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Sediment core is the recorder of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) pollutions and the associated sedimentary organic matter (SOM), acting as crucial supports for pollution control and environmental management. Here, the sedimentary records of PAHs and SOM in the past century in Lake Taihu, China, were reconstructed from a 50-cm sediment core. On the one hand, the presence of PAHs ranged from 8.99 to 199.2 ng/g. Vertically, PAHs declined with the depth increased, and the sedimentation history of PAHs was divided into two stages with a discontinuity at 20 cm depth. In composition, PAHs in the sediment core were dominated by three-ring PAHs (44.6% ± 9.1%, mean ± standard deviation), and were followed by four-ring (27.0% ± 3.3%), and five-ring (12.1% ± 4.0%) PAHs. In toxicity assessment, the sedimentary records of benzo[a]pyrene-based toxic equivalency were well described by an exponential model with R-square of 0.95, and the environmental background toxic value was identified as 1.62 ng/g. On the other hand, different components of SOM were successfully identified by n-alkane markers (p < 0.01) and the variations of SOM were well explained (84.6%). A discontinuity of SOM was recognized at 22 cm depth. Association study showed that the sedimentary PAHs were associated with both anthropogenic and biogenic SOM (p < 0.05) with explained variances for most individual PAHs of 60%. It indicated the vertical distributions of PAHs were driven by sedimentary SOM. Therefore, environmental processes such as biogenic factors should attract more attentions as well as PAH emissions to reduce the impacts of PAHs.  相似文献   

超声/Fe0/EDTA体系对印染污泥中多环芳烃的降解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fe~0/EDTA类芬顿体系能产生氧化能力极强的羟基自由基(·OH),已被广泛应用于有机污染物的去除.提高·OH的生成速率和浓度是高效降解有机污染物的关键.因此,本文利用超声/Fe~0/EDTA体系处理印染污泥,探讨了不同反应参数对体系中产生·OH的影响,考察了该体系对印染污泥中多环芳烃(PAHs)的去除效果.结果表明,在pH为3.0,超声功率为540 W,Fe~0投加量为15 g·L~(-1),EDTA浓度为2.0 mmol·L~(-1)的最佳条件下,·OH浓度高达862μmol·L~(-1).印染污泥中的铁絮凝剂可作为超声/Fe~0/EDTA体系中Fe~(2+)和Fe~(3+)的来源,促使该体系循环产生H_2O_2和·OH.超声/Fe~0/EDTA体系产生的·OH能快速有效地降解印染污泥中的PAHs,∑_(16)PAHs的平均去除率达到77%,同时有机质含量下降了10.1%.  相似文献   

二次有机气溶胶的形成及其毒理效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
有机物是大气气溶胶中非常重要的化学组分,对我国空气污染及灰霾事件发生具有显著的贡献,是当前大气化学研究的最前沿课题之一。有机气溶胶中包含大量有毒物质(如多环芳香烃、多氯联苯及有机胺类等),直接危害人体健康。目前气溶胶中有机组分的体内/体外生物毒性研究多集中于污染源直接排放的一次颗粒物,对于大气中二次有机气溶胶的形成和毒性效应的关注很少。本文以多环芳烃、有机胺及自然源萜烯类挥发性有机物为例,简要综述了大气中二次有机气溶胶的形成及其生物毒性效应,重点关注这些二次有机气溶胶的形成对母体有机组分生物毒性的增强作用,以增进对大气气溶胶污染的健康危害认识。  相似文献   

几种低分子量有机酸和氨基酸对黄棕壤吸附菲的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用批量平衡试验方法,研究了根系分泌物中几种常见的低分子量有机酸(LMWOA)和氨基酸对黄棕壤吸附菲的影响.结果表明,在供试有机酸和氨基酸的影响下黄棕壤对菲的等温吸附曲线仍呈显著的线性关系,分配作用是黄棕壤吸附菲的主导机制,供试LMWOA和氨基酸对黄棕壤吸附菲有抑制作用,且加入量越大,抑制作用越强.与氨基酸相比,LMW...  相似文献   

