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The kinetics of degradation of aqueous solutions of aldicarb, aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sul fone by base hydrolysis were investigated. Pseudo first order rate constants of 37 micrograms/l solutions were determined at different hydroxide concentrations by acid-base titration. Second order rate constants were calculated, and it was found that aldicarb sulfone is more sensitive to hydroxide ion concentration than aldicarb sulfoxide which is more sensitive than aldicarb. Temperature effects were determined by measuring the base hydrolysis rate constant for aldicarb sulfone at 5, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 degrees C. An activation energy of 15.2 +/- 0.1 kcal/mole was calculated. Addition of a neutral electrolyte decreased the rate constant for base hydrolysis. Acid catalyzed hydrolysis rate constants were also measured for aldicarb sulfone, and, as expected, the reaction was much slower. The second order (reaction) rate constant for base hydrolysis of aldicarb sulfone is 40.3 (+/- 0.5) liter mole-1min-1; for acid catalyzed hydrolysis it is 7.33 (+/- 0.06) X 10(-4) liter mole-1min-1.  相似文献   

Studies to measure the degradation and movement of aldicarb residues in the unsaturated and saturated zone were conducted during 1984 at three central California locations. These test sites, which consist of a tomato field near Manteca and vineyards near Livingston and Fresno are representative of conditions in central California under which aldicarb residues are most likely to reach drinking-water supplies.Results indicate that aldicarb residues degrade in the unsaturated zone with a half-life of 1.5–2.0 months. In areas with shallow water tables (less than three meters deep), traces of aldicarb residues may occasionally enter the upper one to five meters of the saturated zone where they degrade before reaching deeper, potable water supplies.  相似文献   

Extracts from Large Toothed Aspen (Populous grandidenta Michx.) and Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) contained many odor compounds found in flavor-tainted walleye from the Wisconsin River, including alkylphenols. Aspen wood contained 8 ppb of 2-isopropylphenol, and river sediments also contained low ppb levels of many alkylphenols, including 2-isopropylphenol. Thiophenol and thiocresol which sporadically cause offensive sulfury taints in Wisconsin River fish were also found in river sediment. Quantitative analysis of fish for alkylphenols supported a hypothesis involving a food chain-mediated seasonal fluctuation of alkylphenol levels in fish. Thiophenols are postulated to be derived from pulp mill activities on the river.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The organochlorine pollution by chlordecone, an insecticide spread in the past in banana plantations, is now recognized as a major ecological,...  相似文献   

Environmental fate of amitrole: influence of dissolved organic matter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study the environmental fate of amitrole in terrestrial and aquatic model ecosystems was investigated. Under aerobic conditions mineralization of amitrole is the main degradation pathway. The experiments revealed that the leaching behaviour is low in the presence or the absence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) despite the high water solubility due to a strong binding of amitrole to soil constituents. Under anaerobic conditions the addition of DOM increases the transport of amitrole in soil columns. The tests with water/sediment model ecosystems showed that the mineralization of amitrole is lower in comparison to aerobic soil experiments. Up to 80.6% of the applied 14C-labelled amitrole transfer into the sediment and about 1/3 of this amount formed bound residues, which are not extractable.  相似文献   

Chaves A  Shea D  Cope WG 《Chemosphere》2007,69(7):1166-1174
The environmental fate of chlorothalonil (CHT) and its metabolites were studied under field-variable conditions in a commercial banana plantation in Costa Rica. Weather conditions were representative of a tropical environment and the fungicide applications were typical of those in banana production. The test plots were treated with Bravo 720 at 1.2 l ha(-1) of formulated product. Field persistence of CHT in soil and on banana leaves was measured during five consecutive months and after three aerial applications of the fungicide. Residues were analyzed in soil, sediment, water, banana leaves and drift cards by gas and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. In soil and on the surface of banana leaves, CHT dissipated rapidly with half-lives of 2.2 and 3.9 d, respectively. Soil residues persisted and were detected 85 d after application. The main metabolite found in soil, 4-hydroxy-chlorothalonil, accounted for approximately 65% of residues detected and was measured up to 6d after application.  相似文献   

Long-term outdoor lysimeter studies using (14)C-labelled compounds allow the quantification of the 'non-extractable residue fraction'. More than 20 lysimeter studies under realistic environmental conditions showed that more than 80% of residual carbon of the molecule is retained in the topsoil layer even after several years. Generally, 50-90% of this residual radiocarbon is regarded as 'soil bound residue'. Microbial biomass is present in large quantities in topsoil and continuously influences chemical and biochemical alteration of pesticide molecules that may interact directly with the total soil organic matter. Labelling techniques using radioactive isotopes like (14)C have been used to characterize these residues in the humus matrix. Our studies have been directed to the investigation of extractability and/or bioavailability of these residues in long-term investigations.  相似文献   

