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Mountain protected landscapes continuously endure conflicts of appropriation that bear inherent transformations. One type of direct intervention is by Commercial Concessions within these areas, affecting their landscape value. The aim is to determine conceptual gaps in Environmental Impact Studies regarding landscape assessment and propose a way to improve them in this sense.Shortcomings regarding landscape are checked in different normative frameworks and tensions are analyzed through the case of a Commercial Concession grant within a Mountain Protected area in the South-Central Andes of Chile (38°22′S;71°35′W).Weak or absent definitions of landscape are found in normative frames and Environmental Impact guidelines. A reductionism of landscape as mere viewshed units avoids a proper differentiation for several types of economic transformations and conservation management purposes therein. Hence, transformations affecting the inherent value of landscape are latent under monitoring and legislation abiding practices.Tensions between protected areas and commercial concessions depend on landscape management strategies which are associated to capital gain uncertainties by risking the nonuse-value of landscape. This uncertainty as a natural insurance value can be integrated to conceptual analyses assessing landscape transformations and report their depreciation.These transformations of landscape value are deemed necessary to be implemented in Environmental Impact Assessment without having to discretize bipartite purposes in protected areas by assessing landscape value through conceptual and economic analyses.  相似文献   

The potential ecological risks associated with contaminants from 15 abandoned shrimp ponds in southern Thailand were assessed at the screening level. Shrimp ponds reported as out of production for more than 2 years were selected as sampling sites. The assessment endpoint was identified as the protection of aquatic life from hazard of multiple agents or stressors in water or sediment from the ponds. The measurement endpoints were amount of toxic phytoplankton species, Yellow Head Viruses, SEMB viruses, oxytetracycline, cadmium, copper, and manganese. Data from field measurements and laboratory analyses obtained primarily from April to June 2003 were used in the risk analysis. The results showed that insignificant amounts of stressors were present, except for the metals. So, only concentration values of the metals were used in the calculation of hazard quotients (HQ) for risk characterization. The highest potential ecological risk characterized by the highest HQ value observed for each metal was 19 for manganese, 4.3 for cadmium, and 1.8 for copper. These findings indicated a need for further ecological risk assessment at a more detailed level to focus on the bioavailability and effects of metals from abandoned shrimp farms, with manganese the highest priority.  相似文献   

Profiles of the bioaccessibility of soil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in different urban functional areas of Xiamen City, Fujian, China were investigated. A physiologically based in vitro test was used to evaluate the bioaccessibility of total and individual PAHs. There was no obvious correlation between total concentrations of PAHs and bioaccessibility during the gastrointestinal phase for the soils from different functional areas. Results showed that the bioaccessibility variation in the gastrointestinal phase (ranging from 14.6% to 63.2%) was significantly higher than that in the gastric phase (ranging from 4.9% to 21.8%). The bioaccessibility in the gastrointestinal phase was not only determined by soil organic materials but also directly related to physical and chemical properties of individual PAHs, except for two-ring PAHs. Increasing soil organic material content or decreasing ring numbers of PAHs could result in the decrease of PAH bioaccessibility. The total PAH bioaccessibility was largely contributed by individual PAHs with relatively high molecular weight.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations in deciduous tree leaves from urban areas in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accumulation of metals in deciduous tree foliage fromurban areas in western-south Poland was monitored duringthe vegetation season of 2000 year. Concentrations of Al,Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti and Znwere measured in birch, willow, linden and maple leavesusing the ICP-AES method. Seasonal variations of metalconcentrations and their relations with sampling sitewere investigated. The most dynamic accumulation of Al,Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb was observed for examined species. Thehighest differences in element concentrations forinvestigated sites were found for Ba, Cd, Mn and Ni.Interelement correlations were investigated. In allfoliar samples synergistic relationships between Al–Crand Ca-Sr were found. Statistically significant negativecorrelations were observed only for Cd and Ti in birch leaves.  相似文献   

