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We examined multiple mate choice criteria in Cophixalus ornatus, a terrestrial breeding, microhylid frog. Mate choice consisted of three stages: mate attraction (male calling), courtship (male behavior between the call site and the nest), and nest site selection by the female. For male C. ornatus, the possession of a call with low dominant frequency relative to calling neighbors increased the probability that they would attract females. Dominant frequency was negatively correlated with age independent of male mass and snout vent length. When escorting the female from the call site to their nest, males traveled along more convoluted paths than when returning to the nest alone. The convolution of the path was, therefore, considered an aspect of courtship. Females released eggs into nests with structural characteristics typical of nests constructed by older males. Thus, females increased their chances of locating an acceptable nest by preferentially approaching males with lower dominant frequencies. This study is the first to demonstrate that age, independent of mass or snout-vent length, can influence call characteristics in anurans, and it is also the first to demonstrate the importance of male age to female mate choice in an amphibian.  相似文献   

In mammals with solitary females, the potential for males to monopolize matings is relatively low, and scramble competition polygyny is presumed to be the predominant mating system. However, combinations of male traits and mating tactics within this type of polygyny have been described. The main aim of our study was to identify the relative importance of, and interactions among, potential determinants of contrasting male reproductive tactics, and to determine their consequences for male reproductive success in a small solitary nocturnal Malagasy primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). We studied their mating behavior over three consecutive annual mating seasons. In addition, we determined the genetic relationships among more than 300 study animals to quantify the reproductive success of individual males. We found that, with a given relatively low overall monopolization potential, successful male mouse lemurs roamed extensively in search of mates, had superior finding ability and mated as early as possible. However, contest competition was important too, as temporary monopolization was also possible. Males exhibited different mating tactics, and heavier males had a higher reproductive success, although most litters had mixed paternities. Switching between tactics depended on short-term local variation in monopolization potential determined by a pronounced dynamic in fertilization probability, number of alternative mating opportunities, and the operational sex ratio. This study also revealed that the dynamics of these determinants, as well as the mutual interactions between them, necessitate a detailed knowledge of the mating behavior of a species to infer the impact of determinants of alternative mating tactics.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by S. AlbertsThis revised version was published online in August 2004 with corrections to Figure 2.  相似文献   

We investigated the ontogeny of responses to scent marks in immature terrestrial salamanders (Salamandra lanzai) that inhabit the southwest Alps. In this species, sexual maturity is usually reached at about 8 years, and adults exhibit territoriality. One should expect territoriality to take place largely before the acquisition of sexual maturity if sexual competition is not the main force driving territoriality. However, both the difficulties for inexperienced animals to find a suitable territory and size-related competition may delay the acquisition of territoriality in juveniles. We performed choice tests with juveniles belonging to two age groups (1±1 years old versus 4±1 years old). Each focal animal was offered, in random order, the choice between two shelters, one without scent and the other containing one of the following scents: own, same-aged animal, a juvenile belonging to the other age group, or adult female. We also performed choice tests with adult females for which the scents of two juveniles belonging to a different age group were successively offered in a random order. Older juveniles were strongly attracted toward their own shelter and mostly avoided the shelters that contained the scent of juveniles of about the same age and of adult females. Adult females avoided the scents of older juveniles but not younger juveniles. These results therefore suggest that older juveniles use territorial marking. Conversely, young juveniles behaved randomly with respect to their own scents and to those of a same-aged juvenile, and they were significantly attracted towards the odor of an older animal, especially adult females. Both older juveniles and adult females displayed a random behavior toward the scents of young juveniles. Our results suggest that young juveniles do not defend territories but use spaces occupied by older individuals.Communicated by A. Mathis  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of male gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) breeding on land-fast ice at Amet Island, Nova Scotia, was studied. Data on energy expenditure (rate of mass loss over time) were collected. The average time budget of males at Amet Island was comparable to that of land-breeding males. The behavior of males showed seasonal changes, with a decrease in the proportion of time spent in the water and an increase in agonistic behavior during the peak mating period. The estimated amount of body mass lost over the season ranged between 25.6 and 77.1 kg, and the estimated percent of initial body mass lost ranged between 7.7 and 26.5% (n=10). The maximum number of observed copulations for an individual male was nine. Only 15 out of 42 males observed during 1992 and 1993 were seen copulating. The number of observed copulations per male was strongly correlated with success in remaining close to, or attending, females (r=0.91, P<0.001, n=42). The mean duration of attendance was 4.5 ± 5.54 days (n=42). Large size was not an important factor in determining attendance success, but reproductive effort (the estimated proportion of body mass lost over the season) and success in agonistic interactions with other males were both correlated with male success.  相似文献   

