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Bottom sediment samples from 121 sites of the Lake Albufera of Valencia were analyzed. Dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor and op′-DDT were not detected (<0.01 ng g−1) in 88–93% of the sites. Aldrin and HCB concentration ranges were between <0.01 and 0.1 ng g−1 in 86% and 94% of the sites, respectively. Heptachlor-epoxide and lindane 95% confidence intervals were 0.2–0.5 and 0.06–0.12, respectively. The greatest average concentration corresponds to pp′-DDE, pp′-DDD and pp′-DDT. The sum of six isomers and derivatives of the DDT average concentration reaches 2.1 ng g−1, as opposed to 2.7 ng g−1 for the sum of 13 pesticides considered. In the site with a major contamination, 27.0 ng g−1 of pp′-DDD and 12.8 ng g−1 of pp′-DDT were accumulated. The DDE:DDT proportion average was 0.37, indicating an aged DDT contamination. Concentrations of pesticides in sediments were compared to three sediment quality guidelines, and indicated that a low biological effects level can be expected in either sediments or aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

The Tinto and Odiel rivers are heavily affected by acid mine drainage from mining areas in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. In this work we have conducted a study along these rivers where surface water samples have been collected. Field measurements, total dissolved metals and Fe and inorganic As speciation analysis were performed. The average total concentration of As in the Tinto river (1975 μg L−1) is larger than in the Odiel river (441 μg L−1); however, the mean concentration of As(III) is almost four times higher in the Odiel. In wet seasons the mean pH levels of both rivers (2.4 and 3.2 for the Tinto and Odiel, respectively) increase slightly and the amount of dissolved total arsenic tend to decrease, while the As(III)/(V) ratio strongly increase. Besides, the concentration of the reduced As species increase along the water course. As a result, As(III)/(V) ratio can be up to 100 times higher in the lower part of the basins. An estimation of the As(III) load transported by both rivers into the Atlantic Ocean has been performed, resulting in about 60 kg yr−1 and 2.7 t yr−1 by the Tinto and Odiel rivers, respectively.  相似文献   



Photochemical ozone pollution of the lower troposphere (LT) is a very complex process involving meteorological, topographic emissions and chemical parameters. Ozone is considered the most important air pollutant in rural, suburban and industrial areas of many sites in the world since it strongly affects human health, vegetation and forest ecosystems, and its increase during the last decades has been significant. In addition, ozone is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. For these reasons, it is necessary to carry out investigations that determine the behaviour of ozone at different locations. The aim of this work is to understand the levels and temporal variations of surface ozone in an industrial-urban region of the Southwest Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

Traffic congestion and ozone precursor emissions in Bilbao (Spain)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GOAL. SCOPE. BACKGROUND: In urban environments, the measured levels of ozone are the result of the interaction between emissions of precursors (mainly VOCs and NOx) and meteorological effects. In this work, time series of daily values of ozone, measured at three locations in Bilbao (Spain), have been built. Then, after removing meteorological effects from them, ozone and traffic data have been analyzed jointly. The goal was to identify traffic situations and link them to ozone levels in the area of Bilbao. METHODS: To remove meteorological effects from the selected ozone time series, the technique developed by Rao and Zurbenko was used. This is a widely used technique and, after its application, the fraction obtained from a given ozone time series represents an ozone forming capability attributable to emissions of precursors. This fraction is devoid of any meteorological influence and includes only the apportion of periodicities above 1.7 years. In the case of Bilbao, the ozone fractions obtained at three locations have been compared on that time scale with traffic data from the area. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: For the 1993-1996 period, a regression analysis of the ozone and traffic fractions due to periodicities above 1.7 years (long-term fractions), shows that traffic is the main explanatory factor for ozone with R2 ranging from 0.916 to 0.996 at the three locations studied. Analysis of these longterm fractions has made it possible to identify two traffic regimes for the whole area, associated to different profiles of ozone forming capability. The first one favors low ozone forming capability, and is associated with a situation of fluent traffic. The second one shows high ozone forming capability and represents congestion. Joint analysis of raw data of ozone and traffic do not show any clear pattern due to the strong masking effects that seasonal-meteorological effects (mainly radiation) have on the measured ozone signal. If only immission data of ozone are available, as in this case, a comparison between ozone and traffic can only be made on the long-term time scale, since that is the only fraction embedded in the ozone time series that can exclusively be attributed to emissions of precursors. This fact stresses the need to study the different fractions embedded in the time series of ozone measured levels separately. CONCLUSION: Though the coefficients obtained in the regression are only valid for the 1993-1996 period, these traffic regimes represent long-term targets (congestion or fluent traffic) that can inspire policies for a joint management of the traffic and pollution by ozone in the area of Bilbao beyond that period. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: The results of this work show the need of a joint management of ozone and traffic in Bilbao. Since an accurate knowledge of traffic was not available, the use of emission factors to relate traffic and actual ozone levels has not been possible. For this reason, this study has focused on the long-term fractions of traffic and ozone. In the future, if a more accurate knowledge of traffic is available, it will be possible to find relationships between traffic and ozone on all time scales.  相似文献   