Soil quality in urban areas is affected by anthropogenic activities, posing a risk to human health and ecosystems. Since the pseudo-total concentrations of potentially toxic elements may not reflect their potential risks, the study of element mobility is very important on a risk assessment basis. This study aims at characterising the distribution and major sources of 34 elements in two Portuguese urban areas (Lisbon and Viseu), with different geological characteristics, industrial and urban development processes. Furthermore, the potential availability of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn was assessed, by measuring the fraction easily mobilised. Lisbon is enriched in elements of geogenic and anthropogenic origin, whereas in the smaller city, the high levels observed are mainly related to a geogenic origin. Background values can be more relevant than the dimension of the city, even when anthropogenic components may be present, and this parameter should be considered when comparing results from different cities. Regarding the potential available fraction, a high variability of results was observed for elements and for sampling sites with an influence of the soil’s general characteristics. Elements showing very high concentrations due to geological reasons presented, in general, a low mobility and it was not dependent on the degree of contamination. For elements with major anthropogenic origin, only Zn was dependent on the pseudo-total content. Yet, the highest available fractions of some elements, both with major geogenic and anthropogenic origin, were observed in specific contaminated samples. Therefore, a site-specific evaluation in urban soils is important due to the high spatial variability and heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Aquatic pollution pose a serious challenge to the scientific community worldwide, since lakes or reservoirs find multifarious use and most often their water is used for drinking, bathing, irrigation, and aquaculture. Nine metals and several physicochemical parameters, from four sampling sites in a tropical lake receiving the discharges from a thermal power plant, a coal mine, and a chlor-alkali industry, were studied from 2004 to 2005. Pertaining to metal pollution, the site most polluted with heavy metals was Belwadah, i.e., waters and sediments had the highest concentration of all the metals examined. The reference site was characterized by the presence of low concentrations of metals in waters and sediments. Following the water quality monitoring, 2-month field phytoremediation experiments were conducted using large enclosures at the discharge point of different polluted sites of the lake. During field phytoremediation experiments using aquatic macrophytes, marked percentage reduction in metals concentrations were recorded. The percentage decrease for different metals was in the range of 25% to 67.90% at Belwadah (with Eichhornia crassipes and Lemna minor), 25% to 77.14% at Dongia nala (with E. crassipes, L. minor and Azolla pinnata), and 25% to 71.42% at Ash pond site of G.B. Pant Sagar (with L. minor and A. pinnata). Preliminary studies of polluted sites are useful for improved microcosm design and for the systematic extrapolation of information from experimental ecosystems to natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization has made many cities in China enter an era that increment and stock develop in parallel. Urban central area presents the characteristics of complex spatial structure and high functional complexity, resulting in the huge disaster risks and severe security issues of evacuation. This paper proposes a method of improving emergency evacuation effectiveness under the restriction of limited available land resources in high-density areas, which is combined with urban renewal planning, aiming at optimizing the layout of shelters and evacuation passageway by cyclic evacuation simulation, evaluation and optimization with Anylogic software and facility location tool based on ArcGIS. Taking the renewal planning of Jintang Road Area in Tianjin, a typical high-density urban area, as a case study. The results showed that: 1) The evacuation space system of Jintang Road Area exists potential danger that severe congestion occurred in the simulation process and the congested section spread outward with three shelters as the center. Which lasted for several hours. The rate of successful asylum in 5 min and 30 min was 13% and 34%; 2) The matching degree between spatial layout of emergency shelters and population distribution is low, which is reflected in the utilization rate of shelter: the rate of shelter No.1 is as high as 826%, while that of No 4 and No 5 is 48% and 11%, and also causes unreasonable distribution of people flow in evacuation passages during the evacuation process; 3) The research method of integrating simulation, facility location and renewal planning is an effective way to improve the effectiveness of pedestrian evacuation in high-density urban areas. After the improvement, the four indexes have been effectively improved.  相似文献   

