥处理处置的运营费用列入污水排污收费范围,建立科学的价格补偿机制;政府在污泥产业发展中起着较为重要的作用,主要体现为服务与监督,包括承诺、保障和协调三个方面。  相似文献   

城市污泥植物处理系统与污泥中转处理场建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前城市污水处理厂污泥处理利用的主要障碍是污泥中过多的水分和重金属,增加运输、处理成本,造成二次污染问题.文章首先回顾了城市污泥的主要处理处置方法及其特点;接着介绍了污泥农用的作用和限制;主要阐述了用污泥干化床同时种植重金属超富集植物、低累积作物或钾高累积植物,通过植物提取降低城市污泥重金属含量,同时生产植物产品,并使污泥干化和稳定化的城市污泥特种植物处理系统;最后,针对一种处理方法难以消化一个大城市全部污泥的现状,提出城市污泥中转处理场的设想,把植物处理系统、堆肥、太阳能干燥、有机肥和复合肥生产、建材制造等多项技术集成,建立城市污泥专用处理和集散基地,解决日益增多的城市污泥的处置问题.其成本应低于目前采用的填埋、焚烧、制砖等处理方法,具有显著的社会、经济和环境效益.  相似文献   

垃圾堆肥资源化若干问题研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
堆肥是目前广泛应用且能有效的处理城市生活垃圾和污泥的方法之一 .国内外都提出垃圾处理要走资源化利用的道路 .垃圾堆肥化在许多国家和地区得到了广泛的应用 ,特别是经济欠发达地区 ,经筛选后的以有机物为主的垃圾被用来进行堆肥 .研究结果表明 ,根据城市生活垃圾的组成和热值 ,当垃圾干物质的O2 呼吸强度在 96h <5mg/g时 ,采用垃圾堆肥的方式来处理垃圾要比焚烧为好 ,垃圾处理要逐步达到堆肥而实现资源化为主 ,尽量减少垃圾填埋[1] .本文将就垃圾堆肥资源化过程中的若干问题进行论述 .1 垃圾堆肥的影响因素堆肥过程是多种微生物相…  相似文献   

我国城市污水厂延伸污泥处理与处置责任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨延伸城市污水处理厂的职能,使污泥的"生产者"承担起污泥处理和处置的环境责任,激励其全面关注进水有机物的最终无害化,将污泥处理以及最终处置(如土地填埋、焚烧或资源化等)的工程造价、运行费用以及相应的环境影响均纳入城市污水处理厂进行考虑,这样将对城市污水厂的环境管理观念带来革命性的变化。  相似文献   

城市污泥好氧堆肥过程中重金属的形态转化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市污泥是一种富含作物生长需要的多种养分的生物固体废弃物,但重金属问题又成为影响污泥农用的关键因素,而重金属的生物活性、迁移性及毒性不仅取决于总量,很大程度上取决于其存在的形态.该实验通过调节城市污泥的水分和C/N比,利用笔者所在课题组自行开发的好氧堆肥反应器进行城市污泥堆肥处理,经过为期20 d的好氧堆肥处理,研究堆肥前后污泥中的重金属总量和化学形态的变化.实验结果表明:堆肥处理由于添加能源调理剂等,使堆肥产品中的重金属含量低于原污泥,符合了农用污泥污染物控制标准;同时堆肥也改变了重金属的化学形态,降低了剧毒性的Cd的生物有效性.对污泥及堆肥的重金属形态研究发现:大部分重金属主要以残渣态形式存在,生物毒性很小,农用时的重金属污染度也很低.  相似文献   

污泥处置方式对污水处理系统可持续性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脱水污泥的污染问题影响了城市污水处理厂的生存和发展,不同的中水处置方式对经济和环境的影响也不一样.将污水处理、脱水污泥和中水处置结合起来构建污水处理生态系统有利于研究污水处理的综合效益、探索促进污水处理事业可持续发展的途径.在考虑废物处理处置和排放的影响基础上,提出了针对污水处理生态系统的改进的能值分析方法和指标体系,即能值产出率(WEYR)、环境负载率(WELR) 和可持续发展指标(WESI), 指标反映了资源消耗和废物排放对系统可持续性的影响.以明镜滩污水处理生态系统作为案例,评价了"污水处理系统 污泥填埋系统 中水排放"(方案1)、"污水处理系统 陶粒生产系统 中水排放"(方案2)、"污水处理系统 聚合材料生产系统 中水排放"(方案3)和"污水处理系统 好氧堆肥生产系统 中水排放"(方案4)等4种方案的可持续性.方案1、2、3和4的WEYR分别为1.65、3.84、3.95和3.63, WELR分别为5.19、5.41、7.69和4.24,WESI分别为0.32、0.71、0.51和0.86.方案1由于未对污泥进行资源化利用,其能值产出率远远低于其他3个方案,故可持续性最低;其他三个方案的能值产出率比较接近,但方案4的环境负载率远远低于其他2个方案,故方案4的可持续性最高.结果表明,污泥利用可提高污水处理生态系统的可持续性,而不同废物利用方式由于对不可更新资源的消耗不同对污水处理生态系统的可持续性影响不一样;改进的能值分析方法适合于评价污水处理生态系统的可持续性.  相似文献   

