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Studies of animal breeding dispersal have often focused on possible causes, whereas its adaptive significance has received less attention. Using an information-theoretic approach, we assessed predictions of four hypotheses relating to causes and consequences of breeding dispersal in a migratory passerine, the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio. As predicted by the reproductive performance hypothesis, probability of breeding dispersal in females (though not in males) decreased with increasing annual average number of fledglings produced in the past year, but there was no association with conspecific reproductive performance in either sex. The site choice hypothesis, stating that individuals disperse to improve breeding site quality, received support in males only, as dispersal probability was positively associated to a measure indicating low territory quality. The social constraints hypothesis, referring to dispersal in relation to intraspecific interactions, received little support in either sex. The predation risk hypothesis was hardly supported either. Consequences of dispersal were marginal in both sexes because neither fledgling production in females, nor territory quality in males improved after dispersal. In addition, males settled on territories closer to the forest edge than those occupied predispersal, which is opposite to the prediction of the predation risk hypothesis. We conclude that own reproductive success was the major factor determining dispersal behavior in females, whereas territory quality and possibly predation risk were most important in males. Overall, breeding dispersal appeared not to be adaptive in this dense population inhabiting an optimal habitat.  相似文献   

Many animals must choose a nest site in order to reproduce. However, it is unclear how nest-site selection strategies vary across different mating systems. We must therefore explore nest-site selection strategies in a range of mating systems, including the interaction between resource-defence polygyny and polyandry (i.e. polygynandry). In this study, we imposed a re-settlement event in the terrestrial toadlet Pseudophryne bibronii and measured the influence of the spatial position of each male’s nest site with respect to rival males on the likelihood that it would be abandoned or receive eggs. We captured every calling male in a population, measured their breeding success and released them back into the breeding area. We then recorded the establishment and abandonment of nest sites by males over 26 consecutive nights. Spatial positioning did not have any significant effects on male-breeding success, supporting claims that females show less discrimination between nest sites when they are polyandrous and spread their eggs amongst multiple male nests. However, we found that males consistently selected nest sites according to a site’s spatial position, which suggests that fitness benefits unrelated to male breeding success (e.g. reduced mortality risk) might influence male nesting decisions. Overall, our study provides new evidence that the mating system adopted by a population can influence the cues that individuals respond to when selecting nest sites.  相似文献   

Nest predation imposes a major cost to reproductive females, who should therefore take measures to avoid encounters with predators. However, when predators are conspecifics, avoidance can be more difficult and may be a consequence of social or aggregative behaviors. In this study, we measured the consequences of conspecific egg cannibalism on hatching success in the maritime earwig (Anisolabis maritima), which occasionally form aggregations. We hypothesized that conspecific egg cannibalism is a byproduct of aggregation, and that cannibalism rates would increase with aggregation density; however, our results do not support this. We combined field data with a lab experiment to test the effectiveness of maternal nest defense in protecting nests from a conspecific. Nests with a guard had higher hatching success and lower rates of cannibalism than unattended nests in the presence of a conspecific. We also measured body and forcep size to see whether the outcome of contests was determined by relative size. Female guards who were larger relative to the invading conspecific maintained their nest and had higher hatching success than females who were relatively smaller, suggesting that the maritime earwig is under directional selection for larger body and/or forcep size.  相似文献   

