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中西方文化的不同,对人与自然关系的认识和作为也不同.正确认识人与自然的关系,将影响到人类文明是否可持续发展的未来走向.对中西方传统思想采取一种科学的整合态度,通过倡导和实施新的生态道德原则和规范,探手人类可持续发展实现的新途径.从中国经济社会发展的实际出发,很容易得出一个基本的判断:实施可持续发展战略的目的,就是要实现经济又快又好地发展.可持续发展战略的实施与现代伦理思想的追求是一致的,其内在价值是相互契合的.  相似文献   

收集了扬子石油化工公司芳烃厂歧化反应器DC-501B下半部SA-2B与SA-1环缝之间的筒体壁厚的超声波测厚数据,运用数理统计的方法,验证了歧化反应器筒体的锻造质量和制造精度;阐述了无损检验如何才能保证歧化反应器使用的安全可靠性.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,环境教育首次由英国教育学者提出后,在科学研究范式即实证主义指导下取得了很大发展。西方环境教育研究者认为,环境教育理论与实践之间存在着的种种中突和矛盾,是由科学研究范式即实证主义的缺陷造成的。促进环境教育方法论从实证主义到解释主义和批  相似文献   

近年来我国电梯运营安全事故频发,给人们的工作和生活带来巨大的威胁和损失。通过统计2006—2016年我国发生的152起电梯运营安全事故样本数据,基于数理统计方法从事故的发生省份、发生场所、发生形态、发生环节、发生原因,归纳了事故发生的潜在规律、致因机理、事故逻辑和根本原因,并在数据分析的基础上,从主成分角度和安全理论维度对电梯运营安全的影响因素进行了考量分析,对我国未来电梯运营安全风险进行了预测,进而提出电梯运营安全风险防控对策与建议,可为政府部门或企业单位制定科学、系统、完善的电梯运营安全管控措施提供理论支持和数据支撑。  相似文献   

本文以武汉电视台电视问政节目为案例,结合哈贝马斯公共领域理论,分析电视问政作为新闻评论的新形式如何建构新的公共领域。本文将围绕公共领域三大要素——公众、公共舆论、公共媒介,探析公众在节目中扮演的角色,问政中公共舆论如何形成的,媒体如何作为公共舆论的载体提供政府与人民交换意见的场所。  相似文献   

环境友好型社会建设是中国"十一五"发展战略的重要内容之一,这一理念的提出是全面建设小康社会的现实需要.在深入分析其内涵的基础上,运用马克思主义哲学分析人类从敬畏白然、征服自然,再到环境友好的历史过程,并进一步提出如何推进历史性转变,从决策、法规、经济模式、区域格局、消费方式等方面全面建设环境友好型社会.  相似文献   

本文从讨论可持续发展的内涵出发,认为可持续发展尽管事关全人类的根本利益和长远利益,但是推行起来却有相当难度,其原因在于人的自利本性.而且通过对中西方文化底蕴的简单对比可以发现,我国实现可持续发展的难度更大,这是因为两者对人性认识上的差异.所以,实现可持续发展的根本在于对人性的充分认识和正确把握并利用,只有建立在此基础上的技术创新和制度创新才会有所附依,也只有建立在此基础上的利益驱动和理想驱动相结合,才能实现可持续发展.  相似文献   

笔者结合自己多年的教学实践试图从研究学科知识,构建理论逻辑围绕理论逻辑,精选案例,构建生活逻辑围绕中心案例,展开情境,巧设问题,实现理论逻辑与生活逻辑的结合三个方面探寻运用案例教学法实现理论逻辑与生活逻辑结合的一般规律。  相似文献   

生态文明,是人类文明的一种新形态,它的提出标志着我国环境保护由技术、政策层次的单一领域向上层建筑及经济基础等社会意识形态领域开始渗透.严峻的生态环境情况表明,不追求生态文明的更高境界,而单纯追求经济增长的结果很可能是大多数人还没有享受到工业文明的成果,工业文明的代价却已经把我们引向绝路.我们必须正确认识环境保护与经济发展的关系,从国家发展战略层面切入来解决环境问题,实行最严厉的环境保护制度,动员全社会力量保护环境,采取积极措施减少污染物的排放,改善生态环境,推进生态文明的进程.  相似文献   