In order to improve our knowledge of the surface ozone in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, annual, monthly, weekly and daily ozone concentrations have been closely monitored in the Seville metropolitan area highlighting those episodes that exceed the European Ozone Directive. A three-year period (2003-2005) and eight ozone stations were used; five of them located in the city's busiest areas and the rest in adjacent zones ( approximately 25km). In addition, the wind regime was also studied in order to understand the main characteristics of the surface atmospheric dynamics. The lowest ozone concentrations 17-33microgm(-3) took place in January while the highest 57-95microgm(-3) occurred in June. The ozone concentration week-weekend differences from May to September indicate that this phenomenon does not affect the ozone stations analysed. Daily cycles show minimum values between 7:00 and 8:00 UTC and maximum at noon, exceeding 90microgm(-3) during summer months. From March to October the ozone concentrations were above the target value for the protection of human health, especially during the summer months, with values up to 30% over the limit. The information threshold has been exceeded at all ozone stations studied but with greater frequency in the stations far from the city centre. In addition, at these latter stations the alert threshold was also exceeded on six occasions. This study in the city of Seville indicates that the high ozone levels are due to local atmospheric effects, mainly since the ozone air masses may undergo recirculation processes. The ozone is transported to the city from the S-SW, having a major impact in the NE areas.  相似文献   

Few studies have been made regarding carbonyl concentrations in Monterrey, México. The Monterrey Metropolitan Area (MMA) has the third largest population in the country and has increasing pollution issues. The concentrations of 10 aldehydes and two ketones were measured in the MMA, in the spring and fall of 2011 and 2012. Formaldehyde (16–42 ppbv) was the most abundant carbonyl, followed by acetaldehyde (5–15 ppbv) and acetone (7–15 ppbv). The concentrations showed marked diurnal trends with maximum values between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., when photochemical activity is intense. Thus, secondary production of carbonyls is statistically significant in the city. Biogenic production of several carbonyls, such as 2-butanone, was supported by their mid correlation with solar radiation and low correlation with propionaldehyde, which is mainly emitted by anthropogenic sources. The seasonal variability of the concentrations was observed in the first three samplings, with the highest levels reached in the fall. The rainy conditions during the fourth sampling did not allow comparison. Carbonyl–NOx–O3 analysis was made. Results indicated a carbonyl-sensitive atmosphere, especially during the midday samplings of 10:00 a. m. to 2:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. because of the intense solar radiation during these periods.

