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对80个不同水体样品进行了环境雌激素检测,共有42个样品为阳性(阳性率52.5%),阳性样品主要来自于医疗废水、市政排污口、污水处理厂及与工业污染源废水,水源水中未检出。42个阳性样品检测值均超过EPA标准规定的壬基酚4 d平均浓度限值(6.6μg/L),其中12个样品检测值超过了该标准中规定的壬基酚小时平均浓度限值(28μg/L)。  相似文献   

为调查四川省地表水体中放射性物质铀(U)的含量,评价居民摄入地表水体中U导致的健康风险,在四川省主要地表水系中共设置23个监测断面,于2016—2021年检测了U的放射性水平,并根据健康风险评价模型对居民的健康风险进行评估。结果表明:四川省地表水体中U的质量浓度为0.16~3.6 μg/L,参照《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2022),均合格;不同年份、不同地表水体中U的放射性水平间的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同水期U的放射性水平间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。各年龄组通过饮水、水体浸没途径摄入U所致总年均待积有效剂量均<0.1mSv;对各年龄段居民的总致癌风险为4.18×10-9 ~2.24×10-8 ,均低于世界卫生组织(WHO)和国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)发布的最严格控制限值。全省主要地表水体中U对各年龄组都是安全的。  相似文献   

本文对小清河水体和沿岸地下水中的有机污染物进行了色-质联用分析,共检出有机污染物13类93种。并对其毒性效应进行了分析和评价。  相似文献   

以常州市典型城市黑臭水体神童浜为对象,采用小球藻和大型溞作为急性毒性测试手段,对整治前、后神童浜4个点位的上覆水和孔隙水的毒性效应进行了对比和评价。结果表明,整治后神童浜上覆水水质明显改善;上覆水在整治前、后对小球藻生长均无抑制作用,反而呈促进作用;对黑臭水体的整治降低了上覆水和孔隙水的生物毒性,但整治后的上覆水仍存在富营养化问题,且孔隙水对水生生物仍具有一定的毒性风险。提出,利用生物毒性测试能反映出黑臭水体整治前、后的毒性变化,可应用于对黑臭水体整治效果的评价。  相似文献   

针对均值污染指数评价方法在微污染水体环境质量评价上存在的缺陷,提出新的改进方法即活性污染指数法进行评价.根据吉林省白城市月亮湖水库2001~2005年监测结果,同时利用这两种方法进行评价,结果显示活性污染指数法评价白城市水库水质更客观和真实有效.  相似文献   

运用多元统计方法,对东江中游水质自动站(河源临江站和惠州剑潭站)2009-2012年水质监测数据进行时空分异特征及影响因素研究。结果表明:水站水质在Ⅰ类~Ⅲ类之间;空间特征差异为 T 与 TB 差异不显著,pH 值、EC、DO、IMn、NH3-N 及 TP均存在极显著差异;水期体征差异为河源临江站除 DO各水期差异显著外,其他指标差异不明显,惠州剑潭站 pH值、EC、IMn与 TP各水期均呈显著差异,NH3-N 水期差异不显著。Pearson 相关性分析表明,T 是制约河源临江站水体 DO的主要相关因子,营养盐作用相对较低;惠州剑潭站水体 DO 与 T、TP及 IMn呈极显著负相关关系。通过因子分析,识别出影响惠州剑潭水质的主因子,量化了水体理化性质、地表径流及人为污染对水质变化的贡献。  相似文献   

Using the Yellow River, China, the study explores the problem of the use of COD and BOD5 as water quality management parameters in the presence of very high levels of suspended sediment (TSS) that characterize this river. Although the amount of natural organic matter per unit of suspended sediment of the Yellow River is not high, the very high concentration of mineral sediment in the Yellow River results in a large concentration of organic matter, which artificially inflates the laboratory values of COD and, as a consequent, leads to greatly exaggerated reports of pollution of the Yellow River. BOD5 can more accurately reflect the pollution of the Yellow River than COD; however, measured values of BOD under-report the actual values due to settling of the sediment in the incubation chamber resulting in values that are 21.6--38.3% less than the actual values. Therefore corrections are required for laboratory COD and BOD values so that the values are not artifacts of the sediment regime. Our work provides new insight into this phenomenon and demonstrates how correction factors may be determined and used with pollution data. Our work also suggests that the actual pollution levels of the Yellow River are probably not as high as reported by monitoring agencies.  相似文献   

基于2008—2012年陕西省境内汉江、丹江干流14个断面的水质监测数据,采用单因子评价法、平均综合污染指数法和秩相关系数法等对该段水体的水质变化特征进行研究。结果表明,汉丹江(陕西段)断面水质以Ⅱ类、Ⅲ类为主,水质总体为优;水质综合污染状况呈下降趋势,其中汉江下降趋势显著;水质综合污染状况空间差异和区域分布特征明显,城区段污染大于郊区,各行政区段河流下游污染大于上游。流域水质主要受有机污染和营养盐因子影响,水体污染源主要来自城镇生活源和农业面源,工业源占比不大且排放行业较为集中。  相似文献   

