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The cyclicity of population dynamics of abundance has been analyzed in sympatric adult populations of three odonate species monitored for long time (1980–2010) in the Lake Chany basin (Western Siberia). The spectra of odonate population dynamics have been constructed for the first time and shown to be species-specific: each species has its own population cycles, and if the cycles are similar, interspecific differences manifest themselves in the relative power of these cycles. These differences provide for separation of species in time, reducing the stress of competition between them. The population rhythms of all studied species show synchronicity with natural rhythms that are important to them, such as fluctuations of climatic parameters (2–3 year cycles) and hydrological parameters of Lake Chany (2–4-year cycles).  相似文献   

The results of 25-year monitoring have been used to develop a local approach to analysis of the spatiotemporal population dynamics of rodents. The main processes of the formation of the rodent population structure in a heterogeneous environment have been considered on the basis of experimental quantitative estimates obtained under natural conditions. The possibility of real-time identification of elementary chorological units of a species population has been substantiated. It has been found that complete cycles of vital activity of a model rodent species are usually no longer than 18 months. The strategy of the regional population functioning in species with short individual life cycles is considered at a new angle.  相似文献   

The structure of commercial sable samples from the Cis-Ural region was studied taking into account hunting method (shooting or trapping). The proportion of adult animals was found to be significantly lower in samples taken during the first half of the hunting season, compared to the second half, indicating predominant harvesting of young animals. To estimate the degree of hunting selectivity (I), the ratios of demographic groups among shot and trapped animals were calculated. The results confirmed the fact of selective hunting for underyearlings both by shooting (I = 1.49–1.60 for the Cis-Ural region and I = 2.46–3.37 for the Western Sayan Mountains) and by trapping (I = 2.80–4.37), especially during the first half of winter. Samples taken during the second half of the season were characterized by prevalence of adult animals making up the reproductive core of the population (I = 1.43–2.07). It is considered that the process of reproduction in Cis-Ural sable populations in the 1960s to 1980s was stimulated by intensive commercial hunting. To maintain reproduction of sable populations at a safe level, it is necessary to reduce the period of hunting in the first quarter of the year. It is proposed to use the phenomenon of hunting selectivity for managing sable populations, regulating their exploitation, and improving the economic productivity of habitats. Commercial hunting in terms of its impact on the population can act as a factor of conscious or unconscious artificial selection.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - Analysis of hunting samples of the Kamchatka sable population for 2001–2013 has revealed changes in the reproductive parameters of females over the period from...  相似文献   

Studies on the common vole Microtus arvalis revealed a distinct cytogenetic response to the influence of ionizing radiation, a wide range of variation in the group average indices of chromosome instability beyond the zone of technogenic impact, and the influence of natural factors (viral infections and fluctuations of population size) on the frequency of chromosome aberrations. In the northern mole vole Ellobius talpinus, neither the mutagenic effect of ionizing radiation nor interpopulation differences in the level of chromosome aberrations in the absence of anthropogenic impact were detected. Variation of genome instability of the rodents is significantly contributed to by species demography and population cycles.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of moose, wild boar, and roe deer in the Middle Urals and changes in the proportion of females among the animals taken by hunters were analyzed. For all the three species, a tendency toward selective hunting for females was revealed. In this situation, the proportion of females in a population decreases with time, and its reproductive potential is impaired.  相似文献   

Results of stationary studies on the spatial location of sables (Martes zibellinaL.) belonging to different age and sex groups are summarized. Mapping the sites where 388 animals were taken, it was found that young animals tended to live near floodplains; adult animals, on watersheds. Analysis of sables taken by commercial hunters (n= 1833) made it possible to estimate the age composition and the degree and spatial distribution of the hunting pressure on sable populations in three areas of the Ob region. The spatial separation of young and reproductive animals is interpreted as a group adaptive response to the specific distribution pattern of different habitats typical of this species and to the pattern of animal elimination. It is proposed to use the specific pattern of animal distribution for maintaining the size of the population that is subject to hunting. Specifically, reserve (reproductive) territories should be organized in watershed areas.  相似文献   