Mechanisms maintaining sex ratios in populations with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) remain elusive. Although geographic variation in embryonic sex determination (i.e., pivotal temperature) has been widely investigated in reptiles exhibiting TSD, no previous studies have directly addressed geographic variation in maternal behavior affecting nest thermal conditions. I evaluated patterns of nest-site selection and its effects on thermal and hydric nest conditions for a population of painted turtles ( Chrysemys picta bellii) exhibiting TSD in New Mexico. These results are compared to data collected from a well-studied, conspecific population experiencing relatively cooler climatic conditions in Illinois. Since canopy vegetation cover reduces nest temperatures in Illinois, I expected females in New Mexico to nest under high amounts of canopy vegetation cover. However, females from New Mexico placed nests under significantly less canopy vegetation cover, but closer to standing water, than did females from Illinois. Experimental nests in New Mexico demonstrated that increased canopy vegetation cover and soil moisture reduced nest temperatures. By nesting close to standing water rather than under canopy vegetation cover, females in New Mexico nested in habitats more closely associated with maximizing moisture around nests rather than reducing nest temperatures through shading. Mean July nest temperatures were similar for both populations. Since nest hydric conditions affect hatching success and hatchling size in C. picta, nesting patterns in New Mexico may primarily reflect selection for microhabitats affecting offspring survivorship or size.  相似文献   

Sympatric species sharing requirements are competitors, but recent evidence suggests that heterospecifics may also be used as a source of information. The heterospecific habitat copying hypothesis proposes that individuals of one species might use information inadvertently produced by the breeding performance of individuals of other species to assess habitat quality whenever the two species share needs. In this study, we provide the first experimental test of this hypothesis by examining whether the manipulated reproductive success of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) is used as heterospecific inadvertent social information (ISI) in breeding-habitat selection by sympatric great tits (Parus major). The reproductive success of blue tits was manipulated 1year at the scale of patches by transferring nestlings from decreased to increased patches. No evidence was found of great tits using the reproductive success of blue tits as a source of heterospecific ISI. However, dispersal decisions by adult great tits correlated with information on con- and heterospecific densities, which constitute other sources of ISI. As density and breeding performance are tightly intertwined forms of information, the difficulty in distinguishing between them might lead great tits to use heterospecific ISI more in the form of density than breeding performance when making dispersal decisions.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Relocation of eggs is a common strategy for conservation of declining reptilian populations around the world. If individuals exhibit consistency in their nest-site selection and if nest-site selection is a heritable trait, relocating eggs deposited in vulnerable locations may impose artificial selection that would maintain traits favoring unsuccessful nest-site selection. Conversely, if most individuals scatter their nesting effort and individuals that consistently select unsuccessful nest sites are uncommon, then artificial selection would be less of a concern. During the 2005 nesting season of loggerhead turtles ( Caretta caretta ) at Mon Repos beach, Queensland, Australia, we measured the perpendicular distance from the original nest site to a stationary dune baseline for in situ (unrelocated) and relocated clutches of eggs. We observed the fate of in situ clutches and predicted what would have been the fate of relocated clutches if they had not been moved by mapping tidal inundation and storm erosion lines. In 2005 turtles deposited an average of 3.84 nests and did not consistently select nest sites at particular distances from the stationary dune baseline. Selection of unsuccessful nest sites was distributed across the nesting population; 80.3% of the turtles selected at least one unsuccessful nest site and when previous breeding seasons were included, 97% selected at least one unsuccessful nest site. Females with nesting experience selected more successful nest sites than females with little or no experience. Relocating eggs vulnerable to tidal inundation and erosion saves the progeny from a large percentage of the population and the progeny from individuals who may in subsequent years nest successfully. Our results suggest that doomed-egg relocation does not substantially distort the gene pool in the eastern Australian loggerhead stock and should not be abandoned as a strategy for the conservation of marine turtle populations.  相似文献   

Individuals of many taxa gather social information in order to make informed decisions with lowered unpredictability. Social information may show temporal periods of higher information value during certain events. However, the value of information is expected to decrease with time since the event and individuals accessing this information are expected to do so quickly. In birds, prospectors visit the nests of other individuals to gather information about reproductive decisions and breeding success. Individuals are known to prospect even during their own breeding to access this information. We investigated prospecting behavior of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) at conspecific nests within a short time period following a simulated predator visit. We performed predator and control presentations at flycatcher nests, and recorded all prospectors (foreign conspecific individuals) visiting these nests within 45-min periods before and after the presentations. We found a significant increase in conspecific prospectors visiting focal nests after the presentation of a predator near the nest. The prospectors in our data comprised mainly pied flycatchers actively breeding in the neighborhood of the focal nest. We also found that the increase in prospecting at these nests is of short-duration, and that prospecting rates decreased back to background prospecting levels relatively quickly. Our results find support for the prediction that individuals may respond to temporally peaking value of information after certain observable events. This result suggests that prospecting may be especially aimed at specific periods of high information value.  相似文献   

