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With an evolving political environment of commitments to limit emissions of greenhouse gases, and of markets to trade in emissions permits, there is growing scientific, political, and economic need to accurately evaluate carbon (C) stocks and flows—especially those related to human activities. One component of the global carbon cycle that has been contentious is the stock of carbon that is physically held in harvested wood products. The carbon stored in wood products has been sometimes overlooked, but the amount of carbon contained in wood products is not trivial, it is increasing with time, and it is significant to some Parties. This paper is concerned with accurate treatment of harvested wood products in inventories of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. The methodologies outlined demonstrate a flexible way to expand current methods beyond the assumption of a simple, first-order decay to include the use of more accurate and detailed data while retaining the simplicity of simple formulas. The paper demonstrates that a more accurate representation of decay time can have significant economic implications in a system where emissions are taxed or emissions permits are traded. The method can be easily applied using only data on annual production of wood products and two parameters to characterize their expected lifetime. These methods are not specific to wood products but can be applied to long-lived, carbon-containing products from sources other than wood, e.g. long-lived petrochemical products. A single unifying approach that is both simple and flexible has the potential to be both more accurate in its results, more efficient in its implementation, and economically important to some Parties.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to compare different scenarios for carbon (C) sequestration in the forest sector in Finland. Forest inventory data was used as input data to simulate the dynamics of C sequestration with a gap-type forest simulation model and a wood product model. In the baseline scenario, current forest management practices were applied. In another scenario, current recommendations for forest management were applied, which resulted in more intensive harvesting than in the baseline scenario. Both scenarios were also applied under changing climatic conditions to demonstrate the possible effect of climate change on C sequestration.This study demonstrates that C sequestration assessments should include not only C in the biomass of trees, but also C in the soil and in the wood products, as well as interactions between the respective pools. Partial assessments are likely to result in misleading estimates of the actual C sequestration. Forest management affects the distribution of C between the pools and the changing climate is likely to change this distribution. The Kyoto Protocol deals with only a limited part of the forestry and forest C cycle and C accounting accordingly can provide results that depart substantially from more complete accounting.  相似文献   

长期施肥对棕壤有机碳储量及固碳速率的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用棕壤肥料长期定位试验,研究了不同施肥条件下棕壤有机碳在0~60 cm土层的含量和储量特征以及土壤固碳速率.试验共设6个处理,即氮磷肥有机肥配施(M_2NP)、氮肥有机肥配施(M_2N)、单施有机肥(M_2)、单施氮肥(N)、氮磷肥配施(NP)和不施肥处理(CK).结果表明:经过31年长期不同施肥,各处理土壤有机碳(SOC)含量和储量的剖面分布均呈现随土层深度增加而显著降低的规律.本试验条件下M_2NP、M_2N、M_2、NP、N、CK处理的耕层有机碳富集系数分别为0.465、0.455、0.407、0.48_2、0.393、0.471,表明耕层土壤对有机碳的保持强度最强.在0~60 cm土层土壤有机碳储量表现为M_2NP、M_2NM_2、NPNCK,有机肥和化肥配施能够显著提高土壤有机碳含量和储量.与试验前相比,CK处理各土层土壤有机碳含量和储量均显著降低.各处理碳库管理指数(CPMI)表现为M_2NPM_2NM_2NNPCK.分析不同施肥处理土壤固碳速率可知,与试验前相比,CK处理表现为碳的净释放,固碳速率达-401.4 kg·hm~(-_2)·a~(-1);固碳速率最高的为M_2NP,M_2N,分别达到489kg·hm~(-_2)·a~(-1)、440._2 kg·hm~(-_2)·a~(-1).综合结果表明,化肥、有机肥配施所产生交互效应更有利于棕壤有机碳储量的增加及固碳速率的提高.  相似文献   

Many chelonians have colourful dots, patches and stripes throughout their body that are made up, at least in part, of carotenoids. Therefore, turtles are very suitable models to study the evolution and functionality of carotenoid-based colouration. Recent studies suggested a close link between colouration and immune system in these taxa. However, more research is needed to understand the role of these colourful stripes and patches in turtle visual signalling. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between growth rate and colouration in European pond turtles. In particular, we wanted to answer the question of whether there is a trade-off between growth and colour expression. We also aimed to explore the effect of body size and age on colour variation. Turtles from a reintroduction-breeding program were recaptured, weighed and measured over an 8-year period to estimate their growth rates and age. We also measured with a spectrometer the reflectance of colour patches in two different body parts: shell and forelimb. We found that turtles with a faster growth rate had brighter limb stripes independently of their age. On the other hand, shell colouration was related to body size with larger turtles having brighter shell stripes and higher values of carotenoid chroma. Our results suggest that fast-growers may afford to express intense colourful limb stripes likely due to their higher intake of carotenoids that would modulate both growth and colour expression. However, shell colouration was related to body size probably due to ontogenetic differences in the diet, as juveniles are strictly carnivorous while adults are omnivorous. Alternatively, shell colouration might be involved in crypsis as the shell is visually exposed to predators.  相似文献   

