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Markgrafenheide-Hütelmoor covers a total area of 1000 ha (about 490 ha are coastal moor) and a coastline of about 6 km. This touristy area belongs to the city of Rostock in Germany. As response to sea level rise and heavy coastal erosion, the small seaside resort Markgrafenheide received a comprehensive storm surge protection until 2006. Subsequently, the adjacent Hütelmoor was flooded with the aim to restore it as a brackish coastal moor. Coastal protection measures at the Baltic Sea coastline were abandoned to enable natural dynamics, a coastal realignment and salt water intrusions. The entire process until full implementation took 14 years and was associated with very problematic public participation and a strong local polarization. Based on a literature and media review, two surveys, and expert interviews we retrospectively document and analyse the planning process with focus on public information, perception and participation. The local population and holidaymakers did not perceive coastal changes and if, did not associate them with climate change. Interviewees remembered single storm surges, but felt save from it and sea level rise was not perceived as a threat. 89% said that they feel insufficiently informed about the combined coastal protection wetland restoration measure, but did not use the offered information possibilities. 81% had their information from newspapers and freely distributed advertisers. It seems that insufficient information was the major reason for the problems with local acceptance and public participation. The media played a dominating role. The decline of traditional newspapers and the growths of free advertisers seemed to have a negative impact on quality of information and favoured a polarization. Additionally, we discuss local specifics like the cultural background (GDR history), traditions, frustration and the relatively old population and their role in public participation. We strongly promote a pro-active and long-term information and public relation strategy.  相似文献   

Since the Neolithic, humans have gathered along coastal plains, where they had to face sea level rise and subsidence without the technology to oppose these processes. When sea level stabilized, approx. 6.000 yr. B.P., coastal colonization was allowed, but where mountain deforestation was carried out river sediment input increased tremendously: settlements were disconnected from the shore and harbour siltation occurred. Shore erosion was a limited process at the time and local solutions were adopted: clay dikes, wood piles, fascinates and rock revetments. Along the Mediterranean, in China and Japan the construction of more complex structures has been documented since the Middle Ages. Further human development, with river bed quarrying, wetland reclamation, dam construction and mountain re-afforestation, favoured a coastal erosion that nowadays threatens most world coasts. From the Venetian “Murazzi” to the recent 114-km-long concrete element defence at the Yellow river delta, shore protection structures evolved following the different needs (protect coastal communication routes, urban and industrial settlements, tourist resorts). Beach nourishment, previously performed with inland quarried materials, is now intensively carried out with marine aggregates. The vernacular solution, left to undeveloped countries, has been recently revaluated by “green engineering”. However, with Sea Level Rise, the debate of whether to defend, accommodate or retreat is open.  相似文献   

A process is presented to facilitate the sustainable management and development of tourist destinations. Based on a specific reforming of the Limits of Acceptable Change planning system and combined with the Tourism Carrying Capacity concept into a common framework, specific steps are described to integrate environmental, social and economic information of a tourist destination into indicators, which are afterwards compared with reference conditions. The Leopold matrix is applied to identify and classify restrictions of development and provide the basis for negotiations between managers, stakeholders and local communities. Through a feedback process of continuous monitoring and adjustment, the aim is to focus developmental activities on restricting factors until all indicators upgrade to reference. A case study at a Greek coastal municipality (Ilida western Greece) is applied to demonstrate the process. Activity zones are identified and 18 indicators are selected. Results suggest high potential for tourism development of the area. However, low scores are assigned to 8/18 indicators, reflecting restrictions, requiring priority under a sustainable development plan. The proposed process offers managers and stakeholders the ability to easily visualize/identify restrictions and assign developmental priorities within a step-by-step upgrading process, toward the sustainable management and development of tourist destinations.  相似文献   

