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以齐齐哈尔市近30年地表水生物监测数据、理化监测数据为研究依据,提出一套基于指示生物的地表水体评价方法。该方法将地表水体划分为5个级别,并从中筛选出每个级别对应的指示生物,最终建立一套基于指示生物描述水体污染程度的评价体系。该方法以理化指标为基础,筛选多种优势种作为指示生物,对水体进行综合评价。相比单一生物监测评价指标,该评价方法更能反映整个生态系统状况,从而更客观地反映水体真实情况,有望为地表水体污染评价新方法的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

基于生态学概念的河流监测计划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以河流生态学的核心概念为基础,开发河流生态系统指标,改善目前海河干流的河流监测计划。提出的指标强调了对河流生态系统功能特征和结构特征变化的反映,增加了旨在反映人类干扰活动原因一效果链条的指标和变量。最后,提出了一些改善当前海河干流监测的建议。  相似文献   

生物监测在跨界河流中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析了生物监测在跨界河流流经国家间的协调管理、生物类群的选择以及监测技术的选择方面所面临的问题;选择欧洲多瑙河、亚洲湄公河以及非洲尼日尔河等跨界河流作为典型案例,对比分析使用不同生物类群(例如底栖动物、浮游藻类以及鱼类)进行跨界河流生物监测的技术方法,阐述了跨界生物监测项目中的资金来源、管理办法和运行机制等;并对未来的跨界河流生物监测提出建议,以期为中国的跨界河流生物监测提供实践依据。  相似文献   

河流水质监测与评价中生物学指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黄河甘肃段水生生物的调查研究,在运用指示生物和Shannon等5种生物指数监测评价水质的基础上,进一步运用灰色关联理论,找出Margalef,Simpson等生物指数与水化学指标之间的关联度,使水质生物学评价分级中,生物指数分级标准和地面水环境质量标准中的理化分级标准有机结合。  相似文献   

日本的水质污染问题在第二次世界大战后逐渐严重 ,其中给居民带来危害的大公害事件 ,有足尾铜山的排水流入河水中 ,给水稻的生长造成危害 ,并导致水俣病等。因此 ,日本政府在 1 967年制定了公害对策基本法 ,1 970年制定了水质污染防治法 ,1 984年制定了湖泊水质特别措施法。 1  相似文献   

介绍了河流重油泄漏事故的应急监测,包括监测方案制定、监测点位设置、分析对象确定、跟踪监测、数据分析等。重油污染可通过监测水体中的石油类进行。监测结果表明,重油泄漏事故在短期内对水环境造成了严重影响,清除完全后,水体可逐步恢复正常。重油污染具有一定的持久性,在事发后需要对水体进行长期的跟踪监测。  相似文献   

主动生物监测技术在水环境风险评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
采用生物监测技术综合分析污染物的环境行为和污染诱导的生物学效应,用于评估和预测水环境中化学品的生态风险,对保护有限的水资源和维持生态系统健康具有重要意义。介绍了主动生物监测的概念、操作流程,以及相对传统的被动生物监测所具有的优势,综述了主动生物监测技术在海洋和淡水环境质量监测中常用的指示生物,以及能对不同污染物作出响应的各种生物标志物,讨论了该领域国内外的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

河流水环境健康风险监测与评价系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍河流水环境健康风险评价的研究进展上,探讨了河流水环境健康风险监测与评价系统的设计.对系统结构和功能进行了剖析,进行了模型设计,对河流水环境健康风险预测预警进行分析和设计,并采用3S技术、通讯技术和软件开发技术结合进行该系统的集成和应用,以达到监测、评价、预测和预警的基本功能,一旦污染发生或进入预警状态时及时在界面上以图形网络或警戒色报警,并向有关责任人发送信息,并以可视化的交互模式传递给决策管理层,以减少风险带来的损失.  相似文献   

