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Athens has a major problem of ozone air pollution due to its climate which is dominated by hot and dry summers with intensesunshine. As a result there is a high violation of the air quality limits of ozone. By comparing ozone air pollution betweenweekdays and weekends it is possible to estimate the effect of the reduction of primary pollutants causing the formation ofozone on the levels of this pollutant. Thus it was estimated thatwhile during the weekends the concentrations of the ozone precursors (nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds) werereduced by the order of 10–20%, the effect on ozone levels was lower.  相似文献   

Ozone concentrations were measured in Zagreb at four sites from May 1999 to April 2001 in order to categorize the air quality with respect to ozone. In the summer of 2000, the ozone measurements were also extended to four sites in the suburbs of Zagreb. Methods of active and passive sampling with nitrite ion as a reagent were used. In the northern part of the town ozone was analyzed by an automatic device. Automatic device measurements in the years 1999 and 2000 showed that hourly averages of ozone concentrations did not exceed the Croatian recommended value of the 98th percentile (180 g m–3). Over the two-year period, 24-h averages occasionally exceed 110 g m–3 in city center and in the northern part of the town. Regardless of these isolated examples, ozone was well within acceptable concentrations. Ozone concentrations measured in summer 2000 were higher in the suburbs of Zagreb than in the city. The 98th percentile values higher than 110 g m–3 were recorded at three sites.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigate the variation of NO x (NO + NO2) and O3 concentrations and the relation between the extreme events (episodes) of NO x and O3 concentrations and the relevant meteorological conditions in the urban atmosphere of the Athens basin. Hourly data of NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations from 10 representative monitoring sites located in the Athens basin were used, covering the 10-year time period from 1994 to 2003. The results of our analysis show that the concentrations of air pollutants differ significantly from one monitoring site to another, due to the location and proximity of each station to the emission sources. For each site, there are also significant differences in NO x and O3 concentrations from day to day, as well as from month to month and/or from season to season. The annual and seasonal variations show higher NO values in winter and lower in summer. On the contrary, NO2 and O3 values are higher in summer (photochemical production of O3) and lower in winter. These differences are attributed, to a large extent, to the prevailing synoptic and meteorological conditions, the most important between them being the wind direction and speed as well as the atmospheric pressure. Our analysis of the identified 179 extreme NO x air pollution events shows that most of them took place under anticyclonic conditions, associated with calm or weak winds (speed <2.5 ms−1) of mostly southern to southwestern directions, as well as with low air temperatures and intense stable surface atmospheric conditions. There exists a significant decreasing tendency in NO x air pollution episodic events over the 10-year study period, resulting in very few to none events in the period from 2000 to 2003. As far as it concerns the extreme O3 concentrations, 34 air pollution events were identified, occurring under high air temperatures, variable weak winds and intense solar irradiation. The trends of O3 concentrations are stronger in suburban sites than in urban ones.  相似文献   

Air pollution in Athens basin and health risk assessment   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An inventory of air pollution sources within the Athens basin is carried out for the years 1989, 1992 and 1998 and the results areinputted in a climatological model for predicting ambient concentrations. Despite of the significant growth in the numberof road vehicles and the deteriorating traffic, the emissions andambient concentrations of fine particulates, CO, NOx and VOCappear to remain reasonably constant over for the period 1989 to 1998, while these of SO2 and Pb are reduced, mainly due to the renewal of vehicle fleet, the use of catalytic technologies and the improved quality of the used fuel. The results further indicate that for CO, NOx and VOC the major source is road traffic, while for PM2.5 and SO2 both space heating andtraffic share responsibility. The air pollutant concentrations monitored by the network of 11 stations are reviewed and statistics related to air quality guidelines are presented. As fine particulate levels are not monitored, approximate PM2.5and PM10 concentrations are derived from black smoke ones on basis of experimentally determined conversion factors. The computed and monitored air pollution levels are compared and found in reasonable agreement. The results of the above analysisshow that the levels of all `classical' pollutants, with the exception of SO2 and Pb, exceed significantly the WHO guidelines and are thus expected to exert a significant healthimpact. The latter could be quantified in relation to the PM2.5 or PM10 levels on the basis of risk assessment information developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results show that the existing levels of fine particle concentrations in Athens increase significantly the mortality and morbidity, and reduce the average longevity of the entirepopulation from 1.3 to 1.7 years.  相似文献   

