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Radionuclide levels were measured in tissues, gut contents, diet items, and water at site of capture, of adult beavers from the Serpent River drainage basin which contains U tailings at Elliot Lake, Ontario, and from nearby control sites. Levels of (226)Ra in beaver bone, muscle and kidney were highest in animals from locations close to U tailings; liver levels did not vary by site. Environmental (226)Ra levels were within ranges previously reported at these or similar locations elsewhere; levels in beaver gut contents reflected levels in diet items. Concentration ratios exceeded unity only between some vegetation items and beaver bone at the Elliot Lake site and were less than 0.19 between vegetation and other tissues. In two beavers with tissue levels of (226)Ra higher than other sampled, neither (232)Th nor (230)Th were detected in bone, muscle or liver tissues. U-238 was measurable in bone, muscle and liver, (228)Th in bone, (210)Po bone, muscle and liver; and (210)Pb was measurable only in bone. Estimated yearly intakes of radionuclides by people eating beavers were calculated to be below current allowable levels set by the Canadian regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

Radium-226 concentrations were measured in the main food plants (cattails, Typha latifolia) and bone of adult muskrats (Ondatra zibethica (L.)), taken from a study area near Quirke Lake in the Serpent River drainage basin. This watershed receives drainage containing radionuclides from the U tailings near the City of Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada. Two control sites (one local, one 130 km distant) were also sampled. Radium-226 levels in cattails varied by plant part and place of collection. Roots sampled in the study area had the highest mean (226)Ra level (1135.0 mBq g(-1)), stems and leaves had 284.2 and 275.9 mBq g(-1), respectively (dry-weight basis, n = 6 in all cases). Local and distant control cattails carried much lower (226)Ra levels (20.2 and 15.2 mBq g(-1) dry weight, respectively, using pooled equal portions of all plant parts, n = 3 in both cases). Muskrats from waters with mean total (226)Ra levels in the period, 1984-1987 greater than 75.0 mBq litre(-1) ('study-high' sites), near U tailings within 10 km of Quirke Lake, had a mean (geometric) bone level of (226)Ra of 344.9 mBq g(-1) (dry-weight basis, n = 36); those from nearby waters, containing < 75.0 mBq litre(-1) of (226)Ra ('study-low' sites), had a mean bone level (80.3 mBq g(-1), n = 9) similar to animals taken in unaffected local control areas 20 km from the tailings (79.1 mBq g(-1), n = 12); animals from the distant control area, near Sudbury, Ontario, had the lowest mean burden (11.5 mBq g(-1), n = 24). Levels were unrelated to age or sex of the animals. Dry-weight based (226)Ra concentration ratios (bone concentration/plant tissue concentration) were calculated to range from 0.3-1.4 in the study-high area to 2.4-6.3 in the local control area. Wet-weight based concentration ratios were about 4.3 times higher. Concentration ratios were similar to values calculated for other species and in general agreement with values calculated for humans. The muskrat is judged to be a useful indicator (biomonitor) of environmental (226)Ra levels as there is a highly significant positive correlation coefficient (r = 0.74) between bone and ambient (water) concentrations of the radionuclide (F79 = 95.04, P < 0.0001) Estimated yearly (226)Ra intake by people eating muskrats was calculated to be below the current allowable level set by Canadian regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

