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Secondary containment (bunds, drip trays, interceptors/sumps) is an integral part of many chemical, petrochemical, as well as agricultural, food and pharmaceutical facilities. Bunds are the built-in cases for accidental liquid substance spillage where there is a hazard that a substance could leak into the surroundings and the potential of health or environmental damage. The authors focus on the cases installed in large-volume atmospheric tanks storing hazardous chemicals in liquid form, where the bund failure occurred. In the first part of the study, a database of these accidents was created, numbering a total of 15 items. Attention was paid to the course of the accident, its causes and consequences. Several basic representative scenarios of bund failure have also been developed. The second part of the study is devoted mainly to the measures against the bund failure, such as risk assessment, technical and organizational measures. The aim of this study is to provide readers (including experts in the field of safety engineering, maintenance experts and building designers) with the information that can subsequently be used in the risk assessment of bund failure, possibly also for planning the construction of new bunds, or revitalization and maintenance of the existing ones.  相似文献   

为研究储油条件下拱顶油罐油气爆炸的发展过程,设计了中尺度拱顶油罐油气爆炸实验台架,并完成了储油条件下油罐油气爆炸试验。实验结果表明:储油条件下油气爆炸会导致罐顶破坏,超压发展分为多个阶段,并出现强烈的超压振荡和二次爆炸现象,最大超压由二次爆炸所产生;爆炸最大超压随着初始油气体积分数的降低而升高;在储油条件下,油罐油气爆炸后会诱导产生二次爆炸现象,第2次爆炸超压峰值和升压速率均远大于第1次爆炸的数值,且二次爆炸对外场的影响更加明显;火焰强度随时间的变化曲线具有2个明显的峰值,其形成原因分别为第1次爆炸和第2次爆炸。  相似文献   

This paper reviews 242 accidents of storage tanks that occurred in industrial facilities over last 40 years. Fishbone Diagram is applied to analyze the causes that lead to accidents. Corrective actions are also provided to help operating engineers handling similar situations in the future. The results show that 74% of accidents occurred in petroleum refineries, oil terminals or storage. Fire and explosion account for 85% of the accidents. There were 80 accidents (33%) caused by lightning and 72 (30%) caused by human errors including poor operations and maintenance. Other causes were equipment failure, sabotage, crack and rupture, leak and line rupture, static electricity, open flames etc. Most of those accidents would have been avoided if good engineering have been practiced.  相似文献   

In order to identify and clarify the association between the factors leading to accidents in a petrochemical tank area, this study analyzes investigation reports of 212 petrochemical tank farm accidents and combines this with the “association rule” mining and science related to complex networks. The main risk factors are determined and a risk factor data set is constructed; 75 association rules are extracted from the factor data set based on the Apriori algorithm. Then the obtained association rules are used to construct an accident factors network of the petrochemical storage tank area, and the topology characteristics of the network are further analyzed to reveal the importance of factors. Factors with large node degree, betweenness, and clustering coefficients are obtained, such as “violation of operating regulations”, “high concentration of flammable gas in the air”, “lack of experience and professional skills”, etc. These factors play an important role in the formation and development of accidents. The results also show that the accident cause network of the petrochemical storage tank area has a small average shortest path length and a large cluster coefficient, indicating a relatively close connection between the accident factors. The contributions of this study is not only extracting the hidden relationships among contributory factors to tank farm accidents using association analysis, but also revealing which factors are more important for the tank farm safety through the complex network.  相似文献   

考察不同铁氧化物经过不同时间硫化后生成的FeS的氧化性.氧化性越高,给储罐带来的危险性越大.实验结果表明,氧化倾向及危险性与硫化时间有关,并与FeS的生成方式有关.同一铁氧化物分别经0.5 h和6 h硫化后,后者硫化产物的氧化性要大.这是因为经长时间硫化,H2S气体不仅与表面颗粒分子发生完全反应,而且大量的H2S分子扩散到颗粒的内部,与铁氧化物内部分子充分接触发生反应,即硫化程度较完全,生成较多的FeS.同时说明,硫化时间越长,对储罐构成的威胁越大.经6 h硫化后产物的氧化倾向从高到低依次为Fe2O3、Fe3O4和Fe(OH)3生成的硫化产物.  相似文献   

