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Harbour development along the low-lying coastline of northern France necessitated the construction of a seaport protruding into the sea. The extension of the port of Dunkirk resulted in the creation of an artificial shoreline consisting of a sea dike fronted by a beach, connected to a jetty protecting the seaport access. This study illustrates how harbour infrastructure can give rise to new kinds of aeolian landforms: e.g. the spontaneous initiation of aeolian dunes on a seaport dike resulting in specific dune types. However, this coastal dune development induced unexpected sand invasion of harbour infrastructure. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of various types of windbreaks on a dike as a means of limiting sand drift and solving sand invasion problems. Seven experimental fences installed in the eastern part of the dike were monitored over an 11 month period. The experimental fences tested in this study demonstrated their effectiveness on an asphalt coated dike. Over the whole survey period, the most efficient fences were those installed close to a sand source, at the beach-dike limit. These experiments will aid the Port of Dunkirk in building a management plan for its shoreline, which is being designed in order to preserve the diversity of landscapes, and to control sand invasion which necessitates costly sand removal operations.  相似文献   

The coastal zone management and development plans which include tourism development necessitate among many other management practices, the extension of the available area of the present natural but narrow, limited and widely eroded beaches by implementing some type of nourishment practices. The present work is providing information on selected sites as possible sources of suitable sand, chemical and granulometric characteristics of their sand, and the potential direct and long-term environmental effects and consequences of its use in any future nourishment practices. Seven sites located within the up-lifted terraces area along the Jordanian portion of the Gulf of Aqaba, were selected as potential sources or borrow sites for sand that may be used in any future nourishment projects. Two sites were selected at the northeastern side of Aqaba region to represent sand dunes. Sand material from these sites were analyzed for their physical characteristics (grain size) as well as their content of heavy metals, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, and calcium carbonate. Standard methodological techniques were used during analysis of all constituents. The results were compared with those obtained from the analysis of sand deposits of six beaches along the Jordanian coastline of the Gulf of Aqaba. Results indicate that sand of the selected borrow sites has grain size fractions that are suitable for use in beach nourishment. Results of the measured pollution indicators indicate that their levels in the sand of the potential borrow sites are within or lower than their levels in the marine and coastal sediments of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea. These properties, in addition to the wide occurrence and availability of such sources along the coasts of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, suggest that it will be a cheep source of sand for beach extension and restoration and their use in large amounts in beach nourishment project will not pose major hazards on the quality of seawater of the Gulf of Aqaba area  相似文献   

On beaches where natural shoreline variability is significant, beach nourishment is a useful engineering method to augment the dry beach and protect infrastructure and/or unstable cliffs. In this study, a low-cost video monitoring system is used to monitor the shoreline response to a nourishment operation on a dynamic gravel embayed beach in Central Italy. Video-derived shorelines were collected over a 15-month period to measure the evolution of the beach with regards to three specific parameters: the dry beach width, the dry beach area and the beach orientation. Moderate increases in the dry beach width of 3.6 m and 6.7 m across the embayment were observed in response to two different gravel nourishments of approximately 40,000 m3 and 46,000 m3 respectively. The orientation of the beach meanwhile was found to rotate rapidly in the clockwise direction and more gradually in the counter-clockwise direction. Analyses of individual storm events suggest these rapid clockwise rotations are caused by ESE storms, which result in beach retreat particularly at the southern end. The combination of an overall narrow beach width and a clockwise beach orientation is observed to cause a cliff erosion event at a vulnerable point along the embayment.  相似文献   

Standing crop, population size, and species diversity of the macrobenthic organisms in an estuarine channel were studied before and after dredging. A new suction-corer which sampled an area 0.1 m2 to a depth of 30 cm was used in order to insure the inclusion of large, deep-dwelling animals. Eleven months after dredging, biomass and number of species and specimens had not recovered to pre-dredging levels. Colonization began with relatively large, swiftly moving forms such as the errant polychaete Nereis succinea and the crab Neopanope texana sayi. Stations in silt and mud regions recovered more slowly than those in sandier sediments. Most of the dominant and subdominant species had not recovered 11 months after dredging, and the previously abundant polychaetes Notomastus latericeus and Clymenella torquata had virtually disappeared. Only relatively uncommon lamellibranchs such as Tellina agilis, Lyonsia hyalina and Mulinia lateralis increased after dredging. Distribution of sediment types changed as the result of modified tidal velocities in the channel. Mud and silt were removed by the dredge, exposing the sand underneath, and sandy stations became muddier as the result of lowered current velocities. Marked changes in species composition reflected this change in sediment character. Eleven months after dredging no evidence of succession was found, but colonization had begun. Values of all three parameters studied were reduced to small fractions of pre-dredging levels, although species diversity in sandy sediments exceeded pre-dredging levels.  相似文献   