污泥间接干化产生的恶臭及挥发性有机物特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正随着城市发展,污水处理量大幅提高,城市污水处理厂污泥产量也急剧增加,使污泥的处理处置成为亟待解决的问题.利用水泥厂煅烧设备处理污水处理厂污泥,可实现污泥处置的无害化、减量化以及资源化[1].在焚烧处置之前,须先将污泥进行干化处理,使其含水率达到焚烧要求.湿污泥干化过程中,由于部分有机物的转化与挥发,干化尾气中存在恶臭及挥发性有机污染物.北京水泥厂有限责任公司的处置污水处理厂污泥工程是我国首个利用水泥窑余热干化处置污水  相似文献   

微生物方法降低城市污泥的重金属含量研究进展   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
城市污泥 (简称污泥 )是城市污水净化处理过程中产生的沉积物 ,数量巨大 ,增长迅速 ,是亟待解决的城市固体废物 ,其处置方式主要有填埋、焚烧、倒海和农业利用等 .前 3种方式由于场地的限制、费用昂贵、造成二次污染等原因而难以为继或被禁止 .污泥通常含有丰富的N、P、K和有机质 ,是良好的有机肥料资源 .实践证明 ,农业利用是污泥最有前景的处置方法 ,有利于城市和农业的可持续发展[1 ] .虽然我国污泥的农用率较低(<10 % ) ,但英、美、法、荷兰和瑞士等国也仅为 6 0 %左右 ,主要是因为污泥中重金属的含量超标 .因此 ,解决污泥农业利用的…  相似文献   

北京市污水厂污泥中的内分泌干扰效应物质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用重组基因酵母法检测了北京市16个污水处理厂污泥的雌激素、雄激素和孕激素效应.结果表明,各污水厂污泥中均可检测到雌激素受体诱导效应,范围在0.587~6.76ngEEQ·g-(1dw)之间.各水厂污泥均未检测出雄激素诱导效应和孕激素诱导效应,大部分污水厂污泥样品表现出较明显的雄激素抑制效应和较强的孕激素抑制效应.与国外相比,北京市污水厂污泥中的雌激素活性值相对较低.堆肥处理不能有效去除雌激素类物质和孕激素抑制物质,但对雄激素抑制物质的去除明显.  相似文献   

着重论述了国内外城市污水处理厂污泥的各种处置方法及处置现状,提出污泥土地利用是目前国内外污泥处理中的主体和重点发展的方式。根据上海市具体市情和污泥处置状况,提出在上海市建没污泥专用处置场,以解决污泥大量处置和最终用于土地利用的思路。比较详细地探讨了国外污泥专用处置场运行的现状,指出污泥专用处置场比污泥有效利用场能更大量地处置污泥且可循环反复处置,它占地面积小,在土地紧缺的上海更具利用优势。在此基础上,提出了适合上海市情的污泥专用处置场工艺流程设计、综合运行框架和具体的技术要求,以保证污泥能安全有效地处置利用,经过分析,指出在上海兴建污泥专用处置场处置污泥能获得较好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

污泥是污水处理厂中最主要的固体废物,其处置是整个污水处理工程中最重要的环节之一,妥善处置能有效地防止污水处理工程可能产生的二次污染。以天津市汉沽营城污水处理厂为例,针对污水处理过程中产生的污泥进行成分类比分析,对其拟采取的处理处置措施所带来的环境影响进行论述。  相似文献   

In China, over 1.43×107 tons of dewatered sewage sludge, with 80% water content, were generated from wastewater treatment plants in 2007. About 60% of the COD removed during the wastewater treatment process becomes concentrated as sludge. Traditional disposal methods used by municipal solid waste treatment facilities, such as landfills, composting, or incineration, are unsuitable for sludge disposal because of its high water content. Disposal of sludge has therefore become a major focus of current environmental protection policies. The present status of sludge treatment and disposal methodology is introduced in this paper. Decreasing the energy consumption of sludge dewatering from 80% to 50% has been a key issue for safe and economic sludge disposal. In an analysis of sludge water distribution, thermal drying and hydrothermal conditioning processes are compared. Although thermal drying could result in an almost dry sludge, the energy consumption needed for this process is extremely high. In comparison, hydrothermal technology could achieve dewatered sewage sludge with a 50%–60% water content, which is suitable for composting, incineration, or landfill. The energy consumption of hydrothermal technology is lower than that required for thermal drying.  相似文献   

