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The Fallacies of Concurrent Climate Policy Efforts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marian Radetzki 《Ambio》2010,39(3):211-222
Climate policy has assumed an extreme degree of urgency in the international debate in recent years. This article begins by taking a critical look at the scientific underpinnings of the efforts to stabilize the climate. It points to several serious question marks on the purported relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, and expresses distrust about claims of impending catastrophes related to rising sea levels, hurricanes, and spread of infectious disease. It then reviews the concurrent climate policy efforts and concludes that they are incoherent, misguided and unduly costly, and that they have so far had no perceptible impact on anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The exceedingly ambitious policy plans currently under preparation suffer from similar fallacies. For these reasons, but also because of the remaining scientific doubts and the exorbitant costs that have to be incurred, skepticism is expressed about the preparedness to implement the climate policy plans currently on the table.  相似文献   

To predict how re-colonisation of acidified lakes will proceed, at least two approaches are possible: (i) to compare the life history traits of candidate species and determine which one has the highest fitness, and (ii) to simulate a more realistic scenario carrying out experiments with the grouping of the candidate species, so that the intrinsic rate of natural increase of each species is integrated with its sensitivity to low pH and its ability to compete with the other candidate populations. The objective of the present study was to investigate the future re-colonisation of such acidified systems, taking as case-study a tropical pond (Lagoa das Dunas, Camaçari, BA, Brazil) and four species of cladocerans occurring in nearby water bodies (Ceriodaphniacornuta, Ceriodaphniasilvestrii, Latonopsisaustralis and Macrothrix elegans), by comparing the two above mentioned approaches. The second approach included two sets of in situ microcosms experiments, one simulating the re-colonisation by immigrating ephippia, thus using neonates of each species as colonisers, and another simulating the immigration of adults. Both these simulations followed nearly the same trends. The integration of the effects of a higher temperature, a different photoperiod and species competition determined differences in the species densities ranking between the two approaches: life history versus microcosms. The densities of C.cornuta in the microcosms matched the biphasic concentration/response hormetic model, in the simultaneous presence of two increasingly intense stressors (interspecific competition and acidity), with a low-dose stimulation and a high-dose inhibition. The present study provided, thus, a further support to the acceptance of hormesis in ecotoxicology, also at the population level in multispecies experiments.  相似文献   

'Persistent organic pollutants' (POPs) are semi-volatile, mobile in the environment and bioaccumulate. Their toxicity and propensity for long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) has led to international bans/restrictions on their use/release. LRAT of POPs may occur by a 'single hop' or repeated temperature-driven air-surface exchange. It has been hypothesised that this will result in global fractionation and distillation-with condensation and accumulation in polar regions. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)--industrial chemicals banned/restricted in the 1970s--provide a classic illustration of POP behaviour. A latitudinally-segmented global PCB inventory has been produced, which shows that approximately 86% of the 1.3 x 10(6) tonnes produced was used in the temperate industrial zone of the northern hemisphere. A global survey of background surface soils gives evidence for 'fractionation' of PCBs. More significantly, however, very little of the total inventory has 'made the journey' via primary emission and/or air-surface exchange and LRAT out of the heavily populated source regions, in the 70 years since PCBs were first produced. Soils generally occlude PCBs, especially soils with dynamic turnover of C/bioturbation/burial mechanisms. This limits the fraction of PCBs available for repeated air-soil exchange. The forested soils of the northern hemisphere, and other C-rich soils, appear to be playing an important role in 'protecting' the Arctic from the advective supply of POPs. Whilst investigations on POPs in remote environments are important, it is imperative that researchers also seek to better understand their release from sources, persistence in source regions, and the significant loss mechanisms/global sinks of these compounds, if they wish to predict future trends.  相似文献   

One question in the use of plants as biomonitors for atmospheric mercury (Hg) is to confirm the linear relationships of Hg concentrations between air and leaves. To explore the origin of Hg in the vegetable and grass leaves, open top chambers (OTCs) experiment was conducted to study the relationships of Hg concentrations between air and leaves of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), radish (Raphanus sativus L.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). The influence of Hg in soil on Hg accumulation in leaves was studied simultaneously by soil Hg-enriched experiment. Hg concentrations in grass and vegetable leaves and roots were measured in both experiments. Results from OTCs experiment showed that Hg concentrations in leaves of the four species were significantly positively correlated with those in air during the growth time (p?<?0.05), while results from soil Hg-enriched experiment indicated that soil-borne Hg had significant influence on Hg accumulation in the roots of each plant (p?<?0.05), and some influence on vegetable leaves (p?<?0.05), but no significant influence on Hg accumulation in grass leaves (p?>?0.05). Thus, Hg in grass leaves is mainly originated from the atmosphere, and grass leaves are more suitable as potential biomonitors for atmospheric Hg pollution. The effect detection limits (EDLs) for the leaves of alfalfa and ryegrass were 15.1 and 22.2 ng g–1, respectively, and the biological detection limit (BDL) for alfalfa and ryegrass was 3.4 ng m–3.  相似文献   

