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Five rapid direct toxicity assessment methods were used in three European partner countries to determine the toxicity of single toxicants, mixed toxicants and real industrial wastes. The final aim was to protect microbial degradation of organic wastes in biological treatment processes and hence enhance the quality of treated effluents to be discharged to the environment. Nitrification inhibition, Respirometry, Adenosine triphosphate luminescence and Enzyme inhibition were tested utilising activated sludge as the testing matrix. The Vibrio fischeri toxicity test was used as a surrogate to compare the various microbial bioassays. The IC50 (toxicant concentration eliciting a 50% inhibitory effect) was determined for a number of pollutants including single toxicants Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, 3,5-dichlorophenol, toluene and linear alkylbenzenesulphonate (LAS); a standard mixture of metals and LAS; a standard mixture of organics and LAS, and 16 industrial effluents. The V. fischeri bioassay was also chosen in order to assess quality control of toxicant preparation during testing in the different laboratories of the partner countries. Comparisons of sensitivity, cost of implementation, cost per test, relevance, and ease of use were made. The most sensitive bioassays were V. fischeri and Nitrification inhibition, however, this depended in the main on the pollutant and mixtures tested. It is recommended that during assessment of wastewater toxicity a suite of tests be used rather than reliance on one particular test.  相似文献   

铬离子对SBR工艺活性污泥毒性作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对重金属铬离子对SBR工艺系统中活性污泥的毒性作用,通过检测不同初始污泥容积指数(SVI)下SBR工艺活性污泥在不同铬负荷下的COD值、挥发性污泥浓度以及受铬离子影响的污泥容积指数(SVI),研究重金属铬离子对活性污泥的毒性作用以及对SBR工艺系统处理污水的影响。研究表明,重金属铬离子会导致SBR工艺系统出水COD升高;将铬离子对活性污泥的毒性作用按照挥发性污泥(MLVSS)铬负荷可划分为耐受范围、非耐受范围、细胞失活范围以及细胞分解范围。耐受范围铬负荷低于约30 mg Cr3+/gMLVSS,此范围内铬离子对于活性污泥的毒性作用不大,不致于导致系统出水水质变差;非耐受范围铬负荷在约30~65 mg Cr3+/g MLVSS,在铬离子作用下系统出水COD值明显高于对照系统;细胞失活范围铬负荷在约70~100 mg Cr3+/gMLVSS范围内,SVI大幅下降,微生物部份死亡和失活,出水COD尽管有一些下降,但与进水COD相比差不了多少;细胞分解范围铬负荷在约100 mg Cr3+/gMLVSS以上,微生物大量死亡,部分死亡细胞分解,系统出水COD值因微生物的死亡分解而超出进水COD值,受铬离子影响的系统SVI值大幅度降低。  相似文献   

A new filter, using a compressible-filter medium, has been evaluated for the filtration of secondary effluent. The ability to adjust the properties of the filter medium by altering the degree of the medium compression is a significant departure from conventional depth-filtration technology. Unlike conventional filters, it is possible to optimize the performance of the compressible-medium filter (CMF) by adjusting the medium properties (i.e., collector size, porosity, and depth) to respond to the variations in influent quality. Because existing filter models cannot be used to predict the performance of the CMF, a new predictive model has been developed to describe the filtration performance of the CMF and the effect of medium-compression ratio. The model accounts for the fact that the properties of the filter medium change with time and depth. The model, developed for heterodisperse suspensions and variable influent total suspended solids concentrations, can be used to predict all possible phases of filtration (i.e., ripening, constant removal, and breakthrough). A hyperbolic-type, second-order, nonlinear, partial-differential equation was derived to model the CMF. The equation was solved using the finite-difference numerical method. The accuracy of the numerical method was tested by a sensitivity analysis and a convergence test. The model is first-order accurate with respect to medium depth and time. Field data were obtained for the filtration of settled secondary effluent using a CMF with a capacity of 1200 m3/d. Model predictions were compared with observed performance from filter runs conducted at medium-compression ratios between 15 and 40% and filtration rates from 410 to 820 L/m2 min. The difference between the observed and the predicted values was found to be within 0 to 15%.  相似文献   