Male migratory birds tend to be more faithful than females to previous breeding sites, suggesting sex differences in costs or benefits of dispersal. In Illinois, greater site fidelity by male yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) was associated with reduced reproductive success the following year for dispersers relative to non-dispersers. Dispersing females suffered no reduction in reproductive success the following year. Males that attracted few social mates, and thus had low reproductive success, were more likely to disperse, whereas females dispersed in response to low-patch reproductive success, regardless of their individual performance. Males that dispersed appeared to be successful acquiring territories because none was observed as a floater. The rate of dispersal by males in this low-density population was greater than in more dense populations where dispersing males may be less successful at acquiring territories. Despite success at obtaining territories, males that dispersed acquired territories on the periphery of wetlands where fewer females nested, resulting in lower reproductive success. In the second year after dispersing, however, males moved onto more central territories where they acquired larger harems. Thus, dispersal by males may be a long-term strategy requiring at least 2 years for benefits to be realized. Long-term success was enhanced because dispersing males moved to wetlands on which reproductive success was higher than on the wetlands they left. In addition to demonstrating that both individual and patch reproductive success affect dispersal decisions, these data indicate that when evaluating costs and benefits of dispersal, researchers should use a time frame beyond 1 year.  相似文献   

Summary We develop a model to explain the evolution of nest raiding by female sticklebacks based on enhanced female reproductive success derived by creating mating opportunities with the male whose nest has been destroyed. Our model depends critically on the shape of the function relating percentage hatch success to the number of eggs in a male's nest, and the probability that the female will later mate with the male whose nest was raided. Raiding by females will be favoured when the number of eggs in the nest is high providing high egg numbers reduces the percentage hatch rate. High probabilities of mating with the male in question also favour raiding. A second model suggests that males cannot reduce the probability of being raided by limiting the number of eggs in the nest. Instead selection should favour their increasing the number of eggs in the nest. Tests of these models are suggested and their relation to other factors which may influence the evolution of cannibalism are discussed.  相似文献   

Body reserves may determine the reproductive output of animals, depending on their resource allocation strategy. In insects, an accumulation of reserves for reproduction is often obtained before dispersal by pre-emergence (or maturation) feeding. This has been assumed to be an important cause of delayed dispersal from the natal nest in scolytine beetles. In the cooperatively breeding ambrosia beetles, this is of special interest because in this group delayed dispersal could serve two alternative purposes: “selfish” maturation feeding or “altruistic” alloparental care. To distinguish between these two possibilities, we have experimentally studied the effect of delayed dispersal on future reproductive output in the xyleborine ambrosia beetle Xyleborus affinis. Females experimentally induced to disperse and delayed dispersing females did not differ in their body condition at dispersal and in their founding success afterwards, which indicates that females disperse independently of condition, and staying adult females are fully mature and would be able to breed. However, induced dispersers produced more offspring than delayed dispersers within a test period of 40 days. This suggests that delayed dispersal comes at a cost to females, which may result primarily from alloparental care and leads to a reduced reproductive output. Alternatively, females might have reproduced prior to dispersal. This is unlikely, however, for the majority of dispersing females because of the small numbers of offspring present in the gallery when females dispersed, suggesting that mainly the foundress had reproduced. In addition, “gallery of origin” was a strong predictor of the reproductive success of females, which may reflect variation in the microbial complex transmitted vertically from the natal nest to the daughter colony, or variation of genetic quality. These results have important implications for the understanding of proximate mechanisms selecting for philopatry and alloparental care in highly social ambrosia beetles and other cooperatively breeding arthropods.  相似文献   