因新闻报道本身或其表达方式而产生的突发事件近来频频见诸报端,轻则当事人双方付诸法律途径,重则甚至引起不同文化的碰撞和冲突乃至不同国家和民族间政治经济关系的异动。本文通过对2005年—2006年间的丹麦漫画事件的分析,探析西方社会新闻自由与宗教信仰的博弈。  相似文献   

生态影响评价范围探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态影响评价范围就是生态评价的研究范围,在确定评价范围时,必须将所有潜在的胁迫因子和生态后果考虑在内,因此确定恰当的评价范围无疑是一项复杂而重要的工作。概括了确定生态评价范围的相关规定,探讨了确定生态评价范围的原则、步骤和要点,给出了十类生态项目评价范围的确定方法。文中还就导则在确定评价范围方面的规定提出了不同看法,并表达了一些个人建议,供生态评价人员参考。  相似文献   

限期第三方治理是在环境污染第三方治理改革背景下产生的.污染者负担原则和强制缔约理论可以为其正当性背书.限期第三方治理本质上属于行政命令,其内容是对当事人课以强制要约义务.因限期第三方治理缔结的合同应受到一定的限制,首先是在内容上要包含排污单位本应承担的被行政机关责令改正的内容,其次是在合同订立后要及时备案和登记,最后是...  相似文献   

单力 《环境》2006,(8):18-20
新农村建设,首先是新农村的经济发展。这样的定义,是为了强调它意在告别那种破坏耕作环境、高化肥使用,以及生产的农作物高残留的旧现象,这一建设是将可持续发展的理念,切实地贯彻到农村和农业生产中,以符合保护生态环境的农耕方法,使用有机肥料和生态农药,生产出高质量的农产品。  相似文献   

This review surveys the present state of knowledge of the nitrate (NO3 radical. Laboratory data on the physics and chemistry of the radical and atmospheric determination of the concentrations of the radical are both considered. One aim of the review is to highlight the relationship between the laboratory and the atmospheric studies. Although the emphasis of the review is on gas-phase processes, relevant studies conducted in condensed phases are mentioned because of their potential importance in the interpretation of cloud and aerosol chemistry.The spectroscopy, structure, and photochemistry of the radical are examined. Here, the object is to establich the spectroscopic basis for detection of the radical and measurement of its concentration in the laboratory and in the atmosphere. Infrared, visible, and paramagnetic resonance spectra are considered. An important quantity discussed is the absorption cross section in the visible region, which is required for quantitative measurements. Interpretation of the spectroscopic features requires an understanding of the geometrical and electronic structure of the radical in its ground and excited states; there is still some controversy about the groundstate geometry, but the most recent experimental evidence 9eg from laser induced fluorescence) and theoretical calculations suggest that the radical has D3h symmetry. Photodissociation of the radical is important in the atmosphere, and the product channels, quantum yields, and dissociation dynamics are discussed. A short examination of the thermodynamics (heat and entropy of formation) of the radical is presented.The main exposition of laboratory studies of the chemistry of the nitrate radical is preceded by a consideration of the techniques used for kinetic and mechanistic studies. Methods for the generation and detection of the radical and the kinetic tools employed are all presented. The exact nature of the technique used in individual studies has some relevance to the way in which data must be analysed, and to the type of mechanistic information that can be extracted. Continuous and stopped flow, flash photolysis and pulse radiolysis, molecular modulation, and static reactor techniques can all provide absolute kinetic data, while relative rate measurements have been a further rich source of information.The treatment of the chemical reactions of the nitrate radical is formally divided into the interactions with non-radical inorganic (deemed to include NO and NO2) and organic species, and with atoms and free radicals. In general, the reactions with open-shell species are much more rapid than those with closed-shell reactants. With the closed-shell partners, addition reactions are faster than abstraction reactions. An attempt is made to consider critically the published data on most reactions of importance, and to tabulate rate constants and temperature dependences where possible. However, it is not the objective of this review to provide recommendations for rate parameters. Evidence for the products of the reactions is sought, and for the branching ratios into the various channels where more than one exists. One theme of this part of the review is the elucidation of correlations of reactivity with structure and with the reactions of other radical species such as OH.The review turns next to a consideration of the role of NO3 in the atmosphere, of its atmospheric sources and sinks, and of field measurements of concentrations of the radical. Long-path visible-absorption spectroscopy and matrix-isolation ESR have both been used successfully in field measurements in the troposphere as well as the stratosphere. Balloon-borne instruments and ground-based remote sensing have been used to obtain stratospheric concentrations. Two of the most important implications of the measurements are that the stratospheric profiles are consistent with accepted chemistry (and, in particular, do not require the postulation of an unidentified scavenging mechanism that had, at one stage, been proposed), and that the highly variable night-time tropospheric concentrations imply that NO3 is a reactive tropospheric constituent. The inter-relation between laboratory studies and atmospheric observations, and the problems in extrapolating laboratory data to atmospheric conditions, are both explored. Initiation of night-time chemical transformations by NO3 and the possible production of OH are considered. The available information is then brought together to see how far NO3 is a sensitive indicator of the state of the atmosphere, and some speculations are presented about the involvement of NO3 (or N2O5) in damage to trees and plants.The final section of the review suggests some issues that remain unresolved concerning the NO3 radical which is directly or indirectly relevant to a better knowledge of the part played by the radical in the atmosphere. Amongst the requirements noted are improved data for the heat of formation of the radical, its absorption cross section in the visible region (and, especially, the temperature dependence of the cross section), and the details of its photochemistry. There is also still a need for a definitive determination of the equilibrium constant and its temperature dependence for the association with NO2 and the reverse dissociation of N2O5. A series of chemical reactions deserves further investigation, especially with regard to elucidation of product channels, and overall oxidation mechanisms also need to be defined better. Future atmospheric studies that are desirable include study of basic NO3 chemistry in the field to understand the influence of humidity on the conversion (probably on surfaces) of N2O5 to HNO3, and thus on NO3 concentrations. In addition, a study of the chemistry of NO3 in the presence of volatile organic compounds and at elevated concentrations of the oxides of nitrogen should help in the understanding of, for example, polluted marine coasts, forests, and urban areas.  相似文献   

