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刘家玲 《安防科技》2006,(1):103-106
在人类社会的历史发展中,男尊女卑是非常普遍的社会现象.男尊女卑不仅反映在社会的分工、权力的占有和财富的分配等方面,也体现在语言的使用中,即形成了语言的性别歧视.同其它许多语言一样,英语中也广泛存在着性别歧视现象.作为语言家庭中的一员,在英语中,性别歧视的原因也是多方面的,显得很复杂,既有社会方面的,也有文化方面的.而性别歧视表现在语言内部,既包括语义方面,搭配方面,也包括词法方面的.我们对此要一一加以省视.  相似文献   

这两年打的,很奇怪,我总是招到黑的,于是有了许多坐黑的的经历和经验。而每个城市的黑的营运情况都不大相同。在北京和四川,我遭遇了两次被黑的欺负和挨宰的事,一想起便唏嘘不已。先说北京的黑的故事吧。由于北京  相似文献   

叶林 《安全》2004,25(5):12-13
提起图书馆安全,人们往往认为是传统的图书文献的"防水""防火""防盗"等"三防"为主的安全工作.但是随着信息知识的增多,图书馆职能的转变,图书馆被越来越多的人们利用,人们进出图书馆的次数也越来越多,图书馆已从藏书楼的形式转变为一个人员来往密集的公共场所.因此,图书馆如何面对新的环境,更好的做好图书馆的安全工作,已不只是单纯的图书馆"三防"问题,它关系到图书馆如何起到它应有的作用,确保图书馆文献资源安全、馆舍及设备的安全、读者和工作人员人身安全等方方面面.为读者提供安全、方便利用信息资源场所,是图书馆工作的主题.  相似文献   

神奇的经历甲对乙说:"我时常睡醒时发现身边竟然有一个陌生的年轻女子,最近遇到的还大多是漂亮的呢!"乙露出极其羡慕的神情道:"你怎么会有这么神奇的经历啊,教教我如何?"甲笑着说:"在公共汽车上找个没人的椅子坐着睡觉,这种机会多的是。"  相似文献   

<正>粗粮有什么营养?一粒谷物的籽粒,也就是我们吃的白米、白面的原形——麦粒、稻谷,它是由谷皮、糊粉层、谷胚、胚乳构成的。我们来把籽粒一层一层剥开分析一下它的营养价值。谷皮:含有丰富的膳食纤维和矿物质,但是由于它的外型不太美观,口感太粗糙,所以在粮食的精细加工过程中被去掉了。糊粉层:营养价值比较丰富,含有我们需要的蛋白质、矿物质、维生素和膳食纤维。但是糊粉层的细胞壁较  相似文献   

坚持讲政治.安全工作是事关国家财产和人民生命安全,涉及社会稳定和经济发展的政治工作.安全员要从讲政治的高度来认识所从事的工作,看重自己的事业,以"位卑未敢忘国忧"的责任意识和大局意识,自觉增强工作的主动性,以实实在在的工作成绩,回报组织和职工的期望与信任.  相似文献   

今年1月1日起实施的"<工伤保险条例>扩展了工伤保险制度的适用范围.凡是中华人民共和国境内各类企业的职工和个体工商户的雇工,均享有工伤保险待遇的权利."中国人民大学商学院教授郭国庆表示,新条例的一大亮点就是首次将有雇工的个体工商户以及乡镇企业纳入工伤保险范畴.  相似文献   

近年来国内外大型商场、超市的火灾事故呈现迅猛抬头之势,群死群伤恶性火灾事故屡见报端,如:唐山市的林西百货大楼、北京的隆福商业大厦、河南的洛阳东都商厦,吉林的中百商厦等火灾都造成了严重的人员伤亡和巨大的经济损失.因此,在严峻的火灾形势下,加强对大型商场、超市火灾危险性及防治对策的研讨是一个重要而紧迫的课题.  相似文献   

