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The relatively large quantities of waste generated daily in military barracks pose a significant impact on environments in this small island of Taiwan due to limited land and crowded populations. In order to find a suitable handling method to the barracks' characteristics in Taiwan, a comprehensive selection model for various barracks carrying out waste composting was established through personal interviews and questionnaire data analyses on the military barracks. From this, the basic data for this research was also built, to evaluate the experiences and management practices in these facilities. This study found that environmental responsibility and expertise are the primary concerns and considerations among all of the military units when doing waste composting. Support of the commander, organizational image and human resource/facilities are also concerns. To offer the military barracks a selection model and policy guidelines for the waste composting treatment, an itemized score evaluation standard and a selecting chart of composting recycling methods were designed by combining the practical experimental results with economic considerations, waste classification, and Delphi expert technique.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste management in Indian cities - A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is one of the major environmental problems of Indian cities. Improper management of municipal solid waste (MSW) causes hazards to inhabitants. Various studies reveal that about 90% of MSW is disposed of unscientifically in open dumps and landfills, creating problems to public health and the environment. In the present study, an attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive review of the characteristics, generation, collection and transportation, disposal and treatment technologies of MSW practiced in India. The study pertaining to MSWM for Indian cities has been carried out to evaluate the current status and identify the major problems. Various adopted treatment technologies for MSW are critically reviewed, along with their advantages and limitations. The study is concluded with a few fruitful suggestions, which may be beneficial to encourage the competent authorities/researchers to work towards further improvement of the present system.  相似文献   


Life cycle assessment (LCA) of waste treatment processes is often associated with considerable uncertainties. The aim of this study is to estimate the total uncertainty in the modelled composting system and the influence of material and process parameters on the uncertainty. Four composting combinations with fresh (FC) and mature substrate compost (MSC) from partially enclosed (PEC) and open composting (OC) were investigated. Perturbation analysis was used to determine the effect of parameters on the result and Monte Carlo simulation was used to estimate the total uncertainty. This study showed that the production of MSC using PEC had the lowest overall impacts across all impact categories except ozone depletion. Results of the Monte Carlo simulation showed that comparing composting options was challenging. The sensitivity ratios obtained from the perturbation analysis showed that the process parameter percentage of carbon fraction degraded was the most influential for FC. In MSC, the moisture content in the input material and the substitution factor used for peat were the most influential. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrated the overall uncertainty of the model and its relevance when comparing results between combinations. The perturbation analysis identified the parameters that required more accurate data to reduce the uncertainty in the model.

Graphical abstract

The purpose of this article is to describe the application and progress of the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle (3R) initiative and its gradual implementation and development in solid waste management in Vietnam through the study of the municipal solid waste management (MSWM) systems of eight major urban cities and provinces. The resulting survey and studies showed that there are big challenges for MSWM in the study areas due to the absence of an appropriate master plan for MSWM; there is a clear need to set up indicators for waste reduction and greenhouse gas emission reduction from waste generators and enterprises involved in MSWM, especially in terms of using 3R activities in the management of industrial waste. The strength and organic combination of institutional frameworks, support measures, and technologies for 3R promotion need to be applied as soon as possible in order to implement MSWM practices using more effective measures; in particular, a reduction in the amount of hazardous substances discarded and improvements in the handling of hazardous waste are required.  相似文献   

The systems of aeration control currently available for “Aerated Static Pile” composting are reviewed. These systems are fixed rate, variable rate and automated rate of aeration control. It is concluded that only the automated aeration system can actually cater for the dynamic nature of the composting process. Advantages such as a means of monitoring aeration effectiveness, and an indication of the end of active composting can be incorporated into the system.  相似文献   

Composting is a preferred treatment strategy for biodegradable plastics (BDPs). In this sense, the collection of BDPs together with organic household wastes is a highly discussed possibility. Under the aspect of the behaviour of BDPs in composting facilities, a telephone survey was carried out with selected composting facility operators. They were interviewed with respect to treated wastes, content of impurities, processes for impurity separation, experiences with biodegradable plastics and assumptions to the behaviour of biodegradable plastics in their facility. Forty percent of the facilities had some experiences with BDPs due to test runs, and also since the occurrence of BDPs in their waste was known. The majority of the operators expressed apprehension regarding an increase of impurities resulting from a combined collection of biowaste and BDPs. In the facilities, measures for the impurity separation from the biowaste were used in common practice - in 33% of the cases, separation of disturbing plastics was done before composting, in 33% after composting, and in 13% before and after composting. The most important separation processes for conventional plastics were sieving and manual sorting. In two cases air classification was also used. When asked about the separation possibility of the conventional but not of the biodegradable plastics in their facilities, the majority of operators were not in a position to comment or they replied that it was not an option. No problems were seen in most cases if the impurity separation follows composting. If impurity separation takes place before composting it was often assumed that the BDPs are mainly separated by sieving. In conclusion, in more than half of the cases, BDPs would not be composted if delivered to a composting facility. Under the actual conditions regarding the collection and the treatment/disposal possibilities, an application of BDPs seems to only be reasonable for clean (i.e., source separated on their own) fractions of BDPs.  相似文献   

