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Thomas V. Belanger Donald F. Mikutel 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1985,21(2):265-272
Data from a study on East Lake Tohopekaliga, Florida, indicate that the seepage meter measurement method may often overestimate nutrient contributions to lakes. Nutrient loading data from this method and a method employing lakeside piezometer nutrient data and seepage meter flows were not comparable. Seepage nutrient loading from the meter and piezometer methods comprised 39 and 18 percent of the nitrogen budget and 38 and 9 percent of the phosphorus budget, respectively, for East Lake Tohopekaliga. In terms of water, groundwater seepage accounted for only 14 percent of the total input to the lake. It is felt that some of the past studies using the seepage meter method to estimate nutrient loading may be in error due to reasons related to the enclosure of lake sediments by the meter and the accompanying anaerobic conditions which quickly result. 相似文献
Charles R. Fellows Patrick L. Brezonik 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1980,16(4):635-641
ABSTRACT: Direct measurements indicate that subsurface seepage in the littoral zone contributed 17.5 and 2.0 percent of the total hydraulic inputs, respectively, to Lakes Conway and Apopka, Florida. Two variations of seepage measuring devices were evaluated and gave relative standard deviations of 7 and 24 percent. Measurement inaccuracies were minimized by using large diameter (0.9 cm ID) plastic tubing. For a given transect perpendicular to shore, flow patterns were reproducible over time. Seepage flows ranged from 0 to 112 1/m2-day and most were between 4 and 30 1/m2-day. The detection limit was about 0.2 1/m2-day for a one-hour collection period. Seepage occured primarily within 30 m of shore and generally decreased exponentially with distance from shore. The shape of the bottom profile influenced flow patterns; lake bottoms with steeper slopes had higher flows that were compressed within a narrower zone. After a short-term rain event at Lake Conway, seepage flows increased rapidly to 2.4 times the prerain flow for 1 h and decreased to near background within about 6 h. 相似文献
Jahn Kallis Leo Bodensteiner Anthony Gabriel 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2010,46(4):744-756
Kallis, Jahn, Leo Bodensteiner, and Anthony Gabriel, 2010. Hydrological Controls and Freshening in Meromictic Soap Lake, Washington, 1939-2002. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(4): 744-756. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00446.x Abstract: The chemically stratified layer of naturally formed meromictic lakes exhibits unusual and often extreme physical and chemical conditions that have resulted in the evolution of uniquely adapted species. The Columbia Basin Irrigation Project appears to have had a marked effect on the hydrology of Soap Lake, a meromictic lake in the Grand Coulee of central Washington. The relation of hydrology to salinity was assessed by analyzing water budgets before and after the introduction of the irrigation project. Before irrigation, water gains were balanced by losses; after irrigation began groundwater gains approximately doubled. To manage lake levels and reduce groundwater influx, wells were installed to intercept groundwater. Although the hydrological cycle has been restored to pre-irrigation conditions, the meromictic character of the lake continues to change. Interception wells remove 10 to 16 Mm3 of groundwater annually, but influx continues based on change in the monimolimnion. From 1958 to 2003 the chemocline descended 1.1 m and the volume of the monimolimnion from 698,000 m3 to 114,000 m3. Annual loss of volume is occurring at a rate of 1.9% since 1958. Although groundwater interception wells are maintaining the volume of the entire lake, the recession of the chemocline indicates that conditions that have maintained meromixis at Soap Lake are currently not in equilibrium. 相似文献
David A. Stephenson 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1971,7(5):1038-1047
ABSTRACT. Evaluation of lakes as they are related to groundwater flow systems is of special concern prior to efficient development and planning operations. Both naturally occurring and artificially created lakes are being developed rapidly as recreational and residential areas. Simultaneously, field verification of theoretical groundwater flow system behavior has progressed to the point where hydrogeologists trained to understand basic concepts of flow-system analysis can begin to broaden their research and service base, and to work closer with planners, developers, and engineers. It is suggested that particular efforts be directed toward a greater evaluation of physical, chemical, and biological aspects of potentially developable lake sites to aid in selecting use patterns in accord with these factors. Many lake developments are not in harmony with the physical environment. The resulting misuse of resources is often expressed as accelerated eutrophication of lakes, or by quality degradation of shallow groundwater flow systems contiguous to them. Lakes can no longer be considered as separate entities. Methodology for investigating the interchange of surface and near-surface water is adequate however, the application of known interchange relationships is inadequate. . 相似文献