The demographic parameters (sex and age structure, fecundity, and population growth) and the main environmental factors (legal hunting and poaching, predators, weather, and food supply) affecting the structure and dynamics of the large Tartarian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus Pall.) population of Kurgan oblast were studied. The question of the conformity between the population size and the carrying capacity of its range is considered.  相似文献   

The political decision concerning modernization of Russian economy is impossible to implement without ecomodernization. The development of more efficient industrial, transportation, and agricultural technologies should be coordinated with measures to support natural self-regulation in ecosystems. Consideration is given to errors and misjudgments made in the course of modernization and possible measures to optimize and scientifically support this process in the interests of advancement in hunting and game management.  相似文献   

Degradation of fur hunting in the mid-1990s allowed the impact of hunting on some species of predatory mammals to be estimated. The numbers of sables, martens, foxes, and lynx were demonstrated to slowly decrease in the period of intense hunting; after pelt trade ceased, the numbers of sables, martens, and foxes increased by a factor of three within 15 years. Ermines and Siberian weasels had not experienced a substantial hunting pressure; changes in their numbers were caused by other factors.  相似文献   

人口增多,耕地减少,部分地区供水不足,是我国人口与资源矛盾的基本格局。由于人口的压力,对资源实行超强度的利用,使较大范围的地区生态环境恶化,严重威胁农业生产,并成为许多地区多灾、低产、贫困的根本原因,较低的食物人均占有水平,将继续成为中国国民经济发展和人民生活水平提高的严重限制因素。增加食物,必须挖掘资源的潜力,开源与节流相结合,以内涵挖潜为主。首先是要立足现有的耕地,致力于提高单产;同时,合理开发水域、山地、草地等资源,广辟食物来源,提高非耕地资源的生产力,提高林牧渔业的发展水平。耕地应以深度开发为主,走资源节约型(节地、节水、节时、节能)的集约化道路。  相似文献   

从"胡焕庸线"的理论内涵出发,构想了"胡焕庸亚线"的基本构想、及其空间特征;以"胡焕庸亚线"为基础,结合长江经济带自然社会基础条件空间格局,测算了未来时期的资源环境人口承载力状况,并从胡焕庸亚线的视角细划了长江经济带的人口承载力空间格局,形成以长三角为首的阶梯式空间结构。并对长江经济带战略空间格局的优化提出若干建议。  相似文献   

System theory,pressure-state-response and drivingpressure-state-impact-response model have been applied to establishing China's dynamic tracking evaluation system of natural resources security in this article.Based on analytic hierarchy process and Delphi methods,the natural resources security situation has been evaluated systematically from 1991 to 2007.The result showed that the overall level of China's natural resources security presented a downtrend from 1991 to 2007.The basic reasons are the pressure indicators such as population,GDP,natural resources trade increased gradually,resulting in tension and fragility of natural resources security.  相似文献   

Several parameters of energy and immune homeostasis in immature red-backed voles at different phases of the population cycle have been evaluated and compared over three cycles (2002–2009). It has been found that a specific morphophysiological type of population is characteristic of each phase of the cycle. The values of all physiological parameters recorded at high and low population densities significantly differ from each other, with their values being usually intermediate at a medium density. The level of most energy and immune parameters at the phase of population peak corresponds to that observed under stress. Supposedly, stress contributes to suppression of reproduction and increased mortality of the voles.  相似文献   

再论白暨豚和江豚的保护   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
白暨豚(Lipotesvexilifer)的种群数量已降到了很低的水平,濒临灭绝,长江的自然环境,由于人类活动的加剧而日趋恶化。长江环境已经不可能保存白暨豚,但可能在一个半自然保护区保存下来。中国政府正在考虑集中人力和财力优先建设一个最好的白暨豚半自然保护区,即石首天鹅洲白暨豚半自然保护区,因为目前白暨豚的种群现状已不可能支持1个以上的半自然保护区。1头成熟的雌性白暨豚已于1995年捕获并移入石首天鹅洲保护区。江豚(Neophocaeuapho-caenoides)也面临着白暨豚所面临的全部威胁。近年来其种群数量亦在迅速减少。为了防止江豚发生像现在白暨豚保护所面临的困境,我们已经在石首保护区成功建立了江豚的饲养群体。  相似文献   