气象条件对沈阳市环境空气臭氧浓度影响研究   总被引:6,自引:20,他引:6  
利用2013年沈阳市环境空气监测点位臭氧监测数据,分析沈阳臭氧浓度变化特征,结合气象资料分析了其对臭氧浓度的影响。结果表明,沈阳市不同区域臭氧浓度变化特征基本一致。臭氧浓度日变化呈单峰趋势,最大值出现在14:00左右,最小值出现在6:00左右;臭氧浓度变化具有明显的季节特征,夏季臭氧浓度最高,春秋次之,冬季最低;臭氧浓度受温度、风速、湿度、能见度、天气情况影响,臭氧浓度变化是多因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

The present study deals with the characterisation and interpretation of hourly taken maximum ozone concentrations of each day at various high altitude monitoring sites in Germany and contributes to the understanding of ozone transport processes. The relation between long range transport of ozone as well as its precursors and high ozone concentrations is of special interest. Aim of this paper is to investigate the influence and importance of large scale meteorological circulation and source regions of anthropogenic ozone precursors to local ozone concentrations using 2-dimensional backward trajectories. Further, reasons for the spatial and temporal variation of ozone concentration levels will be shown. Investigating numerous cases a similar origin of air masses causing high ozone concentrations in Germany and uniform patterns at various sites could be identified.  相似文献   

综合利用环境空气质量常规监测、挥发性有机物(VOCs)在线监测,以及后向轨迹聚类分析、权重潜在源区分析和正交矩阵因子分解法等多种监测分析方法,基于合肥市经历的一次典型臭氧(O3)污染过程(2020年9月1—10日),系统分析了合肥市O3污染的典型特征及成因。结果显示,此次污染过程的O3小时平均浓度高达96 μg/m3,且O3浓度波动较大,在9月6日13:00达到了224 μg/m3,呈现出快速生成、快速消耗的污染特征,并在夜间呈现出非典型的二次峰值过程。污染期间,合肥市基本处于VOCs控制区,芳香烃对O3生成潜势的贡献最大(45.2%),其次是烷烃(31.8%)和烯烃(21.5%);污染阶段的VOCs主要来自机动车排放源(44.1%)、燃烧源(21.3%)、工业源(15.3%)、溶剂使用源(12.4%)和天然源(6.9%),累积阶段和污染阶段均受机动车尾气排放和溶剂使用的影响较大。此外,台风外围下沉气流和高温、低湿、低风速等气象条件是引发此次O3污染过程的主要外因,而合肥市周边的高污染区域则是此次O3污染过程的潜在外部源区。  相似文献   

大气环境中O_3测试方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靛蓝二磺酸钠(IDS)浓度对O3的吸收效率影响很大,增加IDS的浓度将增大IDS与O3的碰撞概率,因此,用一支单层玻板吸收管就能测定大气中的O3,其吸收效率可达100%。  相似文献   

基于气象和环境空气质量监测数据,分析了江西省干旱对臭氧污染的影响,并结合VOCs在线监测数据,对2022年9月极端干旱下江西省臭氧污染过程特征及污染成因进行分析。结果表明:江西省臭氧污染与气象干旱间存在一定联系,干旱情况下缺少降水对臭氧及其前体物VOCs的湿清除作用,易促使臭氧超标概率随着无雨日数的增加逐步上升。江西省2022年9月出现历史性极端干旱情况,干旱期间江西省11个地市共出现151 d臭氧超标天,NO2常于午夜和早晨出现浓度峰值,从而促进上午臭氧浓度的迅速上升。此外,南昌市林科所站点VOCs在线监测数据也显示:极端干旱期间逐日VOCs体积分数为11.9×10-9~35.5×10-9,较8月明显升高。对OFP贡献前十的物种主要为OVOCs和芳香烃,与8月相比,芳香烃、烯烃和烷烃的OFP略有下降,OVOCs的OFP升高明显,其中乙醛对臭氧的贡献甚至上升143%,前期长时间的无降水可能是乙醛等OVOCs浓度上升的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

