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Trait-based community assembly theory suggests that trait variation among co-occurring species is shaped by two main processes: abiotic filtering, important in stressful environments and promoting similarity, and competition, more important in productive environments and promoting dissimilarity. Previous studies have indeed found trait similarity to decline along productivity gradients. However, these studies have always been done on single trophic levels. Here, we investigated how interactions between trophic levels affect trait similarity patterns along environmental gradients. We propose three hypotheses for the main drivers of trait similarity patterns of plants and herbivores along environmental gradients: (1) environmental control of both, (2) bottom-up control of herbivore trait variation, and (3) top-down control of grass trait variation. To test this, we collected data on the community composition and trait variation of grasses (41 species) and grasshoppers (53 species) in 50 plots in a South African savanna. Structural equation models were used to investigate how the range and spacing of within-community functional trait values of both grasses and their insect herbivores (grasshoppers; Acrididae) respond to (1) rainfall and fire frequency gradients and (2) the trait similarity patterns of the other trophic level. The analyses revealed that traits of co-occurring grasses became more similar toward lower rainfall and higher fire frequency (environmental control), while showing little evidence for top-down control. Grasshopper trait range patterns, on the other hand, were mostly directly driven by vegetation structure and grass trait range patterns (bottom-up control), while environmental factors had mostly indirect effects via plant traits. Our study shows the potential to expand trait-based community assembly theory to include trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Steiner CF  Long ZT  Krumins JA  Morin PJ 《Ecology》2006,87(4):996-1007
Diversity-stability relationships have long been a topic of controversy in ecology, but one whose importance has been re-highlighted by increasing large-scale threats to global biodiversity. The ability of a community to recover from a perturbation (or resilience) is a common measure of stability that has received a large amount of theoretical attention. Yet, general expectations regarding diversity-resilience relations remain elusive. Moreover, the effects of productivity and its interaction with diversity on resilience are equally unclear. We examined the effects of species diversity, species composition, and productivity on population-and community-level resilience in experimental aquatic food webs composed of bacteria, algae, heterotrophic protozoa, and rotifers. Productivity manipulations were crossed with manipulations of the number of species and species compositions within trophic groups. Resilience was measured by perturbing communities with a nonselective, density-independent, mortality event and comparing responses over time between perturbed communities and controls. We found evidence that species diversity can enhance resilience at the community level (i.e., total community biomass), though this effect was more strongly expressed in low-productivity treatments. Diversity effects on resilience were driven by a sampling/selection effect, with resilient communities showing rapid response and dominance by a minority of species (primarily unicellular algae). In contrast, diversity had no effect on mean population-level resilience. Instead, the ability of a community's populations to recover from perturbations was dependent on species composition. We found no evidence of an effect of productivity, either positive or negative, on community- or population-level resilience. Our results indicate that the role of diversity as an insurer of stability may depend on the level of biological organization at which stability is measured, with effects emerging only when focusing on aggregate community properties.  相似文献   

Adams DC 《Ecology》2007,88(5):1292-1299
A long-standing goal in evolutionary ecology is to determine whether the organization of communities is reflective of underlying deterministic processes. In this study, I examined patterns of species co-occurrence among eastern Plethodon salamanders and determined whether they were consistent with predictions from a guild model of competition-based community assembly. Using a database of 45 species and 4540 geographic sites, I found that patterns of co-occurrence were significantly nonrandom at both a regional and continental scale, and species of different size guilds were distributed more evenly in sites than was expected by chance. Sites with the highest species richness had consistent patterns of community composition, and with few exceptions, the same five species were present at all sites. Taken together, these results imply that larger Plethodon communities are assembled from simpler communities in a manner consistent with what is predicted through competitive mechanisms and suggest that stable species combinations are possible to achieve at various levels of species richness. These results also provide strong evidence consistent with the hypothesis that competitive-based community assembly is a general phenomenon in Plethodon and that interspecific competition is prevalent among the eastern species of this group.  相似文献   

