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运用树轮气候学方法,探讨天山东部不同海拔西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)径向生长与气候因素和气候生态指标的关系,并借助VS-oscilloscope模型对落叶松的生长季物候进行模拟研究.结果显示:(1)上限树木径向生长与3月降水呈显著正相关,与7、8月气温呈显著负相关(P 0.05),下限树木径向生长与8、9月气温呈显著负相关(P 0.05),与降水相关性不显著.(2)上下限树木生长与春季降水和夏季气温的相关性分别呈显著正相关和显著负相关(P 0.05),与湿润指数的相关性呈显著正相关(P 0.05).(3)VS-oscilloscope模型模拟结果显示:上下限落叶松平均每年生长季开始都提前了0.39 d,生长季结束都推迟了0.21 d,生长季长度都延长了0.60 d,上下限树木径向生长与生长季开始和结束的相关性分别是0.361(P 0.01)和0.318(P 0.05).(4)上下限树木生长季开始时间大多与气温呈负相关,而结束时间大多与气温呈正相关,降水对树木生长季物候的影响并不显著(P 0.05).本研究表明海拔差异明显影响树木径向生长对单月气候的响应,而对季节性气候因子和气候生态指数的响应影响不明显;温度对树木生长季物候的影响较为明显,且海拔差异不能影响温度对树木生长季物候的限制;本研究结果有助于更加深入地了解气候变化对森林生态系统的影响,可为天山地区气候因子重建提供一定生理背景支持.(图8表5参48)  相似文献   

植物物候对模拟CO2浓度和温度升高的响应研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以大气二氧化碳(CO2)浓度升高和全球变暖为主要特征的全球变化引起了各国政府和科学家的普遍关注.植物物候节律与气候等环境因子密切相关,已有大量研究表明,植物物候已经发生并正在发生着改变.植物物候与区域乃至全球气候变化之间存在密切关联,且其在全球碳循环中扮演着重要的角色.植物物候变化可能引起一系列生态效应.CO2浓度升高对植物物候的影响没有统一的规律,而温度升高一般加速植物物候过程,且在也同一功能群内,响应的方式有一定的趋同性,两者交互作用对植物物候影响的研究仍然匮乏.  相似文献   

海拔梯度上的植物生长与生理生态特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
环境是植物生存和发展的条件,在各种不同的生境中聚生着特定的植物种类.全球气候变化迅速而显著地改变着高海拔地区的生态环境,这必将导致山地植物生理生态适应性、分布界限等发生变化,这些变化反过来又会对气候变化造成深远影响.因此,研究山地植物的生理生态特性,揭示其对全球气候变化的响应和适应性,具有重要的现实与科学意义.海拔梯度由于包含了温度、湿度、光照等诸多环境因子的剧烈变化而成为了研究植物对全球气候变化响应的理想区域.随着海拔升高,气温下降、大气压及CO2分压降低、光强增加等,植物的生态和生理特征将产生巨大的变化,可能影响到植物种类在海拔梯度上的分布、植物群落的结构组成.一些亟待回答的问题包括:全球气候变化将如何影响高山植物的生长环境?环境变化如何影响植物生理生态适应性?植物群落的分布、结构和组成将发生哪些变化?这些变化又将怎么样影响气候进一步变化?众多的研究报导了树木的生理生态特征、生长速率和生产力等对海拔的响应.本文在总结前人研究的基础上,系统地综述了海拔梯度上温度、水分、光照、土壤等环境因子的差异对高山植物的生长及生理生态特性的影响,以及植被分布的变化,旨在阐明植物对全球气候变化的行为与生理生态响应,以期为该领域的深入研究提供参考.  相似文献   

综述了气候变化对物种的影响,表明气候变化会造成生物物候期的改变,导致物种地理分布的变化,增加物种的灭绝速率。分析了利用模型进行气候变化影响模拟的技术,指出模型的适用性和不确定性。最后,针对中国相关研究的不足,展望了未来开展气候变化影响研究的方向。  相似文献   