Consistent behavioural differences between individuals of the same population (“personality” variation) might arise if individuals follow different life-history strategies. Thus, it would be important to determine how personality variation relates to behaviours potentially associated with life-history strategies, such as those related to the use of information about the state of the environment. Little is, however, known about how personality is associated with information use and reproductive success. We tested whether wild social jackdaws, Corvus monedula, show consistent behavioural differences in their exploratory behaviour (in a novel environment in the lab and in their reaction towards a novel object in the wild) and prospecting behaviour (number of visits to conspecific nests). We furthermore examined whether these behavioural traits are linked with each other and predictors of reproductive success. Breeding jackdaws were consistent in their exploratory behaviour within, and in their prospecting behaviour between, years. Exploratory behaviour in the novel environment was correlated with the latency to approach a novel object in the wild but not with the frequency of prospecting at conspecific nests. Highly exploratory males and females and frequently prospecting males produced fewer fledglings than less exploratory individuals or less prospecting males, respectively. We discuss the importance of consistent individual differences in exploration and information sampling on individual fitness.  相似文献   

Breeding habitat selection and dispersal are crucial processes that affect many components of fitness. Breeding dispersal entails costs, one of which has been neglected: dispersing animals may miss breeding opportunities because breeding dispersal requires finding a new nesting site and mate, two time- and energy-consuming activities. Dispersers are expected to be prone to non-breeding. We used the kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) to test whether breeding dispersal influences breeding probability. Breeding probability was associated with dispersal, in that both were negatively influenced by private information (previous individual reproductive success) and public information (average reproductive success of conspecifics) about patch quality. Furthermore, the probability of skipping breeding was 1.7 times higher in birds that settled in a new patch relative to those that remained on the same patch. Finally, non-breeders that resumed breeding were 4.4 times more likely to disperse than birds that bred in successive years. Although private information may influence breeding probability directly, the link between breeding probability and public information may be indirect, through the influence of public information on breeding dispersal, non-breeding thus being a cost of dispersal. These results support the hypothesis that dispersal may result in not being able to breed. More generally, non-breeding (which can be interpreted as an extreme form of breeding failure) may reveal costs of various previous activities. Because monitoring the non-breeding portion of a population is difficult, non-breeders have been neglected in many studies of reproduction trade-offs.  相似文献   

The distribution of breeding resources, such as nest sites, can have a pronounced impact on a population by affecting the proportion of individuals that succeed to breed and hence, the variation in reproductive success. Aggregation of important resources can lead to resource monopolisation by a limited number of individuals and thus affect the intensity of sexual selection. In this study, we tested, by contrasting two experimental treatments (dispersed vs. aggregated), how nest distribution affects: (1) mating behaviour, (2) male nest occupation and mating success, and (3) reproductive success and the opportunity for selection. We used the two-spotted goby (Gobiusculus flavescens), a small marine fish with a resource-based mating system, as our model species. When nests were aggregated, a larger proportion of the males behaved aggressively, fewer males succeeded in occupying a nest, fewer males became mated, and those males that mated received fewer eggs from spawning females. These effects resulted in a higher variance in reproductive success and hence, a higher opportunity for selection (I rs ), in the aggregated treatment. We suggest that the results are a direct consequence of males defending a territory around their nest, preventing competitively inferior males from breeding. However, we found no significant selection differentials for body length or condition of males in either treatment. Our results support the hypothesis that aggregation of essential resources like nests promotes resource monopolisation. In species facing highly clumped nesting resources in the wild, monopolisation may negatively impact population productivity but could lead to strong selection on traits that promote male competitive ability.  相似文献   

