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The use of mechanical monitors and passive samplers has made it possible to assess concentrations of ozone over wide areas and to develop air quality standards, like AOT40 and SUM60. Monitored ozone data and AOT40 and SUM60 are also used to predict ozone injury on local and regional scales. The data and the standards do not include or account for environmental and biological variables that affect ozone uptake and plant injury. Ground proofing via vegetation surveys must be done to verify and validate plant injury predictions. If this is not done, then the standards have no biological significance and are only exercises in air quality assessment.  相似文献   

Ozone fumigations that mimic ambient ozone distributions facilitate the development of links between
  • 1.(1) vegetative effects results that are generated in the laboratory and the field and
  • 2.(2) predictive effects models that depend upon ambient air quality data.
Experimental exposure profiles were constructed from a readily available ambient air quality data base (i.e. EPA SAROAD). Air quality data from selected monitoring sites were characterized over the 5-month growing season by identifying
  • 1.(a) the number of occurrences of hourly ozone concentrations equal to or above 0.07 ppm,
  • 2.(b) the number of days of each episode,
  • 3.(c) the number of days between episodes and
  • 4.(d) the rate of rise and decline of the daily ozone concentrations.
An episodic profile was constructed incorporating the information into a representative 30-day ozone exposure pattern in which the concentration was changed on an hourly basis. In order to compare treatments having equivalent exposures (sum of hourly ozone concentrations equal to or above a minimum value) but dissimilar temporal distributions of hourly concentrations, a second profile was created. This profile was characterized by a repeated daily incremental rise and decline in ozone concentration that had the same hourly maximum concentration each day. The use of experimental exposure profiles mimicking ambient air quality characteristics and applied under controlled experimental conditions permits the examination of important exposure parameters on plant response.  相似文献   

This paper provides results of ozone flux density measurements above a permanent grassland ecosystem as they relate to an establishment of air quality guidelines or standards. Using a resistance analogue, the product of zone concentration measured at a standard measurement height and the conductivity of the atmosphere reflect the maximum possible ozone flux density towards the envelope of the plants. In other words, this product can be regarded as the ozone exposure potential of the atmosphere for plants. It could be shown that ozone concentrations between 100 and 180 microg m(-3) are likely to have a great phytotoxic potential and are more important than concentrations greater than 180 microg m(-3). From the results presented one can deduce that the application of dose-response relationships based on chamber experiments to ambient conditions results in an overestimation of, for example, yield loses. Any guideline or standard has to take into account the influence of the atmospheric conductivity on the absorbed dose of ozone.  相似文献   

Bioindicator plants for ambient ozone in Central and Eastern Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sixteen species of native detector plants for ambient ozone have been identified for use in Central and Eastern Europe. They include the forbs Alchemilla sp., Astrantia major, Centuarea nigra, Centauria scabiosa, Impatiens parviflora, Lapsana communis, Rumex acetosa and Senecio subalpinus; the shrubs Corylus avellana, Cornus sanguinea and Sambucus racemosa; the trees Alnus incana, Pinus cembra and Sorbus aucuparia; and the vines Humulus lupulus and Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Sensitivity to ozone and symptoms have been verified under controlled exposure conditions. Under these conditions, symptom incidence, intensity and appearance often changed with time after removal from exposure chambers. Ozone sensitivity for four species: Astrantia major, Centuarea nigra, C. scabiosa and Humulus lupulus are reported here for the first time. The other 12 species have also been confirmed by others in Western Europe. It is recommended that these detector bioindicator species be used in conjunction with ozone monitors and passive samplers so that injury symptoms incidence can be used to give biological significance to monitored ambient ozone data.  相似文献   