世界气象组织2002年8月29日向新闻界发布一份报告说,肆虐全球的洪灾和干旱等自然灾害正在加剧,人类生存环境面临严峻挑战.世界气象组织的报告说,从2002年年初以来,世界80多个国家超过800万平方公里的土地遭受洪灾,造成3000多人死亡,1700多万人的生活陷入困境,财产损失高达300亿美元,其中中欧和中国的洪灾最为严重.同期世界一些地区的持续干旱也令人担扰.世界气象组织说,持续干旱使非洲中部和南部许多国家的饥荒形势更加严峻;在北美,干旱已经袭击了美国37%的国土;印度等一些国家还遭受洪灾和旱灾的双重威胁.  相似文献   

苍蝇在人们眼里是肮脏的典型,但日本菲尔德公司经理小林一年先生却利用生物技术把它变成了环保卫士,并成功地把它应用到建立环保型农业生产上.这使得4年前还默默无闻的他成为全日本的新闻人物.这项技术原是30年前前苏联为长期生活和工作在空间站上的宇航员开发的,它使用一种特殊的家蝇分解宇航员的粪便.  相似文献   

Safety assessment has a primary role in hazardous operations. Most studies on safety assessment focus on risk and accident modeling, in which safety is absent. These top-down methods are highly dependent on the occurred accidents to establish accidental scenarios, which may make the assessment approach lagging behind the evolving modern systems. Moreover, this “special to general” logic is scientifically suspect in safety assessment. There is a call for the development of safety assessment methods in the presence of system safety to complement risk-focused safety analysis. These methods should provide a framework based on a bottom-up approach to examine system safety from the operational perspective. This paper has attempted to provide a potential solution. In particular, a novel concept of safety entropy is proposed to integrate with The Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM), which is used to form the qualitative understanding of a system. A formula consisted of safety entropy, functional conformability, and system complexity has been established to determine the spontaneity of the safety state-changing process. The proposed method is applied to the safety assessment of a propane feed-control system. The results show the applicability of the method. Nevertheless, the model still needs to be further improved to fulfill better support for safety-related decision problems.  相似文献   

Safety at Finnish work places is mainly considered to be the task of a separate safety organization, e.g., a safety manager and safety delegates. However, it is the supervisor who is responsible for the daily safety in the departments. The Finnish paper industry has developed a supplementary system for the safety organization to carry out safety work in the factories. The monitoring and improving of the daily safety has been delegated to small groups in the production departments. These small groups consist of the supervisor and the safety representative (worker member) of the work area. Sometimes also a department manager or a member of the maintenance department may participate in the work group. A training program was designed to give basic knowledge and skills for the groups. The course has helped the participants to better outline their duties and activities within the safety field.  相似文献   

安全发展理念的提出,为安全生产工作提出了新课题。本文站在安全生产监督管理部门的角度,从经济社会发展大局出发,阐述了跳出安全抓安全,通过积极主动的献计献策,争取支持,在实施产业结构调整过程中,解决安全生产深层次问题,减轻压力,从而更好地落实安全发展观、抓好安全生产工作的实践和思考。  相似文献   

Based on the sociotechnical systems approach, an understanding of safety culture as deeply rooted assumptions about the interplay of people, technology, and organization in their relation to safety is presented. As a complement to audit methods aimed at assessing formal safety management, a questionnaire was developed which allows some indications of these assumptions to be captured by providing data on perceptions regarding operational safety, safety and design strategies, and personal job needs. Analyzing response patterns of different occupational, hierarchical, and organizational groups within a company in combination with formal audit results and the communicative validation of both in a feedback meeting can help the auditors as well as the members of the company to gain a deeper understanding of safety management and safety culture in that company. Results from seven audits in petrochemical plants are presented and discussed with respect to the validity and practicability of the chosen approach.  相似文献   

为增强安全标语在安全管理应用中的有效性,从安全管理学视角,提出安全标语的概念和功能,构建安全标语功能的伞状结构;从大安全角度,划分安全标语的类型;分析安全标语的传播过程,构建安全标语的传播模型和目视管理模型。结果表明:发挥安全管理功能是安全标语设置的最终目的,保证安全标语有效传播是其发挥安全管理功能的基本前提。指出安全标语创作及应用目前主要存在的问题,其应遵循内容健康,引导正确等基本要求,并应具有实用性等6种倾向。  相似文献   