William G. Reay Daniel L. Gallagher George M. Simmons 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1992,28(6):1121-1134
ABSTRACT: Surface water, groundwater, and groundwater discharge quality surveys were conducted in Cherrystone Inlet, on Virginia's Eastern Shore. Shallow groundwater below agricultural fields had nitrate concentrations significantly higher than inlet surface waters and shallow groundwater underlying forested land. This elevated nitrate groundwater discharged to adjacent surface waters. Nearshore discharge rates of water across the sediment-water interface ranged from 0.02 to 3.69 liters·m?2·hr?1 during the surveys. The discharge was greatest nearshore at low tide periods, and decreased markedly with increasing distance offshore. Vertical hydraulic heads, Eh, and inorganic nitrogen flux in the sediments followed similar patterns. Nitrate was the predominant nitrogen species discharged nearshore adjacent to agricultural land use, changing to ammonium farther offshore. Sediment nitrogen fluxes were sufficient to cause observable impacts on surface water quality; nitrate concentrations were up to 20 times greater in areas of groundwater discharge than in the main stem inlet water. Based on DIN:DIP ratios, nitrogen contributions from direct groundwater discharge and tidal creek inputs appear to be of significant ecological importance. This groundwater discharge links land use activity and the quality of surface water, and therefore must be considered in selection of best management practices and water quality management strategies. 相似文献
Richard N. DeVries Douglas C. Kent 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1973,9(5):998-1005
ABSTRACT: The Ogallala aquifer in the Oklahoma Panhandle is in need of better management because of increased groundwater demand which has caused declines in static water levels at an alarming rate. A groundwater management computer model was developed for the Ogallala aquifer in the Texas Panhandle and treats the aquifer as a homogeneous system. In this study, the computer model has been modified in order to evaluate the effects of vertical layering on semi-static water level changes which occur during the dewatering of a single unconfined aquifer. The modified model was applied to a study area near Guymon, Oklahoma, using both the homogeneous and the multilayered cases. The aquifer is characterized by a saturated thickness of 400 feet. The accumulated drawdown values of the homogeneous and the multilayered cases demonstrate that an average difference of approximately 22% of the original saturated thickness occurs between the two cases before the base of the aquifer is encountered. Approximately 25% more time is required to dewater the layered aquifer. Thus, vertical variations of lithology in an aquifer such as the Ogallala should be considered when prediction is made relative to groundwater management. 相似文献
本文通过对峨眉山山顶和山下1986年~1995年降水电导率变化规律的分析发现,其两地电导率与降雨量及降水酸度存在一定的关系,也存在一定的差异。这差异表明山顶降水酸度来源于中长距离的传输 相似文献
ABSTRACT: To investigate the magnitude of denitrification and assimilatory nitrate reduction as these reactions relate to the fate of nitrate reaching sediments via groundwater seepage, undisturbed core samples of sediments (40 cm length) from two lakes (Mendota and Tomahawk) were leached from the bottom (at 1.4 cm/day) with a solution of 15N-nitrate (10 mg N/liter). The sediment columns were fitted with Pt electrodes to measure the oxidation-reduction (Eh) potential. While leaching removed considerable ammonium-N and soluble organic N, essentially no 15N had passed through the columns by 50 days. The Eh readings indicated that denitrification was occurring in the lower portions of the columns. The 15N distribution of the sediment N after 50 days showed that about 15 to 26% of the added nitrate-N was converted to organic N and ammonium-N. The data show that denitrification can be a significant N sink in seepage lakes. 相似文献
百口泉地下水电导率与溶解性总固体相关性讨论 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
由于溶解性总固体的测定较为复杂,平行性、稳定性差,而电导率的测定简便、迅速,重现性、稳定性好,若二者相关关系显著,可通过测定电导率,按一定的比例推算水中溶解性总固体的量。通过对百口泉地下水的溶解性总固体与电导率的相关性的监测、分析,经统计检验,线性关系显著,其比值范围在065~076,均值为07,即百口泉地下水的电导率1μs/cm相当于070mg/L的溶解性总固体。 相似文献