在深入探讨2013—2015年青岛市区O_3污染随时间变化特征的基础上,系统分析了不同气象要素对O_3浓度的影响,并研究了前体物对O_3生成的影响及贡献。结果表明:青岛市区O_3第90百分位日最大8 h滑动平均值和超标率均在2014年达到最高值;O_3浓度在5—10月较高,12月至次年1月浓度最低;O_3日变化呈单峰型变化规律,白天浓度高,夜间浓度低。强太阳辐射、高温、相对湿度60%左右、风速4 m/s左右、偏南风等气象条件下易出现高浓度O_3。O_3的生成主要受前体物VOCs控制,且烯烃对O_3生成的贡献远高于烷烃和芳香烃,控制VOCs尤其是烯烃组分的排放可有效降低青岛市区O_3浓度。  相似文献   

Ground level ozone is responsible for the formation ofsmog, and for a variety of adverse effects on bothhuman and plant life. High concentrations of groundlevel ozone occur during the summer months. This paperdescribes the development of a model to forecast themaximum daily concentration of ozone as a function ofthe maximum surface temperature, for ozonenon-attainment regions in Ohio. The model wasdeveloped by statistical analysis of existing data.Site-specific models were developed initially. Theverification and evaluation of the performancecriteria of the model at each site were explored bycomparing the model with an independent datasetcollected from that site. A generalized statewidemodel was developed from the site-specific models. Theperformance criteria of this model were verified andevaluated by employing the same independent datasetsemployed for the site-specific models. An exceedencemodel to predict the occurrence of ozone exceedencesover 100 ppb has also been presented.  相似文献   

青藏高原典型城市拉萨市近地面臭氧污染特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
拉萨市作为青藏高原典型城市,环境空气质量相对较好,但臭氧污染近年来有所凸显。对拉萨市臭氧的现状与污染特征进行分析基础上,探讨臭氧污染的影响因素。结果表明:拉萨市臭氧污染表现出"来得早,去得快"的特征,与内地城市相比,拉萨市臭氧质量浓度在3月即可达到全年平均值(2015年为105μg/m~3),而9月以后将低于全年平均值,并在春末夏初达到峰值;由于青藏高原海拔高,紫外线强,相对内陆地区臭氧均值偏高,2015年拉萨市臭氧年均值比北京市和成都市分别高出7.7%、29.0%,其小时浓度变化呈中午高、早晚低的特征;拉萨市臭氧的浓度变化受空气湿度、日照时间和日均气温的影响;生物质燃料的跨界传输可能也对青藏高原地区臭氧的来源产生一定影响。  相似文献   

新修订的《环境空气质量标准》对环境空气中的臭氧监测提出了明确的要求,一套有效的臭氧量值传递体系已成为保证中国环境空气臭氧监测数据质量的生命线。为加强中国环境空气臭氧量值传递体系的建设,总结了美国环境空气臭氧量值传递体系及其相关的技术规范体系,简要介绍其臭氧量值传递体系各关键环节的质量控制工作要点,并提出了对中国环境空气臭氧量值传递体系建设的建议。  相似文献   

2018年夏季上海合作组织成员国元首理事会环境空气质量保障工作开始前,中国监测总站对山东、江苏2个省份19个城市共计85个国控站点开展O3专项质控工作。结果表明,保障区域O3监测数据低、中、高浓度点相对误差变异系数分别为4. 7%、4. 3%和4. 8%,95%预测区间分别为[-7. 4%,9. 0%]、[-6. 9%,8. 3%]和[-8. 0%,8. 4%]。与之相比,2018年全国范围内开展外部比对的1 346个国控站点O3监测数据低、中、高浓度点相对误差变异系数分别为7. 4%、6. 5%和6. 2%,95%预测区间分别为[-13. 1%,15. 4%]、[-11. 7%,13. 2%]和[-11. 6%,12. 2%]。通过专项质控工作,保障区域O3监测数据质量明显提升,能够为夏季重大活动保障提供更为准确、可比的O3监测数据支持。  相似文献   