在人为活动干扰较为强烈的农林复合生态系统中,开展不同营林措施对林下层植物多样性和群落结构的影响研究,对于解决大尺度林下生境保护与小面积森林经营的矛盾问题具有重要的参考意义,也符合林区的现实需求。本研究针对东北国有林区的典型性和特殊性,于2013—2015年夏季调查了小兴安岭3种主要营林措施(割灌抚育、采伐和林下种植)对森林下层植物群落物种组成、结构特征、物种多样性及林下层生物量的影响。结果表明:草本层物种更容易受到人类管理活动的影响,其物种组成的变化大于灌木层的变化;3种经营措施都会降低灌草层盖度,种植样地灌草层高度和盖度下降最显著,相比对照组,其灌木和草本层盖度分别降了40%和54%;割灌时间越久,灌木层高度越高;3种经营措施均降低了物种多样性,其中种植作业的干扰最强烈,种植措施对灌木层的破坏高于草本层;生物量从高到低排序依次为2010年割灌样地、对照样地、采伐样地和种植样地,其值分别为2.1、2、1和0.4 kg?m~(-2)。本研究发现割灌抚育、采伐、林下种植等措施对森林下层植物组成、群落结构特征、物种多样性等方面均有不同程度的影响,整体而言,种植方式的干扰最为强烈。  相似文献   

量化局部因素对区域群落间物种组成差异的相对作用,对于理解吉林蛟河针阔混交林群落β多样性的响应机制具有重要意义.将区域群落尺度定义成由3个、5个或9个样方构成的3个梯度,并把全部木本植物划分为3个垂直层,计算不同林层下各区域群落的β多样性.采用回归模型和方差分解法分析地形和生物变量对不同区域群落β多样性的影响及相对贡献.结果表明:不同林层β多样性随着区域群落尺度的增大呈显著增大趋势(P <0.05),其中林下层变化范围为0.359-0.373,亚林层范围为0.502-0.514,林冠层范围为0.448-0.473;生物变量表征的林分结构属性对区域群落β多样性的影响最大,其解释比例总体上随区域群落尺度的增大而增大(林下层:0.27→0.40→0.33;亚林层:0.20→0.29→0.37;林冠层:0.16→0.21→0.27);不同林层中影响β多样性的生物因子种类不同,林下层和林冠层的决定性因素为物种丰富度,而亚林层的决定性因素为胸径变异系数;而地形因子对区域群落β多样性的解释量较低,其中海拔对林下层和林冠层具有显著的正向影响,坡度对亚林层具有显著的负向影响.本研究证实了区域群落尺度...  相似文献   

共有种反映毗邻生境节肢动物群落的相互作用程度及其潜在互作途径的多样性.通过对施用林丹烟剂后毛竹林冠层与林下层节肢动物的系统定位调查,分析和比较了林丹烟剂干扰下两个林层的节肢动物共有种及其多样性.结果表明,以未防治和白僵菌防治为对照,施用林丹烟剂显著减少了林冠和林下层的共有种及其个体数,降低了两个林层中共有种的多样性;在物种方面主要表现为蜘蛛目、膜翅目、鞘翅目、双翅目和鳞翅目共有种减少;在个体方面,林下层主要表现为蜘蛛目、膜翅目、鞘翅目和双翅目共有种个体减少,林冠层主要表现为蜘蛛目、鞘翅目和双翅目共有种个体减少.但无论在物种还是个体方面,林丹烟剂对捕食性共有种的影响均最大.进一步的灰色关联分析表明,引起共有种多样性下降的主要原因在于共有物种的减少.因此认为,林丹烟剂干扰削弱了林下和林冠层节肢动物之间的相互作用,不利于林下生境促进林冠层生物多样性和增强群落对叶部害虫自然控制作用等生态功能的发挥.图1表6参22  相似文献   