矿化度是地下水化学成份测定的重要指标,在环境监测中,用重量法测定矿化度是目前普遍采用的方法。其缺点主要为费时,繁琐,耗电。本文通过测定洛阳市地下水的电导率,分析对比电导率与矿化度的关联,并进一步用回归方程确定电导率与矿化度之间的数量关系,探索出用电导率法间接测定地下水矿化度,具有快速,经济,准确的优点。 相似文献
G. N. Rao J. N. Beck H. E. Murray D. J. Nyman 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1991,27(1):47-58
ABSTRACT: Specific capacity data obtained from Well Construction reports which are available from USGS offices, can provide useful estimates of tranamissivity (T), and hydraulic conductivity (K), of an aquifer. The Chicot Aquifer in Louisiana is one of the largest sources of fresh ground water in North America. Hydrologic data collected for the Chicot Aquifer indicate that specific capacity tests can be used in estimating local and regional values for T and K, if the Cooper-Jacob equation for transient flow is used with proper corrections for well loss and partial penetration. Where full scale pumping test data are scarce, specific capacity test data that are adequately distributed spatially can be used to map changes in T and K values and can be summarized statistically to indicate applicable regional values. A computer program called “TGUESS” which is available from International Ground Water Modeling Center, Holcomb Research Institute, was used in this study. The contour maps for T and K values are prepared for different well depth intervals to avoid wide variation of values. 相似文献
Harry I. Nightingale William C. Bianchi 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1980,16(4):702-709
ABSTRACT: The geographical distribution of well water specific electrical conductivity and nitrate levels in a 932 km2 ground water quality study area in the Fresno-Clovis, California, indicated that frequently areas of lower ground water salinity were also areas of relatively greater soil and aquifer permeability. From these observations and certain assumptions we hypothesized that the quality of the well water should be better in areas with permeable soils and geological formations. Correlation and multiple linear regression analysis supported this hypothesis for well water salinity. However, well water nitrate levels were significantly negatively correlated with only the estimated equivalent specific yield of the aquifer system. The multiple R2 values of the most significant multiple linear regression models showed that only a fourth to a third of the variability in well water specific electric conductivity and nitrate levels could be ascribed to the effects of the hydrogeological parameters considered with more than 90 percent confidence. This indicates that three-fourths to two-thirds of the variability in ground water salinity and nitrate levels may be related to land use. Thus, there is considerable room for land use management techniques to improve ground water quality and reduce its variability. 相似文献
Gabor M. Karadi Raymond J. Krisek Manual Beahea 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1970,6(3):424-438
The basic theories and fundamental assumptions usually employed in the solution of unsteady groundwater flow problems are reviewed critically. The best known method of analysis for such problems is based on the Dupuit-Forchheimer approximation and leads to a nonlinear parabolic differential equation which is generally solved by linearization or numerical methods. The accuracy of the solution to this equation can be improved by use of a different approach which does not employ the Dupuit Forchheimer assumption, but rather is based on a semi-numerical solution of the Laplace equation for quasi-steady conditions. The actual unsteady process is replaced by a sequence of steady-state conditions, and it is assumed that the actual unsteady flow characteristics during a short time interval can be approximated by those associated with “average” steady state flow. The Laplace equation is solved by a semi-discretization method according to which the horizontal coordinate is divided into subintervals, while the vertical coordinate is maintained continuous. The proposed method is applied to a typical tile drainage problem, and, based on a comparison of calculated results with experimental data, the method is evaluated and practical conclusions regarding its applicability are advanced. 相似文献
S. F. Shih 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1980,16(4):724-727
