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This study presents the level of platinum in urban environment in and around Seoul, the capital city of Korea. Road dust, roadside soil, and tree bark samples were collected from the sites of various traffic volumes and from control sites in the suburbs. The above samples were analyzed for Pt by ICP-MS and other heavy metals by ICP-OES. Platinum levels in road dusts and roadside soils from Seoul were in the range of 3.8–444 ng/g (av. 115.0 ng/g) and 0.7–221 ng/g (av. 49.7 ng/g), respectively, whereas those in the suburbs were in the range of 2.3–5.2 ng/g (av. 3.9 ng/g) in road dusts and 0.4–5.1 ng/g (av. 2.4 ng/g) in roadside soils. The highest Pt levels in road dusts were found from major roads with high traffic volume. The remarkable difference in average Pt level between heavy traffic roads (av. 132.2 ng/g) and light traffic roads (av. 22.8 ng/g) reflects that an important source of Pt in roadside environment is automobile catalytic converter. High Pt level in road dust was found from the site of erratic stop–start driving condition, for example, 178 ng/g Pt in road dust around a vehicle crossing gate. Platinum level in tree barks ranged from 0.9 to 4.5 ng/g, which indicates the existence of Pt-containing particulate matter in the atmosphere. Road dusts with high Pt level were enriched in traffic-related heavy metals.  相似文献   

This study presents the level of platinum in urban environment in and around Seoul, the capital city of Korea. Road dust, roadside soil, and tree bark samples were collected from the sites of various traffic volumes and from control sites in the suburbs. The above samples were analyzed for Pt by ICP-MS and other heavy metals by ICP-OES. Platinum levels in road dusts and roadside soils from Seoul were in the range of 3.8-444 ng/g (av. 115.0 ng/g) and 0.7-221 ng/g (av. 49.7 ng/g), respectively, whereas those in the suburbs were in the range of 2.3-5.2 ng/g (av. 3.9 ng/g) in road dusts and 0.4-5.1 ng/g (av. 2.4 ng/g) in roadside soils. The highest Pt levels in road dusts were found from major roads with high traffic volume. The remarkable difference in average Pt level between heavy traffic roads (av. 132.2 ng/g) and light traffic roads (av. 22.8 ng/g) reflects that an important source of Pt in roadside environment is automobile catalytic converter. High Pt level in road dust was found from the site of erratic stop-start driving condition, for example, 178 ng/g Pt in road dust around a vehicle crossing gate. Platinum level in tree barks ranged from 0.9 to 4.5 ng/g, which indicates the existence of Pt-containing particulate matter in the atmosphere. Road dusts with high Pt level were enriched in traffic-related heavy metals.  相似文献   

Metal contamination of soils and dusts in Seoul metropolitan city,Korea   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
To investigate the dispersion patterns and the characteristics of heavy metal contamination due to urbanisation and industrialisation, soils and dusts collected from the Seoul area were analysed for Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd. The metal concentrations in most soils and dusts are higher than the world averages. The pollution index (( Metal concentrations in soils/Permissible level for metal)÷(Number of metals)) of soils and dusts is > 1 in most of the Seoul area, a result that concurs with the industrialisation and urbanisation index of the Seoul area. The soils are contaminated with Cu, Zn, Cd and particularly Pb. This suggests that the contamination of the soils in the Seoul area are mainly caused by vehicular emissions. The pollution index of soil is the highest in the Kuro area where Cu and Zn contamination in soils are due to the indigenous brass and bronze factories. From the discriminant analysis, the Seoul area may be partitioned into control, traffic and industrialized areas by the metal concentrations in the order of Zn > Cu > Pb.  相似文献   