This study reports on a primary succession on a beach plain on the Dutch Wadden island of Schiermonnikoog. Vegetation succession started in 1959 when a sand dike was constructed to prevent structural erosion of the area by storm floods. Since then the sandy beach behind the dike has been protected from the direct influence of the North Sea. Heavy storms in 1972, however, created a large gap in the dike which has remained open since. Occasional storm floods during winter penetrate deeply into the area and salt water can cover parts of the beach plain for several months. This had a pronounced impact on the vegetation. Vegetation maps for six different years and data from a permanent plot have been used to reconstruct vegetation succession over a 42-yr period. Certain parts of the area seem to have changed little, while others have developed a grassland or scrub cover. The heavy storms and associated processes such as sand blowing, intensive flooding and increased salinity have created a disturbance/stress gradient of progressive and regressive succession across the beach plain. In certain places the vegetation cover has repeatedly been destroyed and succession re-initiated. It is concluded that the different stages of succession and associated diversity of plant species only can persist through the maintenance of the natural dynamics of the area.  相似文献   

Over-stabilisation and eutrophication affect many dune systems in north-west Europe. This leads to lower diversity of typical dune species and an accumulation of soil nutrients. Existing management techniques to remove excess nutrients include mowing, with removal of cuttings, and turf stripping. A new restoration technique called topsoil inversion or deep ploughing may also be able to counter some of the negative effects of eutrophication. It simulates the burial of established soils with fresh mineral sand, by inverting the soil profile. A trial was carried out on two small blocks of eutrophic dune grassland in North Wales, UK. Nutrient-rich surface soils were buried beneath mineral sub-sand using a double-bladed plough, designed to plough to depths of up to 100 cm. Results show that the organic soil horizons were buried to a depth of 80 cm, and covered with 40–50 cm of mineral sand. The pH and organic matter of the surface layers became comparable to those of mobile dunes. Fifteen months after ploughing, bare sand cover was still 70–90%, but significant sand loss through wind erosion resulted in a thinning of the mineral sand over-burden, leaving the buried organic layer closer to the surface. Natural vegetation colonisation was slow, with the first surviving plants observed after 8 months. The majority of species present at 15 months were present before ploughing and had regenerated from rhizomes or root fragments. The effect of excluding disturbance caused by rabbits, people and dogs was assessed within fenced areas. After 11 months, vegetation cover was greater in the fenced areas than in plots exposed to disturbance, therefore disturbance replaced physical conditions as the dominant influence on plant growth and establishment. These early results suggest the trial has been partially successful, but that topsoil inversion could be combined with other methods such as turf stripping or by stabilisation of the ploughed surface by planting with pioneer species, depending on the ultimate restoration goal.  相似文献   