Distributed power generation-electricity generation that is produced by many small stationary power generators distributed throughout an urban air basin-has the potential to supply a significant portion of electricity in future years. As a result, distributed generation may lead to increased pollutant emissions within an urban air basin, which could adversely affect air quality. However, the use of combined heating and power with distributed generation may reduce the energy consumption for space heating and air conditioning, resulting in a net decrease of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. This work used a systematic approach based on land-use geographical information system data to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of distributed generation emissions in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin of California and simulated the potential air quality impacts using state-of-the-art three-dimensional computer models. The evaluation of the potential market penetration of distributed generation focuses on the year 2023. In general, the air quality impacts of distributed generation were found to be small due to the restrictive 2007 California Air Resources Board air emission standards applied to all distributed generation units and due to the use of combined heating and power. Results suggest that if distributed generation units were allowed to emit at the current Best Available Control Technology standards (which are less restrictive than the 2007 California Air Resources Board standards), air quality impacts of distributed generation could compromise compliance with the federal 8-hr average ozone standard in the region.  相似文献   

The EPA proposed regulations for municipal waste combustors (MWCs) on December 20, 1989. The regulations include (1) performance standards under Section 111(b) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) for new, modified, or reconstructed MWCs and (2) draft emission guidelines and compliance schedules for the states to use to develop control requirements from existing MWCs under Section 111(d). This paper will outline the proposed air emission standards and guidelines, as well as the basis for the prescribed emission limits. The schedule for the remainder of the regulations development will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis was performed using selected sets of combined data from the US National Crop Loss Assessment Network and the European Open-Top Chambers Programme to examine the relationships between the occurrences of hourly ambient ozone (O3) concentrations and adverse crop yield responses. The results suggest that the frequency of occurrences of relatively low hourly O3 concentrations ( approximately <35 ppb) are not as important as moderate to higher concentrations in eliciting negative crop biomass responses. They also suggest that daily peak (highest) hourly O3 values ( approximately >90 ppb) may not be as critical, most likely because they frequently do not occur during time periods when conditions that promote atmospheric conductivity (O3 deposition) and plant uptake (O3 absorption) are in coherence.  相似文献   

Three modeling approaches, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) zero-out, the Comprehensive Air quality Model with extensions (CAMx) zero-out, and the CAMx probing tools ozone source apportionment tool (OSAT), were used to project the contributions of various source categories to future year design values for summer 8-hr average ozone concentrations at selected U.S. monitors. The CMAQ and CAMx zero-out or brute-force approaches predicted generally similar contributions for most of the source categories, with some small differences. One of the important findings from this study was that both the CMAQ and CAMx zero-out approaches tended to apportion a larger contribution to the “other” category than the OSAT approach. For the OSAT approach, this category is the difference between the total emissions and the sum of the tracked emissions and consists of non-U.S. emissions. For the zero-out approach, it also includes the effects of nonlinearities in the system because the sum of the sensitivities of all sources is not necessarily equal to the sum of their contributions in a nonperturbed environment. The study illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of source apportionment approaches, such as OSAT, and source sensitivity approaches, such as zero-out. The OSAT approach is suitable for studying source contributions, whereas the zero-out approach is suitable for studying response to emission changes. Future year design values of summer 8-hr average ozone concentrations were projected to decrease at all the selected monitors for all the simulations in each city, except at the downtown Los Angeles monitor. Both the CMAQ and CAMx results showed all modeled locations project attainment in 2018 and 2030 to the current National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) level of 75 ppb, except the selected Los Angeles monitor in 2018 and the selected San Bernardino monitor in 2018 and 2030.
Implications:This study illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of three modeling approaches, CMAQ zero-out, CAMx zero-out, and OSAT to project contributions of various source categories to future year design values for summer 8-hr average ozone concentrations at selected U.S. monitors. The OSAT approach is suitable for studying source contributions, whereas the zero-out approach is suitable for studying response to emission changes. Future year design values of summer 8-hr average ozone concentrations were projected to decrease, except at the downtown Los Angeles monitor. Comparing projections with the current NAAQS (75 ppb) show attainment everywhere, except two locations in 2018 and one location in 2030.  相似文献   