A method for calculating the dynamic reliability of safety systems and its application to a refrigerated liquid cryogenic ammonia storage tank is presented. The method is based on the theory of Markov chains and can model dynamic phenomena of the process and its safety systems. It offers the capability of modelling realistically the competing process of repairing failed safety systems and the exceeding of safe limits by some critical physical parameters of the process. The results of the Markovian analysis are compared to those of the classical Fault Tree/Event Tree methods and it is shown that the proposed method offers a substantial improvement over the classical approach. The probability of failure from overpressure of a cryogenic ammonia storage tank depends in general on the level of the ammonia in the tank at the time of accident initiation. Assuming a uniform distribution for the ammonia level in the tank, the average upper and lower limits for the failure probability over a year provided by the FT/ET methods span three orders of magnitude [1.4×10−1–1.0×10−4] depending on whether repair is considered or not. The proposed approach realistically determines this failure probability at 3.3×10−3. Additional results from specific levels of ammonia are also provided.  相似文献   

为了研究罐区储运过程中发生泄漏导致的流淌火事故,设计并搭建了流淌火燃烧试验平台。采用流淌火燃烧试验平台和CFD数值计算2种方法研究了汽油流淌燃烧特性,对比分析表明,流淌火实体试验与CFD数值计算的结果误差在可接受范围内。基于上述结论,以防火堤内储存汽油的4个2 000 m3汽油储罐罐组为研究对象,模拟计算输油管道泄漏至防火堤内引发流淌性火灾的危害特性,得到了流淌火灾蔓延发展过程以及流淌面积、温度场等特征参数的变化规律。研究结果表明:泄漏速率保持不变时,流淌面积逐渐增大直至趋于稳定,其增长速率不断减小;流淌火发展至稳定燃烧阶段时,临近储罐被火焰包围,其中高度为5 m处的罐壁温度和辐射强度最大,温度在1 300 ℃左右波动,辐射强度稳定在500 kW/m2左右。  相似文献   

为有效预警原油储备区储罐气体泄漏,制定气体探测器布置优化方案,以某大型原油站库为例,基于CFD法和FLACS软件模拟原油泄漏及可燃蒸汽云溢散分布,通过分析蒸汽云扩散规律,实现全方位气体探测器优化布置.结果表明:原油储罐区探测器分别布置在区块21-2、6-1、31-1、40-2,且每个罐组总计布置16处;优化设置方案可满...  相似文献   

为有效地减少和控制事故的多米诺效应,对影响事故扩展的关键装置,即脆弱单元的辨识及其有效控制措施进行了研究。根据具体的设计方案,依次选定不同储罐作为初始事故单元,借助ALOHA软件计算各储罐之间热辐射及冲击波相互作用强度的大小,与损伤阈值进行比较,并考虑设备间的协同作用,从而确定可能发生的多米诺事故;运用Probit模型计算事故扩展概率,根据计算结果通过Bayes Server软件建立贝叶斯网络,利用先验概率来进行整体脆弱性分析,从而确定各个方案的安全性;对优选的方案通过后验概率进行单元脆弱性分析,从而确定脆弱单元;在此基础上提出相应的控制措施。通过实例计算验证了该方法的可行性,结果表明,该方法能够在多米诺效应的预防和控制方面有效发挥作用。  相似文献   