Ra-226 was measured by alpha-emission spectroscopy in water, sediments, and fish (tissues and gut contents), from five lakes in a watershed containing U mining and milling operations at Elliot Lake, Ontario, and from control lakes in an adjacent non-industrialized watershed. Ra-226 transfer parameters from lake water and sediments to fish tissues, and annual intakes by humans consuming fish, were estimated. Mean dissolved 226Ra levels ranged from approximately 76 mBq litre(-1) in water of the most affected lake, to < 10 mBq litre(-1) in control lakes. Levels in summer were consistently higher than in fall or winter; no consistent variation with depth was noted. Sediment levels ranged from approximately 3000 mBq g(-1) dry wt in one study lake to < 100 mBq g(-1) dry wt of sediment in control lakes. Bone 226Ra concentrations were higher than in muscle. The lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), a predatory secondary consumer, had bone 226Ra levels (< 20 mBq g(-1) dry wt) that did not show significant site variation. In contrast, bottom feeding whitefish had significantly more 226Ra in bone tissue (to 38 mBq g(-1) dry wt in the lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis, and 76 mBq g(-1) in round whitefish, Prosopium cylindraceum) in study lakes than in controls (< 20 mBq g(-1) dry wt). Ra-226 levels in lake trout muscle were low and showed erratic variation among lakes whereas levels in whitefish muscle did not vary significantly among study and control sites. Lake herring (= cisco, Coregonus artedii), a planktivorous fish taken only from Quirke Lake, had mean 226Ra levels of 18 and 1.4 mBq g(-1) dry wt in bone and muscle, respectively. Gut 226Ra levels, highest in lake trout from McCabe and Quirke Lakes (126 +/- 53, 64 +/- 44 mBq g(-1) dry wt, respectively), and just detectable in McCabe and Elliot Lake whitefish (24 +/- 2, 36 +/- 14 mBq g(-1) dry wt, respectively), were below detection in lake trout and whitefish from other lakes. Concentration ratios (CRs) of 226Ra from water to muscle ranged from 8 to 14 in lake trout, 7 to 14 in whitefish, and 4 to 6 in lake herring. The water to bone CRs varied from 81 to 142, 314 to 548, and 126 to 272 in the same species. CRs were always < 1 between sediments and fish tissues. Annual intake of 226Ra by human consumers of these fish was estimated to provide an effective dose of 0.003 mSv year(-1). This represents a small fraction of both natural background (> 2 mSv year(-1)) and the public dose limit (5 mSv year(-1)).  相似文献   

Snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) trapped near U tailings had higher concentrations of (226)Ra in their bones (250 +/- 94 mBq g(-1) dry wt) than those from local control sites 3-15 km from the tailings (20-30 mBq g(-1) dry wt) and those from a distant control site 880 km away from the U mining area, which were below the detection limit (DL) (3.7 mBq g(-1) dry wt). Most chyme (stomach content) samples contained 226Ra below DL. Concentration ratios of 226Ra from tissues of local plants, considered important in the hare's diet, to bone ranged from 0.22 to 8.60. Concentrations of 210Pb and 210Po (95-245 mBq g(-1) dry wt) were not significantly different among tailings and control site populations. Disequilibrium between these isotopes and their precursors was noted. No significant accumulation of U and Th was noted at any site. Higher concentrations of 228Th compared to 232Th are attributed to accumulation of 228Ra in a manner similar to that of 226Ra. Based on bone 226Ra and 210Po contents, the maximum internal dose rates to the skeleton and the maximum life-time dose of hare living near tailings were 3.9 x 10(-5) Gy d(-1) and 4.2 x 10(-2) Gy, respectively. These rates were below the threshold required to produce osteosarcoma in other mammals and were considered unlikely to adversely affect hare during their lifetime. Radionuclide uptake by the animals was concluded to have no environmental significance in the transport of radionuclides from tailings to other locations.  相似文献   