Cornell HV  Karlson RH  Hughes TP 《Ecology》2007,88(7):1707-1715
Community similarity is the proportion of species richness in a region that is shared on average among communities within that region. The slope of local richness (alpha diversity) regressed on regional richness (gamma diversity) can serve as an index of community similarity across regions with different regional richness. We examined community similarity in corals at three spatial scales (among transects at a site, sites on an island, and islands within an island group) across a 10 000-km longitudinal diversity gradient in the west-central Pacific Ocean. When alpha diversity was regressed on gamma diversity, the slopes, and thus community similarity, increased with scale (0.085, 0.261, and 0.407, respectively) because a greater proportion of gamma diversity was subsumed within alpha diversity as scale increased. Using standard randomization methods, we also examined how community similarity differed between observed and randomized assemblages and how this difference was affected by spatial separation of species within habitat types and specialization of species to three habitat types (reef flats, crests, and slopes). If spatial separation within habitat types and/or habitat specialization (i.e., underdispersion) occurs, fewer species are shared among assemblages than the random expectation. When the locations of individual coral colonies were randomized within and among habitat types, community similarity was 46-47% higher than that for observed assemblages at all three scales. We predicted that spatial separation of coral species within habitat types should increase with scale due to dispersal/extinction dynamics in this insular system, but that specialization of species to different habitat types should not change because habitat differences do not change with scale. However, neither habitat specialization nor spatial separation within habitat types differed among scales. At the two larger scales, each accounted for 22-24% of the difference in community similarity between observed and randomized assemblages. At the smallest scale (transect-site), neither spatial separation within habitat types nor habitat specialization had significant effects on community similarity, probably due to the small size of transect samples. The results suggest that coral species can disperse among islands in an island group as easily as they can among sites on an island over time scales that are relevant to their establishment and persistence on reefs.  相似文献   

Along the Pacific Northwest coast, much of the estuarine habitat has been lost over the last century to agricultural land use, residential and commercial development, and transportation corridors. As a result, many of the ecological processes and functions have been disrupted. To protect and improve these coastal habitats that are vital to aquatic species, many projects are currently underway to restore estuarine and coastal ecosystems through dike breaches, setbacks, and removals. Understanding site-specific information on physical processes is critical for improving the success of such restoration actions. In this study, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was developed to simulate estuarine processes in the Stillaguamish River estuary, where restoration of a 160-acre parcel through dike setback has been proposed. The model was calibrated to observed tide, current, and salinity data for existing conditions and applied to simulate the hydrodynamic responses to two restoration alternatives. Model results were then combined with biophysical data to predict habitat responses within the restoration footprint. Results showed that the proposed dike removal would result in desired tidal flushing and conditions that would support four habitat types on the restoration footprint. At the estuary scale, restoration would substantially increase the proportion of area flushed with freshwater (<5 ppt) at flood tide. Potential implications of predicted changes in salinity and flow dynamics are discussed relative to the distribution of tidal marsh habitat.  相似文献   

元江流域干热河谷草地植物群落结构特征与相似性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈蕊  张建利  何彪  李峰  张志明  周睿  欧晓昆 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2821-2825
选择元江干热河谷典型草地群落,采用标准样地调查法,对流域上、中、下游干热河谷草地植物群落的分布特征、群落结构、种群习性等特征开展研究,结果表明:(1)元江流域上游祥云和中下游红河干热河谷草地群落中出现的植物种类最多,元江流域干热河谷草地植物群落是以灌木为主、多年生草本为辅的结构类型。(2)元江流域干热河谷草地群落中,扭黄茅(Heteropogon contortus)为优势种群,次优种群随流域环境的改变而不同。(3)元江流域干热河谷草地植物群落之间的相似性系数均在0.00~0.25之间,处于极不相似水平,种群的扩散受流域河谷通道作用影响较小。(4)种群的扩散和定居受海拔高度的影响,随着海拔高度的变化,植物群落的组成也发生变化,形成不同的群落结构。  相似文献   

Aldrich-Wolfe L 《Ecology》2007,88(3):559-566
The extent to which interspecific plants share mycorrhizal fungal communities depends on the specificity of the symbiosis. For tropical forest tree seedlings, colonization by mycorrhizal fungi associated with established vegetation could have important consequences for survival and growth. I used a novel molecular technique to assess the potential for sharing of mycorrhizas in forest and pasture in southern Costa Rica, by identifying arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in roots of the forest canopy tree species Terminalia amazonia, pasture grasses Urochloa ruziziensis and U. decumbens, and seedlings of T. amazonia planted into experimental reforestation plots. I tested the hypotheses that experimental seedlings were colonized either by the AM fungal community of the forest T. amazonia (suggesting host specificity) or of Urochloa (suggesting absence of specificity/importance of local environment). After two years, pasture-grown T. amazonia seedlings were colonized by neither community, but rather by a species of Glomus that was rarely observed on the other plants. These results suggest that conspecific seedlings planted into existing vegetation generate a distinct mycorrhizal community that may influence competitive interactions and the relative costs and benefits of the AM fungal symbiosis at early stages in the life cycle of tropical trees.  相似文献   