The dechlorination rate in a flow-through porous matrix can be described by the species specific dechlorination rate observed in a liquid batch unless mass transport limitations prevail. This hypothesis was examined by comparing dechlorination rates in liquid batch with that in column experiments at various flow rates (3-9-12 cm day(-1)). Columns were loaded with an inoculated sand and eluted with a medium containing 1mM trichloroethene (TCE) for 247 days. Dechlorination in the column treatments increased with decreasing flow rate, illustrating the effect of the longer residence time. Zeroth order TCE or cis-DCE degradation rates were 4-7 folds larger in columns than in corresponding batch systems which could be explained by the higher measured Geobacter and Dehalococcoides numbers per unit pore volume in the columns. The microbial numbers also explained the variability in dechlorination rate among flow rate treatments marked by a large elution of the dechlorinating species' yield as flow increased. Stop flow events did not reveal mass transport limitations for dechlorination. We conclude that flow rate effects on reactive transport of TCE in this coarse sand are explained by residence time and by microbial transport and that mass transport limitations in this porous matrix are limited.  相似文献   


The increasing production of ethanol has been established as an important contributor to future energy independence. Although ethanol demand is increasing, a growing economic trend in decreased profitability and resource conflicts have called into question the future of grain-based ethanol production. Growing emphasis is being placed on utilizing cellulosic feedstocks to produce ethanol, and the need for renewable resources has made the development of cellulosic ethanol a national priority. Cellulosic ethanol production plants are being built in many areas of the United States to evaluate various feed-stocks and processes. The waste streams from many varying processes that are being developed contain a variety of components. Differences in ethanol generation processes and feedstocks are producing waste streams unique to biofuel production, which could be potentially harmful to the environment if adequate care is not taken to manage those risks. Waste stream management and utilization of the cellulosic ethanol process are equally important components of the development of this industry.  相似文献   

选取了危险性大、地处居民稠密区的南京市第二制药厂作为评估对象,对该厂的危险品用量、危险品储存量、厂区附近情况等逐一作了调查,对其风险源的潜在危险性进行了评估并预测了事故突发后的危害范围,为环保部门实施应急监测提供档案式信息和行动指导。  相似文献   

This study develops a low-energy rotating photocatalytic contactor (LE-RPC) that has Cu-doped TiO2 films coated on stainless-steel rotating disks, to experimentally evaluate the efficiency of the degradation and decolorization of methylene blue (MB) under irradiation from different light sources (visible 430 nm, light-emitting diode [LED] 460 nm, and LED 525 nm). The production of hydroxyl radicals is also examined. The experimental results show that the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 that is doped with Cu2+ is induced by illumination with visible light and an LED. More than 90% of methylene blue at a 10 mg/L concentration is degraded after illumination by visible light (430 nm) for 4 hr at 20 rpm. This study also demonstrates that the quantity of hydroxyl radicals produced is directly proportional to the light energy intensity. The greater the light energy intensity, the greater is the number of hydroxyl radicals produced.

Implications: The CuO-doped anatase TiO2 powder was successfully synthesized in this study by a sol–gel method. The catalytic abilities of the stainless-steel film were enhanced in the visible light regions. This study has successfully modified the nano-photocatalytic materials to drop band gap and has also successfully fixed the nano-photocatalytic materials on a substratum to effectively treat dye wastewater in the range of visible light. The results can be useful to the development of a low-energy rotating photocatalytic contactor for decontamination purposes.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Hg, Pb, Cd, and Cr in 240 shellfish including oyster, short-necked clam, razor clam, and mud clam collected from six administrative regions in Xiamen of China were measured. The daily intakes of heavy metals through the consumption of shellfish were estimated based on both of the metal concentrations in shellfish and the consuming amounts of shellfish. In addition, the target hazard quotients (THQ) were used to evaluate the potential risk of heavy metals in shellfish on human body. Results showed that the concentrations of heavy metals in shellfish ranged at the following sequence: Cr > Cd > Pb > Hg. The concentrations of Hg and Pb in most samples were below the limits (0.3 mg?kg?1 for Hg and 0.5 mg?kg?1 for Pb) of national standard (GB 18406.4-2001) set in China. About 57 % of samples were found to contain more than 0.1 mg?kg?1 of Cd, in which the highest level was found in oyster from Xiangan with a value of 1.21 mg?kg?1. The average concentrations of Cd in oyster and mud clam samples were 0.338 and 0.369 mg?kg?1, respectively, which were significantly higher (p?<?0.05) than those in the samples of short-necked clam and razor clam. The highest concentration of Cr was found to present in short-necked clam from Jimei with a value of 10.4 mg?kg?1, but a mean value of 1.95 mg?kg?1 in all the shellfish was observed, and no significant difference was found among the different sampling regions. The calculated daily intakes of Hg, Pb, Cd, and Cr through consuming the shellfish were 0.005, 0.122, 0.137, and 1.20 μg?kg?1 day?1, respectively, which accounted for 2.19, 3.42, 13.7, and 40.1 % of the corresponding tolerable limits suggested by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. The THQ values of the four metals were far below 1 for most samples, except for those of Cd and Cr in the four shellfish species with the mean values of 0.132 and 0.385, respectively. The highest THQ values of Cd were observed in the species of oyster (0.719) and mud clam (0.568). But the high THQ values of Cr observed in all the four species were derived from the applied reference dose (RfD) data of Cr(VI) due to the unavailable RfD value of total Cr. The results indicate that the intakes of heavy metals by consuming shellfish collected from Xiamen of China do not present an appreciable hazard risk on human health, but attention should be paid to consuming those with relatively high THQ values, such as oyster, mud clam, and short-necked clam.  相似文献   