Monitoring the effect of urban green areas on the heat island in Athens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of urban green areas in the microclimatic conditions of cities, during summer, is investigated in this paper through monitoring campaigns carried out at the National garden, at the city centre of Athens. Two types of investigations were carried out: i) a microscopic one that investigated the thermal conditions inside the Garden and the immediate surrounding urban area and ii) a macroscopic one that compared the temperature profile of the Garden with that of the greater city centre area. It was concluded that in microscopic level, the temperature profile inside the National Garden and the immediate surrounding urban area did not showed a clear evidence of the influence of the Garden and it was dependent on the characteristics of each location. In a macroscopic scale, the Garden was found cooler than the other monitored urban locations and temperature differences were mainly greater during the night, especially in streets with high building height to street width (H/W) ratio and low traffic, while in streets with high anthropogenic heat during the day, the biggest temperature differences were recorded during the day.  相似文献   

Determining the electromagnetic radiation levels in urban areas is a complicated task. Various approaches have been taken, including numerical simulations using different models of propagation, sampling campaigns to measure field values with which to validate theoretical models, and the formalism of spatial statistics. In the work, we present here that this latter technique was used to construct maps of electric field and its associated uncertainty from experimental data. For this purpose, a field meter and a broadband probe sensitive in the 100-kHz–3-GHz frequency range were used to take 1,020 measurements around buildings and along the perimeter of the area. The distance between sampling points was 5 m. The results were stored in a geographic information system to facilitate data handling and analysis, in particular, the application of the formalism of spatial statistical to the analysis of the distribution of the field levels over the study area. The spatial structure was analyzed using the variographic technique, with the field levels at non-sampled points being interpolated by kriging. The results indicated that, in the urban area analyzed in the present work, the linear density of sampling points could be reduced to a distance which coincides with the length of the blocks of buildings without the statistical parameters varying significantly and with the field level maps being reproduced qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative assessment of public perception of drinking water quality in two underprivileged urban areas in Lebanon and Jordan with nearly similar cultural and demographic characteristics. It compares the quality of bottled water to the quality of the drinking water supplied through the public network and examines the economic implications of bottled water consumption in the two study areas. Participants' perception of the quality of drinking water provided via the public network was generally negative, and bottled water was perceived to be of better quality in both areas, thus affecting drinking water preferences and consumption patterns. The results reveal that the quality of bottled water is questionable in areas that lack enforcement of water quality standards, thus adding to the burden of an already disadvantaged community. Both areas demonstrated a considerable cost incurred for purchasing bottled water in low income communities reaching up to 26 % of total income.  相似文献   

Previously it has been suggested that certain organic aerosol components of wood smoke have enhanced ultraviolet absorption at 370 nm relative to 880 nm in two-wavelength aethalometer measurements. This enhanced absorption could serve as an indicator of wood burning particles. Two-wavelength (370 nm and 880 nm) aethalometer measurements were made at urban sites in Rochester, New York and Laredo, Texas from August 1 to December 31, 2009 and from December 23, 2007 to January 2, 2008, respectively. In Rochester, Delta-C (UVBC(370 nm)- BC(880 nm)) values were higher by a factor of 3 during the night than during the day in November and December when residential wood burning was common. In Laredo, particularly high Delta-C values were observed on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve and were attributed to biomass burning and firework emissions. Exponential decay was found to be a good estimator for predicting BC concentrations at different wind speeds regardless of wind directions.  相似文献   

Leaves of the deciduous tree species, horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) and Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna L.) were used as accumulative biomonitors of trace metal pollution in the urban area of Belgrade. Using differential pulse anodic stripping voltametry, trace metal concentrations (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd) were determined at the single leaf level (ten leaves per species, per month), during two successive years with markedly different atmospheric level of trace metals. Increased trace metal concentrations in the leaves of A. hippocastanum reflected elevated atmospheric trace metal pollution, whereas C. colurna L. did not respond accordingly. The contents of Pb and Zn in soil over the same period also followed this trend. Anatomical analyses, in young as well as in old leaves of both species, indicated typical foliar injuries of plants exposed to stressful air conditions. Water relations that correspond to leaf age may have contributed to the considerable trace metal accumulation in leaves.  相似文献   