张建利  沈蕊  施雯  柳小康  欧晓昆 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1272-1277
选择金沙江干流及支流小江干热河谷典型草地,采用标准样地调查法,对其上游、中游、下游以及支流干热河谷草地植物分布特征、群落结构、种群习性等开展研究,结果表明:(1)金沙江干热河谷草地植物群落结构自上游至下游,多年生草本植物种类的比例逐渐增加,灌木和一年生草本植物种类比例逐渐减少;金沙江干热河谷草地植物群落是以多年生草本为主灌木为辅的群落结构类型;支流小江干热河谷群落中,多年生草本和灌木植物种类比例相同,一年生草本植物种类比例较低。(2)金沙江流域干热河谷草地群落中,扭黄茅(Heteropogon contortus)为优势种群,次优种群随地理环境的改变而不同。(3)金沙江干热河谷存在种群扩散通道作用,但种群扩散通道作用受扩散距离的影响。(4)金沙江干热河谷草地植物种群的扩散、定居受到经向、纬向的影响。  相似文献   

To investigate the role of template plasticity in shaping nest-mate recognition processes in ants, we constructed experimental mixed-species groups of Manica rubida with either Myrmica rubra, Tetramorium bicarinatum or Formica selysi. Selecting Ma. rubida as the focal species, we observed the behaviour within mixed-species groups and the transfer rates of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) onto the focal ants, and we also tested the aggression of the focal species reared either alone or in association with each of the three different species. We show that Ma. rubida workers were always amicable towards their mixed group members, as towards members of the respective parental colonies, irrespective of the associated species. They did, however, express different levels of aggression towards single-species groups of the other species tested, depending on the species with which they were reared. The study suggests that similarity in CHC profiles in two species leads to a narrow template in mixed groups, while dissimilarity is followed by lower levels of aggression (a broader template), at least against species with similar CHC compound compositions (i.e. both a broader template in the focal ants and familiarity with the compound groups of the tested individuals operate together). This refutes the hypothesis that ants reared in mixed-species groups are systematically more tolerant. It also demonstrates that heterospecific information is not treated equally during development. We suggest that post-imaginal learning, template reforming and decision making are more precisely tuned when the two species' chemical complexes are similar.  相似文献   

Population growth and social/technological developments have resulted in the buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and oceans to the extent that we now see changes in the earth’s climate and ocean chemistry. Ocean acidification is one consequence of these changes, and it is known with certainty that it will continue to increase as we emit more CO2 into the atmosphere. Ocean acidification is a global issue likely to impact marine organisms, food webs and ecosystems and to be most severely experienced by the people who depend on the goods and services the ocean provides at regional and local levels. However, research is in its infancy and the available data on biological impacts are complex (e.g., species-specific response). Educating future generations on the certainties and uncertainties of the emerging science of ocean acidification and its complex consequences for marine species and ecosystems can provide insights that will help assessing the need to mitigate and/or adapt to future global change. This article aims to present different educational approaches, the different material available and highlight the future challenges of ocean acidification education for both educators and marine biologists.  相似文献   

An attempt was made for a comparative study of the mesozooplankton communities between the Aegean and Black Seas. These areas are in connected through the Sea of Marmara, the Bosporus and the Dardanelles straits. The comparison was mainly based on data collected both in coastal and offshore waters, by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (Greece), the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russia), the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas (Ukraine) and the Institute of Oceanology (Bulgaria). Our data revealed important differentiation in terms of species composition and interannual fluctuations of zooplankton quantity. Among the common copepod species, those presenting an eurytherm and/or euryhaline character (e.g. Acartia clausi, Paracalanus parvus, Penilia avirostris, Podon polyphemoides) were found dominant in the Black Sea and common in the Aegean Sea. Decreased dissimilarity of species composition seems to exist between the North Aegean Sea and the Black Sea, as well as between the coastal areas of the Black Sea and those affected by pollution in the Aegean Sea. A common feature of both seas is the existence of spatial differentiation in terms of the quantity of zooplankters due to anthropogenic and/or natural influences. The pattern of this differentiation seems to vary interannually in the Black Sea, depending either on the abundance of mesozooplankton predators (indigenous or invasive species) or on global climatic changes. Although the Black Sea is generally richer in zooplankton than the Aegean Sea, the significant decrease in the quantity of zooplankton from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s, due to the above factors, resulted in quasi-similar values in both areas. Black Sea mesozooplankton has revealed strong interannual variability both quantitatively and qualitatively, whereas no significant variability was detected in the Aegean Sea. This difference could be attributed both to variant anthropogenic forcing on these ecosystems and to the sensitive character of the semi-enclosed Black Sea.Communicated by M.E. Vinogradov, Moscow  相似文献   