A combination of multivariate statistical methods including factor analysis, principal component analysis, principal component regression, and multiple linear regression (MLR) were employed to evaluate the influence of seasons on the concentrations of ozone, sulfur (IV) oxide, and oxides of nitrogen in ambient air of Nigerian cities of Lagos and Ilorin. The former city is located in the coastal area, and it is highly congested with a high intensity of marine, vehicular, and industrial activities, and the latter city is a medium size town, located in the central guinea savannah zone of Nigeria. Samples were collected using a high-volume sampler from near the ground at various sites of diverse human and industrial activities, during wet and dry seasons from 2003 to 2006. The PCA reveals three distinct groupings during the day for all data, which is a reflection of different factors contributing to the atmospheric chemistry of these cities. The predicted ozone concentration values by MLR agree fairly well with the measured data. The dependence of ozone on meteorological parameters including relative humidity, air temperature, and sun exposure and the precursor pollutants depends on weather and the anthropogenic activities. The results for the two cities indicate that reduction in the level of NO2 is accompanied by an increase in the level of ozone, suggesting the interconversion between the two via photochemical activity.  相似文献   

通过研究某市城区4—9月臭氧污染较严重时间段71种挥发性有机物的手工监测数据和臭氧浓度自动监测数据,分析了该市挥发性有机物在典型时段的污染特征及其与臭氧浓度变化的相关性。为该市通过控制挥发性有机物排放来精准防控臭氧污染提供参考。研究结果显示:该市挥发性有机物浓度水平与活性水平变化趋势总体一致,污染物种类在不同时间段的浓度和活性有差异,从浓度和活性角度分析得到的关键物种在不同时间段有差异,挥发性有机物的污染变化与臭氧浓度变化的相关性有时显著,有时不显著。  相似文献   

根据2015年9个城市53台现场臭氧分析仪的现场比对核查结果,比较研究了稳健统计方法和一般统计方法在评价国控网臭氧自动监测数据准确性和精密性上的应用。研究表明:稳健统计能够在不剔除异常数据的前提下降低异常值对正确评价臭氧自动监测数据质量的影响,适合评价现场比对核查结果;采用Hubers方法进行稳健统计,2015年国控网臭氧日常浓度点相对偏差的95%置信区间约为-0.1%至4.5%,95%预测区间为-14.0%~18.3%,变异系数约为9.5%,数据质量仍有提升空间。  相似文献   

Within the framework of CityDelta open model inter-comparison exercise, two different atmospheric chemical transport models, comprehensive air quality model with extension and transport chemical aerosol model, have been applied over a domain centred on Milan (North of Italy) as a result of a cooperation of five Italian groups. The two models have shared the same input fields for yearly PM10 simulations. The paper illustrates the analysis of the particulate matter-simulated concentrations and the comparison with the available experimental data.  相似文献   

为了解天津城市污水泵站恶臭的污染程度,选取天津市一个典型的城市污水泵站进行为期3天的采样,采集该污水泵站距离污染源强不同距离处的恶臭气体样品,用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GS-MS)和分光光度法对采集样品的组分含量进行检测,比较了恶臭排放源点和不同距离处的恶臭组分的浓度特征和污染现状。结果表明,该泵站恶臭污染物质以硫化氢、二氯甲烷和苯系物为主,还有一些烯烃和芳香烃衍生物;恶臭物质的浓度变化范围是n.d.~0.073 7 mg/m3,大部分恶臭物质浓度一般由高至低表现为源点>下风向5 m,源点>背景值,环境空气采样点与恶臭排放源相比,其降幅明显;虽然检测到的恶臭组分较多,但是其浓度与《恶臭污染物排放标准》(GB 14554—1993)等标准中规定的排放限值相比,均未超标。  相似文献   

通过对含有臭氧发生器的动态校准仪发生的臭氧浓度进行多角度跟踪审查,对其臭氧浓度的复现性进行了评估。总体上,动态校准仪臭氧发生器发生的臭氧浓度存在较大漂移,复现性较差,与臭氧组件的稳定性有很大关系。建议参照美国的臭氧传递分级标准,把动态校准仪作为Level 4级别的传递标准,使用专门用于校准的臭氧分析仪作为Level 3级别的传递标准,在子站现场对动态校准仪和监测用臭氧分析仪进行标准传递,并适当增加传递频次。  相似文献   

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