北方和温带森林生态系统的蒸腾耗水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北方和温带森林地处气候变化敏感的中高纬度地区,认识其蒸腾耗水过程的时卒动态及其控制因子是评价和预测森林在气候系统中作用的基础.本文综述了北方和温带森林蒸腾耗水的近期研究结果,从叶片、个体和林分3个尺度综合分析了树木蒸腾耗水的变异性及其影响因子,并探讨了其中的尺度转换问题.主要结论如下:尽管相同生活型树木的蒸腾耗水量变异性较大,但针叶树的平均蒸腾耗水量在叶片和个体尺度上显著低于阔叶树,而在林分尺度上针叶林和阔叶林之间差异不显著.3个尺度上的蒸腾作用均受太阳辐射、蒸汽压亏缺、土壤含水量等环境因子的影响,且存在因子间的交互作用,但主导控制因子因时空尺度而异.单株树木蒸腾量与胸径、边材面积和树高均呈显著正相关;林分日蒸腾量最大值与叶面积指数相关显著,而生长季日蒸腾量平均值则与年降水量和年均温呈正相关.这些蒸腾速率与生物环境因子之间的关系模型和不同空间尺度之间的联系是目前森林蒸腾过程尺度转换的基础.本文还讨论了该领域研究中存在的问题和研究热点.  相似文献   

近年来,植物物候已成为全球变化敏感而准确的综合指示器。深入研究区域气候变化对草原优势牧草生长发育的影响和监测草原生态环境变化,对指导当地农牧业生产、作物品种的生态学分类、自然区划或农业气候区划的指标,提供有力的基础理论支持。文章基于内蒙古西部荒漠化草原乌审召和锡林高勒两个牧业气象试验站1983—2009年优势牧草的物候期数据和同期气象数据,在分析年平均气温、年降水量和牧草物候期各指标线性趋势的基础上,研究了气候变化对内蒙古荒漠化草原优势牧草返青、开花与黄枯日期早晚的影响,结果表明:(1)1983—2007年内蒙古荒漠化草原区年平均气温升高明显,气候倾向率在0.34~0.57℃/10a之间,年降水量无显著变化,气候朝着暖干化方向发展。(2)受春季气温和降水的影响,27年间内蒙古荒漠化草原区供试草种中,除乌审召的碱茅返青呈现明显的延后趋势,平均每年延后0.6 d外,大部分牧草发育期呈提早趋势,幅度为0.1~0.6 d/a;研究期间,优势牧草的开花期总体呈提早趋势,其中锡林高勒的霸王和猫头刺开花提早最为显著,二者始花日期平均每年提前0.5 d和1.1 d;在夏末初秋气温和降水的综合影响下,内蒙古荒漠化草原区不同站点优势牧草的黄枯期变化差异明显,其中乌审召的优势牧草黄枯均表现为显著或极显著的延后趋势,幅度为0.6 d~0.8 d/a;而锡林高勒优势牧草的黄枯期则大部分表现为不显著的提前态势,究其原因,是由于锡林高勒站点在牧草黄枯前1~2个月气温升高和降水量减少所致。(3)虽然荒漠化草原区各草种物候期均有所变化,但整体上在气候变暖的背景下,所有供试植物生长季均不同程度的延长。  相似文献   

高山植物对全球气候变暖的响应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高山地区被认为是对全球气候变化最敏感的区域之一,气候变暖导致高山生境内生物与非生物环境因子发生不同程度的改变,从而引起高山植物从不同层面作出不同的变化或响应.综述了高山及亚高山高海拔生境内,植物从宏观生态系统层面到微观个体生理层面对全球气候变化进行响应的研究进展.植物由个体自身的生理及形态上产生不同响应,逐步经过"瀑布式上升效应(Cascade effects)",最后引起整个高山生态系统的转变.受局地差异性及物种差异性影响,生物多样性在不同高山地区呈现出或是增加或是减少的趋势;林线及植被向高纬度、高海拔地区扩张;植物间相互关系由协作转向中性乃至竞争;植物物候、繁殖、生物量生产、光合作用、年轮生长、营养结构等方面均呈现出不同的响应模式.这些从微观到宏观的不同响应模式,最终将引起高山生态系统在结构、功能上的改变,进而在很大范围上威胁到高山植物的生存与发展.最后提出该领域未来的研究重点.参147  相似文献   

