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城市雨水管网降雨径流污染特征及对受纳水体水质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以北京市城区和近郊区选取的2个不同下垫面类型的汇水小流域为代表,在2008—2009年共进行了4场降雨过程的雨水管网出口和下游受纳水体水质同步监测.研究结果表明,分流制雨水管网降雨径流污染严重,其中悬浮物浓度高于城市污水,COD、氨氮、总磷和总氮浓度略低于城市污水,但明显高于《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838—2002)中的Ⅴ类标准,以及《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918—2002)中的一级B标准;木樨园小流域由于绿地面积比例小,道路面积比例大,城乡结合部地带环境卫生相对较差,雨水管网降雨径流各污染物的EMC浓度比西蒲小流域高21.4%—246.5%.雨水管网降雨径流存在一定程度的初期冲刷效应;雨水管网降雨径流中COD和总磷与悬浮物之间具有较强的相关性.管网降雨径流使受纳水体污染物浓度升高16.9%—541.7%,其中悬浮物、COD和氨氮升高幅度最大.增加城市绿地可明显降低降雨径流中的悬浮颗粒物及其携带的有机污染物的含量.  相似文献   

北京城区屋面径流中PAHs的污染特征与来源解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡丹  欧浪波  黄晔  崔司宇  郭天蛟  张巍  王学军 《生态环境》2010,19(11):2613-2618
以北京典型城区屋面径流中的PAHs为研究对象,在2008年雨季采集了不同地点的屋面径流,分析了溶解相和颗粒相PAHs的质量浓度,对屋面径流中PAHs的质量浓度特征、时空变化规律及来源进行了讨论。结果表明,屋面径流具有较严重的PAHs污染,16种PAHs在溶解相中的总质量浓度为563.85~937.01 ng.L-1,来源主要是机动车排放(31.9%)、煤燃烧(39.6%)、天然气燃烧(15.3%)及石油类的挥发(14.2%);在颗粒相中的总质量浓度为844.48~1372.62 ng.L-1,来源主要包括燃煤(51.8%)、汽油(38.1%)和柴油(10.1%)的燃烧等。BaP的EMC平均值(172 ng.L-1)远远超过我国污水排放标准(30 ng.L-1),且以颗粒相为主。不同地点采集的屋面径流中的PAHs质量浓度大部分表现出较明显的初期效应和时间变化,而在不同采样点之间则没有明显的空间差异。  相似文献   

滇白前(Silene viscidula)对铅、锌、镉的共超富集特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了寻找新的重金属超富集植物特别是多金属共超富集植物,调查测定了云南兰坪铅锌矿区北厂矿段生长的8种植物及其根区土壤的重金属质量分数,以及土壤基本理化性质.结果表明:研究区土壤中磷和钾质量分数较低,总氮、总磷、总钾、铵态氮、硝态氮、速效磷分别占土壤干质量的0.2%、0.03%、0.52%、0.0029%、0.000 12%、0.00068%;有机质质量分数平均为4.81%,pH值平均为6.79,电导率变化范围为11.4~140-3μs·cm-1.该矿区土壤中锌(Zn)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、铜(Cu)的质量分数平均值分别为(38 178±23 870)、(18 671±10 143)、(438±345)、(159±:82)mg·kg>-1,除Cu外均超过国家土壤环境质量(GB 15618-1995)三级标准.8种植物地上部Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu质量分数范围分别为271~17 986、51~5 430、1~617、2~26mg·kg-1,尤以滇白前(Silene viscidula Franch)地上部Zn、Pb、Cd质量分数为最高.进一步采集38个滇白前样本对其重金属富集特征进行深人调查,表明其地上部中含zn、Pb和Cd平均为(11 043±3 537)、(1 546±1 044)和(391±196)mg·kg-1,富集系数(地上部和土壤金属质量分数之比)分别为0.35、0.08和1.05,转运系数(地上部和根中金属质量分数之比)均超过1,均值分别为8.21、3.90和8.36.野外调查数据表明,滇白前是一种Pb/Zn/Cd共超富集植物.滇白前对Zn、Pb富集系数小于1,主要是由于其对应土壤中Zn、Pb质量分数太高(平均分别为(45 778±32 819)、(22 512±13 613)mg·kg-1)所致.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in the environment may be toxic for human and animals. Tanneries are a source of pollution by heavy metals. There is little information on heavy metals pollution in tanneries, especially on metals produced by the process of hair burning and liming. Liming is the first stage of chemical treatment where animal hair or wool is removed with sodium sulphide and calcium oxide. Here we studied cow, goat, buffalo and sheep hair, conventional liming agents and liming wastewaters from several sources. Samples were acid-digested and aliquots were analysed by atomic absorption spectroscopy following APHA standard method to measure concentrations of arsenic, lead, cadmium, zinc, manganese and iron. Results show that the range of metal contents in hair or wool and liming agents are 1.3–8.2 mg/kg for arsenic, 0.02–21.8 mg/kg for lead, 17.7–121.0 mg/kg for manganese, 7.3–141.1 mg/kg for zinc and 119.6–10613.8 mg/kg for iron. Liming wastewaters contain 1.9–5.6 µg/L arsenic, 0.03–6.05 µg/L lead, 38.6–139.0 µg/L manganese, 144.0–171.5 µg/L zinc and 399.5–1069.0 µg/L iron. Cadmium was below detection limits. This is the first investigation that reveals that hair burning liming operation is a potential source of heavy metals in the environment.  相似文献   