Assessing the potential for lead release from road dusts and soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lead release from several soil and road dust samples -- obtained from various locations in the London Borough of Greenwich -- has been investigated as a function of acid and chloride addition. The work shows that lead retention in dust samples is primarily dependent upon buffer capacity, which in turn appears to be related to carbonate content. The continuing addition of acid eventually overcomes the buffer capacity of the system. At this point lead is rapidly released. For the soils investigated buffer capacities appear to be small and in these cases lead is readily released. The supplementary addition of chloride to the samples can have contrary effects upon release. For the dust samples chloride enhances lead release due, presumably, to the formation of chloro--lead complexes. However for one soil sample chloride hinders lead release possibly by binding anionic chloro--lead complexes to anionic exchange sites formed by the protonation of surface hydroxyl groups in the soil matrix.  相似文献   

A speciation study of Pb and Mn in roadside dust along major roads in Ile-Ife, South Western Nigeria, was investigated. Pb and Mn values obtained by total digestion ranged from 22.23 ± 3.52 to 43.48 ± 3.05 μg/g and 35.93±0.15 to 83.76 ± 0.06 μg/g, respectively. The results of speciation analysis of Pb and Mn in the samples showed that the mean levels of these metals in the various fractions followed the order: organic matter>residual>Fe-Mn>carbonate>exchangeable and organic matter-bound>exchangeable>carbonate-bound>residual>Fe-Mn oxide-bound respectively. The speciation study therefore revealed that most of the Pb and Mn were associated with the organic matter fraction and that they were least available in the exchangeable and Fe-Mn oxide fractions, respectively. The apparent mobility and potential bioavailability for these metals in the road dust was Mn>Pb. There is a significant difference between the means of Pb and Mn in the road dust of the study area at p≤0.05, which strongly suggests that they may not have come from the same source; different sources may be responsible, which may be anthropogenic, such as tyre wear, vehicular emission, brake linings and natural.  相似文献   

Lead contamination in the roadside soils of Slovenia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The level of lead contamination along the roadway Ljubljana to Zagreb was established in 184 soil samples. The samples were taken from two depths (0–5cm and 15–20cm) and at different distances from the roadway. The influence of terrain morphology, prevailing winds, geological parent material and type of vegetation was estimated. Heavy traffic is confirmed as main source of lead contamination (average enrichment factor 17) in soils. The highest lead accumulation is localised in the top soil layer and within 10m from the roadside. Contamination with lead is more pronounced in soil samples from cuttings and slopes than in soils from plains and mounds. Soils derived from carbonate rocks contain higher lead concentration than those derived from other parent material.  相似文献   

The potential accumulation of platinum group elements (PGE) in the environment from automobile catalysts is high in urban areas, with the major sinks being roadside soils. Therefore, this investigation presented the detailed study on characterized concentrations of Pt and Pd and their enrichment ratios in urban roadside soils in Xuzhou, China in March 2003. Data from 21 roadside topsoil samples analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) illustrated that the medians of concentrations of Pt and Pd were 2.9 and 2.8 ng/g, respectively. Hierarchical clustering analysis indicated that Pt and Pd were mainly from traffic emissions. Compared to unpolluted soils, computation of Pt and Pd enrichment ratios suggested that the Xuzhou roadside soils had average enrichment factors of 3.53 for Pt (in range of 1.22–5.73) and of 3.37 for Pd (in range of 1.35–4.46). Lower Pt/Pd ratios (in range of 0.35–2.86) in relation to similar studies in other countries were observed, which might be due to the different Pt/Pd ratios in Chinese automobile catalytic converters. Moreover, fine fraction (<250 μm) contained higher concentrations of Pt and Pd compared to the coarse fraction (250–500 μmm).  相似文献   

The investigations were made to determine the total contents of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni and Cr in the roadside soils and rocks of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Spain. There were differences in both the age and lithology of the bed-rock in the study area. The surface soil layer is primarily enriched with lead in relation to the bed-rock, but zinc, manganese, and cadmium also occur.Lead, zinc and cadmium concentrations show a decrease with increasing distance from the road, whereas the levels of iron, manganese, copper, nickel and chromium do not show such a variation. The change in lead and zinc concentrations with increasing distance from the road is related to the topography of the area immediately adjacent to the road. On the descending slopes the concentrations of these metals remain unchanged or increase with the increasing distance from the road, whereas on the ascending slopes they show a clear decrease.  相似文献   

