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In this project, the relationship between fluorine content in drinking water and dental health of residents in some large cities in China was evaluated. The concentration of fluorine in tap water and in urine of local subjects of 28 cities and 4 high fluorine villages in China shows a strong positive correlation (r(2)=0.96, S.E.=0.9881). Our studies indicate that drinking water is the most important source of fluorine intake for Chinese people, and in more than 90% of urban cities, fluorine concentrations in drinking water are below levels recommended by the WHO (approximately 0.5-1.0 mg/l). A 1995 investigation by The National Committee on Oral Health of China (NCOH) shows the relationship between average number of decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) of urban residents and fluorine concentration in drinking water to be negatively correlated but not forming a good linear relationship. Our results, together with the previous study, suggest that: (1) dental caries of the study population can be reduced by drinking water fluoridation and that (2) other factors such as economic level, weather, lifestyle, food habits, living condition, etc., of a city can also affect the incidence of dental caries that cannot be predicted by fluoridation alone. Research on the relation between index of fluorosis (IF) and the fluorine concentration in drinking water for the four high fluorine villages showed that the recommended concentration of fluorine in drinking water can protect from dental fluorosis.  相似文献   

The volume of industrial and domestic wastewater is increasing significantly year by year with the change in the lifestyle based on mass consumption and mass disposal brought about by the dramatic development of economies and industries. Therefore, effective advanced wastewater treatment is required because wastewater contains a variety of constituents such as particles, organic materials, and emulsion depending on the resource. However, residual chemicals that remain during the treatment of wastewaters form a variety of known and unknown by-products through reactions between the chemicals and some pollutants. Chronic exposure to these by-products or residual chemicals through the ingestion of drinking water, inhalation and dermal contact during regular indoor activities (e.g., showering, bathing, cooking) may pose cancer and non-cancer risks to human health. For example, residual aluminium salts in treated water may cause Alzheimer's disease (AD). As for carbon nanotubes (CNTs), despite their potential impacts on human health and the environment having been receiving more and more attention in the recent past, existing information on the toxicity of CNTs in drinking water is limited with many open questions. Furthermore, though general topics on the human health impacts of traditional water treatment chemicals have been studied, no comparative analysis has been done. Therefore, a qualitative comparison of the human health effects of both residual CNTs and traditional water treatment chemicals is given in this paper. In addition, it is also important to cover and compare the human health effects of CNTs to those of traditional water treatment chemicals together in one review because they are both used for water treatment and purification.  相似文献   

New data are reported on the concentrations, isotopic composition and speciation of americium, plutonium and uranium in surface and ground waters in the Sarzhal region of the Semipalatinsk Test Site, and an adjacent area including the settlement of Sarzhal. The data relate to filtered water and suspended particulate from (a) streams originating in the Degelen Mountains, (b) the Tel′kem 1 and Tel′kem 2 atomic craters, and (c) wells on farms located within the study area and at Sarzhal. The measurements show that 241Am, 239,240Pu and 238U concentrations in well waters within the study area are in the range 0.04–87 mBq dm−3, 0.7–99 mBq dm−3, and 74–213 mBq dm−3, respectively, and for 241Am and 239,240Pu are elevated above the levels expected solely on the basis of global fallout. Concentrations in streams sourced in the Degelen Mountains are similar, while concentrations in the two water-filled atomic craters are somewhat higher. Suspended particulate concentrations in well waters vary considerably, though median values are very low, at 0.01 mBq dm−3, 0.08 mBq dm−3 and 0.32 mBq dm−3 for 241Am, 239,240Pu and 238U, respectively. The 235U/238U isotopic ratio in almost all well and stream waters is slightly elevated above the ‘best estimate’ value for natural uranium worldwide, suggesting that some of the uranium in these waters is of test-site provenance. Redox analysis shows that on average most of the plutonium present in the microfiltered fraction of these waters is in a chemically reduced form (mean 69%; 95% confidence interval 53–85%). In the case of the atomic craters, the proportion is even higher. As expected, all of the americium present appears to be in a reduced form. Calculations suggest that annual committed effective doses to individual adults arising from the daily ingestion of these well waters are in the range 11–42 μSv (mean 21 μSv). Presently, the ground water feeding these wells would not appear to be contaminated with radioactivity from past underground testing in the Degelen Mountains or from the Tel′kem explosions.  相似文献   

The contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh by arsenic is a widespread and serious environmental problem, affecting mainly the rural population who rely extensively on groundwater for drinking and cooking. The study conducted survey work in a few affected villages of the Northwest region in Bangladesh. The household survey gathered information on the respondents (affected by arsenic) water usage and sources, knowledge of the arsenic problem, changes in the source of water for drinking and cooking, arsenic mitigation technologies and socio-economic information on the households. The survey work shows that percentage of male patient is higher than female patient among the same level of household income in each study villages. Prevalence of arsenicosis is more among poorer sections and it is directly related to the poverty situation of the community. People know more about the health problems caused by arsenicosis but lack knowledge about mitigation aspects. In one of the study areas, every year an extra 4% tubewell is getting contaminated by arsenic. Arsenic contamination in groundwater also affects the environment and the ecology negatively. The NGOs have been found contributing to a knowledge creation process in the village community as the villagers are showing marked behavioral changes in water-use practice.
Nurun NaharEmail:

The utilization of reclaimed water could be an efficient tool to alleviate water scarcity, especially for dry river augmentation. However, it is crucial to monitor water quality to ensure safety to human health and to avoid negative effects on the environment. Reclaimed water samples were collected bimonthly from May to November in 2010 in Chaobai River, and the physiochemical parameters were determined. The main results are as follows: The parameters exceeding the threshold value of the water guidelines are mainly nutrition related to nitrogen and phosphorus, which are known to increase the risk of eutrophication in surface waters. Additionally, nitrite and nitrate can be detrimental to human health. The majority of the parameters have a peaking concentration in May, whereas others either show significant temporal variation over the entire period or remain relatively constant in all four months. Correlation analysis shows that some parameters (pH, T and B) have no significant correlation with others, whereas significant positive correlation was found for Sr with EC and TDS, for Cl with TDS, for SiO2 with TP and for NO3–N with TN and a significant negative correlation between SO4 and Ba. According to principal component analysis, 60.108% of the total data is represented by dominant solutes, and the second principal component with a percentage of 31.876 comprises parameters related to nitrogen. Subsequent cluster analysis of parameters identified four groups, which represent different compositions, and samples in May differ from others.  相似文献   

The utilization of reclaimed water could be an efficient tool to alleviate water scarcity,especially for dry river augmentation.However,it is crucial to monitor water quality to ensure safety to human health and to avoid negative effects on the environment.Reclaimed water samples were collected bimonthly from May to November in 2010 in Chaobai River,and the physiochemical parameters were determined.The main results are as follows:The parameters exceeding the threshold value of the water guidelines are mainly nutrition related to nitrogen and phosphorus,which are known to increase the risk of eutrophication in surface waters.Additionally,nitrite and nitrate can be detrimental to human health.The majority of the parameters have a peaking concentration in May,whereas others either show significant temporal variation over the entire period or remain relatively constant in all four months.Correlation analysis shows that some parameters(pH,T and B) have no significant correlation with others,whereas significant positive correlation was found for Sr with EC and TDS,for CI with TDS,for Si02 with TP and for NO3-N with TN and a significant negative correlation between SO4 and Ba.According to principal component analysis,60.108%of the total data is represented by dominant solutes,and the second principal component with a percentage of 31.876 comprises parameters related to nitrogen.Subsequent cluster analysis of parameters identified four groups,which represent different compositions,and samples in May differ from others.  相似文献   

An in vitro approach was performed to assess the quality of drinking water collected at two treatment/distribution networks located near the source (Plant #1) and the mouth of River Po (Plant #2). The water was sampled at different points of each distribution network, before (raw water) and after the chlorine dioxide disinfection, and in two points of the pipeline system to evaluate the influence of the distribution system on the amount and quality of the disinfection by-product. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of water extracts were evaluated in human peripheral lymphocytes and Hep-G2 cells by the use of the micronucleus (MN) test and Comet assay. Raw water samples of both plants induced cytotoxic effects, but not the increases of MN frequency in Hep-G2 cells and in human lymphocytes. Increases of DNA damage in human leukocytes was detected by Comet assay for raw water of Plant #2 at concentration ≥ 0.25 Leq/mL. The disinfection process generally has reduced the toxicity of water samples, even if potential direct DNA-damaging compounds have been detectable in drinking water samples. The proposal approach, if currently used together with chemical analysis, can contribute to improve the monitoring drinking water.  相似文献   