The mass and element balance in municipal solid waste composting facilities that handle food waste was studied. Material samples from the facilities were analyzed for moisture, ash, carbon, nitrogen, and the oxygen consumption of compost and bulking material was determined.Three different processes were used in the food waste composting facilities: standard in-vessel composting, drying, and stand-alone composting machine. Satisfactory results were obtained for the input/output ash balance despite several assumptions made concerning the quantities involved. The carbon/nitrogen ratio and oxygen consumption values for compost derived only from food waste were estimated by excluding the contribution of the bulking material remaining in the compost product. These estimates seemed to be suitable indices for the biological stability of compost because there was a good correlation between them, and because the values seemed logical given the operating conditions at the facilities.  相似文献   

Household solid waste management is a severe problem in big cities of developing countries. Mismanaged solid waste dumpsites produce bad sanitary, ecological and economic consequences for the whole population, especially for the poorest urban inhabitants. Dealing with this problem, this paper utilizes field data collected in the urban community of Dakar, in view of ranking nine areas of the city with respect to multiple criteria of nuisance. Nine criteria are built and organized in three families that represent three classical viewpoints: the production of wastes, their collection and their treatment. Thanks to the method PROMETHEE and the software ARGOS, we do a pair-wise comparison of the nine areas, which allows their multiple criteria rankings according to each viewpoint and then globally. Finding the worst and best areas in terms of nuisance for a better waste management in the city is our final purpose, fitting as well as possible the needs of the urban community. Based on field knowledge and on the literature, we suggest applying general and area-specific remedies to the household solid waste problems.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Improper management of solid waste creates health problems and degrades the environment (air, water, and soil). The Indian state Uttarakhand is...  相似文献   

There are many well‐established bioremediation technologies applied commercially at contaminated sites. One such technology is the use of compost material. Composting matrices and composts are rich sources of microorganisms, which can degrade contaminants to innocuous compounds such as carbon dioxide and water. In this article, composting of contaminated soil and sediment was performed on a laboratory bench‐scale pile. Fertilizer was added to increase the nutrient content, and the addition of commercial compost provided a rich source of microorganisms. After maintaining proper composting conditions, the feasibility of composting was assessed by monitoring pH, total volatile solids, total microbial count, temperature, and organic contaminant concentration. The entire composting process occurred over a period of five weeks and resulted in the degradation of contaminants and production of compost with a high nutritional content that could be further used as inocula for the treatment of hazardous waste sites. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Variations of metal distribution in sewage sludge composting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the study, the variations of heavy metal distributions (of Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn) during the sewage sludge composting process were investigated by sequential extraction procedures. The total content of Cu and Zn in the composted mixture increased after the composting process. Mn and Zn were mainly found in mobile fractions (exchangeable fraction (F1), carbonate fraction (F2), and Fe/Mn oxide fraction (F3)). Cu and Pb were strongly associated with the stable fractions (organic matter/sulfides fraction (F4) and residual fraction (F5)). These five metal fractions were used to calculate the metal mobility (bioavailability) in the sewage sludge and composted mixture. The mobility (bioavailability) of Mn, Pb, and Zn (but not Cu) increased during the composting process. The metal mobility in the composted mixture ranked in the following order: Mn>Zn>Pb>Cu.  相似文献   

