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城镇景观水体水质控制技术分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对上海城镇小型景观水体水质污染特征,分析了充氧曝气、人工湿地、曝气生物滤池等工艺技术在小型景观水体水质净化中的应用,提出各种小型景观水体水质控制技术的特点和适用范围,为2010年上海世博会园区内景观水体水质控制方法提供参考,也为其他小型景观水体的建设和运行提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A field investigation conducted on Boulder Creek in Boulder, Colorado evaluated impacts of flood control maintenance activities on flood conveyance, water quality, and fish habitat. Thirty-nine transects were monitored at one control site and two maintenance sites over a period of eight months. Each site was visited on more than 50 occasions in order to characterize pre- and post-maintenance conditions, and to monitor maintenance activities. Measurements along the transects included substrate composition, flow depth, velocity, and elevation. Reach-average values were assigned to variables such as in-stream vegetation, streambank stability, and woody vegetation before and after maintenance. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity were sampled, and habitat suitability indices were developed pre- and post-maintenance for seven indicator fish species. Water quality impacts during maintenance consisted of high turbidity levels (> 400 NTU), which returned to background levels (0.1–15 NTU) overnight, as well as changes in mean temperature and pH. Alteration of physical channel characteristics as a result of maintenance had limited effects on habitat quality for four of seven fish species, but caused improvements in habitat quality for three fish species. The main implications of this study for floodplain management are that: (1) Flood control maintenance practices can be in direct conflict with water quality and fish habitat objectives, and should be carefully designed and implemented by an interdisciplinary team. (2) Physical habitat for some fish species can be improved as well as reduced by maintenance activities. Habitat suitability curves may be useful tools for evaluating limiting factors of the habitat and for identifying opportunities for habitat improvements as part of maintenance.  相似文献   

选择上海城市化地区的绿地、水体、道路、工地及空中5个类型的环境区域,定期收集大气干湿沉降。测定其大气沉降通量及CODCr、TN、TP的沉降量,并计算分析了其对城市景观水体水质的影响。研究结果表明:在仅受大气干湿沉降影响的条件下,水质处于地表水V类中值、水深为0.5m、1.0m、1.5m和2.0m的城市景观水体,经过28d、54d、83d和214d即可转变为劣V类水体。通过实例分析,提出了应对大气干湿沉降影响的水质保持措施。研究成果为城市景观水体的水质保育提供了评价依据与借鉴。  相似文献   

The European Water framework directive (WFD) is probably the most important environmental management directive that has been enacted over the last decade in the European Union. The directive aims at achieving an overall good ecological status in all European water bodies. In this article, we discuss the implementation steps of the WFD and their implications for environmental engineering practice while focusing on rivers as the main receiving waters. Arising challenges for engineers and scientists are seen in the quantitative assessment of water quality, where standardized systems are needed to estimate the biological status. This is equally of concern in engineering planning, where the prediction of ecological impacts is required. Studies dealing with both classification and prediction of the ecological water quality are reviewed. Further, the combined emission–water quality approach is discussed. Common understanding of this combined approach is to apply the most stringent of either water quality or emission standard to a certain case. In contrast, for example, the Austrian water act enables the application of only the water quality based approach - at least on a temporary basis.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were carried out in the watersheds of two Ramsar wetland areas, Lakes Koronia and Volvi (area A) and Lakes Mikri and Megali Prespa (area B), to study the effect of application of N fertilizer on wheat yields, the quality of runoff water, and the quality of stream water. The treatments were a combination of two methods of fertilizer application (total amount in fall, and 2/3 in fall + 1/3 in spring) at three rates (0, 100, and 200 kg N/ha) with four replications. Concentrations of NH4 +, NO3 , NO2 , P, and Cl and pH were determined in all water samples. Runoff water quality was not influenced by fertilizer application in either area. Chemical parameters for water did not differ along the selected watercourses in area B, while in area A they were higher in the samples taken near Lake Koronia than in the samples taken upstream, indicating that the watercourses are polluted downstream by nonagricultural sources. The differences in wheat yields between the 100 and 200 kg N/ha application rates were not high. These results call for better fertilizer management in order to achieve better yields and to diminish the possibility to have negative effects to the environment.  相似文献   

Student scientists have analyzed groundwater used for drinking water in rural areas to understand groundwater quality. This was part of a greater effort to understand risks to drinking water. The data produced by middle level and high school students have not been accepted by experts because of concerns about method and student accuracy. We assessed the inherent errors associated with method accuracy, student precision, and sample variability to establish bounds for attainable trueness in water analyses. Analytical test kits and probes were evaluated for the determination of pH, conductivity, chloride, hardness, iron, total soluble metals, and nitrate. In terms of precision, all methods met or exceeded design specifications. Method trueness was variable and in general ranged from good to poor depending on method. A gage reproducibility and repeatability analysis of instrumental methods (pH and conductivity) partitioned the variances into student error (12‐46%), instrumental error (8‐21%), and random error (45‐68%). Overall, student‐generated data met some of the quality objectives consistent with the method limitations. Some methods exhibited a systematic bias and data adjustment may be necessary. Given good management of the student analyst process, it is possible to make precise and accurate measurements consistent with the methods specifications.  相似文献   