Orupõld K  Masirin A  Tenno T 《Chemosphere》2001,44(5):1273-1280
The bio-oxidation of phenol, catechol, resorcinol, m-cresol and 5-methylresorcinol on activated sludge was investigated by oxygen uptake measurements. In addition, the degradation of acetate with the same microbial population was studied. The substrate-dependent oxygen uptake data were analysed on the basis of the Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The extant kinetic parameters, the maximum rates of oxygen consumption and half-saturation constants for the processes with different substrates were determined. The simple respirometric approach also made it possible to determine the short-term oxygen demands of the substrates which formed 23-38% of the theoretical oxygen demand of the studied compounds.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare two alternative toxicity assessment methods to determine wastewater toxicity and predict treatment plant process upsets. The toxicity of two synthetic organic compounds (triclosan and 4-n-nonylphenol), which are commonly detected in municipal wastewater, and municipal and industrial wastewaters with different heavy metals content were evaluated by the nitrification inhibition assay and bioluminescence toxicity test. Comparison between both assays confirmed that Vibrio fischeri is generally more sensitive than autotrophic bacteria, and, if not calibrated, the bioluminescence method tends to overestimate toxic effects on activated sludge biomass. The nitrification inhibition assay appears to predict plant process upsets more accurately. Both methods showed a significant toxicity decrease through treatment that could be partially attributed to the significant heavy metals removal obtained by primary and secondary treatment. A good correlation for the two assays was obtained, as indicated by a high correlation coefficient (r2 = 0.80).  相似文献   

宋勇  施周  陈世洋  罗璐 《环境工程学报》2013,7(7):2711-2715
利用水解溶菌酶对SBR系统中的剩余污泥进行减量。通过与未加水解溶菌酶的相同系统对比,研究了水解溶菌酶作用下的SBR系统中剩余污泥的减量效果与微生物群落结构的变化。结果表明,在50 d的运行期内,水解溶菌酶作用下的SBR系统中剩余污泥减量总计达到76.3%,同时该系统对COD与TN的平均去除率分别为88.2%与53.8%。通过PCR-DGGE分析可知,随着运行时间的增加两系统微生物群落结构的差异逐步明显,SBR系统中原有的部分优势微生物在水解溶菌酶的作用下逐渐减弱。另外,对微生物群落的部分优势细菌进行克隆测序和系统发育树分析,通过鉴定获得的7条细菌的16S rDNA序列,它们分别与放线菌和杆菌同源性在97%以上。  相似文献   

在好氧反应器中,将海泥通过海水和营养物质培养成新型的活性污泥,在处理含盐废水时有较好的活性和沉降性能,对这种新型的活性污泥我们称其为海洋活性污泥。通过10周的培养,海泥的污泥体积指数(SVI)从最初的19 mL/g升高到70 mL/g,对有机废水处理12 h后高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)降解率达到90%,氨氮降解率达到45%。在污泥培养时,营养物质投加频率为一日一次最有利于污泥的培养,又葡萄糖比淀粉更有利于污泥的培养。对于含盐有机废水的处理,海洋活性污泥也比传统活性污泥有优势,甚至对于含盐量6%的高盐有机废水,处理12 h后能达到CODMn降解率达为70%,氨氮降解率达到30%。当NaCl浓度高于6%,海洋活性污泥仍具有一定的活性,但仍能观察到明显的抑制作用。此外,海洋活性污泥具有比传统活性污泥更强的盐度变化抗性,甚至在低盐度下盐浓度变化时,海洋活性污泥的氨氮降解稳定性也优于传统活性污泥。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to study the fate and toxicity of triclosan (TCS) in activated sludge systems and to investigate the role of biodegradation and sorption on its removal. Two continuous-flow activated sludge systems were used; one system was used as a control, while the other received TCS concentrations equal to 0.5 and 2mgl(-1). At the end of the experiment, 1mgl(-1) TCS was added in the control system to investigate TCS behaviour and effects on non-acclimatized biomass. For all concentrations tested, more than 90% of the added TCS was removed during the activated sludge process. Determination of TCS in the dissolved and particulate phase and calculation of its mass flux revealed that TCS was mainly biodegraded. Activated sludge ability to biodegrade TCS depended on biomass acclimatization and resulted in a mean biodegradation of 97%. Experiments with batch and continuous-flow systems revealed that TCS is rapidly sorbed on the suspended solids and afterwards, direct biodegradation of sorbed TCS is performed. Regarding TCS effects on activated sludge process, addition of 0.5mgl(-1) TCS on non-acclimatized biomass initially deteriorated ammonia removal and nitrification capacity. After acclimatization of biomass, nitrification was fully recovered and further increase of TCS to 2mgl(-1) did not affect the performance of activated sludge system. The effect of TCS on organic substrate removal was minor for concentrations up to 2mgl(-1), indicating that heterotrophic microorganisms are less sensitive to TCS than nitrifiers.  相似文献   