针对随机风载荷作用下储罐结构动力可靠性问题,以300 m3的中小型立式低温储罐为研究对象,利用AR模型进行数值模拟得到风载荷的脉动风速时程与脉动功率谱密度函数。采用ANSYS建立储罐三维有限元模型,并对储罐进行动力学分析,计算出储罐结构的随机响应,进而求出随机风载荷作用下储罐结构动力可靠性所需全部数字特征,最后利用疲劳累积损伤机制计算得到储罐的动力可靠度。结果表明:假设结构强度不随时间退化,前5 a动力可靠度基本保持不变,随着使用年限的延长,动力可靠度下降速度明显增大。研究方法可为储罐的动力可靠性及寿命预测提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper used a quantitative analysis of relevant risks through the development of fault tree analysis and risk analysis methods to aid real time risk prediction and safety evaluation of leak in a storage tank. Criticality of risk elements and their attributes can be used with real time data to predict potential failures likely to occur. As an example, a risk matrix was used to rank risk of events that could lead to a leak in a storage tank and to make decisions on risks to be allowed based on past statistical data. An intelligent system that recognizes increasing level(s) and draws awareness to the possibility of additional increase before unsafe levels are attained was used to analyse and make critical decisions. After a visual depiction of relationships between hazards and controls had been actualized, dynamic risk modelling was used to quantify the effect controls can potentially have on hazards by applying historical and real-time data into a probabilistic model. The output of a dynamic risk model is near real-time quantitative predictions of risk likelihood. Results from the risk matrix analysis method mixed with RTD and FTA were analyzed, evaluated, and compared.  相似文献   

Chemical Process Industries usually contain a diverse inventory of hazardous chemicals and complex systems required to perform process operations such as storage, separation, reaction, compression etc. The complex interactions between the equipment make them vulnerable to catastrophic accidents. Risk and failure assessment provide engineers with an intuitive tool for decision making in the operation of such plants. Abnormal events and near-miss situations occur regularly during the operation of a system. Accident Sequence Precursors (ASP) can be used to demonstrate the real-time operating condition of a plant. Dynamic Failure Assessment (DFA) methodology is based on Bayesian statistical methods incorporates ASP data to revise the generic failure probabilities of the systems during its operational lifetime.In this paper, DFA methodology is applied on an ammonia storage unit in a specialized chemical industry. Ammonia is stored in cold storage tanks as liquefied gas at atmospheric pressure. These tanks are susceptible to failures due to various abnormal conditions arising due process failures.Tank failures due to three such abnormal conditions are considered. Variation of the failure probability of the safety systems is demonstrated. The authors use ASP data collected from plant specific sources and safety expert judgement. The failure probabilities of some safety systems concerned show considerable deviation from the generic values. The method helps to locate the components which have undergone more degradation over the period and hence must be paid attention to. In addition, a Bayesian predictive model has been used to predict the number of abnormal events in the next time interval. The user-friendly and intuitive nature of the tool makes it appropriate for application in safety assessment reports in process industries.  相似文献   

近年来,大型浮顶储罐多次发生雷击火灾事故,严重影响了石化企业的安全运行.通过对大型浮顶储罐密封结构进行剖析,分析储罐油气泄漏规律及密封设施运行中存在的问题,提出储罐运行中可燃气分布规律.结合储罐雷击形式及火花放电危害的研究,提出了大型浮顶储罐雷击火灾事故机理,认为导静电片、机械密封是雷击火灾的主要点火源,密封设施的失效是造成可燃气积聚的主要原因,并提出防护建议,为大型浮顶储罐防雷击安全运行提供了一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

基于危化品储罐区内发生的多米诺效应,以单灾种引发的多米诺事故研究为基础,根据物理学中的触发器原理解释多灾种耦合引发储罐区其他罐体失效的场景,并提出基于物理学理论的多灾种耦合效应模型;基于一储罐区实例分别建立在火灾、爆炸情况下罐区的灾害扩展网络图,并通过无量纲化处理得到综合灾害扩展网络图;分析储罐区在多储罐受灾情况下的灾害扩展情形,得到当D1,D2发生灾害时,D4,D5灾害扩展概率最大;当D1,D8发生灾害时,D4灾害扩展概率最大,建立了多灾种耦合效应的关联图。研究结果对化工园区多灾种耦合的后果预测评估具有指导意义,有助于减少危化品储罐区多米诺效应的发生以及强化危化品储存的安全基础。  相似文献   