A multi-component modeling system was developed to simulate substrate degradation and oxygen consumption in waste composting processes. Levels of soluble substrate (Ss), insoluble substrate (Si), active biomass (X), inert material, moisture, temperature, and oxygen concentration were considered as state variables. The relationships among these variables were also incorporated within the modeling framework. Three conversion reactions, including growth of aerobic biomass, decay of aerobic biomass, and solubilisation of insoluble substrate, were considered in the simulation system. The modeling inputs included temperature, moisture, oxygen concentration, and initial conditions of the state variables, while the outputs included oxygen uptake accumulation (OUA), oxygen uptake rate (OUR), Ss, Si, and X for representing the substrate degradation and oxygen consumption status. The effectiveness of the developed model was demonstrated through its application to a case study in a 30L vessel over 200h. Through verification-based composting experiments, it was shown that the modeling solutions were consistent with the experimental results with an acceptable accuracy level. Sensitivity analyses of the model showed that an increased maximum microbial growth rate would result in raised OUA, OUR, Ss, and X levels; a decreased biomass decay rate constant would help enhance the composting process. Moreover, variations in the maximum growth rate would affect the composting process more significantly than those of the biomass decay rate constant.  相似文献   

The effect of twelve weeks of composting on the mobility and bioavailability of cadmium in six composts containing sewage sludge, wood chips and grass was studied, along with the cadmium immobilization capacity of compost. Two different soils were used and Cd accumulation measured in above-ground oat biomass (Avena sativa L.). Increasing pH appears to be an important cause of the observed decreases in available cadmium through the composting process. A pot experiment was performed with two different amounts of compost (9.6 and 28.8 g per kg of soil) added into Fluvisol with total Cd 0.255 mg kg?1, and contaminated Cambisol with total Cd 6.16 mg kg?1. Decrease of extractable Cd (0.01 mol l?1 CaCl2) was found in both soils after compost application. The higher amount of compost immobilized an exchangeable portion of Cd (0.11 mol l?1 CH3COOH extractable) in contaminated Cambisol unlike in light Fluvisol. The addition of a low amount of compost decreased the content of Cd in associated above-ground oat biomass grown in both soils, while a high amount of compost decreased the Cd content in oats only in the Cambisol.  相似文献   

Nowadays the composting process has shown itself to be an alternative in the treatment of municipal solid wastes by composting plants. However, although more than 50% of the waste generated by the Brazilian population is composed of matter susceptible to organic composting, this process is, still today, insufficiently developed in Brazil, due to low compost quality and lack of investments in the sector. The objective of this work was to use physical analyses to evaluate the quality of the compost produced at 14 operative composting plants in the Sao Paulo State in Brazil. For this purpose, size distribution and total inert content tests were done. The results were analyzed by grouping the plants according to their productive processes: plants with a rotating drum, plants with shredders or mills, and plants without treatment after the sorting conveyor belt. Compost quality was analyzed considering the limits imposed by the Brazilian Legislation and the European standards for inert contents. The size distribution tests showed the influence of the machinery after the sorting conveyer on the granule sizes as well as the inert content, which contributes to the presence of materials that reduce the quality of the final product.  相似文献   

Spread of manure pathogens is of considerable concern due to use of manure for land application. In this study, the effects of four static pile treatment options for bovine manure on die-off of a generic Escherichia coli, E. coli O157:H7 surrogate, Salmonella Senftenberg, Salm. Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes were evaluated. Bovine manure spiked with these bacteria were placed in cassettes at the top, middle, and bottom sections of four static pile treatments that reflect minimal changes in pile construction with and without straw. Temperatures were monitored continuously during the 28 day self-heating period. E. coli and salmonellae were reduced from 8 to 9 log10 CFU g?1 to undetectable levels (<1.77 log10 MPN g?1) at 25–30 cm depths within 7 days in all pile sections except for the manure-only pile in which 3–4 logs of reduction were obtained. No L. monocytogenes initially present at 6.62 log10 CFU g?1 were recovered from straw-amended piles after 14 days, in contrast with manure-only treatment in which this pathogen was recovered even at 28 days. Decline of target bacterial populations corresponded to exposure to temperatures above 45 °C for more than 3 days and amendments of manure with straw to increase thermophilic zones. Use of straw to increase aeration, self-heating capacity, and heat retention in manure piles provides producers a minimal management option for composting that enhances pathogen die-off and thereby reduces risk of environmental spread when manure is applied to land.  相似文献   

To simulate the substrate degradation kinetics of the composting process, this paper develops a mathematical model with a first-order reaction assumption and heat/mass balance equations. A pilot-scale composting test with a mixture of sewage sludge and wheat straw was conducted in an insulated reactor. The BVS (biodegradable volatile solids) degradation process, matrix mass, MC (moisture content), DM (dry matter) and VS (volatile solid) were simulated numerically by the model and experimental data. The numerical simulation offered a method for simulating k (the first-order rate constant) and estimating k20 (the first-order rate constant at 20 °C). After comparison with experimental values, the relative error of the simulation value of the mass of the compost at maturity was 0.22%, MC 2.9%, DM 4.9% and VS 5.2%, which mean that the simulation is a good fit. The k of sewage sludge was simulated, and k20, k20s (first-order rate coefficient of slow fraction of BVS at 20 °C) of the sewage sludge were estimated as 0.082 and 0.015 d?1, respectively.  相似文献   