ABSTRACT: The water budget computation in shallow lakes is complicated because marsh vegetation can transpire large quantities of lake water. Thus, a model including the marsh zone evapotranspiration (WET) was developed to compute the water budget for Lake Okeechobee. Three periods of testing (1969–74), planning (1963–74), and recorded period (1952–77) were used to compare the differences of the sum of storage deviation between the WET and conventional methods (WOET). Results of the WOET method showed that the sum of stage deviations were 87.42 cm (2.868 ft.), 231.80 cm (7.605 ft.), and 284.50 cm (9.333 ft.) in the testing, planning, and recorded periods, respectively. These stage deviations are equivalent in the same order to 29, 76, and 93 percent of the lake volume. In general, the WET method not only was applicable to compute the water budget for the lake but also reduced the sum of storage deviation by about 42, 31, and 49 percent, respectively, in those three periods. The storage deviation in WET method was reduced on an average to about 2 percent each year in all three periods, and the deviations were scattered more randomly than in WOET. 相似文献
P. K. Kalita R. S. Kanwar M. A. Rahman 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1992,28(6):1023-1036
ABSTRACT: A numerical simulation model was developed to predict the vertical and lateral percolation losses from a ponded agricultural field. The two-dimensional steady-state unsaturated/ saturated flow equation was solved using the finite-difference technique. A constant ponding depth was maintained at the soil surface with different water table conditions in an application of the model for rice fields bordered by bunds. Field experiments were conducted for two different water table depths to collect data on the spatial distribution of volumetric soil-moisture content for model verification. The measured soil-moisture content values were found to be in close agreement with those predicted by the model. The sensitivity analysis of the model with selected hydrologic conditions shows that the model is most sensitive to the values of saturated hydraulic conductivity, but relatively less sensitive to water table depth, ponding depth, and evaporation rate from the soil surface. It implies that, in a ponded rice field condition, the lateral and vertical percolation losses are mostly governed by the hydraulic conductivity of the soil. The vertical percolation losses were almost equal to the saturated hydraulic conductivity values and, in most cases, these losses increased with deeper water table depths. The lateral percolation losses also increased with deeper water table depths; however, these losses were relatively small in comparison to the vertical percolation losses. The vertical and lateral percolation losses increased with the increase in ponding depths. The lateral percolation losses through the bund decreased when the evaporation losses increased from the soil surface. The results of this study indicate that the percolation losses from a ponded field may be predicted accurately for a wide range of soil and hydrological conditions when the values of hydraulic conductivity, evaporation rate, depth of ponding, and water table depth are accurately known. 相似文献
Integrating limnological characteristics of high mountain lakes into the landscape of a natural area 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gary L. Larson Andy Wones C. David McIntire Barbara Samora 《Environmental management》1994,18(6):871-888
A general conceptual watershed-lake model of the complex interactions among climatic conditions, watershed location and characteristics,
lake morphology, and fish predation was used to evaluate limnological characteristics of high mountain lakes. Our main hypothesis
was that decreasing elevation in mountainous terrain corresponds to an increase in diversity of watershed size and lake area,
depth, temperature, nutrient concentrations, and productivity. A second hypothesis was that watershed location and aspect
relative to climatic gradients within mountainous terrain influences the limnological characteristics of the lakes. We evaluated
these hypotheses by examining watershed location, aspect and size; lake morphology; water quality; and phytoplankton and zooplankton
community characteristics among high mountain forest and subalpine lakes in Mount Rainier National Park.
Although many of the comparisons between all forest and subalpine lakes were statistically insignificant, the results revealed
trends that were consistent with our hypotheses. The forest lake group included more lakes with larger watersheds, larger
surface areas, greater depths, higher concentrations of nutrients, and higher algal biovolumes than did the group of subalpine
lakes. Deep lakes, which were mostly of the forest lake type, exhibited thermal stratification and relatively high values
of some of the water-quality variables near the lake bottoms. However, the highest near-surface water temperatures and phytoplankton
densities and the taxonomic structures of the phytoplankton and zooplankton assemblages were more closely related to geographical
location, which corresponded to a west-east climate gradient in the park, than to lake type. Some crustacean and rotifer taxa,
however, were limited in distribution by lake type.