Contaminated sites represent a serious environmental problem in Germany. The decision that remediation technology is optimal for a given site is complicated by the existence of multiple objectives to be optimized simultaneously, significant uncertainties about the remediation results, and the involvement of several decision-makers with conflicting interests. Decision analysis is a methodology to deal with problems of this kind. The application of decision analysis at a test site demonstrated that remediation decisions can greatly benefit from the structural guide, sound methodological approaches, and manifold results that can be deduced from decision analytic models. The careful preparation of the decision helps to prevent momentous wrong decisions, especially due to the sophisticated support, that decision analysis offers for risky decisions. Because remediation decisions can be regarded as prototypical for many decisions in the public sector, the results of this study may also impact other fields like waste management, water resource administration, traffic planning, or siting of hazardous industrial facilities.  相似文献   

在综合概述目前我国电子废物环境管理困境及其障碍性因素的基础上,提出了按BOT(建设-运营-转让)建设方式规划电子废物回收处理项目的建议,简述了BOT目方式的基本特征和项目实施过程中值得商榷的几个问题。  相似文献   

耦合InVEST与GeoSOS-FLUS模型的桂林市碳储量可持续发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了量化桂林市碳储量并快速评估分级保护措施对区域碳储功能的影响,耦合InVEST模型碳储存模块和GeoSOS-FLUS模型,并基于土地利用数据和不同情景未来土地预测结果,对2000~2040年桂林市域范围六区十一县市内的碳储时空特征进行分析.结果表明:桂林市2000年、2010年和2020年的总碳储量分别为554.02×106t,553.58×106t,550.21×106t,呈现“逐年下降”的变化态势.同时,受人类活动和土地利用类型变化的影响,桂林市域各区县的碳储水平存在较大的时空差异,碳储量整体表现为“西北、西南及东部较高,东北、东南及中部较低”的空间分布特征.将桂林市碳储量高值区确定为碳储资源的优先保护区域,与自然变化情景相比,资源保护情景下桂林市林地得到有效保护,建设用地规模扩大受到限制.采取资源保护措施后,桂林市2040年总碳储量达到552.16×106t,较2020年增加了1.95×106t,中低密度碳储区所占比例明显下降,区域固碳能力大大增强.该研究结果可为桂林市国家可持续发展示范城市建设提供指导,也可为碳储资源精准保护和土地利用管理决策提供科学参考.  相似文献   

中国工业碳排放强度变化的结构因素解析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
以1986-2016年为研究时段,将41个工业部门归类为16个部门,在运用CKC模型分析各部门产值与其CO2排放量关系的基础上,建立以碳排放部门结构、碳排放系数、能源消费强度以及产值部门结构为因素的工业碳排放强度kaya分解模型,运用LMDI法分析不同因素对中国工业碳排放强度变化的贡献。研究发现:工业不同部门产值与其CO2排放量的关系不同。只有木材加工及家具制造业、造纸印刷及文教用品制造业和非金属矿物制品业呈现倒U型关系,机械交通电气电子设备制造业呈现倒N型关系,其余部门都呈现线性递增或单调递增关系。从工业碳排放强度变化的贡献因素看,非金属矿物制品、化学工业、医药工业、机械交通电气电子设备制造业和木材加工及家具制造业等资金和技术密集型行业的技术性CO2减排效应显著。其他制造业、石油和天然气开采业、纺织服饰业和化纤及橡塑工业等以初级产品加工为主的行业的结构性CO2减排效应显著,而石油加工炼焦和核燃料加工业、金属冶炼及制品业、电力煤气及水生产和供应业在产值与CO2排放量的同步递增关...  相似文献   

以速生杉木为原料,经过苯酚液化物后加入六次甲基四胺熔融纺丝,初纺纤维固化处理后直接炭化制备出碳纤维,并对碳纤维的比表面积、孔径分布以及吸附特性进行了研究。研究结果表明,木材液化物碳纤维样品的等温线属于典型的Ⅰ型吸附等温线,其吸附滞后回线属于H4型。木材液化物碳纤维孔径主要以微孔为主,微孔率达到73.4%。碳纤维样品的BET比表面积、微孔面积、微孔容随着炭化温度的提高呈增大趋势,其中600~800℃是其孔隙结构发生变化的关键温度区间。液化原料中木材/苯酚比对其制备的碳纤维的比表面积、孔容及孔径的影响变化不大。  相似文献   