简述了国内外河流物理生境监测研究进展和应用。从水生态监测体系完整性和物理生境监测手段的优缺点等方面,研究了河流物理生境遥感监测的必要性;结合我国水生态环境管理形势,介绍了河流物理生境遥感监测的应用领域;以辽河干流盘锦段为例,进行了物理生境遥感监测评估的实例分析。  相似文献   

水质监测是任何水资源管理必不可少的组成部分,水质监测与评价不仅可对水污染问题进行鉴别和评估,而且可以验证污染控制措施是否正确以及污染源是否遵守了相关的环保法规、制度。文章讨论了综合监测系统的对策、网络设计、采样与分析、数据处理与报告,还讨论了必需的科学的组织形式。以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(La Plata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。对于工业化程度高的流域(如莱茵河和多瑙河),早期预警系统尤为重要。最后探讨了新的性价比好的污染监测方法以及如何避免产生数据很多,但信息量很少的状况。  相似文献   

分析了国外水环境生物监测体系的构成和特点;总结了中国生物监测的发展历程、基础、存在问题和发展需求;提出了体系发展的总体发展目标,即以流域为单元,以各级支流为监测区段,发展以实现流域水环境生态完整性评价为目的的综合监测体系;同时,着重介绍了重点发展内容:建立以市级站为核心的监测网络;建立包含4个板块的核心业务监测能力;开展生物监测业务标准化建设;进一步完善水环境质量评价报告。对全国监测系统生物监测体系的构成和发展提出建议:在总体发展目标指导下,完成构建水环境生物监测技术体系、构建全国水环境生物监测网络体系、建立数据管理与评价平台及建立运行保障体系4个分目标,实现中国环境管理以"污染防治"为重点到以"生态健康"为目的的转折。  相似文献   

河流水生态环境质量评价方法研究与应用进展   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
河流生态质量的监测和评价是从河流生态系统健康状况的角度对河流质量进行的评价。河流生态健康的评价已经向多要素多指标综合、多种评价方法(预测模型法、生物完整性指数、多要素综合评价)、流域尺度方向发展。该文重点介绍了国外评价体系产生的背景和研究基础,分析了广泛应用的几类评价方法的特点、在不同国家和流域的应用情况以及各方法的应用前景,分析了国内开展河流生态质量评价研究的发展过程、阶段性研究进展和应用案例,并根据目前研究基础评述了我国评价体系现存问题及应用前景,为河流生态质量评价体系的建立及发展方向提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

A portion of Arizona’s San Pedro River is managed as a National Riparian Conservation Area but is potentially affected by ground-water withdrawals beyond the conservation area borders. We applied an assessment model to the Conservation Area as a basis for monitoring long-term changes in riparian ecosystem condition resulting from changes in river water availability, and collected multi-year data on a subset of the most sensitive bioindicators. The assessment model is based on nine vegetation bioindicators that are sensitive to changes in surface water or ground water. Site index scores allow for placement into one of three condition classes, each reflecting particular ranges for site hydrology and vegetation structure. We collected the bioindicator data at 26 sites distributed among 14 reaches that had similar stream flow hydrology (spatial flow intermittency) and geomorphology (channel sinuosity, flood-plain width). Overall, 39% of the riparian corridor fell within condition class 3 (the wettest condition), 55% in condition class 2, and 6% in the driest condition class. Condition class 3 reaches have high cover of herbaceous wetland plants (e.g., Juncus and Schoenoplectus spp.) along the perennial stream channel and dense, multi-aged Populus-Salix woodlands in the flood plain, sustained by shallow ground water in the stream alluvium. In condition class 2, intermittent stream flows result in low cover of streamside wetland herbs, but Populus-Salix remain abundant in the flood plain. Perennial wetland plants are absent from condition class 1, reflecting highly intermittent stream flows; the flood plain is vegetated by Tamarixa small tree that tolerates the deep and fluctuating ground water levels that typify this reach type. Abundance of herbaceous wetland plants and growth rate of Salix gooddingii varied between years with different stream flow rates, indicating utility of these measures for tracking short-term responses to hydrologic change. Repeat measurement of all bioindicators will indicate long-term trends in hydro-vegetational condition.  相似文献   

