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利用生物完整性指数评价河流健康状态,对于水环境管理决策具有重要的实践意义。基于大型底栖动物构建生物完整性指数(B-IBI),并评价松花江流域的水生态系统健康状况。在松花江主要干支流设定37个采样点,分别于2016年6、9月进行环境因子和大型底栖动物调查研究。最终从28个候选参数中确定了种类总数、摇蚊种类数、敏感种百分比、Hilsenhoff指数、Marglef指数作为核心参数构建B-IBI。通过0~10赋分法,计算得到了松花江流域全部采样点的生物完整性评价得分。结果显示,松花江流域内60%区域生物状态存在不同程度的损害。另外,B-IBI能够综合反映松花江大型底栖动物群落多样性、生境质量、理化水质等,具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

滦河流域大型底栖动物生物完整性指数健康评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
生物完整性指数能够综合反映河流健康状况,是管理者制定科学保护恢复策略的有效评价工具。为全面了解滦河流域水生态健康状况,于2016年10—11月在滦河流域布设53个采样点,同时监测环境数据和大型底栖动物物种数据。通过构建底栖动物生物完整性指数(B-IBI)体系,对53个采样点进行生物完整性健康评价。B-IBI计算结果显示,滦河流域53个采样点中,"健康"和"亚健康"等级共有24个,"一般"等级有12个,"差"等级有10个,"极差"等级有7个。"健康"和"亚健康"的采样点多分布在承德市上游和冀东地区的部分干流和支流,而中下游大部分采样点表现为"差"和"极差"的健康状况。非参数检验结果显示,参照点B-IBI要显著高于受损点,表明所构建的B-IBI评价体系适用于在滦河流域开展河流健康评价。  相似文献   

开展水生态环境质量评价方法研究,建立合适的河流健康评价体系是解决河流健康问题的前提和实现河流健康管理的重要手段。黄河自上而下生态环境现状迥异,水生态环境脆弱,寻求一种或多种适合黄河流域水生态环境质量的评价方法具有重要意义。该文介绍了国内外水生态环境质量评价方法及在黄河流域的应用进展,总结了鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)、底栖无脊椎动物完整指数(B-IBI)、着生藻类生物完整性指数(P-IBI)及水生态环境质量综合评价法的主要指标,以及黄河流域不同区域生物种类的评价指标,分析了各评价方法优缺点及应用范围,并根据目前研究基础评述了黄河流域水生态环境质量评价存在的问题,对黄河流域水生态环境质量评价方法、指示生物的选择及水生态环境质量综合评价法的研究等提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

成都市河流生态健康评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研究以成都市域内河流为研究对象,通过采样分析得到水质、生境状况、浮游藻类、底栖动物等相关指标,利用综合指标体系法,评价成都市域内河流生态系统健康状况,并结合成都市人口、土地利用、地区生产总值等因素分析人类活动与河流生态健康的关系。结果表明:成都市河流浮游藻类以硅藻和绿藻为主,部分中下游采样点出现以蓝藻为主的情况;底栖动物以指示有机污染的颤蚓科出现的频率最高,约48%的采样点以颤蚓科为优势种;约74%的河流生态健康状况为"差"或"很差",河流生态健康状况整体呈现中上游优于下游、城市周边优于市区的特征;人口密度、人类活动用地比例与河流中氨氮呈显著正相关,人类活动会显著影响河流生态系统健康。  相似文献   