The effect of resource-holding power (RHP) and prior residency asymmetries on fight outcome and subsequent seasonal copulatory success was analyzed for fights between marked male northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris). RHP asymmetries were measured as differences in estimated mass and prior residency asymmetries were measured as differences in beach tenure prior to the fight. The principal results were: (a) Neither differences in mass nor differences in beach tenure had any effect on fight outcome as separate factors. (b) Mass and tenure differences had an interactive effect on fight outcome; fight winners were either heavier males present for shorter periods (intruders) or lighter males present for longer periods (prior residents). (c) Winners of fights copulated more often than losers after a fight throughout the breeding season; this difference was smallest for low-ranking males, larger for high-ranking males in short fights, and greatest for high-ranking males in long fights. (d) Prior resident males who won long fights obtained significantly more copulations after a fight than the males they defeated, but this was not true for intruder males who won long fights. These results suggest that male northern elephant seals will incur greater contest costs (i.e., fight for longer periods and/or against heavier males) for higher reproductive payoffs. They also imply that, at least for males in long fights, differences in prior residence represent payoff asymmetries, with higher reproductive payoffs for winning prior residents than for winning intruders.  相似文献   

Individual variation in female preference for male traits may influence mate choice, especially if benefits and costs of choosiness vary with the range of available males or reproductive timing. We examined variation in female preference for male leg tuft size in Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders with video playback. Dichotomous (simultaneous) choice test experiments included all possible combinations of four stimuli (i.e., modified versions of the same video male stimulus): average tuft size (control), reduced (−25%), enlarged (+25%), and no tufts (removed). Females exhibited a directional preference for larger tuft size independent of the nature of the choice (except for reduced tufts vs no tufts where no difference was seen). Female preference in the short term (over a period of 4 days) was also highly repeatable for control vs reduced tufts, but not for control vs enlarged tufts. Responses of females in ‘no-choice’ presentations of a single (control) male stimulus varied with age post-maturity; females were less receptive in weeks 1 and 2, highly receptive at week 3, and less thereafter. Mated females were least receptive and most aggressive towards a male stimulus. Females offered choices repeatedly at different ages post-maturity consistently preferred the control male vs reduced tufts over all 3 weeks but varied in their preference for enlarged tufts vs control male. In the first 2 weeks, females preferred the enlarged tuft male stimulus, but showed no preference by the third week. Females tested in week 4 showed no preference in either choice. Results suggest that the potential interaction between female preference for male traits and female reproductive timing may be a critical consideration in mate choice.  相似文献   

Sperm traits often show extreme variation both between and within species. Between-species variation may often be interpreted in the context of a sperm competition theory, but within-species variation has remained unexplained. Previous studies on intraspecific variation in sperm traits have focused on a limited set of variables and may have failed to explain observed variation because of potential trade-offs between different sperm traits. We report on variation in number, size, motility and longevity of sperm in the frog Crinia georgiana, a species where sperm competition is common. We found intrapopulation variation in sperm size and motility and interpopulation variation in relative sperm number and size. When we combined relative sperm number and size into one variable, and motility and longevity into another, we found significant interpopulation variation in these variables as well. We also detected considerable intra- and significant interpopulation variation in cumulative sperm quality, a combination of all four sperm traits. Furthermore, a significant effect of the interaction between population origin and male size on sperm characteristics indicated interpopulation variation in the strength of selection acting on sperm traits of males adopting different mating strategies. We discuss heterogeneity in the reproductive environment, a complex genetic background in the determination of sperm characteristics and varying levels of developmental noise as potential contributors to the observed variation in sperm traits.  相似文献   