Carbaryl insecticide was applied by ground spray to plants in urban areas to control a serious insect pest the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata (Say), newly introduced inCalifornia. To assure there are no adverse impacts to human health and the environment from the carbaryl applications, carbaryl was monitored in tank mixtures, air, surface water, foliage and backyard fruits and vegetables.Results from the five urban areas – Porterville, Fresno, Rancho Cordova, Brentwood and Chico – showed there were no significanthuman exposures or impacts on the environment. Spray tank concentrations ranged from 0.1–0.32%. Carbaryl concentrationsin air ranged from none detected to 1.12 g m-3, well below the interim health screening level in air of 51.7 g m-3. There were three detections of carbaryl in surface water nearapplication sites: 0.125 ppb (parts per billion) from a water treatment basin; 6.94 ppb from a gold fish pond; and 1737 ppbin a rain runoff sample collected from a drain adjacent to a sprayed site. The foliar dislodgeable residues ranged from 1.54–7.12 g cm-2, comparable to levels reported forsafe reentry of 2.4 to 5.6 g cm-2 for citrus. Carbarylconcentrations in fruits and vegetables ranged from no detectableamounts to 7.56 ppm, which were below the U.S.EPA tolerance, allowable residue of 10 ppm.  相似文献   

根据国家环保局关于区域环境噪声环境划分的规定,提出了区域环境噪声标准定量化划分的模型,该模型综合了自然因素和噪声污染因素,模型在南通市区域环境噪声标准划分中得到了验证。  相似文献   

The implementation and maintenance of an air pollution monitoring program can be expensive and time consuming, especially when the aim is for long-term monitoring over a significant area. Consequently, it is essential that sites are optimized to provide the best representative cover while minimizing costs. In the past, there has been a tendency to locate sampling stations at pollution hot-spots. While this is acceptable for determining a maximum potential exposure or identifying the extent of a risk, there are limitations to this approach when assessing the potential impact of any future abatement strategies or determining the level of exposure outside the vicinity. This paper presents an approach in which representative air quality assessments can be undertaken for an urban area using the minimum number of measurement sites. A novel methodology is described that involves site selection to capture the maximum variance in measured pollutants, while minimizing spatiotemporal autocorrelation between the selected sites. A case study is presented for Yazd, Iran. Overall, the results show that the proposed methodology can be effective and enable the long-term monitoring of air pollution to be undertaken on a cost-effective basis in urban areas. In addition, there is the potential for the methodology to be utilized for other forms of pollution (e.g., water, soil, and noise).  相似文献   

