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本文旨在探讨如何使较大生态空间斑块形成闭合区域,在空间属性上保持相对的完整性和单一性,并加以有效保护,使生态空间真正成为城市发展的绿色屏障。从现有文献和同江市"多规合一"实践看,由于历史遗留、追逐利益和监管不力等诸多因素,生态空间甚至核心区域内有耕地和较大面积的生活聚居区挤占生态空间,导致环境质量下降。可通过退耕还林还草工程、迁出生态空间居民工程和加强生物多样性保护工程等路径实现生态空间完整性。与此同时,采取加大对生态空间的保护力度、提高公众对生态空间完整性的认识、建立科学的生态补偿机制及加强中俄生态保护合作等措施加以保护。  相似文献   

基于SFA模型,测算了我国2005—2014年省级面板数据的能源效率,利用PCA方法合成新型城镇化发展水平综合指标,联合构建空间自相关模型和空间误差模型,分析了新型城镇化与能源效率之间的关系。研究表明:1新型城镇化与能源效率呈负相关。在其他条件不变的情况下,新型城镇化水平每提高1%,引起能源效率平均降低0.041%。2新型城镇化对能源效率的影响表现为中部较强,西部次之,东部较弱。3相邻省份能源效率空间上呈正相关,相关性自西向东逐渐减弱。城镇化与能源效率的协调问题亟待解决,应根据区域发展差异区别对待,充分发挥集聚效应。  相似文献   

Scientific debates on environmental impacts in cost-benefit analysis (CBA) focus on methodological questions. The literature, however, contains very little information on the influence of these debates on CBAs made in spatial planning practice. In this paper, this gap is filled by a qualitative analysis of 67 CBAs made in the Netherlands between 2000 and 2011. From the literature on environmental valuation, we derive criteria to evaluate the quality of CBA practice, such as completeness and the inclusion of uncertainties. The analysis shows that in many cases relevant environmental effects are omitted or not monetised. Moreover, non-monetised effects are often not included in CBA conclusions. If impacts are monetised, the methods used are frequently not very sophisticated. The consequences of assumptions are often not communicated, for example, where high discount rates make long-term effects seem unimportant. In this research we identify four main points for good practice.  相似文献   

Available freshwater stocks are being depleted and impaired on a widespread basis, with acute shortages an increasingly frequent condition in arid climates. In transboundary basins, water scarcity and pollution compound interstate tension and contribute to human suffering and ecological damage. This article provides theoretical perspectives on shared freshwater disputes and on the evolution of the international law of shared water resources. It argues that the UN Convention on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (ratified by some countries, but not yet in force) is inadequate as a framework convention in terms of providing general obligations on the future parties or an institutional framework for future action. The paper suggests that three critical concepts be considered in future management of shared water resources: (1) the unitary character of watersheds (where the absence of extra-basin diversions allows); (2) joint or communitarian watershed management; and (3) the relevance of international trade to alleviating regional food stress, resulting from local water scarcity. Finally, it proposes the establishment of an international advisory body on shared water disputes, modelled after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), whose role is codified in the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  相似文献   

以肥城矿区为背景,基于Personal Geodatabase模型构建了空间数据库,采用C#作为开发语言,借助ArcGIS Engine的控件开发了矿区生态环境遥感监测数据库系统.根据数据获取方式不同,将空间数据库分为基础地理数据库、专题数据库、实地监测数据库和表格数据库4部分,系统实现了矿区空间数据和属性数据的统一存储和管理,多时相遥感数据的对比分析,水质、土壤湿度的动态监测,矿区各类地物面积的统计分析等功能.  相似文献   