我国一些城市污泥中多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
应用GC/MS对我国内地和香港地区共11个城市污泥中的17种多环芳烃化合物(PAHs)进行了研究,各城市污泥中∑PAHs的含量在2.271-143.804mg/lg之间,依次为兰州污泥>珠海污泥>北京污泥>广州污泥>佛山污泥>无锡污泥>沙田污泥(香港)>元朗污泥(香港)>大埔污泥(香港)>西安污染>深圳污泥,含量较高的化合物主要是蒽、荧蒽、苯并(a)蒽和屈等,珠海污泥和北京污泥的苯并(a)芘含量超过我国城市污泥农用标准,各化合物的最高含量分别分布在兰州污泥、珠海污泥、北京污泥和广州污泥中,各城市污泥中的PAHs具有不同的分布特征,均以少数化合物为主,主要是3和4个苯环的化合物,2、5和6个苯环的化合物含量普遍较低。  相似文献   

官厅水库周边蔬菜地表土中多环芳烃的污染   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为掌握北京市备用水源地——官厅水库周边的蔬菜地表土中多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染状况及来源,于2008年11月在延庆县小丰营蔬菜产地采集了48个表土样品(0~20cm)测定PAHs含量,并综合特征化合物比值法和因子分析/多元线性回归两种方法推断了土壤中PAHs来源.结果表明,土壤中15种PAHs单体(PAH15)的含量均服从正态分布或对数正态分布,∑15PAH几何均值为(118.71±28.63)ng.g-1(干重含量,下同),算术均值为(139.57±85.65)ng.g-1.以荷兰土壤标准衡量,71%的样点归类PAHs弱污染,与文献报道的大多数国内外农业土壤相比,尚属于较清洁的水平.成分谱分析表明,研究区域土壤中的PAHs分布谱以3环~4环化合物为主,优势化合物为PHE、FLA、FLO、PYR.校正后的FLA/(FLA+PYR),ANT/(ANT+PHE)比值表明该研究区域PAHs主要来自燃烧源.通过因子分析提取了3个主成分,分别代表①燃煤和交通燃油;②生物质燃烧和炼焦;③燃油.多元线性回归分析的结果表明,这3种来源对官厅水库周边蔬菜地表土中PAHs的贡献分别是54.0%,39.9%和6.1%.结合两种源解析方法和排放源分析,除该区域存在明显生物质燃烧源以外,其它来源的PAHs经过了一定距离的大气迁移和沉降.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of in-situ bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) may be inhibited by low nutrients and organic carbon. To evaluate the effect of organic wastes on the PAHs removal efficiency of a plant-microbe remediation system, contaminated agricultural soils were amended with different dosages of sewage sludge (SS) and cattle manure (CM) in the presence of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and PAHs-degraders (Bacillus sp. and Flavobacterium sp.). The results indicated that the alfalfa mean biomasses varied from 0.56 to 2.23 g/pot in root dry weight and from 1.80 to 4.88 g/pot in shoot dry weight. Low dose amendments, with rates of SS at 0.1% and CM at 1%, had prominent effects on plant growth and soil PAHs degradation. After 60-day incubation, compared with about 5.6% in the control, 25.8% PAHs removal was observed for treatments in the presence of alfalfa and PAHs-degraders; furthermore, when amended with different dosages of SS and CM, the removed PAHs from soils increased by 35.5%-44.9% and 25.5%-42.3%, respectively. In particular, the degradation of high-molecular-weight PAHs was up to 42.4%. Dehydrogenase activities (DH) ranged between 0.41 and 1.83 μupg triphenylformazan/(g dry soil. hr) and the numbers of PAHs-degrading microbes (PDM) ranged from 1.14× 106 to 16.6× 106 most-probable-number/g dry soil. Further investigation of the underlying microbial mechanism revealed that both DH and PDM were stimulated by the addition of organic wastes and significantly correlated with the removal ratio of PAHs. In conclusion, the effect of organic waste application on soil PAHs removal to a great extent is dependent on the interactional effect of nutrients and dissolved organic matter in organic waste and soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Receptor models are a useful tool for identifying sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in multiple environmental media. In this study, three different receptor models (including the principal component analysis-multiple linear regression (PCA-MLR), positive matrix factorization (PMF), and Unmix models) were used to apportion the sources of 16 priority PAHs in a sediment core of Lake Dagze Co. The ∑PAHs (sum of all 16 measured PAHs) concentrations ranged from 51.89 to 132.82 ng/g with an average of 80.39 ng/g. The ∑PAHs were dominated by 2-3 ring PAHs, accounting for 80.12% on average, thereby indicating that they mainly originated from biomass and coal combustion and/or from long-range atmospheric transportation. The three models produced consistent source apportionment results. The greatest contributor to ∑PAHs was biomass combustion, followed by coal combustion, vehicle emissions, and petrogenic sources. Moreover, the temporal variation of the common sources was well-correlated among models. The multi-method comparison and evaluation results showed that all three models were useful tools for source apportionment of PAHs, with the PMF model providing better results than the PCA-MLR and Unmix models. The temporal trends of factor contributions were verified by PAHs with different ring numbers. Significant correlations were found between the simulated concentrations of each source factor and the PAHs with different ring numbers (P<0.01), except for the petrogenic source identified by the Unmix model (P>0.05). This study can provide useful information for further investigation of source apportionment of PAHs in the sediment cores.  相似文献   

Eighteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) were detected in benthos collected onboard the ‘Snow Dragon’ in the Northern Bering Sea Shelf and Chukchi Sea Shelf during the 6 th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE 2014). 18 PAHs for all biota samples ranged from 34.2 to 128.1 ng/g dry weight(dw), with the highest concentration observed in fish muscle( Boreogadus saida) samples close to St. Lawrence Island. The PAH composition pattern was dominated by the presence of lighter 3 r...  相似文献   

Municipal wastewater discharge is considered as one of the main sources of N-nitrosamine precursors which can impact the qualities of downstream source waters and reclaimed wastewaters for potable reuse. NNitrosamine precursors can be removed to various degrees during biological wastewater treatment (e.g., the activated sludge (AS) process). So far, little is known about the impact of the AS process on N-nitrosamine formation under practical disinfection condition (e.g., uniform formation condition (UFC)). In this study, N-nitrosamine UFC from selected model compounds, sewage components (i.e., blackwaters and greywaters) and sewage samples were comprehensively investigated during batch AS treatment tests. NNitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation from the tested precursor compounds (i.e., trimethylamine (TMA) and sumatriptan (SMTR)) under UFC chloramination decreased mostly after 6 or 24 hr treatment with different types of AS (i.e., domestic rural AS, domestic urban AS, and textile AS), and the reductions in NDMA UFC were comparable to their NDMA formation potential (FP) reductions. In urine and feces blackwaters, NDMA UFC increased after 6 or 24 hr treatment with the domestic (i.e., rural and urban) AS, while NDMA FP decreased substantially. The increases in NDMA UFC after AS treatment was presumably attributed to the removal of bulk organic matters (e.g., dissolved organic carbon (DOC)) which favored NDMA formation under UFC. On the other hand, in laundry greywaters having relatively abundant DOC, N-nitrosamine UFC was less affected by DOC removal before or after AS treatment, but decreased to similar degrees with N-nitrosamine FP. In sewage samples collected from wastewater treatment plants, N-nitrosamines UFC tended to increase or remain constant during AS treatment, despite the decreases in their FPs. These results suggest that biological wastewater treatment (e.g., the AS process) may not effectively reduce N-nitrosamine formation (e.g., measured under UFC) partially because the concurrent removal of bulk organic matters (e.g., DOC) favored N-nitrosamine formation in s econdary effluents.  相似文献   

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