Toxic gas leakage in a tank area can have catastrophic consequences. Storage tank leakage location (particularly for high leakage) and downwind storage tanks potentially influence gas diffusion in tank areas. In this study, we developed a numerical and experimental method to investigate the impact of a high leakage location and downwind storage tank on gas diffusion based on three (1.05H, 0.90H, and 0.77H, H was the tank height, 22m) leakage field experiments on the leeward side of storage tank, which have been not conducted before. The experiments revealed an unexpected phenomenon: the maximum ground concentration first decreased and then increased with increasing leakage height. The simulations illustrated that the differences in micrometeorological conditions caused the maximum ground concentration of gas emitted from the roof to be higher than that emitted from the tank wall near the storage tank height. The downwind storage tank 1) had little influence on the entire diffusion direction but altered the local diffusion pattern; 2) reduced the maximum ground concentration (∼18.7%) and the distance from the emission source (approximately a storage tank diameter); and 3) had strong influences on the concentration, velocity, turbulence, and pressure on the leeward side. The concentration negatively correlated with the velocity, pressure, and turbulence in the middle of the two storage tanks on wind centerline. Our results can improve understanding of gas dispersion in tank areas and provide references for mitigating loss and protecting lives during emergency response processes.  相似文献   

氯乙烯储罐安全性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
氯乙烯是被列入高毒物品的易燃易爆气体物质,液化氯乙烯由于其常温储存下蒸气压力高于大气压而在发生泄漏时容易引起火灾、爆炸、中毒等事故.氯乙烯储罐往往因为储存的物质量大而成为重大危险源.从国内现阶段法律法规、标准要求入手,分析了对氯乙烯储罐的安全要求,并以一具体储罐及其安全设施为实例,研究分析了储罐安全阀发生排放和储罐BLEVE等事故后果.并以此为基础,提出了本实例条件下保证储罐安全的具体要求.  相似文献   

针对一起氧气瓶爆炸事故,进行了详细的实际调查,并以科学理论和数据为依据,进行了多角度的技术分析。  相似文献   

伴随着LNG接收站储罐区规模的不断增大,对大型LNG储罐区潜在风险进行定量风险分析意义重大。针对大型LNG储罐区定量风险分析,根据国外权威部门制定的风险标准,结合中国石化行业实际情况,制定出适于LNG接收站的个人及社会风险标准;应用风险评价指数(RAC)矩阵法对储罐区潜在风险进行识别,确定对储罐区LNG卸料管线的全口径断裂事故场景进行定量风险分析。在此基础之上,应用挪威DNV的SAFETI软件对储罐区LNG卸料管线全口径断裂进行定量风险分析,得出对接收站的个人及社会风险图表,根据分析结果并提出相应的建议措施,从而为LNG接收站的安全设计提供指导。  相似文献   

为建立磁记忆信号与罐体焊接缺陷演变的对应关系,获得以非接触方式检测焊缝处的磁记忆信号来实现对罐体的早期预警和无损检测技术,开展罐壁焊缝试样静载拉伸试验,研究油气储罐在静载拉伸过程中焊缝的磁记忆信号变化规律,并结合有限元模拟仿真进行磁场分布规律的分析。结果表明:磁记忆信号梯度值会在焊缝缺陷处产生突变;随着裂纹深度的增加,磁记忆信号梯度峰峰值呈线性增加,并且峰值随着拉伸载荷的增加而线性增加。  相似文献   

为研究火灾中球罐应力场分布情况,找到球罐失效破裂条件,以液化石油气为研究对象,基于球罐稳态热响应,通过ANSYS热-结构耦合有限元分析法进行研究.结果表明:充装率85%的液化石油气球罐最高温度部位出现在气相区,约619.66℃;最大应力值出现在气液交界处,约615.18 MPa;得到球罐破裂失效时温度值和应力值,并设置...  相似文献   

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