Coral sand beaches harbor gobiid sand darts (genus Kraemeria), the only fish known to live in the sand throughout their adult life. Despite the uniqueness of sand-dwelling habitat as a vertebrate, the biology of this fish remains unclear. To explore how this unique fish utilize an unusual habitat, we investigated diurnal patterns of microhabitat use and prey consumption by the transparent sand dart, Kraemeria cunicularia, at a sandy beach on Iriomote Island, the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Sand darts were found in sediment in the lower intertidal zone throughout the daytime regardless of changes in tidal level, whereas at nighttime these fish were found swimming. Gut content analyses revealed that the sand dart diet was dominated by harpacticoid copepods throughout the day. Analyses of meiobenthic distribution indicated that these copepods were most abundant at lower intertidal zones where highest numbers of sand darts were found during the daytime; thus, it is possible that microhabitat use of the fish is largely determined by food availability. An extensive distributional survey throughout the Ryukyu Archipelago further indicated that sand darts prefer sandy beaches with well-sorted, coarse sand. These results provide novel insights into how sand darts respond to the tidal rhythm and highlight putative key environmental factors that determine their distribution at both regional and microhabitat scales. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Populations of the sand dollars Encope grandis and Mellita grantii were studied at Playa Hermosa in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico. Intertidal distribution and abundance were estimated for the two species from 1969 to 1972. They occurred in the lower intertidal (-0.4 to -1.3 m) and on into the subtidal. Density of E. grandis varied from a high of 380/m2 in the spring of 1970 to a low of 0.1/m2 in the fall of 1971. Density of M. grantii ranged from a high of 56/m2 in 1970 to a low of 0.8/m2 in 1971. Growth curves were constructed based on shifts in the modes of the size distributions, and rates of mortality were estimated from the growth parameters and size distributions. It is estimated that E. grandis would attain 95% of its maximum size (74 mm) in about 6 years with an annual mortality rate of 18%. M. grantii would reach 95% of its maximum size (38 mm) in about 5 years with an annual mortality rate of 58%. The populations of these sand dollars appear to be limited by the physical environment.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle and growth parameters were studied in a Melinna palmata population, for 3 yr after dredging, in the vicinity of the harbour of Brest, France. This species first settled in May 1979, 8 mo after dredging had ceased. Measurements of the diameter of coelomic oocytes indicated that spawning took place from August to October and settlement in autumn and early winter. The first settled cohort displayed a high growth rate (0.25 mm width mo-1 in summer) and a low longevity (22 mo); the growth rate of the second settled cohort was not significantly different from the first, but its longevity was higher (28 mo); the third settled cohort had a lower growth rate (0.15 mm width per month), but lower mortality and therefore a longer life expectancy. A fourth cohort appeared in August 1981 but was not followed because of the termination of the study. M. palmata colonised the dredged area in two ways: by settlement of juveniles in autumn and by probable immigration of young and adults in May. The population increased in number and biomass from the end of dredging (August, 1978) to June 1981 and decreased after this period. The demographic strategy of this species changed from r- to K-selection during this recolonization as a result of intraspecific and interspecific competition.  相似文献   

The present study considers a population of Talitrus saltator (Montagu, 1808) living along a Mediterranean beach (Burano, Grosseto, Italy). From April 1986 to March 1987 the annual and daily patterns of amphipod activity were analysed together with zonation and the direction and extent of movements. An annual bimodal activity pattern was established with a first peak of activity in late spring and another one in autumn. Daily activity was predominantly nocturanl with two peaks, one of which could be suppressed or depressed in accordance with particular climatic conditions. The species studied was generally limited to the eu- and supralittoral part of the beach, but the extent of zonation could vary according to climate. Differences between juveniles and adults appeared both for activity patterns and for zonation. Movements were predominantly (ca. 85%) along the sea/land axis with a landward migration always followed by seaward one. Under conditions of high relative humidity and rain, the migrations towards land could extend to the dune. Movements parallel to the shoreline were demonstrated in a separate experiment (in June and October 1987 and June 1988) using the capture-mark-recapture method. The maximum distance covered registered in one night was 200 m.  相似文献   

Gastrotricha were quantitatively sampled at low tide on several dates from two transeets at Eagle Cove, San Juan Island, Washington, USA, during the summers of 1963/1964. They showed low species diversity and very high whole-beach densities. Chaetonotus testiculophorus Hummon, 1966 and Turbanella cornuta Remane, 1925 were found abundantly, Paraturbanella intermedia Wieser, 1957 only rarely. Abundant C. testiculophorus were found above 100 cm elevation; T. cornuta occurred abundantly in a rip-channel trough and in the lower beach area. T. cornuta, but not C. testiculophorus, showed significantly greater clumping at high than at low density. Curves of LC90 temperature-salinity tolerance for both species show that they tolerate widely fluctuating temperatures and salinities. Causes of whole-beach distribution patterns are discussed.Research was supported by an NSF College-University Association Grant (G-17537), administered by the Graduate School, University of Washington, Seattle, and was conducted at the Friday Harbor Laboratories, San Juan Island, Washington, during the summers of 1963 and 1964.  相似文献   