Nitschke L  Wilk A  Schüssler W  Metzner G  Lind G 《Chemosphere》1999,39(13):2313-2323
The biodegradation and the aquatic toxicity of four herbicides (isoproturon, terbuthylazine, mecoprop, metamitron) were investigated. Laboratory activated sludge plants were used for biodegradation experiments. The biodegradation of mecoprop reached nearly 100%, the other herbicides were not eliminated by biodegradation. The acute Daphnia magna 24-h assay, the algal 72-h inhibition test, and the recently developed lemna growth inhibition 7-d test were applied to evaluate the biological effects of herbicides as original substances. EC 50 and EC 10 values were determined. Algal and lemna test show that isoproturon and terbuthylazine are both much more toxic than mecoprop and metamitron. Daphnids are generally less sensitive against herbicides than plants. Biodegradation and toxicity test were coupled for mecoprop to assess biological long-term effects of possible biodegradation products of this herbicide. The effluents of the laboratory activated sludge units were used in toxicity tests (Daphnia magna 21-d reproduction test, lemna growth inhibition 7-d test). No inhibiting effect on the tested organisms was observed.  相似文献   

The nicotine-degrading bacterium HZN1 was isolated from activated sludge and identified as Shinella sp. based on its physiological characteristics and analysis of 16S rDNA gene. Strain HZN1 is capable of using nicotine as the sole carbon source in the mineral salts medium. The optimum temperature and pH for strain HZN1 growth and nicotine degradation were 30°C and 7.0, respectively. It could degrade approximately 100 % of 0.5 g L?1 of nicotine within 9 h. Three intermediate metabolites were produced by the strain HZN1 and identified as cotinine, myosmine and nicotyrine using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This is the first report of nicotine-degrading strain from the genus of Shinella. The results showed that strain HZN1 could be potentially employed in bioremediation of nicotine. Our findings would provide a new insight into the biodegradation of nicotine.  相似文献   

The nicotine-degrading bacterium HZN1 was isolated from activated sludge and identified as Shinella sp. based on its physiological characteristics and analysis of 16S rDNA gene. Strain HZN1 is capable of using nicotine as the sole carbon source in the mineral salts medium. The optimum temperature and pH for strain HZN1 growth and nicotine degradation were 30°C and 7.0, respectively. It could degrade approximately 100 % of 0.5 g L(-1) of nicotine within 9 h. Three intermediate metabolites were produced by the strain HZN1 and identified as cotinine, myosmine and nicotyrine using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This is the first report of nicotine-degrading strain from the genus of Shinella. The results showed that strain HZN1 could be potentially employed in bioremediation of nicotine. Our findings would provide a new insight into the biodegradation of nicotine.  相似文献   

To search for reliable testing inocula alternatives to activated sludge cultures, several model microbial consortia were compared with activated sludge populations for their functional diversity. The evaluation of the metabolic potential of these mixed inocula was performed using the Biolog EcoPlates and GN and GP MicroPlates (Biolog, Inc., Hayward, California). The community-level physiological profiles (CLPPs) obtained for model communities and activated sludge samples were analyzed by principal component analysis and hierarchic clustering methods, to evaluate the ability of Biolog plates to distinguish among the different microbial communities. The effect of different inocula preparation methodologies on the community structure was also studied. The CLPPs obtained with EcoPlates and GN MicroPlates showed that EcoPlates are suitable to screen communities with a metabolic profile similar to activated sludge. New, well-defined, standardized, and safe inocula presenting the same metabolic community profile as activated sludge were selected and can be tested as surrogate cultures in activated-sludge-based bioassays.  相似文献   

The occurrence and persistence of pharmacologically active compounds in the environment has been an increasingly important issue. The objectives of this study were to investigate the decomposition of aqueous antimicrobial compounds using activated sludge, γ-irradiation, and UV treatment, and to evaluate the toxicity towards green algae, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, before and after treatment. Tetracycline (TCN), lincomycin (LMC) and sulfamethazine (SMZ) were used as target compounds. Gamma (γ)-irradiation showed the highest removal efficiency for all target compounds, while UV and activated sludge treatment showed compound-dependent removal efficiencies. TCN and SMZ were well degraded by all three treatment methods. However, LMC showed extremely low removal efficiency for UV and activated sludge treatments. Overall, the algal toxicity after degradation processes was significantly decreased, and was closely correlated to removal efficiency. However, in the case of γ-irradiated TCN, UV and activated sludge treated LMC as well as sludge treated SMZ, the observed toxicity was higher than expected, which indicates the substantial generation of byproducts or transformed compounds of a greater toxicity in the treated sample. Consequently, γ-radiation treatment could be an effective method for removal of recalcitrant compounds such as antibiotics.  相似文献   