The ever increasing impact of the marine industry and transport on vulnerable sea areas puts the marine environment under exceptional pressure and calls for inspired methods for mitigating the impact of the related risks. We describe a method for preventive reduction of remote environmental risks caused by the shipping and maritime industry that are transported by surface currents and wind impact to the coasts. This method is based on characterizing systematically the damaging potential of the offshore areas in terms of potential transport to vulnerable regions of an oil spill or other pollution that has occurred in a particular area. The resulting maps of probabilities of pollution to be transported to the nearshore and the time it takes for the pollution to reach the nearshore are used to design environmentally optimized fairways for the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Proper, and south-western Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Halim M  Conte P  Piccolo A 《Chemosphere》2003,52(1):265-275
Effective phytoremediation of soils contaminated by heavy metals depends on their availability to plant uptake that, in turn, may be influenced by either the existing soil humus or an exogenous humic matter. We amended an organic and a mineral soil with an exogenous humic acid (HA) in order to enhance the soil organic carbon (SOC) content by 1% and 2%. The treated soils were further enriched with heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn, Ni) to a concentration of 0, 10, 20, and 40 microg/g for each metal and allowed to age at room temperature for 1 and 2 months. After each period, they were extracted for readily soluble and exchangeable (2.5% acetic acid), plant-available (DTPA, Diethylentriaminepentaacetic acid), and occluded (1 N HNO(3)) metal species. Addition of HA generally reduced the extractability of the soluble and exchangeable forms of metals. This effect was directly related to the amount of added HA and increased with ageing time. Conversely, the potentially plant-available metals extracted with DTPA were generally larger with increasing additions of exogenous HA solutions. This was attributed to the formation of metal-humic complexes, which ensured a temporary bioavailability of metals and prevented their rapid transformation into insoluble species. Extractions with 1 N HNO(3) further indicated that the added metals were present in complexes with HA. The observed effects appeared to also depend on the amount of native SOC and its structural changes with ageing. The results suggest that soil amendments with exogenous humic matter may accelerate the phytoremediation of heavy metals from contaminated soil, while concomitantly prevent their environmental mobility.  相似文献   

Eye irritation measurements are available from smog chamber solar Irradiations of selected hydrocarbon-nitrogen oxide mixtures. These results have been used to compute eye irritation intensity parameters for formaldehyde, acrolein, peroxyacetyl nitrate, and peroxypropionyl nitrate. Peroxypropionyl nitrate is the most irritating of these four substances. The relative contribution of various pairs of eye Irritants in ambient air mixtures to eye irritation has been calculated from the ambient air concentrations and the eye irritation intensity parameters. The relative contribution of the four eye irritants to a "typical" ambient air mixture has been computed. Formaldehyde appears to be the single most significant eye irritant. Other potential ambient air eye irritants are discussed. The relationships between the hydrocarbon control strategies and eye irritation are considered.  相似文献   

Pihlajamäki M  Tynkkynen N 《Ambio》2011,40(2):191-199
This article examines the views of scientists on intricacies of scientific knowledge that affect science–policy interface in the Baltic Sea eutrophication governance in Finland. The analysis demonstrates that these intricacies can be divided into five categories: (1) uncertainty of knowledge concerning ecological processes, (2) heterogeneity of knowledge, (3) societal and political call for (certain) knowledge, (4) contingency of the knowledge that ends up taken as a baseline for decision making and further research, and (5) linkages of knowledge production, processing, and communication to particular characteristics of individual researchers and research societies. By explicating these aspects, this article illustrates the ways in which scientific knowledge concerning eutrophication is human-bound and susceptible to interpretation, thus adding on to the uncertainty of the Baltic Sea environmental governance. The aim is, then, to open up perspectives on how ambiguities related to science–policy interface could be coped with.  相似文献   