Research across several decades has mapped the way complex environmental issues with complicated policy implications are often differentially framed within the media, public, and policy agendas with major implications for how they are understood, discussed, and decided. Building on this work, this this study compared news coverage of the debate over natural gas “fracking” in New York, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina between the period 2008 and 2013. Examining state newspapers, the analysis evaluated the types of sources used, the assertions of these sources, and how the issue of fracking was framed. From a general perspective, this study reveals how differences in framing of an environmental and scientific controversy can be attributed to the locally relevant sources used in reporting, as well as the political, economic, and social factors that might be unique to a state. Specific to the debate over natural gas “fracking,” this study adds to our understanding of how such state-based factors influence the portrayal of the issue in the news media.  相似文献   

水权是现代水治理体系中的关键环节;合理的水权制度有助于水资源的优化配置。我国旧有的水资源管理模式中水权不明晰、水权制度尚未建立健全,因而无法适应市场经济发展和水资源高效可持续利用的需要。美国的水权制度与其发达的市场经济相适应,其经验可资借鉴。美国的水资源治理实践表明,建立在市场经济基础之上、以法律和制度为保障的水权制度,对于水资源的高效配置和可持续利用具有积极的促进作用。对水资源财产权的明晰界定是美国水权制度的基石;水权的取得及其权责范围均有明确的法律规定并受法律保护。在保护私有水权的同时,美国水权制度兼顾联邦和地方利益,同时避免外部性产生。各州对水权的确权和管理因各自人文和自然状况的差异而异,但对水资源"合理有益的使用"是各州共有的理念。美国的水治理理念正从偏重水资源的经济价值转向日渐重视水的环境及人文价值。社会公平、效率的增进、交易成本的降低是美国水权制度演进的内在动力。经历了漫长的历史演化,美国的水权管理体系已日臻成熟,但依旧存在不同层面的水权冲突,因此仍然在实践中不断修正调适。我国应学习借鉴美国水治理的有益经验,并积极探索美国经验的中国转化。本文对美国现行水权体系中水权的取得、水权的范围以及水权的变更与中止进行了系统总结,并在此基础上对中国的水权制度建设提出构想,包括:以立法确立和保障水权、建立市场导向的水价形成机制、运用水价杠杆实施有效的水资源需求管理、培育水权交易市场、构建区域性水权管理规范等。  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate the public’s sustainability mental model (SMM), which can reveal the sustainability dilemma from the public respective, other than enterprise or government. In this article, SMM is defined as one’s cognitive structure, thinking mode, and behavior tendency when someone deals with sustainability issues. After theoretical analysis, the authors developed reliable and valid measures systematically and conducted a typical survey with 581 participants from college students’ families in Guangdong province in China. Based on those samples, the author used the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to construct a measurement model of SMM, which includes three dimensions, i.e. sustainable cognition, sustainable thinking, and sustainable behavior intention. According to SMM survey and clustering analysis, the results indicate that SMM of those participants is inactive. Even though those samples do not represent the whole country comprehensively, but this survey was sampled typically and they came from around China. So, the authors consider the SMM scores can reflect Chinese people to some extent, leading to the assumption that SMM of Chinese people is not active presently.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic radionuclides in seawater have been used as transient tracers of processes in the marine environment. Especially, plutonium in seawater is considered to be a valuable tracer of biogeochemical processes due to its particle-reactive properties. However, its behavior in the ocean is also affected by physical processes such as advection, mixing and diffusion. Here we introduce Pu/137Cs ratio as a proxy of biogeochemical processes and discuss its trends in the water column of the North Pacific Ocean. We observed that the 239,240Pu/137Cs ratio in seawater exponentially increased with increasing depth (depth range: 100–1000 m). This finding suggests that the profiles of the 239,240Pu/137Cs ratios in shallower waters directly reflect biogeochemical processes in the water column. A half-regeneration depth deduced from the curve fitting the observed data, showed latitudinal and longitudinal distributions, also related to biogeochemical processes in the water column.  相似文献   