The Istanbul composting and recycling plant, constructed in 2001, is one of the few composting plants in Turkey. During test operations of the plant, it was reported that the weight of the oversize materials (OM) above a 80-mm sieve was about 40% of the total incoming waste. They mainly consist of plastic bags that were full of garbage, which resulted in operational problems in the plant. In this paper, the composition of OM was determined and evaluated, particularly to find the economic losses in the plant. It was determined that approximately 58% of the OM transferred to the landfill area due to operational failures and interruptions could be used at the plant with improved operational conditions. Otherwise, the plant would realize an annual economic loss of about 640,800 US$. Compost quality in the plant has been satisfactory, but source separated collection, at least the separation of the wet from the dry fraction, is needed to increase the amount of compost and recovered materials.  相似文献   

Characterization of food waste and bulking agents for composting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characterization of food waste (FW) and locally available bulking agents (BA) are a prerequisite to optimizing compost recipes. This study measured the variation in FW characteristics (pH, dry matter (DM), carbon (C), wet bulk density and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)) produced by a restaurant and a community kitchen in downtown Montreal, Canada from May to August 2004. The project also measured the mass of FW produced by another restaurant and a group of 20-48 households, from June to August 2004. Locally available BA (hay, straw, pine wood shavings, cardboard, left over cattle feed and wheat residue pellets) were also characterized to formulate composting recipes based on the FW characteristics observed during a period representative of winter and summer conditions. Residential and restaurant FW characteristics varied significantly over the summer months, although the mass produced remained constant at 0.61 and 0.56 kg capita(-1)day(-1), respectively. In addition, the number of customers served by the restaurant increased by nearly 50% from June to August. The BA with the highest moisture adsorption capacity was found to be the wheat residue pellets, followed by chopped straw. Wheat residue pellets, chopped hay and left over cattle feed all presented a balanced C/N ratio. Wheat residue pellets and wheat straw, chopped hay and cardboard demonstrated neutral pH values. Based on the variable FW characteristics and monthly production rates, the formulation of recipes indicates that compost facilities must be flexible enough to handle seasonal variations of as much as 50% by volume.  相似文献   

To determine the optimal course of composting it is useful to carry out experiments. The selection of the right experimental set-up depends on the question of concern. Each set-up is useful for a particular application and has its limits. Two test systems of different scales (up to 1500 ml; up to 100 l) are introduced. The purpose and importance of each system design shall be highlighted by application examples: (1). Suitability of a liquid industrial residue as composting accelerator; (2). Determination of the compost maturity; (3). Behaviour of odor-reducing additives during waste collection and composting; (4). Production of tailor-made compost with respect to Nitrogen (5). Suitability of O(2)-enriched air for acceleration of composting. Small-scale respiration experiments are useful to optimize parameters which have to be adjusted during substrate pre-treatment and composting, with the exception of particle size and temperature, and to reduce the number of variants which have to be investigated in greater detail in larger scale experiments. As all regulation possibilities such as aeration, moistening, turning can be simulated with the technical scale set-up, their complex cooperation can be taken into consideration. Encouraging composting variants can be tested, compared and optimized.  相似文献   

Effects of pH and microbial composition on odour in food waste composting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A major problem for composting plants is odour emission. Slow decomposition during prolonged low-pH conditions is a frequent process problem in food waste composting. The aim was to investigate correlations between low pH, odour and microbial composition during food waste composting. Samples from laboratory composting experiments and two large scale composting plants were analysed for odour by olfactometry, as well as physico-chemical and microbial composition. There was large variation in odour, and samples clustered in two groups, one with low odour and high pH (above 6.5), the other with high odour and low pH (below 6.0). The low-odour samples were significantly drier, had lower nitrate and TVOC concentrations and no detectable organic acids. Samples of both groups were dominated by Bacillales or Actinobacteria, organisms which are often indicative of well-functioning composting processes, but the high-odour group DNA sequences were similar to those of anaerobic or facultatively anaerobic species, not to typical thermophilic composting species. High-odour samples also contained Lactobacteria and Clostridia, known to produce odorous substances. A proposed odour reduction strategy is to rapidly overcome the low pH phase, through high initial aeration rates and the use of additives such as recycled compost.  相似文献   

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