The ability to decompose organic and to solubilise inorganic phosphorus compounds was studied in heterotrophic bacteria isolated from a sandy beach in Sopot, southern Baltic coast. Bacteria able to hydrolyse DNA and phytin were most numerous, while only a small percentage of the studied strains was able to depolymerise glycerophosphate. The ranking of the potential of the studied bacteria to solubilise metallic phosphate salts as follows: calcium hydrogen phosphate>ferric phosphate>magnesium phosphate>calcium phosphate>aluminium phosphate. There were marked differences in the level of depolymerisation of organic compounds of phosphorus and solubilisation of inorganic phosphorus between bacteria inhabiting different parts of the studied beach, while there were generally no differences between the surface and subsurface sand layers. The activity of alkaline phosphatase was higher than that of acid phosphatase.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Day-night differences in abundance and biomass of demersal zooplankton in the water column were determined by trapping these animals as they emerged from the sand substrate in a kelp forest (Macrocystis pyrifera) ecosystem off Santa Catalina Island, California, USA. The day and night sampling periods of the 24 June 1979 new moon each lasted 12 h. Abundance and biomass of total demersal zooplankton were significantly higher in night samples. A mean of 2,425±1,168 demersal zooplankton m-2 24 h-1 migrated over a diel cycle; 97% of these animals were crustaceans. The mean biomass of demersal zooplankton was 94.2±27.6 mg ash-free dry wt m-2 24 h-1. No significant differences were found in either the abundance or biomass of demersal zooplanktion collected in low and high traps, suggesting that most animals collected 25 cm off the bottom can sustain swimming to at least 75 cm and that both traps give comparable estimates of the amount of demersal zooplankton available to planktivorous predators.  相似文献   

Most rapidly changing areas are beset by intensified conflicts of use, where the environmental dimension plays an increasingly important role. These antagonistic situations represent a challenge for continuing and launching territorial public actions for integrated resource management. This contribution aims to highlight the socio-spatial dynamics of conflicts of use relating to the environment and provides methodological elements to characterise the conflictual processes at work in rapidly changing areas. It sets out elements of research on the Languedoc-Roussillon coastal zone, based on the hypothesis that sustainable management of territories’ gains by being acquainted with conflict mechanisms (the emergence factor, modes of dissent, methods of regulation) and the actors involved (role, organisation, strategies), in time and in space. An interpretative framework for the conflictual processes relating to the environment is proposed, in order to provide a complementary analysis of the typologies of existing conflicts.  相似文献   

Degradation rates of light and heavy oil in permeable carbonate sands from the Gulf of Aqaba were investigated to evaluate the ability of sediments to degrade oil compounds. Silicate sands that are less permeable and different properties from carbonate sands were used for comparison. Estimates of oil degradation rates were based on oxygen consumption rates, calculated by incubating natural carbonate sands with oil. The degradation rates of light oil were twofold higher than those of heavy oil, which may be attributed to the presence of a higher carbon number in heavy oil compared with light oil. Degradation rates of light oil in carbonate sands were twofold higher than in silicate sands. Oil degradation rates calculated using the bottle incubation technique were three- to fourfold higher than rates from chamber incubations, indicating the importance of adequate mixing between oil particles and sediments during degradation processes. This study suggests that permeable sands, through their chemical and physical properties, increase oil biodegradation rates by enhancing flow through sediment particles and positively impacting bioturbation processes.  相似文献   

The dynamics and factors responsible for morphological changes of spits viz., Uliyargoli-Padukere, Oddu Bengre and Kodi Bengre, southern Karnataka, India, are investigated using multi-dated satellite images and topographic maps during the last 95-years (1910–2005). Variations and overall rate of changes in length, area and coefficient of determination (R2) of each spit are calculated separately for two periods (1910 and 1967 as base years) to find out whether there is any significant trend in the case of change in length and area in all the three spits that are under study. Linear trend lines are fitted using a least squares method and the statistical significance is considered at 80 % level of confidence. The results recorded significant changes in spit morphology, especially in length and area if 1910 and 1967 are considered separately as base years, are may be due to non-availability of data set between 1910 and 1967 period. The study reveals that coastal processes, such as SW-monsoon influenced strong currents and longshore drifts are the main process for formation and growth of spits, whereas rivers influence/drift also plays significant role. The statistical uncertainty estimation in spits morphology is prevalent wherever the coast is affected by human interventions. The study demonstrates that combined use of satellite imagery and statistical techniques can be effectively used to understand the evolution of spits morphology.  相似文献   