Social insects are popular models for studying the evolution of cooperation. Casteless taxa where individuals have the flexibility to either nest alone or cooperate are particularly valuable for understanding the causes and consequences of cooperative behavior. For example, some ‘workers’ from Polistes paper wasp nests disappear from their natal colony soon after pupal emergence and nest independently. However, little is known about dispersal behavior. In this paper, I compare predispersal behavior of wasps who leave their natal colony soon after emergence with behavior of individuals who remain on the natal colony as true workers. I found that P. dominulus females with short nest tenure behave much like gynes (reproductive-destined offspring produced at the end of the season), as wasps with short nest tenure are behaviorally selfish while on the natal colony. They spend a smaller proportion of their time foraging and a larger proportion of their time resting than workers with long nest tenure. In addition, I assessed the factors that may favor early dispersal. Nest environment strongly influenced dispersal; large colonies had a smaller proportion of females with short nest tenure. Queen turnover also increased dispersal behavior perhaps because queen turnover reduces relatedness between a colony’s current and future offspring, thereby reducing the kin-selected benefits of cooperation. Therefore, casteless social insects exhibit a surprising degree of reproductive flexibility. Individuals may use information about their internal state and nest environment to optimize their behavioral strategies.  相似文献   

Bled F  Royle JA  Cam E 《Ecology》2011,92(4):938-951
Hypotheses about habitat selection developed in the evolutionary ecology framework assume that individuals, under some conditions, select breeding habitat based on expected fitness in different habitat. The relationship between habitat quality and fitness may be reflected by breeding success of individuals, which may in turn be used to assess habitat quality. Habitat quality may also be assessed via local density: if high-quality sites are preferentially used, high density may reflect high-quality habitat. Here we assessed whether site occupancy dynamics vary with site surrogates for habitat quality. We modeled nest site use probability in a seabird subcolony (the Black-legged Kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla) over a 20-year period. We estimated site persistence (an occupied site remains occupied from time t to t+1) and colonization through two subprocesses: first colonization (site creation at the timescale of the study) and recolonization (a site is colonized again after being deserted). Our model explicitly incorporated site-specific and neighboring breeding success and conspecific density in the neighborhood. Our results provided evidence that reproductively "successful" sites have a higher persistence probability than "unsuccessful" ones. Analyses of site fidelity in marked birds and of survival probability showed that high site persistence predominantly reflects site fidelity, not immediate colonization by new owners after emigration or death of previous owners. There is a negative quadratic relationship between local density and persistence probability. First colonization probability decreases with density, whereas recolonization probability is constant. This highlights the importance of distinguishing initial colonization and recolonization to understand site occupancy. All dynamics varied positively with neighboring breeding success. We found evidence of a positive interaction between site-specific and neighboring breeding success. We addressed local population dynamics using a site occupancy approach integrating hypotheses developed in behavioral ecology to account for individual decisions. This allows development of models of population and metapopulation dynamics that explicitly incorporate ecological and evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the dispersal patterns and reproductive success of western lowland gorilla females from a long-term study at Mbeli Bai in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Republic of Congo. We find that female natal and secondary transfer is common. Female immigration rates are negatively related to group size, and emigration rates are positively related to group size, with the net result that larger groups are losing females and smaller groups are gaining females. Furthermore, females transferring between known groups show a preference for significantly smaller groups. However, there is no effect of group size on female reproductive success. Male protection and male quality are considered important in determining female transfer decisions. The case for infanticide is argued and females exhibit strategies that appear to minimise the probability of infanticide following the death of the silverback. Exclusively single-male groups and group formation through female acquisition by solitary males may bias female transfer to lone silverbacks and small groups. The effects of group size on female dispersal and reproductive success are not wholly consistent with an argument for increased foraging costs, and group size effects are more parsimoniously explained by demographic factors. Male protection from intra-group aggression is the most likely factor underlying grouping patterns across gorilla taxa, but differences in population structure and male reproductive strategies may account for inter-specific variation. We stress the need for intra-specific comparisons and more complete data sets on western lowland gorilla feeding behaviour.Communicated by S. Boinski  相似文献   