本文基于电力行业上市公司年报数据将传统CGE模型中的电力部门细分为7个发电部门,其中包含水电、风电、光伏和生物质电4个可再生能源发电部门.首先基于传统CGE模型和电力部门细分的CGE模型比较了我国引入可再生能源发电技术前后征收碳税对宏观经济的影响,然后分析了单一碳税政策、碳税与可再生能源发电补贴复合政策对可再生能源发电技术发展的影响.研究发现:引入可再生能源发电技术后,征收碳税对宏观经济的负面影响相比没有引入而言将有所降低;征收碳税将促进可再生能源发电技术的发展;在征收碳税的同时如果对特定可再生能源发电技术给予补贴,可能会对未受到补贴且不具备成本比较优势的可再生能源发电技术产生“挤出效应”.  相似文献   

准确评估中国森林碳汇潜力与增汇成本的经济可行性,是科学制定碳中和林业行动方案的基础。然而针对中国森林碳汇潜力与增汇成本的不同结果差异明显,可靠性需要进一步验证。为此,基于相关文献,采用Meta分析方法,对中国森林碳汇潜力与增汇成本及其导致差异的原因展开评估。研究表明:(1)中国森林碳汇量呈现不断增长的态势,但不同研究对森林碳汇潜力测度结果存在较大差异。(2)中国森林增汇的平均成本为220.45元/t CO2e(区间值为3.9~1457.02元/t CO2e),与工业减排成本相比,中国森林增汇更具有经济可行性,但波动幅度较大。(3)评估方法采用、碳库数量选择等因素是导致已有森林碳汇潜力文献估计结果差异的关键因素;森林增汇成本差异则主要受碳汇成本测度研究方法、成本收益数据来源等因素影响。(4)中国森林增汇对碳中和的贡献将会持续增加。基于研究结果,提出进一步深化森林碳汇潜力与成本测算相关研究等方面的政策建议。  相似文献   

Activated carbon was prepared from cattail by H3PO4 activation. The effects influencing the surface area of the resulting activated carbon followed the sequence of activated temperature activated time impregnation ratio impregnation time. The optimum condition was found at an impregnation ratio of 2.5, an impregnation time of 9 hr, an activated temperature of 500°C, and an activated time of 80 min. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area and average pore size of the activated carbon were 1279 m2/g and 5.585 nm, respectively. A heterogeneous structure in terms of both size and shape was highly developed and widely distributed on the carbon surface. Some groups containing oxygen and phosphorus were formed, and the carboxyl group was the major oxygen-containing functional group. An isotherm equilibrium study was carried out to investigate the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon. The data fit the Langmuir isotherm equation, with maximum monolayer adsorption capacities of 192.30 mg/g for Neutral Red and 196.08 mg/g for Malachite Green. Dye-exhausted carbon could be regenerated effectively by thermal treatment. The results indicated that cattail-derived activated carbon was a promising adsorbent for the removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

尖点突变模型在研究洪水引起环境突变中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以1998年霍林河特大洪水为例,在进行洪水对环境影响作用分析的基础上,将洪水发生的危险系数、地面高程、地形坡度、降雨影响程度、土地盐碱率和草地开垦率6个控制变量划分为两个主分量。由于洪水引起的环境突变可以归纳为一种耦合突变,我们采用尖点突变模型进行求解,得出各主分量的数学表达式和水环境突变区域边界,绘制了该流域环境突变分区图,论证了应用尖点突变模型研究环境突变的合理性。  相似文献   

The significant warming in urban environment caused by the combined effects of global warming and heat island has stimulated widely development of urban vegetations. However, it is less known of the climate feedback of urban lawn in warmed environment. Soil warming effect on net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide during the transition period from winter to spring was investigated in a temperate urban lawn in Beijing, China. The NEE (negative for uptake) under soil warming treatment (temperature was about 5℃ higher than the ambient treatment as a control) was -0.71 μmol/(m2.sec), the ecosytem was a CO2 sink under soil warming treatment, the lawn ecosystem under the control was a CO2 source (0.13 μmol/(m2.sec)), indicating that the lawn ecosystem would provide a negative feedback to global warming. There was no significant effect of soil warming on nocturnal NEE (i.e., ecosystem respiration), although the soil temperature sensitivity (Q10) of ecosystem respiration under soil warming treatment was 3.86, much lower than that in the control (7.03). The CO2 uptake was significantly increased by soil warming treatment that was attributed to about 100% increase of α (apparent quantum yield) and Amax (maximum rate of photosynthesis). Our results indicated that the response of photosynthesis in urban lawn is much more sensitive to global warming than respiration in the transition period.  相似文献   