Summary. In order to elucidate the composition of the female sex pheromone of the northern (beech) winter moth, Operophtera fagata Scharf. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), ovipositor extracts of unmated, calling females were analysed by gas chromatography with simultaneous electroantennographic and flame ionization detection (GC-EAD/FID). Male antennal responses indicated three active components, two of which had distinct matching peaks in the FID trace. Using coupled gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS), these two compounds were identified as (9Z)-nonadecene (9Z-19:Hy), and (6Z,9Z)-nonadecadiene (6Z9Z-19:Hy), respectively. The third component, present in very small amounts only, was identified as (1,3Z,6Z,9Z)-nonadecatetraene (1,3Z6Z9Z-19:Hy), known as the sex pheromone of the common winter moth, O. brumata. Field tests revealed that traps baited with 6Z9Z-19:Hy and 1,3Z6Z9Z-19:Hy caugth large numbers of male O. fagata. Both compounds were found to be essential for attraction of O. fagata. In addition, the diene prevented captures of co-occurring O. brumata. In contrast, 9Z-19:Hy neither influenced the attractiveness of the two-component mixture towards O. fagata nor contributed to bait specificity. A binary mixture of 6Z9Z-19:Hy and 1,3Z6Z9Z-19:Hy in a ratio of 10:1, applied to pieces of rubber tubing, constituted a highly attractive and species-specific bait for O. fagata, which can be used for monitoring of the flight of this defoliator pest of deciduous forests.  相似文献   

A black-sand formation located at Touzla Cape, near Thessaloniki city, Greece, was investigated using optical microscopy, powder-XRD, SEM-EDS, INAA and in-situ -ray spectrometry. This black sand is mainly composed of ilmenite, magnetite, garnet, zircon and rutile. Also present, in minor or trace amounts, are quartz, sphene, pyroxenes, sillimanite, feldspars, biotite, haematite, tourmaline, chromite, niobian-rutile and pyrrhotite. Niobian-rutile and pyrrhotite were found as inclusions in ilmenite and magnetite respectively. The radioactivity measurements indicated contributions of the uranium and thorium radioactive series and of 40K and 137Cs, and the maximum value of the total absorbed dose rate in air was found to be 62, 172, 8 and 2 nGy h-1 respectively. The main radioactivity of the uranium and thorium series is attributed to the fractions of zircon (304 µg Th g-1 and 157 µg U g-1), of ilmenite (89 µg Th g-1) and to a lesser extent to the fraction of garnet (5 µg Th g-1). The zircon fraction also contained 5076 µg Hf g-1. Some minerals and elements (Ti, Zr, Hf, Th, U) contained in the black sand could be of potential economic value. The high proportions of monomineralic grains along with the variations observed in mineral phases, in colour, in sphericity, in roundness, in grain size, in composition and in mineral inclusions, imply that the minerals and grains were subjected to several cycles of weathering and sedimentation, as well as being derived from multiple source rocks and areas.  相似文献   

Persistent erosion at Plumb Beach, New York, USA, has been countered by a series of isolated actions to stabilize the shoreline. Sediment placed at the erosion site has quickly been removed and re-deposited in downdrift locations to the detriment of the existing habitats. In a renewed effort to better understand the dimensions of change at Plumb Beach, detailed spatial analysis of shoreline displacement, dune-beach profile evolution, and sediment budget has been undertaken through intensive surveying and comparisons of Digital Elevation Models. Products derived from these surveys establish that the sector of maximum erosion has shifted downdrift and that the scale of the changes is twice the volume exchange as previously estimated. Improved knowledge of the dimensions and spatial distributions of the changes is used to create a focused approach that is functioning within the scale of the local sediment budget and reducing its impacts.  相似文献   

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