苏州河横贯上海中心城区,曾是都市污染河流。为从生态学角度揭示苏州河的污染程度,笔者采用鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)评价了苏州河水生态系统的健康状况。分别于2019年6月4—23日(夏季)和9月14—26日(秋季),租用专业渔船在苏州河13个断面采集样本,共采集到10 102尾鱼类,隶属于8目15科37属45种。以大莲湖为参照点,通过判别分析和关联度筛选,从5大类29个初选指标中筛选出10个指标,构建了苏州河F-IBI评价指标体系。分析结果表明:夏季干流上游的5个断面状况为"极好"或"好",支流3个断面为"好"或"一般",而干流下游的5个断面则为"差"或"极差"。秋季干流上游5个断面和支流3个断面与夏季的健康状况相似,下游断面则有所改善,仅武宁路桥为"极差",其余均为"一般"或"差"。研究显示苏州河上游干流的水生态系统已基本恢复,而上游支流和下游干流还未建立健康稳定的水生态系统。建议苏州河环境综合整治第四期工程要更加注重治理岸上的污染源,同步实施干支流水系的污染治理,定期开展城区段淤泥清理,实施岸线的生态化改造。  相似文献   

依据2017年5、7、9月对三江平原19处沼泽湿地(参照湿地6处,受损湿地13处)的水生无脊椎动物采样结果,应用生物完整性理论和方法,构建水生无脊椎动物完整性指数,评价三江平原沼泽湿地健康状况。通过对27个候选指标的分布范围、判别能力和相关性分析,筛选出总分类单元数、扁卷螺科百分比、龙虱科百分比、刮食者百分比4个指标构成水生无脊椎动物完整性指数核心指标。采用比值法计算各指标参数值,将各参数值加和得到水生无脊椎动物完整性指数值。根据参照湿地水生无脊椎动物完整性指数值的25%分位数值确定评价标准,对小于25%分位数的值进行三等分,确定三江平原沼泽湿地健康评价标准:≥2.58,无干扰;1.72~2.58,轻度干扰;0.86~1.72,中度干扰;0~0.86,重度干扰。结果表明:所调查的三江平原沼泽湿地有78.95%受到不同程度的干扰(其中47.37%受到了中重度干扰),21.05%属于无干扰。  相似文献   

江苏地表水体大型底栖无脊椎动物生物多样性状况研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大型底栖无脊椎动物群落结构与水体水质和水生态系统健康状况关系密切,其受外界干扰后群落结构的变化趋势可以反映水体受污染的性质和程度。2008年,对江苏省主要饮用水源地,长江、京杭大运河等主要河流及太湖等重点湖泊开展底栖动物调查与评价研究,共设置调查点位154个。江苏主要饮用水源地底栖动物的物种数量为78种,主要河流发现底栖动物96种,主要湖泊底栖动物发现65种。从物种多样性指数评价结果看,主要湖泊的底栖生物多样性状况优于地表水源地和主要河流,丰富和较丰富所占比例合计达58%;主要河流的评价结果最差,丰富和较丰富所占比例合计仅达30.7%,存在11.3%物种多样性极贫乏的点位,且大部分水体底栖动物组成以耐污种为主,优势种为极耐污的霍甫水丝蚓,水质状况劣于饮用水源地和主要湖泊。  相似文献   

科学合理的河流生态环境健康评价体系不仅能够客观真实地反映河流的生态环境状况,还能为河流管理者提供决策依据,指明管理方向。基于国内外河流健康评价经验,构建了以水环境、水生态和水资源“三水”为系统层,包含水质、富营养化、水生生物、生境状况和水资源5个指标层的河流生态环境健康评价体系。将层次分析法和综合评估方法相结合,计算河流健康得分。以大运河(天津段)为例,评价结果显示,大运河(天津段)总体评价结果为中等水平。该评价体系考虑了多项影响河流生态功能的指标,能够客观真实地反映河流生态健康状况,同时能够为河流管理提供基础数据和决策依据。  相似文献   