Implications:?Monitoring of carbonyls in Monterrey, Mexico, was performed to quantify the pollutant concentration in the city’s atmosphere. Although primary emission is significantly important, the secondary production of the pollutants, along with ozone production being carbonyl sensitive, indicates that air pollution controls must address the direct sources and the precursors of the pollutants to achieve air quality.  相似文献   

In this study samples of common trout, European eel and barbel have been analysed for the levels of heavy metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and the metalloid arsenic (As). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), including three non-ortho substituted PCBs, 2,3,7,8-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and DDT and its two main metabolites were also analysed in some selected samples, in order to evaluate the extent of contamination of the River Turia basin. All samples presented detectable levels of the elements analysed, presenting zinc the highest concentrations. European eel was the species found to highly accumulate these contaminants. Regarding organochlorinated compounds, seven samples exhibited detectable levels of the most toxic PCDD/Fs congener, the 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Non-ortho PCBs were not detected or not quantified in almost all samples and the sum of the individual PCB congeners determined were low compared to other aquatic ecosystems with similar fish species.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean basin, because of its semi-enclosed configuration, is one of the areas heavily affected by air pollutants. Despite implications on both human health and radiative budget involving an increasing interest, monitoring databases measuring air pollution directly over this area are yet relatively limited. Owing to this context, concentrations of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5–10) particles along with other ancillary data, such as ozone levels and meteorological parameters, were measured during six cruise campaigns covering almost the whole Mediterranean basin. Elemental composition of both PM2.5 and PM2.5–10 was also determined to identify specific tracers for different classes of particles that can be found in the Mediterranean atmosphere. Outcomes resulting from the integration of a preliminary qualitative examination with a more quantitative analysis, based on receptor modelling, suggested that European continental influence, Saharan dust outbreaks, wildfire events, sea spray and fossil fuel combustion were the leading causes of the aerosol-ozone variations within the Mediterranean basin. Shipping emissions, consisting in both local harbours and maritime traffic across the basin, were also tested using the marker ratio of V/Ni. Peak values observed for coarse fraction have shown to be driven by the occurrence of African dust events. Considering the major influence of Continental pollution and wildfire events, the spatial variability resulted in larger fine particle concentrations and higher ozone levels over the Eastern Mediterranean side in comparison to the Western one.  相似文献   

Priority organic pollutants were investigated in sediments and fish collected along the Ebro river basin (NE Spain) to evaluate their occurrence, transport and bioavailability. Sediments were collected in 18 sites and two species of fish were captured in nine sites according to the availability in each area. The sampling sites covered industrial, urban and agricultural areas. Four methods were used to detect 20 organochlorine compounds (OCs), 8 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 3 organotin compounds, 2 alkylphenols and 40 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) from purified extracts. The contamination pattern was site specific and no downstream increase in concentration of pollutants was observed but rather a generalized low level diffuse pollution. Target compounds were detected in sediments at 0.01 to 2331 microg/kg dry weight, and only OCs and PBDEs were accumulated in benthopelagic fish. Toxicological assessment was performed according to predicted environmental levels and revealed sites where adverse effects could occur.  相似文献   

The occurrence of 43 pharmaceuticals belonging to predominant therapeutic classes and their distribution in surface water, suspended solids and sediments has been investigated in the Ebro river basin in the Northeast of Spain. WWTP effluents were found to be a main source of contamination and the spatial distribution was affected by the river flow at the sampling point and corresponding dilution factor, resulting in higher concentrations and higher loads in small tributary rivers than in the Ebro river. The study showed that some compounds are preferentially found bound to suspended solids and not detected in river water. Generally, compounds with basic characteristics (pKa > 7) showed higher tendency to bind to suspended solids. The sediment samples generally presented lower concentrations than suspended solids.  相似文献   

The Llobregat basin is a Mediterranean fluvial system with major agricultural, urban and industrial impacts. We combined chemical quantification by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry with electrospray interface (LC-ESI-MS) and the recombinant yeast assay (RYA) assays to estimate the loads of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) along the basin. Chemical analysis revealed maximum concentrations (at μg l−1 level) of alkylphenols at the lower course of the Llobregat River, which correlated with high levels of estrogenic activity detected by RYA. Analysis by RYA and LC-ESI-MS of influent and effluent waters from four sewage treatment plants (STP) discharging into the basin showed the removal of 80–95% of EDCs by STP treatment. Chemical analysis data and RYA data showed a quasi-linear correlation, demonstrating the complementariness of both methods. Our data suggest that the concentrations of the analysed compounds were enough to explain the total estrogenicity of water and STP samples from the Llobregat basin.  相似文献   