Kudo G  Ida TY  Tani T 《Ecology》2008,89(2):321-331
Light availability in the understory of deciduous forests changes drastically within the growing season due to the foliage dynamics of canopy trees. Because flowering phenology, photosynthetic characteristics, and fruiting success respond to such strong seasonality in light availability, we hypothesized that understory plants in such ecosystems should describe distinct phenological groups or syndromes where "syndrome" is defined only as a set of characteristics that co-occur. To identify these phenological syndromes, we studied the flowering phenology, fruit or seed set, and photosynthetic characteristics for 18 perennial understory herbaceous species that differed in reproductive strategy over eight years in a deciduous forest in northern Japan. Three phenological groups emerged from this study: (1) spring bloomers, flowering and fruiting before the completion of canopy closure; (2) early-summer bloomers, flowering during the progress of canopy closure and fruiting after canopy closure; and (3) late-summer bloomers, flowering and fruiting after canopy closure. The spring bloomers had high photosynthetic rates and high fruiting abilities, but the flowering time varied considerably among years due to yearly fluctuations of snowmelt date. Bumble bee-pollinated species of spring bloomers showed variable seed-set success, while fly-pollinated species showed relatively stable seed sets over the years. The early-summer bloomers showed low fruiting abilities irrespective of pollination success, reflecting severe resource limitation with decelerating light availability during fruit development. Although the late-summer bloomers showed low photosynthetic rates under low-light conditions, high fruit-set success was attained if pollination was sufficient. These results support our hypothesis that phenological syndromes may be found in deciduous forest understory plants. Given that reproductive success of bee-pollinated spring bloomers is highly susceptible to seasonal fluctuation, climate change may have its strongest impacts on this group.  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite many studies on fragmentation of tropical forests, the extent to which plant and animal communities are altered in small, isolated forest fragments remains obscure if not controversial. We examined the hypothesis that fragmentation alters the relative abundance of tree species with different vegetative and reproductive traits. In a fragmented landscape (670 km2) of the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil, we categorized 4056 trees of 182 species by leafing pattern, reproductive phenology, and morphology of seeds and fruit. We calculated relative abundance of traits in 50 1‐ha plots in three types of forest configurations: forest edges, small forest fragments (3.4–83.6 ha), and interior of the largest forest fragment (3500 ha, old growth). Although evergreen species were the most abundant across all configurations, forest edges and small fragments had more deciduous and semideciduous species than interior forest. Edges lacked supra‐annual flowering and fruiting species and had more species and stems with drupes and small seeds than small forest fragments and forest interior areas. In an ordination of species similarity and life‐history traits, the three types of configurations formed clearly segregated clusters. Furthermore, the differences in the taxonomic and functional (i.e., trait‐based) composition of tree assemblages we documented were driven primarily by the higher abundance of pioneer species in the forest edge and small forest fragments. Our work provides strong evidence that long‐term transitions in phenology and seed and fruit morphology of tree functional groups are occurring in fragmented tropical forests. Our results also suggest that edge‐induced shifts in tree assemblages of tropical forests can be larger than previously documented.  相似文献   

川西高山森林生态系统林下生物量及其随林窗的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为森林生态系统的重要组成部分,林下植被及其残体的分布受到林冠层的影响,但迄今有关林窗对林下植被和残体生物量的影响尚无研究报道.于2013 年8 月2 日至20 日,以海拔3 600 m 的川西岷江冷杉原始林林下植被为研究对象,根据区域内的坡向和林分组成等因素设置3 个100 m×100 m 的典型样地,调查其生物量及其随林窗的变化特征.在每个样地内选择3 个大林窗,在林窗、林缘和林下分别设置3 个20 m×20 m 的样方,调查粗木质残体长度或高度、大小头直径、枯立木记录胸径、腐烂等级等;在林窗、林缘和林下分别设置3 个5 m×5 m 的样方,采用“收获法”收集样方内直径在2.5-10 cm之间的细木质残体和灌木生物量;在林窗、林缘和林下分别设置3 个1 m×1 m 的样方来调查凋落物储量和草本生物量;在1m×1 m 的样方内随机选择1 个20 cm×20 cm 的小样方来调查地被植物生物量.结果表明,(1)川西高山森林生态系统总生物量为72.75 t·hm^-2,其中林下生物量为67.92 t·hm^-2,占生态系统生物量的95.17%.活体植被以灌木为主,其生物量为9.81t·hm^-2;残体部分以粗木质残体为主,其储量为53.00 t·hm^-2;(2)林窗对灌木、草本、地被植物的影响各不相同,且不同物种的灌木生物量表现出不同的分布规律;草本生物量表现出明显的“边缘效应”,在林缘显著高于林下;林窗和林缘的地被植物生物量相对较低;(3)粗木质残体储量从林下到林窗呈现减小的趋势,但总体储量仍然较大,林窗和林缘的细木质残体储量高于林下.这些结果为认识高山森林生态系统林下生物量及其格局,以及林窗在森林生态系统的重要作用提供了基础理论依据.  相似文献   