Radionuclides (210Pb, 210Po, 230Th, and 232Th) and chemical Th and U were measured in water, sediments, and fish tissues (bone, muscle, and gut contents of laketrout, Salvelinus namaycush, whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis and Prosopium cylindraceum) from four lakes in a watershed affected by U mining and milling operations at Elliot Lake, Ontario, and from control lakes in an adjacent, non-industrialized, watershed. Radionuclide concentration ratios between tissue levels and sediment and water levels were calculated. Annual radionuclide intakes and resulting doses were estimated for humans consuming fish from the watershed. Bone 210Pb levels were higher (186 mBq g(-1) dry wt in laketrout and 230 mBq g(-1) dry wt in one lake whitefish) than in muscle (< 50 mBq g(-1) dry wt in all cases), and generally higher in fish from study lakes than from controls, but no consistent differences were observed among fish species. Similarly, 210Po levels were higher in bone (208 +/- 33 mBq g(-1), in laketrout) than muscle (maximum 26 +/- 4 mBq g(-1), in laketrout), and in study lake populations compared to controls. Laketrout 210Po bone concentrations were higher than previously reported in Canada. Levels of 230Th, 232Th, and Th were below detection limits (20 mBq g(-1), 0.05 microg g(-1)) in body tissues in all fish species. Bone levels of U (14.6 +/- 3.0 microg g(-1), in lake whitefish) were higher than in muscle (most < 0.05 microg g(-1), except 0.12 +/- 0.04 and 0.08 +/- 0.03 microg g(-1) in lake whitefish) in fish from waters affected by industrial activity. In control lakes, bone and muscle levels were lower and not significantly different from each other. Muscle levels did not vary consistently with location. Concentration of 210Pb and U was seen from water and 'gut' material (taken as a surrogate for diet) to bone in laketrout and whitefish, and of U from water to muscle in whitefish, but in no case from sediments to tissues. Human intakes of 210Pb, 210Po, 230Th, 232Th, and U from consuming one meal of fish (375 g) per week could, in aggregate, represent an annual effective dose < 15% of the public dose limit (5 mSv). Monitoring biota living near the decommissioned Elliot Lake U operations, especially of 210Pb levels in fish muscle, with further assessment of human doses attributable to local fish and other animals in the diet, should continue. Because radionuclide effects on fish health (and on other non-human organisms) are of increasing concern, neoplasms, malformations, and reproductive anomalies in local fish deserve examination.  相似文献   

Equilibrium conditions are assumed in the simple linear concentration factor model commonly used in simulations of contaminant flow through ecosystems and in dose and risk calculations. Predictions derived from a power function model have suggested that if the time scale of the food-chain transfer is less than six years in fish, radium-226 equilibrium will not be achieved in nature, thereby violating the equilibrium requirement in the concentration factor model. Our results indicate (226)Ra equilibrium is achieved in a natural population of lake herring (Coregonus artedii), contrary to predictions of the power function model.  相似文献   

Ontario's only free-ranging elk herd located at Burwash-French River has been subjected to the influence of historic copper-nickel-iron (Cu-Ni-Fe) ore smelting operations within the Sudbury area. Metal levels in selected body tissues, preferred forage items and fecal pellets were determined, and their potential effects on health and reproductive viability assessed. Significant age effects were apparent in 13 out of 31 tissue metal values obtained, with most age-related differences attributable to elevated concentrations in fetal tissues. Cu and zinc (Zn) levels were four to six times higher in livers and one and a half to two times higher in the bones of fetuses as compared to post-natal animals. Enhanced pre-natal tissue burdens were also noted for cobalt (Co), Ni and lead (Pb) in muscles. However, mean cadmium (Cd) levels in kidney, liver and muscle tissues, as well as hepatic Fe concentrations, showed significant increases with age. Although Cd levels in the kidneys of older elk were still well below the reported threshold for irreversible organ damage, and not considered to be health-threatening, detailed histological study of the cortical tissues for subtle pathotoxicological effects may be warranted. Unlike renal and hepatic tissues, Cd concentrations in skeletal muscle were minimal and within levels considered acceptable for human consumption. Forage species collected in the elk range generally showed higher (two to eight times) Ni and Fe levels than the corresponding plants from a non-contaminated reference site. The highest Ni and Fe burdens were carried by eastern white cedar, a preferred winter food item for elk. No consistent site-related trends were demonstrated by Cu, Zn, Co, Pb, chromium (Cr) and Cd forage levels. Mean metal concentrations in fecal pellets generally exceeded the mean composite forage levels by a factor of 3, except for Ni, which was five times more concentrated in feces. Significantly elevated Ni and Fe levels in preferred browse species and fecal pellets of the Sudbury-area elk could be of concern and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