Exploratory analysis of the safety climate and safety behavior relationship   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Problem: Safety climate refers to the degree to which employees believe true priority is given to organizational safety performance, and its measurement is thought to provide an “early warning” of potential safety system failure(s). However, researchers have struggled over the last 25 years to find empirical evidence to demonstrate actual links between safety climate and safety performance.Method: A safety climate measure was distributed to manufacturing employees at the beginning of a behavioral safety initiative and redistributed one year later.Results: Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that perceptions of the importance of safety training were predictive of actual levels of safety behavior. The results also demonstrate that the magnitude of change in perceptual safety climate scores will not necessarily match actual changes (r=0.56, n.s.) in employee's safety behavior.Discussion: This study obtained empirical links between safety climate scores and actual safety behavior. Confirming and contradicting findings within the extant safety climate literature, the results strongly suggest that the hypothesized climate-behavior-accident path is not as clear cut as commonly assumed.Summary: A statistical link between safety climate perceptions and safety behavior will be obtained when sufficient behavioral data is collected.Impact on Industry: The study further supports the use of safety climate measures as useful diagnostic tools in ascertaining employee's perceptions of the way that safety is being operationalized.  相似文献   

安全系统的功能安全是基于整体安全生命周期的风险控制与管理,是安全管理学和安全监控技术的新发展。有效的开展功能安全相关工作是进一步落实科技兴安战略和预防为主方针的必然要求,对于减低安全生产事故风险,提高安全监控监管监察效能,缩小安全技术差距具有重要意义。实施功能安全相关工作需要各行业协调行动,从战略高度进行综合分析、宏观设计、统筹安排和合理规划。对功能安全研究与应用、安全生产法规标准、产业发展、科研试验、人才队伍等方面进行了探讨,在加大功能安全相关研发投入,增强科技扶持力度,提高功能安全准入门槛,建设功能安全认证服务机构,发展功能安全产业,培养功能安全专业人才等方面提出了相应的建议措施。  相似文献   

从安全生产指标体系透视企业安全管理重点   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过分析安全生产指标体系框架构成,提出了与企业安全管理密切相关的安全指标,并分别从安全管理制度指标、风险评价指标、安全培训指标、安全信息指标、安全检查指标、应急管理指标、事故管理指标和相关方管理指标八个方面分析了企业安全管理工作重点。提出建议,企业的安全管理重点工作一方面应根据安全生产指标体系内容确定,另一方面应结合业务领域和工艺设备技术的更新进行调整,以更好地实现安全生产。  相似文献   

Offshore safety case approach and formal safety assessment of ships   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PROBLEM: Tragic marine and offshore accidents have caused serious consequences including loss of lives, loss of property, and damage of the environment. METHOD: A proactive, risk-based "goal setting" regime is introduced to the marine and offshore industries to increase the level of safety. DISCUSSION: To maximize marine and offshore safety, risks need to be modeled and safety-based decisions need to be made in a logical and confident way. Risk modeling and decision-making tools need to be developed and applied in a practical environment. SUMMARY: This paper describes both the offshore safety case approach and formal safety assessment of ships in detail with particular reference to the design aspects. The current practices and the latest development in safety assessment in both the marine and offshore industries are described. The relationship between the offshore safety case approach and formal ship safety assessment is described and discussed. Three examples are used to demonstrate both the offshore safety case approach and formal ship safety assessment. The study of risk criteria in marine and offshore safety assessment is carried out. The recommendations on further work required are given. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This paper gives safety engineers in the marine and offshore industries an overview of the offshore safety case approach and formal ship safety assessment. The significance of moving toward a risk-based "goal setting" regime is given.  相似文献   

安全文化的概念被提出以来,国内外出现了多种安全文化的定义,对企业优秀安全文化特征的论述也多种多样。总体看来,优秀的企业安全文化应具有鼓励报告性、公平公正性、持续改进性和灵活可塑性四种基本属性。此外,在拥有优秀的安全文化的企业中,组织的全体成员应具有积极的安全态度、较高的风险认知能力和安全行为能力。优秀的安全文化不是自然形成的,需要正确的安全文化建设方法。基于对如何建设优秀安全文化的分析,建立了安全文化建设和安全管理体系运行之间的关系,分析了优秀安全文化的特征内容和安全管理体系要素之间的对应关系,提出了通过企业安全管理体系的有效运行来建设安全文化的思路,避免了企业安全文化建设和安全管理工作的重复和交叉。  相似文献   

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