Canham CD  Thomas RQ 《Ecology》2010,91(12):3433-3440
There have been many attempts to model the impacts of climate change on the distributions of temperate tree species, but empirical analyses of the effects of climate on the distribution and abundance of tree species have lagged far behind the models. Here, we used forest inventory data to characterize variation in adult tree abundance along climate gradients for the 24 most common tree species in the northeastern United States. The two components of our measure of species abundance--local frequency vs. relative abundance--showed dramatically different patterns of variation along gradients of mean annual temperature and precipitation. Local frequency (i.e., the percentage of plots in a given climate in which a species occurred) varied strongly for all 24 species, particularly as a function of temperature. Relative abundance when present in a plot, on the other hand, was effectively constant for most species right up to their estimated climatic range limits. Although the range limits for both temperature and precipitation were quite broad for all of the species, the range of climates within which a species was common (i.e., high frequency) was much narrower. Because frequency in sites within a given climate shows a strong sensitivity to temperature, at least, this suggests that the processes determining canopy tree recruitment on new sites also vary strongly with climate.  相似文献   

Inouye DW 《Ecology》2008,89(2):353-362
The timing of life history traits is central to lifetime fitness and nowhere is this more evident or well studied as in the phenology of flowering in governing plant reproductive success. Recent changes in the timing of environmental events attributable to climate change, such as the date of snowmelt at high altitudes, which initiates the growing season, have had important repercussions for some common perennial herbaceous wildflower species. The phenology of flowering at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (Colorado, USA) is strongly influenced by date of snowmelt, which makes this site ideal for examining phenological responses to climate change. Flower buds of Delphinium barbeyi, Erigeron speciosus, and Helianthella quinquenervis are sensitive to frost, and the earlier beginning of the growing season in recent years has exposed them to more frequent mid-June frost kills. From 1992 to 1998, on average 36.1% of Helianthella buds were frosted, but for 1999-2006 the mean is 73.9%; in only one year since 1998 have plants escaped all frost damage. For all three of these perennial species, there is a significant relationship between the date of snowmelt and the abundance of flowering that summer. Greater snowpack results in later snowmelt, later beginning of the growing season, and less frost mortality of buds. Microhabitat differences in snow accumulation, snowmelt patterns, and cold air drainage during frost events can be significant; an elevation difference of only 12 m between two plots resulted in a temperature difference of almost 2 degrees C in 2006 and a difference of 37% in frost damage to buds. The loss of flowers and therefore seeds can reduce recruitment in these plant populations, and affect pollinators, herbivores, and seed predators that previously relied on them. Other plant species in this environment are similarly susceptible to frost damage so the negative effects for recruitment and for consumers dependent on flowers and seeds could be widespread. These findings point out the paradox of increased frost damage in the face of global warming, provide important insights into the adaptive significance of phenology, and have general implications for flowering plants throughout the region and anywhere climate change is having similar impacts.  相似文献   