研究以成都市域内河流为研究对象,通过采样分析得到水质、生境状况、浮游藻类、底栖动物等相关指标,利用综合指标体系法,评价成都市域内河流生态系统健康状况,并结合成都市人口、土地利用、地区生产总值等因素分析人类活动与河流生态健康的关系。结果表明:成都市河流浮游藻类以硅藻和绿藻为主,部分中下游采样点出现以蓝藻为主的情况;底栖动物以指示有机污染的颤蚓科出现的频率最高,约48%的采样点以颤蚓科为优势种;约74%的河流生态健康状况为"差"或"很差",河流生态健康状况整体呈现中上游优于下游、城市周边优于市区的特征;人口密度、人类活动用地比例与河流中氨氮呈显著正相关,人类活动会显著影响河流生态系统健康。  相似文献   

The Sydenham River in southwestern Ontario is located in the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone, which supports the greatest diversity of flora and fauna in Canada. The river historically supported a rich aquatic community that included 80 fishes and 34 species of freshwater mussels. Fourteen aquatic species native to the river (8 fishes, 5 mussels and 1 turtle) have been designated as endangered, threatened, or of special concern by the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Canada (COSEWIC). A multi-agency Recovery Team was formed in 1999 to ensure the continued survival of these and other rare species in the river. The Sydenham River Recovery Team is the first in Canada to adopt an ecosystem approach to recovery planning for aquatic species. Information on land use patterns, water quality trends, the physical condition of the river, and the distributions of aquatic species at risk was synthesized to gain an understanding of the overall health of the river and its major anthropogenic stresses. Seven of the species at risk have declined in distribution or abundance, and three may be extirpated. The main threat to fishes and mussels is heavy loadings of sediment, nutrients, and possibly pesticides to the river via tile drainage and overland runoff from agricultural lands. A strategy that incorporates four overall approaches (management, stewardship, research and monitoring, and awareness and outreach) was developed to recover and protect this globally significant freshwater ecosystem.  相似文献   

环境DNA (eDNA)宏条形码技术通量高、重复性好,在未来生态环境监测中有巨大的应用潜力。目前,浮游藻类环境DNA监测仍处在发展阶段,尚缺乏统一的浮游藻类扩增引物。利用同一个野外环境样本,比较8对通用引物在浮游藻类环境DNA监测中的差异,为初步建立规范化的浮游藻类环境DNA监测方法提供支撑。结果表明,不同引物对浮游藻类扩增存在明显偏好性,靶向扩增16S rDNA的引物主要检出硅藻,其次是隐藻和绿藻;靶向扩增18S rDNA的1391、AD3和ANF 3对引物具有较高的浮游藻类扩增效率和物种辨识度,分别检出67、62、63个浮游藻属,其检出的浮游藻类的相对丰度排序均为硅藻>绿藻>隐藻>金藻>甲藻,可以作为通用引物用于浮游藻类环境DNA宏条形码监测。  相似文献   

科学合理的河流生态环境健康评价体系不仅能够客观真实地反映河流的生态环境状况,还能为河流管理者提供决策依据,指明管理方向。基于国内外河流健康评价经验,构建了以水环境、水生态和水资源“三水”为系统层,包含水质、富营养化、水生生物、生境状况和水资源5个指标层的河流生态环境健康评价体系。将层次分析法和综合评估方法相结合,计算河流健康得分。以大运河(天津段)为例,评价结果显示,大运河(天津段)总体评价结果为中等水平。该评价体系考虑了多项影响河流生态功能的指标,能够客观真实地反映河流生态健康状况,同时能够为河流管理提供基础数据和决策依据。  相似文献   