The tissue and organs (muscle, brain, liver, and gill) of four species of freshwater fish from Lake Baiyangdian were analyzed for hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethanes (DDTs). The distribution characteristics were analyzed for HCHs and DDTs in various tissue and organs, which determined the health risks for humans. The research results showed that the wet weight content of all HCHs (∑HCHs) ranged from 0.05?~?14.53 ng?g?1, with a mean of 3.47 ng?g?1. The wet weight content of all DDTs (∑DDTs) ranged from ND to 8.51 ng?g?1, with a mean of 2.41 ng?g?1. For the various species of fish, the residual level of ∑HCHs was relatively higher in chub and grass carp and lowest in snakehead. The residual level of ∑DDTs was the highest in snakehead and did not exhibit a significant variance in the other three species. For the various tissues and organs, the contents of HCHs and DDTs were both highest in the fish liver, second highest in the fish gill, and lowest in the fish brain and muscle. Among the four types of isomers, the residual level of γ-HCH was relatively higher, while the residual level of α-HCH was the lowest. The content of p,p′-DDE was significantly greater to other forms of DDT and its isomer. The residual levels of HCHs and DDTs in fish were both below the national standard. However, the carcinogenic risk from the HCHs in parts of the tissue and organs of four fish species in Lake Baiyangdian exceeded the screen value threshold set by USEPA.  相似文献   

Moon HB  Choi M  Yu J  Jung RH  Choi HG 《Chemosphere》2012,88(7):837-843
Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in water and sediment collected from the artificial Lake Shihwa and surrounding creeks. Total concentrations of 23 PBDE congeners in water and sediment ranged from 0.16 to 11.0 ng L−1 and from 1.3 to 18 700 ng g−1 dry weight, respectively. The concentrations of BDE 209 in water and sediment were 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than the total concentrations of other PBDE congeners. The concentrations of total PBDEs and BDE 209 in sediments were the highest compared to previously reported worldwide levels. The highest concentrations of PBDEs in water and sediments were found in creeks near industrial complexes. The PBDE concentrations gradually decreased with increasing distance from the creeks to the inshore and then offshore regions of the lake. BDE 209 was a major congener, accounting for 80% of the total PBDEs in water and sediment, consistent with a high consumption of deca-BDE for the brominated flame retardant market in Korea. Non-parametric multidimensional scaling ordination showed that surrounding creeks are major pathways of PBDE contamination associated with deca-BDE technical mixtures used in industrial complexes around Lake Shihwa. A significant correlation between total organic carbon and total PBDE concentration was found in sediments, and the correlation coefficients for individual PBDE congeners relatively increased from lower to higher brominated congeners.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the present study, mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), selenium (Se), and arsenic (As) were measured in liver, kidney, and feathers of adult,...  相似文献   

The levels of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the water, suspended solids, and sediments from Lake Chaohu during the high water level period were measured by a solid-phase extraction gas chromatograph–electron capture detector. The spatial distributions of the three phases and the water/suspended solids and sediment/water partition coefficients were analyzed. The results showed the following: (1) The mean contents of OCPs in the water, suspended solids, and sediments were 132.4?±?432.1 ng/L, 188.1?±?286.7 ng/g dry weight (dw), and 13.7?±?9.8 ng/g dw, respectively. The dominant OCP components were isodrin (85.1 %) for the water, DDTs (64.4 %) for the suspended solids, and both isodrin (48.5 %) and DDTs (31.8 %) for the sediments. (2) β-HCH was the primary isomer of HCHs in the water and sediments, and the proportions were 61.7 and 41.3 %; γ-HCH was the primary isomer in the suspended solids, accounting for 49.3 %; p,p′-DDT was the dominant content of DDTs in the water and suspended solids, whereas p,p′-DDD was the main metabolite of DDTs in the sediments. (3) The concentrations of contaminants in the water from the western lake were greater than those from the eastern lake, but the concentrations in the suspended solids from the western lake were less than those from the eastern lake. (4) There was no significant correlation between the water–suspended solids partition coefficient K d and the n-octanol–water partition coefficient K ow, and between the sediment–water organic-C weighted sorption coefficients K oc and K ow.  相似文献   