Summary Although a few male longear sunfish nest solitarily, most territorial males excavate their nest in dense aggregations. The importance of sexual selection in the evolution of this breeding system was evaluated by 1) examining the influence of certain male and nest characteristics on spawning success and 2) by comparing the success of social and solitary nesters. Among group nesters, females spawned preferentially with males nesting early within a spawning period and occupying central nests. Male size and nest diameter were negatively correlated with nesting day and hence spawning success. However, female discrimination using these traits directly could not be demonstrated. The reproductive success of social and solitary males was compared by counting the larvae in their nests several days after spawning. Successful males (with larvae) were more likely than males without larvae to be encountered later in the breeding season and to nest in small groups or solitarily. Spawning period (of which there were 5 or 6 in a season) was significantly correlated with larval abundance in the nest, while male size was not. Social and solitary males were equally successful, but aggregations may nonetheless result from sexual selection: males unlikely to attract females may nest around more attractive males to steal fertilizations from them. High spawning synchrony may prevent attractive males from renesting elsewhere once other nesters aggregate around them.  相似文献   

The success of reintroduction programs greatly depends on the amount of mortality and dispersal of the released individuals. Although local environmental pressures are likely to play an important role in these processes, they have rarely been investigated because of the lack of spatial replicates of reintroduction. In the present study, we analyzed a 25-year data set encompassing 272 individuals released in five reintroduction programs of Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) in France to examine the respective roles of survival and dispersal in program successes and failures. We use recent developments in multi-strata capture-recapture models to take into account tag loss in survival estimates and to consider and estimate dispersal among release areas. We also examined the effects of sex, age, time, area, and release status on survival, and we tested whether dispersal patterns among release areas were consistent with habitat selection theories. Results indicated that the survival of released adults was reduced during the first year after release, with no difference between sexes. Taking into account local observations only, we found that early survival rates varied across sites. However when we distinguished dispersal from mortality, early survival rates became equal across release sites. It thus appears that among reintroduction programs difference in failure and success was due to differential dispersal among release sites. We revealed asymmetrical patterns of dispersal due to conspecific attraction: dispersers selected the closest and the largest population. We showed that mortality can be homogeneous from one program to another while, on the contrary, dispersal is highly dependent on the matrix of established populations. Dispersal behavior is thus of major interest for metapopulation restoration and should be taken into account in planning reintroduction designs.  相似文献   

In many species male reproductive success is limited by access to females. Territoriality is one behavioural strategy which helps to acquire females. In the present study, we investigated the correlation between territory size and (1) female availability and (2) rate of intrusion by conspecific males in strawberry poison frogs, Oophaga pumilio. Males defended smaller territories in areas with a high female density and high rate of intrusion by conspecific males. Only males with high body condition values were able to establish territories in areas of high female density probably due to better fighting abilities. Moreover, dominant calling frequency was lower during agonistic interactions. Because only males with high body condition values were able to produce very low dominant frequencies, the acoustic properties appear to be an honest signal containing information about fighting abilities. Thus, the negative correlation between dominant frequency and mating success of males found in previous studies seems to be in part the result of intrasexual competition between males.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of male ornaments in sexual selection have used experimental manipulation of tail length in three widowbird species, but only for one of these have correlates of male reproductive success been reported. I examined correlates of male attractiveness to nesting females over two breeding seasons for the polygynous yellow-shouldered widowbird, Euplectes macrourus, in order to discover which cues females may be using to select mates. The black, long-tailed ( 10 cm) males defend large territories and build nest frames, or cock's nests, which females then line and use for nesting. I examined various aspects of male morphology, five behavioral displays, territory characteristics, and the number of cock's nests that males built. Few correlates of mating success were found. The best predictor was the number of cock's nests that a male builds, though one courtship display also correlated with male mating success in 1 year, as did average grass height. Tail length did not correlate with male mating success. A partial correlation analysis confirmed that cock's nests and, in 1 year, grass height, were the primary contributers to male success. Females may choose where to nest primarily on the availability of suitable nesting sites. Long tails may be used by females seeking extra-pair copulations or in male-male competition for territories.  相似文献   

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