Summary Sex pheromone communication in the nine European species of small ermine moths (Yponomeuta) is reviewed in regard to the potential role of pheromones in the speciation process. Six of the nine species studied (viz.,Y. evonymellus, Y. cagnagellus, Y. padellus, Y. irrorellus, Y. plumbellus, andY. vigintipunctatus) use a mixture of (E)-11-and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate in different ratios as primary pheromone components, with combinations of tetradecyl acetate, (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate and the corresponding alcohols of the acetates as additional pheromone components. Analysis of (Z)- to (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate ratios produced by individual females of these species demonstrated significant variation among females of all species. However, the ranges of ratios produced byY. cagnagellus, Y. irrorellus, andY. plumbellus, sharing the same host-plant species, spindle tree, did not overlap. Niche separation of all six species mentioned required consideration of at least one additional pheromone component or of temporal aspects. The remaining three species,i.e. Y. malinellus, Y. mahalebellus andY. rorellus, have pheromones that differ qualitatively.Biosynthetic routes to the pheromone components identified are proposed on the basis of fatty acid pheromone precursors found in the pheromone glands. A phylogenetic tree for the genus is constructed based on allozyme frequency data and changes in pheromone composition are superimposed on this tree. We suggest that the ancestral ermine moth pheromone is a mixture of (Z)-11- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate and the corresponding alcohols, and a scenario of how present-day patterns evolved is outlined. The pheromone differences among the three species using spindle tree as their host-plant might have evolved throughreproductive character displacement upon secondary contact between populations that had already diverged genetically in allopatry. Pheromone differences within the so-calledpadellus-complex (includingY. cagnagellus, Y. mahalebellus, Y. malinellus, Y. padellus, andY. rorellus) in which species might have originated sympatrically, may have evolved byreinforcing selection as these species still hybridise and produce viable offspring when confined in cages. The role of pheromones in reproductive isolation amongYponomeuta species is emphasised by (1) the function of pheromone components of some of the species as behavioural antagonists to other species, (2) the cross-attraction under experimental conditions between allochronic species with similar pheromones, and (3) the formation of hybrids in the laboratory between species that are isolated in nature by pheromone differences.  相似文献   

Reproduction in marmoset and tamarin groups is typically restricted to a single dominant female, but it is unclear why subordinate females tolerate delayed reproduction. The presence of two breeding females in free-ranging groups of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) presented a unique opportunity to examine differences in the reproductive strategies of dominant and subordinate females. Three groups were monitored for 12–18 months at a forest reserve in northeastern Brazil. Data on infant care were collected during two consecutive all-day follows every 10 days until the infants were 2 months old. Carrying patterns for infants born to dominant females were similar to those observed in groups containing a single breeding female. All group members over 5 months of age participated in infant care, and dominant females allowed some group members to carry their infants from the 1 st day of life. In contrast, subordinate females were protective of their offspring and were their sole caretakers for at least a week following birth. One infant born to a subordinate was killed in an attack involving the dominant female. Overall, dominant females gave birth to more infants and had higher infant survival than did subordinate breeding females. subordinate females were successful in rearing young only when the timing of births was such that they did not overlap with the dependency period of infants born to the dominant female. These patterns suggest that subordinate females may face resource competition, especially over access to helpers. In times of severe competition, subordinate females that delay reproduction may be avoiding a wasted reproductive effort.  相似文献   

Pelvicachromis pulcher is a small African cichlid which breeds in holes. Males may either reproduce monogamously (pair males), polygynously (harem males), or be tolerated as helpers in a harem territory (satellite males). These helpers share in defence of the territory against conspecifics, heterospecific competitors and predators. There are two male colour morphs that are fixed for life and are apparently genetically determined. These differ in their potential mating strategy. Red morph males may become harem owners, while yellow morph males may become satellite males, and males of both morphs may alternatively pair up monogamously. We compared the reproductive effort and success of these three male reproductive strategies. Effort was measured as attack rates, time expenditure and the risk of being injured or killed when attacking competitors or predators of three sympatric fish species. Reproductive success was measured by observing how many eggs were fertilized by each male when this was possible, and by using genetic markers. The number of fry surviving to independence of parental care was used as a criterion of success. The reproductive success of harem males was 3.3 times higher than that of pair males and 7 times higher than that of the average satellite male. Dominant satellite males, however, were as successful as monogamous pair males, using the measure of fertilized eggs. To our knowledge, this has not been found previously in any fish species. Both harem and pair males had lower parental defence costs per sired offspring, however, than males using the alternative satellite tactic. Defence effort was significantly related to the risk of injury. Received: 17 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 9 June 1997  相似文献   