An earlier nationwide reconnaissance study had indicated that lead levels in housedusts in Brighton and Hove were high compared with the general mean for the United Kingdom (1110 g/g versus 507 ug/g). A more rigorous study, with sample selection based on house age, has revealed a lower mean value of 705 g/g. Lead levels in 35 houses from the original study which were revisited had not changed significantly over the intervening 5 year period. The results suggest that the high mean value obtained previously was a reflection of the uneven age distribution in the sample population. The mean lead concentrations in soil and road dust samples, also obtained, were 404 and 794 g/g, respectively. Lead levels in ail three sample types (housedust, soil and road dust) were significantly correlated with each other and all showed a tendency to increase with increasing age of property.  相似文献   

惠州绿化乔木叶片及其叶面降尘对大气SO2污染的生物监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用常规采样及碱片挂片法同步监测广东省惠州市大气SO2体积分数,用ICP-AES测定了惠州市不同功能区的2种主要绿化树种大叶榕(Ficus virens Ait var.sublanceolata(Miq.) Corner)、紫荆(Bauhinia blakeana)叶片及其叶面降尘的硫质量分数。结果表明,不同功能区植物叶片和降尘的硫质量分数差异显著,其综合污染指数(PI)以商业交通区、工业区、居住区、清洁区的趋势递减。叶片中硫的质量分数随春、夏、秋季而增长,季节差异显著。植物叶片、降尘中硫质量分数随交通流量的减少而降低。叶片和叶面降尘中硫的质量分数与大气硫酸盐化速率三者显著相关,大叶榕和紫荆与降尘协同生物监测大气SO2的二元数学模型的相关系数分别为R=0.995和R=0.990,明显优于植物与硫酸盐化速率监测SO2的常规一元数学模型。表明大叶榕、紫荆叶片及其叶面降尘均可作为城市区域大气SO2污染的有效指示剂,叶片的长期效益和季节效益显著,降尘则短期效益显著;两者协同监测,可靠性和灵敏度更高,应用前景广阔,可为地方和区域环境监测和评价提供参考。  相似文献   

Roadside surface soil samples were collected from 10 locations along high traffic roads and a control site between December 2009 and September 2010. The samples were analyzed for particle size distribution, pH, organic matter, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, and the concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cu, and Zn in different grain sizes. Generally, the results show a decrease in the concentrations of all the studied metals during the wet season in the following order, Zn?>?Pb?>?Ni?>?Cu?>?Cr?>?Cd. Correlation of metal concentrations on traffic volume is low except for Pb; other sources seem to contribute significantly to the metal burden of the soil. The ecological risk index indicates that the roadsides of Kano metropolis are suffering from high metal contamination, though ameliorated by rain.  相似文献   

In the United States, the study of lead pollution in soil has focused on older cities throughout the industrialised northern tier of states often referred to as the rust belt. Researchers have not studied the magnitude and extent of contamination in the newly developed portions of the sunbelt region of the south. In order to assess the significance of lead pollution in soils in these areas, an analysis of the lead content in 146 soil samples collected at a one km grid throughout residential portions of Tampa, Florida was undertaken. The results reveal that lead contaminated (>500 g g–1) soil is present in the older portions of the city and near expressways. A comparison of the results with data collected in an older, northern city demonstrates that the magnitude and extent of the contamination in Tampa are less than found in the larger rust belt city. However, the presence of hazardous levels of lead in soil collected in Tampa is evidence that sunbelt cities must address lead pollution in the urban environment.  相似文献   