Climatic warming is associated with organisms breeding earlier in the season than is typical for their species. In some species, however, response to warming is more complex than a simple advance in the timing of all life history events preceding reproduction. Disparities in the extent to which different components of the reproductive phenology of organisms vary with climatic warming indicate that not all life history events are equally responsive to environmental variation. Here, we propose that our understanding of phenological response to climate change can be improved by considering entire sequences of events comprising the aggregate life histories of organisms preceding reproduction. We present results of a two-year warming experiment conducted on 33 individuals of three plant species inhabiting a low-arctic site. Analysis of phenological sequences of three key events for each species revealed how the aggregate life histories preceding reproduction responded to warming, and which individual events exerted the greatest influence on aggregate life history variation. For alpine chickweed (Cerastium alpinum), warming elicited a shortening of the duration of the emergence stage by 2.5 days on average, but the aggregate life history did not differ between warmed and ambient plots. For gray willow (Salix glauca), however, all phenological events monitored occurred earlier on warmed than on ambient plots, and warming reduced the aggregate life history of this species by 22 days on average. Similarly, in dwarf birch (Betula nana), warming advanced flower bud set, blooming, and fruit set and reduced the aggregate life history by 27 days on average. Our approach provides important insight into life history responses of many organisms to climate change and other forms of environmental variation. Such insight may be compromised by considering changes in individual phenological events in isolation.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The study focused on the so-called dark coniferous forest belt on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, at an altitude of 1100 to 1700 m. Forty tree species, 50 shrub species and 165 herb species were recorded in a series of transects. The main impact factors on forest diversity and proposals for sustainable management of this diversity were studied using an altitude and area gradient pattern method. The results showed that the diversity of dark coniferous forest gradually decreased from lower to upper altitude; while the importance value of key species increased. The methodology used to assess attributes for conservation of dark coniferous forest diversity involved measurement of individual trees, number of species, age structure, stand structure, diameter at breast height (DBH), and cumulative wood storage. Different conservation strategies have been developed and are discussed for different parts of the forest.  相似文献   

在群落调查的基础上,分析了古田山自然保护区常绿阔叶林的群落类型和群落物种多样性特征.结果表明:古田山自然保护区常绿阔叶林主要有6种类型(群系),即甜槠林、栲树林、野含笑-钩栗林、青冈林、虎皮楠-甜槠林、乌冈栎-青冈林,并对各群落类型的结构和物种组成进行了描述.从各群落的外貌、结构和种类组成上看,均具有我国典型常绿阔叶林的基本特征.不同群落类型其物种多样性大小不同,栲树林和野含笑-钩栗林物种多样性较高,虎皮楠-甜槠林和乌冈栎-青冈林物种多样性较低.在群落垂直结构中,灌木层→乔木层→草本层物种多样性依次降低,乔木层与灌木层之间物种多样性差异不显著,草本层的物种丰富度、物种多样性指数均明显小于乔木层和灌木层.与邻近4个山地常绿阔叶林物种多样性相比较,古田山常绿阔叶林物种多样性比纬度位置高的黄山和大别山要大,但比纬度位置低的乌岩岭和缙云山小.  相似文献   

Rafferty NE  Ives AR 《Ecology》2012,93(4):803-814
The earlier flowering times exhibited by many plant species are a conspicuous sign of climate change. Altered phenologies have caused concern that species could suffer population declines if they flower at times when effective pollinators are unavailable. For two perennial wildflowers, Tradescantia ohiensis and Asclepias incarnata, we used an experimental approach to explore how changing phenology affects the taxonomic composition of the pollinator assemblage and the effectiveness of individual pollinator taxa. After finding in the previous year that fruit set varied with flowering time, we manipulated flowering onset in greenhouses, placed plants in the field over the span of five weeks, and measured pollinator effectiveness as the number of seeds produced after a single visit to a flower. The average effectiveness of pollinators and the expected rates of pollination success were lower for plants of both species flowering earlier than for plants flowering at historical times, suggesting there could be reproductive costs to earlier flowering. Whereas for A. incarnata, differences in average seed set among weeks were due primarily to changes in the composition of the pollinator assemblage, the differences for T. ohiensis were driven by the combined effects of compositional changes and increases over time in the effectiveness of some pollinator taxa. Both species face the possibility of temporal mismatch between the availability of the most effective pollinators and the onset of flowering, and changes in the effectiveness of individual pollinator taxa through time may add an unexpected element to the reproductive consequences of such mismatches.  相似文献   

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