Coastline maintenance in the Netherlands, formally in place since 1990, aims at a sustainable preservation of coastal flood protection. Over 25 years annual assessments, comparing the actual coastline positions with the 1990 reference position of the coastline, have governed the execution of sand nourishments following an adaptive management method. This method involves yearly assessment of the coastline based on measurements, design and adoption of nourishment strategies and measures and execution of the nourishments. This management approach has enabled learning and introduction of innovations in coastline maintenance. For instance, in comparison to the early nineties, nourishments are now placed more on the foreshore and the yearly nourishment budget has doubled. The most recent innovation in coastline maintenance is the ‘Sand Motor’, a nature-based nourishment approach, which concentrates the regular nourishments in space and time, given that natural processes should redistribute the sediment over the wider coastal system. In contrast to regular nourishments, the Sand Motor combines flood protection with nature and recreational objectives and is much larger in dimensions. Five years after the construction of the Sand Motor we investigate its usability in this article. We present the results of first Sand Motor evaluation and draw conclusion on the adoption and usefulness of it for coastline management from the perspective of the adaptive management method used in coastline maintenance. Recent evaluation of the monitoring data shows that the large amount of sand used for the Sand Motor has a positive impact on coastal protection. Bridging between the Sand Motor pilot and daily nourishement practice is however not yet achieved.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine residents’ perception, knowledge and attitude towards environmental issues and management in the Al-Suwaiq Wilayat (administrative zone) of Al-Batinah North, Sultanate of Oman. For this purpose, a questionnaire was used with questions on issues related to environment and surveyed across 109 households in the Wilayat following a random sampling method in early 2015. The results show that education, health-related infrastructure and unemployment are ranked as most important issues for government attention today and in coming 10 years besides their concern for the environment. Resident’s perceptions on most important environmental issues were concerned about solid-waste pollution, degradation of coastal areas, saltwater intrusion and land degradation. The sources for environmental information, government agencies, local media and schools were regarded as most reliable. Top environmental priorities were suggested to deal with enforcement of regulations, provide effective environmental awareness and education programs. Further, it is suggested that additional studies should be conducted such as ‘State of Environment Reporting’, thereby such reporting, for instance would provide some form of verification of reported behaviour and improved knowledge.  相似文献   

The establishment of protected corridors linking the breeding and foraging grounds of many migratory species remains deficient, particularly in the world’s oceans. For example, Australia has recently established a network of Commonwealth Marine Reserves, supplementing existing State reserves, to protect a wide range of resident and migratory marine species; however, the routes used by mobile species to access these sites are often unknown. The flatback marine turtle (Natator depressus) is endemic to the continental shelf of Australia, yet information is not available about how this species uses the marine area. We used a geospatial approach to delineate a coastal corridor from 73 adult female flatback postnesting migratory tracks from four rookeries along the north-west coast of Australia. A core corridor of 1,150 km length and 30,800 km2 area was defined, of which 52 % fell within 11 reserves, leaving 48 % (of equivalent size to several Commonwealth Reserves) of the corridor outside of the reserve network. Despite limited data being available for other marine wildlife in this region, humpback whale migratory tracks overlapped with 96 % of the core corridor, while the tracks of three other species overlapped by 5–10 % (blue whales, olive ridley turtles, whale sharks). The overlap in the distribution ranges of at least 20 other marine vertebrates (dugong, cetaceans, marine turtles, sea snakes, crocodiles, sharks) with the corridor also imply potential use. In conclusion, this study provides valuable information towards proposing new locations requiring protection, as well as identifying high-priority network linkages between existing marine protected areas.  相似文献   

Barrier islands and coastal beach systems provide nesting habitat for marine and estuarine turtles. Densely settled coastal areas may subsidize nest predators. Our purpose was to inform conservation by providing a greater understanding of habitat-based risk factors for nest predation, for an estuarine turtle. We expected that habitat conditions at predated nests would differ from random locations at two spatial extents. We developed and validated an island-wide model for the distribution of predated Diamondback terrapin nests using locations of 198 predated nests collected during exhaustive searches at Fisherman Island National Wildlife Refuge, USA. We used aerial photographs to identify all areas of possible nesting habitat and searched each and surrounding environments for nests, collecting location and random-point microhabitat data. We built models for the probability of finding a predated nest using an equal number of random points and validated them with a reserve set (N?=?67). Five variables in 9 a priori models were used and the best selected model (AIC weight 0.98) reflected positive associations with sand patches near marshes and roadways. Model validation had an average capture rate of predated nests of 84.14 % (26.17–97.38 %, Q1 77.53 %, median 88.07 %, Q3 95.08 %). Microhabitat selection results suggest that nests placed at the edges of sand patches adjacent to upland shrub/forest and marsh systems are vulnerable to predation. Forests and marshes provide cover and alternative resources for predators and roadways provide access; a suggestion is to focus nest protection efforts on the edges of dunes, near dense vegetation and roads.  相似文献   