The distribution and metabolic fate of several rice paddy pesticides were evaluated in a modified model ecosystem. Among the three BHC isomers, beta-isomer was the most stable and bioconcentrated in all of the organisms. Alpha- and gamma-isomers were moderately persistent and degraded to some extent during the 33 day period. Disulfoton was relatively persistent due to the transformation to its oxidation products. Pyridaphenthion was fairly biodegradable. N-Phenyl maleic hydrazide derived from the hydrolysis of pyridaphenthion was not detected in the organisms though it was found in the aquarium water after 33 days. Cartap and edifenphos were considerably biodegradable, and the ratio of the conversion to water soluble metabolites was very high. There was a distinct difference in the persistence of Kitazin P and edifenphos in the aquarium water. It appeared that the hydrolysis rate of the pesticides affected their fate in the organisms. PCP appeared to be moderately biodegradable. CNP was considerably stable and stored in the organisms though the concentration in the aquarium water was relatively low. The persistence and distribution of the pesticides in the model ecosystem were dependent on their chemical structures. In spite of the limitation derived from short experimental period, the model ecosystem may be applicable for predicting the environmental fate of pesticides.  相似文献   

Argentinian agricultural production is fundamentally based on a technological package that combines no-till and glyphosate in the cultivation of transgenic crops. Transgenic crops (soybean, maize and cotton) occupy 23 million hectares. This means that glyphosate is the most employed herbicide in the country, where 180–200 million liters are applied every year.  相似文献   

Kay P  Blackwell PA  Boxall AB 《Chemosphere》2005,60(4):497-507
The environment may be exposed to veterinary medicines administered to livestock due to the application of organic fertilisers to land. For other groups of substances that are applied to agricultural land (e.g. pesticides), preferential flow in underdrained clay soils has been identified as an extremely important pathway by which pollution of surface waters can occur. Three soil column leaching experiments have therefore been carried out using a clay soil to investigate the fate of a range of antibiotics from the sulphonamide, tetracycline and macrolide groups. These column studies complemented a range of other experiments at the field and semi-field scales, as well as modelling studies which are being reported in separate papers. Each column study had a different objective. The first examined the effect of pig slurry on the mobility of antibiotics in clay loam soil. The second experiment investigated changes in soil water pH due to the application of slurry. The final experiment quantified the extent to which soil tillage prior to slurry application can reduce the leaching of antibiotic residues found in slurry. It was found that slurry had no impact on the leaching of oxytetracycline although soil water pH was affected significantly by slurry application. It was also shown that pre-tillage can substantially reduce the leaching of antibiotic residues through macroporous clay soils.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 1996, the Committee on the Assessment of Wartime Exposure to Herbicides in Vietnam of the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a report on an exposure model for use in epidemiological studies of Vietnam veterans. This exposure model would consider troop locations based on military records; aerial spray mission data; estimated ground spraying activity; estimated exposure opportunity factors; military indications for herbicide use; and considerations of the composition and environmental fate of herbicides, including changes in the TCDD content of the herbicides over time, the persistence of TCDD and herbicides in the environment, and the degree of likely penetration of the herbicides into the ground. When the final report of the IOM Committee was released in October 2003, several components of the exposure model envisioned by the Committee were not addressed. These components included the environmental fate of the herbicides, including changes in the TCDD content over time, the persistence of TCDD and herbicides in the environment, and the degree of likely penetration of herbicides into the ground. This paper is intended to help investigators understand better the fate and transport of herbicides and TCDD from spray missions, particularly in performing epidemiological studies. METHODS: This paper reviews the published scientific literature related to the environmental fate of Agent Orange and the contaminant, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), and discusses how this affected the potential exposure to TCDD of ground troops in Vietnam. Specifically, the mechanisms of dissipation and degradation as they relate to environmental distribution and bioavailability are addressed. RESULTS: The evaluation of the spray systems used to disseminate herbicides in Vietnam showed that they were capable of highly precise applications both in terms of concentrations sprayed and area treated. Research on tropical forest canopies with leaf area indices (a measure of foliage density) from 2 to 5 indicated that the amount of herbicide and associated TCDD reaching the forest floor would have been between 1 and 6% of the total aerial spray. Studies of the properties of plant surface waxes of the cuticle layer suggested that Agent Orange, including the TCDD, would have dried (i.e., be absorbed into the wax layer of the plant cuticle) upon spraying within minutes and could not be physically dislodged. Studies of Agent Orange and the associated TCDD on both leaf and soil surface have demonstrated that photolysis by sunlight would have rapidly decreased the concentration of TCDD, and this process continued in shade. Studies of 'dislodgeable foliar residues' (DFR, the fraction of a substance that is available for cutaneous uptake from the plant leaves) showed that only 8% of the DFR was present 1 hr after application. This dropped to 1% of the total 24 hrs after application. Studies with human volunteers confirmed that after 2 hrs of saturated contact with bare skin, only 0.15-0.46% of 2,4,5-T, one of the phenoxy acetic acid compounds that was an active ingredient of Agent Orange, entered the body and was eliminated in the urine. CONCLUSIONS: The prospect of exposure to TCDD from Agent Orange in ground troops in Vietnam seems unlikely in light of the environmental dissipation of TCDD, little bioavailability, and the properties of the herbicides and circumstances of application that occurred. Photochemical degradation of TCDD and limited bioavailability of any residual TCDD present in soil or on vegetation suggest that dioxin concentrations in ground troops who served in Vietnam would have been small and indistinguishable from background levels even if they had been in recently treated areas. Laboratory and field data reported in the literature provide compelling evidence on the fate and dislodgeability of herbicide and TCDD in the environment. This evidence of the environmental fate and poor bioavailability of TCDD from Agent Orange is consistent with the observation of little or no exposure in the veterans who served in Vietnam. Appreciable accumulation of TCDD in veterans would have required repeated long-term direct skin contact of the type experienced by United States (US) Air Force RANCH HAND and US Army Chemical Corps personnel who handled or otherwise had direct contact with liquid herbicide, not from incidental exposure under field conditions where Agent Orange had been sprayed.  相似文献   

