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张哲峰 《环境教育》2013,(10):55-56
以产业结构调整为主抓手,切实减轻环境负担;以专项整治行动为切入点,着力改善环境质量;以营造碧水蓝天为硬任务,全面加强生态保护;以生态基础创建为突破口,提升生态建设水平。  相似文献   

以辽宁省鸭绿江国家级重点风景名胜区内的6个乡村为例,采用网络层次分析法(ANP)对产业融合构建的体验空间进行具体分析,识别了产业体验空间营造的关键性要素。结果表明:发展方式对产业体验空间营造的作用最强,社会风情的作用次之,产业水平的作用较弱,休闲体验的作用最弱。通过整合核心产业与生态景观营造产业体验空间,发展以"共享+体验"为主题的现代农业庄园经济,丰富乡村体验产品体系的价值内涵,推动乡村旅游的转型升级与乡村振兴战略实施的协同发展。  相似文献   

正创建于1952年的南宁市秀厢小学位于广西壮族自治区南宁市西乡塘区友爱北路西五巷9号,现有学生1130人,教师68人。近年来,学校以"兰"为个性化办学的载体,通过打造"兰韵飘香"特色教育品牌,融生态文明教育于学校外延建设及内涵发展中,确立以"绿色生态健康生活"为主题的生态文明建设,营造一种师生共赢、家长和社会共同认可的绿色生态文明校园新风尚。润物细无声,营造好氛围  相似文献   

王杰 《环境教育》2014,(1):86-88
营造良好的环境教育物质情境,就是要建设以育人为中心的、人与自然和谐相处的、绿色的可持续发展的校园环境,使之成为环境教育的重要内容和载体。  相似文献   

<正>云南省曲靖市第二小学创办于1981年,现有54个教学班,在校学生3997人,在职教职工147人。近年来,学校着力打造以"文化"为核心的综合素质教育,把生态文明教育与校园文化有机结合,将"绿色教育"理念贯穿其中,形成了特色鲜明的四位一体"绿色文化"。制度文化营造绿色管理——团队和谐之绿学校通过构筑"标准文化"体系,营造  相似文献   

<正>联动全市各园区(镇、街)举办近百场环保开放日和环保普法讲座活动,组织企业代表、市民走进环保设施及环境教育基地,了解污水处理、垃圾处理、绿色生活等知识。今年以来,广东省东莞市环保宣传教育中心始终坚持以服务"湾区都市,品质东莞""打赢三大污染防治攻坚战"为目标,以六五环境日"、美丽中国,我是行动者"等生态环境宣传教育活动为契机,以阵地建设、氛围营造、活动共享为抓手,联合各方,同心同行,积极开展各项宣传教育工作,营造良好的社会舆论氛围,助推城市生态环境事业发展。  相似文献   

<正>大力建设绿色文明学校,传播环保的理念,营造人人爱护环境的校园文化氛围,鼓励孩子亲近大自然,唤起孩子对自然最淳朴的热爱,从而促进孩子生态环境保护的意识和素质的养成。近年来,东莞市中堂镇中心小学积极开展生态文明教育,以自然教育为抓手,大力建设绿色文明学校,传播环保理念,营造人人爱护环境的校园文化氛围,鼓励孩子亲近大自然,唤起孩子对自然最淳朴的热爱,从而促进孩子生态环境保护意识和素质的养成。  相似文献   

正近年来,东坡区娴婆中心小学秉承"安全第一、德育首位、质量中心,全面实施素质教育"的办学理念,坚持走"文化建设与素质教育融合"之路,以"蕴情于心,育趣言行"为目标,营造了良好的校园育人氛围。在创建"绿色校园"的工作中,学校着力加强校园整体绿化、美化建设,营造校园文化氛围,全面提升校园绿化、美化的档次和品位,构建优美和谐校园,为师生的学习、工作和生活提供优美的校园环境,激励全体师生为建设美好校园奋发努力。  相似文献   