新型调理剂CTB-2污泥堆肥的氧气时空变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用新型CTB-2调理剂与城市污泥进行堆肥,研究了堆肥过程中氧气、温度的时空变化特征。结果表明,m(CTB-2调理剂):m(污泥)=1:2能够有效降低污泥容重,改善堆体结构;堆体能够快速升温至高温期并持续7d以上,最终完成无害化;采用该比例的调理剂能够保证堆体的通风供氧,使堆体各层通风后的氧气体积分数都恢复至19%以上,最低氧气体积分数维持在数17%以上;堆肥过程中堆体的氧气体积分数、耗氧速率和温度都具有明显的层次效应,堆体耗氧速率呈先升高后降低的趋势,堆体通风后的氧气和最低氧气体积分数均随着堆肥的进行而增加。  相似文献   

TCS and TCC can be biodegraded during sewage sludge composting. Ventilation significantly accelerated the biodegradation of TCS and TCC in sludge. Composting can reduce the environmental risk of TCS and TCC in sewage sludge. Triclosan (TCS) and triclocarban (TCC) are widely used in home and personal care products as antimicrobial agents. After these products are used, TCS and TCC enter the terrestrial environment and pose a great risk to humans and animals. In this research, the biodegradation of TCS and TCC was investigated during sewage sludge composting with ventilation rates of 108, 92, and 79 m3/min. TCS and TCC were mainly biodegraded in the mesophilic and thermophilic phases, and the biodegradation rates improved with an increase in ventilation. After sewage sludge was composted for 16 days with forced ventilation (108 m3/min), the concentration of TCS decreased from 497.4 to 214.5 μg/kg, and the concentration of TCC decreased from 823.2 to 172.7 μg/kg. The biodegradation rates of TCS and TCC were 65.2% and 83.1%, respectively. However, after the sewage sludge was stacked for 16 days, the biodegradation rates of TCS and TCC were only 17.0% and 18.2%, respectively. The environmental risks of TCS and TCC in the sewage sludge piles significantly decreased after composting. In the sludge pile with a ventilation rate of 108 m3/min, the RQ values of TCS and TCC decreased from 8.29 and 20.58 to 3.58 and 4.32 after composting for 16 days, respectively. There is still a high risk if the sludge compost is directly used as a culture substrate. Nevertheless, the environmental risk could be decreased distinctly if a reasonable quantity of sludge compost is applied to land to ensure an RQ of<1 for TCS and TCC.  相似文献   

堆肥处理对污泥腐殖物质组成和光谱学特征的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用凝胶(Sephadex G-75)色谱、荧光光谱和红外光谱法研究了污泥堆肥的HA和FA在堆制前后的组成与结构特征变化.凝胶色谱分析表明,污泥经过63d堆腐后,HA中大分子组分含量明显提高;而FA则由不同分子量物质组成,其中小分子量物质占主要部分,在堆腐以后,FA中大分子物质含量下降30%,小分子量物质含量则相对增加.同时,荧光光谱、红外光谱的结果表明:随着污泥堆肥的进行,HA中有机物不饱和结构的多聚化或联合程度增大,芳香结构物质含量增加;但经过堆制的FA具有更多的结构简单的低分子量物质和更低的芳构化水平.  相似文献   


The huge amounts of sewage sludge produced by municipal wastewater treatment plants induce major environmental and economical issues, calling for advanced disposal methods. Traditional methods for sewage sludge disposal increase greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. Moreover, biochar created from sewage sludge often cannot be used directly in soil applications due to elevated levels of heavy metals and other toxic compounds, which alter soil biota and earthworms. This has limited the application of sewage sludge-derived biochar as a fertilizer. Here, we review biomass and sewage sludge co-pyrolysis with a focus on the stabilization of heavy metals and toxicity reduction of the sludge-derived biochar. We observed that co-pyrolyzing sewage sludge with biomass materials reduced heavy metal concentrations and decreased the environmental risk of sludge-derived biochar by up to 93%. Biochar produced from sewage sludge and biomass co-pyrolysis could enhance the reproduction stimulation of soil biota by 20‒98%. Heavy metals immobilization and transformation are controlled by the co-feed material mixing ratio, pyrolysis temperature, and pyrolysis atmosphere.