A comparative study was undertaken at two different sites (one urban, one suburban) in Greater London in order to examine whether there was a relationship between publicly available air quality data and the public's perception of air quality. Perceptions of air quality and its role as a potential quality of life indicator was also investigated. A total of 200 people were interviewed in Wood Green and Wimbledon in 1999 and air quality data were obtained simultaneously from the nearest appropriate monitoring station. The study has enabled a comparison between the public's perception of air quality and the actual monitored concentration values. The survey results reveal how seriously the public regards air pollution from road traffic in terms of their quality of life and identifies the attitudes of the public to nuisance from road traffic. The results reveal that the public's perception of air quality is not a reliable indicator of the actual levels of air pollution in their area. The results also revealed that air pollution issues generated as a result of road traffic are of high importance in terms of people's quality of life when compared to other aspects of their quality of life. The study revealed that residents in the urban area (Wood Green) were more disturbed by road traffic than residents in the suburban area (Wimbledon). Out of all the disturbances listed, it was found that residents were more disturbed by vehicle-derived fumes, dust and dirt than other aspects of road traffic related nuisance. The TELETEXT/CEEFAX service on air quality was little used by the public as a means of obtaining information on air pollution.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven typical surface soils and 108 deeper soils were collected from five former industrial sites in Beijing and concentrations of total Hg (SigmaHg) as well as pH, total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur, and dissolved organic carbon concentrations determined. The mean concentration of SigmaHg in surface soils was significantly greater than background concentrations in the vicinity of Beijing. Forty-eight percent of the samples exceeded the "critical" concentration of 1.0 mg Hg/kg, dry weight in soils, which has been established by the Chinese government. At depths of 0-80 cm in the soil, profile concentrations of SigmaHg also exceeded the background value. There were significant correlations between concentrations of SigmaHg, TC, and TN in the industrial soils. The greater concentration of SigmaHg in most soils could have been due in part to combustion of coal and leakage from industrial processes.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made in this study to evaluate the groundwater quality in two industrial blocks of Ghaziabad district. Groundwater samples were collected from shallow wells, deep wells and hand pumps of two heavily industrialized blocks, namely Bulandshahar road industrial area and Meerut road industrial area in Ghaziabad district for assessing their suitability for various uses. Samples were collected from 30 sites in each block before and after monsoon. They were analyzed for a total of 23 elements, namely, Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, U, V, and Zn. In addition to these elements, some other parameters were also studied viz: color, odor, turbidity, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids and total suspended solid. The water quality index was also calculated based on some of the parameters estimated. Out of the 23 elements, the mean values of 12 elements, namely, Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cr, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, and U, were higher than the prescribed standard limits. The concentrations (in milligram per liter) of highly toxic metals viz., Al, As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Se, and U, ranged from 1.33–6.30, 0.04–0.54, 0.005–0.013, 4.51–7.09, 0.14–0.27, 0.13–0.32, 0.16–2.11, and 0.10–1.21, respectively, in all groundwater samples, while the permissible limits of these elements as per WHO/BIS standards for drinking are 0.2, 0.01, 0.003, 0.05, 0.07, 0.01, 0.04, and 0.03 mg L?1, respectively. The EC, pH, and COD in all samples varied from 0.74–4.21, 6.05–7.72, and 4.5–20.0 while their permissible limits are 0.7 dS m?1, 6.5–8.5, and 10 mg L?1, respectively. On the basis of the above-mentioned parameters, the water quality index of all groundwater samples ranged from 101 to 491, and 871 to 2904 with mean value of 265 and 1,174 based on two criteria, i.e., physico-chemical and metal contaminations, respectively while the prescribed safe limit for drinking is below 50. The results revealed that the groundwater in the two blocks is unfit for drinking as per WHO/BIS guidelines. The presence of elements like As, Se, and U in toxic amounts is a matter of serious concern.  相似文献   

Although the Ibirité reservoir (an urban tropical eutrophic reservoir) has been the recipient of the discharge of a large volume of raw urban sewage, the key cause of ecosystem degradation has been historically solely attributed to the discharge of effluents from an oil refinery. This fact motivated an investigation to unravel the compositions of contaminants in the sediments to evaluate their distributions, possible sources, and potential impacts on sediment–water quality. The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons and of metals and metalloids were, in general, significantly lower than some selected polluted sites used for comparison. Calculated distribution indexes showed that the hydrocarbon sources were petrogenic, pyrogenic, and biogenic. Only a few PAHs exceeded the threshold effects level (TEL) guideline. Industrial activities are the presumed sources of metals and metalloids except for copper, which is from copper sulfate used as algaecide in the reservoir. The bioavailable concentrations of some metal and metalloid exceeded the TEL–PEL guidelines. The acid volatile sulfide concentration was greater than that of the simultaneously extracted metals in the clayey–silty reservoir sediments, whereas the opposite result was observed for the sandy sediments of the tributaries. The sediment interstitial water toxic units were >1 for metals, thus indicating that metals are potentially toxic to the benthos. Considering the data set generated in this study, it can be concluded that the degradation of Ibirité reservoir and its tributaries cannot be solely attributed to the input of hydrocarbons, but predominantly to the discharge of raw urban sewage and effluents from other industrial sources.  相似文献   

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