Festuca rubra L. plants are pseudometallophytes colonizing abandoned Pb/Zn mine areas, successfully employed in phytostabilization. To study the contribution of low-molecular weight organic acids to metal tolerance, F. rubra plants were grown for three months in hydroponics with Cd (1.8, 18 and 36 µmol?L?1), Pb (50, 250 and 500?µmol?L?1) and Zn (0.3, 3 and 6?mmol?L?1), separately, and in ternary combination (18?µmol?L?1 Cd + 250?µmol?L?1 Pb + 0.3?mmol?L?1 Zn). The roots retained most of the metals but their distribution from shoot to root was altered when the plants were treated with the ternary combination. The main organic acids in roots were citrate and malate. At the lowest concentrations, the metals caused small reductions in biomass, had no effects on photosynthetic pigments nor on malondialdehyde, but led to increases in root organic acids. At higher concentrations, phytotoxic responses were observed, associated with a decline of citrate and malate in the roots.  相似文献   

Despite its being highly mineralised, the Hope Mine area has become a residential district. Composite soil samples taken from 91 allotments show values for cadmium: < 2–220 mg kg–1, lead: 6–38,000 mg kg–1, and zinc: 66–40,000 mg kg–1. Water samples from adits contain 52–86 g kg–1 of lead and < 1–2 hg kg–1 of cadmium. The soil contents of cadmium and lead in at least two areas suggest that remedial actions should be considered. Blood lead levels for 33 children aged between ten months and seven years are in the range 5.7–57 g dl–1; haemoglobin levels vary between 9.7 and 12.7 mg dl–1. There is no obvious relationship between Pb and haemoglobin levels. Further geochemical work to define fully the spatial extent of the polluted region and epidemiological studies including intelligence testing to define further the effects of lead on children in this environment would be valuable.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

Heavy metals pollution in aquatic environments is a major problem contributing to human health issues. The study of these pollutants through bioindicators such as the oyster Crassostrea iredalei is important for (1) determining the levels and sources and (2) regulating the quantity of pollutants. The concentrations of cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and lead (Pb) in tissues of C. iredalei, sediment and surrounding water was measured, and data was analyzed to determine the relationship between sampling periods and between oyster tissue, sediment, and water. The highest concentration of metals in oyster tissue was Zn, followed by Cu, Mn, Cd, and Pb. Concentrations of Cd, Cu, and Zn exceeded the maximum level allowed according to the Malaysian Food Act of 1983, which is equivalent to the WHO recommended levels of heavy metals in organisms used for consumption. The highest metal concentration in sediment was Mn followed by Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cd. Concentrations of heavy metals in surrounding water were Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, and Cd. There was no correlation between metal concentration in oyster tissue and in sediment for all five metals.  相似文献   

Cd, Pb, and Zn were quantified in liver and kidney of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) which were hunted during the 2003–2011 hunting seasons in Galicia (NW Spain). The effects of age and gender were evaluated to determine whether these variables should be included in future biomonitoring studies. The concentrations of hepatic and renal Cd (average 0.6 and 1.3 µg/g) and Pb (0.8 and 0.06 µg/g, respectively) were similar to background levels, with no known toxicological relevance. Similarly, the average levels of Zn in liver and kidney (77 and 17 µg/g) were in the range of physiological levels for canids. Although no significant gender-dependent variations were observed, the effect of aging was evident: the levels of hepatic Pb and both hepatic and renal Cd were higher in adults than in juveniles. Age should be included as a parameter during future biomonitoring programs focusing on trace metal bioaccumulation in red foxes.  相似文献   

Sludge resulting from industrial waste water treatment at the industrial area of Patras, Greece, was spiked with cadmium, chromium and lead and entrenched in 4 experimental trenches. Soil from the unsaturated zone and sludge from the trenches were sampled at successive time points over a period of 14 months to monitor the movement of metals. Results showed that 94% of cadmium and 80% of lead but only 32% of chromium migrated from the sludge just 14 months after the entrenchment.

At the end of this time the buried sludge could be considered stabilised, as indicated by the total nitrogen content. Cd content in underlying soil layers at 3 m depth showed an increase in the first 7 months followed by a decrease, afterwards. Soil Pb concentration at 3 and 6 m depth was significantly high, in relation to it's initial concentration 14 months after the entrenchment. Pb and Cd in the soil samples were negatively correlated. It is suggested that lead displaces cadmium in the sediments.  相似文献   

Hair samples were collected randomly from 110 subjects (55 male and 55 female) ranging in age from (<15–60) years. Each subject was asked to complete a personal questionnaire describing his/her sex, age, general health, smoking, use of hair dyes, occupational area, and living habits. Concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Ca in human hair samples were evaluated using atomic absorption spectrometry. Results indicated that concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn in the hair of smokers were higher than those in the hair of non-smokers, whereas, Fe and Ca concentrations in hair of smokers were lower than those in hair of non-smokers. Moreover, the concentrations of these elements are higher in dyed hair compared with undyed hair.  相似文献   

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