Avian escape strategy is highly dependent on the ability to fly, and the success rate of raptor attacks is reduced if the prey gets fully airborne. Therefore, when escaping from predator attacks, the initial take-off is crucial and a rapid take-off, high velocity, and high angle of ascent maximize the chance of survival. However, due to the laws of gravity, birds face a trade-off between maximizing its linear acceleration and maximizing its rate of climb when taking off. The optimal policy between velocity and angle of ascent when a bird escapes from an attacking predator might depend on the detailed nature of the predator’s attack, the proximity to cover, and the presence of conspecifics. Many small birds rely on a quick dash to protective cover. In this study, we examine how the availability of protective cover affects take-off strategy in birds. Male great tits (Parus major) were subjected to a surprise attack by a model predator either in the presence or absence of protective cover. When attacked by the predator, great tits took off and perched in the cover when it was available. Birds subjected to the predator attack in the absence of cover took off in 10° higher angle of ascent and flew faster in the start of the take-off, compared to birds that took off in the presence of cover. Thus, this study for the first time shows that a bird do trade off speed with angle of ascent in an adaptive way, depending on the presence of protective cover.  相似文献   

Summary. The sex pheromone of Ostrinia orientalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) was analyzed by gas chromatography–electroantennographic detection (GC–EAD), GC–mass spectrometry and a series of bioassays. Three EAD-active compounds were detected in the female sex pheromone gland extract, and identified as tetradecyl acetate (14:OAc), (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z11-14:OAc) and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E11-14:OAc). The titers (ratio) of 14:OAc, Z11-14:OAc and E11-14:OAc in 3-day-old virgin females were 0.49 ng (10), 4.86 ng (98) and 0.10 ng (2), respectively. In a wind-tunnel bioassay, the 98:2 blend of Z11- and E11-14:OAc, but not Z11-14:OAc alone, elicited the same male behavioral responses as virgin females and crude gland extracts. 14:OAc was inactive by itself, and did not show any synergistic effect on the binary blend. Field trapping experiments also confirmed the attractiveness of the binary blend to O. orientalis males. Based on these results, we concluded that the sex pheromone of O. orientalis is a 98:2 mixture of Z11-14:OAc and E11-14:OAc. This sex pheromone is very similar to that of the Z-type European corn borer, O. nubilalis. The present finding raises the question of whether O. orientalis , which is indistinguishable from O. nubilalis based on external morphology, is a biologically distinct species independent from O. nubilalis.  相似文献   

Mate availability can vary widely in nature depending upon population density and sex ratio and can affect the ability of individuals to be selective in mate choice. We tested the effects of prior encounters with the opposite sex (i.e., exposure to the opposite sex either with or without mating) on subsequent mating behavior in two experiments that manipulated mate availability for both males and females in the wolf spider, Hogna helluo. The probability of mating in the experimental trial depended upon whether the prior encounter involved mating or not, and males and females responded in opposite directions. Exposure without mating resulted in a higher subsequent frequency of mating for females and a lower subsequent frequency of mating for males, while prior mating experience resulted in a lower frequency of female remating and a higher frequency of male remating. Prior exposure without mating did not affect female aggression. However, mated females engaged in precopulatory cannibalism more frequently than virgins. Mated males escaped postcopulatory cannibalism more frequently than virgins. Our results show that males respond to exposure without mating in the expected manner. However, prior mating (1 week earlier) had unexpected effects on males, which may be due to mated males being of higher quality. There were little or no effects of the size of the prior exposure individual or mate on subsequent mating behaviors. Further research is needed to determine why different species use different degrees of prior information in mate choice.  相似文献   