水质基准与标准是国家环境保护工作的根本,是进行环境管理的重要技术依据。随着我国水环境形势的变化和管理目标的改变,为准确、客观地反映我国当前的地表水环境状况,强化水污染防治,有效引导水环境质量改善的方向,提高水环境管理的效率,要求基于水质基准研究开展《地表水环境质量标准》的修订工作,以满足新的管理需求。预测表明,"十三五"期间我国环保投资将达到约6.8万亿,为达到修订《标准》后的目标,我国水污染防治至少需投资2.04万亿。另外,修订《标准》,将带动工业和城镇水污染防治投资超过一万亿元,能够加快环保产业的技术成果转化与应用推广。水质基准与标准对环保产业创新和社会经济发展具有积极促进作用,将在我国水环境质量改善和科技进步促进方面产生重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   

四川升钟水库水质评价及污染负荷分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、五日生化需氧量(BOD5)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)4项监测指标,采用单因干评价法、综合污染指数法、内梅罗污染指数法、模糊综合评价法及水质标识指数法对升钟水库2004~2010年水污染特征进行分析与评价,结果表明:水质标识指数法比较适合升钟水库水体富营养化评价;单因子水质标识指数显示,水库主要污染物为总氮(TN)、总磷(TP),基本呈现富营养状态;2008年水质最差,2010年水质达到Ⅱ类标准;7年Iwq的平均值Ave(Iwq)=3.393,Ave(Iwq)未达到国家Ⅱ类水质标准。近7年综合水质标识指数(Iwq)在不同时点上具有高-低演化规律,总体趋向好转。通过计算2006年N、P污染负荷,TN、TP入库主要源于水产养殖,其贡献率分别为:55%、82%,升钟水库TN、TP是合理容量的1.97~2.32倍。应严格控制水库网箱肥水养殖。研究结果对指导升钟水库水污染防治与水资源管理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

国内外的研究都表明,从保护人类、野生动植物和自然生态环境健康角度出发,按照水体自然属性并结合人类对水体的使用和保护要求对水体进行功能划分,制定合理与水体使用功能相适应的水环境质量标准,并采取控制措施使水体水质达到该标准,是既合理、经济,又能有效保护水环境的方法.其关键是如何按照水质标准对水环境质量进行客观准确评价,这既是保护水环境的基础性工作,直接关系到水环境保护和排污控制措施的有效性,也是我国目前急需解决的重要课题.本文首先对美国水环境质量评价方法体系作了概要介绍,然后对我国水环境质量评价现状进行分析,通过对比美国和我国的水环境质量评价方法,对我国水环境质量评价提出了建议和研究方向.  相似文献   

水质报表是水环境监测领域内系统的重要组成部分,为加快水质报表的开发,增强水质报表的可维护性,设计独立于系统并且符合水质报表特性的报表工具。该报表工具分为报表设计器和报表服务器两部分,设计器提供可视化的报表编辑界面,允许用户自己设计报表函数,服务器负责报表的调用和解析并且采用缓存机制提高报表的运行效率,将该报表工具应用于水质环境监测及分析系统以验证其实用性,结果证明,该水质报表工具具有较高的灵活性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

Sensors and enabling technologies are becoming increasingly important tools for water quality monitoring and associated water resource management decisions. In particular, nutrient sensors are of interest because of the well‐known adverse effects of nutrient enrichment on coastal hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, and impacts to human health. Accurate and timely information on nutrient concentrations and loads is integral to strategies designed to minimize risk to humans and manage the underlying drivers of water quality impairment. Using nitrate sensors as the primary example, we highlight the types of applications in freshwater and coastal environments that are likely to benefit from continuous, real‐time nutrient data. The concurrent emergence of new tools to integrate, manage, and share large datasets is critical to the successful use of nutrient sensors and has made it possible for the field of continuous monitoring to rapidly move forward. We highlight several near‐term opportunities for federal agencies, as well as the broader scientific and management community, that will help accelerate sensor development, build and leverage sites within a national network, and develop open data standards and data management protocols that are key to realizing the benefits of a large‐scale, integrated monitoring network. Investing in these opportunities will provide new information to guide management and policies designed to protect and restore our nation's water resources.  相似文献   

多级模糊模式识别方法用于河流水质评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
脱友才  邓云  王旭 《四川环境》2007,26(1):59-62
应用多级模糊模式识别模型进行水质量分类评价,克服了最大隶属度原则所不适用的地方,而且以相对隶属度、隶属函数为基础理论,使隶属度、隶属函数的计算更容易。建立了多级模糊模式识别模型,并应用于汾河水质分类评价中,应用结果表明,该方法合理、可行。  相似文献   

灰色聚类法在水环境质量评价中的应用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
赵志坚 《四川环境》1997,16(3):49-51
用灰色聚类法对乐山市境内的岷江、大渡河、体泉河的水环境质量进行评价,并与水质距离评价法、综合污染指数法进行比较。结果表明,灰色聚类法也是一种对水环境质量评价的实用方法。  相似文献   