The presence of well-known atmospheric pollutants is regularly screened for in large towns but knowledge about the effects of mixtures of different pollutants and especially their genotoxic potential is largely missing. Since falling snow collects pollutants from the air, melted snow samples could be suitable for evaluating potential genotoxicity. For this purpose the Allium cepa anaphase–telophase test was used to analyse melted snow samples from Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. Samples of snow were taken at two sites, characterized by differences in pollution intensity, in three successive years. At the more polluted site the analyses showed a very high degree of both toxicity and genotoxicity in the first year of the study corresponding to the effects of the known mutagen used as the positive control. At the other site the situation was much better but not without warning signals. The results showed that standard analyses for the presence of certain contaminants in the air do not give an accurate picture of the possible consequences of urban air pollution because the genotoxic potential remains hidden. The A. cepa test has been demonstrated to be very convenient for evaluation of air pollution through analyses of melted snow samples.  相似文献   

Deposition of cement dust on soils and plant surfaces is known to affect plant growth and the species composition of plant communities, but little is known about its effects (and those of its pH and constituents) on germination. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the toxicity of an aqueous cement extract, constituents of the extract and pH on the germination of seeds of a selected species, Medicago sativa. First, the effects of the extract were tested in assays with concentrations and exposure durations ranging from 0 to 1.0 g/mL and 4 to 96 h, respectively. At 0.8 g/mL, the extract strongly inhibited germination; a 4-h exposure reduced the germination rate, from 77?±?1.8 to 50?±?2.6 % (mean ± SE), while 8-h exposure completely inhibited it. Further, treatment at this concentration killed the non-germinating seeds, thus the inhibition was due to toxic effects. Neither the pH of the extract nor the concentration of its main soluble elements separately (K, Ca, S, Na, or Cr) caused the toxicity since germination rates were not significantly reduced when these variables were tested individually. However, a mixture of the elements in solution reduced germination rates, suggesting that they have adverse synergistic effects.  相似文献   

This paper describes solute transport modeling carried out as a part of an assessment of the long-term radiological safety of a planned deep rock repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark, Sweden. Specifically, it presents transport modeling performed to locate and describe discharge areas for groundwater potentially carrying radionuclides from the repository to the surface where man and the environment could be affected by the contamination. The modeling results show that topography to large extent determines the discharge locations. Present and future lake and wetland objects are central for the radionuclide transport and dose calculations in the safety assessment. Results of detailed transport modeling focusing on the regolith and the upper part of the rock indicate that the identification of discharge areas and objects considered in the safety assessment is robust in the sense that it does not change when a more detailed model representation is used.  相似文献   

Pulse-jet fabric filters (PJFFs) are widely used in U.S. industrial boiler applications and in utility and industrial boilers abroad. Their small size and reduced cost relative to more conventional reverse-gas baghouses makes the use of PJFFs appear to be an attractive particulate control option for utility boilers. This paper (Part 2 of a three-part series) summarizes the results of pilot PJFF studies sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute at different utility sites in the United States. The purpose of these tests is to evaluate PJFF performance for U.S. fossil-fuel-fired applications. These data are also used to corroborate the results of a recent worldwide survey of PJFF user experience, as described in Part 1 of this series. Part 3 will provide a cost comparison of PJFFs to other particulate control options such as electrostatic precipitators and reverse-gas baghouses.  相似文献   

Wang NX  Tang Q  Ai GM  Wang YN  Wang BJ  Zhao ZP  Liu SJ 《Chemosphere》2012,86(11):1098-1105
Tribenuron methyl (TBM) is a member of the sulfonylurea herbicide family and is widely used in weed control. Due to its phytotoxicity to rotating-crops, concerns on TBM-pollution to soil have been raised. In this study, experimental results indicated that microbial activity played a key role in TBM removal from polluted soil. Twenty-six bacterial strains were isolated and their degradation of TBM was evaluated. Serratia sp. strain BW30 was selected and subjected to further investigation on its degradative mechanism. TBM degradation by strain BW30 was dependent on glucose that was converted into lactic or oxalic acids. HPLC-MS analysis revealed two end-products from TBM degradation, and they were identical to the products from TBM acidohydrolysis. Based on this observation, it is proposed that microbe-mediated acidohydrolysis of TBM was involved in TBM degradation in soil, and possible application of this observation in bioremediation of TBM-polluted soil is discussed.  相似文献   

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