Soils in the vicinity of roads are recipients of contaminants from traffic emissions. In order to obtain a better understanding of the impacts of traffic on soils, a total of 225 surface soil samples were collected from an urban park (Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland) in a grid system. Metal (Pb, Cu and Zn) concentrations were determined using a portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer. Strong spatial variations for the concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn were observed. The spatial distribution maps created using geographical information system techniques revealed elevated metal concentrations close to the main traffic route in the park. The relationships between the accumulation of Pb, Cu and Zn in the roadside soils and the distance from the road were well fitted with an exponential model. Elevated metal concentrations from traffic pollution extended to a distance of approximately 40 m from the roadside. The results of this study provide useful information for the management of urban parks particularly in relation to policies aimed at reducing the impact of traffic related pollution on soils.  相似文献   

选取南通市不同功能区表土、地面灰为对象,测试重金属元素Pb、Zn、Cu、Ni、Cr含量,并评价重金属污染水平和潜在生态风险程度.结果表明,表土、地面灰中Pb、Zn、Cu含量较高,污染较为严重,Ni、Cr含量较低,污染较轻.重金属污染顺序为工业区〉商业区〉交通区〉文教区〉住宅区.表土与地面灰重金属物质来源相似,一部分主要来自地壳物质,一部分受人为污染干扰.地面灰的重金属污染水平及潜在风险程度均高于表土,且崇川区工业区、商业区潜在生态风险程度较高,其余地区潜在生态风险程度较低.该项研究可为重金属污染防治提供科学参考.  相似文献   

This research investigated heavy metal pollution of soils and dusts in two representative satellite cities of Seoul, Korea and studied the seasonal variations in metal concentrations through the rainy season and the chemical forms of metals using a sequential extraction analysis. The metal dispersion pattern was illustrated to match with urban structure. Soil and dust samples were collected from the cities of Uijeongbu and Koyang, which are the northern and northwestern satellite cities of Seoul (the capital), before and after rainy season. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn were higher than those of the world averages for soils, and their levels decreased after rain, particularly in highly contaminated samples. Relatively high pH values were found in roadside soils, but no seasonal variation was found after the rainy season. The three metals (Cu, Pb and Zn) in soils and dusts were associated with various chemical fractions of soils and dusts as distinguished by the sequential extraction scheme, and a strong similarity of metal association between soils and dusts was found, which indicates that airborne dust may be a principle source of soil contamination. Copper is uniformly distributed, and Pb is largely associated with the reducible phase. There is an appreciable proportion of total Zn in the exchangeable/water-acid soluble fraction. After the rainy season, the most soluble fractions in soils and dusts were leached away. In terms of mobility and bioavailability of metals in soils and dusts, the order Zn >> Cu > Pb is suggested. Geographical variations of total metals corresponded well with urbanised areas of cities, especially the industrial complex and major motorways.  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤的微生物响应   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
施晓东  常学秀 《生态环境》2003,12(4):498-499
土壤微生物在受到重金属污染胁迫后,往往能够在区系组成、生理生化、遗传等方面对重金属作出响应。微生物对土壤重金属污染的上述响应可用来评价土壤的重金属污染状况,并为土壤污染的生物修复提供理论指导。文章对近年来有关重金属胁迫下土壤微生物响应的研究成果作系统综述。  相似文献   

Air pollution poses a serious threat to human health in Asia. This study analyzes the association of air pollutants and greenness with incidence rates of allergic rhinitis in Seoul at the administrative district level to gain insight into district-level urban policies to improve public health. A spatial regression model is constructed to investigate the correlation between allergic rhinitis incidence rates and five air pollutants measured at 128 air pollution monitoring stations around Seoul: sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter less than 10 μm (PM10), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). The allergic rhinitis incidence data are derived from the National Health Insurance Service’s database that includes the number of allergic rhinitis-related clinic visits by the patients over 20 years of age and living in Seoul. A kriging geostatistical interpolation was used to estimate average air pollution level of 423 administrative districts. To assess pollen concentrations that can affect allergic rhinitis, the average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is measured based on the urban greenness. The model, controlling for built environment and socio-economic attributes, identifies the possibility of a weak association between allergic rhinitis incidence rates and carbon monoxide levels. The NDVI value is negatively correlated with allergic rhinitis incidence rates, implying a complicated aspect in relation to the effect of urban greenness.  相似文献   

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