Run-off containing increased concentrations of sediment, nutrients, and pesticides from land-based anthropogenic activities is a significant influence on water quality and the ecologic conditions of nearshore areas of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Australia. The potential and actual impacts of increased pollutant concentrations range from bioaccumulation of contaminants and decreased photosynthetic capacity to major shifts in community structure and health of mangrove, coral reef, and seagrass ecosystems. A detailed conceptual model underpins and illustrates the links between the main anthropogenic pressures or threats (dry-land cattle grazing and intensive sugar cane cropping) and the production of key contaminants or stressors of Great Barrier Reef water quality. The conceptual model also includes longer-term threats to Great Barrier Reef water quality and ecosystem health, such as global climate change, that will potentially confound direct model interrelationships. The model recognises that system-specific attributes, such as monsoonal wind direction, rainfall intensity, and flood plume residence times, will act as system filters to modify the effects of any water-quality system stressor. The model also summarises key ecosystem responses in ecosystem health that can be monitored through indicators at catchment, riverine, and marine scales. Selected indicators include riverine and marine water quality, inshore coral reef and seagrass status, and biota pollutant burdens. These indicators have been adopted as components of a long-term monitoring program to enable assessment of the effectiveness of change in catchment-management practices in improving Great Barrier Reef (and adjacent catchment) water quality under the Queensland and Australian Governments’ Reef Water Quality Protection Plan.  相似文献   

邛海水质变化趋势及保护对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对邛海流域现状污染源进行调查,邛海流域COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷产生量分别为5892.1t/a、995.6t/a、2888.2t/a和1105.1t/a,污染负荷主要来自面源污染.通过2002 ~ 2011年邛海水质监测数据分析,邛海水质近10年总体保持Ⅱ~Ⅲ类,处于中营养状态,2004~ 2006年水质相对较差,2006年以后水质逐渐好转.总磷、总氮是邛海主要污染因子,海河口是邛海污染最严重的区域.为实现邛海水质和流域生态环境持续改善,从产业结构优化、流域污染源治理、生态保育和流域生态环境综合监管等方面提出对策建议.  相似文献   

孙佑佳 《四川环境》2003,22(1):67-70
本文从近几年来宜宾市工业及生活废水等排放情况及水环境质量的监测资料,阐述了我市流域水污染状况与可持续发展面临的主要问题,提出了水资源保护对策,以促进社会经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

吴杰 《四川环境》1993,12(2):70-72
本文将模糊优选原理应用到水质综合评价中,并通过与模糊综合评价模型对水质评价的比较,验证了其准确性和优越性。  相似文献   

Elevated nitrate concentrations in streamwater are a major environmental management problem. While land use exerts a large control on stream nitrate, hydrology often plays an equally important role. To date, predictions of low-flow nitrate in ungauged watersheds have been poor because of the difficulty in describing the uniqueness of watershed hydrology over large areas. Clearly, hydrologic response varies depending on the states and stocks of water, flow pathways, and residence times. How to capture the dominant hydrological controls that combine with land use to define streamwater nitrate concentration is a major research challenge. This paper tests the new Hydrologic Landscape Regions (HLRs) watershed classification scheme of Wolock and others (Environmental Management 34:S71-S88, 2004) to address the question: Can HLRs be used as a way to predict low-flow nitrate? We also test a number of other indexes including inverse-distance weighting of land use and the well-known topographic index (TI) to address the question: How do other terrain and land use measures compare to HLR in terms of their ability to predict low-flow nitrate concentration? We test this for 76 watersheds in western Oregon using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program and Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program data. We found that HLRs did not significantly improve nitrate predictions beyond the standard TI and land-use metrics. Using TI and inverse-distance weighting did not improve nitrate predictions; the best models were the percentage land use—elevation models. We did, however, see an improvement of chloride predictions using HLRs, TI, and inverse-distance weighting; adding HLRs and TI significantly improved model predictions and the best models used inverse-distance weighting and elevation. One interesting result of this study is elevation consistently predicted nitrate better than TI or the hydrologic classification scheme.  相似文献   

利用生物预处理工艺提高城市供水水质,大力发展城市分质供水,实现城市直饮水,是我国新世纪城市化进程及环保产业发展的趋势。本文论述了生物预处理的意义、工艺、效果、影响及其在城市供水中的意义。介绍了分质供水在国内外的发展,探讨了生物预处理与分质供水在城市中的应用及发展前景。  相似文献   

四川水资源可持续利用与水质保护研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗怀良 《四川环境》2003,22(3):38-41
四川水资源以河川径流为主,可利用率不高;水资源时空分布不均,径流的地区差异大;水能丰富,开发条件优越。水质污染日趋严重。在分析水质现状的基础上,针对水资源利用中存在的主要问题,提出了水资源可持续利用与水质保护的相应措施:以大型骨干水利工程建设为重点,改善水资源的时空分布;把建设全国能源基地与实现地方电气化相结合,因地制宜开发水能资源;以生态环境工程建设推动水质保护和水土保持;开源与节流并重,加强水资源的综合利用。  相似文献   

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