Satellite transmitters were deployed on ten green turtles (Chelonia mydas) nesting in Rekawa Sanctuary (RS-80.851°E 6.045°N), Sri Lanka, during 2006 and 2007 to determine inter-nesting and migratory behaviours and foraging habitats. Nine turtles subsequently nested at RS and demonstrated two inter-nesting strategies linked to the location of their residence sites. Three turtles used local shallow coastal sites within 60 km of RS during some or all of their inter-nesting periods and then returned to and settled at these sites on completion of their breeding seasons. In contrast, five individuals spent inter-nesting periods proximate to RS and then migrated to and settled at distant (>350 km) shallow coastal residence sites. Another turtle also spent inter-nesting periods proximate to RS and then migrated to a distant oceanic atoll and made forays into oceanic waters for 42 days before transmissions ceased. This behavioural plasticity informs conservation management beyond protection at the nesting beach.  相似文献   

Since the early 2000’s, invasions and blooms of jellyfish have been increasingly reported in scientific literature as well as in the general media. Despite this increased coverage, the global jellification issue remains unsolved due to the scarcity of extended time series. The aim of this study was to determine to what extent the main messages about jellyfish (increase, causes, threats, solutions, etc.) in the Flemish (Belgian Dutch-language) media correspond with the knowledge and perception of recreational users, tourism-related professionals and local government officials on the Belgian coast. The number of articles in the Flemish media (140) increased from <5 in 2000 to 27 in 2010, with half of them reporting on jellyfish in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. Almost 75 % of these articles reported on the causes (overfishing being mentioned as the main cause) and economic consequences of jellyfish blooms. Articles about the dramatic consequences of stinging, poisonous and non-indigenous species were also common. A questionnaire-based survey carried out on the Belgian coast in summer 2012 indicated that jelly perception is only partly driven by the general media, while personal experience seemed at least equally important as driver. Information on causes, threats, consequences and solutions for problems caused by jellyfish corresponded to a large extent with the answers given by recreational users and tourism-related professionals. Respondents generally agreed that all underlying causes of a potential jellification problem should be addressed and tackled at an international level. With keywords like “pain”, “smell” and “slime” used to describe jellyfish, they have little sympathy from most actors, and most recreational users of beaches and coastal waters are extremely careful with any type of jellyfish, especially when children are involved. Species-specific knowledge (names, ecology, stinging vs. harmless species) presented in the media is not assimilated by most recreational users or local officials, except for divers, who have a very different perception of jellyfish than most recreational users. This lack of knowledge appeared to be a key issue in perception among recreational users. As public perception is a key driver in policy decisions, integrated coastal zone management and measures should provide good and easily understandable information, for example by distributing leaflets and putting up warning signs on the beach. This will result in a better understanding and acceptance of jellyfish as well as generating high-quality data from citizen science programs. Better and more information on jellyfish will thus benefit all the actors and sectors potentially affected by jellification.  相似文献   

Urban coastal wetlands and adjoining coves and embayments can provide habitat for significant numbers of waterbirds, despite being subject to high levels of stressors from human activities. Yet to date little emphasis has been placed on identifying these areas and prioritizing them for conservation. In this study I outline a three-step process to identify and prioritize local sites for conservation using waterbird abundance and diversity and an index of the risk to a site from marine development, and apply it to a series of urban coastal sites in two North Atlantic estuaries located in the northeast US. By combining waterbird abundance and species richness with the risk from marine development I generated a ranked list of sites with the highest listed sites having high bird diversity and low risk from development. From this list individual sites can be prioritized for conservation, and various protection scenarios can be evaluated and compared. For example, 7 of the top 10 ranked sites in Boston Harbor, combined with sites already protected under local, state, or federal statutes, represented over half of the total bird diversity in the Harbor. Similarly, in Narragansett Bay 6 of the top 10 sites when combined with sites already protected represent 48.8% of the Bay’s bird diversity. Formally protecting these sites, all of which are at relatively low risk from marine development, could result in the conservation of considerable waterbird habitat at low economic cost (i.e., from loss of development potential). Other ranking scenarios (by bird diversity alone, or by risk from marine development) were also evaluated and compared to the combined ranking. Identification of sites with high bird diversity and low risk from development could provide important information for local land acquisition groups and planning boards when considering options for the conservation of urban coastal habitats.  相似文献   