对北戴河滨海区域森林景观植物资源种类及群落结构进行了实地调查和分析。结果表明:(1)所选样地植物种类共121种,其中园林观赏植物72种,滨海野生植物49种;(2)群落结构的模式主要以"乔+灌+草"为主。针对树种单一、乡土植物应用比例偏低、季相景观营造等问题,提出了丰富和补充植物种类,提高乡土植物应用比例,并协调搭配常绿植物与落叶植物,适当应用色叶树种等建议,营造北方滨海区域特色森林景观。  相似文献   

近年来,青岛市环境宣传教育工作以"提高群众满意度塑环保为民形象"为目标,新闻宣传立体化,全方位推进出实效;社会宣传品牌化,创新思维营造氛围;舆论引导精准化,问题应对及时准确;环境教育规模化,丰富内涵全民参与……  相似文献   

Ji L  Wang Z  Wang X  An L 《Environmental management》2011,48(6):1107-1121
According to the Seventh National Forest Inventory (2004–2008), China’s forests cover an area of 195.45 million ha, or 20.36% of the total land area. China has the most rapidly increasing forest resources in the world. However, China is also a country with serious forest pest problems. There are more than 8,000 species of potential forest pests in China, including insects, plant diseases, rodents and lagomorphs, and hazardous plants. Among them, 300 species are considered as economically or ecologically important, and half of these are serious pests, including 86 species of insects. Forest management and utilization have a considerable influence on the stability and sustainability of forest ecosystems. At the national level, forestry policies always play a major role in forest resource management and forest health protection. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of both achievements and challenges in forest management and insect pest control in China. First, we summarize the current status of forest resources and their pests in China. Second, we address the theories, policies, practices and major national actions on forestry and forest insect pest management, including the Engineering Pest Management of China, the National Key Forestry Programs, the Classified Forest Management system, and the Collective Forest Tenure Reform. We analyze and discuss three representative plantations—Eucalyptus, poplar and Masson pine plantations—with respect to their insect diversity, pest problems and pest management measures.  相似文献   

Managed forests are a primary land use within the Coastal Plain of the southern United States. These forests are generally managed under standards, guidelines, or regulations to conserve ecosystem functions and services. Economic value of commercial forests provides incentives for landowners to maintain forests rather than convert them to other uses that have substantially reduced environmental benefits. In this review, we describe the historical context of commercial forest management in the southern United States Coastal Plain, describe how working forests are managed today, and examine relationships between commercial forest management and maintenance of functional aquatic and wetland systems and conservation of biological diversity. Significant challenges for the region include increasing human population and urbanization and concomitant changes in forest area and structure, invasive species, and increased interest in forest biomass as an energy feedstock. Research needs include better information about management of rare species and communities and quantification of relationships between ecosystem attributes and forest management, including biomass production and harvest. Incentives and better information may help commercial forest managers in the Coastal Plain more efficiently contribute to landscape-scale conservation goals.  相似文献   

倪萍  牛博 《新疆环境保护》2004,26(Z1):103-106
干旱区除存在唯一的真正森林-胡杨(Populuseuphratica)林外,植被普遍极其稀疏,以降水稀少,蒸发显著为特点的干旱区,荒漠植被的存在对于生态环境的保护和良性发展起到极大的作用,干旱区的荒漠植被表现出特有的生理特征,本文研究塔里木河流域胡杨林的特征及对生态环境的适应规律,进一步提出了扩展荒漠植被的可能性及其措施。  相似文献   

中国森林生态旅游资源的开发与保护   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文分析了我国森林生态旅游资源的现状和开发状况,从深度和广度上论述了森林生态旅游开发的内容,在开发与保护问题上强调必须坚持生态经济的原则,把保护放在首要地位,并提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