When asking the question, “How can institutions design science policies for the benefit of decision makers?” Sarewitz and Pielke [Sarewitz, D., Pielke Jr., R.A., this issue. The neglected heart of science policy: reconciling supply of and demand for science. Environ. Sci. Policy 10] posit the idea of “reconciling supply and demand of science” as a conceptual tool for assessment of science programs. We apply the concept to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) carbon cycle science program. By evaluating the information needs of decision makers, or the “demand”, along with the supply of information by the USDA, we can ascertain where matches between supply and demand exist, and where science policies might miss opportunities. We report the results of contextual mapping and of interviews with scientists at the USDA to evaluate the production and use of current agricultural global change research, which has the stated goal of providing “optimal benefit” to decision makers on all levels. We conclude that the USDA possesses formal and informal mechanisms by which scientists evaluate the needs of users, ranging from individual producers to Congress and the President. National-level demands for carbon cycle science evolve as national and international policies are explored. Current carbon cycle science is largely derived from those discussions and thus anticipates the information needs of producers. However, without firm agricultural carbon policies, such information is currently unimportant to producers.  相似文献   

Wastepaper is the largest fraction of solid waste. Flotation deinking plays an essential role in the product quality and process cost of wastepaper recycling. This paper investigated the effect of ink types and printing processes on flotation deinking. Examination of ink types in this study revealed that newsprint oil-based offset-cold and offset-heat inks contain substantial oil (45 to 60%) and resin (5 to 35%); water-based ink contains water (40%) and resin (polystyrene, 30%); and these inks are liquids with densities around 1 g/cm3 at 25 °C. On the other hand, photocopy and laser-print toners were found to be solid powders with particle diameters of about 20 μm, densities of 1 to 1.5 g/cm3, and a composition that consists primarily of styrene-acrylate copolymers (60 to 90%). Except for water-based ink, which is water soluble, all inks in their initial state are hydrophobic. It was found that for newsprint oil based offset-cold inks there is little change in their surface chemical properties, and their hydrophobic character is retained. These inks in the newsprint wastepaper pulp can be effectively removed by flotation. On the other hand, it was found that during the printing processes, the toner particles undergo polymerization (fusion) and oxidation with the subsequent formation of peroxide bonds due to exposure to heat, light, and oxygen (air). The fusion due to polymerization causes bonding to the paper fibers and the creation of larger toner particle sizes. The oxidation creates a greater polarity at the toner particle surface. These effects account for the poor efficiency in the flotation deinking of office waste. In order to improve office wastepaper recycling, it is evident, based on this study and policy considerations, that there is a need to find ways of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of flotation deinking by modification of the surface properties of printed toner particles, or designing new toner particles.  相似文献   

利用1997—2012年《中国能源统计年鉴》和《中国统计年鉴》相关数据,结合重心转移、ESDA及GWR等模型和方法,分析了近16年间中国省域能源消费碳排放量的空间相关性、异质性及影响因素,根据碳排放量划分标准将各省份划分为不同的碳排放区.结果表明:16年间碳排放量的重心向西迁移;我国省域碳排放量存在较为显著的空间正相关,自相关性在整体上表现出先增大后减小的趋势.2001年全局Moran's I指数达到最高值,为0.3012;能源消费碳排放量的冷热点格局表现出冷点扩张、热点被压缩的趋势;影响碳排放量的6个因素的影响程度由大到小依次为:总人口人均GDP煤炭消耗比重全社会固定资产投资第二产业比重人口老龄化率,只有人口老龄化率这一指标表现出负相关性;近16年我国省域碳排放量的空间格局发生了显著变化,2012年已有13个省份属于超重型碳排放区,表明我国要加强碳减排的力度.  相似文献   

广州城市绿地系统碳的贮存、分布及其在碳氧平衡中的作用   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
在研究广州城市绿地植物生物量和净第一性生产量的基础上,通过对城市绿地碳的贮存、分布和固碳放氧能力的估算,探讨城市绿地对城市碳氧平衡的作用。结果表明,城市绿地植物生物量和净生产量分别为287150t和1058122t/a;植物碳贮量和净生产量中的碳量分别为1328649t和462624t/a;绿地光合作用释放的氧量为2242788t/a。植物的光合作用固碳和放氧量分别相当于人口呼吸释放碳和消耗氧量的1.7和1.9倍,但远小于化学燃料燃烧放出的碳和消耗的氧量。如果广州城市绿地能得到适当的保护和改良,其对碳氧平衡的作用将大大提高。  相似文献   

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