Several predictive models were used to assess aquatic exposure, persistence (P) and potential for long-range transport (LRT) of 5-ethylidene-2-norbornene (ENB). Such estimations are components of the assessment process for persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) substances, which are also referred to as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). An ecological exposure assessment for ENB from manufacturing activities was conducted based on physical/chemical properties, monitoring data, and degradation, transport and distribution estimates. Based on the results of several model predictions, chronic exposure of aquatic organisms is not expected, due to the anticipated residence time of ENB in aquatic ecosystems. These modeled results consistently predict ENB does not present the potential to persist in the environment. Volatilization from water to the air is calculated to occur at a relatively rapid rate for ENB based on its Henry's Law constant. Once in the air, ENB is expected to degrade rapidly due to oxidation by hydroxyl radicals and ozone based on calculated atmospheric half-lives of 57 and 27 min, respectively. Additionally, ENB is not predicted to undergo long-range transport based on the short atmospheric half-life due to oxidation by hydroxyl radicals and ozone. Additionally, based on predicted exposure from site-specific emission using the EPA model EFAST, ENB is not expected to reach concentrations of concern for chronic aquatic toxicity endpoints.  相似文献   

土壤重金属铬(Cr)污染形势严峻,对人群健康和生态环境构成了严重威胁。通过固化/稳定化技术降低土壤中金属的毒性或迁移性,是Cr污染场地常用的修复技术之一。由于Cr的环境行为变化多端、机制复杂,故导致固化/稳定化修复后场地存在Cr污染反弹的环境风险。综述了Cr在土壤中的氧化还原、吸附与解吸、沉淀与溶解,以及植物、微生物吸收与转化等多种环境行为;并梳理了已修复的Cr污染场地案例及场地长期跟踪监测数据,探讨了固化/稳定化修复后Cr的环境归趋及其影响因素,以期为修复后场地的风险管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Tsui MT  Chu LM 《Chemosphere》2008,71(3):439-446
Mai Po Nature Reserve (Hong Kong) is an internationally important wetland for waterbirds. Roundup, a formulation based on glyphosate, has been used to control the widespread weeds within the reserve for many years but the fate and non-target impact of the herbicide is unknown. To fill this knowledge gap, we applied Roundup by hand-held sprayer to an estuarine and a freshwater pond in the dry season of year 2002. The surface water and sediment were sampled routinely for glyphosate concentrations following one month of application. In situ bioassays using local edible fish species were performed along with the herbicide application. Up to 52% of glyphosate in the surface water was transported to the unapplied regions by wind-driven current in the estuarine pond at 1 DPT (day post treatment). For both ponds, glyphosate concentrations in the water decreased rapidly after 1-3 DPT, but then decreased gradually over time. Both physical adsorption to the bottom sediments and microbial degradation are thought to contribute to these decreases. Interestingly, the persistence of glyphosate in the freshwater pond was longer than in the estuarine system, which is likely due to the considerably higher concentrations of chelating metals (i.e. Cu and Fe) present in the sediment (4.5 and 11-fold higher, respectively) which potentially reduced the bioavailability of glyphosate to the microbial decomposers. Lastly, fishes used in the in situ bioassays (both in applied and unapplied areas) showed similar survival rates, indicating that the use of Roundup at the provided application rate posed no serious hazard.  相似文献   