This paper serves to appraise the monetary cost of coastal recreational resources in Qingdao using the travel cost method (TCM), which is typically used in developed countries. The total revenue produced by Qingdao’s coastal recreational resources is about RMB 5.51×1010 annually, based on questionnaires given at Qingdao’s major tourist destinations. These questionnaires establish correlation functions that factor in the number of tourists, travel expenses, etc. The data processing software named Eviews was used to determine the tourist demand regression curve and to calculate their residual and actual travel expenses. The results of this study can provide a scientific basis for applicable industries interested in development and management decision-making. Therefore, this study assesses the reasonable usage of coastal recreational resources.  相似文献   

This study examined the relative impacts of different human activities and natural resource protections on the spatial distribution of beach vegetation and related habitat features (wrack, dune succession) in New Jersey (USA). Field surveys of the 209-km shoreline categorized beach segments according to vegetation cover classes, human activities, protection measures (exclosures, beach management plans, access restrictions) and ownership status (federal, state, etc.). A partition model (classification tree) was used to confirm the relative dominance hierarchy of human actions on the distribution of beach vegetation observed, and quantitative comparisons of dominant activities were conducted using vegetation data collected on 218 transects. The spatial extent of beach vegetation was found to be severely restricted by human activities when unconstrained by resource protections. The greatest reductions were found to result from mechanical raking (?99 %), scraping (?91 %) and all-year recreational ORV use (?86 %), which were dominant on nearly 70 % of the state shoreline. Beaches containing larger areas of vegetation (>5 m) were concentrated in areas with resource protections of various kinds (99 %), and on federal or other public parklands (68 %). Exclosures resulted in the greatest coverage of vegetation (48 % of beach surface) compared to public access restricted areas (41 %), beach management plans (31 %), government-only ORV use (31 %), and off-season recreational ORVs (15 %). Greater protection and recovery of beach vegetation and habitat is needed for species conservation and erosion protection in New Jersey and other coastal environments where these activities occur.  相似文献   

Human pressure has been exponentially growing during recent decades in coastal areas, which have led to drastic losses of biodiversity in coastal ecosystems. The current conservation status of many coastal plant species is directly related to a lack of environmental criteria in the urban planning of coastal areas over recent decades. This study aimed to evaluate the evolution, over the last 9 years, of the conservation status of various populations of the endangered plant Glaucium flavum, exploring the extent to which human pressure and different management strategies practiced in the coastal areas where the populations are established have affected the conservation status of the species. The populations analysed have evolved in a different manner over the last 9 years, as have their threat factors, and a relationship was evident between their conservation status and the evolution of these different threat factors. Our results indicate that an appropriate planning of local management actions, such as the installation of walkways or the successful eradication of invasive species, may be determinant factors for successful conservation of the coastal vegetation. The presence of species that are sensitive to slight changes in the ecosystem, and the main factors that govern the plant performance of these species, must be given full consideration in decision-making processes of coastal planning and management.  相似文献   


In 1985, San Francisco adopted a wind comfort standard in its Downtown Area Plan in response to increasing concerns about the city’s downtown public open spaces becoming excessively windy. After 30 years of implementation, this study revisits the standard and examines its effectiveness in promoting pedestrian comfort. Seven hundred one valid samples were collected from 6 months of field study, which combined surveying pedestrians and on-site collection of microclimate data. Statistical analysis and an assessment using the physiological equivalent temperature show that 11 mph (4.92 m/s), the comfort criterion in places for walking, performs as an effective determinant of outdoor comfort in San Francisco. This study sheds light on climate-resilience of cities, as they have become key urban challenges today.  相似文献   

The Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem off southwest Africa is a regionally valued system because of its biological productivity, which supports high biomass throughout the foodweb, and a rich diversity of habitats and species. However, the region is exposed to numerous anthropogenic pressures that are likely to escalate under future economic growth. In response, the Benguela Current Commission called for a spatial biodiversity assessment (BCC-SBA) to identify conservation priorities, including potential areas for marine protected areas. The systematic conservation-planning approach to this assessment requires a fine-scale map of coastal habitats, which was not previously available for the region. Our aim was to undertake this mapping, within tight logistic and resource limitations. We used a previously derived methodology for mapping the distribution of coastal habitats from aerial imagery. The Benguela coast is approximately 5,047 km long. Half of this extent is sandy beach, a third is rocky and mixed shores, 13 % comprises lagoonal features, and the remainder (4 %) comprises estuaries and offshore islands. The distribution and extent of these coastal habitats differs substantially alongshore (i.e. with latitude), with conditions ranging north–south from hot, humid mangrove-lined lagoons, to hyper-arid coastal desert sandy beaches. Patterns in regional geology, climate and oceanography are proposed as the main drivers of spatial heterogeneity in coastal habitat types. The resulting ecological and socio-economic wealth requires proactive protection (supported through the BCC-SBA, for example), to ensure sustainable utilization of the rich natural resources, and persistence of these resources for the benefit of current and future generations.  相似文献   

This paper is based on literature-based studies, as well as material collected by the author over more than 30 years on the shores of the Southeast Baltic Sea. In order to protect roads running along the shoreline from East Prussia to Königsberg, local shore reinforcement works commenced in the fifteenth century, although some individual attempts had been made before. In 1684, M. Ch. Hartknoch theoretically substantiated the necessity for, and methods of, shore reinforcement. The state of the shores deteriorated considerably during the Seven Years War (1756–1763), when woodlands growing along the shores were completely destroyed; hence, nearly 100 km length of the coast of the Kur?i? Nerija (Curonian) sand spit was left without any vegetation. Aeolian sand buried as many as fourteen settlements. This situation forced the authorities to organise maintenance of the coast and the dunes at the governmental level, and to start the formation of an uninterrupted dune ridge. The second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century are notable for the extensive construction of new ports. Along the shores running from the Sambian Peninsula to the Gulf of Riga, eight port engineering structures had been constructed with the intervals of approximately 26 km between the ports of Klaip?da and Liepaja, and every 13 km between Palanga and Pape. Shore management measures were being implemented simultaneously, thus ensuring the functioning of the above-mentioned coastal protection structures and the reduction of impacts upon the shores. In the second half of the twentieth century, ports were dredged and developed significantly. Their entrance channels reduced the long-shore sediment transport. Moreover, total sand reserves in the shore zone also diminished. The processes of erosion of the beaches and the dune ridge made it necessary to actively reinforce the shore. A number of countries passed legal acts governing the protection and use of the shore zone. At the turn of the twenty-first century, the incompatibility of such priorities in human activities as sea transport and recreation with nature protection has become evident. The conflict of interests in the Kur?i? Nerija National Park, the port of Klaip?da, and the resort of Palanga serve as good examples of such incompatibility. The conclusion that can be drawn that in twenty-first century is that the priorities in general coastal management should be as follows: harmonisation of interests among the states and individual fields of activities, as well as measures aimed at neutralisation of negative natural trends (higher frequency of storms, global rise of water level, etc.). The protective beach dune ridge will further play the role of efficient means for reducing shore erosion.  相似文献   