学生能力的培养是教学活动的中心,本文通过对数学教学过程的总结和分析,就如何培养学生能力问题谈了自己的一些见解,并针对学习能力和理解能力的培养提出了一些措施。  相似文献   

韩礼德学术思想继承和发展了中国传统文化的精髓。通过从道家和儒家文化视角切入分析发现:其语言学思想存在阴阳整体统一性和辩证互动中庸思维两个维度,突出体现在其中存在的大量对立互补,辩证统一的范畴。其创建的系统功能语言学背后蕴含着中国古代辩证法的整体性、联系性、均衡性以及和谐思想,其所倡导的生态语言学研究模式更是体现了中国学理传统中的辩证折中原则。  相似文献   

《澳大利亚高中数学课程》设置基本数学、普通数学、数学方法和专业数学四个不同的高中数学科目,每一科目分为四个单元,后两个单元比前两个单元认知更具挑战性,每一科目侧重不同的学习路径,以满足特定高中生群体的学习需求。其特点是:课程架构趋同化,聚焦核心知识,发展数学能力;传承课程弹性设计,凸显应用取向的数学教育理念;创设数学教学应用信息技术的评价机制,理性运用信息技术;立足数学教学,融入跨学科主题,发展通用能力。  相似文献   

Tryde  P. 《Die Naturwissenschaften》1980,67(11):556-559
The Science of Nature - The increased technological activity in the Arctic and Antarctic areas has brought into focus the field of ice mechanics as presented at the symposium. The main subjects...  相似文献   

《合并财务报表》会计准则的发布,使企业集团合并财务报表的编制更加规范。本文主要分析了该准则的合并理论和合并范围,指出合并理论应侧重实体理论,合并范围应强调实质性控制。  相似文献   

小学数学学习具有学习内容的抽象性和形象性、学习过程的系统性和渐进性、学习方式的探索性和接受性等特点。这些特点对小学数学教学具有重要的影响。小学数学教学要充分考虑数学学习特点的客观制约性,教学要从学习内容的组织、学习过程的安排和学习方式的选用等方面去适应小学数学学习特点的要求,全面优化小学数学教学过程,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

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