本文总结了产品与环境协调设计在通信产品研发中的应用,并从电磁兼容设计角度来举例说明通信产品演进中的产品与环境协调设计的分析途径。  相似文献   

在抗振缓冲设计中,人们通常按标准、合同中的要求进行设计,本文认为要按产品受振动与冲击后的响应进行设计,及如何按振动与冲击后的响应进行设计。  相似文献   

对资源征税的意义不仅在于增加财政收入,更重要的是促进资源的有效管理,为国民经济持续、稳定的发展提供可靠保证。从这个目的出发,就资源税设置中存在的一些问题进行了深入探讨,以期使资源税的征管工作能在国民经济运行中发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

The incongruity between the regional and national scales at which wetland losses are occurring, and the project-specific scale at which wetlands are regulated and studied, has become obvious. This article presents a synthesis of recent efforts by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Ecosystems Research Center at Cornell University to bring wetland science and regulation into alignment with the reality of the cumulative effects of wetland loss and degradation on entire landscapes and regions. The synthesis is drawn from the other articles in this volume, the workshop that initiated them, and the scientific literature. It summarizes the status of our present scientific understanding, discusses means by which to actualize the existing potential for matching the scales of research and regulation with the scales at which effects are observed, and provides guidelines for building a stronger scientific base for landscape-level assessments of cumulative effects. It also provides the outlines for a synoptic and qualitative approach to cumulative effects assessment based on a reexamination of the generic assessment framework we proposed elsewhere in this volume.The primary conclusion to be drawn from the articles and the workshop is that a sound scientific basis for regulation will not come merely from acquiring more information on more variables. It will come from recognizing that a perceptual shift to larger temporal, spatial, and organizational scales is overdue. The shift in scale will dictate different—not necessarily more—variables to be measured in future wetland research and considered in wetland regulation.  相似文献   

临沂市旅游购物品的设计与开发   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
临沂市旅游购物品开发严重滞后于旅游业整体发展水平,成为制约旅游经济效益提高的薄弱环节.旅游购物品具有不同于一般商品的特性,旅游者的购物动机也具有其独特性.构思了临沂市旅游食品类、旅游纪念品与工艺品类、文物古玩与旅游文化用品类和旅游日用品类四大系列旅游购物品,分析了该市旅游购物品开发中存在的问题,提出了旅游购物品的开发对策.  相似文献   

Bridging the water infrastructure gap has become a major policy concern. In rural areas of Africa, access to water is as much constrained by territorial coverage as it is by the poor conditions of water points due to the difficulty in mobilizing communities for repairs. This paper examines the equity considerations of a rural water and sanitation programme in a district of Mozambique, and their impacts on the achievement of the programme's objectives. Our analysis underlines the contradictions in the conceptualization of equity in the design, planning and implementation of the programme. Even an explicitly pro‐poor strategy can fall short of delivering equity. Our findings stress the fact that overlooking local perception of equity can have a direct impact on the ability of a community to ensure the maintenance of their water points. They call for a careful definition of equity in the design of water programmes, as well as closer attention to this criterion as a precondition to achieving the long‐term objective of the programme.  相似文献   

This paper explores the notion of environmentally induced spatial stigma through an analysis of data from interviews across public attitudes to pollution within the Asopos river basin in central Greece. The area has a 40 year plus history of legal and illicit industrial waste disposal and public debate on the associated environmental degradation. The study focuses on the perceptions and beliefs of a sector of the community likely to be directly and negatively affected by stigma, that is small business owners in the tourism and hospitality sector. The qualitative analysis explores awareness and viewpoints on environmental degradation and water quality within the local context, implications for the local economy and the individual's own enterprise, views on industrial environmental management as well as corporate responsibility and future prospects for the environmental problems of Asopos. Findings reveal a noticeable variation in views on industrial pollution and ecosystem deterioration among the respondents, but overall a strong environmentally induced stigmatization of the area. They also uncover an information asymmetry and lack of credible commitment by government bodies and industry members in disclosing accurate information, a situation likely to increase speculation and uncertainty within the community. The paper concludes by addressing implications of the findings to policy-making and managerial considerations, along with future research perspectives which aim to increase considerations of sustainability aspects for local development.  相似文献   

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