In blubber from maternal grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from Sable Is., NS, sigma DDT (p,p'-DDE and p,p'-DDT) concentrations declined from 12 micrograms/g lipid in 1974 to 0.5 microgram/g in 1994. Pup blubber sigma DDT concentrations were about 60% of those of their mothers, and declined at similar rates. In maternal seals, p,p'-DDE increased from 56% sigma DDT in 1974 to 89% in 1994. Polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations did not change between 1976 and 1988, but then declined; the relative proportion of chlorobiphenyl (CB) 101 increased, and those of CBs 170 and 187 decreased between 1985 and 1991. Concentrations of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane and trans-nonachlor declined after 1988, and of oxychlordane after 1992; concentrations of hexachlorobenzene were constant between 1984 and 1994.  相似文献   

Concentrations of organochlorines (OCs), brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and mercury (Hg) were measured in eggs of six seabird species breeding in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotopes were used as ecological tracers to measure trophic level and connectivity with benthos, respectively. Concentrations, patterns as well as ecological tracers varied significantly between species. The sum of polychlorinated biphenyls (ΣPCBs) was the most important group measured in all seabird species based on concentration followed generally by the sum of chlorinated pesticides (ΣCPs), the sum of brominated flame retardants (ΣBFRs) and finally total Hg (THg). ΣPCBs, ΣCPs and ΣBFRs increased with trophic level, whereas THg did not. Only ΣBFRs increased with a higher connectivity with the benthos. Seabird species resident to the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence ecosystem showed higher Hg and BFR levels than migratory species. Molt patterns were used to explain variations of contaminant levels.  相似文献   

Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), European catfish (Silurus glanis), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), and gobies (Neogobius gymnotrachelus, Neogobius melanostomus) were collected from the Danube River (Belgrade section), and samples of liver, muscle, or whole-body composites (in the case of gobies) were analyzed for As, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, and Zn with inductively coupled plasma optical spectrometry to find out if there was a correlation between accumulation of these elements in predatory and prey species, as well as in pairs of species with overlapping diets. Concentrations of all analyzed elements were either higher (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) in liver than in muscle, or equal (As, Hg), except for Hg in carp, which was higher in muscle. Mercury concentration in liver and muscle of predators (catfish, pikeperch) was significantly (<10?4) higher than in prey fishes (carp and gobies). The results indicate that Hg concentration was biomagnified through the food chain. Concentrations of As, Fe, and Hg in carp liver and gobies whole-body composite were similar, but carp had significantly (<10?4) higher values of Zn and Cu in liver. The regression analysis and trendline equations indicate that the concentrations of all tested elements, except for As in liver, and Mn and Fe in muscle, were similar in predatory fish (pikeperch and catfish), on one hand, and in prey fish (carp and gobies), on the other hand. Distinctly high Zn concentration in carp is very common in this species due to its physiology. Concentrations of Hg and Zn were higher than the maximum acceptable concentration due to the high pollution level in this section of the Danube River, accordingly posing a risk for the human consumption of these fish species.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to understand the temporal trend, the spatial distribution and the residue level of dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethanes (DDTs) and hexachlorobenzenes(HCHs) in bivalves from the coast of the South China in recent years. Jinjiang oysters (Crassostrea rivularis) were sampled from 15 bays along the coast of Guangdong province, China between 2003 and 2007. Gas chromatography with electron capture detector was used to quantify the contents of HCH isomers (α-, β-, γ-, δ-HCH), DDT isomers (p,p′-, o,p′-DDT), p,p′-DDD and p,p′-DDE in the oyster tissues. The results demonstrate that annual level of DDTs in the tissue increase throughout the study, particularly between 2004 and 2006. The DDTs content in the tissue varied significantly among sampling regions and some sampling sites (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the HCHs content was significantly lower than DDTs content in the tissue (p < 0.01), and remain constant among sampling years, sampling regions and sampling sites (p > 0.10). Predominance of isomer form of DDTs and higher ratio of γ-HCH/HCHs at some sites indicated that recent input of DDT and lindane in the coastal waters of Guangdong, which might be caused by dicofol spraying in crop planting and lacquer painting on fisher boat. In the soft tissues of the oysters, the highest content of HCHs was 1.21 ng/g (wet weight), and DDTs levels ranged from 0.11 ng/g to 76.3 ng/g (wet weight), far below the Maximum Residual Limits in China and many developed nations.  相似文献   

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