Contrary to vertebrates, sperm production in insects may bear considerable costs for males. This is especially true in species that donate spermatophores containing sperm and nutrient-rich accessory gland products like in butterflies. Hence, spermatophores at first and subsequent copulations can differ in a quantitative and qualitative way. Such effects have particularly been shown in polyandrous species providing large spermatophores. Here we experimentally tested the effect of male mating status (virgin male vs recently mated male) on copulation duration, spermatophore size and females’ fitness components in a monandrous butterfly Pararge aegeria that typically donates small spermatophores. Copulations with non-virgin males lasted on average five times longer than that with virgin males and resulted in a spermatophore which was on average three times smaller. Number of eggs laid and female life span were not affected by the mating status treatment, but there was a significant effect on the number of living caterpillars a female produced, as copulations with virgin males resulted in higher numbers of larval offspring. Interestingly, the difference in spermatophore mass at the first and the second copulation increased with male body size. This suggests differential spermatophore allocation decisions among males of different size. Consequences for females and potential mechanisms influencing female fitness components are discussed. Given the small absolute size of spermatophores in P. aegeria, components other than consumable nutrients (perhaps hormones) should cause the observed effects.  相似文献   

Division of labour among workers is central to the organisation and ecological success of insect societies. If there is a genetic component to worker size, morphology or task preference, an increase in colony genetic diversity arising from the presence of multiple breeders per colony might improve division of labour. We studied the genetic basis of worker size and task preference in Formica selysi, an ant species that shows natural variation in the number of mates per queen and the number of queens per colony. Worker size had a heritable component in colonies headed by a doubly mated queen (h 2=0.26) and differed significantly among matrilines in multiple-queen colonies. However, higher levels of genetic diversity did not result in more polymorphic workers across single- or multiple-queen colonies. In addition, workers from multiple-queen colonies were consistently smaller and less polymorphic than workers from single-queen colonies. The relationship between task, body size and genetic lineage appeared to be complex. Foragers were significantly larger than brood-tenders, which may provide energetic or ergonomic advantages to the colony. Task specialisation was also often associated with genetic lineage. However, genetic lineage and body size were often correlated with task independently of each other, suggesting that the allocation of workers to tasks is modulated by multiple factors. Overall, these results indicate that an increase in colony genetic diversity does not increase worker size polymorphism but might improve colony homeostasis.  相似文献   

Ornamental traits are thought to evolve because they give individuals an advantage in securing multiple mates. Thus, the presence of ornamentation among males in many monogamous bird species presents something of a conundrum. Under certain conditions, extra-pair paternity can increase the variance in reproductive success among males, thus increasing the potential for sexual selection to act. We addressed this possibility in the mountain bluebird (Sialia currucoides), a socially monogamous songbird in which males possess brilliant ultraviolet (UV)-blue plumage. Specifically, we asked whether a male’s success at siring offspring within his own nest and within the nests of other males was related to his coloration. In pairwise comparisons, males that sired extra-pair offspring were not more colorful than the males that they cuckolded. However, males that sired at least one extra-pair offspring were, on average, brighter and more UV-blue than males that did not sire extra-pair offspring. Brighter, more UV-blue males sired more offspring both with their own mate and tended to sire more offspring with extra-pair mates and thus sired more offspring overall. Our results support the hypothesis that the brilliant UV-blue ornamental plumage of male mountain bluebirds evolved at least in part because it provides males with an advantage in fertilizing the eggs of multiple females.  相似文献   

We recorded behaviour of kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) in western Finland during the courtship (1988–1992), incubation (1989–1991), early nestling (age of young 1–2 weeks, 1989–1992) and late nestling stages (3–4 weeks, 1989–1991) to examine determinants of their parental effort (PE). In males, PE was estimated as the hunting effort (the proportion of budget time spent in flight-hunting) and in females as the food provisioning rate (number of prey items delivered to the nest per hour). The following predictions derived from the parental investment theory were examined. (1) Parents rearing large clutches and broods should invest more in breeding than do parents rearing small clutches and broods. The hunting effort of parents did not increase with clutch or brood size, but males tending large broods had a higher prey delivery rate than males tending small broods (Figs 1–2). (2) PE of parents should increase in the course of the breeding season. In males, this was true only between the incubation and early nestling phases (Fig. 3). (3) The early pairs should invest more in breeding than late ones. This tended to be true during the early (for males) and late nestling phases (for females) (Fig. 4). (4) There should be a negative correlation between PE of mates within pairs, but no evidence for such adjustment was found (Fig. 5). (5) Females mated with bright-coloured attractive males should show higher PE than females mated with dull-coloured males but our results were inconsistent with this prediction. We conclude that PE decisions of kestrels are mainly based on cost-benefit estimates of residual reproductive value, rather than on current investment indicators, like clutch or brood size. This might be beneficial in environments with highly variable survival prospects of offspring caused by pronounced among-year variation in abundance of the main food (microtine rodents). The results also show that hypotheses explaining variation in PE in the short term are not necessarily valid for long-term PE, e.g. tending clutches or broods, which also reflects the demands of female and young.  相似文献   