松花江流域水生态环境质量评价研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
采用生物完整性指数(IBI)法评价松花江流域的水生态环境质量。对25个候选生物参数进行敏感度分析、Pearson相关性分析,最终筛选出由总分类单元数、EPT分类单元数、EPT密度、敏感种分类单元比例、敏感物种数量、Hilsenhoff生物指数(HBI)6个核心参数构成的IBI评价指标。采用95%分位数法建立了IBI评价标准,将IBI评价结果划分为5个等级:大于35.84为优,26.88~35.84为良好,17.92~26.88为一般,8.96~17.92为较差,小于8.96为很差。结果表明,建立的IBI评价方法适用于松花江流域水生态环境质量评价,松花江流域各位点30.0%生物状况为优和良好,23.3%为一般;46.7%为较差和很差,说明流域内近一半区域的水生态质量存在不同程度的受损。流域生境质量主要处于一般-良好的状态;水质处于轻度污染。  相似文献   

源头区溪流是河流生态系统最脆弱的部分,也是淡水底栖大型无脊椎动物(简称底栖动物)集中分布的热点区域,在流域物种库的形成和生态系统的多样性维持过程中具有不可忽视的作用。然而,目前国内对源头区溪流底栖动物多样性的系统调查研究较少。笔者对位于浙江省丽水市瓯江源头区的龙泉溪进行了底栖动物多样性调查研究,分别于2021年丰水期和平水期在覆盖龙泉溪主要山溪河流的18个样点采样,共采集获得底栖动物标本3 700余号。通过联合使用传统形态分类和DNA条形码技术,共鉴定出底栖动物165种,隶属5门、9纲、19目、68科、124属。联合使用DNA条形码可使底栖动物科、种水平的分辨力提升28.3%和34.1%。调查研究表明:龙泉溪底栖动物多样性丰富,物种组成以节肢动物为主(占比高达87.9%,145种),其中水生昆虫占绝大多数(共计8目、48科、140种,占84.8%),主要优势种为鞘翅目的狭溪泥甲属1种Stenelmis sp.1、毛翅目的纹石蛾属Hydorpsyche和短脉纹石蛾属Cheumatopsyche各1种;底栖动物群落多样性丰富,且在丰水期和平水期均维持在较高的水平;海拔和底质类型等微生境条件对底栖动物多样性分布的影响分析显示,底质类型对底栖动物分布密度的影响显著。对水生态状况的生物评估结果显示:Biotic Index污染生物指数更适合龙泉溪流域的水质健康状况评估,龙泉溪流域整体的水生态状况健康,水质属清洁或极清洁。该研究使用传统形态学和DNA条形码技术相结合的鉴定方式,提高了底栖动物物种鉴定的精度,所获得的多样性调查和水质评价结果为瓯江源头区溪流乃至整个流域的生态保护和长期监测提供了本底基础资料。  相似文献   

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is conducting the Maryland Biological Stream Survey, a probability-based sampling program, stratified by river basin and stream order, to assess water quality, physical habitat, and biological conditions in first through third order, non-tidal streams. These streams comprise about 90% of all lotic water miles in the state. About 300 sites (75 m segments) are being sampled during spring and summer each year. All basins in the state will be sampled over a three-year period, 1995-97. MBSS developments in 1995-96 included (1) an electrofishing capture efficiency correction method to improve the accuracy of fish population estimates, (2) two indices of biotic integrity (IBI) for fish assemblages to identify degraded streams, and (3) land use information for catchments upstream of sampled sites to investigate associations between stream condition and anthropogenic stresses. Based on fish IBI scores at 270 stream sites in six basins sampled in 1995, 11% of non-tidal stream miles in Maryland were classified as very poor, 15% as poor, 24% as fair, and 27% as good. IBIs have not yet been developed for stream sites with catchment areas less than 120 hectares (23% of non-tidal stream miles). IBI scores declined with stream acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and pH, an association that was also evident for fish species richness, biomass, and density. Low IBI scores were associated with several measures of degraded stream habitat, but not with local riparian buffer width. There was a significant negative association between IBI scores and urban land use upstream of sampled sites in the only extensively urbanized basin assessed in 1995. Future plans for the MBSS include (1) identifying all benthic macroinvertebrate samples to genus, (2) developing benthic macroinvertebrate, herpetofaunal, and physical habitat indicators, and (3) enhancing the analysis of stream condition-stressor associations by refining landscape metrics and using multi-variate techniques.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relative performance of electrofishing and visual surveys (snorkeling) for estimating the abundance of combinations of fish species and size classes in rivers. We also assessed the effect of environmental conditions on potential differences between the results obtained using these two sampling methods. Sampling sites were distributed in the Laurentian region of Québec. Both methods were used while sections were blocked. Three snorkelers swam the river sections upstream while identifying and counting fish of each species and size classes. Three-pass electrofishing was performed in the same sites and abundances were estimated with a maximum likelihood depletion model. Greater abundances of fish were observed by snorkeling than by electrofishing at all sites. Snorkeling species richness was higher or equal to electrofishing richness in, respectively, 60 % and 40 % of sampled sites. Differences in the fish communities observed by both sampling methods were not related to environmental conditions. The results of our work are therefore contrary to that of most published studies that suggested the use of electrofishing over visual surveys. This study highlights that conclusions derived from previous work on sampling gear comparisons may not be generalisable; rather survey methods might benefit from being selected based on fish community composition.  相似文献   