蚯蚓堆肥相关研究多集中在生活污泥方面,对工业污泥的探索较少。该研究以马鞍山某钢铁污水处理站污泥为例,添加不同比例稻壳炭(2%、4%、8%),设置污泥单独堆肥、稻壳炭与污泥堆肥以及蚯蚓-稻壳炭联合污泥堆肥试验,探索蚯蚓与稻壳炭联合堆肥对工业污泥中重金属形态和生物有效性的影响。研究表明,(1)相比污泥单独堆肥,稻壳炭联合污泥堆肥能增加污泥pH、EC、TP和降低TOC、TN,而蚯蚓联合稻壳炭堆肥污泥可增加TN,并进一步增加污泥EC、TP,显著降低污泥的pH、TOC。(2)稻壳炭堆肥中重金属Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd含量因浓缩效应而上升;而蚯蚓联合稻壳炭堆肥,重金属含量显著下降,添加4%稻壳炭时,重金属Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd质量分数达到最小值,分别为856.64、137.10、158.92、15.48mg·kg-1。(3)重金属形态分析表明,随着稻壳炭比例增加,稻壳炭堆肥中重金属Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd的交换态和碳酸盐结合态转化为残渣态及铁锰氧化态的比例增大,添加8%稻壳炭时DTPA提取的有效态重金属质量分数最低,分别为705.72、47.95、50.43、4.47 mg·kg-1;蚯蚓-稻壳炭联合堆肥会使得污泥中重金属交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰结合态和有机结合态均向残渣态转化,添加4%稻壳炭与蚯蚓的协同转化能力最大,Zn、Cu、Pb、Cd有效态重金属质量分数分别为629.84、38.63、36.76、1.63mg·kg-1,说明稻壳炭添加入蚯蚓堆肥可进一步降低工业污泥中重金属有效性,使重金属钝化。本研究可为稻壳炭联合蚯蚓堆肥处理工业污泥提供参考和科学依据。  相似文献   

• Diversity and detection methods of pathogenic microorganisms in sludge. • Control performance of sludge treatment processes on pathogenic microorganisms. • Risk of pathogen exposure in sludge treatment and land application. The rapid global spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has promoted concern over human pathogens and their significant threats to public health security. The monitoring and control of human pathogens in public sanitation and health facilities are of great importance. Excessive sludge is an inevitable byproduct of sewage that contains human and animal feces in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). It is an important sink of different pollutants and pathogens, and the proper treatment and disposal of sludge are important to minimize potential risks to the environment and public health. However, there is a lack of comprehensive analysis of the diversity, exposure risks, assessment methods and inactivation techniques of pathogenic microorganisms in sludge. Based on this consideration, this review summarizes the control performance of pathogenic microorganisms such as enterovirus, Salmonella spp., and Escherichia coli by different sludge treatment technologies, including composting, anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, and microwave irradiation, and the mechanisms of pathogenic microorganism inactivation in sludge treatment processes are discussed. Additionally, this study reviews the diversity, detection methods, and exposure risks of pathogenic microorganisms in sludge. This review advances the quantitative assessment of pathogenic microorganism risks involved in sludge reuse and is practically valuable to optimize the treatment and disposal of sludge for pathogenic microorganism control.  相似文献   

The effects of γ-irradiation pretreatment on anaerobic digestibility of sewage sludge was investigated in this paper. Parameters like solid components, soluble components, and biogas production of anaerobic digestion experiment for sewage sludge were measured. The values of these parameters were compared before and after γ-irradiation pretreatment. Total solid (TS), volatile solid (VS), suspended solid (SS), volatile suspended solid (VSS), and average floc size of samples decreased after γ-irradiation treatment. Besides, floc size distribution of sewage sludge shifted from 80–100 μm to 0–40 μm after γ-irradiation treatment at the doses from 0 to 30 kGy, which indicated the disintegration of sewage sludge. Moreover, microbe cells of sewage sludge were ruptured by γ-irradiation treatment, which resulted in the release of cytoplasm and increase of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD). Both sludge disintegration and microbe cells rupture enhanced the subsequent anaerobic digestion process, which was demonstrated by the increase of accumulated biogas production. Compared with digesters fed with none irradiated sludge, the accumulated biogas production increased 44, 98, and 178 mL for digesters fed sludge irradiated at 2.48, 6.51, and 11.24 kGy, respectively. The results indicated that γ-irradiation pretreatment could effectively enhance anaerobic digestibility of sewage sludge, and correspondingly, could accelerate hydrolysis process, shorten sludge retention time of sludge anaerobic digestion process.  相似文献   

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