The hunting of wild animals remains a common activity in various parts of the world, especially in rural communities with poor socioeconomic conditions. To investigate patterns of mammal hunting, this study adopted a rural community located in semiarid Brazil as a model to test whether variables such as perceived abundance, activity period (day or night) and animal biomass could influence the consumption potential of mammal taxa. For this study, a checklist/interview technique using 32 photographs of mammals recorded in the region and two photographs of species that did not occur in the region, which acted as “control” species, was used, in addition to other visual stimuli and free lists. All species presented in the photographs, with the exception of the “control” species, were recognized as occurring in the region. Fourteen species were cited as being those most hunted locally. The species cited as most hunted had an average perceived abundance higher than the group of the least-hunted species. However, there was no significant relationship between hunting of a species and its locally perceived abundance. No significant difference in hunting pressure between diurnal and nocturnal species was found, nor was a relationship between animal biomass and hunting pressure observed. Our findings suggest that perceived abundance is an important factor for choosing a resource fauna, but other factors such as intended use, meat flavor and vulnerability to hunting, among others, may influence the potential use of a species.  相似文献   

长江三角洲农业发展的地域差异研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长江三角洲地处以上海为中心的经济发展区,是我国经济实力最强、产业规模最大的三角洲,具有良好的自然、社会、人文和区位条件,农业发展水平居全国前列。但是经济发展和高密度人口也给农业进一步发展带来沉重的压力,人地矛盾和人粮矛盾加剧严重危害了长江三角洲农业的可持续发展,同时全区农业发展水平受到自然、经济和历史因素的影响,存在较大的地域差异。从长江三角洲农业发展的地域差异出发,选取与农业发展密切相关的经济、  相似文献   

This paper proposes two concepts: the ecological footprint component index(EFCI) and the biocapacity component index(BCCI), based on the ecological footprint(EF) and Shannon entropy approaches. Per capita EFCI and BCCI in China 1949-2013 are analyzed using empirical mode decomposition(EMD). Nonlinear models of per capita EFCI and BCCI in China 1949-2013 are presented and their cycles and predictions from 2014 to 2023 are analyzed. The results over the last 65 years show:(1) EFCI in China has increased constantly with fluctuations, while BCCI has slowly decreased. Their annual change rates are 2.81% and-1.26%, respectively. The increasing EFCI indicates a gradual improvement in China's sustainable development potential; the decreasing BCCI indicates severe environmental and population challenges.(2) The cycles of per capita EFCI have periods of 5.4 and 16.3 years, while cycles of per capita BCCI have periods of 3.6, 13,and 21.7 years. The predictive models indicate that EFCI will first decrease, reaching 0.02725 in2014, and will subsequently increase to 0.03261 in 2021. BCCI will increase, reaching 0.01365 in2014 and 0.01541 in 2022. EFCI and BCCI will reach 0.03037 and 0.01537, respectively, in 2023.Policymakers should ensure that the EFCI and BCCI increase in 2023.  相似文献   

Hunting methods and hunting success and their associations with some environmental factors were studied in Lesser Spotted Eagle. Birds hunted mostly by patrol-flights (73.6%), secondary by perchhunting (23.8%). In the morning-noon period birds hunted using patrol flights more frequently than in the afternoon, while in the afternoon they more often used perch-hunting. Average hunting success reached 24% (n = 37), but it was much greater on freshly mown meadows.  相似文献   

The effect of industrial air pollution on natural small mammal populations has been studied in the northern taiga subzone of the boreal forest zone. The results of long-term monitoring have been used to demonstrate the possibility of predicting changes in the main population and community characteristics of the animal species studied as dependent on the degree of anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

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