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Environmental Chemistry Letters - In the context of climate change and the circular economy, there is an urgent need to develop biofuels and value-added chemicals from lignocellulosic waste such as...  相似文献   

The removal of corn stover or production of herbaceous crops such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) or big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) as feedstocks for bioenergy purposes has been shown to have significant benefits from an energy and climate change perspective. There is potential, however, to adversely impact water and soil quality, especially in the United States Corn Belt where stover removal predominantly occurs and possibly in other areas with herbaceous energy crops depending upon a number of geo-climatic and economic factors. The overall goal of this research was to provide a thorough and mechanistic understanding of the relationship between stover and herbaceous crop production management practices and resulting range of impacts on soil and water quality, with a focus on eastern Iowa, USA. Comparisons of the production of herbaceous bioenergy crops to continuous corn (Zea mays L.) and corn-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotations on five different soils representative of the region were performed. Indices for total nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) loss to surface water and groundwater, total soil loss due to water and wind erosion, and cumulative soil carbon loss were derived to assess long-term sustainability. The Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) agroecosystem model was used to quantify the sustainability indices and to generate sufficient data to provide a greater understanding of variables that affect water and soil quality than previously possible. The results clearly show the superiority of herbaceous crop production from a soil and water quality perspective. They also show, however, that compared to traditional cropping systems (e.g., corn-soybean rotations with conventional tillage), soil and water quality degradation can be reduced under certain conditions at the same time stover is removed.  相似文献   

施用生物炭对土壤微生物的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为生物质材料的热解产物,生物炭被认为是很有前景的环境污染治理与生态修复材料.多方面的研究说明,生物炭的多孔、大比表面积、丰富的官能团等性能,使其具有"锁定"碳,固定土壤污染物,改善土质等功能,从而从土壤物理化学的角度证实了生物炭在土壤污染治理与改良方面的作用,但至于生物炭对土壤微生物的影响及其长期效应尚处于起步阶段.本文总结分析了近年来国内外生物炭与土壤微生物相关的研究成果,得出生物炭能通过改变土壤资源储备(如可利用C、营养物质、水分等)、非生命成分(如p H、CEC等)等理化性质,加快土壤细菌和真菌的生长与繁殖,影响土壤微生物群落结构和功能.可见,生物炭土地利用的优点不容置疑,为了实现其规模化应用,生物炭的施用剂量、生物炭-微生物-污染物的作用机理等问题亟待深入地研究,生物炭对土壤微生物及养分循环的长期影响还有待于系统地展开.  相似文献   

Renewable algae biomass, Scenedesmus obliquus, was used as substrate for generating electricity in two chamber microbial fuel cells (MFCs). From polarization test, maximum power density with pretreated algal biomass was 102mW·m^2 (951mW·m^3) at current generation of 276mA·m^-2. The individual electrode potential as a function of current generation suggested that anodic oxidation process of algae substrate had limitation for high current generation in MFC. Total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) reduction of 74% was obtained when initial TCOD concentration was 534mg · L^-1 for 150 h of operation. The main organic compounds of algae oriented biomass were lactate and acetate, which were mainly used for electricity generation. Other byproducts such as propionate and butyrate were formed at a negligible amount. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) analysis pinpointed the charge transfer resistance (112Ω ) of anode electrode, and the exchange current density of anode electrode was 1214 nA·cm^-2.  相似文献   


The development and recycling of biomass production can partly solve issues of energy, climate change, population growth, food and feed shortages, and environmental pollution. For instance, the use of seaweeds as feedstocks can reduce our reliance on fossil fuel resources, ensure the synthesis of cost-effective and eco-friendly products and biofuels, and develop sustainable biorefinery processes. Nonetheless, seaweeds use in several biorefineries is still in the infancy stage compared to terrestrial plants-based lignocellulosic biomass. Therefore, here we review seaweed biorefineries with focus on seaweed production, economical benefits, and seaweed use as feedstock for anaerobic digestion, biochar, bioplastics, crop health, food, livestock feed, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Globally, seaweeds could sequester between 61 and 268 megatonnes of carbon per year, with an average of 173 megatonnes. Nearly 90% of carbon is sequestered by exporting biomass to deep water, while the remaining 10% is buried in coastal sediments. 500 gigatonnes of seaweeds could replace nearly 40% of the current soy protein production. Seaweeds contain valuable bioactive molecules that could be applied as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, anticancer, contraceptive, anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulants, and in other cosmetics and skincare products.