Fish predation did not appear to play an important role in the structure of the crustacean zooplankton communities at the
genus level with the exception of Mowich Lake, where crustacean taxa were absent from the zooplankton community. This was
the only lake inhabited by a true zooplanktivourous species of fish. 相似文献
Marilyn Ginsberg 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1985,21(4):573-578
ABSTRACT: Lakes, marshes and wet meadows occur in the broad, flat, interdune valleys of the Nebraska Sandhills, a vegetation-stabilized dune field underlain by sediments containing an enormous supply of groundwater. Hydrologic, geologic and possibly climatologic factors influence the chemical quality of lake water. Central and eastern lakes generally are in connection with the groundwater reservoir. The hydrologic nature of western lakes and the cause of their high alkalinity is not fully understood. Lakes in close proximity may vary in both their chemical characteristics and in the degree to which they change in size and depth over time. Climatic, hydrogeologic and natural lake-aging processes of accumulation of organics appear to be primarily responsible for lake-size variations. 相似文献
Paul H. Whitfield Norman L. Wade 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1992,28(4):703-711
ABSTRACT: Electronic instruments are ideally suited to gathering information regarding transient events. Data loggers equipped with water quality sensors offer an opportunity to study events on fine time scales which cannot be sampled using other means. The utility and significance of this type of data gathering is illustrated with data gathered from two small streams. Three examples are used to illustrate some types of transients that can be observed using electronic data acquisition techniques. 相似文献
James W. Naney Donn G. DeCousey Bill B. Barnes Gene A. Gander 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》1978,14(3):640-650
ABSTRACT: A method is presented for predicting base flow using easily measured, or estimated, hydrogeologic parameters. A mathematical model based upon the theory of subsurface flow to parallel drains is applied to a small watershed in Oklahoma. An example of model application is presented for a five-year period of record from this small watershed. Three years of data are used to calibrate the model, and two years of data are used for model validation. Hydrographs of observed and predicted base flow are presented for the five-year period of record. We concluded from this limited application of the model, on a small watershed, that the modeling techniques discussed herein were valid and should be tested for longer time periods on a larger watershed to determine their general applicability. 相似文献
Factors affecting nitrate distribution in shallow groundwater under a beef farm in South Eastern Ireland 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
O. Fenton K.G. Richards L. Kirwan M.I. Khalil M.G. Healy 《Journal of environmental management》2009,90(10):3135-3146
Groundwater contamination was characterised using a methodology which combines shallow groundwater geochemistry data from 17 piezometers over a 2 yr period in a statistical framework and hydrogeological techniques. Nitrate–N (NO3-N) contaminant mass flux was calculated across three control planes (rows of piezometers) in six isolated plots. Results showed natural attenuation occurs on site although the method does not directly differentiate between dilution and denitrification. It was further investigated whether NO3-N concentration in shallow groundwater (<5 m below ground level) generated from an agricultural point source on a 4.2 ha site on a beef farm in SE Ireland could be predicted from saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) measurements, ground elevation (m Above Ordnance Datum), elevation of groundwater sampling (screen opening interval) (m AOD) and distance from a dirty water point pollution source. Tobit regression, using a background concentration threshold of 2.6 mg NO3-N L−1 showed, when assessed individually in a step wise procedure, Ksat was significantly related to groundwater NO3-N concentration. Distance of the point dirty water pollution source becomes significant when included with Ksat in the model. The model relationships show areas with higher Ksat values have less time for denitrification to occur, whereas lower Ksat values allow denitrification to occur. Areas with higher permeability transport greater NO3-N fluxes to ground and surface waters. When the distribution of Cl− was examined by the model, Ksat and ground elevation had the most explanatory power but Ksat was not significant pointing to dilution having an effect. Areas with low NO3 concentration and unaffected Cl− concentration points to denitrification, low NO3 concentration and low Cl− chloride concentration points to dilution and combining these findings allows areas of denitrification and dilution to be inferred. The effect of denitrification is further supported as mean groundwater NO3-N was significantly (P < 0.05) related to groundwater N2/Ar ratio, redox potential (Eh), dissolved O2 and N2 and was close to being significant with N2O (P = 0.08). Calculating contaminant mass flux across more than one control plane is a useful tool to monitor natural attenuation. This tool allows the identification of hot spot areas where intervention other than natural attenuation may be needed to protect receptors. 相似文献