为支撑流域水生态目标的业务化管理,提高水生态监测和评价的可操作性,突破物种分类鉴定的技术瓶颈,以大型底栖无脊椎动物为研究对象,在江苏省太湖流域布设120个采样点,于2013年1—3月、7—8月和10—11月开展3次监测。以最小干扰为参照状态,对涉及物种丰度、物种多度组成、耐污能力和摄食类群的72个候选指数进行分布范围、判别能力及相关性分析,结合指数获取的便利性及物种分类的难易程度,最终筛选出3个核心指数构成大型底栖无脊椎动物完整性业务化评价指数,其中湖荡、河流和水库的指数为软体动物分类单元数、优势分类单元相对多度和BMWP指数,溪流的指数为ETO分类单元数、前三位优势分类单元相对多度和BMWP指数。经验证,业务化指数与环境梯度有较好的响应关系,且可操作性强,具备开展业务化应用的前景。但目前的流域水生态目标管理尚处于摸索阶段,技术体系还须在业务化过程中不断修正和完善。  相似文献   

In this investigation we evaluated the performance of multiple metrics, based on benthic macroinvertebrates, to assess nutrient enrichment in impounded rivers. Field studies were conducted in the upper reaches of four impounded mountain rivers (Tormes, Riaza, Eresma and Miraflores Rivers) of Central Spain. The watersheds of these rivers are underlain by siliceous rocks. Two sampling sites, upstream and downstream from the reservoir, were established in stony riffles of each impounded river. We used a total of 34 metrics, representing five different metric groups: measures of abundance and richness, percentages of taxonomic groups, percentages of functional feeding groups, measures of dominance and diversity, and biotic indices. Evaluation of different metrics was mainly based on correlation analyses between concentrations of nutrients (NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P) and values of individual metrics. Deep releases from the reservoirs were the primary cause responsible for the nutrient enrichment at downstream sampling sites. Chironomidae density, Gastropoda density, % Chironomidae, % Gastropoda, % collector-gatherers and scrapers, proportion of the two most dominant taxa, and Camargo's dominance index exhibited the highest positive correlation coefficients. Conversely, Plecoptera density, Trichoptera density, EPT richness, % Plecoptera, % Trichoptera, % collector-filterers, % predators, % shredders, Simpson's and Camargo's diversity indices, and the average BMWQ score (biotic index) exhibited the highest negative correlation coefficients. Overall it is concluded that the multimetric approach may be a useful technique for the biological assessment of nutrient enrichment in fluvial ecosystems, particularly in upper reaches of siliceous rivers.  相似文献   