National networks detect multi-state trends in element deposition using direct measurement methods. Biomonitoring techniques have been used to examine deposition in local areas and around point sources. We sought to determine the efficacy of a moss bag technique to detect element deposition trends on a mid-range (state) scale, and to compare these results with those of the National Acid Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN, 1999). We sampled heavy metals, sulfur, and nitrogen deposition (21 elements) using mesh bags containing Sphagnum russowii at nine sites, over a 375 km transect crossing southern Wisconsin (upper Midwest, USA). We found statistically significant trends of decreasing deposition in a northwesterly direction for 13 elements: Al, B, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, S, and Zn. Six of these have moderate to large changes in concentration (14–37%). The trends for Ca, Mg, and S are consistent with regional deposition patterns in 1998 isopleth maps from the NADP/NTN (1999) which are derived from a sampling array far less dense than the transect sites. This national network indicates that Ca and Mg increase to the southeast, beyond Wisconsin borders. The fact that the present study demonstrates strong correlations between both of these elements (Ca and Mg) and Al, B, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn (mean r for all correlations = 0.75, p < 0.02) implies that these correlated elements also increase to the southeast in neighboring states.  相似文献   

An international workshop held in the spring of 2002 convened a group of technical experts to address monitoring, modeling, and management of PCBs within the Detroit River-Western Lake Erie basin. Participants shared and discussed a diverse set of research data bases pertaining to PCB levels within the region, discussed observed changes within different components of the local ecosystem, and identified several primary issues impacting future PCB management strategies. Results presented at the workshop indicate dramatic reductions in PCB contamination levels have been observed in much of study area between the late 1970s and mid-1990s. Estimates of loadings attributable to water and atmospheric sources have generally declined, as have PCB concentrations in herring gull eggs, smelt and walleye. Nevertheless, additional improvements have not been observed during recent years and elevated contamination levels remain a concern within local hot spots, particularly in the lower Detroit River and Trenton Channel. A primary recommendation broadly supported by workshop participants is the need to maintain, support, and coordinate a comprehensive ecosystem monitoring program for the Detroit River-Western Lake Erie basin, one that incorporates both near-field and far-field monitoring elements. Such a program is crucial to provide necessary data in support of understanding ecosystem trends, calculating annual mass loadings to the system, assessing impacts of remediation actions, developing improved modeling frameworks, and formulating cost-effective management strategies for the future.  相似文献   

The Reconquista river is one of the most polluted watercourses in Argentina. More than 3 million people and over 10,000 industries are settled on its basin. The available data show that pollution is mainly related to the discharge of domestic and industrial liquid wastes that are poured into the river almost untreated. At present no site of the river can be characterized as free of pollutants. Samples were taken monthly from 5 sites of the river; some 18–20 physicochemical parameters were determined in each sample. Analyses revealed significant differences in the degree of deterioration between sites. Two of them, close to the source of the river (Cascallares-S1 and Paso del Rey-S2) resulted less polluted than the two points located close to the mouth of the river (San Martin-S4 and Bancalari-S5). The worsening of the water quality in S4–S5 was attributed to the discharges of the Moron stream, a tributary that flows into the main course of the river a complex mixture of non treated waste waters. PCA was used in the ordination of samples (sites, season and physicochemical parameters). In the PCA performed using all variables, the first principal component showed positive correlation with N-NH4 +, conductivity, orthophosphate, BOD5, COD and alkalinity, and negative correlation with DO. The second principal component was positively correlated with pH, temperature and chlorophyll a and negatively with phenols and hardness. In respect to the spatial distribution, the plot of the scores for the first two components of samples taken in each sampling station showed S1 and S2 values displayed farthest at the left side of the X axis with high DO. In contrast, S4 and S5 values stayed at the right side of this axis with high N-NH4 +, conductivity, orthophosphate, BOD5, COD and alkalinity; data of S3 were “intermediate". In order to identify seasonal trends in the concentration of contaminants scores of cases labeled by season were plotted. The line drawn on the ordination plane showed that summer samples tended to converge to the upper right portion of the graph where pollution variables had more importance on the first axis, and along the second axis with high correlation with pH, temperature and chlorophyll a. Winter scores were settled in the left lower part of the plot with minor contribution of pollution parameters and more importance of DO on the first axis. Samples of autumn and spring did not fit a clear cut pattern. Deceased  相似文献   

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