A multi-variate, non-linear statistical model is described to simulate passive O3 sampler data to mimic the hourly frequency distributions of continuous measurements using climatologic O3 indicators and passive sampler measurements. The main meteorological parameters identified by the model were, air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and wind speed, although other parameters were also considered. Together, air temperature, relative humidity and passive sampler data by themselves could explain 62.5-67.5% (R(2)) of the corresponding variability of the continuously measured O3 data. The final correlation coefficients (r) between the predicted hourly O3 concentrations from the passive sampler data and the true, continuous measurements were 0.819-0.854, with an accuracy of 92-94% for the predictive capability. With the addition of soil moisture data, the model can lead to the first order approximation of atmospheric O3 flux and plant stomatal uptake. Additionally, if such data are coupled to multi-point plant response measurements, meaningful cause-effect relationships can be derived in the future.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine if ozone produced similar effects on spring wheat growth with and without small amounts of nitrogen oxides. Two methods were used to produce ozone: the first method consisted of dry pressurized air fed to an electric discharge generator generating the byproducts, N2O5 and N2O, the second method consisted of ambient air fed to UV-lamps. Two spring wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L. cvs Minaret and Eridano) were exposed in small open-top chambers to charcoal-filtered air, non-filtered ambient air, and non-filtered ambient air with the addition of ozone for 8 h (0900 to 1700 h) daily, for five weeks. Plants were harvested every week. The growth of Minaret was shown to be more sensitive to O3 than that of Eridano. Leaf senescence increased with increasing ozone level in both cultivars. The total above-ground biomass dry weight decreased with increasing ozone concentration in Minaret, but not in Eridano. The Minaret plants reacted with more damaged leaf dry weight and inhibition of growth when O3 was produced by UV-lamps than when O3 was produced by air fed to an electric discharge generator. This could be explained by more nitrogen content per plant but not by increased nitrogen concentration in plant tissue in plants exposed to increased O3 and small amounts of incidental nitrogen oxides.  相似文献   

Human societies derive economic benefit from marine systems, yet these benefits may be modified as humans drive environmental change. Here, we conducted the first systematic review of literature on the potential economic effects of ocean acidification. We identified that while there is a growing literature discussing this topic, assessments of the direction and magnitude of anticipated economic change remain limited. The few assessments which have been conducted indicate largely negative economic effects of ocean acidification. Insights are, however, limited as the scope of the studies remains restricted. We propose that understanding of this topic will benefit from using standard approaches (e.g. timescales and emissions scenarios) to consider an increasing range of species/habitats and ecosystem services over a range of spatial scales. The resulting understanding could inform decisions such that we maintain, or enhance, economic services obtained from future marine environments.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a marked increase in the amount of ambient air quality data collected near Marcellus Shale oil and gas development (OGD) sites. We integrated air measurement data from over 30 datasets totaling approximately 200 sampling locations nearby to Marcellus Shale development sites, focusing on 11 air pollutants that can be associated with OGD operations: fine particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), acetaldehyde, benzene, ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, n-hexane, toluene, xylenes, and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). We evaluated these data to determine whether there is evidence of community-level air quality impacts of potential health concern, making screening-level comparisons of air monitoring data with acute and chronic health-based air comparison values (HBACVs). Based on the available air monitoring data, we found that only a small fraction of measurements exceeded HBACVs, which is similar to findings from integrative air quality assessments for other shale gas plays. Therefore, the data indicate that air pollutant levels within the Marcellus Shale development region typically are below HBACV exceedance levels; however, the sporadic HBACV exceedances warrant further investigation to determine whether they may be related to specific site characteristics, or certain operations or sources. Like any air monitoring dataset, there is uncertainty as to how well the available Marcellus Shale air monitoring data characterize the range of potential exposures for people living nearby to OGD sites. Given the lesser amounts of air monitoring data available for locations within 1,000 feet of OGD sites as compared to locations between 0.2 and 1 miles, the presence of potential concentration hotspots cannot be ruled out. Additional air monitoring data, in particular more real-time data to further characterize short-term peak concentrations associated with episodic events, are needed to provide for more refined assessments of potential health risks from Marcellus Shale development.