The Llobregat basin is a Mediterranean fluvial system with major agricultural, urban and industrial impacts. We combined chemical quantification by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry with electrospray interface (LC-ESI-MS) and the recombinant yeast assay (RYA) assays to estimate the loads of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) along the basin. Chemical analysis revealed maximum concentrations (at μg l−1 level) of alkylphenols at the lower course of the Llobregat River, which correlated with high levels of estrogenic activity detected by RYA. Analysis by RYA and LC-ESI-MS of influent and effluent waters from four sewage treatment plants (STP) discharging into the basin showed the removal of 80–95% of EDCs by STP treatment. Chemical analysis data and RYA data showed a quasi-linear correlation, demonstrating the complementariness of both methods. Our data suggest that the concentrations of the analysed compounds were enough to explain the total estrogenicity of water and STP samples from the Llobregat basin.  相似文献   

Commercial herbicides, atrazine and trifluralin, surfactants and related compounds as dodecylbenzenes, long chain alcohols and nonylphenols have been found in Llobregat river, suspected of causing environmental impacts such as fish mortality and groundwater pollution of wells placed by the river. Solvent extraction, Sep-Pak enrichment and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used for compound separation and identification.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of ozone vertical profiles, OVP, in the low troposphere (around 500–2400 m) using an unattended commercial ozone profiler DIAL, were conducted during June–July 2004 in Segovia, SG, a small city in the upper plateau located close to the foothills of the Guadarrama mountain range, Guadarrama, in the Central Massif. The data obtained over almost 37 complete days have enabled us to characterise the ozone vertical exchange, describe the phenomenology of the main ozone peaks, OP, recorded in the city and their relationship with ozone transport/formation from the gas precursor emissions of the greater Madrid area across Guadarrama. To achieve the last objective concurrent measurements of ground-level ozone in SG and a representative monitoring station upwind from Guadarrama, Buitrago de Lozoya, BL, have been used. 72.2% of the concurrent maximum diurnal ozone peaks exceeding the 95 percentile hourly value in SG (OPSG) and BL (OPBL) were linked to ozone transport and formation from the greater Madrid area towards Guadarrama. An estimate of the contribution of the greater Madrid area on OPSG yielded 28 μg m−3.The most prominent ozone vertical stratification was linked to the mixing height, MH, and a frequent nocturnal stable layer formed, NSL. Three small ozone enriched-layers were identified at mean heights of 500, 700 and 1000 m, respectively. Ozone tended to decline versus altitude. The hourly patterns of the three layers showed two peak occurrences of similar amplitude in the early morning, 7–8 h, and mid-afternoon, 14–16 h. A minimum was also observed during daytime, 10–11 h, its origin being attributed to a dilution process induced by the “chimney effect” caused by the slopes heating during this period.The comparison between OPSG, and the maximum diurnal ozone peaks in the first layer, OL1P, showed a satisfactory relationship, correlation coefficient, r, of the linear fit 0.77, and comparable mean values, 127 and 130 μg m−3, respectively, revealing the presence of an uniform ozone vertical distribution in the 500 m atmospheric layer above ground level during mid-afternoon.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