Surveillance of drinking water quality is extremely important to human health, assuming greater relevance in hospital environments, especially to those individuals who are immunocompromised. This study is aimed to determine the effect of increasing free chlorine (Cl) concentration in a hospital water network in regard to water quality monitoring and microbial growth control, between 2010 and 2013 in Porto. The average of free Cl concentration in the period under analysis showed some heterogeneity per floor, varying between 0.84 and 1.25 mg/L. In addition, there was a rise in proportion of samples that exceeded WHO guidelines (free Cl ≥ 0.5 mg/L), particularly in the last two years of the same period. With respect to microbial analysis, 22.4% of the samples were positive for Legionella spp., 6.4% for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 15% and 30.4% for aerobic plate counts at 36 and 22 ºC, respectively. The proportion of positive samples decreased throughout the period under analysis, in particular for Legionella spp. (41.7% in 2010 vs. non-detectable in 2013) and P. aeruginosa (10.8% in 2010 vs. 3.3% in 2013). These results are in accordance with the gradual rise in free Cl concentration (0.78 ± 0.94 mg/L in 2010 vs. 1.16 ± 0.51 mg/L in 2013). In conclusion, a suitable plan for drinking water quality was instituted which resulted in reducing microbiological growth in the waterwork network, improving public health protection. However, the detection of critical points associated with lower levels of free Cl were found on certain floors/points-of-use, requiring the need to improve the monitoring water treatment system and/or implementation of additional technologies.  相似文献   

An efficient in vitro mass multiplication protocol was developed for selected species of screw pine (Pandanus fascicularis Lam., P. furcatus Roxb.). The protocol could be successfully used for large scale production of planting materials leading to cultivation and making bio-fences or green belts in coastal areas, wetlands for protection and preventing soil erosion. This will facilitate the replenishment of the bio resource and also provide good breeding space for various fauna associated with it. For developing the tissue culture protocol, shoot tips and tillers from the mature plants were used as the explants. Surface sterilization with 0.1 % mercuric chloride for 1 min. Yielded good fraction (65 %) of contamination free explants. Explants inoculated in MS solid medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP, 2.5 mg/l) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA, 0.5 mg/l), induced 2–3 shoot buds in 5 weeks. These buds either individually or along with the explant portion, sub-cultured to fresh media containing the same hormonal combinations, resulted induction of 5–6 shoot buds in 4 weeks. Repeated subcultures of shoot buds in the same medium produced 8–10 shoot buds in every 4 weeks. Shoot elongation was achieved (~ 3 cm) by transferring the shoot clusters or individual shoots to basal medium, and the elongated shoots were rooted in vitro or ex vitro. Root induction in shoots (87.4 %) was achieved in MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Rooted shoots were established in paper/polythene cups filled with fine sand, which subsequently recorded 85 % establishment under the shade-net house with proper irrigation. Plants grown in poly-bags were later successfully established in different field conditions and recorded 100 % survival.  相似文献   

Effluent from dyeing and finishing processes is an important source of water pollution. The effectiveness of bentonite, kaolinite and sediment from a local deposit in removing methylene blue as a cationic dye from aqueous solutions has been investigated. The adsorption equilibrium (isotherm) has been determined according to Freundlich and Langmuir equations. The optimum amount is 0.5 g for all adsorbents, and the optimum pH ranges are 2–8 for bentonite and 2–6 for kaolinite and sediment. With respect to kinetic modelling, the adsorption of methylene blue on various adsorbents was fitted to a second-order equation. Also, the thermodynamic parameters were determined. The negative free energy values indicate the feasibility of the process and spontaneous nature of adsorption. The positive ΔH° values indicate the endothermic nature of the process. Thus, Egyptian clay minerals and sediments have a great tendency to remove the dye from solutions.  相似文献   

Policy tools that allow for the coordination of various authorities at different levels of government are important for coastal protected areas. Frequently, multiple authorities manage these areas with varied and sometimes conflicting goals. This study examines a regulatory model implemented on the Cape Cod National Seashore in the US that uses federally-approved zoning to regulate private uses for protection of natural coastal resources. Local authorities implement the zoning which is designed to support national resource protection goals making this a prime model of cross-level governance for conservation. I use case study analysis to evaluate the program’s effectiveness by focusing on implementation and compliance in the context of multi-jurisdictional (i.e., national to local) relations. The analysis and subsequent discussion highlight the difficulties associated with implementation of intergovernmental mandates. Also, theoretical perspectives on compliance give insights about the implementation challenges of this model. The model’s limitations have implications for policymakers considering similar schemes implemented by split and hierarchical authorities with different, and possibly conflicting, coastal management goals.
Michelle PortmanEmail:

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