Implications: While there is now a sizable amount of ambient air monitoring data collected nearby to OGD activities in the Marcellus Shale region, these data are currently scattered among different databases and studies. As part of an integrative assessment of Marcellus Shale air quality impacts, ambient air data are compiled for a subset of criteria air pollutants and hazardous air pollutants that have been associated with OGD activities, and compared to acute and chronic health-based air comparison values to help assess the air-related public health impacts of Marcellus Shale development.  相似文献   

The results of Ott and Mage (1981) for CO indicate that random sampling yields accurate estimates of the mean and standard deviation. This paper examines the estimates for a cumulative frequency distribution using four different types of data set: (1) continuous monitoring throughout the year, (2) continuous monitoring one week out of every four, (3) random sampling at any time and (4) random sampling only on weekdays between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Data sets for O3, NO2 and TSP are used. The results show that random sampling should only be used when there is no restriction on the time of sampling and that option (2) yields very good results indicating a cost-effective way of recording results.  相似文献   

Forests in Europe face significant changes in climate, which in interaction with air quality changes, may significantly affect forest productivity, stand composition and carbon sequestration in both vegetation and soils. Identified knowledge gaps and research needs include: (i) interaction between changes in air quality (trace gas concentrations), climate and other site factors on forest ecosystem response, (ii) significance of biotic processes in system response, (iii) tools for mechanistic and diagnostic understanding and upscaling, and (iv) the need for unifying modelling and empirical research for synthesis. This position paper highlights the above focuses, including the global dimension of air pollution as part of climate change and the need for knowledge transfer to enable reliable risk assessment. A new type of research site in forest ecosystems ("supersites") will be conducive to addressing these gaps by enabling integration of experimentation and modelling within the soil-plant-atmosphere interface, as well as further model development.  相似文献   

This paper describes a background for the North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO) cooperative program integrating studies of O3 and PM2.5. It discusses several important aspects for rationalizing NARSTO's trinational investigative approach, including (1) an outlook on the state of knowledge about fine particles in the troposphere and their origins in Canada, Mexico, and the United States; (2) the need for enhancement and strengthening of key field measurements in relation to tropospheric chemistry and a health effects component; and (3) the use of a central theme for advancing air quality modeling using evolving techniques to integrate and guide key process-oriented field campaigns. The importance of organizing a scientific program to acquire "policy-relevant" information is stressed, noting cooperative research directions that address combined PM2.5 and O3 issues, illustrated through exploration of hypothetical pathways of PM2.5 response to choices of O3 and PM precursor emission reductions. The information needed for PM2.5 research is noted to intersect in many cases with those of O3, but diverge in other cases. Accounting for these distinctions is important for developing NARSTO's strategy over the next decade.  相似文献   

Observation-based methods are useful tools to explore the sensitivity of ozone concentrations to precursor controls. With the aim of assessing the ozone precursor sensitivity in two locations: Paterna (suburban) and Villar del Arzobispo (rural) of the Turia river basin in the east of Spain, the photochemical indicator O3/NOy and the Extent-of-Reaction (EOR) parameter have been calculated from field measurements. In Paterna, the O3/NOy ratio varied from 0 to 13 with an average value of 5.1 (SD 3.2), whereas the averaged value for the EOR was 0.43 (SD 0.14). In Villar del Arzobispo, the O3/NOy ratio changed from 5 to 30 with a mean value of 13.6 (SD 4.7) and the EOR gave an averaged value of 0.72 (SD 0.11). The results show two different patterns of ozone production as a function of the location. The suburban area shows a VOC-sensitive regime whereas the rural one shows a transition regime close to NOx-sensitive conditions. No seasonal differences in these regimes are observed along the monitoring campaigns. Finally, an analysis of the influence of the measurement quality of NOy, NOx and O3 on the uncertainty of the O3/NOy ratio and the EOR was performed showing that the uncertainty of O3/NOy is not dependent on either its value or the individual values of O3 and NOy but just on the quality of O3 and NOy measurements. The maximum uncertainty is 26% as long as the combined uncertainties of O3 and NOy remain below the 7.5%. The case of the EOR is different and its uncertainty depends on both the value of the EOR parameter and the individual concentration values of NOy and NOx. The uncertainty of the EOR estimation can be very high (>200%) if the combined uncertainties of both NOy and NOx are high (>7.5%), or especially, if u(NOy) and u(NOx) differ considerably from each other (>3.5%).  相似文献   

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