空气污染对居民公共健康的影响,引起了人们高度的关注。但大多数学者研究从样本的独立性出发且不考虑内生性问题,忽视区域之间空间相关性,所得结论和政策建议需谨慎对待。为了弥补上述不足,本文基于Grossman中国宏观健康生产函数,选取2001—2014年中国广东省珠江三角洲9个城市作为样本,选择以PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)作为空气污染的代理指标,在充分考虑空间效应和严格假设检验的基础上选择合适的空间计量经济学模型,对此进行实证研究。主要研究结果显示:空气污染对居民的公共健康带来了负面影响,即PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)每增加1%,导致哮喘疾病和内科门诊等疾病人数不断上升,且影响都比较大,尤其是对哮喘疾病的影响分别为0.2236%和0.2272%。经济增长对公共健康均有显著的促进作用,影响最大;其它财政医疗支出、卫生技术人员和人口密度等要素对居民公共健康的影响较小。由于空气污染的负外部性,研究还发现,区域之间空气污染的"溢出效应"对领域居民公共健康存在显著的影响,说明忽视空间自相关性的存在,会使得空气污染对公众健康的估计产生偏差。从长期看,空气污染对本地居民公共健康的直接效应都显著为正,PM_(2.5)间接效应显著为负,但PM_(10)间接效应并不显著。因此,各级政府除了在源头上治理污染物的排放,提高公共健康水平外,还应该打破各自为阵的行政垄断,应该作为一个整体,实现跨区域环保合作,共同治理和制定公共卫生政策等。这对区域之间协同减排和保护居民公共健康具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

In Africa, the land and water resources quality are key factors for sustainable development. The degradation of the quality of these resources leads to scarcities and conflicts, which together threaten the sustainability of rural livelihoods. This work investigated and analysed the livelihoods conflicts over the land and water resources and their scarcities, policies that contributed to the land and water scarcities and the livelihood conflicts and linkage of the conflicts to the resources scarcities and degradation. Implications of degradation of the resources, development policies and livelihoods conflicts on sustainable development are discussed. Literature study, visits and discussions, participatory assessments, observations and questionnaire survey were used tools to collect data. Interviews of the 266 households revealed that, those experiencing the land and water scarcities and conflicts over these resources are significantly (p < 0.001) higher than those not experiencing the scarcities and conflicts. Crop-livestock competition, over the land and water resources causes prominent conflicts. A significant, (p < 0.05) associations of livelihoods conflicts to water shortage and period of water shortage for crop and livestock production were found. Improved accessibility to soil and water management technologies, wildlife–livestock co-existence, recognition of needs and land rights for pastoralists are recommended to minimize scarcities and herders versus farmers’ conflicts.  相似文献   

基于投入产出方法的中国居民虚拟水消费研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居民在消费商品或服务的过程中,即在消费隐含其中的虚拟水,并且虚拟水的消费量远大于实物形态的水的消耗。不同消费模式对水资源的需求差异很大。文章借助投入产出方法计算了2002年中国各省及城乡居民的虚拟水消费情况,并分析了造成虚拟水消费差距的原因。结果表明,人均虚拟水消费量省际间及城乡间差异显著,基本是发达地区高于欠发达地区,城镇高于农村;每万元消费的虚拟水含量省际间及城乡间也有所不同,基本是欠发达地区高于发达地区,农村高于城镇。分析认为,消费水平和消费结构是造成这种差异的根本原因。  相似文献   

To examine water circulation patterns of coastal water, 72 seaweed (Sargasso) samples and 27 coastal water samples were collected from coastal areas of the Noto Peninsula, Japan, during the period from December 1998 to June 2002. The (228)Ra and (226)Ra activities of those samples were measured by low-background gamma-ray spectrometry. There was a wide range of activities of (228)Ra (0.5-2Bq/kg-fresh) and (226)Ra (0.5-1.2Bq/kg-fresh) in the Sargasso samples. The (228)Ra/(226)Ra activity ratio of Sargasso samples exhibited seasonal variation with minimum values in June ((228)Ra/(226)Ra= approximately 1) and maximum values in December (1.5-2.5), which was mainly governed by changes in (228)Ra activity. It is also notable that the seasonal variation of the (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of Sargasso is in approximate agreement with that of the ambient coastal water. Sargasso samples appear to have retained the (228)Ra/(226)Ra ratio of the ambient coastal waters, and the temporal variations in that ratio provide insight into seasonal changes in water circulation in the Noto Peninsula coastal area.  相似文献   

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