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The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) was largely driven by the catastrophic EXXON VALDEZ tanker spill and several other major tanker spills that followed in 1989. Under the OPA 90 mandate, the US Coast Guard, in partnership with other Federal agencies and industry have implemented a number of initiatives that have significantly enhanced the national oil spill prevention, preparedness and response capability. Declining trends in the volume of oil spilled into US waters indicates that these initiatives are at least in some measure successful.The Coast Guard is now concerned about what the future may hold in terms of oil pollution threats, and prevention, preparedness and response program shortcomings and opportunities in the future. To address this issue, the Coast Guard, in partnership with other National Response Team agencies and industry, is conducting a Broad-Based Programmatic Risk Assessment to develop a comprehensive vision and strategy for the Oil Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response (OSPPR) Program in the 21st Century. This study will characterize the current and emerging oil spill threats by source category, assess the potential impacts of these threats to define overall risk, and examine the current and projected effectiveness of OSPPR initiatives in minimizing these risks. Key issues, problems and focus areas will be identified and targeted for follow-on risk analysis and management activities by the Coast Guard and agency and industry stakeholders.  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective ecological study to assess cancer incidence during the period 1991–2005 in proximity of a municipal waste incinerator (MWI) in Modena (Italy). We identified three bands of increasing distance from the MWI, up to a radius of 5 km and used the residence as surrogate marker of the exposure. Residential history for Modena’s population was reconstructed and residents were associated to the most appropriate census unit. Age-standardized incidence ratios (ASR) and standardized incidence ratios (SIR) were estimated for all cancers and selected sites. Variations in cancer incidence were investigated using space and space–time scan statistic. Deprivation index was taken into account as potential confounding factor. During the 15-year study period, 16,443 new cases of cancer were diagnosed among residents in Modena. The space–time clustering test identified three significant clusters but their shapes were not associable to the MWI exposition. The purely spatial analysis not showed statistically significant clusters. The SIR computed for all cancers and selected sites did not show any excess of risk in the area closest to the plant. Higher SIR for leukaemia was found in the second band from MWI (2–3.5 km) for females (SIR, age and DI adjusted: 1.35, 95%CI: 1.01–1.79) and for both sexes (SIR, age and DI adjusted: 1.28, 95%CI: 1.03–1.57), but not a spatial trend was observed, thus excluding a possible link with MWI. In conclusion, bearing in mind the intrinsic limits of the study, the results suggest that there is no detectable increase of cancer risk for people living in proximity to the Modena MWI.  相似文献   

In some areas of Sub-Saharan Africa appropriate organic waste management technology could address development issues such as soil degradation, unemployment and energy scarcity, while at the same time reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. This paper investigates the role that carbon markets could have in facilitating the implementation of composting, anaerobic digestion and biochar production, in the city of Tamale, in the North of Ghana. Through a life cycle assessment of implementation scenarios for low-tech, small scale variants of the above mentioned three technologies, the potential contribution they could give to climate change mitigation was assessed. Furthermore an economic assessment was carried out to study their viability and the impact thereon of accessing carbon markets. It was found that substantial climate benefits can be achieved by avoiding landfilling of organic waste, producing electricity and substituting the use of chemical fertilizer. Biochar production could result in a net carbon sequestration. These technologies were however found not to be economically viable without external subsidies, and access to carbon markets at the considered carbon price of 7 EUR/ton of carbon would not change the situation significantly. Carbon markets could help the realization of the considered composting and anaerobic digestion systems only if the carbon price will rise above 75–84 EUR/t of carbon (respectively for anaerobic digestion and composting). Biochar production could achieve large climate benefits and, if approved as a land based climate mitigation mechanism in carbon markets, it would become economically viable at the lower carbon price of 30 EUR/t of carbon.  相似文献   

Concentrations of NO2, NO, and O3 from a rooftop monitoring station in Gothenburg, Sweden (2002–2006) were analysed to characterise NO2 pollution. [NO2] was shown to correlate strongly and non-linearly with [NO x ] (NO x ?=?NO?+?NO2), in line with observations in other cities. The [NO2] to [NO x ] fraction fell initially with increasing [NO x ]. At [NO x ] levels >200 ppb, the decline in [NO2]/[NO x ] with increasing [NO x ] levelled out and [NO2]/[NO x ] converged towards approximately 0.15–0.16, independent of [NO x ]. Data from a traffic route site showed the same pattern. This value of [NO2]/[NO x ] at high [NO x ] can be interpreted as the NO2 fraction of the NO x emissions from vehicle exhaust. Situations with high NO x pollution and minimum [NO2]/[NO x ] were always associated with [O3] close to zero. Plotting [Ox] (Ox?=?NO2?+?O3) vs. [NO x ] provided a strong linear correlation for situations dominated by local pollution ([NO]/[NO2]>1). The slope of the regression, a measure of the primary NO2 fraction in NO x emissions, was 0.13 during the day and 0.14 during the night. With stronger winds, the rooftop monitoring station became more similar, in terms of NO2 pollution, to a city street site and a traffic route site, although [NO2] was almost always higher at the street/traffic route locations. The EU standard for the annual average of [NO2] (40 μg m?3) was exceeded, while the hourly standard (200 μg m?3, not to be exceeded more than 18 times per year by 2010) was not exceeded at any of the sites.  相似文献   


The aggregate composed of cement clinker, an intermediate cement product, improves strength development and mass transfer resistance of concrete. Fly ash (FA) is a supplementary cementitious material that can be substituted by cement. This study investigated the strength development of highly FA-substituted mortar mixed with cement clinker fine aggregate (CL) and tested its inhibitory effect against the alkali–silica reaction (ASR). In addition to these, this study provides the testing results of evaluating the effects of using cement clinker fine aggregate on delayed ettringite formation (DEF), which can be problematic for precast concrete products. The study results revealed that at 91 days of age, in the case of 80% replacement ratio of fly ash to cement, using CL exhibited similar strength development as mortar with limestone fine aggregate and no FA substitution. Furthermore, mortars with 70% and 80% FA substitution did not exhibit clear ASR-induced expansion even at 182 days of age. Lastly, mortar using clinker fine aggregate could suppress DEF-induced expansion at 182 days of age, which was similar to the effect obtained using FA. These results can promote the utilization of CL resources for concrete and using clinker as fine aggregate in precast concrete products.


The present study includes synthesis of two γ-Al2O3 samples from waste aluminum cans using a simple precipitation method. Precipitation was carried out using two different precipitating agents (i.e. NaOH and NH4OH). The two prepared alumina samples were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and N2 adsorption–desorption techniques. Surface acidity of γ-Al2O3 samples was measured by adsorption of two different probe molecules (i.e. pyridine and dimethyl pyridine) followed by desorption measurements using thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques. Catalytic activity of the two prepared alumina samples towards the dehydration of methanol (to dimethyl ether) was studied in a fixed bed reactor at 300 °C. For comparison reasons, commercial γ-Al2O3 sample was, also, tested for the same catalytic reaction under the same conditions. Results showed that the alumina sample prepared using NaOH as a precipitating agent exhibited a better catalytic activity and stability compared with that prepared using NH4OH and showed a similar activity as the commercial γ-Al2O3 sample.  相似文献   

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