宏基因组学在环境工程领域的应用及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宏基因组学作为环境生物学(特别是环境微生物学)和基因组学结合而产生的新兴学科,利用其独特的生物分子检测技术和高通量基因筛选方法,在环境微生物群落研究和资源开发上取得了一系列突破性的进展,并逐步应用到环境科学与工程的各个领域。旨在通过对宏基因组技术的简单介绍,总结近期它在环境工程领域,如水处理工程、污染土壤生物修复、生活垃圾生物处理、海洋及其他生境石油泄漏修复和生物电化学工程中的应用和进展。同时,也为环境工程领域中生物处理技术的改进提供更多微生物层面上的理论依据和方法学思路,并对宏基因组学在环境工程领域内的应用和发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Tetracyclines are antibiotics commonly used in swine farms to treat disease and promote growth. However, there are growing concerns regarding the discharge of animal feces into the environment owing to the potential for development and dissemination of tetracycline resistance genes (TRGs). In this study, farming wastewater from one Chinese swine farm as well as river water from seven locations downstream of the farm was sampled. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed that 12 TRGs, including six efflux pump genes (tet(B), tet(C), tet(D), tet(E), tet(G) and tet(L)), five ribosomal protection proteins (RPPs) genes (tet(O), tet(M), tet(Q), tet(W) and tet(S)), and one enzymatic modification gene (tet(X)), were present in all wastewater and river water samples. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) showed that the abundance of tet(C), tet(X), tet(O), tet(M), tet(Q) and tet(W) decreased with downstream flow. Among the detected TRGs, tet(C) had the highest abundance, ranging from 459.5 copies/16S rRNA gene copies in wastewater to 33.8 copies/16S rRNA gene copies in river water samples collected from the last location. Furthermore, pig-specific Bacteroidales 16S rRNA genetic marker was quantified by qPCR to determine the level of fecal pollution in the river water. Bivariate correlation analysis confirmed that the total relative abundance of the six TRGs was significantly correlated with the level of swine feces in the aquatic environment (R2 = 0.63, P < 0.05), suggesting that swine feces mainly contributed to the spread of TRGs in the river water.

Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A to view the free supplemental file.  相似文献   

Semifluorinated n-alkanes (SFAs) with carbon chain lengths of 22 to approximately 36 atoms are present in fluorinated ski waxes to reduce the friction between ski base and snow, resulting in a better glide. Semifluorinated n-alkenes (SFAenes) are byproducts in the production process of SFAs and are also found in ski waxes. Snow and soil samples from a ski area in Sweden were taken after a large skiing competition and after snowmelt, respectively, and analyzed for SFAs and SFAenes. Single analyte concentrations in snow (analyzed as melt water) ranged from a few ng L−1 up to 300 μg L−1. ∑SFA concentrations decreased significantly from the start to the finish of the ski trail. Single analyte concentrations in soil ranged up to 9 ng g−1 dw. ∑SFA concentrations in soil did not show a trend along the ski trail. This may be due to the fact that concentrations in soil, although strongly influenced by the competition, reflect inputs during the whole skiing season. The chemical inventory in snow was greater than the inventory in soil for shorter chain SFAs (C22C28) and for all SFAenes. Additionally, a significant change in SFA patterns between snow and soil samples was found. These observations suggested volatilization of shorter chain SFAs and of SFAenes during snowmelt. Evidence for long-term accumulation of SFAs in surface soil over several skiing seasons was not found.  相似文献   

Impacts of an old contaminated sawmill site located in Eastern Finland were studied, with emphasis on transportation and bioaccumulation of wood preservatives in the surrounding water system. To assess the transportation of chlorophenols and chromated copper arsenate (CCA) from the sawmill to the nearby lake, the concentrations of these compounds in selected sediment samples were analyzed. To assess the contribution of a pulp mill further upstream, the concentration of extractable organic halogens (EOX) was analyzed. Bioaccumulation of wood preservatives from sediments was examined using Lumbriculus variegatus as test organism. In sediments collected from the sawmill area, concentrations of chlorophenols, arsenic, chromium and copper were high. In the surrounding area the concentrations of these compounds were slightly elevated at some sampling points but were mostly within the natural range of variation. Thus, it can be concluded that transportation of wood preservatives from the sawmill area to its surroundings is fairly low. However, 60 microg/l of arsenic and 50 microg/l of copper were found in water taken from a brook that runs through a landfill area of the sawmill to the nearby river, and the concentration of arsenic in the surface sediment at one sampling point in the lake was slightly elevated. The total amount of organohalogens in sediment was higher in the river and the lake than in the sawmill area. Of all the wood preservatives studied, only arsenic was found to bioaccumulate in present conditions, reaching a tissue concentration of 362 microg/g dw in organisms exposed for 28 days to sediment from the brook. High concentration of arsenic in oligochaeta tissue was related to high concentration of arsenic in the pore water.  相似文献   

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