New high-throughput technologies continue to emerge for studying complex microbial communities. In particular, massively parallel pyrosequencing enables very high numbers of sequences, providing a more complete view of community structures and a more accurate inference of the functions than has been possible just a few years ago. In parallel, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) allows quantitative monitoring of specific community members over time, space, or different environmental conditions. In this review, the principles of these two methods and their complementary applications in studying microbial ecology in bioenvironmental systems are discussed. The parallel sequencing of amplicon libraries and using barcodes to differentiate multiple samples in a pyrosequencing run are explained. The best procedures and chemistries for QPCR amplifications are also described and advantages of applying automation to increase accuracy are addressed. Three examples in which pyrosequencing and QPCR were used together to define and quantify members of microbial communities are provided: in the human large intestine, in a methanogenic digester whose sludge was made more bioavailable by a high-voltage pretreatment, and on the biofilm anode of a microbial electrolytic cell. The key findings in these systems and how both methods were used in concert to achieve those findings are highlighted.  相似文献   

Daytime sampling of mangrove and seagrass (Halophila/Halodule community) habitats every 7 wk at Alligator Creek, Queensland, Australia, over a period of 13 mo (February 1985–February 1986) using two types of seine net, revealed distinct mangrove and seagrass fish and crustacean faunas. Total abundance of fish and relative abundance of small and large fish also varied between habitats and seasonally. Post-larval, juvenile and small adult fish captured with a small seine-net (3 mm mesh) were significantly more abundant (4 to 10 times) in the mangrove habitat throughout the 13 mo of sampling. Mangrove fish abundance showed significant seasonality, greatest catches being recorded in the warm, wet-season months of the year. Relative abundances of larger fish (captured in a seine net with 18 mm mesh) in the two habitats varied throughout the year, but did not show a seasonal pattern. At the same site, small crustaceans were significantly more abundant in the mangroves in all but one dryseason sample. Similar comparisons for three riverine sites, sampled less frequently, in the dry and wet seasons of 1985 and 1986, respectively, showed that in general mangrove habitats had significantly more fish per sample, although the relative abundance of fish in mangroves and other habitats changed with season. Crustacean catches showed a similar pattern, except that densities among sites changed with season. Fish and crustacean abundance in mangroves varied among sites, indicating that estuaries differ in their nursery-ground value. The juveniles of two commercially important penaeid prawn species (Penaeus merguiensis and Metapenaeus ensis) were amongst the top three species of crustaceans captured in the study, and both were significantly more abundant in the mangrove habitat. By contrast, mangroves could not be considered an important nursery for juveniles of commercially important fish species in northern Australia. However, based on comparisons of fish catches in other regions, the results of the present study indicate the importance of mangroves as nursery sites for commercially exploited fish stocks elsewhere in South-East Asia. Contribution No. 378 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

盐沼植物群落研究进展:分布、演替及影响因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盐沼是全球温带及亚热带地区的主要滨海湿地类型之一,在我国分布广泛。盐沼湿地生态系统敏感、脆弱且具有重要的生态系统服务功能。理解盐沼植物群落时空分布动态的一般规律与生态学机制,是开展盐沼生态系统研究的基础与关键。海陆交界的特殊环境特征是影响盐沼湿地植物群落的空间分布及演替过程的主要因素。在海洋潮汐作用下,盐沼湿地中的盐度、水淹强度、氧化还原电位等非生物因子往往呈梯度分布,这也导致了生物群落中种内、种间关系的变化。在非生物及生物因子的共同作用下,盐沼植物群落也往往沿高程梯度呈带状分布。环境变化是盐沼植物群落演替的驱动因素,在海岸线相对较为稳定的盐沼,植物群落的演替多属自发演替,而在靠近的大型河口的一些持续淤涨的盐沼,植物群落演替通常属于异发演替。沿海地区的水产业、流域上游及沿海地区的工程、污染及生物入侵等直接或间接的人类活动已对盐沼湿地植物群落的产生了深刻影响。经过数十年发展,国际上盐沼植物群落学研究的热点领域主要包括盐沼植物群落与其他生物群落的相互关系、植物群落在盐沼生态系统过程中的作用等。在全球变化背景下,盐沼植物群落对气候变化与海平面升高也日益成为盐沼植物群落学相关的热点。  相似文献   