Traditional wastewater treatment has been aimed solely at sanitation by removing contaminants, yet actual issues of climate change and depletion of natural resources are calling for methods that both remove contaminants and convert waste into chemicals and fuels. In particular, biological treatments with synergic coupling of microalgae and bacteria appear promising to remove organic, inorganic, and pathogen contaminants and to generate biofuels. Here, we review the use of algae and bacteria in the treatment and valorization of wastewater with focus on cell-to-cell adhesion, wastewater properties, and techniques for algae harvesting and production of biodiesel, bioethanol, biohydrogen, exopolysaccarides, biofertilizers, and animal feeds.


New renewable fuels are urgently needed due to increasing fossil fuel pollution. Biodiesel, which contains alkyl esters produced by transesterification of oils, is an alternative fuel. Nevertheless, the main problem of biodiesel is its high price. Costs can be reduced by replacement of the current homogeneous catalysts by heterogeneous catalysts; however, research for new catalysts is actually slowed by lengthy analytical techniques. Here, we set up a simple and rapid analytical method using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) to monitor transesterification. Conversion of sunflower and recycled cooking oils to their corresponding methyl esters was easily measured using a linear correlation between the intensity of an infrared peak at 1,437 cm?1 and the percent conversion. The results obtained by infrared were validated by gas chromatography. We also studied the effect of 20 kHz ultrasonic irradiation on biodiesel synthesis. Using our FTIR method, we found that replacing mechanical stirring with an ultrasonic probe leads to quality biodiesel in 10 min for sunflower oil and 20 min for recycled cooking oil.  相似文献   

Increased future demands for food, fibre and fuels from biomass can only be met if the available land and water resources on a global scale are used and managed as efficiently as possible. The main routes for making the global agricultural system more productive are through intensification and technological change on currently used agricultural land, land expansion into currently non-agricultural areas, and international trade in agricultural commodities and processed goods. In order to analyse the trade-offs and synergies between these options, we present a global bio-economic modelling approach with a special focus on spatially explicit land and water constraints as well as technological change in agricultural production. For a global bioenergy demand scenario reaching 100 ExaJoule (EJ) until 2055 we derive a required rate of productivity increase on agricultural land between 1.2 and 1.4 percent per year under different land allocation options. A very high pressure for yield increase occurs in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, even without additional bioenergy demand. Moreover, we analyse the implicit values (shadow prices) of limited water resources. The shadow prices for bioenergy are provided as a metric for assessing the trade-offs between different land allocation options and as a link between the agricultural and energy sector.  相似文献   

Crops grown in metal-rich serpentine soils are vulnerable to phytotoxicity. In this study, Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) biomass and woody biochar were examined as amendments on heavy metal immobilization in a serpentine soil. Woody biochar was produced by slow pyrolysis of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) biomass at 300 and 500 °C. A pot experiment was conducted for 6 weeks with tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) at biochar application rates of 0, 22, 55 and 110 t ha?1. The CaCl2 and sequential extractions were adopted to assess metal bioavailability and fractionation. Six weeks after germination, plants cultivated on the control could not survive, while all the plants were grown normally on the soils amended with biochars. The most effective treatment for metal immobilization was BC500-110 as indicated by the immobilization efficiencies for Ni, Mn and Cr that were 68, 92 and 42 %, respectively, compared to the control. Biochar produced at 500 °C and at high application rates immobilized heavy metals significantly. Improvements in plant growth in biochar-amended soil were related to decreasing in metal toxicity as a consequence of metal immobilization through strong sorption due to high surface area and functional groups.  相似文献   

The perennially ice-covered, closed basin lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys respond rapidly to environmental changes, especially climate. For the past 15 years, the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-Term Ecological Research (MCM-LTER) program has monitored the physical, chemical and biological properties of the lakes in Taylor Valley. In order to better assess the physiochemical controls on the biological process within one of these lakes (Lake Hoare), we have used vertical profile data to estimate depth-dependent correlations between various lake properties. Our analyses reveal the following results. Primary production rates (PPR) are strongly correlated to light (PAR) at 12-15 m and to soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) at 8-22 m. Chlorophyll-a (CHL) is also positively correlated to PAR at 14 m and greater depths, and SRP from 15 m and greater. This preliminary statistical analysis supports previous observations that both PAR and SRP play significant roles in driving plant growth in Lake Hoare. The lack of a strong relationship between bacterial production (BP) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an intriguing result of the analysis.  相似文献   