尽管衡量化学物质生物毒性的标准方法很多,但关于环境中抗生素类污染物的生物毒性及其对污泥活性影响的科学数据较少。以磺胺和四环素两类作用机理和作用谱带不同的抗生素为研究对象,分别用发光细菌法、脱氢酶活性法、生长抑制法及呼吸速率法进行了抗生素类污染物生物毒性测定方法的筛选与评价。结果表明,发光细菌标准方法中30min的作用时间太短,延长作用时间不仅导致各种抗生素的EC50值大幅度降低,同时毒性排列顺序也发生了改变;以活性污泥为对象的脱氢酶活性和呼吸速率抑制实验的EC50值与抗生素类物质对敏感致病菌的MICs相比异常高,不适宜于作为单独方法准确评估抗生素类污染物的生物毒性。生长抑制实验中,活性污泥混合菌种增殖生长对磺胺类抗生素敏感,而假单胞杆菌对四环素类抗生素敏感。不同方法测定抗生素毒性的灵敏度顺序是发光细菌(24 h)>生长抑制(7 h)>呼吸速率(24 h)>脱氢酶活性(24 h)。用标准方法评价抗生素类污染物的生物毒性,可能导致对抗生素排放到水环境中所带来的风险估计不足。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the application of the divalent cation bridging theory (DCBT) as a tool in the chemical selection process at an activated sludge plant to improve settling, dewatering, and effluent quality. According to the DCBT, to achieve improvements, the goal of chemical selection should be to reduce the ratio of monovalent-to-divalent (M/D) cations. A study was conducted to determine the effect of using magnesium hydroxide [Mg(OH)2] as an alternative to sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at a full-scale industrial wastewater treatment plant. Floc properties and treatment plant performance were measured for approximately one year during two periods of NaOH addition and Mg(OH)2 addition. A cost analysis of plant operation during NaOH and Mg(OH)2 use was also performed. During NaOH addition, the M/D ratio was 48, while, during Mg(OH)2 addition, this ratio was reduced to an average of approximately 0.1. During the Mg(OH)2 addition period, the sludge volume index, effluent total suspended solids, and effluent chemical oxygen demand were reduced by approximately 63, 31, and 50%, respectively, compared to the NaOH addition period. The alum and polymer dose used for clarification was reduced by approximately 50 and 60%, respectively, during Mg(OH)2 addition. The dewatering properties of the activated sludge improved dewatering as measured by decreased capillary suction time and specific resistance to filtration (SRF), along with an increase in cake solids from the SRF test. This corresponded to a reduction in the volume of solids thickened by centrifuges at the treatment plant, which reduced the disposal costs of solids. Considering the costs for chemicals and solids disposal, the annual cost of using Mg(OH)2 was approximately 30,000 dollars to 115,000 dollars less than using NaOH, depending on the pricing of NaOH. The results of this study confirm that the DCBT is a useful tool for assessing chemical-addition strategies and their potential effect on activated sludge performance.  相似文献   

The thickening and dewatering of waste activated sludge, from a pilot-scale submerged membrane bioreactor and two bench-scale, complete-mix activated sludge reactors (high-shear and low-shear aeration) treating the same municipal primary effluent, were investigated. Solids settling and compaction were measured using the diluted sludge volume index (DSVI) analysis and a batch centrifugation analysis, respectively. Elevated levels of filamentous microorganisms resulted in higher DSVI values and lower centrifuged pellet concentration. Elevated levels of nocardioform bacteria resulted in lower solids float concentrations, and higher colloidal material reduced solids recovery in batch flotation experiments. Sludge filterability, measured as time-to-filter, was shown to be a function of extracelluar polymeric substances and colloidal material, where higher levels of either reduced sludge filterability. Additional research is necessary to confirm these results using full- or demonstration-scale thickening and dewatering units.  相似文献   

Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) were demonstrated to be useful analytical tools for investigating surface and bulk components of individual floc particles from both full- and bench-scale activated sludge systems. Detailed surface imaging of various hydrated biological floc particles by ESEM revealed substantial differences in surface features between treatment systems, while EDS identified spatial differences in the iron and the aluminum distributions. The ToF-SIMS spectra had signature fragments of protein and polysaccharide material from the floc surface, suggesting that this technique is capable of surface profiling extracellular polymeric substances. Principal-component analysis of the positive ion ToF-SIMS spectra from the mixed-liquor-suspended solid (MLSS) samples and reference aquatic organic materials found slight differences between the full- and bench-scale MLSS surface properties but substantial differences among MLSS and treated effluent from the same facility.  相似文献   

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