In the present study, forest biomass (fuelwood, leaf fodder, leaf-litter and non-timber forest products) consumption patterns have been evaluated in the villages of Govind Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand, Western Himalaya, India. The average fuelwood consumption in the selected villages was estimated at 3.14 kg/capita/day and its energy equivalent was found 52.74 MJ/capita/day. The average leaf fodder and leaf-litter consumption was estimated at 2.70 and 2.40 kg/unit/day, respectively, and the same pattern was estimated for energy equivalent. People's perception on impacts of conservation measures and resources utilization rights were also analysed. Our results emphasized the need for regular assessment of forest resources, particularly in protected areas, where access to natural resources have been denied due to legal restrictions. The study could be a pilot to strengthen the conservation measures across the protected area network by understanding the dynamics of anthropocentric activities and their subsequent impacts on forest resources.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that forest cover in North Korea has undergone a substantial decrease since 1980, while in South Korea, forest cover has remained relatively static during that same period of time. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Forest Resources Assessments—based on the reported forest inventories from North and South Korea—suggest a major forest cover decrease in North Korea, but only a slight decrease in South Korea during the last 30 years. In this study, we seek to check and validate those assessments by comparing them to independently derived forest cover maps compiled for three time intervals between 1990 and 2010, as well as to provide a spatially explicit view of forest cover change in the Korean Peninsula since the 1990s. We extracted tree cover data for the Korean Peninsula from existing global datasets derived from satellite imagery. Our estimates, while qualitatively supporting the FAO results, show that North Korea has lost a large number of densely forested areas, and thus in this sense has suffered heavier forest loss than the FAO assessment suggests. Given the limited time interval studied in our assessment, the overall forest loss from North Korea during the whole span of time since 1980 may have been even heavier than in our estimate. For South Korea, our results indicate that the forest cover has remained relatively stable at the national level, but that important variability in forest cover evolution exists at the regional level: While the northern and western provinces show an overall decrease in forested areas, large areas in the southeastern part of the country have increased their forest cover.  相似文献   

通过分析秦皇岛市当前森林生态系统的现状、效益,发现秦皇岛市森林生态系统存在着分布不均、林龄结构不合理等问题;提出了退耕还林、封山育林、加大宣传力度等措施,以期秦皇岛森林生态系统走上可持续发展的道路,更好地造福于人民。  相似文献   

本文论述了淮河下游地区常绿针叶林、落叶阔叶林,落叶常绿阔叶混交林,竹林等森林资源类型的特征,分析了该地区森林资源在经营管理中存在的问题,提出了应采取的森林资源经营管理对策。  相似文献   

胡杨林的衰退原因与林地恢复策略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄培祐 《新疆环境保护》2004,26(Z1):121-124
胡杨广布于地中海沿岸并呈带状东延至中国和蒙古人民共和国。目前,胡杨林已普遍呈不同程度退化,以塔里木盆地为例,垦伐等人为因素使林地总面积迅速减少。现场观测发现,一些林区缺乏胸径20cm以下的立木,而该地从1972年以来断绝洪水来源,显示洪水对幼苗补给可能存在相关,该地断绝洪水多年后,2002年重新出现洪泛过程,洪水退后出现大量的幼苗生长,从而证实洪水过程是胡杨幼林发生的必要条件。本文就此现象提出恢复部分林地的对策。  相似文献   

Purva Jain 《Local Environment》2016,21(11):1409-1419
Many Indian Protected Areas (PAs) act as a support system for the communities living in and around them. Large-scale human interventions in these PAs have resulted in biodiversity loss, threat to wildlife and habitat fragmentation. The Sariska Tiger Reserve (STR) is no exception. In this reserve, tiger (Panthera tigris) became extinct in 2004.To create inviolate space for the reintroduced tigers, government has planned voluntary relocation of villages located inside Critical Tiger Habitat. The voluntary relocation plan will be more challenging if people are not willing to get relocated from PAs. Therefore, we have empirically analysed the identified factors influencing local communities’ willingness in getting relocated outside the STR using logit model. Results revealed that “restriction of access” and “market access” are the most influential factors and positively associated while forest dependency is negatively associated with local communities’ willingness. Based on these results, it was recommended that policy should be directed towards restriction on accessing forest resources along with reduction in forest dependency by nurturing and strengthening villagers’ livelihood to ensure successful relocation. Displacement of existed small markets around the reserve will also persuade them to relocate in areas more connected to market and other facilities.  相似文献   

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