Responses by marine species to ocean acidification (OA) have recently been shown to be modulated by external factors including temperature, food supply and salinity. However the role of a fundamental biological parameter relevant to all organisms, that of body size, in governing responses to multiple stressors has been almost entirely overlooked. Recent consensus suggests allometric scaling of metabolism with body size differs between species, the commonly cited ‘universal’ mass scaling exponent (b) of ¾ representing an average of exponents that naturally vary. One model, the Metabolic-Level Boundaries hypothesis, provides a testable prediction: that b will decrease within species under increasing temperature. However, no previous studies have examined how metabolic scaling may be directly affected by OA. We acclimated a wide body-mass range of three common NE Atlantic echinoderms (the sea star Asterias rubens, the brittlestars Ophiothrix fragilis and Amphiura filiformis) to two levels of pCO2 and three temperatures, and metabolic rates were determined using closed-chamber respirometry. The results show that contrary to some models these echinoderm species possess a notable degree of stability in metabolic scaling under different abiotic conditions; the mass scaling exponent (b) varied in value between species, but not within species under different conditions. Additionally, we found no effect of OA on metabolic rates in any species. These data suggest responses to abiotic stressors are not modulated by body size in these species, as reflected in the stability of the metabolic scaling relationship. Such equivalence in response across ontogenetic size ranges has important implications for the stability of ecological food webs.  相似文献   

Spanwise surface heterogeneity beneath high-Reynolds number, fully-rough wall turbulence is known to induce a mean secondary flow in the form of counter-rotating streamwise vortices—this arrangement is prevalent, for example, in open-channel flows relevant to hydraulic engineering. These counter-rotating vortices flank regions of predominant excess(deficit) in mean streamwise velocity and downwelling(upwelling) in mean vertical velocity. The secondary flows have been definitively attributed to the lower surface conditions, and are now known to be a manifestation of Prandtl’s secondary flow of the second kind—driven and sustained by spatial heterogeneity of components of the turbulent (Reynolds averaged) stress tensor (Anderson et al. J Fluid Mech 768:316–347, 2015). The spacing between adjacent surface heterogeneities serves as a control on the spatial extent of the counter-rotating cells, while their intensity is controlled by the spanwise gradient in imposed drag (where larger gradients associated with more dramatic transitions in roughness induce stronger cells). In this work, we have performed an order of magnitude analysis of the mean (Reynolds averaged) transport equation for streamwise vorticity, which has revealed the scaling dependence of streamwise circulation intensity upon characteristics of the problem. The scaling arguments are supported by a recent numerical parametric study on the effect of spacing. Then, we demonstrate that mean streamwise velocity can be predicted a priori via a similarity solution to the mean streamwise vorticity transport equation. A vortex forcing term has been used to represent the effects of spanwise topographic heterogeneity within the flow. Efficacy of the vortex forcing term was established with a series of large-eddy simulation cases wherein vortex forcing model parameters were altered to capture different values of spanwise spacing, all of which demonstrate that the model can impose the effects of spanwise topographic heterogeneity (absent the need to actually model roughness elements); these results also justify use of the vortex forcing model in the similarity solution.  相似文献   

Borer ET  Halpern BS  Seabloom EW 《Ecology》2006,87(11):2813-2820
Eutrophication and predator additions and extinctions are occurring in ecosystems worldwide. Although theory predicts that both will strongly alter the distribution of biomass in whole communities, empirical evidence has not been consolidated to quantitatively determine whether these theoretical predictions are generally borne out in real ecosystems. Here we analyze data from two types of trophic cascade studies, predator removals in factorial combination with fertilization and observed productivity gradients, to assess the role of top-down and bottom-up forces in structuring multi-trophic communities and compare results from these analyses to those from an extensive database of trophic cascade studies. We find that herbivore biomass declines and plant biomass increases in the presence of predators, regardless of system productivity. In contrast, while plants are increased by fertilization, this effect does not significantly increase herbivores in either the presence or absence of predators. These patterns are consistent among marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems and are largely independent of study size and duration. Thus, top-down effects of predation are transferred through more trophic levels than are bottom-up effects of eutrophication, showing strong asymmetry in the direction of control of biomass distribution in communities.  相似文献   

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