The Pego-Oliva Marsh is the second most important wetland in the Valencian Community (Spain). It is included in the RAMSAR agreement and represents one key point for migratory birds. Emerging contaminants from the human pressure, such as pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and personal care product, are not included in the list of priority contaminants of the Water Framework Directive yet, and are neither monitored nor controlled. However, pollution of emerging contaminants can threaten the environment and even human health. In order to understand the status of the emerging contamination and recommend future rationalization of countermeasures, the occurrence of illicit drugs was investigated.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of waters collected from irrigation channels in a Mediterranean wetland (Albufera Natural Park, Valencia, Spain) were tested with the Microtox assay and compared with six pollution indices (PIs) defined from analytical parameters. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), nutrients, heavy metals and pesticides were measured. The bioassay result (concentrations of the water sample (% V/V) that reduced light emission to 10%, 20% and 50%, EC10, EC20 and EC50, respectively (ECs)) was compared with the PIs. This comparison has demonstrated a general agreement between ECs and PIs, except in the case of irrigation channels affected by herbicides used in rice farming (molinate and thiobencarb). No pronounced inhibition was detected in the bioluminescence in relation to the eutrophic parameters in the irrigation waters for EC50 values, indicating that this parameter does not suffice to detect eutrophic waters. Data derived from irrigation water pollution and bioassay were assembled by multivariate statistical techniques (principal component analysis). These components were associated with various contamination sources.  相似文献   

During 2006-2008, a monitoring program was conducted on 29 target compounds, including PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs, comprising 150 randomly collected individual food samples marketed in the Region of Valencia, Spain, grouped into 8 categories (vegetables, cereals, fats and oils, eggs, milk and dairy products, fish products, meat and meat products and fish oil). For PCDD/Fs, the highest frequency of detection corresponds to 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD, OCDD, 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF; and PCBs 118, 105 and 156 were the more frequent dl-PCBs. The food groups presenting higher contamination, expressed as toxic equivalents (WHO-TEQs), were fish oil (6.38 pg WHO-TEQ g−1 fat), fish (1.21 pg WHO-TEQ g−1 w.w.) and milk and dairy products (0.90 pg WHO-TEQ g−1 fat). Of all analysed samples, only two fish oils presented levels higher than the EU limits for total WHO-TEQ. The average PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs intakes were estimated as 2.86 pg WHO-TEQ kg−1 b.w. d−1 and 4.58 pg WHO-TEQ kg−1 b.w. d−1, for adults and children, respectively, using the deterministic method for chronic exposure. The main contributors to total intake for adults were fish (59%), milk and dairy products (19%), and fat and oils (9%). The average daily intake for adults (2.86 pg WHO-TEQ kg−1 b.w. d−1) is within range of TDI recommended by the WHO (1-4 pg WHO-TEQ kg−1 b.w. d−1), and slightly above the TWI and PTMI adopted by SCF and JECFA respectively.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of mercury contamination monitoring in the Cecina river basin (Tuscany, Italy). Mercury was measured in the waters, sediments and fish species of the river and its most important tributaries. In fish specimens the organic form was also determined. The results showed high mercury levels in most of the samples analysed. Particularly high concentrations were found in the sediments of the S. Marta canal flowing into the Cecina, where a chlor-alkali plant discharges its wastes, and high levels were still detectable 31 km downstream from the confluence. Near the S. Marta confluence many fish specimens were very contaminated and a study on Leuciscus cephalus cabeda growth suggested that at this site mercury accumulation occurs in these organisms since they are very young.  相似文献   

Atmospheric tricresyl phosphate (TCP) isomers in Kurose river basin were determined. The concentrations of o-TCP and m-TCP were 0.13 and 0.09 ng m−3, respectively, while p-TCP was scarcely detected. Exhaust gases from motorcycles and automobiles were main sources for TCP isomers in the atmosphere. Exhaust gas from incinerator also contributes to atmospheric concentration of TCP isomers. Most of the TCP isomers could be estimated to be sorbed to particles, due to their low vapor pressures. The concentrations of TCP isomers were relatively high in soils collected from an open storage yard of waste PVC and near the highway and greenhouse of agricultural film. On the other hand, the concentrations were negligibly small in soil collected from the forest except for the silt-clay fraction in the soil. Dry deposition fluxes of o-TCP and m-TCP from the atmosphere was 0.2 and 0.04 μg m−2 d−1, respectively. Wet deposition flux of TCP isomers during one rainfall exceeded occasionally the dry deposition flux for two weeks. TCP isomers accumulated in soil were discharged into river by precipitation event. Their concentrations increased with an increase in river flow, characteristic of a non-point source of TCP isomers.  相似文献   

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