● Fermentation broth facilitates N removal and energy yields in tertiary CW-MFC. ● Carbon sources are preferred for nitrogen removal over electricity generation. ● A mutual promotion relationship exists between acetic and humic acid in N removal. ● Humic acid boosts the abundances of functional genes relate to nitrogen metabolism. Constructed wetlands (CWs) are widely used as a tertiary treatment technology, and the addition of carbon sources can significantly improve advanced nitrogen removal. However, excessive carbon sources would lead to an increase in the effluent chemical oxygen demand in CWs, and microbial fuel cells (MFCs) can convert these into electricity. In this study, constructed wetland-microbial fuel cells (CW-MFCs) were built to achieve simultaneous nitrogen removal and electricity generation, using wetland plant litter fermentation broths as carbon sources. The total nitrogen removal in the groups with fermentation broth addition (FGs) reached 83.33%, which was 19.64% higher than that in the CG (group without fermentation broth), and the mean voltages in the FGs were at least 2.6 times higher than that of the CG. Furthermore, two main components of the fermentation broths, acetic acid (Ac) and humic acid (HA), were identified using a three-dimensional excitation emission matrix and gas chromatograph and added to CW-MFCs to explore the influence mechanism on the treatment performance. Denitrification and electrogenesis presented the same tendency: Ac&HA > Ac > CG’ (groups without Ac and HA). These results indicate that Ac and HA increased the abundance of functional genes associated with nitrogen metabolism and electron transfer. This study demonstrated that CW-MFC fermentation broth addition can be a potential strategy for the disposal of secondary effluent and bioelectricity generation.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of marine planktonic ciliates were determined at monthly intervals at two stations in Southampton Water between June 1986 and June 1987. The two stations, an outer one at Calshot and an inner one at N. W. Netley, were subject to differing marine and terrestrial influences. The potential ciliate production at cach station on each visit was estimated from these data. Enumeration of ciliates and measurements of biovolume were performed on Lugol's iodinepreserved samples and potential production was calculated using a predictive relationship based on temperature and cell volume. Heterotrophic ciliate abundance and biomass were greatest at both stations during spring and summer months, with respective maxima of 16x103 organisms 1-1 and 219 g Cl-1 recorded at N. W. Netley. Estimates of the potential production of the ciliate community ranged from <1 to 18 g Cl-1 d-1 at Calshot and <1 to 141 g Cl-1 at N. W. Netley, with annual values of 2 and 9 mg Cl-1 yr-1, respectively. Abundances, biomass and potential production estimates were generally greater at N. W. Netley than at Calshot. Carbon flow through the ciliate community was assessed using annual production values from both this study and the literature. The annual ciliate carbon requirement was equivalent to 9 and 11% of annual primary production at Calshot and N. W. Netley, and potential annual ciliate production was equivalent to 34% and >100% of the energy requirements of metazoan zooplankton at these locations, although comprising only 8 and 10% of their available food.  相似文献   

生物炭/铁复合材料(比如生物炭/纳米零价铁(nZVI),生物炭/硫化亚铁和生物炭/氧化铁),由于其优异的理化性质而被广泛应用于环境污染修复.本文首先总结了生物炭/铁复合材料的制备方法和表征手段,制备方法主要有热解法,水热碳化,沉淀和球磨法等.其次,通过综述生物炭/铁复合材料在有机污染和无机污染修复中的应用,阐明生物炭/铁复合材料的在环境修复中的应用机制以及复合材料中铁与生物炭的协同作用机理.总体而言,由于铁和生物炭之间的协同作用,提高了复合材料的比表面积,官能团和电子传递效率,从而增强生物炭/铁复合材料的性能.最后,提出了未来生物炭/铁复合材料的研究方向,进一步推动生物炭/铁复合材料在环境修复中的应用.  相似文献   

Biodiesel from non-grain feedstock has been considered as one of the proper substitutes for fossil fuels associated with a series of activities emerging in China in order to meet the resource shortage and develop the energy crops. This paper presents an ecological accounting framework based on embodied energy, emergy, and CO2 emission for the whole production chain of biodiesel made from Jatropha curcas L. (JCL) oil. The energy and materials invested in and CO2 emission from the whole process, including cropping, transportation, extraction, and production, are accounted and calculated. Also, EmCO2, the ratio of real CO2 released to the emergy-based sustainability indicator per joule biodiesel, is proposed in this paper to present a new goal function for low-carbon system optimization. Finally, the results are compared with those of the bioethanol (wheat) production in Henan Province, China, and bioethanol (corn) production in Italy in view of the indices of embodied energy, emergy and CO2 emissions and EmCO2.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Biodiesel is a sustainable alternative to petroleum diesel. The main bottlenecks in the commercialization of biodiesel are production costs and suitable industrial...  相似文献   

