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By applying principles of adaptive management, and by using the valuable information that arthropods provide from assessment and monitoring programs, managers can identify and reduce possible impacts on biodiversity in development projects. In 1996, the Smithsonian Institution's Monitoring and Assessment of Biodiversity program worked together with Shell Prospecting and Development Peru to establish an adaptive management program to protect biodiversity in a natural gas exploration project in a Peruvian rainforest. In this paper, we outlined the conceptual steps involved in establishing an assessment and monitoring program for arthropods, including setting objectives, evaluating the results and making decisions. We also present the results of the assessment using some of groups of arthropods, and summarize the steps taken to identify appropriate groups for monitoring.  相似文献   

A methodology for regional application of forest simulation models has been developed as part of an assessment of possible climate change impacts in the Federal state of Brandenburg (Germany). Here we report on the application of a forest gap model to analyse the impacts of climate change on species composition and productivity of natural and managed forests in Brandenburg using a statistical method for the development of climate scenarios. The forest model was linked to a GIS that includes soil and groundwater table maps, as well as gridded climate data with a resolution of 10 × 10 km and simulated a steady-state species composition which was classified into forest types based on the biomass distribution between species. Different climate scenarios were used to assess the sensitivity of species composition to climate change. The simulated forest distribution patterns for current climate were compared with a map of Potential Natural Vegetation (PNV) of Brandenburg.In order to analyse the possible consequences of climate change on forest management, we used forest inventory data to initialize the model with representative forest stands. Simulation experiments with two different management strategies indicated how forest management could respond to the projected impacts of climate change. The combination of regional analysis of natural forest dynamics under climate change with simulation experiments for managed forests outlines possible trends for the forest resources. The implications of the results are discussed, emphasizing the regional differences in environmental risks and the adaptation potentials of forestry in Brandenburg.  相似文献   

This article examines community-based ecological monitoring in Nova Scotia, with an emphasis on watershed stewardship groups. It discusses successes to date and future challenges, drawing on examples from the Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) and other community groups. The barriers to the generation of robust monitoring datasets and effective participation in watershed management are examined. The article concludes with a discussion of issues to be addressed to ensure that community groups can both gather scientifically valid ecological data and have meaningful input into the management of their local natural resources.  相似文献   

The construction of the Almaraz nuclear power plant in Spain in the 1970s posed interesting environmental problems concerning the construction of a cooling reservoir (Arrocampo reservoir) to cool the steam condensers and the consequent heating of the reservoirs water. The socio-political context forced decision makers to set up a project for the monitoring and management of the environmental impacts derived from the construction and operation of the power plant. Numerous scientific and technical specialists collaborated with the representatives of social groups towards two goals: the improvement of the biodiversity and of the efficiency of the cooling system. These goals involved the monitoring and managing of the system with respect to different biological aspects, mainly limnology, ichthyology, avian fauna and vegetation. The management plan yielded numerous results. The control of the water eutrophy is one of the most important due to its repercussion on the rest of the ecosystem, especially the fish fauna. The development of the shore vegetation slowly increased the patchwork nature of the reservoir, leading to a greater diversity of the avian species. This paper describes the monitoring and management of the Arrocampo ecosystem, the condition before and after the construction of the reservoir and the results obtained concerning some biological communities.  相似文献   

The goal of restoring environmental health and qualities to Hamilton Harbour Great Lakes Area of Concern, an embayment at the western end of Lake Ontario, is considered to be achievable by the year 2015. Restoring Hamilton Harbour is a dynamic process that relies heavily on research and monitoring to direct remediation efforts. Three principle means of coordinating this research and monitoring include: research and monitoring workshops; a monitoring catalogue outlining both government and nongovernment initiatives; and an annual report written by a local community group. These tools increase the effectiveness of remedial actions by: (i) improving stakeholders' ability to track trends; (ii) allowing program decision-makers to utilize adaptive management techniques to continuously modify programs based on new results; (iii) integrating interdisciplinary fields, and (iv) increasing accountability. This paper describes in detail these tools used for coordinating research and monitoring in implementing the Remedial Action Plan of the Hamilton Harbour Great Lakes Area of Concern, along with lessons learned to assist other implementers who are considering similar programs.  相似文献   

A cost-effective method was developed to map fire scars on Quicklooks of Landat TM imagery. The method was compared with a full resolution Landsat image using visual interpretation and supervised classification using the Maximum Likelihood procedure, resulting in a high degree of agreement between methods. A long time series of fire scars was developed using all available Landsat Quicklooks between 1989 and 2001 for an area of 63000 sq km in north-east Namibia. Between 27 and 51% of the study area burned annually, while only 10% of the area did not burn between 1989 and 2001. Not-burned areas were mainly settled areas and permanent wetlands. 33% of the area burned between 5 and 7 times during the 13 years indicating a high frequency overall. Rainfall and livestock had little influence on burned areas. In 1996 formal fire management started in a portion of the study area consisting of building firebreaks and holding awareness programs. A comparison of burned areas before and after the intervention started allowed evaluating its effectiveness. The area where the formal fire management program was undertaken showed a significant decrease in burned area. It is suggested that awareness campaigns rather than firebreaks contributed to this decrease. Selected tree population data were compared with fire frequencies. Differences in tree occurrence, regeneration, and stem diameter distributions between low and high fire frequencies could be detected and explained with known responses of the species to fire. This suggests that the observed time series is representative of a long-term fire regime in the area.  相似文献   

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