In an effort to assess current and future water quality of the only perennial river in southeastern Botswana, this study presents water quality monitoring and modeling results for the effluent-dependent Notwane River. The water quality along the Notwane River, pre- and post-implementation of secondary wastewater treatment, was compared and results demonstrated that water quality improved after the new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) went online. However, stream standards for chemical oxygen demand, total dissolved phosphorous, and fecal coliform were exceeded in most locations and the critical dissolved oxygen (DO) reached concentrations of less than 4 mg L−1. High dissolved P concentrations and intense macrophyte growth at the impounding ponds and at sites within 30 km of the effluent waste stream confluence suggest that eutrophication was a function of P release from the ponds. Results of DO modeling demonstrated that an unpolluted inflow at approximately 10 km downstream of the confluence was responsible for raising DO concentrations by 2.3 mg L−1, while SOD was responsible for a decline in DO concentrations of 1.4 mg L−1 at 6 km downstream of the confluence. Simulations also showed higher DO concentrations during winter months, when water temperatures were lower. Simulations, in which the distributed biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) loading from cattle excrement was decreased, produced nominal increases in DO concentrations. An increase in WWTP BOD loadings to projected 2020 values resulted in a 1.3 mg L−1 decrease in the critical DO concentration. Furthermore, a decrease in treatment plant efficiency, from 94% to 70% BOD removal, produced critical DO concentrations and anoxia along much of the modeled reach. This has significant implications for Gaborone, especially if decreased WWTP efficiency occurs as a result of the expected future increase in pollutant loadings.  相似文献   

采用HPLC-MS/MS法监测长江南京段横断面水、水源水、出厂水中12种有机磷酸酯类化合物(OPEs)残留,考察其分布特征及自来水厂对其处理效果。结果表明:12种OPEs在采集的横断面水和水源水水样中8种被检出,自来水出厂水水样中除TEHP外其余11种OPEs均为检出,OPEs暴露于水源水与地表水程度相似;除TCPP、TDCP、TCEP浓度出现降低外,其余OPEs浓度水平均未出现明显的处理效果;生态风险评估显示长江南京段横断面水、水源水、出厂水主要检出物质OPEs的风险熵值均低于1,表明不具有环境生态高风险。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河水环境质量现状评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁玲  王国朝  张晨 《干旱环境监测》2010,24(4):226-230,244
采用单因子污染指数和综合污染指数相结合的方法,在2007年乌鲁木齐河4个监测断面水质监测点位上,对乌鲁木齐河进行水质分析,并分析了水污染防治存在的问题。结果表明:乌鲁木齐河跃进桥断面和英雄桥断面水质符合地表水源地一级保护区水域功能要求,供电公司桥断面和高家户桥断面水质能达到农业用水标准需求,且能实现Ⅳ类水域功能。有机污染物和营养盐类是跃进桥断面、英雄桥断面的主要污染物,供电公司桥断面和高家户桥断面水质主要受石油类等有机污染物影响。  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is the overall driver for this environmental study and currently requires the identification of patterns and sources of pollution (monitoring) to support objective ecological sound decision making and specific measures to enhance river water quality (modelling). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate in a case study the interrelationship between (1) hydrologic and water quality monitoring data for river basin characterization and (2) modelling applications to assess resources management alternatives. The study deals with monitoring assessment and modelling of river water quality data of the main stem Saale River and its principal tributaries. For a period of 6 years the data, which was sampled by Environmental Agencies of the German states of Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, was investigated to assess sources and indicators of pollution. In addition to the assessment a modelling exercise of the routing of different pollutants was carried out in the lower part of the test basin. The modelling is a tool to facilitate the evaluation of alternative measures to reduce contaminant loadings and improve ecological status of a water body as required by WFD. The transport of suspended solids, salts and heavy metals was modelled along a selected Saale reach under strong anthropogenic influence in terms of contaminants and river morphology between the city of Halle and the confluence with the Elbe River. The simulations were carried out with the model WASP5 which is a dynamic flood-routing and water quality model package developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

淮河干流在河南省境内总长417 km,随着区域经济的发展和人口的增长,淮河干流水环境质量形势不容乐观。根据水体扩散理论,建立了淮河干流水质预测相关模型,并进行了科学验证。对淮河干流河南段氨氮、化学需氧量衰减系数及富氧和耗氧系数4个项目开展现场试验及科学分析,为水资源保护规划中计算水体纳污能力、预测污染物浓度、制定污染物控制方案等提供坚实基础和技术支持。  相似文献   

针对如何将水环境监测感知与智能信息化手段运用到长江生态质量诊断与管理之中,梳理了国内外水环境监测与智慧化管理系统的发展情况,并以长江生态环境保护修复智慧决策平台为例,介绍了长江流域水环境监测网络建设情况,以及智慧决策平台在水环境数据可视化、水环境大数据分析、污染源大数据分析、水质模拟与预测、水质成因分析、流域生态安全评...  相似文献   

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