Monthly samples were collected in oceanic waters off Discovery Bay, Jamaica, in 60- and 200-m vertical hauls, using 200- and 64-m mesh plankton nets, from June 1989 to July 1991. Length-weight regressions were derived for twelve genera of copepods (R2=0.79 to 0.97). For eight occasions spanning the study period, biomass estimates generated from these length-weight regressions differed by only 3% from direct weight determinations. The mean ash content of copepods was 7.1%, and the energy density was 20.8 kJ g-1 ash-free dry weight (AFDW). Mean annual biomass of the total copepod community in the upper 60 m was 1.83 mg AFDW m-3 (range 1.14 to 2.89 mg AFDW m-3), and for the 200-m water column was 0.96 mg AFDW m-3 (range 0.12 to 1.99 mg AFDW m-3). Estimates of generation times for five common taxa ranged from 16.1 to 33.4 d. None of the taxa investigated displayed isochronal development; in general, stage duration increased in later copepodite stages. Weight increments showed a significant decrease in later copepodite stages, but with strong reversal of the trend from stage 5 to adult female in most species. Daily specific growth rates also declined in later copepodite stages, and ranged from 1.49 d-1 in stage 1–2 Paracalanus/Clausocalanus spp. to 0.04 in stage 5-female of Oithona plumifera. Progressive food limitation of somatic copepodite growth and egg production is postulated. Naupliar production was 50.4 to 59.5% of copepodite production, and egg production was 35.1 to 27.7% of copepodite production in the 60-and 200-m water columns, respectively. Total annual copepod production, including copepodites, nauplii, eggs and exuviae, was 160 kJ m-2 yr-1 for the upper 60 m and 304 kJ m-2 yr-1 for the upper 200 m. Secondary production of the copepod community in oceanic waters off Discovery Bay approaches 50% of the corresponding value in tropical neritic waters.  相似文献   

Heavy metal soil contamination is being given more and more attention due to increasing threats of heavy metals to soil quality, ecological function and human health. Biochar application is an effective way to remove toxic metals due to its high efficiency and low price. Electrostatic adsorption is the primary adsorption mechanism. The absorption ability and stability of biochar is the key to its adsorption performance. The extent of the restoration efficiency is dependent on many factors. The biomass, pyrolysis temperature and application rate affect the number of binding sites. The ageing process and soil properties significantly affect the biochar stability. For long-term purposes, biochar derived from woody residues and pyrolysed at high temperatures is the best available material. In addition, the application of alkaline and electronegative biochar to clay-rich, acidic and As- or Cr-contaminated soil should to be treated with caution.  相似文献   

The considerable compounds content, abundance, and low costs involved has led to the proposal to use sewage sludge as raw material for biodiesel production. The transesterification reaction is catalyzed using an acid catalyst instead of base catalysts because of the high free fatty acid concentration. However, the use of a base catalyst, particularly a solid base catalyst, has certain advantages, including faster reaction speed and easier separation. In this study, we utilize in situ transesterification by base catalyst (KOH, KOH/activated carbon (AC) and KOH/CaO) with sewage sludge as raw material. Many conditions have been tested to increase biodiesel yield through single-factor tests, including mass fraction and catalyst dosage. Preliminary experiments have optimized reaction time and temperature. However, the three catalysts did not work better than H2SO4, which had a maximum yield of 4.6% (dry sewage sludge base) considering the purity by KOH, KOH/CaO, and KOH/AC. The features of the catalyst were analyzed using XRD, BETand SEM. As to BETof KOH/AC and the good spiculate formation of KOH crystal appears to be essential to its function. As for KOH/CaO, the formation of K2O and absorption points is likely essential.

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Microalgae are photosynthetic cell factories of global interest for fuels, food, feed, bioproducts, carbon sequestration, waste mitigation, and environmental...  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the generation of hydroelectric power by the transfer of seawater to locations which are significantly below sea level (e.g., the Dead Sea in Israel and the Qatara depression in Egypt) combined with solar energy that via evaporation will perpetuate the hydroelectric power capacity. Two scenarios are depicted. The first focuses on optimal planning of the canal capacity and optimal use of its water to generate hydroelectric power while filling the basin to its steady-state level. The second includes the impact of solar pools as a new technology whose date of adoption is a random event. It is shown that the optimal flow of water through the canal depends on the relationship between optimal canal capacity and the rate of water evaporation in the basin. The optimal design of the canal can be considered a hybrid between depletion of a natural resouce (the height differences in filling up the basin) and use of a renewable resource (solar energy to evaporate the basin water). The optimal policy is shown to consist of sequential intervals, some of which may vanish under certain conditions: first, the operation of the canal at full capacity; then the gradual decrease of water flow at a rate equal to the elasticity of the marginal product of electricity generation times the sum of interest rate and the marginal evaporation rate; and, finally, the stabilization of the water flow at the rate of steady-state evaporation. The stochastic model with the introduction of solar pools technology treated as a random event is formulated as a two-stage maximization problem. It is shown that, in contrast to the scenario without solar pools, the canal may be operated underutilizing its capacity in the initial period. But even in this case, the quantity of water flowing through the canal is a nonincreasing monotonic function over time with a jump in the quantity of flow at the date the solar pools are introduced.  相似文献   

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