The spatial organisation of male and female wood mice,Apodemus sylvaticus, was investigated in a large-scale radio-tracking study on arable farmland near Oxford, United Kingdom, during the breeding season. Both sexes had significantly larger home ranges in the breeding season than at other times, and the breeding season home ranges of male (X = 1.44 ha) were significantly larger than those of females (X = 0.49 ha). Home range overlap was significantly greater between males, and between males and females, than it was between females. Overlap between males tended to be greatest in heavily utilised areas. Except during sexual consortship, there was minimal evidence of dynamic interaction among individuals. Home range sizes of breeding males varied widely, as did their body weights. There was no relationship between male body weight and home range size or any other movement parameter. However, males with the largest home ranges had the highest scores on all other movement parameters, indicating that they expended more energy in movement. These more vigorous males had access to the home ranges of more females than did males with small home ranges.  相似文献   

Variation in traits closely related to fitness is expected to be low. This is because these traits are under directional selection and the best genotype should prevail. However, there have been a number of studies demonstrating the existence of considerable variance in sexually selected traits, which is generally known as the lek paradox. Accordingly, earlier studies found substantial variation in sperm transfer rates in Panorpa vulgaris. Aiming at finding the mechanism that maintains this variation, we analyzed the condition dependence and the narrow sense heritability of sperm transfer rates. Food deprivation in the larval/adult phase caused a decrease in the males’ capability of saliva secretion resulting in shorter copulations and a reduced number of transferred sperm. There was a positive correlation between mean sperm transfer rates and mean body mass. Additionally, intermale variation in sperm transfer rates decreased with increasing food availability. Hence, we suggest that sperm transfer rates in P. vulgaris are influenced by adult feeding history. Heritability analyses of sperm transfer rates did not provide significant results, which is consistent with the general hypothesis that additive genetic variance in traits closely related to fitness is small. Since a trait’s potential to respond to selection is proportional to the amount of contained additive genetic variance, the ascertained small heritability provides a satisfying explanation for the maintenance of substantial variation in sperm transfer rates.  相似文献   

Summary. In order to elucidate the composition of the female sex pheromone of the northern (beech) winter moth, Operophtera fagata Scharf. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), ovipositor extracts of unmated, calling females were analysed by gas chromatography with simultaneous electroantennographic and flame ionization detection (GC-EAD/FID). Male antennal responses indicated three active components, two of which had distinct matching peaks in the FID trace. Using coupled gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS), these two compounds were identified as (9Z)-nonadecene (9Z-19:Hy), and (6Z,9Z)-nonadecadiene (6Z9Z-19:Hy), respectively. The third component, present in very small amounts only, was identified as (1,3Z,6Z,9Z)-nonadecatetraene (1,3Z6Z9Z-19:Hy), known as the sex pheromone of the common winter moth, O. brumata. Field tests revealed that traps baited with 6Z9Z-19:Hy and 1,3Z6Z9Z-19:Hy caugth large numbers of male O. fagata. Both compounds were found to be essential for attraction of O. fagata. In addition, the diene prevented captures of co-occurring O. brumata. In contrast, 9Z-19:Hy neither influenced the attractiveness of the two-component mixture towards O. fagata nor contributed to bait specificity. A binary mixture of 6Z9Z-19:Hy and 1,3Z6Z9Z-19:Hy in a ratio of 10:1, applied to pieces of rubber tubing, constituted a highly attractive and species-specific bait for O. fagata, which can be used for monitoring of the flight of this defoliator pest of deciduous forests.  相似文献   

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