AusRivAS is an Australia-wide program that measures river condition using predictive models to compare the macroinvertebrate families occurring at a river site with those expected if the site were in natural condition. Results of assessment of 685 sites across all major rivers in Western Australia are presented. Most rivers were in relatively natural condition in the northern half of the state where the human population is low and pastoralism is the major land use. In the south, where the human population is higher and agriculture is more intensive, rivers were mostly more disturbed. AusRivAS assessment produced some erroneous results in rivers of the south-west cropping zone because of the lack of appropriate reference site groups and biased distribution of sampling sites. Collecting low numbers of animals from many forested streams, because of low stream productivity and samples that were difficult to sort, also affected assessments. Overall, however, AusRivAs assessment identified catchment processes that were inimical to river health. These processes included salinisation, high nutrient and organic loads, erosion and loss of riparian vegetation. River regulation, channel modification and fire were also associated with river degradation. As is the case with other assessment methods, one-off sampling at individual sites using AusRivAS may be misleading. Seasonal drought, in particular, may make it difficult to relate conditions at the time of sampling to longer-term river health. AusRivAS has shown river condition in Western Australia is not markedly different from other parts of Australia which, as a whole, lacks the substantial segments of severely degraded river systems reported in England.  相似文献   

We studied the multiscale (sites, river reaches and rivers) and short-term temporal (monthly) variability in a freshwater fish assemblage. We found that small-scale spatial variation and short-term temporal variability significantly influenced fish community structure in the Macquarie and Namoi Rivers. However, larger scale spatial differences between rivers were the largest source of variation in the data. The interaction between temporal change and spatial variation in fish community structure, whilst statistically significant, was smaller than the variation between rivers. This suggests that although the fish communities within each river changed between sampling occasions, the underlying differences between rivers were maintained. In contrast, the strongest interaction between temporal and spatial effects occurred at the smallest spatial scale, at the level of individual sites. This means whilst the composition of the fish assemblage at a given site may fluctuate, the magnitude of these changes is unlikely to affect larger scale differences between reaches within rivers or between rivers. These results suggest that sampling at any time within a single season will be sufficient to show spatial differences that occur over large spatial scales, such as comparisons between rivers or between biogeographical regions.  相似文献   

The number of sites sampled must be considered when determining the effort necessary for adequately assessing taxa richness in an ecosystem for bioassessment purposes; however, there have been few studies concerning the number of sites necessary for bioassessment of large rivers. We evaluated the effect of sample size (i.e., number of sites) necessary to collect vertebrate (fish and aquatic amphibians), macroinvertebrate, and diatom taxa from seven large rivers in Oregon and Washington, USA during the summers of 2006–2008. We used Monte Carlo simulation to determine the number of sites needed to collect 90–95% of the taxa 75–95% of the time from 20 randomly located sites on each river. The river wetted widths varied from 27.8 to 126.0 m, mean substrate size varied from 1 to 10 cm, and mainstem distances sampled varied from 87 to 254 km. We sampled vertebrates at each site (i.e., 50 times the mean wetted channel width) by nearshore-raft electrofishing. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates nearshore through the use of a 500-μm mesh kick net at 11 systematic stations. From each site composite sample, we identified a target of 500 macroinvertebrate individuals to the lowest possible taxon, usually genus. We sampled benthic diatoms nearshore at the same 11 stations from a 12-cm2 area. At each station, we sucked diatoms from soft substrate into a 60-ml syringe or brushed them off a rock and rinsed them with river water into the same jar. We counted a minimum of 600 valves at 1,000× magnification for each site. We collected 120–211 diatom taxa, 98–128 macroinvertebrate taxa, and 14–33 vertebrate species per river. To collect 90-95% of the taxa 75-95% of the time that were collected at 20 sites, it was necessary to sample 11–16 randomly distributed sites for vertebrates, 13–17 sites for macroinvertebrates, and 16–18 sites for diatoms. We conclude that 12–16 randomly distributed sites are needed for cost-efficient sampling of vertebrate richness in the main stems of our study rivers, but 20 sites markedly underestimates the species richness of benthic macroinvertebrates and diatoms in those rivers.  相似文献   

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